Fall into shit in a dream. Why dream shit. Alternative interpretation of sleep

Seeing shit in a dream is far from the most pleasant sight. But looking into the dream book, you can understand that such a dream is a very good sign, promising good profits and financial prosperity. Money will practically fall on your head even if you don't expect it. This may be an inheritance, and winning the lottery, but the fact remains that you have to be redeemed in money.
To find out what this dream portends, you need to remember all the details of what you had a dream, and then the interpretation of dreams will become clear and accessible to you. Look into the dream book and open the veil of secrecy of your future.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why dream of human shit - a dream book of human shit: if you dreamed of human shit - this can be explained as a great inheritance awaiting you.
  • Why dream of your own shit - dreamed of your own shit, recognition and glory await you.
  • Dream Interpretation "crap yourself and see your shit" - money profit, gifts and honors await you.

Autumn dream book
Why dream of a bunch of shit - a dream book of a bunch of shit: if you dreamed of a bunch of shit, the money you invested in any business will bring big profits.

Summer dream book

Why dream of shit - a dream book of shit: if you dreamed of shit, a great shame awaits you, which will be extremely difficult for you to get rid of.

Autumn dream book

Why is a person’s shit dreaming - a dream book why shit is dreaming - in a dream you had a shit, a big profit awaits you.

Dream Interpretation Smurova

  • Dream Interpretation "what shit is dreaming of" - expect failure, lies, troubles, troubles, set-ups, divorce.
  • Why dream of shit in the toilet - dream book shit toilet: dreamed of shit in the toilet - you will have to move soon due to some problems.
  • Why do cowards in shit dream -: some kind of loss or shame awaits you due to the fact that all your dirty secrets will become available to others.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Why dream of seeing shit - a dream book dreamed of shit: to monetary enrichment.
  • Why dream of floating shit - be careful and careful with people, they will try to betray, slander or slander you.


  • Dream Interpretation: piss off and see your shit - a dream interpretation of dreams is shit: to see your shit in a dream portends ruin, shame, troubles to the dreamer.
  • Why dream a lot of shit - a dream book to see a lot of shit: you dreamed a lot of shit, which means that you have to try very hard to achieve your goals.
  • Why dream of shit with - a dream book of shit with worms: if you dreamed of shit with worms, you will have a big profit.
  • Why dream of shitty blood - a dream book of shit with blood: you need to pay attention to your health, do a full examination.
  • Why dream of wiping shit - a dream book of wiping shit: such a dream means that some kind of unpleasant situation awaits you from which it will be extremely difficult for you to get out.
  • Why dream of getting dirty in shit - a dream book of getting dirty in shit: you dreamed of getting dirty in shit, which means that good news or material profit awaits you.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book: why shit is dreaming - Miller's dream book: shit seen in a dream will bring you wealth, profit.
  • Miller's dream book: why dream of shit - why dream of swimming in shit: expect a big rich inheritance.
  • Why dream of shit - Miller gives the following interpretation: the dream book smells of shit promises you good luck in any business, even those that seemed hopeless to you.

Freud's dream book

  • Why dream of someone else's shit - a dream book of someone else's shit: you dreamed of someone else's shit, most likely you are worried about some kind of quarrel with a person close to you.
  • Why dream of getting smeared with shit - a dream book of getting dirty with shit: getting dirty in shit in a dream means that you will find yourself in a rather unpleasant and awkward situation, the culprit of which you yourself will be.
  • Why dream of falling into shit - a dream book of falling into shit: if you dreamed of falling into shit, you have to find yourself in a difficult situation from which it is very difficult for you to find a way out.
  • Why dream of getting smeared in shit - a dream book of getting smeared in shit: I dreamed of getting smeared in shit, you are not in an enviable position among colleagues, friends or relatives.
  • Why dream of eating shit - a dream book of eating shit: you will learn secrets that are not intended for you, you should not divulge them.
  • Why dream of shit with - a dream book of shit with worms - you should be careful about shit with worms, they will try to use you for their own purposes or take something valuable from you.

Dream Interpretation Felomena

Esoteric dream book

  • Why dream of shit in a dream - a dream book to see shit: you are destined to meet with trouble or something extremely unpleasant.
  • Why dream a lot of shit - a dream book a lot of shit: a dream promises you a lot of unpleasant events associated with some kind of abomination.
  • Why dream of getting dirty with shit in a dream - for all your deeds you will get what you deserve, if the dream is repeated repeatedly - expect profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: a bunch of shit on the table - a very worthy result awaits you for your work.
  • Why dream of watering a garden with shit - such a dream promises a very good harvest.

Loff's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see shit in a dream - a dream book to see shit in a dream means that you are trying with all your might to get rich, and you are in dire need of finances. But as a rule, just seeing shit does not mean that you will be able to get money in reality.
  • Why dream of getting your hands dirty in shit - such a dream portends profit, and success in any business related to finance.

Psychological dream book

  • Why dream of hands in shit - a dream book of hands in shit: having a dream of hands in shit is not the most pleasant dream, but such a dream carries the meaning of imminent profit or valuable surprises.
  • Why dream of giving a shit a lot of shit - things in which you thought you could not achieve any success will suddenly bring you benefits. You may also receive an unexpected legacy.

Modern dream book

The oldest dream book

  • Why dream of stepping into shit - a dream book of stepping into shit: if you stand in your own shit, this portends troubles and sorrows for you, you yourself are to blame, it is possible that you will get some kind of illness.
  • Why dream of cleaning up shit - dream book of cleaning up shit: I dreamed of cleaning up shit, most likely all your secrets will soon become known to everyone, which in turn will bring the hatred of others towards you.
  • Why dream of shit in the toilet - a dream book of shit in the toilet: if you dreamed of shit in the toilet, then you will be able to get rid of all the problems and troubles. Also, this dream portends good changes for those who are going on a trip.
  • I had a dream: a lot of shit - a dream book had a lot of shit: a lot of bad and disadvantageous situations await you, be careful and careful.

Dream Interpretation of Adaskin

  • Why dream of a bucket of shit -: I dreamed of a bucket of shit - this is a good sign, which means that soon expect your financial situation to improve.
  • Why dream of holding shit in your hands - a dream book of holding shit in your hand: even if it seems to you that there is absolutely no way to expect profit from anywhere, a good income will fall into your hands, it can be a win and a lottery or an inheritance.

Noble dream book

  • Why dream of a full toilet of shit - a dream book of a full toilet of shit: If in a dream you are not disgusted by what you see, then you have to bathe in money.
  • Why dream of getting up in shit - a dream book of getting up in shit: a dream promises changes in life. So, for example, if you left your old job, you can safely count on the new job of your dreams.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Old English dream book

  • Why dream of a complete toilet of shit - a dream interpretation of dreams is shit: a severe reprimand from the leadership awaits you, it will be fully deserved.
  • Why dream of walking on shit - a dream book of getting dirty in shit: you will have a chance to make a small profit.
  • Why dream of washing off shit - dream book of washing off shit: dreaming of washing off shit means that some changes will occur in your life, unfortunately, not for the better.
  • Why dream of animal shit - - a dream portends you strong and good health.
  • Why dream of poking around in shit - a dream book of getting into shit: you will lose respect in the eyes of your loved ones, contempt and ridicule will haunt you, you need to abstract and just wait out this moment.

Other interpretations

  • Dream Interpretation online: shit - interpretation of dreams why shit is dreaming: to see shit in a dream means that you are too soft with others, learn to say no to people, otherwise they will certainly take advantage of your kindness.
  • What is the dream of cat shit - a dream book of cat shit: dreaming of cat shit means now is the right time to start your own personal business. All the finances you invest will bring a good stable income.
  • Dream Interpretation "dream about shit" - the dream book had a shit: this dream has 2 completely opposite interpretations. One of them promises the dreamer a big profit at the expense of your rivals in some business. The second means that the people around you will begin to treat you with disdain, many quarrels and disputes await you.
  • Why dream of joining human shit - you will receive an extraordinary bonus or salary increase.
  • Why dream of cleaning shit - a dream book to clean shit: this dream means that you are dependent on someone.
  • "Eating shit" dream book - dreamed of eating shit: you will have a great opportunity to make money thanks to your oratorical talents, this dream can also characterize you as an extremely greedy and stingy person.
  • Dream interpretation "pit with shit" - a dream book to fall into a pit with shit: you will find yourself in an extremely awkward situation, a shame in front of a large number of people. Be more restrained. (cm. )

Dream interpretation shit animals

  • Why dream of cow shit - dream book cow shit: dreamed of cow shit - to good prosperity in your family. (cm. )
  • Why dream of mouse shit - mouse shit dream book: such a dream means that you have haters who, although they hate you, they cannot do anything against you.
  • Why do cat shit dream - cat shit is a dream book: one of your close people will do something disgusting to you, be prepared for this. (cm. )
  • Why dream about dog shit - a dream book about dog shit: you have to improve your living conditions, dog shit in a dream promises you a lot of good, the changes that await you will only be in a positive direction.
  • Why dream of a shitty cat - profit will await you in the most seemingly unwinnable situations and deeds.
  • Why dream of a shitty kitten - such a dream promises you little money that will come to you completely unexpectedly.
  • Why dream a lot of cat shit - you do not trust the people around you, some of them are ready to help you disinterestedly, be more open with people.
  • Why dream of chicken shit - abundance will always reign in your house, and relationships will be strong and respectful.
  • Why dream of horse shit - for all your efforts and hard work, a big and well-deserved reward awaits you.
  • Why dream of rat shit - behind your back, your enemies are seriously trying to tarnish your reputation and ruin your opinion.
  • Why dream of a shitty cow - get ready for a very pleasant and expensive gift for you.
  • Why dream of cleaning up cat shit - a dream book of cleaning up cat shit - washing off or cleaning cat shit in a dream means that no matter what, you will be able to clean up your reputation.
  • Why dream of cleaning up dog shit - you will have a chance to change your life and your family's life for the better, do not miss it.

It is widely believed that bowel movements in a dream predict wealth and a prosperous life. However, it must be borne in mind that one should distinguish between the actual enrichment and the desire to get rich.

This interpretation is based on the theoretical research of Sigmund Freud's dream book, which suggests that shit for a child is perceived by him as his own product, and therefore is valuable to him. Indeed, it would be strange if an aged person saw shit in a dream and, waking up, was relieved by what he saw.

The importance of the plot

For a correct interpretation of the meaning of the dream, what shit is dreaming of in the dream book, it is important to remember where the shit came from and in what form you saw it.

For example, if feces in a dream arise in the usual (natural) way, then you should remember whose they are and what happens to them next: you just noticed them, or you had to throw them away, etc.

Based on this information, you can understand a lot about your relationship with those who took part in the dream plot.

Dream Interpretations

In the case when you find shit, but at the same time it does not fall into your field of vision, the dream book states: you are worried that others are trying to invade your life. Also, the money issue can be raised here if someone's intervention turns out to be too intrusive.

There is also a more direct interpretation of the meaning of the dream book, following from the considerations that shit is, as they say, shit in Africa. If in a dream you see shit or you happen to get into it, such a dream is by no means to wealth, but simply means that in your current position, not everything is going smoothly for you, but rather a black streak has come.

At the same time, some interpretations say that the meaning of a dream about shit is a change of place of residence associated with any personal difficulties. Defeating in public in a dream is a symbol of bad luck and deprivation caused by the fact that others will find out about some of your secrets.

If you have no plans to move and there are no family problems, then expect the receipt of money. In this case, seeing shit, as well as stepping into it, is for money.

Everyone should dream and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not even pleasant to look at, this dream is one of the good harbingers.

Why dream shit? It's very simple .. Shit dreams for profit, for money! If you dream of toilets, but there is no shit in them, for example, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve yourself, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are sleeping and this is dictated to you by a dream about a toilet.

Moreover, it often happens that you kind of went into the booth and you can’t urinate, so your “alarm clock” just hasn’t rung yet.

Strictly speaking, a dream about shit and toilets is entirely subject to the principle of inversion in interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, such a leapfrog) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the more profit awaits you in real life!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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Why dream shit

General interpretation of sleep

Why shit is dreaming - the excrement dreamed of by a person is a very auspicious sign. Such a dream promises an increase in finances and a life of prosperity. The money itself will float into the hands just when the dreamer least expects such a turn of events. Profit will come in the form of an unexpected inheritance or even winning the lottery.

If you dream of a lot of animal shit, you need to prepare for pleasant surprises. For a person engaged in agriculture, a farmer or a summer resident, such a dream portends a rich harvest.
When dreaming of human shit in which the dreamer got dirty, then ill-wishers will try to slander or humiliate the person. Also, such a dream about feces may portend that in reality someone will begin to pour mud on the dreamer or he will experience great shame.
A dream in which a person had to eat feces predicts a negative situation that may arise in real life. If you dreamed that a person emptied himself, it means that soon he will be recognized and honored on a global scale. Also, such a dream promises to receive gifts and unexpected surprises, which will undoubtedly turn out to be very pleasant.
According to Freud's dream book, excrement in a dream can denote mental anguish that the dreamer experiences in life due to some personal problems. However, a person does not want to discuss the difficulties that have arisen with their instigator and understand the current situation.

Why shit is dreaming - interpretation of sleep for:

Interpretation of sleep for LOVE

According to Meneghetti's dream book, a feces dreamed at night means the destruction of past values ​​or relationships that meant a lot in the dreamer's life.

Why dream shit interpretation for BUSINESS

A large pile of feces in a dream means that in real life the dreamer will be able to profitably invest his money.
If you dream of a toilet (latrine), which a person is diligently trying to clean from shit, it means that soon he will lose almost all his finances, left without a penny of money.
Sometimes shit dreams of a person discovering some secret about his work colleague. Most likely it will be possible to find out his secret thoughts or find compromising evidence, but at the same time go unnoticed.

Everyone should dream and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not even pleasant to look at, this dream is one of the good harbingers.

Why dream shit? It's very simple .. Shit dreams for profit, for money! If you dream of toilets, but there is no shit in them, for example, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let's say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve yourself, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are sleeping and this is dictated to you by a dream about a toilet.

Moreover, it often happens that you kind of went into the booth and you can’t urinate, so your “alarm clock” just hasn’t rung yet.

Strictly speaking, a dream about shit and toilets is entirely subject to the principle of inversion in interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, such a leapfrog) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the more profit awaits you in real life!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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