Sleep swimming in ice water. Dream interpretation Interpretation of dreams. Add to calendar

Dream interpretation cold water

In the age of technocratic progress, it becomes more difficult to understand what cold water is dreaming of. Indeed, until recently, the interpretation of such a dream, which was given by almost every dream book, was unchanged: to a good harvest.

Dreams with cold water come true much more often, along with other symbols of dreams. This night dream prophesies renewal, cleansing and getting rid of ailments and problems, if in a dream she was clean. To feel frost on the skin from a drunk glass of water with ice - to be in a difficult situation.

Cold water is a multifaceted symbol. It can relate to a person’s health as a well-coordinated organism, relationships as part of the psycho-emotional sphere, or important events the near future as an influence on the possible actions of a person.

Depending on how large the pond with cold water was in a dream, we can talk about the vastness of the upcoming changes or events.

A glass of ice is a personal event, a cold bath is a serious shock that will affect personal life, a river is a dreamer's life, and a frozen sea is a global event, almost at the country level.

How different dream books interpret this symbol

If you dreamed of cold water

Almost every dream book talks about in whatever form water is dreamed of, it must be interpreted based on its quality. Pure transparent is health and positive changes in life. If it is too cold, then reaching that state of mind to be ready to accept these changes will be difficult, and sometimes even painful. But, as among people, each dream book has an important opinion regarding the details, which can be very important.

Dream Interpretation of Veles - what the ancient Slavs are talking about

The symbol of water among the ancient Slavs means purity of thoughts and the possibility of the flow of life, says the ancient dream book of Veles. If the water is clear in a dream, the dreamer's soul is ready to accept new knowledge and qualitatively develop life in this body. Muddy or dark - dreams of a disease that may not always manifest itself on a physical level.

It is very important to pay attention to the amount of cold or frozen water in a dream. Swimming in a cold river or swimming in a sea with ice floes can have a slightly different meaning.

Swim in the river - look for yourself throughout life

The ancient Slavs have many beliefs associated with swimming in the river. And even in a dream, clean water in the river means the power of life, good health and the possibility of creation. If it is very cold, be prepared for the fact that in order to continue following fate, you will need to go through some painful situation.

  • Swimming in the river when the water is very cold - while feeling fresh and cheerful - excellent health and longevity. Feeling that the cold fetters the body - the inability to think soberly from the fact that some problem has been oppressing you for a long time.
  • Sailing along the river in a boat among the ice floes - be careful, a person from your environment is only pretending to good attitude to you.
  • Dive into the hole - you will fearlessly protect those who are weaker than you.

The icy sea is a series of useful difficulties

if you swam among the ice floes

If you dream that you have to swim in a cold sea, be prepared that trials will fall on your head one after another. But these vicissitudes will not test your patience, they will quickly mobilize forces and help you move to a qualitatively new moral level.

  • Resolutely swim in the sea among the ice floes, not being afraid to dive and plunge headlong into the icy water - you can quickly deal with all the misadventures.
  • Jumping into the icy sea from a boat to help a drowning person - you are ready to risk your stability and honest name just to protect the truth.
  • Cold gray sea, clearly hear the noise - a person from your inner circle slanders you, creating many difficulties.

Miller's dream book - cleansing

Family dream book - happiness

This interpretation has come from ancient times and is considered basic for family people. Pure icy water dreams of happiness. To wash with ice water is to see the light (in the sense of the attitude of people and one's own worldview).

  • Swim in an icy lake or river - meet with misunderstanding of the second half. If you are planning to swim in ice water together - nothing can put your family happiness and spiritual harmony.
  • Sailing in a boat among ice floes or during ice drift - if the water was clear and you saw the bottom - it means that a business that required determination and fortitude will be completed in your favor. In the case when it was cloudy or black - give up any undertakings.
  • Accidentally falling into a frozen river and losing the ability to swim from the cold, waiting for salvation to come is an unexpected turn of events. The one from whom you expected responsiveness will be cold towards you.

Analysis of personal feelings

Dreams with water are quite difficult to interpret without the personal relationship of the dreamer. Because this important archetypal symbol cannot be universal due to its ambiguity. So, for some people, water in reality is a pleasant element, to which they are ready to devote almost all their free time. But for others, it is a frightening veil.

In any case, clean cold water is a positive sign. For people who have been sick for a long time, this is a symbol of recovery. And for those who have been looking for an answer to a serious question for a long time, important information will be given.

If a person is used to swimming in slightly cool water and dreams of plunging into an ice hole, the dream in which he had to swim among the ice floes may simply reflect his desires. Therefore, you should not look for additional interpretations if you often think about it.

To be very frightened of a cold reservoir, to be cold to the bone - to experience a shock in one's usual life. The feeling that the cold went straight into the heart, and it shrank, means that personal life will be in jeopardy. Where you hoped to receive love and understanding, there will be completely different feelings.

Drinking cold water from a glass or bowl - find a solution to an important problem. But this is only if you enjoy the feeling of coolness that spreads throughout the body. If the feelings are unpleasant, then you will stumble upon an obstacle in solving an important matter.

Your mark:

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If a in dream lucky to swim in clean water, in fact, nothing will overshadow your everyday life either. You have nothing to worry about in the near future. Even if something worries you, know that your worries are groundless. What dreamed in dream Weather in the reservoir. When circumstances force you to swim in ice water, dream book calls for gathering. Try to mobilize all your forces, you may need them very soon. Ahead of unexpected obstacles, unforeseen difficulties.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Icy water on dream book. If you saw in dream, what wash your face in crystal clear ice water, then you don’t have to worry about your health. Fall into a cold icy water means to spoil the relationship for a long time. To prevent this from happening, be attentive to the requests of your relatives and watch what you say and how you act towards them. If a dreamed, what you swim in dirty ice water, then in reality you will encounter all sorts of difficulties, troubles. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    For what dreaming water icy: interpretation. known to be pure water- this is a rather auspicious symbol. Such dream can portend joyful and pleasant meetings, events. On the other hand, dirty water- the symbol is negative. In addition, the person to whom had a dream such dream can be blamed for problems at work. Dream: bathe in ice water– why?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    2. And this dream in which you happen to to swim in very cold ice water, for example, in the winter sea, or diving into an ice hole - this promises a sick or ailing person a quick full recovery. And healthy - just a surge of strength, energy, good health and life to old age. Why dreamed bathe in dream?Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming to swim in water? dreams often called the mirror of the soul, a reflection of our worries and experiences. In dream the subconscious sends us different signs, which are sometimes just a set of abstract symbols, and sometimes make you think about what awaits us in the near future. It turns out that almost all dream interpreters bathe in water in dream means a change in real life the person to whom had a dream the dream.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Not everyone knows what dreaming water icy- clean or dirty. This article tells you what to do if dreamed.Dream, where there is a transparent icy water, It has good value. Swimming in such water promises the owner a dream of good health. After all, in reality, swimming in pure coolness water leads to hardening of the body and gives excellent health.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Swim in the snow in dream- enjoyment of well-being and prosperity, if the snow was clean and fluffy, beautiful. Swim in the cold ice water or in winter means insensitivity, which appears as a result of a strong emotional shock. Very anxious in the soul after what he saw. to me dreamed what Me and old friends my parents (a married couple Alla and Andrey, they were with a grandson or granddaughter, which they don’t have in real life) swim in pool. Alla is standing on the side with a child, her husband and I are in water, we...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed swimming in ice water, winter, hole, father baptized water, I was baptized three times and dived three times, then came out water and felt that I was warm and very light. In dream to me dreamed what I swam in clean pool with blue water, I swam there since sister, her boyfriend and my acquaintances, I already find it difficult to say which ones. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    dreamed icy water, Bathe in ice water- hypothermia; disease; good health. Dream has several interpretations, Carrying the opposite forecast. You can make the final forecast only on the basis of an analysis of the tested in dream emotions. dreamed what in water swam bed on the bed sleeping husband and son they were in ice I ran and took a hammer, frightened as under ice son breathes and smashed ice pulled out her son's husband, they woke up., what is it for. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    dream interpretation icy water in dream.Icy water in a dream has several alternative interpretations. if you dreaming, what you are drowning in it, pay attention to the kidneys. Perhaps you have a disease that needs urgent treatment. If you drink pure icy water, then in reality you will be surrounded by good and reliable friends and buddies.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    gnaw in dream ice in some form it can be a warning of an impending disease, but swimming in water, wherein floats ice, but not experiencing cold at the same time, indicates that you will be revered, respected and may even gain fame. dreamed, what do ice- subdue your selfishness, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business. Bathing in ice water promises pleasure, which will be interrupted by some event.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    dream interpretation: To swim in dream. To swimAT clean water- life without worries; in the muddy water- obstacles; drowning - misfortune; in a raging water- you will be more active; see floating- your aspirations will be fulfilled; running water- a difficult path in life. Me dreaming, what I swimming with their former classmates, but there are also people unfamiliar to me, although I communicate with them, as with old acquaintances, and they also communicate with me. I can not to swim, and in dream I understand this well, but despite this, I am swimming.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming to swim in water in dream. If you swim in clean water in dream, then your life in the near future will proceed without problems and worries, but if in a muddy one, then most likely, obstacles and obstacles await you. When your swimming in dream it doesn’t go well and you start to drown, this means that misfortune will actually befall you. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    In dream to swim in transparent water, also interpreted as a symbol good health and success. In addition, transparent water represents spiritual purity and well-being. Such dream talking about creative nature sleeping, about his cultivation. I dreamed, as if swimming in dream in a clear transparent blue lake with a guy I like, we dive together, swim, in in general, we swim, the fact is that the second night in a row I dreaming clear lake.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed, what swam in ice water- get a pleasure that will have to be interrupted due to an unexpected event. Do not forget that no matter how pleasant your pastime is, you should always be on the alert. Our experts will help you find out why dreaming To swim in ice water in dream in dream saw this symbol.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed cold Water, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming cold Water in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! Hello! to me dreamed two boys floating in clothes in icy pond with ice in the yard, and I looked with my son, I wanted to pull them out, but I saw that they like it there. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    cold, icy water dreaming in dream like the cold water, you yourself will want to end relationships, cancel deals, break ties. On the river ice, which gradually melts. There are already clearings in the river on the right, and there swim ducks, everything else is in ice. In general, the landscape is magical.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "mysonnic"

    all dream books". Keyword search. Today dreamed.Home / Interpretation search sleep. On request " to swim in ice water» found 8 words.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    cold, icy water dreaming to stagnation in business, a stop, and possibly a cooling of relations. if you in dream like the cold water, you yourself will want to end relationships, cancel transactions, break ties. To swim or swim with fish in dream- a sign of health and well-being. If there is one or two fish, you will soon have the opportunity to carry out an important business that you have been thinking about for a long time. If you swam with fish in the sea - the meaning of the upcoming event is very important for you in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik"

    If you had a dream ice, then you should be prepared for adversity and be wary of a blow to the most unprotected place. If you dreamed ice floes in a clean stream water, then in reality your serene happiness may be overshadowed by envious friends. If in dream you bathe in ice water, then you should not particularly rely on the planned vacation, as it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation to swim in clean water dreamed, for what dreaming in dream to swim in clean water». icy water.dreamed, what swimming in pool with a good friend. There are a lot of people around, but they do not prevent us from sailing quite fast forward.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Success, joy and good news await those who in dream bathed in calm, not seething water pleasant temperature. If a dreamed, what You bathed in the bathroom, then soon you will be seriously disappointed in something or in someone. If a young girl dreaming swimming with a girlfriend in the lake which is better floats then her flaws won't be bathing in ice water in winter period time portends a pleasure that will be interrupted at the most inopportune moment. Bathing in milk is a sign of success and wealth that will happen to you soon. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "fb"

    For what dreaming to swim in ice water? Such dreams speak of insensitivity, which covers in connection with a severe emotional shock. Also, swimming in the hole indicates an emotional dead end. Why dreaming to swim in clean water fully naked? There is nothing to fear, night dreams promise health and pleasure. Immerse yourself in dream naked in a dirty pond - soon get sick or get injured. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Oriental dream book. For what dreaming Ice in dream on dream book? dreamed ice- be prepared for adversity and beware of hitting the most vulnerable place. I was walking at the wedding, there were a lot of people, the bride, a girl I didn’t know, was in the center of the celebration, suddenly all the guests, including the bride herself, were in ice water,wherein swim medium sized lumps ice, the people are struggling, and the bride has anxiety on her face. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    Bathing in water co ice in dream portends danger. Ice- a symbol of cold, cooling, it also symbolizes dream co ice.Swim with fish in dream- good luck and good health. To swim in dream with fish in the open sea, it means that you should pay attention to your actions - how you act in the next controversial situation will be decisive for you, so it is very important to consider what is happening from all sides and make the right decision. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation dreamed what I swimming dreamed, for what dreaming in dream dreamed what I swimming?Sometimes like this dream portends an accident or even death to the one who swam. To swim naked in clean water in dream- a sign of pleasures, pleasures, pleasant meetings. if you dream, what you swim in dream together with your lover, then soon you will have to leave due to circumstances that are beyond your control.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Walk along ice water dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Walk along ice water? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter for free alphabetically). See interpretation: also chapters: ford, river, fountain, sea, ocean, source, drinks, thirst, well, waterfall, water mill, to swim, boiling water, plumbing.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Ice in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why dream Ice in a dream

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Ice mean?

Ice symbolizes cooling. The expression "to walk thin ice speaks of insidious danger. All this reflects our dreams with the presence of ice as a dream symbol.

If you saw blocks of ice or ice statues in a dream, then this is a sign of cooling towards you from those around you or a slowdown in the progress of things. In some cases, this dream tells you: you need to rush slowly, if you hurry, you will make people laugh. If you see ice on a river or any other body of water, then this dream indicates the danger of your position and that you are playing too risky a game.

Walking on ice suggests that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys. If you dreamed of icicles hanging from the roof, this is a sign of a change in your life for the worse, a decrease in comfort, both moral and physical.

Gnawing ice in any form in a dream can be a warning of an impending illness, but swimming in water in which ice floats, but not experiencing cold at the same time, indicates that you will be revered, respected and may even gain fame , for more details, if Ice is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Cooled feelings or relationships; inability to feel and love; insensitivity to truth and law; cold areas of consciousness. It may be associated with fear, this is how this dream is interpreted, in which Ice is dreamed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Ice dream in a dream?

Disaster, damage, failure, loss, malice. Ice floating on clean water(ice drift) - a threat to lose happiness because of someone's envy. Walking on ice is a risky business, a danger of tarnishing your reputation; for a young woman - a risky love adventure.

To troubles, suffering, melting - to inaction, cooling of relations with a loved one. Eat, gnaw ice, suck an icicle - to the disease (the same if you drink ice water). Swimming in ice water is a pleasure that will be suddenly interrupted, which means a dream that you had a dream.

To the danger associated with water, for example, swimming in a lake, river, for more details on why Ice is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does Ice dream about for a woman:

Portends material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love. Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way. Walking on snowy ice - start an enterprise that will bring the desired income.

Skating on ice - you are in danger of losing your job or any values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you value very much. Fall through the ice - you risk the well-being of loved ones. Spring ice drift - your luck comes to an end, and a losing streak begins

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream and what does Ice mean in a dream?

If you see an ice block in a dream, this means that your sexual relationship is literally breathing its last. You have tried everything, but nothing can restore interest in each other. The only thing that can be advised to you is to leave in order to check the strength of the relationship, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Ice is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why does Ice dream in a dream?

I dreamed of ice - be prepared for adversity and beware of hitting the most vulnerable spot. The dream in which you see Ice in a stream of clear water means that your serene existence can be overshadowed by envious friends.

If you are walking on ice, it is possible that you will part with your usual comfortable life. A dream in which she walks on ice warns a young woman: she should be more careful in her actions, because by her behavior she can attract too much attention to herself.

Ice on houses dreams of poverty and lack of comfort. It is also possible deterioration in health. Ice on the fence portends the possible suffering of the soul and body. Icicles on trees mean that your prospects will become even bleaker. Ice on coniferous trees calls into question your brilliant future.

The dream in which you make ice warns: you risk failing because of your selfishness and arrogance. Sucking ice is a disease. The dream in which you drink ice water warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses. If you swim in icy water - you should not really count on the planned rest, it can be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Modern dream book

Why dream of Ice in a dream book?

Ice dreams of disaster. For example, ill-wishers will harm in an important matter for you. Ice floating in a stream of clear water says that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness. Walked in a dream on the ice - you have to risk your calmness and respect for others because of fleeting joys. I dreamed that you were making ice - pacify your selfishness, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business. Bathing in ice water promises pleasure, which will be interrupted by some event, for more details, if Ice is dreaming, see below.

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why Ice is dreaming, interpretation of sleep:

A large accumulation of "frozen" ("frozen") areas of consciousness or feelings that cannot be "melted" or "dissolved" (see the symbol "Ice"),

Psychological dream book

Why does Ice dream in a dream?

If you experience joyful feelings while watching the ice drift, it means that the long-awaited period of joy and good luck is finally coming in your life. I dreamed that during the ice drift someone was carried away on ice - exercise extreme caution so as not to fall into the trap set by insidious ill-wishers

Summer dream interpreter

Glacier - Dreaming in a dream of a glacier descending from the mountains - to a natural disaster.

To see an ice floe with people floating on the water is a disaster.

Autumn dream interpreter

To see a glacier descending from the mountains - love is coming on the wane.

To see ice floating on water is to loneliness.

Spring dream interpreter

To be in a glacier (in a cellar) - to burial.

Ice and a person on it - to the bankruptcy of your ally and trouble in his affairs.

Fall through the ice - get sick with an incurably serious illness.

Dream interpretation ice water

Why dream of ice water? The answer will depend on the actions of the dreamer and the scenes seen in the dream. The sensations from the touch of a burning cold liquid to the body of a sleeping person are also important.

Water procedures

In order to be tempered, a person must accustom himself to cold water in particular, and cold in general. Ice water perfectly refreshes, invigorates and restores clarity of mind. But if you only dream of icy liquid, what can this mean?

Gustav Miller's opinion

According to this dream book, ice water is a rather negative sign. The ice itself promises the appearance of various misfortunes in the life of a sleeping person. For getting accurate interpretation it is important to remember the dreamer's actions in night vision:

Making ice in a dream

  • To see how the ice will float in the water - alas, happy Days will remain in the past. A certain acquaintance burns with envy towards you, and this person will do everything in his power to ruin your life.
  • Freezing water into ice - a sleeping person will be haunted by failures in business. You yourself set an overestimated bar for yourself, your vanity and selfishness did not play in your favor.
  • Gnawing an icicle or drinking water diluted with ice is a disease.
  • Swimming in a dream in icy water - you will have a good time, but at the most inopportune moment, when you are at the very peak of bliss, you will be interrupted.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

See water frozen in ice and walk on it:

  • to be able to pass - to success;
  • fail - failure, grief.

When the water is only slightly covered with ice, and you pass through it, you are in great danger. You act spontaneously, surrender to feelings, and they can play a cruel joke.

What can dream of ice in the house? To troubles concerning the personal life of a sleeping person.

Fall into the hole - you are in danger. Do or say something that will be misunderstood by others, you will grieve a lot.

Consider other interpreters

Gnawing an icicle in a dream

Ice and ice water are quite often considered by interpreters of dreams. This symbol has been known since time immemorial, so even the most ancient predictors considered them in their dream books.

Women's dream book

Drinking ice water or sucking ice - to a disease, feeling unwell. All the other manipulations that you will carry out with ice water, swim in it, dive, mean that there are a lot of people around who wish you harm.

Small Velesov dream book

According to this dream book, icy, melt water in a dream is to death. From the ice flowed clean, clear water- a sleeping person will be able to boast of good health. Water muddy and dirty promises diseases and troubles.

Esoteric dream book

It is believed that drinking ice water or eating ice in a dream - you will be able to pull yourself together, “cool down”. A sleeping person will get rid of destructive feelings, such as hatred, anger, envy.

To see how another person you know does this - his feelings for you will cool.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Drowning in a river with ice water - check your kidneys. It is always better to find out about the disease in advance, do not wait until the time when the body through pain will let you know about failures.

Drinking ice water, this source, unlike the others, is considered positively. This means that the sleeping person has devoted comrades. Be also their faithful and devoted friend if you want to continue to enjoy their respect.

Drinking unreasonably cold water in a dream

Watching how the water freezes literally before our eyes, and you can already walk on it - there will be a hitch in your affairs. The fact is that in your environment there is a person who deliberately interferes with you. The sooner you can find the traitor, the sooner your affairs will improve.

Winter entertainment according to modern interpreters

Swimming in icy water with mud and silt - obstacles will appear on the dreamer's path that you will have to cross. The dream book advises not to lose self-control, you have the courage and endurance to cope with all the troubles. After these situations, you will become even stronger.

Swimming in cold but crystal clear water - new perspectives will open up before the dreamer.

According to this dream book, swimming in water with joy means that joyful events will occur in your life. The longer you swim in the water, the more positive change happens, as a result, you will look at your life in a completely different way.

To see that your friend is swimming next to you - you will have a very pleasant time in reality, you will have a trip to nature, going to the cinema, a banquet in a restaurant. The main thing is that you rest from the heart.

Dreaming of a frozen font

It is important that both you and your friend in a dream are satisfied with everything that happens. If you had fun, then your friendship will be strong and will last for many more years. If you experienced discomfort, you were tormented by convulsions, then the friendship will fade away. In the end, there will come a moment when you completely lose sight of each other.

A dream is considered negatively by dream books, where the dreamer will swim in an icy pond with a loved one. The prediction is not very comforting: alas, your feelings will fade away day by day. You will have to work hard to rekindle the flame in your hearts.

Don't get upset prematurely. If you worked intensively with your limbs, and soon the cold began to give way to pleasant warmth, then love will come out on new level, even though this will have to overcome some difficulties. Old grievances will be forgotten, and you will be able to trust each other again.

What does water mean in a dream

If we take the symbol “water” itself and consider it generally, then the main thing is that this water should be clean. Many people know that a cloudy and dirty liquid is a sign of impending trouble, an imminent illness, and trouble.

Do you turn water into ice on your own? Interpreters advise you to think less about yourself. Today you treat people coldly, but the moment will come when you need help, and then you can only blame yourself for their aloofness.

Walking in a dream in search of a source and, finally, finding cold spring water - you need rest, take a break, otherwise the body, having exhausted all its strength, will force you to stop with the help of illness.

Swim in muddy, dirty, icy water - failure, illness, grief. This is far from a complete list that dream books give out in such a case. If such a night vision visited you before an important event or trip, do everything in your power to delay this event.

I had to quench my thirst with dirty cold water in a dream - a serious illness awaits you. Most likely, the disease has already penetrated your body, the main thing is not to waste time. Many note that the malaise begins immediately in the morning, after a sleeping person has a similar dream.

Other interpretations

Walking on an ice floe surrounded on all sides by water - you literally walk on a razor's edge. With your careless actions or statements, you risk arousing the wrath of quite high-ranking officials. You are like a man swimming among sharks, sooner or later it can end fatally.

Accidentally spill water in your house - you will have minor troubles and troubles. At the same time, the dream book believes that what more water was spilled, the longer this unfortunate stage will last in your life.

In a dream, water is a symbol of unexpected, global, rapid changes in the fate of the sleeping person. And if you dreamed that you were doused with a cold shower, think about it: does everything in your life line up as you would like? Dream books will tell you about what ice water may dream of.

Miller's interpretations

Gustav Miller describes several dreams about cold water in some detail. So if in a dream a person walks barefoot on an icy melted slurry, then in reality he will lose peace due to momentary temptations and joys.

But pouring yourself with ice water in a dream is not bad, this indicates the sincere desire of the sleeping person to get rid of unkind thoughts, bad habits. As the dream book assures, everything will work out, the person will get rid of the oppressive feeling, longing.

In your environment there are hypocritical personalities who cleverly disguise their dislike for you - that's what among the ice floes.

Doused in a dream with a cold shower? Alas, upon awakening you will receive unpleasant news.

The vision that you are drowning in an ice hole, according to Miller, promises illness, ill health.

In a healthy body healthy mind!

Did you dream that you were boldly swimming in an icy pond? Then you are an extremely brave, courageous person, ready for any trials. And if at the same time you still experienced pleasure, then in a critical situation you will never be at a loss and will be able to make the right decision.

But if during a sleepy bath, remember: in reality, for a while you should refrain from categorical judgments and making fateful decisions.

If you had a chance in winter night fantasy, then you can conquer those around you in reality with your foresight and determination. Eastern dream book claims that the one who jumps into a pool of icy water in a midnight slumber will never leave his comrades, will defend their interests and rightness to the last.

For the sake of principle

Why did you dream that you put your feet in ice water, arguing with someone? It turns out that a similar situation is about to happen in reality: someone will provoke you to a desperate act. Its consequences are foreseeable. So the dream book promises victory in any dispute or risky venture only if in night vision you calmly immersed your feet in a cold liquid.

If in a dream you were unpleasant, scared, your limbs cramped, then refrain from participating in heated discussions, do not try to show your exclusivity, superiority.

A dream in which your comrades persuaded you to plunge into an ice hole predicts defeat in a dispute. But, paradoxically, Pastor Loffa assures you that this will do you good. Finally, you seem to wake up and begin to actively act in a given direction, achieving your goal.

Get ready for trials

Trouble, as you know, does not come alone. So it will happen in reality with those who scream, call for help, because they are about to go to the bottom, the Lunar Dream Book predicts.

Without difficulty, only one who, in night vision, boldly swam to the shore, will be able to overcome any trials of fate. Are you completely numb and starting to sink? Why dream of such a terrible plot? To the fact that one must be prepared for major troubles in reality.

And by Gypsy dream book a similar picture can be dreamed up on the eve of illness, injury or accident. Be careful and vigilant.

The state of the water surface

Sometimes in a dream we just look at a body of water. And this picture is also deciphered by dream books. So if the water seemed dark, muddy, then in reality the dreamer will be tormented by doubts before making any decision. And his hesitation is entirely justified.