Laying a brick arch: tips for self-builders. Brick arch How to make a brick arch in a stove

Everyone knows perfectly well that a doorway arranged as an arch looks much more interesting than a regular rectangular entrance. By using arched vaults, you can resort to extraordinary design solutions. One of these unusual solutions In interior improvement, a brick arch built with your own hands can become a great addition. This decorative element, which has served more than one generation of architects, harmonizes perfectly with the interiors of old buildings, and also fits perfectly into more modern designs.

However, keep in mind that arched forms in construction are quite complex, so to obtain a decent result you should have some skills in the field of construction.

An arch is a kind of semicircular lintel that connects two vertical supports. The arch gains strength due to the distribution of the load in different sides. Typically, arches are used to decorate door and window openings, as well as barbecues and ovens.

Nowadays, 3 forms of brick vaults are considered the most common:

Types of brick arches.

  1. Full arch. During its construction, the semicircle is shaped to be half the diameter. Such a vault can be arranged by, perhaps, any craftsman with minimal skill.
  2. Rectangular vault. This arch looks like the letter “P”. This type of construction is considered the most complex.
  3. Truncated arch. In such a structure, the vault is made low, less than half the diameter of the circle, and the brick is laid along a truncated arc. In terms of labor intensity and complexity, the truncated arch occupies a middle place between the wedge and ordinary arches.

In addition to all the listed types of brick arches, the following vaults are known: modern - arranged in the shape of a truncated cone, in the romantic style - rectangular arch With rounded corners, ellipse - usually used in postmodern interiors, portal - classic rectangular. However, each of the described designs has its own advantages and some disadvantages. For example, a brick arch in gothic style provides a ceiling height of at least three meters. And the arrangement of an ellipsoidal vault requires a sufficiently large section of the wall, devoid of any openings and decorative details.

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Tools and materials for laying brick arches

Having decided to build a certain type of vault that will harmoniously combine with the style of the room being designed, you should prepare all the necessary building materials and tools.

The installation concepts for all brick arches are not much different from each other. You just need to stock up on everything the right tools and materials to build this masterpiece with your own hands.

So, for work you will need:

  • solution,
  • circled,
  • nails and slats,
  • wedges,
  • bricks,
  • meter and level,
  • hammer and sledgehammer,
  • trowels,
  • bowl for preparing the mixture,
  • jigsaw,
  • pencil,
  • chisel.

In order for the vault to look aesthetically pleasing, and for the masonry itself to remain smooth and sufficiently reliable, wedge bricks are used. This material has a trapezoidal shape, due to which it provides the most durable fastening of the entire structure. You can find wedge brick in construction stores, but if you still couldn’t do this, you can make such material yourself. To do this, trim the side walls of an ordinary brick on both sides, thus bringing it to the required dimensions. The brick is laid using special mixtures. For example, for the improvement of stove arches, as a rule, a solution is used that includes fireclay sand, fine gravel and clay. For laying, you can also use solid bricks, concrete blocks or natural stone. When constructing the vault, try to leave the minimum possible thickness of the seams.

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Preparatory work

The laying of vaults in each situation will be individual, taking into account the planned type of structure, however, under any circumstances, the process can be divided into several main stages:

Arch formwork design using circles and racks.

  • drawing and making of an arched arc;
  • installation of a template in the opening;
  • direct laying of bricks;
  • strengthening the arch;
  • removal circled;
  • decorative cladding.

Every arch must begin with the installation of heels, which are prepared according to a template. Since the height of the arch varies, the angle of the heel also changes. You cannot use the same heel shape for all arches. Sometimes a simplified triangular vault is arranged, laying out the material flat, after which they continue laying the walls, which will firmly press the heels to the underlying masonry lines.

In old buildings, the foundation of the brick arch should be additionally strengthened, because additional loads on the walls contribute to the deformation of the openings.

The template for the future vault is made from chipboard and wooden beams according to pre-calculated dimensions. The more accurately you make the template, the more aesthetically pleasing the brick arch will ultimately look. Sometimes, if you need a more stable and robust design, the usual chipboard is replaced with a frame made of reinforcement. This frame is also made according to the dimensions of the arch and is connected by welding. Prepare a template slightly smaller than the width of the span - and you will not encounter any difficulties when dismantling it.

On the chipboard panel, draw a line across the entire width of the span and apply extreme points arches, then connect them with a clearly drawn arc. Using the drawn stripes, cut out two equal semicircular parts of the arch and fasten them with screws and bars. As a result, you will have a template the real size of the arch. Then mount it into the opening being constructed and secure it with spacers and supports.

For more reliable installation On both sides of the opening at the lower edge of the arch, install fines that will clamp the structure and guarantee it sufficient strength. In the middle of the upper arc of the vault, carefully drive in a key brick, which will secure the form. After this, you can begin laying out the side parts of the opening, but keep in mind that the number of building parts on both sides should remain odd.

Then build the columns on which the formwork will then be placed. They are usually built from concrete or brick, but the foundation is installed first. In order for the lines of the columns to coincide with each other, they must be aligned using a cord. In addition, be sure to check the accuracy and correctness of the distance between the posts using a pre-prepared board, which will be equal to the required span width.

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Laying bricks for the arch.

On the pre-fixed template, mark the brick laying lines, and do not forget about the seams. The installation should be checked at all times. To do this, you can use a cord coming from a brick hammered in the center of the arc, a ruler or a level.

If you plan to arrange a vault of several rows, then carefully monitor each level in the same way as the first, so as not to destroy the arrangement of the brick.

Lay the material in transverse strips on both sides from the heels to the interlocking brick. In this case, the seams must correspond to the radius of the template. In addition, please note that the seam at the bottom of the arch must be at least 5 mm, and at the top no more than 2.5 cm. The arches are laid on both sides of the arch at the same time. Upon completion of the process, it is necessary to lay support beams on both sides of the arch. Between the rounded chipboard parts and beams, special wedges should be placed, which will be useful in the process of leveling the structure. In addition, these wedges will ensure easy dismantling of the template later.

Be sure to fill the transverse and longitudinal seams entirely with the solution. Take into account the fact that masonry works in both bending and compression. If you forget about this nuance, the arch may eventually collapse. Don't try to upholster the material to accommodate it. If such a need arises, then simply increase the layer of the mixture. Be sure to control the filling of the seams; they should be free of voids and gaps.

If you want to look at the arch first, you can lay bricks without mortar on wedges.

When laying the material, be sure to ensure that it remains level on both the front and back sides. The bricks must be correctly combined with each other, laid clearly according to the drawing. Lastly, the keystone is placed, which should be positioned vertically.

When laying out the arch, it is necessary to maintain the thickness of the seams.

Carefully check the masonry again using a ruler or level.

Laying out the final row requires a special approach, since the keystone must be clearly in the middle.

After the solution has hardened, its surface must be cleaned with a dry brush. Remove stuck lumps of the mixture with a damp brush until the solution has completely hardened.

After the brick laying process is completed and the mortar has dried, you can remove the template.

At this point, the arrangement of the arched opening can be considered complete.

Making an arch out of brick is not an easy task even for an experienced one. home handyman. This action requires certain skills and knowledge. And if skills need to be acquired in practice, then knowledge can be obtained by reading the recommendations and instructions on how to make a brick arch. For clarity, we provide photo and video materials.


You can create a brick arch with your own hands different shapes, taking into account the necessary architectural style. Types of openings, taking into account the masonry:

  • classic – the height of the semicircle is half the width of the opening;
  • bow - a trimmed cone, characteristic of the oriental style;

Construction process

  • wedge-shaped - in the form of a wedge, secured at the top with a locking element, which is characteristic of the Gothic style;
  • modern - an arc like a truncated cone;
  • romanticism – rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners;
  • ellipse – used in postmodern or new wave;
  • the portal is rectangular in shape.

This or that brickwork of arches is characterized by features that need to be taken into account, especially harmony with a certain style.


In general, the procedure is different for all types of arches, but the main stages of this event can be identified:

  • creating a project;
  • building a template element;
  • its installation;

  • masonry;
  • removing the template;
  • finishing.

It is worth noting that the template element can be made either from wooden blocks or from chipboard. Dimensions are determined in advance. And the attractiveness depends on the quality of the template brickwork.

What is needed?

To lay an arch out of brick, you will need a formwork template, which is made from boards and two racks for support.

The laying is done without gaps using wedge bricks. Seam thickness up to 1 cm is allowed. When used cement-sand mortar You can remove the template only after two weeks.

If there is no wedge brick, you can remake a rectangular one. For a stove arch this parameter should be small. In addition, it is not recommended to use the solution for such a case, otherwise destruction is likely.

Create a template

The template is quite difficult to create. We can say that this stage of construction is the most difficult. After all, the result will be responsible for the form, and at the same time play a role load-bearing structure. The template is created from a semicircle of chipboard and a piece of board. They should be nailed together, and then the hardboard is fixed.

Installation of support pillars

Side supports are made from boards for installation with inside columns. A template is installed at the end of these elements. Next we do markings, determining the location of each brick.


Making masonry with your own hands is easy if you follow certain recommendations. The bricks are laid from the edges to the middle. They should be placed according to the marks on the template. You can control the quality of the arch when there are three bricks left for laying.

The solution should be applied in a wedge shape. To maintain the symmetry of the second row, a cord is used.

It is worth cleaning the solution after it has set. To do this, use a damp brush.

Design features for the garage

You can give a sufficient number of photos of brick arches that are used in garages. To ensure its durability, it is recommended to take into account several features.

For example, many strive to make the arc minimal, but this only reduces the reliability of the design. It is also recommended to compare the strength of the template and the weight of the arch.

The posts must fit tightly so that the arch does not sag. Before starting the process, you should determine the required amount of bricks. If the arch is large, thick seams should be avoided. Thickness bottom seam should be 3-6 mm. Laying is done from the edges to the center. We lay the central brick last.

If the arch is made for a garage, the distance in the opening will be greater. To increase the strength of the wall above the arch, it is worth laying reinforcement.

Design features for stoves and fireplaces

In this case, the bricks are fitted tightly so that they touch at the bottom. When the masonry is dry, the template may be difficult to remove. Then there is an alternative - to burn it during the combustion process.

Cleaning from solution

Since when laying with your own hands, the solution cannot always be perfectly distributed, it can end up on the front part. Then you will have to clean it with a dry cloth. If there is not enough mortar in the seam, it must be filled from the bottom up.

Causes of destruction

There are special circumstances that may cause the arch to burst:

  • Small radius with large width. Due to the uneven distribution of significant loads, cracks and destruction may appear;

  • If metal bases or corners are used as a template. Despite the desire to use them to strengthen the structure, the result may be the opposite. After all, a metal base, unlike a wooden template, does not allow the arch to shrink. This may cause cracks to appear.
  • The template was not retrieved in time. While the template is in the structure, it absorbs moisture, the wood swells, as a result of which the masonry cannot withstand stress. Therefore, if you cannot immediately pull out the template, you should cover the arch with polyethylene.
  • The cause of destruction may be subsidence of the foundation, in which case it will need to be strengthened.

Having prevented possible causes, we build a reliable structure

It will take several hours to create a brick arch with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, it is only important to follow the technologies and recommendations, then the result will be successful. top level– finishing the arch with brick will not only look beautiful, but also serve for many years.

Architects often use architectural and design elements in their work that give the building originality and beauty. One of these decorative details is the arch. Internal structures easily decorated using drywall. Brick is used to construct external geometric elements. Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question: how to make a brick arch with your own hands?

Types of arches

Arches in architecture are used in architecture different nations. Accordingly, their shape was influenced by the cultural heritage of the countries. An example of this is the Arabian arch, widespread in the architecture of Middle Eastern states.

Most common following types arches:

  • semicircular or semicircular: has the appearance of a semicircle, the center of which is at the same level as the heels of the arch. This design is most often supported by pylons. This type arches can be classified as classics;
  • beam: in shape it is an arc equal to a quarter of a circle. Arches of this type decorated window openings residential buildings Ancient Rome;
  • a pointed or broken arch formed by two arches intersecting at an angle.

IN modern architecture The first two types are used as a decorative element - semicircular (they are now called full) and arched. Wedge arches are no less popular - they received this name thanks to the construction technology: bricks are laid out with a wedge and then secured with a “lock.”

General technology for laying brick arches

Laying a brick arch, regardless of the type chosen, is done in the following order:

  1. Under development general view arches.
  2. Its parameters are calculated.
  3. A working drawing is drawn indicating all the required dimensions.
  4. A template is made, which is then installed in the opening.
  5. The opening lintels are laid out.
  6. The brickwork is secured and fixed.
  7. The template is dismantled.

On last stage The formed opening is finished.

Template calculation

Before making a brick arch, you need to make auxiliary structure- sample. Its quality has a direct impact on the final result. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully calculate its dimensions. As an example, we can consider the design of a window with a width of 1500 mm using a beam type.

Please note: for designing an arched opening, it is not its width that is important, but the length of the arc along which the brick will be laid. In order not to create problems for yourself in the future, you need to adjust this size at the calculation stage so that it is a multiple of 70-75 mm.

The width of the template should be 5 mm less than the opening. This small gap will make it easier to install and disassemble (even if it gets damp).

The height of the auxiliary structure must coincide with the same parameter of the arch. By the way, it should not be too low - this is fraught with subsidence of the brickwork under the influence of load.

Now it remains to decide on the thickness of the template. If it is too large, the weight of the structure will complicate the work. In our example, the optimal thickness can be considered 200 mm.

Making a template

We begin the work by marking the arch on a sheet of chipboard. To do this you need:

  • mark the center line;
  • symmetrically axial draw the boundaries of the opening;
  • mark the top point of the arch on the axis;
  • From the highest point, set down a size equal to the height of the arch, and draw a straight line perpendicular to the axis through the resulting mark. Mark the intersections of the auxiliary line with the right and left boundaries of the opening with dots;
  • from the same (highest) point, lay down a segment equal to the radius of the arched arc - this way the center of the circle is found;
  • install a metal rod (peg) at the central point and tie to it a piece of knitting wire equal in length to the radius of the circle;
  • Attach a pencil to the second end, and using an improvised compass, connect the three previously marked points.

The template consists of two such parts - circles - connected to each other by bars. If the circle is cut exactly according to the markings, then sharp corners they will not be given the opportunity to attach them to each other. Therefore, before you start cutting, you need to start from the lowest points arched profile set aside 100 mm downwards, thus increasing the body of the part.

After this, you can cut out the part with a jigsaw.

Marking the second circle is much easier: to do this, you need to use an already cut piece as a pattern. Just put it on the new one chipboard sheet and trace along the outline.

The bars intended for fastening the circles must correspond in length to the specified thickness of the template. Twist the prepared parts with self-tapping screws. A strip of fiberboard is nailed along the top of the template - in this way, all possible irregularities in the device are smoothed out.

Circling in window opening for laying a brick arch

Installing the template in the opening

Under the edges of the template, supports are installed from edged boards 20 mm thick. To prevent them from falling, a spacer is inserted between them.

The template is installed on top of supports flush with the edge of the shaped face brick. One nuance should be kept in mind: an arch that is too protruding (more than 60 mm) will be destroyed by frost and rain during operation. If you still decide to take this step, close it from above ceramic tiles or metal.

Laying a brick arch with your own hands

First, lay out the right and left heels of the arch. After this, you can begin marking the order. This is done using a tape measure. For convenience, markings are made on the template every five bricks.

The decision regarding the thickness of the seam is made on site.

After this, you can lay out an arch from the heels to the highest point - on both sides. The last one or two bricks (depending on whether the number was even or odd when marking) are called castle bricks. After they are put in place, the seams are carefully filled with mortar. If this is not done, the arch may “sit down”.

The arch - front and backing - must be laid out in one go. The template can be removed two to three hours after the masonry is crimped. If it is not possible to remove the auxiliary structure on the same day, protect it from possible rain plastic film. Otherwise, the swollen tree may undermine the fresh masonry, and the work will have to be completely redone.

Decorative stone is one of the most suitable materials for finishing surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Due to its functional and aesthetic advantages, it is increasingly used to design a variety of arches.


Arch is the one architectural element, with the help of which small area you can visually make it larger, and the spacious one can be effectively zoned. A well-decorated passage saves and visually expands the room, functionally separates adjacent rooms and at the same time forms a single interior, creating the desired atmosphere in an apartment or house. Most often, arches are made from plasterboard and then lined with the selected material.

There are many options for processing openings in an apartment: using plaster, wood, forged elements and, of course, stones: sandstone, shell rock, granite or marble. However, durable natural stone has a high cost, so today its artificial substitutes are increasingly being chosen.

This happens for many reasons:

  • Finishing an arch with decorative stone will cost you much less.
  • Using this material, you can imitate the pattern of any stone.
  • The weight of such decor will be much less, which can also be a plus - not every wall can withstand the weight of real stone.

The decorated entrance to the hallway has both an aesthetic and practical function. This is where the owners, guests, and their pets most often move, which means the passage becomes very dirty. Decorative finishing It gets dirty less and is easy to clean; dirt is also not noticeable on its surface. Of course, she also immediately attracts the eye.

Since finishing with decorative stone can replicate the pattern of any natural wood, you can decorate interior doors in a similar way - it’s easy to choose a variation that suits a specific interior. In most cases, the choice is made in favor of imitation brick, small pebbles, marble or granite.

Design options

The process of laying decorative stone is quite simple, so you can decorate any arch with your own hands.

Traditionally, laid stones form a side band around the arch, but in in some cases a decision is made to decorate the entire wall. Similar decoration decorative breeds used not only for doorways, but also for cladding windows, niches and built-in furniture. If you have a free niche in a city apartment, then turn it into an arched false fireplace and place several burning candles there.

A composition of several arches located in one space will look very stylish.

Arched openings decorated with artificial stone can, on the one hand, harmonize with the color of the walls, not focus attention on themselves and act as a backdrop for bright furniture, and, on the other hand, become a center of attraction and bright design solution. In the case where an arch connects two rooms in dissimilar styles, decorate it only on one side.

Arches from artificial stone There are different geometric configurations:

  • classic - straight sides and arched top. Usually, they are used for completely different styles, since the design fits organically into any interior;
  • ellipsoidal - with an arc in the shape of a regular or irregular oval;

  • rectangular or portal - the side and top parts form a right angle;
  • round - they look interesting in combination with bright, colorful walls. They are usually preferred by owners of futuristic interiors;
  • curly - the sides form smooth lines and thereby break the perpendicularity with respect to the floor.

The shape of the arch depends on the size of the opening and the height of the ceiling, the function of the room and its design.

The cladding pattern can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Finished using the “torn stone” technology, the arched openings do not have symmetry, but they look non-standard and complement the rooms with original layout. A symmetrically lined arch with stones to match the wall looks better in classic, calm interiors. Combine a variety of shades of the same color and alternate vertical and horizontal tiles.

Openings are divided into passive and active. The first ones serve as a simple border, and the second ones, which differ unusual shape, and themselves are decoration of the interior. Simple passive ones include such types as classic, modern (with a pronounced rise), romantic (the arc is rounded on the sides, but cut off at the top) and others. Complex active ones are oriental, horseshoe-shaped, trapezoidal, lancet and others. They have uneven edges and are sometimes located on several levels.

There are also two methods of laying artificial stone: seamless and with preservation of seams. In residential premises, the seams are usually preserved, as this gives the arch a special flair. They are made wide enough and then filled with grout of the required shade.

Often the design of an arched opening is complemented by the creation proper lighting and decoration with plant elements. The choice of lamps depends on the style of the arch: there are built-in and inconspicuous models, elaborate sconces, or bright LED lights.

With the help of light, the expected mood is given: mystical, solemn and upbeat, calm and relaxed, or neutral.

Selection of materials

Decorative stone is created from natural components: expanded clay, cement and pumice with the addition of special mineral pigment to add color. This material is considered environmentally friendly and safe - it is not afraid of corrosion, rotting and fungal diseases. Upon completion of the drying and firing processes, it gains durability in no way inferior to the original.

Decorative stone is resistant to very high and low temperatures, therefore it is often used for cladding fireplaces and external walls of the house. It is also used in rooms with high humidity: swimming pools, baths and others. It is worth adding that an arch made of such material is easy to wash and dry using conventional means.

Currently it is possible to select decorative stone, imitating any natural one not only in color, but also in texture. Therefore, the choice of materials should depend solely on the design of the room.

Tiles are sold in flat sheets different thicknesses and size. Still exists corner option, which helps you register without any problems top part arches. But it should be selected very carefully, after completing all the calculations.

The most popular are imitations of shell rock, granite, slate, marble and travertine. The surface can be smooth or resemble rough and untreated stone. The base of the decor is made of acrylic, quartzite, or with a base of gypsum, alabaster or a mixture of cement and sand.

If the arch itself is made of plasterboard, then choose flexible, lightweight acrylic material or gypsum tiles. A brick arch can be decorated with stones in sand-cement mortar. In addition, try to choose narrow tiles - they are easier to install on the semicircular part of the opening. The cost of such material depends on the country of origin, company, quality, weight and even patterns on the stone.

The installation process is carried out quickly and without unnecessary difficulties. You don't have to purchase additional fasteners or involve specialists. But, in any case, before we begin finishing works All stones must be checked.

First you need to prepare the material:

  • Open the packages and mix the parts.
  • See how they will look most advantageous. Combine them according to the shades, and long with short - the arch should look natural.
  • Turn the pieces over back side to check for the presence of a foam layer, which will cause the tiles to adhere less well. If there is one, clean it using a wire brush.

What else will you need?

To finish the arch you will need, at a minimum, following tools: what you will use to cut the stone (hand saw or grinder), construction knife, level, hammer, sandpaper, chisel, glue.

The step-by-step cladding process looks like this:

  • Cut the decorative stone into several pieces or thin tiles. Prepare the surface of the arch in advance by cleaning it from dust and dirt, old wallpaper, paint and whitewash. Make several notches, which will allow the glue to stick better. You can also apply a primer, after which it is important to dry the structure.
  • Having prepared “liquid nails”, cement mortar or some other adhesive composition, start gluing the tiles from the bottom of the arch, from its junction with the floor. Pay attention to the weight of the stone - some brands are not able to bear heavy samples. Apply glue to the wall using a spatula and press the stones firmly, but do not overdo it, otherwise cracks will occur. Leave a gap of 5 millimeters between them. Keep in mind that adhesion will be higher if the tile contains the same ingredient as the surface on which it is glued.

  • Work a row on both sides of the arch, and then move on to the next one. Line each one up using a level and use plastic crosses. If there are corner stones, then use them to decorate the corners. If there are none, then overlap flat ones - this way you will give the structure stability.
  • After this, proceed to rounding. At this stage, you need to cut the stone yourself to give it the desired shape, using grinding machine, construction knife or wire cutters. To handle uneven surfaces, use sandpaper and a file. Partially lay the stone on the nearby wall surface.
  • After a couple of days, when everything has dried and set, start filling the tile joints cement mortar or grout. You can choose grout of any color, depending on the design of the room. Avoid contact of liquid with the surface of the stone; remove any excess immediately with a soft cloth. After the arch is completely dry, cover it acrylic varnish or even paint it. Small errors are hidden using an airbrush.

You will learn even more information about how to make a stone arch in the interior from the following video.

Arches are architecturally decorative solution visual separation of rooms without installing doors. Basically, arches are placed outside the building and are used for decoration. country cottages or private houses.

Arches are not only very stable, they are also almost insensitive to displacements in the bases.

If the wall may collapse, displacements at the base of the arch will only cause distortions, which are harmless and even common for arches. Likewise, arches can withstand earthquakes quite well. Interestingly, among the ancient ruins, arches are the best preserved, and this is partly due to their characteristic stability.

The bricks on which the lintel rests are called heels.

The space covered by any jumper is called a span.

Circled- wooden mold, supporting the formwork on which arched, vaulted and dome structures are erected.

The number of bricks in the arch and rows in the vault should be odd.

The middle upper odd brick is a castle brick.

Arches, designed to cover openings with a width of 2 to 4 m, can have a very different radius of curvature or a different lifting boom.

A brick arch is characterized by the use of a special masonry method - a beam lintel. This design involves erecting the wall to the level of the future lintel, then proceeding to build the arch.

The thickness of the brickwork must be at least 1 brick and, as a rule, it is laid out in two layers of equal thickness, and both layers should be made and “locked” in the upper part at the same time.

Circles are made from boards 40 mm thick.

First, circles are made from boards, cut along the contour of the arch. Circles consist of individual jambs, knocked down in two layers with joints spaced apart. The lower part of the circles is connected with boards and on top of the circles a formwork made of planed boards is sewn with nails, which is sheathed with roofing iron, fiberboard, etc.

d. The masonry is laid along the resulting surface, which repeats the shape of the arched lintel. There are also industrial ready ones arched openings, which are supplied unassembled.

Along the edges of the span, side supports are installed on which the template is installed and wedges are used to level it horizontally. A cord is pulled between two boards attached to the wall, allowing you to adjust the position of the bricks laid in the direction of the castle.

A wedge-shaped stone or brick is used, which is laid strictly towards the center. In the absence of ready-made pattern bricks, regular bricks are hewn solid brick, giving it a wedge-shaped shape. When laying arches, you should strictly monitor the quality of the brick, the direction and thickness of the seams, which should not be more than permissible according to the project.

Arches laid out of ordinary brick are made with wedge-shaped seams with a thickness of at least 5 mm at the bottom and no more than 25 mm at the top.

For precise marking the distance between the bricks and the position of the seams, place a brick in the middle of the template, adjust the compass to the thickness of the brick plus 5 mm for the seam filled with mortar, and, starting from the middle brick, measure the distances along the edge of the template to the last full brick. The width of the remaining gap is divided by the resulting number of bricks and the legs of the compass are additionally adjusted to the final value.

The laying of the arches is carried out simultaneously from both sides of the heels to the top with careful bandaging of the seams.

The bricks are laid “on edge” in transverse rows according to the formwork template. The radial position of the seam is controlled by a square template. To properly fix the bricks in the masonry, the mortar is spread over the brick bed in a “wedge shape” (with thickening upwards).

The position of the bricks is checked using a cord fixed at one end in the center of the semicircle.

Thickening of seams opposite to those indicated is allowed only in cases provided for by the project.

The seams must be completely filled with mortar. The mason also monitors the front surface of the masonry - the binding pattern, the quality of the brick, its color and shade.

To ensure uniform stress in large arches, it is necessary to build them so quickly that the solution does not have time to completely harden in all parts of the arches before the circle weakens. Solutions should be used on Portland cement.

Deviations in the thickness of joints in masonry should not exceed: - horizontal………………………………………………………………………………………………. -2; +3 mm

– vertical……………………………………………………………………………….. -2; +2 mm

Main types of vaults

1 – box; 2 – quarter-cylindrical; 3 – dome; 4 – domed with sails without a drum; 5 – dome on the drum; 6 – conha; 7 – gable; 8 – cross; 9 – tent; 10 – 12 – stepped-arched; 13 – unbroken cross; 14, 15 – closed on formworks converging to the corner; 16, 17 – vaulted ceiling on formwork converging to the corner; 18 – closed on formworks, receding from the corner; 19 – closed with free arrangement of formwork; 20 – closed on a faceted base (“faceted dome”); 21 – sailing; 22 – dome on tromps; 23 – cross-shaped with horizontal formwork shells; 24 – cross-shaped with inclined formwork shells; 25 – cross-shaped with stepped formwork; 26 – closed without formwork; 27 and 28 – semi-tray and tray; 29 – vaulted ceiling of formwork; 30 – tray on formwork; 31 and 32 - variants of the illuminated five-domed pillarless temple

In brick churches, the vaults are laid out on formwork resting on circles and walls or on girth arches lowered in relation to them. After the solution hardens, the circles are removed and the formwork is removed.

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Architects often use architectural and design elements in their work that give the building originality and beauty. One of these decorative details is the arch.

Internal structures are easily decorated using plasterboard. Brick is used to construct external geometric elements. Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question: how to make a brick arch with your own hands?

Arches in architecture are used in the architecture of different nations. Accordingly, their shape was influenced by the cultural heritage of the countries. An example of this is the Arabian arch, widespread in the architecture of Middle Eastern states.

The most common types of arches are:

semicircular or semicircular: has the appearance of a semicircle, the center of which is at the same level as the heels of the arch.

This design is most often supported by pylons. This type of arch can be classified as a classic; arched: in shape it is an arc equal to a quarter of a circle. Arches of this type adorned the window openings of residential buildings in Ancient Rome; a pointed or broken arch formed by two arches intersecting at an angle.

types of round arches

In modern architecture, the first two types are used as a decorative element - semicircular (they are now called full) and arched. Wedge arches are no less popular - they received this name thanks to the construction technology: bricks are laid out with a wedge and then secured with a “lock.”

General technology for laying brick arches

Laying a brick arch, regardless of the type chosen, is done in the following order:

    A general view of the arch is developed. Its parameters are calculated. A working drawing is drawn indicating all the required dimensions. A template is made, which is then installed in the opening. The opening lintels are laid out. The brickwork is secured and fixed. The template is dismantled.

At the last stage, the formed opening is finished.

Template calculation

Before making a brick arch, you need to make an auxiliary structure - a template.

Its quality has a direct impact on the final result. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully calculate its dimensions. As an example, we can consider the design of a window with a width of 1500 mm using a beam type.

Please note: for designing an arched opening, it is not its width that is important, but the length of the arc along which the brick will be laid. In order not to create problems for yourself in the future, you need to adjust this size at the calculation stage so that it is a multiple of 70-75 mm.

The width of the template should be 5 mm less than the opening. This small gap will make it easier to install and disassemble (even if it gets damp).

The height of the auxiliary structure must coincide with the same parameter of the arch. By the way, it should not be too low - this is fraught with subsidence of the brickwork under the influence of load.

Now it remains to decide on the thickness of the template. If it is too large, the weight of the structure will complicate the work. In our example, the optimal thickness can be considered 200 mm.

Making a template

We begin the work by marking the arch on a sheet of chipboard. To do this you need:

    mark the center line; draw the boundaries of the opening symmetrically to the centerline; mark the upper point of the arch on the axis; from the highest point, set down a size equal to the height of the arch, and draw a straight line through the resulting mark, perpendicular to the axis. Mark the intersections of the auxiliary line with the right and left boundaries of the opening with dots; from the same (highest) point, set down a segment equal to the radius of the arched arc - this way the center of the circle is located; install a metal rod (peg) at the central point and tie a piece of knitting to it wire, equal in length to the radius of the circle; attach a pencil to the second end, and using an improvised compass, connect the three previously marked points.

The template consists of two such parts - circles - connected to each other by bars. If the circles are cut exactly according to the markings, then the sharp corners will not make it possible to fasten them to each other. Therefore, before you start cutting, you need to move 100 mm down from the lower points of the arched profile, thus increasing the body of the part.

After this, you can cut out the part with a jigsaw.

Marking the second circle is much easier: to do this, you need to use an already cut piece as a pattern. Just lay it on a new sheet of chipboard and trace along the outline.

The bars intended for fastening the circles must correspond in length to the specified thickness of the template. Twist the prepared parts with self-tapping screws. A strip of fiberboard is nailed along the top of the template - in this way, all possible irregularities in the device are smoothed out.

Circling in a window opening for laying a brick arch

Installing the template in the opening

Supports made from edged boards 20 mm thick are installed under the edges of the template. To prevent them from falling, a spacer is inserted between them.

The template is installed on top of supports flush with the edge of the shaped face brick. One nuance should be kept in mind: an arch that is too protruding (more than 60 mm) will be destroyed by frost and rain during operation. If you still decide to take this step, cover it on top with ceramic tiles or metal.

Laying a brick arch with your own hands

First, lay out the right and left heels of the arch.

After this, you can begin marking the order. This is done using a tape measure. For convenience, markings are made on the template every five bricks.

The decision regarding the thickness of the seam is made on site.

After this, you can lay out an arch from the heels to the highest point - on both sides.

The last one or two bricks (depending on whether the number was even or odd when marking) are called castle bricks. After they are put in place, the seams are carefully filled with mortar. If this is not done, the arch may “sit down”.

The arch - front and backing - must be laid out in one go.

The template can be removed two to three hours after the masonry is crimped. If it is not possible to remove the auxiliary structure on the same day, protect it from possible rain with plastic wrap. Otherwise, the swollen tree may undermine the fresh masonry, and the work will have to be completely redone.

A beautiful brick window or door arch will decorate any interior room.

The masonry technology is simple, but still requires certain skills. Therefore, it is better for the arched opening to be designed and covered by a master. However, if you carefully study the instructions and take into account everything important nuances, draw up a project, then you can lay out the arch in a semicircle with your own hands.

Types of brick arches

Brick arch is decorative element, so it is often used to decorate openings in residential premises. But before you build beautiful arched openings in houses and apartments, it is useful to study information about what types of arches exist. The most common varieties are:

Wedge-shaped. Lovers of Gothic style interiors often resort to the wedge shape.

In this case, the bricklaying should form a wedge arched vault, the upper point of the tip is fixed with a special building element. Romance. In this situation, the opening must be laid out in a rectangular shape, and the corner part must be semicircular. An admirer of oriental-themed interiors can make this type of arch in their own home.

In this case, the bricks are laid in such a way that a vault is formed in the shape of a truncated cone. Classic. This semicircular arch can be framed if desired decorative pillars. In order for the design to look harmonious, it is important to adjust the size of the semicircle to ½ the width of the main opening.Modern.

Externally, the opening looks like an arc. Porta. A simple design, laid out in the shape of a rectangle. Ellipse. Such an arch is round on the arch and can have different widths.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Despite the fact that semicircular arched window and door ceilings are considered an interesting interior solution, they have their pros and cons, which are important to consider before starting construction.

This decor is used for window openings.

The main advantages of such structures are as follows:

Unique atmosphere in the house.

The vaults of the entrance or interior door create a special, pleasant atmosphere that will be felt by the owners of the room and their guests. Simple design and installation. Even without construction experience, having carefully studied the construction scheme, it will be possible to build door arch made of red brick in your own home. Reliability of the structure. The arch is a monolithic structure that can withstand increased loads. Versatility.

You can fold an arch not only inside the house. It is often used to frame entrance gates, gates, and window openings. Even the hole in the stove can be lined with bricks in the shape of an arched arc, which is also original solution and a beautiful addition to general interior premises.

However, this structure also has disadvantages, for example:

    A semicircular arch requires the creation of a unified interior style, which includes specific cladding of walls, windows, and floors. The implementation of these ideas will require significant expenditures of labor, materials and finances, which not everyone can afford. Strict, step-by-step adherence to masonry technology. If you calculate the dimensions incorrectly or do not form according to the design brick vault, there is a high risk that the structure will not hold up and fall apart.