Powder fire extinguishing installations. Requirements for powder fire extinguishing Powder fire extinguishing modules which one to choose

Our company offers a service for highly professional installation of powder fire extinguishing at industrial and commercial facilities, in public institutions, offices of organizations and enterprises. This method of fighting fires is an alternative automatic extinguishing fire water. The technology is appropriate almost everywhere where, for reasons of safety, inefficiency, or because of fears for the safety of property, it is considered impractical to install water installations.

Installation of these units can be carried out at various production and storage facilities, including rooms where flammable and combustible liquid substances, paints, alkali metals are stored, in garages and equipment storage boxes. They can be used at power electrical substations where equipment operating with voltages up to 100 volts is installed. Modules can be placed under raised floors and behind suspended ceilings to extinguish fires cable lines, for local and general elimination of fires.

There are places where the installation of powder fire extinguishing systems is not allowed. These are production and storage facilities, where people in the amount of 50 people are constantly located, where the use of powdered fire extinguishing agents can lead to damage to expensive appliances, in rooms that staff cannot quickly leave in case of fire. Installation of powder fire extinguishing modules is unacceptable in warehouses where substances are stored that are capable of smoldering inside their own volume or burning without oxygen, prone to spontaneous combustion (sawdust, grass flour, etc.).

Please note that these systems cannot be installed where it is planned to install smoke exhaust systems.

What to consider before installing powder fire extinguishing modules

This type of action to ensure counter fire safety It has certain features. Requirements for the premises where they will be installed are set out in various standards and regulations (GOST R 51091, NBP 88-2001, etc.). Our specialists will need technical documentation for the equipment available in the premises, specifications for materials.

Modules with powder cannot be placed on objects with a ceiling height of more than 12 meters. These installations work most effectively when installed at a height of 7 meters. To achieve volumetric fire extinguishing, it is better to place the modules on top. For ceilings over 7 m. apply wall mounting modules. According to the norms, windows and doors must be equipped with closers, air ducts - with fire dampers, and there should be light panels above the evacuation exits, signaling the need to immediately leave the premises.

Stages of installation of powder fire extinguishing

The work is carried out in several stages:

  • First, our specialists go to the customer's site and inspect, measure;
  • Based on the information received, a project is drawn up future system;
  • The project is being coordinated fire department Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • A work estimate is drawn up, it is approved by the customer;
  • Direct mounting, cabling, integration with engineering systems;
  • The final stage of work is the commissioning and launch, delivery of the project.

We produce a turnkey installation, develop a project, approve it in the relevant authorities, install, launch, give a guarantee for our work. The powder fire extinguishing installation is suitable for extinguishing fires of any complexity class. For reliable operation of the system, we recommend concluding an agreement with our company for warranty and then post-warranty maintenance of the system.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing installations (AUPP) are systems and / or modules where a fine powder is used as a fire extinguishing agent, which contains metal salts with a small amount of active additives.

The fire extinguishing powder has the following effect on the source of ignition:

  1. Under the influence of heat from open flame the powder decomposes, accompanying the decomposition reaction with an endothermic effect. This significantly reduces the temperature in the room;
  2. When decomposed, metal salts emit non-combustible gases that displace oxygen;
  3. Gases, together with a mixture of active powder and solid decomposition products, form a finely dispersed suspension around the source of ignition, which prevents the supply of oxygen to the epicenter of combustion;
  4. The active chemicals that make up the powder serve as inhibitors, suppressing chemical reactions combustion process.


The powder fire extinguishing device is used to eliminate class A, B, C, D fires. In this case, three methods of spraying the fire extinguishing mixture in the room are used:


The powder mixture fills the entire internal volume of the room.


The extinguishing agent is distributed over the surface of the burning material in an even layer.

Local (superficial volumetric).

The outlet of the powder fire extinguishing module (or the fitting of the pipeline through which the powder is supplied) is directed towards the potential ignition source, for example, any equipment or storage areas for flammable substances.

After activation, the powder is distributed over the surface of the controlled object and creates a cloud of highly concentrated gas-powder suspension in that part of the room.

The most effective powder systems for extinguishing:

  • gas - both indoors and outdoors;
  • organometallic compounds;
  • combustible liquids - as a rule, these are fuels and lubricants and crude oil, since flammable chemicals require an individual selection of a fire extinguishing mixture;
  • electrical equipment high voltage;
  • alkali metal salts - some types of agents were specially developed to extinguish this category of combustible substances.

In fact, these systems are the only effective way elimination of ignition of alkali metals.

Powder fire extinguishing cannot be used to extinguish the following types of fire:

  • bulk materials subject to the effect of internal smoldering;
  • substances prone to spontaneous combustion;
  • hydrogen;
  • materials and substances that do not need access to oxygen to support the combustion process.


When calculating automatic system powder fire extinguishing, first of all, the volume of fire extinguishing powder and its composition is determined. The basis for such calculations is the fire hazard class of the building (materials of load-bearing building structures and decorative finishes), as well as the type of substances used or stored in the premises.

In practice, three types of powder plants are successfully used:


They are part of the general fire extinguishing equipment and are connected to the fire alarm network. They can be made both as separate modules for monitoring especially valuable equipment, and as a system for centralized supply of powder through pipelines.

Manual activation settings.

Local systems are used at enterprises for various purposes to eliminate fire in individual premises. Manual activation required to allow personnel to leave the premises/

standalone modules.

The scope is the same as that of the previous type. However, these devices are equipped with their own sensors that detect the presence of fire in the room, compare the current indicators with threshold values ​​by a microprocessor and send a signal to open the valves.

According to the regulations, powder fire extinguishing installations can be used to protect premises where permanent residence of personnel is not provided, the combustible load does not exceed 50 kg / m 2, and the volume is not more than 100 m 3. At the same time, the ventilation system in the room should not create air flows with an air velocity of more than 1.5 m/s.

If a smoke exhaust system is installed in the room, then the use of powder fire extinguishing will be ineffective.



Affordable cost. AUPP mobile and modular type are the cheapest among devices of their class.

Simple construction. This not only simplifies installation work, but also increases the reliability of the equipment.

Storage duration. The powder mixture retains its functionality for a long time. At the same time, temperature drops from -50 ° C to +50 ° C do not affect it.

Application specifics. Fire extinguishing powder is universal effective tool fire fighting, and can also be used for specific fires - alkali metals, gasoline, electrical installations with voltages up to 5000 Volts, etc. Room sealing is not required.


The powder has chemical activity, its residues after extinguishing the fire must be immediately removed from the metal structural elements.

Pumping powder through pipelines is quite difficult. Due to the friction of the solids in the pipeline, additional pressure is needed. This makes AUPP with a central supply of fire extinguishing agent (S) less preferable than gas and water ones.

The powder creates a fine suspension that is harmful to human health. It is impossible to stay indoors during the operation of the EMS (a limited period is allowed during the evacuation and only in personal protective equipment).


Powder extinguishing devices are classified according to the method of storage of propellant gas (inert gas or nitrogen):

Uploaded- located in the same container as the fire extinguishing powder. The RH supply fitting is located at the bottom of the device and, when activated, the powder is simply blown out of the container.

With separate container for propellant gas - a cylinder with liquefied or compressed gas high pressure gas is installed separately from the powder container and connected to mixing unit high pressure hose.

With gas generating module- located inside the container. When activated, usually through an electrical impulse, a reaction begins with an intense release of a large amount of gas. They have a high activation inertia.

According to the design features, two types of powder fire extinguishing equipment are distinguished:

  1. Centralized system with distribution pipeline;
  2. Powder fire extinguishing modules. They can be autonomous or connected to one common network, under the control of a fire alarm control panel.


LLC "Epotos 1".

It produces autonomous modules of the Buran series, among which the most popular are Buran 8V and Buran 8N high-rise and wall-mounted respectively.

All modules are made in both conventional and explosive versions. Refers to the equipment of the impulse type of action, in which the release of a fire extinguishing agent occurs in 1-2 seconds.

NTK "Flame".

Among the most popular modules of this manufacturer are:

  • MAUPT-100, "Lavina" (devices of increased volume capable of protecting an area up to 60 m 2);
  • MPP 5 / 12 "Smerch" - devices of medium and small capacity installed in the engine compartment of some large-sized Vehicle;
  • MPP 6.5 "Shkval" - a module with the ability to connect distributing lines with a total length of up to 3 m, which allows you to direct the fire extinguishing agent into hard-to-reach places: under beds, car bottoms, etc.

CJSC "Kalancha"

Medium Volume Powder Modules universal application"Bizon P-55" and "Phoenix ABC-70".

OOO "Intef"

Produces automatic modules "Typhoon-015" and "Typhoon-050" with a volume of 13 and 45 kg, respectively. hallmark is the presence of a pyrotechnic gas generator, which allows these devices to be operated at a constant negative temperature up to -40 ° C.


Without exception, all powders used in AUPP or autonomous modules are fine, light and have minimal caking or sintering properties.

Fire extinguishing powders are produced as general purpose, and specialized:


  • Pirant-A - ammonium phosphate salt;
  • PSB-3M - sodium bicarbonate;
  • P2-ASH and Vekson-AVS - ammophos and compounds based on it.

For extinguishing metals:

On the this moment most promising use powder modules. They are recommended for monitoring premises where liquid combustible substances are stored, in the engine compartments of powerful vehicles, in small data centers and server rooms.

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All materials presented on this site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidelines and normative documents.

Water fire extinguishing installations are considered the most affordable. This is actually true, because water is a cheap and readily available extinguishing agent. In addition, it effectively fights fire. But this one has drawbacks. For example, the complexity of installation, the use pumping units, large length of pipelines and so on. Therefore, scientists and engineers are trying to find other more economical options. One of these is powder fire extinguishing.

From the name itself, it becomes clear that powders are used as a fire extinguishing agent in these fire-fighting systems, to which special additives are added. Powders are divided into general purpose and special. They are made from different chemical compounds, more often from sodium bicarbonate and phosphorus-ammonium salts. Consumers prefer general purpose powders, because they can be used to extinguish almost everything.

In addition, powders, in addition to extinguishing the flame in their gas phase, cover burning and smoldering materials with a crust, preventing oxygen from penetrating into the combustion (smoldering) zone. To extinguish burning liquids, it is better to use powders based on sodium bicarbonate or potassium chloride.

What are the requirements for powder fire extinguishing agents:

  • high fire extinguishing ability;
  • maintain this figure, and performance, long time;
  • do not change the particle size distribution;
  • if necessary, be fluid;
  • easy to transport through pipelines using gases;
  • sprayed in the combustion zone in the form of a gaseous powder cloud;
  • easy to loosen after compaction of the mass.

It should be noted that the powder (automatic) fire extinguishing system, according to the principle of its operation, is no different from water, foam or gas. That is, this:

  • piping with special nozzles, through which the fire extinguishing agent is supplied to the combustion zone;
  • a tank where fire-fighting powder is stored;
  • gas cylinders to create pressure inside the piping (pumps are used in water and foam).

Of course, automation is needed, which controls the fire situation and transmits signals to the control panel. These are wired sensors.

Today, manufacturers offer modular products, which are containers of different volumes filled under pressure with powder and gas. They also have built-in thermal sensors. As soon as the latter react to an increase in temperature, the module fires, throwing all its content into the combustion zone.

Classification of powder fire extinguishing

First of all, the powder fire extinguishing system must be divided by type technical organization. There are three positions here:

  1. Autonomous fire fighting. These are modular tanks that are located at a certain distance from each other. By the way, one or several modules can be installed in the room, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the fire extinguishing device. As mentioned above, the modules are self-triggering devices.
  2. Local. This is a complex of modular piping with an automatic fire-fighting system, which can consist of tens or hundreds of modules.
  3. Centralized. This complex itself resembles a drencher or sprinkler model. That is, this is a reservoir where the powder is stored, gas cylinders are installed nearby. In the event of a fire, which is detected by thermal sensors, the gas is supplied to the reservoir, and from there the entire mixture moves through pipes to the sprinklers.

The second type of separation is according to the method. There are also three positions here:

  1. Volumetric quenching. This is when a cloud of powder, saturated with inert gases, fills the entire space of the room, limited by load-bearing partitions and fire protection elements. This does not take into account whether modular fire extinguishing was used or centralized through pipelines and sprayers.
  2. Superficial. This is when a mixture of gas and powder is sent to certain object located on horizontal plane. This option is usually used in warehouses where rack storage of material assets is used.
  3. Local. It uses a modular type of automatic powder fire extinguishing. But at the same time, each module or several devices protect a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Classification of modular systems

Let us denote that a modular powder fire extinguishing installation is not only more economical than a centralized one, but is also not inferior to it in terms of fire extinguishing efficiency. Therefore, modular devices are most often used at objects for various purposes. As for cheapness, this takes into account the fact that in such systems there is no piping, no large tanks and additional gas cylinders. Modules are compact devices. They are simply installed according to the requirements (wall, ceiling, beams, columns, etc.) and connected to a low-voltage network.

Today, manufacturers offer two types of modules:

  • pumping, when the fire extinguishing powder is located in the same container with compressed air or gas;
  • with a gas generating cylinder, which is located inside the powder container, as separate element design, that is, after the sensor reacts to temperature or smoke, a gas cylinder is triggered, it simply opens, mixing the gas with the powder, and then throws the mixture out.

Note that the characteristics of the proposed modular models are almost the same. Their power can be different, which depends on the volume of the cylinder, and therefore on the amount of powder. But in all other respects they are the same units. Here are their performance characteristics:

  1. Operating temperature from -50C to +50C.
  2. Temperature resistance from -60C to +125C.
  3. These are explosion-proof devices, corresponding to mine units used in mines and mines.
  4. Manufacturers today offer portable, castable and self-triggering devices.
  5. You can change the angle of throwing the powder mixture.
  6. Comes with one or two sensors.

It is these characteristics that have made powder fire extinguishing so popular.

Requirements for powder fire extinguishing

The acts by which powder fire extinguishing is controlled are represented by a wide list. They have all the requirements. But it must be added that SNiPs, which would regulate the rules and regulations of systems automatic fire extinguishing powder type, not found in nature.

It should be noted that according to fire safety standards modular systems are intended for extinguishing class fires: A, B, C and E. But it is prohibited to use automatic installations powder fire extinguishing, if:

  • there are more than 50 people at the protected facility (employees, employees, customers, vacationers and other groups of people);
  • in buildings in which it is impossible to leave the premises before the fire is extinguished;
  • combustible materials are stored in the premises that can ignite spontaneously or smolder without oxygen access: cotton warehouses, for wood, cardboard, grass flour;
  • if the protected object belongs to the category of residential and public buildings.

There are a number of requirements that apply to buildings or premises where it is planned to install modular powder fire extinguishing systems. Here are the requirements:

  • not big square;
  • completely closed communication channels for the entire thickness of the partitions;
  • entrance doors, as well as windows are equipped with closers;
  • ventilation is completed with fire dampers that block the air ducts before the fire is extinguished with powder.

And two additional requirements.

  1. Equipping the premises with luminous signs that signal that the premises must be urgently evacuated. The signaling devices are directly connected to the automation of the fire-fighting system.
  2. A 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent or separate modules is required at the facility.

The last requirement is regulated by the fact that after using the fire extinguishing agent, it is necessary to fill the installations with them at once, so that the fire system, even after the fire is extinguished, is in full combat readiness. Therefore, stock must be kept in the facility's warehouse without fail.

Maintenance of powder fire extinguishing

Like everything else, powder is equipped according to the rules and fire safety requirements. Its installation and maintenance are carried out by companies that have received permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out of this type works.

But at the same time for the fire situation at the facility, as well as for technical condition and organization correct operation of the system, the head and the responsible person appointed by his order from among the employees of the company are responsible. The order appoints duty officers, as well as those responsible for sections and systems, for example, responsible for fire alarm for fire extinguishers, etc.

Instructions for use are developed for the powder system, which takes into account the specifics of the enterprise. The document is approved by the manager, but coordination is carried out with the company that is engaged in installation and maintenance. Incidentally, after installation work draws up an act of initial inspection and transfer of the system into operation. This document is kept by the employee responsible for the fire situation. It also stores the acts of tests, checks and false positives.


So, an automatic powder fire extinguishing installation is a universal system. More often it is installed in warehouses, production shops. More specifically:

  • in archives and libraries;
  • in the storerooms of museums;
  • in warehouses where raw materials are stored and finished products, which is effectively extinguished with powder, this also includes commercial warehouses;
  • in buildings and premises where a large number of electronic or electrical equipment
  • at industrial facilities;
  • in warehouses with fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants);
  • in garages and workshops.

It should be noted that today modular installations are also used in small production facilities with a minimum of working personnel who are trained in the safety rules. The basic knowledge that is required for workers and employees is to leave the place of ignition within 30 seconds. And this is possible if the evacuation routes are not cluttered.

Pros and cons

The high efficiency of extinguishing a fire with powders, as it turned out, is not main criterion choice. Many consumers refuse this system. It's a fire extinguishing agent that leads to poisoning of people. That's why there strict restrictions by the number of people at the facility (no more than 50 people).

The second is 100% stock. Modules cost a lot of money, and not everyone can afford to buy the same amount as installed. And although few people fulfill this condition, when checked by law, this is considered a serious violation.

Conclusion on the topic

Having considered powder fire extinguishing systems in the article, we conclude that this fire extinguishing option is one of the cheapest, most convenient and effective. Therefore, it is proposed to use it on objects different purpose. The main thing is to correctly design, install and maintain.

For indoor safety, various systems. Powder fire extinguishing allows you to quickly and efficiently eliminate the fire. At the same time, the system has its own characteristics of work, pluses and minuses.

How fire is extinguished

Now many options are used to extinguish a fire when water is powerless. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Many flammable liquids are less dense than water. They wrap the surface of the water with a film, so the scale of the fire becomes larger.
  2. Pouring water on chemical components, electrical equipment is dangerous. Fighting the fire will be difficult.
  3. Extinguishing with water is not effective in every room, for example, in a room with equipment, books, paintings. because of water element what the fire could not cope with will be eliminated.

Anhydrous options

Anhydrous methods allow to reduce losses and improve the efficiency of fire extinguishing. These include:

  1. foam systems.
  2. Gas installations.
  3. aerosol methods.
  4. Powder fire extinguishing.

This diversity allows you to choose the most suitable option for each room.

Powder Method

To eliminate the fire, it is necessary to close the supply of oxygen to the hearth. Powder fire extinguishing perfectly fulfills this task, since the mixture has the properties of metal salts.

The extinguishing procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Upon contact with burning surfaces, the powder is heated, due to which the combustion temperature decreases, since a lot of heat is spent on heating the powder.
  2. The mixture starts to work. With the decomposition of metal salts, gases are formed that do not support fire. An air-powder suspension appears near the place of combustion. Because of it, the supply of oxygen stops, which reduces the intensity of the fire.
  3. Powders contain flame retardants.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing can be used to eliminate fires of different classes, no matter what the characteristics of hot substances and objects may be.


Powder fire extinguishing has the following advantages:

  1. Cheap option.
  2. Easy system installation.
  3. Durability.
  4. Suitable for different materials and items.
  5. Versatility.
  6. Large range of use.
  7. Safety.


Automatic powder system fire extinguishing is usually used in non-residential premises where it is undesirable to use water. Such objects include archives, libraries, paper warehouses, museums, chemical enterprises, automatic telephone exchanges, equipment rooms.

Powder systems are divided into:

  1. Centralized. The extinguishing agent is supplied from one tank.
  2. Modular. It is submitted in modules in the territories of use. The powder fire extinguishing module consists of everything you need to spray a fire extinguishing component using a remote control.

The powder is ejected by high pressure gas. Systems are classified according to several criteria.

By module design:

  • Gas generation is carried out when triggered due to the gas generating substance.
  • The gas is preloaded.

By quenching method:

  • Volumetric - enough for the whole room.
  • Surface - the mixture is distributed over surfaces.
  • Local - the powder is applied to some parts.

Hazardous substances are used to produce fire extinguishing powders, so the premises where these systems are equipped must include means of audible danger notification. There may also be light displays “POWDER! DO NOT ENTER!"

When the powder is not applied

Powder extinguishing systems are effective, but not ideal. They cannot be used in some cases:

  1. Extinguishing components that can burn in an oxygen-free environment, smoldering materials.
  2. From the metal, the powder must be removed immediately, since metal salts act quickly, which can lead to the destruction of products.
  3. The powder is difficult to convey through pipelines. Because of this, it is not easy to use in systems with a centralized supply of material for extinguishing fires.
  4. Powders have a negative effect on humans, so they can be used in areas where there are no people.
  5. It can not be installed in objects with a huge crowd of people. Turning on the systems can be life threatening.


Extinguish immediately after fire. Then the fire is quickly localized, and losses are minimized. Automatic settings reduce the time from ignition to mixing. AT industrial premises and in warehouses where combustible, explosive, chemical components are present, automation is necessary.

Automatic systems perform many functions:

  • Notifying people of a fire.
  • Fire localization.
  • Preservation of the strength of the building, equipment.

The command to extinguish the fire is given automatically or manually from the place of management. because of physical properties powder it is difficult to use in centralized systems. Many operating systems are modular in design.

Mounting Features

System installation is carried out in the following steps:

  1. System design after inspection of the premises. The project should be created in such a way that it fits the standards of GOST, SNiP. It will also be coordinated with the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  2. Formulation of the budget. The price of installation is determined by the architectural and planning features of the premises.
  3. Installation.
  4. Start-up and adjustment activities.

The number of modules is set on the basis of SP 5.13130.2009. The calculation is performed by 4 methods:

  1. Area based.
  2. Locally.
  3. By volume.
  4. By cubature.

A suitable option is established on the basis of the characteristics of the room and the place of ignition. For example, in objects without shaded areas with a ceiling height equal to the powder spray height of the module, a simple calculation is performed. The area of ​​the room must be divided by the area protected by 1 unit. The indicator is recorded in the data sheet of the module. Local protection is necessary in those facilities where there is a large area, and there are few fire hazardous areas.

During the design, take into account the height of the ceilings and the load on structural details to which the system will be installed. During the operation of the module, the load on the ceiling product increases by 5 times. The load is maintained for 0.2 s. Resistance to an actively increased load is taken into account during the calculation of the fire extinguishing system in those facilities where dropped ceilings. Their height must be optimal indicator spraying, indicated in the passport.

False positives

Spraying of the substance occurs after the sensors are triggered or on the basis of a signal provided from the central console. Own sensors increase efficiency, but may function falsely. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Work failures.
  2. Human factor.
  3. Electromagnetic pickups.
  4. Startup correct.
  5. Battery discharge.

Best Modules

Security is provided by many systems. But the most popular include the following:

  • Powder fire extinguishing module "Buran - 1.5 - 2 s.". It has a double actuation function - from external signal and their sensors. used as independent remedy or part of a system. The body is presented in the form of an oblate shape, which is suitable for administrative premises, entertainment facilities, shops. The module allows you to eliminate any fire. Continuously running 0.5s. The cost of equipment is about 1300 rubles.
  • "Buran-8vzr" is explosion-proof. Used in buildings where high class explosiveness. Allows you to protect a large area. It is created in the form of a universal system and wall. The price is about 4800 rubles.
  • Powder fire extinguishing module (MPP "Tungus"). Created in several forms. Works at temperatures from -50 to +50 degrees. Special systems operate in the range of 60-90 degrees. Can be used to extinguish any fire. Price - 7400 rubles.
  • "Tunguska". It is used to quickly extinguish a fire. It can be used in hard-to-reach areas that are difficult for cars to access. It is applied on fire hazardous objects. There are 9/18 modules in the installation.
  • "Impulse-6", "Impulse-6-1". Suitable for extinguishing any fire at temperatures from -50 to +50. It is used in production, household premises, warehouses. The mixture is supplied by a gas generator. Operation occurs from an electrical impulse. Gas removal occurs after operation inside the housing. The mixture is produced under pressure.

Spray Elimination

The powder is simply removed by dry cleaning. Residues can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. A water filter or respirator is also needed. Cleaning of the Buran system is carried out by washing and wiping, if the mixture is on varnished surfaces.

If the powder has expired, it must be disposed of in a sealed bag. It can be thrown away or used as fertilizer for crops. In this situation, yields are increased and the risk of plant damage by pests is reduced.

Powder replacement is carried out in specialized companies that have received a license for their work. But it is advisable to purchase new models, since it will be more efficient and safer.

Modular type automatic powder plants are slower to respond than carbon dioxide, pollute and damage surfaces, and do not fill space as efficiently as gas, but are cheaper, safer, more versatile, with less need for room sealing.

For powder extinguishing composition (OP), the form of a fire extinguisher in the form of a module is best option, since the mixture is difficult to move through pipes as in centralized fire extinguishing systems (gas, water, air-foam). But this does not exclude the use of MPP with a small wiring with inlet pipes and sprayers.

The device and principle of operation of the powder module

MPP is an independent element of automatic fire extinguishing installations (AUP or AUPP). The module is triggered and releases fire extinguishers at the fire site after receiving an actuating impulse.

The difference between the options for the execution of AFS and the supply of extinguishing agent:

The composition of the fire extinguishing powder (GOST R 53280.4, NPB 170-98):

  1. phosphorus-ammonium and other mineral salts;
  2. displacing gas: compressed air, nitrogen, helium, argon;
  3. against clumping: white soot, graphite.
MPP has a double effect: it extinguishes with powder and gas. Action OTV:
  1. cold mixture removes (inhibits) excess heat from the hearth;
  2. the burning surface is adsorbed, becomes non-combustible;
  3. the powder creates a coating that prevents combustion;
  4. oxygen is displaced from the fire;
  5. the suspended cloud acts as a fire barrier;
  6. the powder decomposes, substances are released for self-extinguishing;
  7. pressure knocks out the flame.
Powder fire extinguishing modules by type of operation:
  • autonomous - the whole system: sensors, alarms, stimulator - on the cylinder. MPP is a self-sufficient device;
  • automatic with central activation- sensors send data to a single console (control unit), from where the impulse comes to the ZPU;
  • manual (remote or local) start- are activated manually by the operator from a remote location by means of a duplicated start.
Ways to eliminate the fire:
  1. surface quenching- spreading of OP to the surface to cover the flame;
  2. volumetric - the entire space of the object is filled with a mixture;
  3. local - spraying to a certain point, area (on an electrical panel, motor).

MPP design

An automatic powder fire extinguisher is located at the epicenter or in close proximity to a possible source of fire.

The purpose of the WFP is to eliminate the fire without human intervention. Products for hazardous areas equipped with a protected housing. A modular powder fire extinguishing system can include several containers.

MPP options:

  1. by security:
    • general (from -50 to + 50°C);
    • heat resistant (-60 to +125°C) plus vibration resistant;
    • explosion-proof;
  2. on placement: floor, ceiling, wall execution.

General performance

Elements of the MPP:
  1. capacity: cylinder (Buran-2.0), sphere, oval, ceiling (Buran-2.5). Options:
    • inside: OP, initiating node with fuse and explosive charge connected to sensors;
    • cylinder with a stimulator of 2 segments (chambers, containers). In one - an extinguishing composition, in the other (from below) - a gas-generating substance;
  2. inside a siphon tube with holes for loosening the OP;
  3. locking and starting device with a self-launching unit (incentive part) with a nipple, membrane, seal;
  4. safety valve;
  5. sensors, temperature sensitive element;
  6. detectors, annunciators;
  7. small wiring with supply sleeves (less often);
  8. sprayers;
  9. thermal heating element, pyrocharge;
  10. electrocontact group;
  11. thermal jacket.

Explosion-proof version

Explosion-proof powder modules are used to extinguish fires in rooms with explosion hazard class A and B, mines, mines (and zones).

The body of the MPP (Buran-8vzr) is thicker, with protective covers, heat-resistant elements.

Time (duration) of the module

MPP according to the duration of the jet release, actions:
  1. fast (impulse action) - up to 1 sec. (AND);
  2. short-term 1 - 15 and more than 15 sec. (KD-1 and 2).
Response time (inertia) – from 1 to 30 sec. (B1 - B4).

MPP service life

According to the standards (GOST 53286-2009) service life:
  1. rechargeable - from 10 years. In practice, in standby standby mode, subject to regular maintenance, the module lasts 15 years or more;
  2. non-rechargeable- period in TD.
The established indicator of the probability of functioning without failures is from 0.95.

Types of MPP powder modules

Varieties in design and operation:
  1. OTV release and extinguishing method:
    • pumping (Z);
    • with a pyrocharge and a gas generating part in a separate chamber (GE, PE) or in a cylinder outside (MPP-100-07);
    • with a separate pressure source capsule (PSG);
  2. frame:
    • self-destructive;
    • indestructible;
  3. by way of placement:
    • ceiling, wall (high-rise, medium-rise);
    • floor.

Fire extinguishing modules with powdered extinguishing agent are triggered by temperature or pressure changes in the room. The impulse comes from the control unit or from the alarm.


Electric start with a self-destructive case:
  1. The pulse of the sensor or alarm goes to the stimulator (electric activator).
  2. The gas generating charge is started.
  3. The pressure in the chamber increases.
  4. The membrane is destroyed, gases fill the segment with OP through the perforation.
  5. The extinguishing agent is loosened, saturated with gases, and brought into a fluidized state.
  6. The pressure inside the case is rising.
  7. The balloon opens along the notches.
  8. The powder is ejected at high speed onto the hearth with a hemispherical torch. Escaping jets empty the container at different positions.
  9. After the mixture is ejected by 95 - 97%, an inert gas escapes behind it, improving extinguishing.


MPP, activated independently (Buran-2.5), with thermochemical start:
  1. When a fire occurs, the temperature rises.
  2. The case gets hot.
  3. The temperature is transferred inside the powders: extinguishing and initiating (at the bottom of the module).
  4. Upon reaching a critical level (+85°C - +90°C), the initiating composition starts a chemical reaction.
  5. The temperature inside the cylinder rises to +300, +400°C.
  6. Fire cord ignites.
  7. The thermal impulse for starting is supplied to the gas generating charge. Further stages are similar to electric start.

In self-triggering MPPs, everything is tied to natural processes chemical substances and pressure. If the body is one-piece, then the extinguishing agent is ejected, passing through the siphon tube to the sprayer.

Another option is cable. Principle of operation:

  1. The temperature reaches the set level.
  2. The flask is destroyed.
  3. The castle is divided into two parts.
  4. The cargo is released.
  5. Ballast on steel cable moves, the installation starts.


Powder modules with mechanical (forced) activation are used where it is inappropriate to use electrical system. Examples:
  1. drying and dyeing chambers;
  2. objects with high dust content.
Mechanical start: the operator actuates the chain of levers or turns the clamp (faucet). The ZPU rod pierces the membrane or activates the gas generator, releasing the OP onto the fire (MPP-100-07).


An example of a combined launcher: MPP BURAN-2.5-2S with a thermal self-starter and electrical circuit. It is activated both by an alarm pulse and by temperature, which allows the module to be used both as a stand-alone module and in a centralized fire extinguishing system.

Most automatic powder fire extinguishers of modular type are equipped with an additional manual start, actuated by a squib or combined starter.

Rules for placement of MPP modules

To obtain a fire safety certificate for the premises, installation is carried out by masters of specialized licensed enterprises. Specialists create technical plan, justification, installation project, conditional graphic designation scheme.

Calculation of the number of modules

The calculation should proceed from the need for uniform processing of the protected area. The calculation depends on the number of OP. The tables are listed in GOST R 53286-2009 (clause 5.14). Examples:

MPP manufacturer in technical documentation may indicate the fire-extinguishing capacity of the product (sq. m / fire class), but for accurate calculation there is a technique that takes into account specific values, installation standards:

  1. type of object by danger;
  2. humidity;
  3. diagrams, spray uniformity.
Rules for determining the number of MPP contains App. one " General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations”, Section 9 of SP 5.13130.2009.

Where should be placed

MPP (AUPP) are intended for places where:
  1. it is impossible to detect and extinguish a fire by conventional means;
  2. fires A - D, electrical installations up to 5000 V;
  3. there are no alternatives to fire extinguishing powder for alkali metals and chemical warehouses.

Pollution of the MPP of the object is conditional - the OP is removed with a brush, vacuum cleaner, but the OP particles can be fused with the braid, metals. If the substance is not removed quickly, corrosion will occur on the materials, therefore, MPP is recommended by the NPB if there are no more gentle alternatives. Often there are none, since powder formulations are the most versatile and cheapest.

Conditions for object and installation:

  1. cases, nozzles are fixed in protected areas according to TD;
  2. take into account temperature regime area;
  3. containers with a pipeline are placed in a special enclosure, box;
  4. brackets must support a load 5 times greater than the weight of the module;
  5. it is allowed to install nozzles and sprayers in a cascade;
  6. leaks of 1.5% are allowed if volumetric quenching occurs;
  7. the room must be airtight according to the TD, without voids and cracks, without unreasonable openings, self-opening doors. With a hole area of ​​15% or more, only surface or local quenching is used;
  8. before fixing, the MPP is sharply turned to the sides to evenly distribute the OP inside;
  9. enterprises are equipped with a sign “EXIT”, “POWDER! LEAVE";
  10. installation in large spaces do with zoning;
  11. staff are instructed. An evacuation plan is being developed: people must leave the building before the AUPT is triggered.
Do not extinguish MPP:
  1. materials;
    • pyrophoric;
    • smoldering and burning without air;
    • self-igniting and smoldering inside (sawdust, cotton);
  2. objects, areas:
    • with the impossibility of evacuation before the start of extinguishing, with a staff of more than 50 people, except for specially designed fire extinguishing schemes ();
    • outdoors, in open areas;
    • in warehouses of products in aerosol packages, inside mobile racks.
Examples of facilities for accommodating WFP:
  1. warehouses, sheds, closets (fuel and lubricants, fuel);
  2. industrial zones;
  3. fuel, mining, paint and varnish enterprises;
  4. garages;
  5. with electrical equipment (up to 5000 V), wiring (automatic telephone exchange), but taking into account the possibility of corrosion and powder fusing into metals, plastics;
  6. they are less commonly used in libraries, archives, for warehouses of medicines, food, as they contaminate materials.

Powder Module Maintenance

Maintenance consists of checks, surveys, inspections, cleaning, replacement of unusable parts (, "On the fire regime").


  1. monthly:
    • inspection;
    • cleaning;
    • checking electrical parts, grounding;
    • power control;
    • health check;
  2. grounding resistance is checked annually;
  3. once every 5 years, a complete examination and recharge.

How to test a module

Fire extinguishing modules with a powder composition must serve filling stations and specialized licensed organizations. If the MPP is activated during the maintenance process, then replacement, refueling will be required, so only specialists check the performance.

Reloading modules

Refueling is done:
  1. after each actuation;
  2. refueling - if it is provided by the TD;
  3. the mandatory recharge period is once every 5 years.

Standards for storage and disposal of MPP

MPP is stored in conditions that protect the device from mechanical influences, heating, the influence of climate and aggressive environments (). Utilization of modules is carried out by service specialized organizations for fire safety.