Calculate fate by date of birth and name. How to find out your Purpose by date of birth? Help comes along the beam of love and wisdom

Often you can meet people who create families, work hard, but do not achieve success and do not feel happy. It is believed that this is due to the failure to fulfill their destiny on earth. Each person is born for a reason, but with a certain mission that must be fulfilled without fail in order for life to sparkle with new colors. It is important to know how to find your purpose by date of birth in order to try to change your life. There are several different methods that will help you understand your purpose. For example, the interpretation of the signs of the zodiac or the construction of a psychogram based on the Pythagorean methodology.

How to find out your purpose by date of birth?

This calculation option is considered the simplest, and everyone can handle it. To begin, write down your date of birth, but starting with the year, then the month and day. Consider the example of 1989, the 11th month and the 08th day. The result is 19891108. The last digit is considered the destination code, in this example, this is 8. The remaining numbers are considered certain codes, according to which the soul in its previous incarnations received certain qualities. In order for a person to live with himself, it is necessary to calculate not only the destination by date of birth, but also pay attention to qualities that have been little developed; they can be determined by writing down the missing numbers from 0 to 9. In our example, these are 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. These are not just numbers, but certain task codes that will also need to be solved together with the main purpose.

According to " Vedic numerology» The date of your birth contains a special, energetic vibration that determines the course of your entire life. This energy vibration is called the "Number of Destiny".

The number of fate is your personal cosmic code, which can tell about your destiny, can tell about your abilities and talents, suggest in which area you can maximize your inner potential. However, the number of fate can also give valuable advice - a warning which way you should not go, so as not to incur negative karma.

"Vedic numerology" is a system of sacred knowledge that has been accumulated and passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries, in secret from the uninitiated. Today, this mystery has been revealed to us. Read, learn and be happy! The threads of fate are in your hands!

Enter your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 28 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August October November 2016 2016 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2013 2009 2008 2006 2006 2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1998 1996 1996 1994 1994 1994 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1982 1981 1981 1979 1977 1974 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1966 1965 1964 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1961 1960 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1949 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1943 1942 1940 1939 1938 1937 1935 1934 1933 1931 1929 1928 1927 1925 1922 1920 1917 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 1916 191A 1909 1908 19

HOW TO KNOW YOUR PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH! We advise you to carefully study this difficult material, try it on yourself and make corrections in your life. People who ask themselves this question have already “grown out of short pants”, have moved to a new stage of their development. More and more more people want learn about the purpose of man, want to fulfill tasks of this implementation, not to waste your life. And it's great too! It remains only to understand and catch your destiny. It's time to start living consciously.

The main task that is set before us in each incarnation on Earth is to continue our development, gain new positive experience, and overcome our vices. This is common task incarnation for all people. But this task is very extensive, therefore, so that people do not get scattered, everyone is assigned the main task, to which they must devote most of their time and several additional tasks. The main task is determined by our karmic debts and its solution is urgent. Our soul knows these tasks, but the trouble is, we are so carried away by the delights of material wealth that we have lost sensitivity to subtle energies and have ceased to hear the voice of our soul.

PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: How to find out your karmic task?

There are many signs that can help us understand the purpose of a person: the signs of the zodiac under which we were born, the analysis of the talents and aspirations given to us in this life, the construction of a psychogram using the Pythagorean method, and others. Today I want to introduce you to the method of digital analysis of our date of birth. There are many secrets hidden in the date of birth. Let's try to open the veil over this mystery and find the code of our destiny. This knowledge gave us Spiritual Teacher and Master Koot Hoomi.

PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: Karmic task by date of birth

Let's write down the date of our birth, starting with the year, month and ending with the day.

For example: 1965, 05 month and 15 day (19650515).

The last digit is 5 and there is a code for your karmic task, the remaining digits of the date of birth show the codes by which you have already developed qualities in past incarnations. For the harmonious development of the personality in this life, they should not be given much attention, but poorly developed or not developed qualities will have to be given much attention.

We will calculate their numerical codes by the missing digits from 0 to 9 and write them down in descending order. In this example it will look like this: 8, 7, 4, 3, 2. These numbers show us the codes of tasks that will also have to be solved in this life along with the main karmic task. The fewer missing numbers in the task code, the closer the person is to harmonious development.

When a life program was drawn up for each person, then situations were laid that, precisely by code numbers, would be perceived by us as problems that we must learn to solve. And until we learn how to solve them correctly, and do not bring the correctness of solving them to automatism, they will be repeated in different options and with varying degrees difficulties. Therefore, the difficulties that arise in life should not be viewed as problems. These are just tasks for our learning and development. Moreover, each person is given tasks that he is able to solve. The higher the level of human development, the more difficult the tasks naturally.

The tasks and lessons of life will disturb our peace with enviable constancy, creating those very notorious black streaks of life. But that's if you let life take its course. If you start living consciously, accept this knowledge and use it in your life, you can avoid many troubles. You can more consciously choose a profession, if not fashionable and highly paid, but corresponding to your tasks. You can consciously begin development in your weak areas, develop those talents that are given, and not those that are not. Then you can turn life into an amazing adventure, full of joy of victories, success and happiness.

For example, a person is given the ability to teach or heal people, and salaries in these industries are small and a person decides to go into business. This is where the life lessons begin. The business will crumble, there will be no income, although other, more stupid businesses will be successful. If a person does not understand these lessons, and persists, illnesses will begin. In addition, a person’s soul will hurt, he will feel dissatisfaction with his life and is unlikely to be happy. Whereas at work, according to its purpose, you can gain fame, honor, success and live in harmony with your soul, but it will find a way to make life successful and self-sufficient.

PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: Interpretation of numerical codes


PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: The development of tasks will be associated with the development and opening of the first chakra.

A person must learn to overcome all the difficulties of life with joy and love, without anger and looking for someone to blame, without fear and excitement. His motto should be the words: "I overcome all difficulties with joy and love in my soul." These people need to constantly overcome resistance, be very active, develop physical strength, willpower, comprehend the mechanism of self-restraint in the family, at work, in society. They will have to learn to take care of others, develop a sense of duty to society and people, develop discipline and responsibility. A person needs to develop control over animal instincts, learn to manage them, and not vice versa.

When choosing a profession, preference should be given to such jobs where you need to put your hands on changing and improving the material world, where there is a lot of movement, where strength and endurance are needed: sports, martial arts, dancing, geology, any form of physical labor, surgery, traumatology, massage. Humanitarian activities will bring many difficulties into their lives. They should not engage in spiritual practices, work with subtle energies.


Working on the second chakra

Creating a family, the ability to build relationships with parents, relatives, spouses, children, these are their main tasks. Mastering the mechanism of sacrifice in relation to close people, wisdom, patience, sensitivity to people around. The creation of a large family is welcome. The development of the sexual chakra goes through the disclosure of the sexual aspect of love. These people need to learn to control their passions and desires, to subordinate them to reason. It is also necessary to understand that sexual energy can be directed to the needs of development, and not just spent in sexual pleasures. Organize your sex life.

Professions should be chosen that will help develop such qualities as sacrifice, patience, mercy. These are such as: pedagogy, educators, staff in hospitals, nursing homes, children's homes, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics. You can find yourself in professions related to nature, ecology. You should not strive to lead large teams, it is acceptable to lead small teams with the development of family-type relationships in them. Tantra is suitable for spiritual practices.


The study of this task goes through the third chakra

The most important thing for these people is to learn to control their emotions, to understand that control over them will provide sustainable development in many aspects of being. If you give free rein to your emotions, then the BEATING will begin with various unfavorable situations and life problems. These people need to seriously begin to develop the mental body. They need to learn to be guided in life not by emotions, but by a logical analysis of events and situations. These people need to understand and realize that their material well-being and success depend on a stable emotional state.

It is also necessary to understand the difference between creative activity and destructive activity and make your activity creative. People with the missing seven will have to learn how to make money in this life, learn to appreciate it, and be able to spend it rationally. They need to understand and master the laws of cash flows, learn to subordinate this energy for their own good and live comfortably and happily in cash flow. When choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account its focus on creating something.

This is any industrial activity in all industries National economy from a worker to a leader, folk arts and crafts, trade. These people can be leaders of large teams, but they must come to this through work and merit. Making a career in any way will be a violation for them with subsequent life lessons.


The study of this task is connected with the development and opening of the fourth heart chakra.

The tasks that these people will have to solve are similar to the problems of the eight, but more complex and multifaceted. Here, passions and emotions no longer interfere, so there is an active and conscious accumulation of such qualities as mercy, compassion, empathy. But here the horizons for the application of these qualities are expanding from family and relatives to large groups of people. Moreover, these qualities are no longer revealed at the level of emotions and feelings, but consciously, at the level of the soul. A person must open his heart to people and the world, accept, realize the beauty and harmony of the world and carry it to other people. These people must learn the laws of love, the stages of development of love and constantly expand the circle of unconditional love in different aspects of being.

Well if professional activity will be connected with medicine (therapy, neurology), psychology, pedagogy, narcology, work with difficult teenagers and other activities related to the problems of the soul. These people understand beauty and art, but they cannot do it professionally, because emotions and illusions rule the ball there, which can lead you astray. It is undesirable for these people to choose professions related to technology and the exact sciences.


The development of this task is directly related to the development and opening of the fifth throat chakra.

Here the main direction is connected with knowledge and creativity. The main goal of these people is to comprehend the knowledge of love, beauty and harmony of the world, and then transfer this knowledge to people through creativity or teaching. In addition, these people need to establish for themselves the rule of the "golden mean" in all aspects of Being and not violate it under any circumstances of life. These people should learn to build relationships with all people, without exception, on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. These people need to determine their talent in this direction and develop it to perfection. You can't bury your talent for some false idea and illusion.

The professions of these people are often associated with art: artists, writers, singers, artists, art historians and many others. You can recommend them such professions as diplomacy, translators, professions related to travel, pedagogy is also good, but not at school, but at the university.


We are already working on the sixth chakra

This chakra is responsible for clairvoyance and a person will have to go through many different tasks and situations to learn to see the reason for what is happening, to get rid of all illusions. Everything that happens to it must be linked as a consequence of some reason, which must be found and realized. This will allow a person to reach the level of a stable and prosperous life. Otherwise, fate will throw a person "out of the fire, but into the wormwood."

You can choose any profession, as long as they are not associated with monotonous and monotonous work. Very good work in public organizations, volunteer movements, welcome work related to the creation of labor and creative teams.


PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: Here, the development is associated with the highest crown chakra

These people will have to learn to keep law and order in everything. Moreover, they will have to learn not only social, but also Divine laws, and they can be known and accepted only at the level of the Soul. It is impossible to comprehend them with the material mind. Therefore, these people will have to improve their mental body not at the level of personality, as it was with people with the seven in the tasks of incarnation, but at the level of the Soul. It's over difficult task. To solve it, these people will be lifted restrictions in obtaining any knowledge, including from primary sources. They will have a constant thirst for new knowledge. But the more is given, the more is asked. Their task is to comprehend the hidden knowledge and convey it to humanity without distortion and their own delusions. From them there will be a strict demand for non-observance of Divine laws and distortion of information.

Given their connection with the information field of the Universe (to the extent that their level of development allows), they will always have enough knowledge to master any profession in which they can prove themselves worthy. But it is best for them to opt for mathematics, astrology, physics, they can successfully engage in scientific activity. Not bad for them to do jurisprudence, social and legislative activities. But the main thing for them is to be law-abiding and not violate the order and harmony of the world.

The numbers 0, 1, 2 already belong to Divine energies and personify the help that people receive for the realization of their tasks.


PURPOSE BY DATE OF BIRTH: Help comes along the beam of Will and Power

The Ray requires constant renewal from people, then it plays a positive role in the lives of these people. If this does not happen, he begins a powerful cleansing of physical and mental toxins. The Ray teaches a person to accept the blows of fate with humility, to be able to read their signs and prevent the blows of fate. Teaches sacrifice. Man must recognize God, his power and might. If a person does not do this and does not change, then a tough upbringing begins: loss of work, relatives, loved ones, health.


Help comes along the beam of love and wisdom.

This ray is active only when a person has a firm conviction that the source of strength is in himself. When he opens his heart to meet people, he communicates with them honestly, without deceit. When a person undergoes an internal transformation. Otherwise, this ray thickens the fog of illusions, self-deception, and a person often finds himself in unclear and incomprehensible situations. It stimulates inner transformation, getting rid of self-deception, a return to reality.


The help of the beam of Active Cognition is activated

If a person strives for knowledge, the beam gives knowledge, through insight helps to make discoveries, gives energy for vigorous activity. The Ray teaches to take seriously any little things that happen in a person's life. For any trifle can spoil the fate of these people so much that it will not seem small. This person must recognize and recognize the existence of energy laws.

Therefore, if the date of birth contains these numbers, then there are extra help along one path or the other. But remember, having access to Divine energies, attention to you increases and demand for violations increases. For example, the date of birth 06 means that the main karmic task goes along the number 6, and along the ray of Will and Power comes help or lessons for solving this task.

If the karmic task (birthday) consists only of these numbers: 01, 02, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, such people should know that they Favorites and that the demand from them will be special. These are either people who have come with a specific mission for the benefit of humanity, or with large debts in matters of spirituality. Perhaps in previous lives they did not cope with the high mission assigned to them, their Spirit obeyed the flesh, which caused its fall, and karmic debts appeared that need to be corrected.

Until the age of 33, these people differ little from others, except for the ease and luck with which everything is given to them. Then the program of working off debts or fulfilling the mission is turned on, and here their life depends on whether they fulfill their tasks or are carried away by material goods, using their strength and power to satisfy personal interests. Many politicians, diplomats belong to this category, if they take the path of using their power for personal purposes, then they will face serious trials according to the digital code.

These people need in their actions and theories to correspond to the religious trend in which they were born. It is an irreparable sin for them to change religion. Their energy is tuned to the dominant religion in the region of their residence. From it they receive a powerful energy supply. These people will have many problems in life as a complete denial of the foundations of the spiritual structure of the world, as well as participation in various false teachings, in sects, practicing magic, various fortune-telling. Deep down, these people are aware of their situation and often experience inexplicable longing, anxiety and a sense of loss. I hope you understand that these people should serve God entirely and carry his ideas to people.

So, now you can determine your destiny by date of birth, calculate the main karmic task and a number of additional tasks of this incarnation. It should be borne in mind that in case of failure to fulfill its main task, life lessons and problems will arise in the topic itself a large number. In the example we are considering, this will go according to the number 8, that is, there will be problems in the family, in relations with partners, relatives and friends. Diseases of the reproductive organs, fed by the energy of the second chakra, may appear.

I advise you to carefully study this difficult material, try it on yourself. Make corrections in your life. Without this, one should not hope for an improvement in fate. I analyzed and compared the facts of my problems and difficulties with the calculation tasks, the received codes opened my eyes to many of my problems, their causes and allowed me to correct and improve my life.

You can leave everything as it is now and go the path of suffering, or you can start living consciously, use tips and signs to correct your path and find peace of mind, the joy of Being, happiness, joy, health and success in life. The choice is yours!I sincerely wish you success in life path and happiness!

Astropsychology and numerology are sciences that allow you to read a person, as if open book. In addition to character and temperament, using the date of birth, you can find out the purpose of a person in life. The magic of numbers and the formula discovered by Alexandrov A.F. will help in the search for the secrets of being. They will allow you to find out your purpose in life in accordance with esotericism.

One day, the founder of the school of numerology came across an interesting pamphlet, which dealt with the ancient Egyptian method of personality analysis. Interested in the teachings of Pythagoras, Alexandrov developed a whole system that is still used to calculate the life matrix.

You can tell a lot about a person by their date of birth. And we are talking not only about the sign of the zodiac and the constellations that are significant for it. Having received data on the birthday, you can accurately determine the life path of the individual, as well as her energy level.

There are online services and tests on the Internet for calculating the so-called psychomatrix, which determines the vocation of a person. It is enough to enter data into the fields proposed by the site and the machine will calculate the matrix in a few seconds. However, for those who are seriously interested in numerology, it will be useful to learn how to calculate the psychomatrix on their own. Doing this is easy.

  1. The first working number is obtained by adding all the numbers of the date of birth. For the example given, the count would look like this: 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 41.
  2. The second digital code will be composed of two numbers of the first one: 4 + 1 = 5.
  3. To get the third number, the first digit in the birthday is subtracted from the first, which is multiplied by two. For case study it will look like this: the first digit of the date is 19. That is, we multiply 1 by 2. Subtract the result from 41: 41 - (1 x 2) = 39.
  4. The fourth number is formed by adding the digits of the third working number: 3 + 9 = 12.

The first working number symbolizes the qualities of a particular person that she needs on her life path. These are the skills that need to be developed in yourself, and the traits that need to be nurtured.

The second number represents the purpose of incarnation, that is, the destiny of man. This number also demonstrates a leading quality in character.

The third number describes innate qualities and traits that a person owes to parents. This is the so-called basic set with which a person enters life.

The number at number 4 is the main innate quality.

All numbers of the date of birth are tools given to the individual on the path of life. It is with their help that the individual can achieve his goals.

Numbers that don't break

In numerology, there is the concept of unbreakable numbers. If in any count the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13 were obtained, then they are left unchanged, not reduced to single digits.

The unbreakable whole obtained in the second working number symbolizes the personal destiny of a person. Obtained in the fourth - the task of the ancestors, which turned out to be unrealized:

  • 10 is the number of leadership received in any number, it means the need to lead and lead people;
  • 11 - good organizational skills and the ability to influence the crowd;
  • 12 - a spiritual community needs this person, his purpose is a church or volunteer work;
  • 13 - developed creativity, it is useful to organize creative groups or historical circles.

Deciphering the received numbers

The Pythagorean square is a 3x3 table in which each cell is occupied by a certain number. The presence of this figure (or the repetition of several) among the calculated working numbers means the presence of certain traits in the character of a person.

The first line of the square is filled with the following numbers: 1, 4, 7. These cells symbolize volitional qualities personality, as well as determination, ambition and the ability to achieve what you want. Also, according to this line, the numerologist determines how much a person is ready to defend his own point of view. The number of digits of the first line among the working numbers:

The absence of numbers in the first line of the square indicates a weak-willed character and a desire to rely on others. A person cannot set plans for himself and more often acts as a pawn.

The second line of the square symbolizes family qualities and the desire to be in the circle of loved ones. The numbers responsible for the family are 2, 5, 8. They are placed in the second row. The second line and the presence of numbers in it:

The absence of numbers in this row indicates indifference to family ties. A person does not seek to devote himself to loved ones. It is possible that he does not want to be responsible for other people's fates. Often, individuals without numbers in the second row plunge headlong into work, which is how they justify their failures on the personal front.

In the third row there are numbers symbolizing the constancy and habits of a person. This is conservatism or lack of it. In these numbers, the consent of the individual to change is encrypted, as well as, on the contrary, the unwillingness to change the usual way of life. The third line is filled with numbers 3, 6, 9 . Number of numbers in the third row:

The absence of numbers in this line speaks of a revolutionary character and a desire to change everything. A person despises conventions and often goes against the norms of society.

Columns, like lines, describe the character of a person, so with their help you can find out your purpose in life. The value of the columns in the square of Pythagoras:

To calculate the purpose of a person by date of birth, it is not enough to interpret only the rows and columns of his square. It will be important to interpret the diagonals, which carry their meaning in the calculation of the fate matrix by date of birth.

pointing up

The ascending diagonal passes through the cells indicated by the numbers 3, 5, 7. This is the personification of the carnal interests of man. This includes cravings for physical intimacy and sensual pleasures: tasty food, beautiful clothes, passionate sex.

The absence of numbers (or one) in the ascending diagonal indicates the coldness of the personality. The character is not inclined to patronize their own or other people's experiences. Can change without a twinge of conscience.

From 2 to 4 digits - a person with normal carnal desires. He is not prone to exaggeration, but he does not underestimate the importance of "earthly" sensations. Able to understand the deep meaning of sensual pleasures.

5-6 numbers - a sign of a passionate and thirsty. Intimacy for him is an art. Without sensual pleasures, this person withers away, therefore he needs constant bright emotions. More than six numbers betray a constant search for sharpness, which leads to failure on the personal front.

Aiming down

Descending diagonal - a stripe running from the top left to the bottom right corner. This line describes spirituality. The aspiration and the highest mission of the soul are described by the number of digits in these cells.

The absence of numbers in this diagonal describes a callous and down to earth person. This is a complete lack of spirituality.

Five numbers speak of the maximum development of spirituality. It is honesty, nobility and service to one's mission. The presence of 6 or more digits in this band of cells is considered dangerous. Such a soul can become mired in fanatical teachings and sectarianism. It happens that when analyzing a particular person, more than 7 digits are found in the descending band. This is a sign from above, which describes a person with a high mission, concerning not only herself, but also the karma of the people around her.

Numerology is a complex science that allows you to look into the secrets of the universe through a numerical code. The calculation of karmic destiny takes only one chapter philosophy, and reading a person with the help of numbers can take a very long time.

The lines and diagonals of the Pythagorean square are just an introduction to the analysis of a person's life purpose.

Numerology- a serious science about the connection of numbers with the life and destiny of a person. Each number has its own special vibration and has a certain effect on a person. The date of birth, for example, and the numerical code of the name can not only determine aspects of the character, but also lay them down. If you choose the right name for the newborn, comparing its numerical code with the code of the patronymic and surname, you can set the child the desired character and even determine the fate from the moment of birth.


Numerology is often confused or combined with cabalism and the ancient Celtic teachings of the Druids, which is completely wrong, since these sciences are independent and different in essence. Kabalism determines the influence of the numerical code on certain periods of fate and helps to identify difficult and critical moments in the future in order to change or eliminate them. Such knowledge helps to avoid many karmic catastrophes and crisis situations. The ancient Celtic teaching of the Druids prescribes a specific tree for each numerical birth code, which determines its character and gives a person additional karmic, natural and astral forces in difficult situations. Numerology primarily determines the nature of people, their compatibility with certain partners, the possibility of developing relationships, and also predicts specific events of a certain year, month or specific day by its code compared with the code of the date of birth and name, in some aspects based on cabalistics.

The essence of numerology

Numerology is perceived by many people as some kind of entertainment, an exciting game, but in fact it is an absolutely serious science that allows people, first of all, to understand themselves and change their lives and destiny at least a little. For several millennia, since ancient times, mankind has used numerology in conjunction with astrology to predict future events and know its essence, creating a complete picture of the vision of aspects, and complementing each other.

Numbers and numerical codes, as well as astrological symbols and signs, are a universal language, but not understood by everyone. Many civilizations of antiquity - Jews, Hindus, Egyptians, Chaldeans - studied the mysteries of numerology as a serious, truthful science of predictions. Ancient numerologists believed that every numerical code contains all the information about the life of each individual person and humanity as a whole, and that an individual with the gift of understanding numerical vibration and energy is able to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of the universe and the future of the universe.

Famous personalities and the birth of numerology

Numerology has always been perceived as something special, amazing, mystical and even divine. Modern systems numerological knowledge is based on many aspects and directions, but at the core they adhere to two combined traditions - the cabalistic, using Hebrew alphabetic symbols, and the Pythagorean, created by the ancient Greek famous astrologer and mathematician Pythagoras, using only numbers.

It is Pythagoras who is often called the father and founder of numerology as a science, and it is he who most of his outstanding scientific papers devoted to numbers and their study, identifying patterns of numerical combinations and ongoing events. Pythagoras was confident in the exceptional mystical properties of each number, and based on his knowledge he created a digital classification system, which is still used by modern numerologists. Probably, everyone knows the geometric theorems proved and formulated by Pythagoras, who believed that it was in numbers that all the secrets of the amazing Universe were contained.

At the heart of the Pythagorean numerological numerical teaching is the idea of ​​dividing numbers into: female (passive) - even, and male (active) - odd. It is this division system that is presented in the I Chin - the Book of Changes, compiled by ancient Chinese thinkers and scientists, although it is still inexplicable how Pythagoras could recognize this theory.

The doctrine of the close relationship between humanity and numbers, about numeric codes, giving a lot of important information, was created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, a famous philosopher. Count Cagliostro also created his own numerological system that predicts future events. Both methods are based on the teachings of the cabalistic system, which translates letters into numerical informative codes.

Many representatives of the sciences of the occult direction believed and argued that the name given at birth, as well as its word forms, translated into a system of numbers, are similar to personal astrological charts, making it possible to see many important aspects. The most famous professional numerologist at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries is Louis Gamon, called Count Cairo. It was he who was considered the best predictor by a numerologist who published several famous books. Count Cairo was approached by the most influential and famous people, including Edward VII - King of England.

By studying this amazing mystical science, everyone will be able to determine their true path, karmic destiny, learn to cooperate with the correct positive numerical energy and fence off the negative one, preventing many troubles and life catastrophes.