Powder fire extinguishing - how the fire extinguishing module works. Automatic powder fire extinguishing system Powder extinguishing system

Water fire extinguishing installations are considered the most affordable. This is actually true, because water is a cheap and readily available extinguishing agent. In addition, it effectively fights fire. But this one has drawbacks. For example, the complexity of installation, the use pumping units, large length of pipelines and so on. Therefore, scientists and engineers are trying to find other more economical options. One of these is powder fire extinguishing.

From the name itself, it becomes clear that powders are used as a fire extinguishing agent in these fire-fighting systems, to which special additives are added. The powders are divided into general purpose and special. They are made from different chemical compounds, more often from sodium bicarbonate and phosphorus-ammonium salts. Consumers prefer general purpose powders, because they can be used to extinguish almost everything.

In addition, powders, in addition to extinguishing the flame in their gas phase, cover burning and smoldering materials with a crust, preventing oxygen from penetrating into the combustion (smoldering) zone. To extinguish burning liquids, it is better to use powders based on sodium bicarbonate or potassium chloride.

What are the requirements for powder fire extinguishing agents:

  • high fire extinguishing ability;
  • maintain this figure, and performance, long time;
  • do not change the particle size distribution;
  • if necessary, be fluid;
  • easy to transport through pipelines using gases;
  • sprayed in the combustion zone in the form of a gaseous powder cloud;
  • easy to loosen after compaction of the mass.

It should be noted that the powder (automatic) fire extinguishing system, according to the principle of its operation, is no different from water, foam or gas. That is, this:

  • piping with special nozzles, through which the fire extinguishing agent is supplied to the combustion zone;
  • a tank where fire-fighting powder is stored;
  • gas cylinders to create pressure inside the piping (pumps are used in water and foam).

Of course, automation is needed, which controls the fire situation and transmits signals to the control panel. These are wired sensors.

Today, manufacturers offer modular products, which are containers of different volumes filled under pressure with powder and gas. They also have built-in thermal sensors. As soon as the latter react to an increase in temperature, the module fires, throwing all its content into the combustion zone.

Classification of powder fire extinguishing

First of all, the powder fire extinguishing system must be divided by type technical organization. There are three positions here:

  1. Autonomous fire fighting. These are modular tanks that are located at a certain distance from each other. By the way, one or several modules can be installed in the room, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the power of the fire extinguishing device. As mentioned above, the modules are self-triggering devices.
  2. Local. This is a complex of modular piping with an automatic fire-fighting system, which can consist of tens or hundreds of modules.
  3. Centralized. This complex itself resembles a drencher or sprinkler model. That is, this is a reservoir where the powder is stored, gas cylinders are installed nearby. In the event of a fire, which is detected by thermal sensors, the gas is supplied to the reservoir, and from there the entire mixture moves through pipes to the sprinklers.

The second type of separation is according to the method. There are also three positions here:

  1. Volumetric quenching. This is when a cloud of powder, saturated with inert gases, fills the entire space of the room, limited by load-bearing partitions and fire protection elements. It does not take into account whether it was used modular fire extinguishing or centralized through pipelines and sprayers.
  2. Superficial. This is when a mixture of gas and powder is sent to certain object located on horizontal plane. This option is usually used in warehouses where rack storage of material assets is used.
  3. Local. It uses a modular type of automatic powder fire extinguishing. But at the same time, each module or several devices protect a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Classification of modular systems

Let us denote that a modular powder fire extinguishing installation is not only more economical than a centralized one, but is also not inferior to it in terms of fire extinguishing efficiency. Therefore, modular devices are most often used at objects for various purposes. As for cheapness, this takes into account the fact that in such systems there is no piping, no large tanks and additional gas cylinders. Modules are compact devices. They are simply installed according to the requirements (wall, ceiling, beams, columns, etc.) and connected to a low-voltage network.

Today, manufacturers offer two types of modules:

  • pumping, when the fire extinguishing powder is located in the same container with compressed air or gas;
  • with a gas generating cylinder, which is located inside the powder container, as separate element design, that is, after the sensor reacts to temperature or smoke, a gas cylinder is triggered, it simply opens, mixing the gas with the powder, and then throws the mixture out.

Note that the characteristics of the proposed modular models are almost the same. Their power can be different, which depends on the volume of the cylinder, and therefore on the amount of powder. But in all other respects they are the same units. Here are their performance characteristics:

  1. Operating temperature from -50C to +50C.
  2. Temperature resistance from -60C to +125C.
  3. These are explosion-proof devices, corresponding to mine units used in mines and mines.
  4. Manufacturers today offer portable, castable and self-triggering devices.
  5. You can change the angle of throwing the powder mixture.
  6. Comes with one or two sensors.

It is these characteristics that have made powder fire extinguishing so popular.

Requirements for powder fire extinguishing

The acts by which powder fire extinguishing is controlled are represented by a wide list. They have all the requirements. But it must be added that there are no SNiPs that would regulate the rules and regulations of automatic powder-type fire extinguishing systems in nature.

It should be noted that according to the anti- fire safety modular systems are intended for extinguishing class fires: A, B, C and E. But it is prohibited to use automatic powder fire extinguishing installations if:

  • there are more than 50 people at the protected facility (employees, employees, customers, vacationers and other groups of people);
  • in buildings in which it is impossible to leave the premises before the fire is extinguished;
  • combustible materials are stored in the premises that can ignite spontaneously or smolder without oxygen access: cotton warehouses, for wood, cardboard, grass flour;
  • if the protected object belongs to the category of residential and public buildings.

There are a number of requirements that apply to buildings or premises where it is planned to install modular powder fire extinguishing systems. Here are the requirements:

  • small area;
  • completely closed communication channels for the entire thickness of the partitions;
  • entrance doors, as well as windows are equipped with closers;
  • ventilation is completed with fire dampers that block the air ducts before the fire is extinguished with powder.

And two additional requirements.

  1. Equipping the premises with luminous signs that signal that the premises must be urgently evacuated. The signaling devices are directly connected to the automation of the fire-fighting system.
  2. A 100% supply of fire extinguishing agent or separate modules is required at the facility.

The last requirement is regulated by the fact that after using the fire extinguishing agent, it is necessary to fill the installations with them at once, so that the fire system, even after the fire is extinguished, is in full combat readiness. Therefore, stock must be kept in the facility's warehouse without fail.

Maintenance of powder fire extinguishing

Like everything else, powder is equipped according to the rules and fire safety requirements. Its installation and maintenance are carried out by companies that have received permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out of this type works.

But at the same time for the fire situation at the facility, as well as for technical condition and organization correct operation of the system, the head and the responsible person appointed by his order from among the employees of the company are responsible. The order appoints duty officers, as well as those responsible for sections and systems, for example, those responsible for fire alarms, fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

Instructions for use are developed for the powder system, which takes into account the specifics of the enterprise. The document is approved by the manager, but coordination is carried out with the company that is engaged in installation and maintenance. Incidentally, after installation work draws up an act of initial inspection and transfer of the system into operation. This document is kept by the employee responsible for the fire situation. It also stores the acts of tests, checks and false positives.


So, an automatic powder fire extinguishing installation is a universal system. More often it is installed in warehouses, production shops. More specifically:

  • in archives and libraries;
  • in the storerooms of museums;
  • in warehouses where raw materials are stored and finished products, which is effectively extinguished with powder, this also includes commercial warehouses;
  • in buildings and premises where a large number of electronic or electrical equipment
  • at industrial facilities;
  • in warehouses with fuels and lubricants (fuel and lubricants);
  • in garages and workshops.

It should be noted that today modular installations are also used in small production facilities with a minimum of working personnel who are trained in the safety rules. The basic knowledge that is required for workers and employees is to leave the place of ignition within 30 seconds. And this is possible if the evacuation routes are not cluttered.

Pros and cons

The high efficiency of extinguishing a fire with powders, as it turned out, is not main criterion choice. Many consumers refuse this system. It's a fire extinguishing agent that leads to poisoning of people. That is why there are strict restrictions on the number of people at the facility (no more than 50 people).

The second is 100% stock. Modules cost a lot of money, and not everyone can afford to buy the same amount as installed. And although few people fulfill this condition, when checked by law, this is considered a serious violation.

Conclusion on the topic

Having considered powder fire extinguishing systems in the article, we conclude that this fire extinguishing option is one of the cheapest, most convenient and effective. Therefore, it is proposed to use it on objects different purpose. The main thing is to correctly design, install and maintain.


The problem of protecting property from the destructive power of uncontrolled fire has existed since ancient times. And for a very long time one of available ways elimination of fires was ordinary water.

Despite the fact that it is still used today and is one of the most affordable, it cannot be called effective.

After all, there are cases when extinguishing a fire with the use of water leads to even greater damage. Therefore, one has to use alternative methods. These include the powder fire extinguishing module, which is used in cases where:

  • The use of water does not give the desired effect;
  • Using it leads to an even greater spread of fire;
  • She does damage material values comparable to the fire itself.

What is such equipment

Automatic fire extinguishing systems make it possible to detect fires at the earliest stages of their occurrence and transmit a message to the desk on duty. In addition, the Buran powder fire extinguishing module is designed to fight fire, using special compound sprayed.

They are one of the inexpensive and easiest to operate, but the powder used in them can harm not only equipment and structural elements object, but also a person. When the composition hits skin or respiratory tract poisoning may occur.

Types of powder type plants

Buran brand modules are divided into the following categories:

  1. C automatically;
  2. manual;
  3. Autonomous control.

In the Tungus-6 fire extinguishing modules, the fire source is detected and the substance is supplied regardless of the type of control sources.

In addition, they are classified depending on the design features into:

  • Centralized;
  • Modular.

In the first, the fire extinguishing mixture comes from a common tank. The second - the composition is in the modules that are installed in each room. Such equipment includes devices used to spray the composition on a signal from the control panel.

Most of the manufactured systems, such as Garant 5 - it differs in design, which corresponds to the specifics of spraying under high pressure substances.

In addition, Buran models differ:

  1. Powder module device;
  2. Method of use (self-actuated powder fire extinguishing modules).

Depending on the design features gas is pumped into the device in advance or is produced inside at the time of operation.

Fire extinguishing with powder fire extinguishing systems can be carried out:

  1. locally;
  2. superficial;
  3. Volumetric.

In the first case, spraying is carried out on the surface where fire is most likely to appear. This equipment with surface quenching, the composition is distributed over all surfaces of the object. With the volumetric method, the entire room is filled with a suspension of powder.

Criteria for selecting powder type systems

Such installations are used to eliminate fires of various categories and are suitable even for extinguishing electrical equipment under voltage. But in order for the Bizon powder fire extinguishing module to work effectively, it is necessary to thoroughly approach the choice of equipment.

Since various powders are used to fight fire, the first thing to pay attention to is their type. Because their expiration date may vary. And although the price of such modules is low, they are not ideal, since the period of their operation is not long.

The choice of the Tungus module type can be conditionally divided into two parts. The first is the selection of specific equipment, and the second is checking its safety for people. The fire extinguishing agent used in the Bizon brand module must comply with the requirements of NPB 88-2001. Depending on its type, the type of installation is selected. In addition, it must be linked to the classification of fires, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 27331-87.

The module type is selected in accordance with the hazard indicators and the properties of the substances stored and used at the facility. The probable method of fire extinguishing is also important, as well as maximum time to bring the system into operation.

The second part, as noted above, should take into account the safety of the Buran model module for humans. You can find the answer to this question by using the recommendations of regulatory documents. In this case, it will be necessary to compare the time required for evacuation with that required for the supply of fire extinguishing agent. For example, if a fire must be sprayed within 30 seconds to extinguish a fire, and people cannot leave the object during this time, then such a fire extinguishing module is not suitable for it.

Watch a video about the Buran model:
With regard to the safety of powders, from an environmental point of view, they are compounds used as fertilizers. But at the moment of spraying the composition with the Tungus brand module, the suspension can enter the human body and lead to negative consequences.

We analyze popular models

Among all the fire extinguishing systems presented on the domestic market, modules from the Buran series are the most popular. They are represented by a wide range and it is impossible to consider everything in one article, so we will focus on the most popular models.

The Buran-2.5-2s powder fire extinguishing module is distinguished by a double operation, which can occur from a signal sent from the control panel or from its own sensors. Due to such a wide functionality, the Tungus brand module is used in various versions:

  • As a completely independent mini-system;
  • As a node of automatic equipment.

The response delay for the Buran model is no more than 20 seconds when exposed to a fire with an area of ​​​​up to 0.4 m². In addition, it has a streamlined shape, which allows it to be mounted in the interiors of any premises, whether shopping center or cinema.

No less popular is the Buran-8vzr powder fire extinguishing module. It belongs to explosion-proof equipment and can be installed in rooms where fuel and lubricant mixtures are stored, gas stations, oil depots. This module has a short response time and is able to protect large areas. It is equipped with an explosion-proof design.

In addition to automatic modules of the Buran-8 series, there are others that are also in demand among consumers. Among them it is worth noting the models:

  • Tungus;
  • Brand and many others.

Where is the installation of fire extinguishing system modules mandatory?

Installation of such equipment is usually carried out in residential buildings or at industrial enterprises. At the same time, the class and power of the Tungus-9 model depend on the specifics of the protected object. Although all automatic fire extinguishing systems must perform the following functions:

  1. Automatic notification to the control panel;
  2. Fire localization;
  3. Prevention of destruction of the structure of the object.

If you are interested in the list of premises where the Tungus powder fire extinguishing module must be required, then refer to regulatory documents, one of which is NPB 110-03. According to him, automatic powder fire extinguishing systems are mounted at facilities where it is impossible or difficult to identify and localize fires using primary means, such as fire extinguishers.

Extinguishing fires with such a system occurs by supplying a powder of a special composition and fraction. Distinctive feature powder composition from automatic water systems is that it practically does not cause damage to the equipment and premises in which it is located.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing is used to extinguish class A, B, C, D and E fires. This means that it can be used to fight the ignition of solid, liquid and gaseous substances, as well as the burning of electrical equipment and installations.

To date, there are three types of installations using powder formulations:

Manual start system that can be started using manual control or by switching on remotely. She works with fire alarm, therefore, during the installation of these two components, it is necessary to coordinate their work and consistency of action in case of fire. The principle of operation of such a structure is quite simple: in the event of a fire, an alarm is triggered, after which powder system fire extinguishing is started manually. Automatic system. This type of fire fighting also involves joint work with an alarm system. Its difference is that in the event of a fire, the alarm gives a signal, and the system turns on by itself, without human intervention. Automatic powder fire extinguishing has a big drawback. It consists in a false alarm, which entails spraying the powder unnecessarily. In addition, such systems are installed on permanent place, so their area of ​​coverage is strictly defined. Autonomous systems. Such modules do not require the presence of a person or the presence of an alarm. They are automatically triggered when a fire is detected. Although such systems are quite expensive, they fully justify capital investments, since they are the most developed technically and intellectually.

Powder fire extinguishing is a method of extinguishing a fire by supplying a fine-grained substance to the center of the fire. Fire extinguishing powders are mixtures of metal salts with chemical additives. Powder type fire extinguishing systems have advantages, disadvantages and features, which we will discuss below.

The principle of operation of powder fire extinguishing systems

In contact with a hot surface, the powder heats up intensively, absorbing part of the heat, which slows down the combustion process. Warm up to certain temperature launches in powder form chemical reactions, as a result of which metal salts decompose with the release of gases that prevent the combustion process.

Around the hearth open flame a suspension is formed from the powder and the released gas. It completely cuts off oxygen external environment from the place of combustion, which activates the process of attenuation. All powders contain flame retardants that inhibit the chemical reactions of combustion.

Powders are able to extinguish fires of almost any class (burning fuel, solids, gas compositions, electrical equipment under voltage, etc.). But the use of these systems is limited:

  • If there are (may be) more than 50 people in the room at the same time;
  • At objects that are physically impossible to leave during the time required for the operation of the AUPT powder modules;
  • If the object stores materials that are prone to spontaneous combustion, long-term internal smoldering, or are capable of burning without air access.

APCS design stages

The process includes the development of a complex of permanently located technical means, problem solving extinguishing a fire by supplying fire extinguishing agents. The main function that we are solving at this stage is the elimination of any fires.

We are ready to carry out a project of a fire extinguishing system that differs in:

  • By design (modular or modular);
  • By the level of their automation (manual, automated or automatic);
  • By type of fire extinguishing agents, including automatic fire extinguishing systems of powder type;
  • According to the way they extinguish fires: local (surface or volumetric), surface, volumetric.

The design of powder fire extinguishing systems is based on the following tasks:

Rapid detection and elimination of any fires, then how hazards the resulting fire, reach their critical values.

Elimination of fire before the object's structures reach the limits of fire resistance.

Extinguishing a fire with the minimum allowable damage to the structure and property located in it.

Prevention of the danger of possible destruction of existing technological installations.

Types of powder type fire extinguishing systems

Automatic fire extinguishing powder is realized on the basis of systems different types, differing in the scheme of construction, technical organization and elemental composition. There are three groups:

  • Powder autonomous fire extinguishing system, consisting of several modules with a fine-grained substance ("Buran", "Epotos" or analogues). Powder module for AUPP starts automatically when the case is heated at the time of fire. Forced start is possible. In this case, the command is formed from special sensors that respond to an increase in temperature, smoke or open fire. Upon receipt, an expelling charge or a gas generating element is triggered.

  • Local installation of powder fire extinguishing starter. May include several hundred modules. It works sectionally or in combination, according to the control impulse of automation (“Tungus” and analogues).

  • Automatic fire extinguishing is implemented on the basis of aggregate (centralized) systems. The composition of the equipment and the scheme is similar to deluge or sprinkler gas installations APT. It includes a single tank in which a powder-type fire extinguishing agent is stored and a network of distribution pipelines with sprayers. Through it, the powder is fed to the place of ignition. The control is carried out through the APS network that initiates the launch (fire smoke and heat detectors, automatic control of the fire extinguishing process).
When installing the unit, we take into account the type of room for which it is intended. Under it choose necessary way quenching. There are three of them:

Local fire extinguishing. Provides that one (or several) modules are installed to protect a certain area of ​​the premises (by volume or area). This decision is made in cases where calculations indicate a high probability of ignition in this place. Or when expensive equipment is located in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

Surface quenching. It is carried out in order to protect specific property (equipment) assembled on a horizontal surface of a fixed area (rack shelf, for example).

Volumetric fire extinguishing. Automatic extinguishing powder fire, in such a case, involves filling the entire volume of the room (enclosed compartment) with a dense cloud of gas and powder generated by the MPP or coming from the sprayers of a stationary system.

Requirements for the premises in which APCS are installed

The air ducts and ventilation ducts in them are equipped with special fire dampers that cut them off before the fire extinguishing system is turned on, even before the facility ventilation is turned off.

Doors and windows of the room are equipped with automatic closers.

There are requirements for maximum area available openings (engineering and technological), which remain open when the system is triggered to localize (eliminate) the source of ignition of the ASFTS or autonomous MPP.

All available at the points of passage engineering communications openings in enclosing structures (especially fire protection) are hermetically sealed to the full thickness with basalt fire retardant materials and finished with outside fire-retardant grades of plaster compositions.

We carry out the design, installation and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems for any purpose, including the installation of a powder fire extinguishing system (in Moscow and the region). Get advice or offer you can leave a request through the form feedback. We will call you!

Most effective way extinguishing a fire is blocking the supply of oxygen to the place of ignition.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing system performs the task due to chemical properties salts of various metals that are part of fire extinguishing mixtures.

The principle of operation of fire extinguishing powders is as follows:

  • As a result of contact of the powder with a burning hot surface, it heats up. Thus, the combustion temperature is significantly reduced, because the energy is spent on heating the powder;
  • Upon reaching the threshold temperature in the heated fire extinguishing agent, the decomposition reaction of metal salts begins, which is accompanied by the release of various gases that do not support the combustion reaction;
  • The gas-powder suspension formed as a result of the reaction displaces oxygen from the source of ignition, which significantly reduces the intensity of the fire.

Benefits, Scope and Exclusions

  • Local automated systems are among the cheapest, both in installation and maintenance;
  • Installation of systems is quick and simple, requiring no additional costs;
  • The period of storage and use significantly exceeds the service life of other systems (, gas);
  • There is no need to seal the room during the fire extinguishing process;
  • Application is possible at any ambient temperature.

Does not exist strict restrictions or recommendations where powder fire extinguishing can be used, it is suitable for eliminating fires of any class, including specific ones. Especially effective in cases where the use of water is or is not possible. The powder can be used to extinguish:

  • liquids;
  • combustible gases;
  • Solids, including alkali metals;
  • Indispensable when extinguishing connected electrical equipment.

The use of a powder fire extinguishing system has certain limitations:

  • It is ineffective when extinguishing materials capable of burning without access to oxygen or smoldering substances;
  • After the extinguishing process is completed, the powder must be immediately removed from the metal surfaces to avoid reaction with metal salts and the risk of chemical corrosion processes;
  • It is possible to use such a system only after, since the powder negatively affects a person. For the same reason, it is forbidden to install automation on powder fire extinguishing systems in buildings with large quantity of people;
  • It is quite difficult to carry out a centralized supply of powdered fire extinguishing agent through pipelines in systems with a centralized supply.

Varieties of powder fire extinguishing systems

Depending on the storage location of the powder, the installations are divided into:

  1. Centralized, when the substance is supplied to the place of ignition from the main tank through pipelines;
  2. Local modules are devices that store fire extinguishing agent and have a system for its supply in one monoblock. Such devices can be controlled centrally.

According to the activation method, the following settings are distinguished:

  • - the process of detecting the source of fire and the release of the fire extinguishing agent is carried out without external intervention or control. Typically, such devices do not depend on external power sources, which greatly increases their reliability and likelihood of operation.
  • Automatic - after detecting a source of fire, they send an alarm signal to the remote control. They work on an external command;
  • With manual start, remote or local. Usually not equipped with fire detectors, but have a duplicate activation system.

The device and design features of the modules

  1. Metal case;
  2. fire extinguishing powder;
  3. Gas-generating element or capsule with injected gas;
  4. launcher;
  5. Temperature sensitive detector.

The powder from the capsule is ejected under gas pressure. There are two types of devices: the first type has a capsule with injected gas, the second type has a built-in gas generating device (GU) that starts to produce gas only after activation. In this case, there is a slight delay before triggering, but the duration of the powder ejection increases significantly, which has a positive effect on the fire extinguishing efficiency.

Depending on the material from which the body of the device is made, there are explosion-proof and standard powder fire extinguishing modules. This must be taken into account when choosing a model for installation in fire or explosion hazardous facilities.

By type of installation, modules are:

  • Ceiling - the most effective positioning, since the device can cover the maximum volume of the room;
  • Wall-mounted - the same devices are only mounted on special brackets. They are used for targeted extinguishing of electrical installations and distribution cabinets, racks with combustible substances.
  • Floor - not a very common installation method. Not all models are suitable for this method, but only those designed for this purpose.

Installation diagram and symbols

Automatic powder fire extinguishing installation (AUPP) has significant advantages in installation and subsequent operation and does not require frequent and complex maintenance.

The use of remotely controlled modules makes AUPP very effective and provides not only timely, but also safe operation. No need for piping and extraction a separate room for mounting a central tank for storing fire extinguishing agent.

On the diagram symbol powder fire extinguishing module is displayed depending on its modification:

  • MPP - type powder fire extinguishing module;
  • H - (added in brackets immediately after the designation of the module type) - normal execution;
  • SV - medium-altitude, up to 3.5 m;
  • B - high-rise from 3.5 to 6 m;
  • H - (added at the end) wall-mounted;
  • C - (added at the end with a hyphen) - self-acting;
  • T - operating temperature range -60 - + 90 ° С, The numbers next to the designation mean displacement or expansion temperature range according to the table;
  • Vzr - explosion-proof housing.

Overview of the most popular models

Hurricane 5 powder fire extinguishing module, the model is made in an explosion-proof case. It is used to ensure fire safety in explosive rooms, warehouses for storing explosives, in mines and underground workings.

The product consists of a body filled with fire extinguishing powder, a source of cold gas, a bypass valve, a spray aerator, a fixture for fastening and an outlet for connecting communication networks.

Response time - 4-6 sec. The time during which the device will use up all the powder (up to 6 kg) is 2-3 seconds. In this case, the remainder of the substance in the body will be no more than 3% of the original volume.

Powder fire extinguishing module Buran 8 U. The device consists of a housing in which 7 kg of fire extinguishing powder are placed, the gas generating element is equipped with an electric activator. Rupture disc fixed on the top flange inside the body and outlet nozzle fixed on the bottom.

Response time 5 sec. Operation period 1 sec. The powder remaining in the housing must have no more than 10% of the original mass. The device is able to protect an area of ​​32m 2 and a volume of 60m 3 . The device can be used both independently and as part of an automated fire extinguishing system. Activation can be done by any controller capable of supplying 100mA of inrush current to the input.

Tungus 10 powder fire extinguishing module. A universal device that can be equipped with any type of activator. It can be installed both on the ceiling and on the floor, for which the mounting brackets on the case have a special shape.

Powder weight 9.5 kg, response speed 3-10 sec, operation time 1 sec. Protects an area of ​​36 m 2 and a volume of 2016 m 3 with a maximum ceiling height of up to 15 m.

Automated powder fire extinguishing modules have proven themselves as effective remedy fire fighting, which can be successfully used both at special facilities and in ordinary premises.