Finnish sauna operation. Features of Finnish baths, designs and choice of stove. Window and door openings

Many nations have their own culture of visiting the bath complex. Those who are interested in their exotic varieties should pay attention to such an option as the Finnish sauna. If you want to build this complex, you should first become familiar with its features and construction technology.

What is a Finnish sauna

The construction of a bathhouse in Finland has always been considered the sacred duty of every owner. She gave good mood and well-being.

The peculiarity of Finnish saunas is that the air is heated to 140 degrees and the humidity level is low (only 5-15%). This makes it easier to tolerate high temperatures.

Finnish sauna prevents water from splashing onto stones. Otherwise, the resulting steam will be harmful to health at such high temperatures.

When building Finnish saunas they use electric ovens, heaters, and sometimes use infrared heaters.

The walls of the steam room are necessarily covered with wood, and essential oils are used during the procedures.

The complex of these actions has a relaxing effect on the human body and restores its vital energy.

Construction of a sauna

IN lately construction has become very popular bath complexes in your home and even in apartments. Each type of home uses its own version of this room.

As for the Finns themselves, in their country there are 2 million saunas for a population of 5 million. They are built in apartments and basements of multi-family houses.

In our country, this type of bathhouse is also quite in demand.

The construction of Finnish saunas should be made from quality materials. This will not only extend the service life of the complex, but will also have a beneficial effect on human health and well-being. Poor quality building materials, on the contrary, will harm people in the bathhouse.

Due to the high cost of constructing the Finnish sauna project with the participation of construction companies many decide to create it themselves.

Having studied the technology of the process, anyone can create such a miracle as a Finnish sauna or bathhouse.

Sauna materials

In order for the bathhouse to serve the benefit of its owners for a long time, you should choose high-quality building materials.

Finnish sauna designs allow the use of a wide variety of materials:

The main properties that a bath material should have are high strength, good heat and vapor barrier qualities.

Therefore, wood is ideal for a Finnish sauna. Rocks that do not release resins when heated are used. Such requirements also apply to wood used for the construction of shelves in the steam room.

Resins released when heated can cause burns if they come into contact with the skin. It is better to use hardwood.

The construction of Finnish saunas also involves choosing special glass for the door. This material does not require special care and meets all the requirements of a steam room.

Glass for sauna doors retains heat well and is resistant to high temperatures and splashes of water from the steam room. The variety of shades of this material available allows you to create the most suitable image of the room.

The lighting in the bathhouse should be dim. Therefore, special shades for lamps should be used. They can also be made of wood.

Picking up necessary building materials For the construction and decoration of a sauna, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the image of the complex. It should be relaxing, relaxing.

Initial stage of construction

When constructing a bathhouse yourself, you must adhere to a clear sequence. Compliance with technology serves as the basis for the proper functioning of such a complex as a Finnish sauna. A bathhouse built incorrectly will cause discomfort to its visitors from the very first minutes, and the healing effect will be reduced to zero.

Even the little things matter. The construction procedure is carried out according to a certain scheme.

Initially, the floor of the steam room is arranged. It is allowed to use wood for this. However this is not best material for the sauna floor. It cannot be varnished. And without treatment, the durability of wood in wet conditions, is decreasing.

The best flooring for a bathhouse is tile. It will be durable and practical, as well as meeting all sanitary and hygienic requirements.

After this, the frame is assembled.

The box is installed according to the diagram calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the bathhouse. To do this, use wooden combs, nylon dowels, and screws.

The ceiling frame is assembled by connecting timber.

A place is provided for installing doors.

Main stage of construction

The high humidity and temperature of a Finnish sauna have an aggressive effect on the wiring. Its installation is carried out in accordance with enhanced safety measures. For this purpose, heat-resistant wiring with double insulating material is used.

Next, thermal insulation is installed on the frame. If the material chosen for these purposes does not have foil, it must be attached independently. It will create a “thermos effect” in the steam room.

After this, the lathing is done in increments of 40 cm.

For external installation Use ordinary steel nails. Inside, a Finnish sauna involves the use of special profiles that will prevent the boards from coming apart in the future. You can fasten them with ordinary metal nails to the tongue, but their heads must be covered with a comb.

Sauna arrangement

Much attention is paid to the sauna heater. This is her heart. The stones in the oven should be round and smooth, which will ensure proper circulation indoor air.

The steam room must be equipped with ventilation, which consists of an exhaust and supply opening with valves.

A sauna is indispensable without a thermometer to control the temperature and a hydrometer to measure the humidity level.

You should also provide hours for observing the regime of staying in the steam room.

Infrared sauna

It is difficult to classify this type of sauna as a bathhouse. This is just a small cabin that is used for relaxation and healing of the body.

If the space in the house does not allow the construction of an entire steam room complex, the solution will be infrared sauna. The Finnish bath differs from it in the principle of creating heat. In the first option, the air temperature is relatively low, since the principle “ solar heat". The infrared energy elements of the Finnish sauna heat objects, but not the air. Like the sun in spring.

Classical temperature regime The Finnish sauna also heats the air.

Thanks to the use of infrared rays, even the deep levels of the dermis are heated, which affects the body. This is how the healing effect of this type of sauna is produced.

Sauna harm

There are certain contraindications for visiting the bathhouse.

Being a health complex, Finnish saunas can cause harm to health if used incorrectly.

If a person has chronic or serious illnesses You should consult your doctor about the advisability of visiting a steam room.

The harm of a Finnish sauna will be noticeable for people with diseases such as high blood pressure, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, urolithiasis, nervous disorders.

A bathhouse will also cause harm if the rules for visiting it are not followed. While in the steam room, you need to protect your head with a scarf or a special hat. The benches should be covered with your own sheet.

Every human body has individual characteristics. The effect of the sauna on it is also unique. There are cases where regular visits to the steam room helped cure even the most serious illnesses.

You should experiment with your own well-being under the strict supervision of a doctor, having contraindications to such procedures.

The benefits of a sauna

Well known positive influence The Finnish sauna consists of cleansing the skin and subcutaneous layers of dirt and toxins through profuse sweating. Deep stains are not easy to remove with regular washing.

The benefits of the Finnish sauna are relevant for people who suffer from frequent and long-term colds. With regular visits to the steam room, the immune system is strengthened, prevention and treatment occurs in the initial stages infectious diseases respiratory tract.

The sauna speeds up your metabolism, making it possible to lose extra pounds of weight. Skin condition improves.

The dry heat of a Finnish sauna is useful for cardiovascular diseases in moderate stages, diseases of the genitourinary system, liver and skin diseases.

The benefits of a sauna, when visited competently and responsibly, are to improve well-being, as well as restore the energy and metabolic balance of the body.

The harmony of physical and mental state that a Finnish sauna gives a person helps to cope with adverse influences environment, relieve stress and cleanse the body.

A properly built sauna will last long enough and be fruitful for the health benefits of its owners.

How to steam in a Finnish sauna according to all the rules?

The recommendations of various specialists and simply bathhouse lovers sometimes differ radically. The fact is that the vast majority of foreign publications are associated, naturally, with research into the effects of the sauna on the body, since the Russian bath in many respects still remains national peculiarity our country.

Therefore, we will talk about procedures taken in an atmosphere with a temperature from 50 ° C to 100 ° C and relative humidity air no more than 20%.

Such conditions are created in any structure equipped as a Finnish sauna, but they can also be maintained in a traditional Russian bathhouse. It should be remembered that the recommendations below relate to a dry air bath, since an increase in air humidity leads to other effects (sometimes directly opposite), less studied by doctors, and therefore the therapeutic aspects of a bath with high humidity are not discussed here.

Scientists in different countries The world is increasingly paying attention to the therapeutic effect of a dry-air bath (sauna). Over the past 40 years, a lot of publications on this topic have appeared in the world. Data different sources are studied, summarized and supplemented by scientists and specialists. The most comprehensive recommendations on this matter come from the Finnish Sauna Society.

The temperature in the sauna usually ranges from 60 C to 100 ° C. The air is relatively dry, but its humidity can be raised by splashing water on the stones. Steam in a Finnish sauna, contrary to popular belief, is not prohibited. The air should not be completely dry, as this may be harmful to the respiratory organs. The sauna ends with a shower or a dip in a cool pool.

Most Finns believe that a sauna is not a sauna without a refreshing swim in a cool lake, of which there are thousands in Finland. Some even allow themselves to plunge into ice water river or pond with a temperature of about 3-5 ° C. If you have a broom (broom), you can also use it.

How long can you stay in the sauna?

This time is purely individual. You need to listen to your feelings and your body. For the first time, experts advise staying only a few minutes, although this depends on the temperature: for example, if the latter reaches 70 - 80 °C, then about 5 minutes, and if 100 °C - no more than 3 minutes. After this, having cooled down a little and taken a shower, you can go for more long time- 5 -10 minutes. Whenever you feel like you need to take a break, get out immediately.

How often can you visit the sauna?

If a person is absolutely healthy, he can visit her as often as he wants. If you do this every day, you need to use moisturizing creams or lotions for your skin so as not to dry it out. If you don’t hold endurance competitions and don’t set records for the duration of stay in the steam room, then the sauna is absolutely safe.

Rules for visiting the sauna

Allow at least 1.5 hours for the sauna.

Leave your clothes in the locker room. Don't forget a change of clean clothes to wear after the sauna. Take something to sit on (small towel, sheet). Don't forget to cover your head with a felt hat or wool cap. Take a shower or soak in the water before entering the steam room. This will pre-cleanse the skin and eliminate the smell of sweat in the sauna, which is completely unacceptable here.

So, first they take a shower. Without drying themselves, they enter the sauna. After sitting for a few minutes, wait until the pores of the skin open. After this, they move to a cool room to cool down and take a shower before a new entry, which will be longer. You need to completely relax, enjoying the warmth. People go to the sauna to get priceless moments of peaceful relaxation.

Enter the steam room for the first lap. Recommended temperature 80-90 °C. At first the air will be relatively dry. To give off steam, you need to splash water on the stones. It is not recommended to use a broom the first time, because the skin, as a rule, is not yet sufficiently steamed and can be easily injured.

Leave the room as soon as you feel discomfort. Now you need to cool down - take a shower, swim in the pool or just sit in the relaxation room or on the fresh air. You can drink if you feel thirsty, but remember that alcohol and sauna are incompatible.

Go to the steam room again. Now you can allow yourself to sit longer or climb higher. The couple can also be allowed in more. You can also use a broom.

Cool down again.

Repeat the cycle as many times as you like. The same can be said about using a broom: as long as you don’t feel any discomfort, you can continue. For most people, 2-3 visits are enough, but some allow themselves up to 10. All this is very individual.

Return to the steam room briefly to dry your skin. Wash yourself. After this, return to the steam room again (preferably at a lower temperature). Finally, cool off your body in the shower or in the pool. Dry with a towel or simply dry at room temperature. You can even just lie down, close your eyes and relax for a while.

After the sauna, you can drink a refreshing drink and eat something light and salty.

Before putting on clothes, be sure to give yourself time to cool down. Otherwise, sweating will continue. However, you need to be careful not to freeze, since the body is more sensitive after a sauna.

Not many people know about this, but the beloved Russian bathhouse has a close relative - the Finnish sauna, and their common ancestor is the log hut, which our ancestors heated in the black way. The article will discuss what a Finnish sauna is, how it differs from a Russian bathhouse, and how to build one with your own hands.

Finnish sauna and its meaning for Finns

Among our compatriots, steam rooms in all their varieties are highly valued. The pleasure that a visitor receives when warming up from the hot steam and cooling down by jumping into a real snowdrift or a cold pool is unforgettable. But at the same time, we have never heard the name “Finnish sauna”, but the word “sauna” is heard regularly.

Building your own sauna using technology that came from Finland is quite difficult, but if you have the required amount of money, large quantity With time and patience, you can bring such a building to life. You need to start construction by studying the features that the Finnish steam room and other rooms in the building under construction have.

As time passed, the sauna was modified into a rectangular wooden house, in which a stove was installed with a chimney pipe and an earthen floor. We used such a room as a home and a bathroom at the same time. The stove warmed up, filling the room with smoke, but it did not spoil the feeling of the procedures, since it only left pleasant smell and weathered.

Although they were the first to know what it was - a Finnish steam room, in the countryside, this establishment quickly reached the city and became very popular. At first they were erected in private houses in the courtyard, and then they moved to urban buildings: high-rise buildings and the private sector.

All this has grown into a new phenomenon - public Finnish saunas, which have become a traditional phenomenon in the life of every Finn. It is worth saying that a century ago Finnish women even gave birth in a sauna, where perfect sterility was maintained.

To date, more than 2 million saunas have been built in Finland, which can serve 5.3 million Finns daily. The real asset of the modern Finnish sauna is that it provides sacred peace and tranquility.

It is unacceptable to drink alcoholic drinks, make a scandal or do other immoral things as "the steam dissipates in anger." The maximum of faith is that Finns cannot consider themselves clean from spiritual dirt if they do not visit the sauna.

Operating principles of a Finnish sauna

Today, a bathhouse using Finnish technology is a room in which steam is replaced by dry heat with a temperature of 90-110 degrees Celsius and humidity of 10-25 percent. This combination of air parameters makes it easier to tolerate by the body than in Russian or Turkish bath(Hamame). The sauna relaxes not only the body, but also the soul. The immune system and nervous system are strengthened, and the charge of energy received makes a person more efficient for several days ahead.

The mechanical process of warming up in a Finnish bathhouse is like being in a Russian steam room, but the difference is that under the influence of dry heat, the sweat released immediately evaporates from the skin, preventing the body from overheating. Therapeutic effect the maximum benefit from the sauna is due to activation this process thermoregulation in the body with intensive work of the sweat glands.

An additional therapeutic effect on the human body is achieved through the use in the construction and decoration of the sauna of those types of wood that are not only good for use at elevated temperatures, but also emit different useful substances, which is accompanied by a very pleasant smell.

Naturally, after the steam room you need to cool your body. In this case, as in a Russian bath, they use the nearest body of water, pool or regular shower. Such a contrasting temperature effect on the body strengthens the immune system and is an excellent preventive measure for the entire cardiovascular system. Speaking about the benefits of a Finnish sauna, it is worth saying that correct mode visits are no more than once a week.

The usefulness of saunas using Finnish technology

So, the main difference between a Finnish sauna and a Russian bath is dryness and more high temperature air. Under its influence skin and blood flows to muscle tissue, promoting relaxation nervous system and improving overall emotional state person.

Also, hot and dry air is very beneficial for the respiratory system. Of course, you need to take the procedures wisely and pay attention to the manifestations that occur in the body while in the steam room. Excessive heating or hypothermia of the body can cause serious illness.

Basics of medical use of the Finnish sauna:

  • regular visit of this establishment allows you to activate metabolism and destroy overweight;
  • with profuse sweating (from 0.5 to 2 kilograms per visit), various negative substances are released: lactic acid, toxins, waste, etc.;
  • a number of diseases can be cured much faster if you combine a course of treatment with constant use of the sauna: hypertension, respiratory diseases, diseases of bones and joints, kidney diseases, various injuries, sprains, dislocations and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Read also: "".

Basic rules for visiting a Finnish sauna:

  • Do not use soap in the shower before entering the steam room;
  • Do not get your hair wet, as wet hair conducts heat perfectly, which can cause heat stroke;
  • in the steam room, it is best to sit on the bottom shelf and relax your muscles as much as possible;
  • You should drink herbal tea made from lemon balm, currants, rose hips, strawberries and hawthorn;
  • After leaving the steam room you need to rest for at least half an hour.

The main stages of constructing a Finnish sauna

Almost every difference Finnish sauna from Russian makes it interesting for our compatriots. Let's take a closer look at the process self-construction of this establishment. In no case should you save money when carrying out work, since the reliability and safety of using the sauna depends on the quality of each functional element.

Building layout

The national traditions of Finland are such that steam rooms in saunas have minimum dimensions for 1-3 people at the same time. Even large families when visiting a Finnish sauna, go to different steam rooms by gender: women and men separately. Typically the area of ​​this room is from 5 to 10 square meters, and the entire building occupies from 30 to 40 “squares”. Mainly in standard projects are used relatively low ceilings(2.1 meters), which allows the use of standard size doors.

The Russians have modified such designs to suit themselves, since they require greater comfort and, for the most part, violate the Finnish traditions of taking bath procedures. The steam room is made with a size of about 15 square meters, and only 5 “squares” are allocated for the washing area. The rest of the space is allocated for a rest room, combined with a locker room, vestibule and dressing room. To maximize the space for visitors to work, an electric stove-heater with minimal dimensions is installed.

What to build from

Today, a Finnish sauna can be built with your own hands in a house or separately from it without difficulty, but a certain set of building materials will be required:

  • brick, lumber or stone can be used to build walls;
  • interior lining made from wood, taking into account beneficial influence certain types of it on the body of visitors;
  • the foundation can be of any type, since total weight The buildings are small.

Frame of the entire building and construction of walls

There are two main ways to build the walls of a Finnish sauna: from beams or frame method. The street side should be sheathed with an overlap to prevent moisture and cold air masses from penetrating into the building, leading to the formation of fungus on the walls. Before installing and covering the frame, it is necessary to clearly indicate the location of the stove (read also: " "). Special fastenings must be created for its installation.

The frame itself must have high strength so as not to fall apart under intense exposure to high temperatures. The timber must be installed vertically in increments of 50 centimeters. The elements are fastened using self-tapping screws. Thermal insulation material (mineral slabs or wool) is placed in the voids of such sheathing, followed by covering it with a layer of foil.

Ceilings and floors

The ceilings are mounted from beams, which in cross-section have a cross-section from 0.6 to 0.8 centimeters, and are covered with linden boards on top of them. The beams are cut into the crown of the building at required height through the strapping of the entire frame. The pitch between the beams can be set from 0.6 to 1 meter.

Starting construction work We must not forget about the laying of thermal insulation materials, since the premises must be airtight, even taking into account the fact that their high-quality ventilation is the main functional element of the building.

A vapor barrier layer is laid on the top floor. The thickness of the insulation on the ceiling should be one and a half times greater than the layer on the walls, since convection leads to the accumulation of hot air at the highest point of the room.

Floors are rightfully considered the coldest surface in a sauna, since wood becomes covered with moisture over time, creating the effect of a slippery surface and causing unpleasant dampness. It would be wiser to do the cladding ceramic tiles, and use it as a subfloor concrete screed. As thermal insulation material It is best to use bitumen felt.

Installation of shelves and benches

Again, focusing on the beneficial effects of certain types of wood on the human body, you need to install shelves and benches in the steam room from aspen or birch. The planks are secured with a small gap using stainless steel screws and nails. Hats must be immersed in the wood at least 5-7 millimeters to protect visitors from accidental contact with hot metal.

The width of the shelves should be at least 0.6 meters, and they should be arranged in tiers to expand the area of ​​free space in the room. From the very upper tier It is necessary to make a span of at least 1.05 meters to the ceiling so that the visitor can sit without difficulty. For convenience, footrests should be placed under the lying shelves. It wouldn’t hurt to have a small window in the steam room design through which the sun’s rays would penetrate.

Window and door openings

You can install a door made of glass or wood in the steam room. It makes the most sense to use wood, since a solid door leaf will enclose the space of the steam room. All the gaps between door block and canvas should be sealed with felt. The fittings inside the steam room should also be made of wood so that they can be used during procedures and heating the air to extreme temperatures.

It is possible to make windows in a building, but even those that will be used for natural lighting and ventilation must be placed lower and the linear dimensions of up to 50-70 centimeters must be observed.

Ventilation system

When installing ventilation, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the cladding of the floors must remain airtight;
  • the intake of air that will be heated must be carried out by supplying it from the adjacent room through the door;
  • the air must be exhausted in the same way until a clean corridor is created to the street;
  • the channel in the wall of the steam room must be placed under the lower tier of shelves so that during the convection process the already cooled air escapes through it;
  • as finishing ventilation duct you need to use a corrugated tube.

Stove-heater in the Finnish sauna

In this case, it is also necessary to adhere to a number of conditions:

  • for each cubic meter the volume of the steam room should account for 1 kilowatt of furnace power;
  • the unit must be placed in such a way that all visitors, sitting on benches and shelves, are completely safe;
  • We must not forget about fireproof insulation of all floors in the immediate vicinity of the stove.

Bottom line

The article discusses in detail the history of creation, features and construction process of the Finnish sauna. Protect your body from various negative manifestations You can even do it yourself, but to do this you will have to use the instructions for building a sauna, which were presented in this article.

The work can be entrusted to specialists who will take responsibility for all stages - from procurement necessary materials and accessories before their installation and commissioning of the sauna.

If you are a fan of hot steam temperatures, you can always find pleasant solutions regarding the choice of a bathhouse. Renting an inexpensive Moscow sauna is a very popular request of Muscovites and city guests, and sauna owners always provide excellent opportunities for a relaxing holiday that will be remembered for its multifaceted criteria.

In a good Finnish sauna in Moscow you can always take a wonderful steam bath with a broom, warm up your body and warm up well. The Finnish steam room is an excellent means of preventing colds, as well as treating them. Therefore, under any circumstances, take the opportunity to have a good rest in the relaxing spaces of the sauna, which will give you many minutes to improve your body’s health. In the Finnish steam room, the air is characterized by increased dryness, as well as maximum steam temperatures - here you will experience the most extreme temperatures, which are not found even in a good Russian bathhouse, since there is a humid atmosphere - and therefore it is always easier to breathe. Going to a Finnish steam room can be a pleasure if you use the visiting rules correctly. First of all, you should go into the steam room for just a couple of minutes to begin to get used to the temperatures, gradually warming up your body. After two minutes, leave the steam room, rinse off in the shower and rest a little. After which you can repeat this procedure once or twice. When you feel that your body has warmed up well, you can enjoy the wonderful process of steaming, which can give you a lot of relaxation and also cleanse your body well.

After the Finnish steam room, continue your relaxation in the aqua area - swim in the pool, soak in the jacuzzi - this will bring an additional dose of relaxation, thanks to which you will feel great. An inexpensive Finnish steam room will welcome you with wonderful bath procedures that will definitely suit your taste! Check out our selection of ideal saunas, which will help you choose your own sauna where your group of friends will be very comfortable. We wish you great relaxation in the cozy spaces of the Finnish sauna!

First of all, you should cleanse your body by getting into the shower. This is both hygienic for the person himself and respectful towards others. After washing, wipe dry. Only then can you enter the steam room. There should be a sheet on the body natural material and a felt cap that protects the head and hair from overheating, and the ears from being burned by hot air.

When putting on swimming trunks or a swimsuit, a person creates additional stress on the body, since such clothes are most often sewn from synthetic materials.

How many times can you go to the Finnish sauna?

There are no clearly regulated norms in this matter. It so happened that people enter the Finnish sauna mainly three times. If the body can tolerate more, then no one will prohibit it.

How to steam in a Finnish sauna?

In order not to harm your health, it is important to perform each step correctly:

  1. During the first visit, you should not sit or lie only on the bottom shelf or immediately on the top. Its essence is to evenly, slowly, warm up the entire body and achieve sweating. So, in the first case, the procedure will not make sense, and in the second it will lead to rapid heat stroke, since hot air is at the top. Do not sharply increase the temperature and frequently water the stones. Everything should happen gradually. You cannot breathe through your mouth in a Finnish sauna. After the first entry, which lasts no more than five minutes, you should take a cool shower, and only then plunge into the pool. It is enough to rest for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. When the body has warmed up well and adapted to the high temperature, you can steam longer the next time. Rest and a cool shower are required. Moreover, the temperature of the water in it should be lower each time.

Is it possible to eat and drink the day before and during a visit to the Finnish sauna?

Before going to the Finnish sauna, you can have a light snack no later than two hours in advance, so as not to overload your heart. In the steam room itself, the consumption of any food, and especially alcohol, has a detrimental effect on health. After the procedure, you should not immediately run to the refrigerator.

But you can drink, and even need to. Since increased sweating occurs, the loss of fluid must be replenished so that the body does not have time to notice it. You can drink a couple of glasses of water before the procedure. At the end of it, the amount of liquid should be greater. It is recommended not to drink between sessions cold water, which promotes stronger sweat production.

A proper stay in a Finnish sauna will have an extremely beneficial effect on a person, relaxing him and helping him feel rested.