Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations: principle of operation, types, installation rules. Automatic powder type fire extinguishing system and its advantages What is the duration of the impulse powder fire extinguishing module

Powder fire extinguishing - how the fire extinguishing module works

Today it is one of the most popular ways to fight fires in enclosed spaces, as well as on small, open areas, production areas who need patronage - a technological workshop or a private, garage workshop (for example). As an active reagent (as you might already guess) a powdered mixture is used. Its basic component is metal salts in the experimentally calculated concentration and volume.

In order for this mixture to remain usable, special additives are added to the composition, excluding the possibility of changing the properties of the active components. It is thanks to them that the operational life of the involved powder is significantly increased. By the way, manufacturers are now paying a lot of attention to this issue.

Agree that it is important to be sure that even after a long time, the powder fire extinguishing system will be operational and will be able to cope with the source of fire. So if you are in once more hear about the myth of insecurity powder modules then just ignore it.

Buran powder module

For those who decide to protect their facility from the destructive effects of fire, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to BURAN powder modules. They are rightfully considered one of the best and most promising developments in the domestic market, combining high reliability and reasonable cost. Few of the closest competitors can compare with them in these specified parameters.

At the same time, powder fire extinguishing modules under this brand fully comply with the established GOST 53285/2009. According to this strict technical regulation, modules (like, for example, BURAN 2) meet the following prescribed operational parameters:

  • required level of action. In this case, the efficiency of the installed security unit directly depends on the speed;
  • the total time of active powder supply to the local ignition area. The duration in this case is also determined by the modification of the powder fire extinguishing module. BURAN 2.5 - its action time does not exceed 0.5 seconds, which is quite enough to eliminate the fire and release the entire powder mixture reserved in the capsule;
  • the composition of the mixture;
  • the actual capacity of the reagent in the existing tank of the module, as well as a number of normalized indicators for security equipment.

For more information on fire safety regulations, please visit various types facilities equipped with powder fire extinguishing modules, as well as learn mandatory conditions for their installation in certain territories, it is always worth having document NPB 110-03 at hand.

The principle of operation of the powder mixture

Many people are probably interested in the principle of operation of mixtures in BURAN fire extinguishing modules. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this, but to understand the process itself, it is worth giving a small technical explanation:

  • when the temperature of the mixture rises, excess heat is removed from a specific source of ignition. Accordingly, in this case, a rapid decrease in temperatures occurs in this focus;
  • during annihilation with the surrounding air, the active powder mixture forms a volatile mixture that completely envelops the local area with open flame. As a result of this action, the flow of oxygen decreases - the ignition immediately stops;
  • high-temperature exposure leads to the decomposition of the used powder mixture of metal oxides. In this case, there is an abundant production of non-combustible gases, which also have Negative influence to an open flame.

The foregoing is quite enough to create a clear understanding of the functioning of suppressors (or speaking on scientific language inhibitors) active combustion.

Where can be used?

The use of fire-fighting powder modules is widely practiced today. We list the main points of application of this specialized equipment for fire protection indoors:

  • storage facilities and small, covered hangars for storing flammable liquids. In these cases, the use of voiced profile modules is in fact the only alternative among competing profile modifications;
  • rooms with working power equipment. In this case, there is no risk of short circuit. The safety of the life of the surrounding people is not questioned, as well as protection from the aggravation of an emergency situation at a protected facility;
  • maximum safety household appliances and other types of material and technical assets in contact with powder fire extinguishing.
    Particular emphasis should be placed on environmental safety components used in powder fire extinguishing modules. Even if you accidentally get into the fire extinguishing center and have contact with the powder, nothing critical to your health will happen;
  • premises where the installation of other modifications of fire extinguishing systems is considered extremely difficult (for technical or financial reasons) or is prohibited due to strict standards prescribed in regulatory documents.

Modifications of powder equipment

Returning directly to the considered modifications of powder fire extinguishing equipment, it is worth touching on them in more detail. technical features and appointments:

Buran 2

BURAN 2 is an excellent choice for protecting technical compartments with a high fire hazard (meaning transport and equipment), as well as diesel-type working installations. If you own such special equipment as a grader, excavator or even a water vessel (boat, barge), then BURAN-2 will become a real and faithful assistant for you in extinguishing a local or widespread fire. It is noteworthy that these modules can be mounted in areas with small overall dimensions. At the same time, the temperature course at the serviced object can be in the range from -50 to +100 degrees Celsius;

Buran 2.5

BURAN 2 5 is considered one of the most reliable and modern security and fire fighting modules. The uniqueness of the described development lies in its ability to be activated, both by the so-called "forced", electric start within the boundaries of the AFS (Automatic Fire Extinguishing System), and in the mode of independent operation when a local fire area is detected at the facility. It is important to remember that with self-activation, only about 20 seconds are spent at the ignition site. with total area no more than 0.4 m2. This is a fairly small indicator of the inertia of the fire system. By the way, the self-operation functionality itself is a reliable guarantee of emergency elimination even in the event of a sudden failure of the automatic control unit.

Tungus fire extinguishing module

Noteworthy is the installation of the TUNGUS module, which is capable of effectively extinguishing a fire, detecting it at the earliest stage of occurrence. This will great choice absolutely for all types of premises, ranging from economic to residential premises.

It is also important that for commercial, large organizations, the installation of such security, fire fighting systems will cost much less than numerous competing modifications in the specialized market. The lineup TUNGUS is quite wide and you just have to choose one of the offers (for example, wall type or a model that does not require complex installation at all).

Professional help!

Cooperation with an experienced company that provides services for the installation of fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarm, will be the only and true guarantee of the safety of human lives and your material property.

Fire safety consists of many factors. This is primarily a human factor that contributes to professional recruitment specialized, security equipment, as well as the quality of work on the installation of the selected type of system.

Systems Theme powder extinguishing fires is extensive and requires a detailed study a large number information. This article has collected a brief squeeze on the powder type of fire extinguishing, allowing you to find out the technology right choice optimal module. The classification of installations will give a clear understanding of how to choose best model and what algorithm installation work implement. The material contains recommendations and helpful tips which will help to avoid a large number of errors.

History of creation

The story begins in 1770. Colonel Roth from Esslingen is mentioned for the first time. The participants in the experiment were a barrel of aluminum alum for spraying and gunpowder. The experiment was so successful that the fire department was keenly interested in it.

In Russia, the experiment was continued by the chemist Sheftal. But that was already in the 19th century. The complex submitted for consideration was named "Pozhargaz".

The composition included:

  1. Bicarbonate soda.
  2. Alum.
  3. ammonium sulphate.
  4. Earth is infusor.
  5. Asbestos shavings.

The experiment was carried out so successfully that "Pozhargaz" was put on production release.

Order, in those days, left a deep impression. Readiness - 15 seconds. The cord was lit, and with an interval of 4 seconds, a pop was heard, like a countdown to the explosion. In the thirties, technology shifted towards testing small bombs with ordinary papier-mâché. The "Description in Popular Scence" of this method, as being very ecological, aroused great interest. In an explosion with a temperature of 200 degrees, papier-mâché was sprayed.

Already in the forties of the 20th century, the procession of fashion began around the world: Europe, Asia, Russia, America. Further improvement made it possible to use a temperature fork from -50 to +50. certain kind additives did not allow the mixtures to absorb moisture.

Easy handling, low cost, unobtrusive service. Big choice. All this attracts, especially where you can work under stress.

But there is also a downside to this system. The most important of these is the danger to health. But, if you establish the correct evacuation, then there are no obstacles.

In the Soviet Union, in connection with the emerging threat at nuclear power plants, in the 1960s, the issue escalated. Development has begun. Twenty years later, the powder fire extinguishing system was tested, showing that the method is effective on surfaces that do not have voids and cracks. That this method works best in the beginning.

In situations where alkali metals are burning, there is no alternative.

The questions that remain unclear are:

  1. Cooling with the expenditure of heat to heat the microparticles of the powder.
  2. Liquefaction of waste clouds.
  3. The effect of localization in bottlenecks.
  4. Inhibition of the combustion process.

Clear parameters are allocated only for alkali metals.


Fires are detected almost immediately and the command is sent to the control panel. This is the module system. It is inexpensive and not difficult to manage. However, its filling is harmful to buildings.

It is very dangerous for human health. Causes poisoning on direct contact. That is why it is applicable in rooms without maintenance:

  1. Substations.
  2. Sheds.
  3. Closets.

The model is released in three kinds A: Automatic, manual and offline.

Type - Tungus. Fixing is view-independent and is divided into centralized and modular types. In centralized solutions, the mixture comes from a common tank, and in another solution, in modules installed on equal distances from each other. They are activated by a signal from the remote control.

Quenching can be volumetric and surface. With surface quenching, the mixture is evenly distributed over the area. When volumetric, it is filled to the entire cubic capacity.

The type of unit is chosen according to the indicators of harmfulness and the nature of the stored substances. The time the device enters the mode matters.

If we talk about ecology, then suspensions can be just fertilizers, but when in contact with the human body, the consequences are bad.

Choosing the optimal module

One of the most popular samples on the Russian market is, read more about which in the article at the link. Upon closer examination of the Buran -2.5 - 2s installation, it can be triggered both from a signal from the remote control and from its own sensors. It can be an independent device or included in the complex automatic equipment. The design allows being in any interiors - offices, business centers.

Equal in popularity to the model Buran 8vzr. It is explosion-proof, can be mounted on oil depots, automobile gas stations. Short response time, explosion resistance, work over large areas.

Other popular Tungus and Brand modules are used, as a rule, in the following places:

  1. Residential houses.
  2. Industrial zones.

The technical characteristics of the Tungus-2 system are selected according to the type of materials protected from fires.

Functions performed:

  1. Self-notification.
  2. Fire isolation.
  3. Saving structures.

The issue of human safety comes first, so choosing the right module is extremely important.

Outperforms similar brands in terms of:

  1. Ecology.
  2. Automation.
  3. Versatile applications.
  4. Great return.
  5. Easy installation.
  6. Relatively low price.
  7. Instant action.
  8. Blockade of fire in the bud.
  9. Universal composition of powders.


Installation sites are selected taking into account the characteristics of the object according to special rules and instructions. Visual inspection of the unit for the integrity of the body and seals to ensure correct delivery.

To evenly distribute the contents inside the device, turn sharply around the axis several times. Screwed on wall or ceiling mounting plate for the unit. If the area is large - evenly over the entire area. Entrust the execution of work only to professionals, which will guarantee the preservation of property.


AST with powder fire extinguishing is mainly used in non-residential buildings where the use of water is undesirable:

  1. Document storage.
  2. Museum valuables.
  3. Manufacture of chemical products, alkali metals.

Supply from one container – centralization. Contents in one place of application – module.

Automatic firefighting is usually a mobile design due to the properties of the dispersion, the release of which requires high pressure.

Automatic installations are classified on the basis of:

  1. Design.
  2. Ways to extinguish fire.

The premises where powder flame containment units are installed must be equipped with light displays - “EXIT”, “POWDER! GO AWAY”, which light up before the start of extinguishing.

False positives

One of the reasons is dampness. Water, getting on the sensors, corrodes the contacts, short circuit - start. If there are a lot of fire extinguishers, up to a hundred pieces, an error in assembling the circuit is possible. The way out is to divide the area into zones. The start relay is separate. There are trips during power surges.

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- almost universal substances. Their use is justified by a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. The fire-extinguishing properties of powder substances depend on their composition. It is known that the degree of grinding also affects the suppression of combustion processes, but only in some species.

Advantages and disadvantages

Powder fire extinguishing is one of the cheapest ways to fight a fire. Funds can be recharged and reused for their intended purpose. The powder operates at extremely high and low temperatures environment, does not lose its properties even indoors. Easy installation design also contributes to the growing popularity of powder fire extinguishing systems.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing installations can be autonomous. They turn on when a fire is detected, regardless of the control and power systems. This allows you to install and operate them on large areas and in industrial premises elevated fire hazard. In residential buildings, simple offices, the same systems are often installed.

The risks of damage and failure of correctly installed means are practically eliminated. The absence of excess pressure prevents them from exploding when heated or exposed to other factors. They are resistant to climate change.

From negative aspects note unsuitability for extinguishing smoldering and self-igniting materials, limited use in centralized systems firefighting. It is also important negative impact on the human body. Therefore, the evacuation of people is carried out before the start of the work of such fire extinguishing agents.

Systems and installations

The main task of the powder fire extinguishing system is to supply a fire extinguishing agent to the place of ignition. For this, an appropriate system of installations is being developed. Their automation is due to the need to put out the fire faster than the flames and smoke disperse throughout the room and reach other objects.

Most automatic powder type fire extinguishing installations are made in the form of modules. This helps to extinguish fires in short time, and the substance is delivered in a localized and precise manner. Among all types, the following can be distinguished:

  • Modular installations

In the case of modular powder-type installations there is a powdered substance. The feeder is also located inside the module. Starting modes are electrical, mechanical, combined and thermochemical.

Metal modules are marked in a special way, by designations it is easy to find out the type and capacity of the case, the duration of action, the method of storage, Climatic performance, technical documentation which is used for manufacturing.

One of the types of detectors transmits a signal to the initiating device of the module after the occurrence of factors accompanying a fire. The principles of operation for modules with a certain start mode are different. The next stage is the explosion of the charge and the spraying of the substance.

There is a module type with a different design and storage of fire extinguishing agent. An electrical impulse or heat from the fire acts on the initiating device, and a substance is generated inside the case to extinguish fires.

Modular installations or included in common system extinguishing, or remain autonomous means. Some types are mounted in dropped ceilings by analogy with ceiling lights from LED lamps.

  • Non-standard settings

If the use of a powder fire extinguishing module is unjustified by the conditions, then so-called modular powder fire extinguishing installations are created. They are assembled from separate devices.

The composition of such an installation includes compressed gas cylinders, pipelines and shut-off valves, a vessel for powder, reducers and sprinklers. The speed of gas movement through pipelines is measured in terms of the speed of the powder particles. Pipes for aggregate installations are used with a small number of bends and without seams, mainly from steel.

  • Powder curtains and explosion suppression

Automatic explosion suppression systems are configured in such a way that they are able to create a barrier of powder agents that prevents the spread of fire.

Thus, the flame and detonation wave are extinguished. These systems are conceived for mining companies to increase the safety of mines and workers from coal dust explosions.

Design process and approval in government agencies

The type of system and its functionality. Selection of elements of powder fire extinguishing installations according to parameters and capabilities joint work, they are equipped with additional parts.

Various data are calculated. Therefore, the building type is set first. There are more stringent requirements for building a fire extinguishing system for production shops than for projects and their implementation in small retail outlets.

The design documentation of any fire extinguishing system must be approved by the inspections of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Only after approval the device is allowed to be installed and used. Systems are checked by responsible persons at the enterprise in order to maintain operability and detect faults in time.

The project usually consists of two parts. In the first, graphic, one can see schematic representation layout of cables and wires, connection points of devices and devices, placement of information lines. An individual scheme is developed for each floor.

The text part contains information about system parameters. A kind of explanatory note to the project. The units and devices used must be checked for fire safety in specialized centers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to obtain a certificate.

Equipment before installation is checked for serviceability and compliance with the specification attached to the project. The organization developing the system must have passports for units, devices, modules, reinforcing elements.

System installation and operation

The volume obtained when calculating the room increases if there is equipment in it. This is due to the need for more extinguishing agent and working area systems. At the same time, when calculating this volume, elements building structures from non-combustible material.

When in suspended ceilings, it is necessary to consider reinforcement ceiling structure. Dynamic force can deform the ceiling and destroy the installation, further damaging equipment and people.

For laying cables and installing electrical equipment, there are separate building codes. Pipelines are located at a certain distance from electrical wiring. With a possible explosion in the room electrical equipment protected according to the relevant regulations.

Powder extinguishing is one of the many fire extinguishing methods. It is used in cases where extinguishing a fire with water for a number of reasons is impossible or does not give the desired result.

What is powder fire extinguishing?

In systems automatic fire extinguishing designed to put out fires in early stages its distribution, quite often you can find installations filled with a special fire extinguishing composition, which is a finely dispersed powder mixture of metal salts with various fillers.

The impact on the flame in this case occurs due to physical and chemical properties these mixtures to effectively suppress combustion. These properties are manifested when the sprayed powder interacts with hot air at the fire site.

When heated, it:

  • takes away heat from the fire;
  • emits non-flammable gas that prevents combustion;
  • fills the surrounding space with a suspension that limits the flow of oxygen to the place of combustion.

Flame extinguishing can be carried out with powder:

  • filling the entire room when a fire is detected (volumetric extinguishing);
  • coming directly to the place of ignition (surface extinguishing).
  • with supply only to the fire zone (local extinguishing).

Substances that are used in the preparation of powder fire extinguishing compositions can be hazardous to human health and life; therefore, facilities where such systems are installed must be equipped with appropriate warning systems.

Sound alarms and luminous information boards must work before the automatic system starts working and starts to extinguish the fire. At the same time, personnel must have time to leave the facility without hindrance.


Technical means using fire extinguishing powder are installed, as a rule, in rooms where the use of water in the elimination of fire is not allowed. In this case, the spraying of the powder starts according to the signal received from control room or from an automatic alarm device.

As a rule, such installations are structurally made in the form of separate modules. The fire extinguishing powder is stored in special capsules (cylinders), which are located in the places of intended use.

Structurally, its release occurs under the influence of:

  • gas that is generated under the influence of the gas generating device upon receipt of the control signal;
  • liquefied gas or compressed air, which is uploaded to the module in advance.

Installation of automatic installations, the modules of which are filled with a powder composition, is carried out in organizations and enterprises of various production lines taking into account the specifics of their activities.

At the same time, in addition to localizing a fire at the initial moment of its occurrence, the installations must provide automatic notification of personnel about the occurrence of a fire.

To do this, they are equipped with automatic fire alarm systems. Installation and installation of each such installation must be carried out in strict accordance with the developed and agreed with the Ministry of Emergency Situations project documentation, which must match exactly state system standardization.

The use of fire extinguishing powders is a reliable and sufficient cheap way elimination of fires. Like any other method, it has a number of advantages, but is not free from disadvantages.

Pros and cons of automatic powder fire extinguishing.

Such systems are quite versatile and are used to extinguish fires of solid, liquid and gaseous substances, as well as electrical equipment and electrical installations (classes A E in accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123 FZ).

Compared to other fire extinguishing installations, they have a number of advantages, for example:

  • ease of design, installation and Maintenance;
  • the possibility of long-term storage of the powder;
  • versatility of application;
  • when using powder, the tightness of the room is not required.

Among the disadvantages of powder plants, experts note:

  • inefficiency in extinguishing substances burning without oxygen supply;
  • chemical activity of powder compositions, requiring immediate removal from the surface of the equipment after the fire is extinguished;
  • difficulties with pumping powder through pipelines, which limits the use of plants centralized type;
  • if used incorrectly, the installations can be dangerous to humans.


The domestic industry produces a fairly wide range of powder fire extinguishing modules. However, among them, it is possible to single out units that have proven themselves from the best side.

Powder extinguishing module Buran 2.5-2s.

The device has the possibility of double actuation and can operate both on a signal from the dispatcher's console or automatic start panel, and from its own sensors-detectors integrated into its design. Such constructive solution allows the module to be used as a fully autonomous powder extinguishing device.

Its main operational data:

  • powder weight, kg no more than 2.0;
  • threshold value of the response temperature during self-start, °С 85;
  • response time, 2 sec.;
  • delay of automatic operation, sec. no more than 20;
  • dimensions(diameter/height), mm 250/140;
  • mass of the module with full charge, kg no more than 3.

Powder fire extinguishing module "Buran 8 VZR".

Structurally, the device is made in an explosion-proof design and can be used on objects heightened danger(gas stations, oil refineries, etc.).

operational technical specifications devices:

  • mass of fire extinguishing agent, kg no more than 7.5;
  • coverage area depending on the version, sq.m. 24, 32, 48, 64;
  • activation - at least 5 seconds;
  • fire extinguishing agent residue after actuation, % not more than 10;
  • overall dimensions depending on the version (diameter/height), mm 250/350...380;
  • gross weight of the module in full charge, kg no more than 12.3.

Powder modules "Tungus".

All models included in the line of fully autonomous powder fire extinguishing modules are equipped with a two-channel (optical and thermal sensors) fire detection system and are powered by three AA batteries.

His data:

  • response time, sec no more than 20;
  • detection of the source of ignition at a distance, m up to 6;
  • The service life of one bookmark of batteries is 3 years.

Fire extinguishing module "Garant 12 KD".

Designed to extinguish fires of classes A, B, C, and E. In addition, the product can be used to extinguish technological installations working outdoors.

Technical specifications:

  • placement height, m ​​2...9;
  • coverage area, sq.m. up to 122;
  • mass of fire-extinguishing powder, kg no more than 11.2;
  • mass of the module with full charge, kg no more than 19.6;
  • dimensions (diameter/height), mm 400/350.

* * *

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The problem of protecting property from the destructive power of uncontrolled fire has existed since ancient times. And for a very long time one of available ways elimination of fires was ordinary water.

Despite the fact that it is still used today and is one of the most affordable, it cannot be called effective.

After all, there are cases when extinguishing a fire with the use of water leads to even greater damage. Therefore, one has to use alternative methods. These include the powder fire extinguishing module, which is used in cases where:

  • The use of water does not give the desired effect;
  • Using it leads to an even greater spread of fire;
  • She does damage material values comparable to the fire itself.

What is such equipment

Automatic fire extinguishing systems make it possible to detect fires at the earliest stages of their occurrence and transmit a message to the desk on duty. In addition, the Buran powder fire extinguishing module is designed to fight fire, using special composition sprayed.

They are one of the inexpensive and easiest to operate, but the powder used in them can harm not only equipment and structural elements object, but also a person. When the composition hits skin or respiratory tract poisoning may occur.

Types of powder type plants

Buran brand modules are divided into the following categories:

  1. C automatically;
  2. manual;
  3. Autonomous control.

In the Tungus-6 fire extinguishing modules, the fire source is detected and the substance is supplied regardless of the type of control sources.

In addition, they are classified depending on the design features into:

  • Centralized;
  • Modular.

In the first, the fire extinguishing mixture comes from a common tank. The second - the composition is in the modules that are installed in each room. Such equipment includes devices used to spray the composition on a signal from the control panel.

Most of the manufactured systems, such as Garant 5 - it differs in design, which corresponds to the specifics of spraying under high pressure substances.

In addition, Buran models differ:

  1. Powder module device;
  2. Method of use (self-actuated powder fire extinguishing modules).

Depending on the design features gas is pumped into the device in advance or is produced inside at the time of operation.

Fire extinguishing with powder fire extinguishing systems can be carried out:

  1. locally;
  2. superficial;
  3. Volumetric.

In the first case, spraying is carried out on the surface where fire is most likely to appear. This equipment with surface quenching, the composition is distributed over all surfaces of the object. With the volumetric method, the entire room is filled with a suspension of powder.

Criteria for selecting powder type systems

Such installations are used to eliminate fires of various categories and are suitable even for extinguishing electrical equipment under voltage. But in order for the Bizon powder fire extinguishing module to work effectively, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the choice of equipment.

Since various powders are used to fight fire, the first thing to pay attention to is their type. Because their expiration date may vary. And although the price of such modules is low, they are not ideal, since the period of their operation is not long.

The choice of the Tungus module type can be conditionally divided into two parts. The first is the selection of specific equipment, and the second is checking its safety for people. The fire extinguishing agent used in the Bizon brand module must comply with the requirements of NPB 88-2001. Depending on its type, the type of installation is selected. In addition, it must be linked to the classification of fires, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 27331-87.

The module type is selected in accordance with the hazard indicators and the properties of the substances stored and used at the facility. The probable method of fire extinguishing is also important, as well as maximum time to bring the system into operation.

The second part, as noted above, should take into account the safety of the Buran model module for humans. You can find the answer to this question by using the recommendations of regulatory documents. In this case, it will be necessary to compare the time required for evacuation with that required for the supply of fire extinguishing agent. For example, if a fire must be sprayed within 30 seconds to extinguish a fire, and people cannot leave the object during this time, then such a fire extinguishing module is not suitable for it.

Watch a video about the Buran model:
With regard to the safety of powders, from an environmental point of view, they are compounds used as fertilizers. But at the moment of spraying the composition with the Tungus brand module, the suspension can enter the human body and lead to negative consequences.

We analyze popular models

Among all the fire extinguishing systems presented on the domestic market, modules from the Buran series are the most popular. They are represented by a wide range and it is impossible to consider everything in one article, so we will focus on the most popular models.

The Buran-2.5-2s powder fire extinguishing module is distinguished by a double operation, which can occur from a signal sent from the control panel or from its own sensors. Due to such a wide functionality, the Tungus brand module is used in various versions:

  • As a completely independent mini-system;
  • As a node of automatic equipment.

The response delay for the Buran model is no more than 20 seconds when exposed to a fire with an area of ​​​​up to 0.4 m². In addition, it has a streamlined shape, which allows it to be mounted in the interiors of any premises, whether shopping center or cinema.

No less popular is the Buran-8vzr powder fire extinguishing module. It belongs to explosion-proof equipment and can be installed in rooms where fuel and lubricant mixtures are stored, gas stations, oil depots. This module has a short response time and is able to protect large areas. It is equipped with an explosion-proof design.

In addition to automatic modules of the Buran-8 series, there are others that are also in demand among consumers. Among them it is worth noting the models:

  • Tungus;
  • Brand and many others.

Where is the installation of fire extinguishing system modules mandatory?

Installation of such equipment is usually carried out in residential buildings or industrial plants. At the same time, the class and power of the Tungus-9 model depend on the specifics of the protected object. Although all automatic fire extinguishing systems must perform the following functions:

  1. Automatic notification to the control panel;
  2. Fire localization;
  3. Prevention of destruction of the structure of the object.

If you are interested in the list of premises where the Tungus powder fire extinguishing module must be required, then refer to regulatory documents, one of which is NPB 110-03. According to him, automatic powder systems fire extinguishers are mounted at facilities where it is impossible or difficult to identify and localize fires using primary means, such as fire extinguishers.