Hallways with chest of drawers in the corridor. The original chest of drawers and cabinet in the hallway. Compact chest of drawers for the hallway

The mood of the house is largely created by the interior surrounding the residents. Much depends not only on decor, design and other attributes, but also on furniture. Functionality, colors, genre, harmonious combination with the decoration of the apartment - these are the tasks assigned to interior items designed to create coziness and comfort in the house. It is important to correctly choose the right chest of drawers in the hallway, which will be in harmony with the design of the room and will become a useful fixture.

The furniture in the corridor distinguishes it from other rooms in that it is designed to make this place comfortable. Of great importance is the area of ​​​​the hallway. Significant in area, square entrance rooms allow you to place built-in wardrobes here, corner cupboard, furniture with a mirror on the entire wall. Elongated hallways can accommodate modular cabinet, including a dress department, a dresser with a mirror, a built-in shoe rack, and a compartment with hooks for outerwear.

It is not surprising that many people would like to have such a versatile wardrobe that can accommodate a large number of things and meets all the principles of functionality. But there are cases when this is impossible - for the reason that the hallways may not be large sizes, the entrance area almost immediately leads to a bathroom or kitchen. Such premises will be territorially inconvenient if forced with large furniture. For the purpose of arranging shoes, hats, bags, dressers for the hallway can serve, which do not take up much space, but meet the requirements of the storage system. Such a cabinet can be located either to the left or to the right of the entrance, depending on the plan of the apartment, or it can be located in a special area designated by the interior of the corridor.

Style and design

Before choosing the classics of the genre or high-tech style, you need to understand for what purposes this piece of furniture will be used. For example, it does not make sense to choose a large cabinet designed to store small items. It will be uncomfortable, functionally unfilled.

A small chest of drawers, chosen to save money and space, will not please the eye if its cabinets and doors are not closed due to things falling out that were not intended to be stored there. Therefore, it is worth deciding on which chest of drawers for the hallway to stop - a roomy one with drawers, a mirror, or a simple one that performs more of an aesthetic function, and also serves to put gloves, hats or put a bag.

Very convenient models of chests of drawers for the hallway, with folding drawers for storing shoes, an upper glove box, a small mirror. In such models, functionality, ergonomics, and aesthetics are perfectly combined. Furniture of this type, as a rule, costs a little more than ordinary cabinets with doors.

You should not choose a small cabinet that is attractive in price, appearance, size, but completely different from the style of the hallway. Go to wallpaper light color cabinets of dark, walnut and milky tones are perfect. Art Nouveau style requires appropriate furniture, and oriental motifs in the decoration and accessories of low, laconic chests of drawers in the hallway, which would harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the apartment.

You need to be very careful with the color scheme of this type of furniture. It is quite rare to find furniture in classic colors - dark, light, tone natural wood or metallic shades. Experimenting with a chest of drawers in the hallway of aggressive tones - red, orange, blue, rich green - is quite risky, since such furniture can ruin the look of the room and get bored pretty quickly.

And such an interior detail as a chest of drawers for the hallway has its own characteristics that should be remembered.

Size and shape

The dimensions of the corridor pedestal should be consistent with the area and shape of the hallway. As mentioned above, a large chest of drawers in a cramped hallway will be an uncomfortable, illogical interior detail, while narrow chest of drawers in the hallway of an elongated shape will help save the area of ​​​​the room, as well as at the same time place the necessary things in it.

A chest of drawers with a mirror should be a single canvas. It is quite dangerous to choose a model in which the mirror does not have fasteners to the wall and is not combined with the general canvas of the dresser. Especially this option is not suitable for an apartment where there are children, since this is fraught with the fact that a mirror manually installed on a dresser can accidentally fall and injure people.


The material of the curbstone for the hallway today is presented in a wide range. Previously, apartment furniture was made of heavy natural wood, not always with good processing and smell. Today the choice is very wide:

  • Laminated chipboard;
  • Leather;
  • Plastic;
  • Veneer;
  • Metal.

These materials are actively used by designers today. They also have the main advantage over natural wood - ease of use, no special care is required, such furniture has a rather long service life.

Plastic dressers in the hallway
Rattan chest of drawers


The price policy of storage lockers depends on the material, design and functionality. The most expensive models are those that have expensive finishes - leather, natural wood, hand-painted, jewelry and decorative elements. Most economical option- plastic and veneer. True, it is worth remembering that this type of furniture has a short service life due to high wear. will be budgetary modular options and those cabinets that have a collapsible system. Their cost varies from 600 rubles and above.


Corner chest of drawers is one of the most sought-after "products" of hallway furniture. This shape of the cabinet holds 2.5 times more things than a rectangular cabinet of the same size. True, the corner chest of drawers has the main principle of its use - it can only be placed in a square hallway. Even a long elongated corridor will not be able to accommodate a corner chest of drawers, since neither in style nor in location it will fit harmoniously into the room.

The style genre should be in harmony with other furniture in the hallway and the interior of the room. Modern hallways urban apartments love laconic classic geometry - square, rectangle, corner option, as well as metal (high-tech style) or wood (classic style) finishes. For rooms in the Art Deco and Art Nouveau style, you can choose more daring models - with grotesque forms, various elements and decorative carvings. Today, you can often see cabinets with leather trim, as well as options from the past - chests of drawers made of natural wood without special processing, with a specific smell "from the forest".

Dresser for the hallway in the style of minimalism

Chest of drawers in the hallway in high-tech style

Shoe chest

Shoe chests of drawers in the hallway are preferred, as a rule, in the case of wardrobes or built-in wardrobes. This type of furniture is aimed only at storing shoes. Concerning shoe furniture should be chosen according to what kind of shoes, as well as in what quantity will be stored there. Among these chests of drawers are:

  • high - for storage large, high shoes- boots, over the knee boots, ugg boots, boots, high-heeled shoes;
  • sectional - for storage different type shoes. Such cabinets have several levels and shelves, which can vary in height and capacity;
  • folding - such chests of drawers do not have ordinary door leaves, but a pull-back mechanism with a reverse magnet, popular in this segment of hallway furniture.
Tall chest of drawers
Folding chest of drawers
Sectional chest of drawers

Dressers for shoes can also be either square or elongated, rectangular shape. Corner chest of drawers for shoes is suitable for the corridor, where there is a roomy corner that does not interfere with movement.

A chest of drawers will be universal, having one compartment for storing high shoes, a section for brushes, shoe care products, as well as a compartment for boots and low shoes.

Model with a mirror

An ideal option for any hallway would be not only a chest of drawers where you can store things, but a cabinet with a mirror. Such a piece of furniture can be both in a spacious hallway, and in a quite modest size. For small corridors, a mirror will be some salvation - it will visually expand the space.

Chest of drawers with a mirror, framed by a baguette - a win-win for a hallway of any style. simple hallway such a chest of drawers will make it elegant, and in modern style it will emphasize the taste of the owners and attention to detail. In large corridors, it is possible to place a chest of drawers with an equally large mirror.

Corner models

Relevant in rooms with square shape or free corners, pieces of furniture that have an angular shape. The main purpose of such a cabinet is a storage system for small things, including:

  • keys;
  • shoe care products;
  • gloves, mittens;
  • portable umbrellas;
  • documentation.

As a rule, a corner chest of drawers does not take large area. In addition, it can be modeled as an ottoman and have only one door. Among other designs corner chest of drawers cabinets with two or three drawers and the same number of doors are more common. Corner chest of drawers is the best solution for small corridor when you need to combine in this piece of furniture a place to store small things, a stand for a bag or a shelf where an interior decoration will show off.

Many photos of both small and large hallways show how bold the ideas of modern designers are, as well as the original inventions of the owners who want to make their corridor cozy, beautiful, functional.

A beautiful picture of the house is created with the help of a properly selected interior, a successful arrangement of furniture, and complete harmony of all decor elements. Such an option as a chest of drawers with a mirror in the hallway perfectly combines several functions. An elegant piece of furniture allows you to make the room stylish, as convenient and comfortable as possible.

Manufacturers offer several options for a chest of drawers: a monolithic design with a built-in mirror and models that have elements that are not connected to each other. In the latter case, the mirror is mounted directly on the wall, such a chest of drawers looks original and modern.

Before giving preference to one or another model, you should determine in advance what will be stored in the chest of drawers. The appearance, internal filling, furniture design depends on this. For example, a traditional model with four drawers is more suitable for storing seasonal clothes, hats, gloves or scarves.

A bunch of keys, phone chargers, glasses, sponges for shoes or decorative cosmetics are best stored in a chest of drawers that has convenient compartments with shelves. Unconventional chests of drawers look most impressive with large quantity asymmetrically arranged drawers allow you to most rationally place everything you need. A chest of drawers with a mirror, as a rule, has a special shelf for shoes at the bottom. Some models are an exquisite decorative element and are intended exclusively for small things that are stored in the corridor.

Advantages and disadvantages

The mirror is the most necessary item in the hallway, so furniture with a built-in mirror surface is very popular:

  • a light chest of drawers with a large mirror will help visually expand small space, create an atmosphere of special luxury and chic in the room;
  • aristocratic white shade will organically fit into any interior style, the photo shows the most interesting models;
  • mirrors for chests of drawers have a variety of shapes, sizes, designs. The originally decorated frame will become a real decoration of the hallway;
  • the compact model does not clutter up the passage, allows you to store all the necessary things, shoes in the most easily accessible place.

To minor shortcomings can be attributed:

  • complexity of care - the built-in mirror requires careful care, so it is recommended to use only a special cleaning agent;
  • the need for dismantling - if you need to rearrange the set, consisting of a cabinet and a mirror, you will have to re-drill the holes.

The entrance hall is characterized by high traffic, so the decoration, decorative elements, cabinet furniture should be particularly durable, reliable and practical. Much attention is paid to the materials from which chests of drawers are made in the hallway:

  • Chipboard and MDF - modern materials allow you to create unique pieces of furniture. Striking laminate surfaces are ideal for furnishing contemporary styles. Facade decoration with veneer is more suitable for creating traditional classic interiors;
  • natural array - in the process of creating exquisite, expensive chests of drawers, valuable breeds wood. Furniture made of beech, ash, alder or oak looks rich and respectable. Facade luxury furniture decorate with carvings, hand-painted, precious or semi-precious stones;
  • plastic - plastic furniture does not require special care, surfaces are easy to care for with a regular cleaning agent. A wide variety of shades of the facade allows you to choose the most suitable chest of drawers in color. Plastic material allows you to realize the most daring design ideas and ideas.

For those who prefer to have original stylish things in the house, you should pay attention to combined models trimmed with natural leather, stylized antique or decorated with spectacular metal elements.


Shapes and sizes

The dimensions of the chest of drawers should correspond to the size of the hallway. Designers offer various models that allow not only to organize a convenient storage system, but also to simulate a room that has non-standard architectural forms:

  • corner chest of drawers - a special kind that allows you to maximize the use of the corner of the hallway. But it should be taken into account that roomy furniture more suitable for rooms with a square shape. In a small corridor, you can use a model with sliding doors of the "compartment" type;
  • narrow chest of drawers - compact chests of drawers can be placed along the wall, the narrow design will allow you to comfortably move along the corridor. The photo shows the most original models, they are often used to store shoes and small accessories;
  • chest of drawers - a unique design successfully combines the two most necessary pieces of cabinet furniture. functional model can be used not only for storing things, but also as a stand. On a spacious tabletop you can put a comb, a keychain or a handbag;
  • chest of drawers - the most popular option for arranging small corridor is a set consisting of a wardrobe and chest of drawers. Functional furniture elements help to make the most efficient use of free space. In addition, a monolithic design is much cheaper than free-standing pieces of furniture.

Chest of drawers

Wardrobe chest of drawers

Placement rules

The entrance area should be as functional, ergonomic, neat as possible. The chest of drawers has the most convenient storage system that allows you to select separate sections for storing shoes, gloves, hats or scarves.

A chest of drawers with a mirror is an ideal piece of furniture for arranging a corridor. According to the installation method, the model can be:

  • wall-mounted - it can be a classic version with a large mirror in a spectacular baguette frame or a modern laconic model with chrome fittings;
  • hanging - small hanging chests of drawers are designed to store small items. It is better to install a compact model closer to the exit, in which case you will not have to look for a comb or a bunch of keys for a long time;
  • corner - in a spacious room with the right geometric shapes, most the best option there will be a roomy chest of drawers installed in the corner closest to the exit;

If there is an architectural niche in the corridor, then a chest of drawers with a mirror will allow you to organize a small dressing room, open or closed.



Nuances of choice

When choosing furniture for the hallway, you must first determine for what purposes the chest of drawers will be used. Internal filling selected depending on the content. These may be specially open shelves, drawers with different sizes or separate sections with blind hinged doors.

The design of the structure is more dependent on the overall style decision of the room. As a rule, the hallway has only artificial lighting, therefore, designers are advised to choose light shades of the facade.

AT modern interiors a combination of contrasting shades is possible. It can be: black with white, purple with gray, red with white or beige with brown. Furniture can have a calm neutral shade or, on the contrary, become the most bright element environment.

The quality of the material from which the furniture for the hallway is made is also important. It is necessary to check the work of all sliding mechanisms. If the doors do not close tightly, then dust particles can enter inside. A colorful gallery with photos will help you visualize and choose the most optimal model.


A photo

The entrance hall meets and escorts the household and guests of the house every day. The hallway set is no less important than the furniture in the bedroom or living room. An original cabinet or chest of drawers in the hallway will allow not only to organize the space, keep it clean, give comfort, but also give the house or apartment individuality.


When planning a house or apartment in the hallway area, they try to save money, not paying due attention to the functionality of the room. It is in the hallway in a limited area that a large number of things are stored: shoes that are used daily, outerwear, small items that should not be forgotten when leaving the house (gloves, keys, wallet, umbrella in rainy weather, bag and others).

Properly selected furniture with a large number of storage compartments will help organize the space of the hallway and put things in order in it.

Furniture options for the corridor are diverse and, depending on the area and nuances of the room, have their own characteristics. Comfortable and ergonomic furniture options are a hallway cabinet or chest of drawers. It is these pieces of furniture that most often decorate the hallway due to their functionality:

  • Placement of a large number of shoes: the shelves in the cabinet and chest of drawers for the hallway are designed in such a way that it is easy to place both high boots and sports sneakers in them. Even the most compact models with inclined shelves allow you to place up to 10 pairs of shoes in individual compartments;
  • Self-ventilated shoe storage compartments: after daily wear, shoes must be aired. For this, provision is made ventilation holes, convenient open shelves, the ability to open shelves for ventilation, sometimes cabinets are supplied with forced ventilation;
  • Comfort when putting on and taking off shoes: the cabinet can be equipped with a special place to sit, you can lean on a tall chest of drawers for stability when putting on shoes;

  • Aesthetic appearance: hallway furniture is made of various materials all kinds of colors with decorative elements or inserts;
  • Multifunctionality: in addition to storing shoes, the cabinet and chest of drawers have shelves and drawers for storing the necessary things (keys, umbrellas, hats, jewelry, indoor slippers, children's toys for the street and the like). The kit often comes with hangers for outerwear and mirrors. There is enough space on the surface of the cabinet or chest of drawers for decor items, souvenirs;
  • Long term services: materials for the production of furniture in the hallway are selected taking into account ease of care and safety in operation, so durability is guaranteed;
  • Compact dimensions: even for the hallway itself small apartment or a narrow corridor of the house, designers have developed options for bedside tables and chests of drawers that are not inferior in functionality and spaciousness to large-sized models.

Original and unusual models of cabinets for shoes and chests of drawers give the room an individuality, they are easy to choose for a corridor or hallway of any size and style, while maintaining usable space and functionality.


Furniture sets for hallways are equipped with either a cabinet for shoes, or a cabinet-chest of drawers, or a chest of drawers and a cabinet. In cases of buying furniture for a hallway or a corridor, you should separately choose the right models of cabinets and chests of drawers in order to save as much usable space as possible and organize the hallway functionally.

Models of furniture for the corridor or hallway are diverse in size, materials, colors, style. By the form and type of placement in the room, cabinets and chests of drawers can be very different:

  • corner: quite roomy options that save space in the hallway;

  • original forms: semi-circular, polygonal, triangular with rounded edges and so on. Such models are very original and functional, but their choice may be limited by the area of ​​the room;

  • Cabinets or chests of drawers as part of the set hallway furniture: a one-piece set will allow you to immediately furnish the room with all the necessary components in the same style.

On the furniture market and in hardware stores, the following options for pedestal models are presented:

  • With closed or open shelves: models with open shelves provide good ventilation for shoes, and are also durable in use, as there are no additional fittings that can wear out from constant opening and closing. Flaw open shelves is that dust accumulates on the shoes. Cabinets with closed shelves look aesthetically pleasing, prevent dust from entering stored shoes;

  • With hinged, hinged or sliding doors: sliding doors move along the guides along the product. Sliding doors can be left open as an additional source of shoe ventilation. Flap doors open and close;

  • With forced and natural ventilation. More expensive cabinet models are equipped with electric hood for better aeration of shoes. natural ventilation carried out using holes and a special rack design shelves in the cabinet;

  • Cabinets-slim: the most compact and at the same time capacious model in which shoes are stored in an upright position, and the doors open at an angle of 45 degrees;

  • With extra storage space th: with drawers, open shelves at the end of the product for decorative ornaments.

Separately, a shoe cabinet is rarely made, more often it is combined with additional elements for greater functionality: a chest of drawers or a cabinet as part of a furniture set for the hallway. The top of a low pedestal is equipped with soft upholstery, thus, a pedestal-shop, a pedestal-ottoman are obtained, which significantly save space in the hallway and corridor.

For spacious hallways, along with a cabinet for shoes, you can choose a chest of drawers of the following models:

  • With sliding or hinged doors;
  • With drawers or fixed shelves;
  • Traditional rectangular shape or dresser-slide.

According to the method of fastening and installation, the following models are distinguished:

  • Suspended: cabinet or chest of drawers are attached to the wall, creating the effect of hovering above the floor. Interesting hanging models with backlight;
  • Floor: on open legs or with supports closed by a decorative panel.

For convenience, cabinets and chests of drawers can be equipped with additional seating furniture: soft poufs, a couch, a bench with drawers or legs. Cabinets and chests of drawers can also be combined with the necessary elements for the hallway: an open hanger, hanging shelves for decor items or storing hats, a mirror with a built-in lamp. For convenience and aesthetic appearance, cabinets and chests of drawers can be supplemented various types shelves, drawers, doors by type of opening.

The largest amount of furniture can be accommodated by shelves located at an angle, and for drying and airing casual shoes, it will not be superfluous to have several open shelves in closed model dresser.


Long service life, ease of care for the product and the aesthetic and decorative appearance of furniture for the corridor and hallway are provided by the materials from which cabinets and chests of drawers are made. The main materials for the production of cabinets and chests of drawers for hallways are the following:

  • Wood A: Natural material, strong and durable, environmentally friendly. Solid wood can be sanded to a matt finish, while wood lacquer and protective impregnations give the surface a glossy sheen. Used for production expensive models;

  • Plastic: a fragile material from which open models of cabinets for storing shoes are most often made. Plastic furniture is wobbly and won't last long. artificial material does not accumulate dust and does not absorb unpleasant odors;

  • Metal: heavy, wear-resistant material for the production of furniture. Often combined with other materials. Metal grills as shelves are easy to clean and provide additional ventilation;

  • Varieties of wood-based panels (chipboard, fiberboard, MDF): pressed sawdust with various types of coating make it possible to manufacture furniture with beautiful facades, imitating an array of natural wood. Furniture made of chipboard and MDF is more affordable than solid wood. The disadvantages of wood-based panels include a short service life, odor absorption, instability to moisture, an unpleasant chemical odor in the first weeks of use.

Modern tendencies in furniture design dictate the fashion for combining materials for the production of furniture in the hallway and corridor. Metal, glass, plastic, leather inserts serve as beautiful decorative elements.

Mirror inserts on the fronts of the cabinet and chest of drawers not only decorate the product, give it lightness, but also allow you to clearly see the shoes in the mirror.

As a material for the shelves, a metal mesh, wooden slatted bases of the shelves, and monolithic plastic have proven themselves well. metal mesh and wooden slats provide additional ventilation of the sole, easy to care for. Plastic is also an easy-to-clean material, but fragile and short-lived.


Depending on the size of the room, the dimensions of the furniture for the hallway are also selected. AT mass production the width, depth and height of the cabinets and chests of drawers in the hallway varies within the following limits: 40-160 cm, 20-60 cm, 60-150 cm, respectively.

For narrow and long corridors, models with the smallest depth 20-25 cm, but the height of the original pedestal models can be over one and a half meters. Such dimensions will allow you to place the largest number of shoes and save free place in the hall.

Chests of drawers with a depth of more than 30 cm will fit perfectly into spacious square hallways. Deep models are convenient with hinged doors and drawers. A tall and deep cabinet, complete with a hanging hanger and a large mirror, will make a complete set for the hallway with enough space to store all the necessary things. Deep models make it possible to experiment with the shape of the chest of drawers, which allows you to create exclusive options.

Optimal Width for a cabinet or chest of drawers - 70 cm. Such a model will not tightly close the wall and leave free space for additional furniture (wardrobe, pouffe).

And the smallest cabinets in size, and shallow chests of drawers with great height will be roomy, subject to a well-thought-out design of shelves and drawers, so you should not clutter up the hallway, which is limited in area, with overall furniture. But in the spacious square hallways even dressers measuring 160 × 60 × 150 cm will fit. Bulky and massive furniture options will look airy and light thanks to the glossy mirror surface door fronts. By individual orders you can make original models of dressers of non-standard sizes, for example, 24 cm deep or more than 1.5 m high, which will cover the entire wall from floor to ceiling.

Color solutions

The color palette of furniture for hallways and corridors is presented from white to black in all sorts of shades and textures.

Natural wood furniture looks noble and expensive:

  • Ash;
  • Nut;
  • Pine;
  • Larch;
  • Red wood.

Patination of solid wood, artificial aging of the surface, the use of metal and glass decorative elements give the design sophistication and elegance. Cabinets and chests of drawers made of solid wood are always relevant in the interior and are in demand among buyers and designers.

Hallways and corridors are often dark rooms without windows. Therefore, it is preferable to choose furniture in white or in light colors. Cabinets and chests of drawers of blue, pink, milky colors, ivory on a matte or glossy surface look original and modern. Cabinets and chests of drawers in light colors are easy to match to furniture sets maintaining the integrity of the kit.

Popular furniture for hallways in dark colors, which is matched to the color of the flooring, baseboard or door. Dark wenge, combined with light inserts, the colors and texture of mahogany look organically in massive models for spacious rooms. Miniature wenge color models look aesthetically pleasing and elegant.

Styles and design

The design of the hallway and corridor is carried out according to general style at home or selected individually:

  • Often used to decorate hallways and corridors. classic in the interior. Small-sized corridors will save usable space with the help of roomy corner models or compact chests of drawers and cabinets with rounded corners. The design of classic models is discreet, solid wood or solid wood is used as materials. wood boards. The color palette of classic cabinets and chests of drawers gravitates towards natural shades with the preservation or imitation of the texture of natural wood;

  • Light and weightless look cabinets and chests of drawers in style country, provence. These styles are characterized by the use natural materials. Patination and aging of the surface add originality to the model of chests of drawers and cabinets;

  • For modern interior designers offer original cabinets and chests of drawers interesting shapes and flowers. A semicircular chest of drawers fits perfectly along the wall of a spacious hallway, while triangular cabinets are compact and indispensable for miniature corridors. Modern models are made in the most daring colors, which are matched to the color of the walls, wall panels, floor, plinth;

  • Minimalist and high-tech style complement cabinets made of metal and plastic rich colors. Cabinets made of pure metal without coating look original;

  • Manufacturers offer models in vintage style decorated with original designs. In the furniture markets in the premium price segment chests of drawers with decorative antique handles in saturated muted colors or painted with snow-white paint are presented.

Overview of the best manufacturers

The main manufacturers of cabinets and chests of drawers for hallways in the Russian furniture market are represented by companies from Russia, China, Malaysia, Belarus, and Ukraine. Russian manufacturers offer the greatest variety of models in various price categories.

The most popular and well-established manufacturers of cabinet furniture from Russia are Soyuz Mebel (Tula), Meridian Group of Companies (Moscow), PK " Furniture technologies"(Chelyabinsk), "MuroM" (Murom), "ECO Style" (Perm), "Marimbo" (Krasnoyarsk), "Northern Architecture" (Arkhangelsk), "Leader" (Kazan). Each factory has a long-term reputation in the production of cabinet furniture, in particular furniture for hallways. The assortment of Russian manufacturing factories presents the whole variety of models: from classic and exclusive to original and unusual. Large factories introduce bold design projects, follow the novelties at the world furniture exhibitions.

The opinion that the chest of drawers is the closest relative of the chest appeared by itself. He acquired modern form, passing from the curbstone to its appearance, thanks to the French, it was they who brought originality to its design. There were no difficulties in choosing a name, the name "commode" was given due to its functionality and convenience. Today, a chest of drawers is an indispensable thing in the interior of a room, and it fits almost any room functionality. If for some reason you do not yet have this piece of furniture, then after getting acquainted with its qualities closer, the desire to acquire it will certainly arise.

Modern chests of drawers resemble a mini-wardrobe, which have several drawers. In addition to drawers, some chests of drawers have such additions as hidden shelves. All variations of the chest of drawers are no doubt comfortable, so its popularity can remain at its best for many years to come. One of popular models is a shallow classic chest of drawers that has a number of drawers. They are located one above the other, thus creating a vertical row. Most small chest of drawers includes no more than two boxes.

Aspects of such a chest of drawers are in three points, namely:

  1. They have minimum height. It does not exceed 850 mm. The large height transforms the chest of drawers into a nightstand. An exception is the corner or hanging views, they can be mounted at any convenient height. A hinged chest of drawers is often in demand among owners of small hallways;
  2. This chest of drawers is narrow. Its length does not exceed 50 cm. A shorter length simply does not exist, since it is not justified by both manufacturers from the point of view of design and users from the point of view of ease of use;
  3. The depth of such a miniature chest of drawers is 30 cm. This depth is ideal for a hallway. However, this size can be considered actual, since the facade and rear case take about 2 centimeters more.

Such chests of drawers are made exclusively for hallways, since in other rooms they will not be useful and will not be able to accommodate things when folded.

How to choose a chest of drawers with a mirror in the hallway

Modern dressers can be both with mirrors and without them, various colors from white to red, as well as various parameters, narrow, wide, large and small. Before you decide on a chest of drawers in which there is a mirror, you first need to understand whether there is a need to match certain style or a chest of drawers should stand out with its individuality.

Mirrors with chests of drawers look great in the design of oriental and Scandinavian style.

So, for example, a combination of black and brown Scandinavian style is only suitable for those who are not afraid to experiment. A roomy chest of drawers in a bright design is suitable for this style. This chest of drawers with a mirror will fit perfectly into the interior. The only point that you should pay attention to is that the mirror is not hung on the wall, but placed on the chest of drawers.

Chest of drawers in scandinavian style Perfectly complement a large mirror, it will help to visually expand the space. A chest of drawers in this style can be made of unpainted wood. Such negligence may not come to everyone's taste and is not suitable for every interior, so it will need color additions.

In addition to chests of drawers corresponding to a certain style, there is such a chest of drawers as a bench. It looks not only stylish, but also aesthetically pleasing. The mirror will be a great addition to it. In combination with photographs, a mirror in a decorative frame will look very interesting.

Wardrobe-chest in the hallway: functionality and design

Chest of drawers is perfect solution for small hallways. Despite its small dimensions, it is quite roomy. Not much has changed since the invention of the chest of drawers, but its appearance has gone through many improvements and additions. On the this moment, the assortment of chests of drawers is huge and absolutely everyone will burn to pick up the necessary attribute for themselves in the hallway. Modern furniture manufacturers such as Ikea are constantly looking for new and inexpensive designs. They complement design options and create new ones to make chests of drawers even more functional. Them original ideas will not leave any buyer indifferent.

The classic model of a chest of drawers consists of:

  • Mounts on legs;
  • Drawers that slide out;
  • Countertops.

But even such a simple design can allow you to play with the structure of the system. Modern chests of drawers are characterized by non-standard dimensions. In addition, you can often find chests of drawers that are rearranged and can be very easily fit into big system storage, such as a closet. Despite the fact that the chest of drawers is smaller than its counterpart, it is no less functional, and its countertop will be a great place to place small attributes.

On the chest of drawers in the hallway you can place the following accessories:

  • Telephone;
  • Clock;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Souvenir;
  • figurine;
  • Phonebook;
  • Keys.

What is the undoubted positive side of chests of drawers is their functionality.

By purchasing not only a modern chest of drawers, but also a classic one inside, you can find unforeseen additions that may come in handy.

For lovers of antiques, a real find will be a model made according to old sketches. The edging and carving will be preserved in it. Such a chest of drawers will become a necessary furniture attribute in the corridor and will become its decoration. A chest of drawers made in Moroccan style. Its appearance will make it the centerpiece of attention.

Chest of drawers in the corridor: colors and shades

The choice of material for the manufacture of a chest of drawers will depend on how much money is expected to be spent on it, and on the purpose for which it will be used in the hallway. Experimenting with the shape of the dresser is not always allowed, so you can choose different colors. Having successfully selected the color, the chest of drawers can be made bright or light against the background of the rest of the furniture and the decorated interior, even by decorating White color. Using more concise colors, you can add some severity to the chest of drawers, but even in this case, the chest of drawers will not go unnoticed. If the chest of drawers will play a central role in the hallway, then the colors should match the overall decor.

Most often, preference is given to the following colors:

  • Dark severity;
  • Delicate pastels;
  • Bursts of brightness.

In the case of dark severity, wood is selected from dark trees. This coloring will add splendor and value to the hallway. In addition, if necessary, the chest of drawers can be varnished to add sophistication.

Concerning pastel colors, they do not like the invasion of extraneous colors, so the main design should be selected long before the chest of drawers is purchased. This furniture attribute, executed in pastel colors, at first glance it may seem nondescript, but it is able to significantly expand the hallway visually. This design is always easy in appearance and exquisite.

A chest of drawers in the interior of the hallway is not a whimsical thing, therefore, it is not so difficult to choose a color for it. It can be rainbow, striped and even polka dot. All this refers to a burst of brightness. Convenient and practical option arrange the chest of drawers as a color spot. This will help to distinguish it from the general interior of the hallway and dilute the atmosphere with colors. You can use several colors and highlight each box with a separate color.

A win-win option is to use photo printing. A chest of drawers with this design will always be the highlight of the hallway. Prints can be absolutely anything. Catchy or miniature. There are no restrictions on the choice of image, it can be either an ornament or a copy of a famous painting.

How to choose a chest of drawers in the hallway (video)

What conclusion can be drawn about chests of drawers? If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a chest of drawers in the hallway, you need to know that this is a wonderful helper in any situation. It will help fill almost any space. In its design, you can select a shelf for each tenant, and spaciousness will save you from unnecessary troubles, such as picking up scattered things. Chest of drawers is a great solution for every home.