Why do dogs stick together when mating? Book: Fatal Girls from Outer Space The Dog Knot in the Girl

“Unlike humans, dogs never pretend.

They love their friends, but they bite their enemies."

Giles Rowland

There is no more faithful animal in the world than a dog. The number of dog breeders is growing every day. By getting a dog, a person acquires a reliable friend and gets acquainted with the unusual manifestations of the life of these four-legged animals. Every second owner is faced with one curious manifestation of dogs during mating - mating.

Carried away by intimacy, dogs tightly stick to each other priests and turn into a funny "single ensemble". What should owners do? Race for a kettle of hot water to disconnect? Do dogs hurt when crossing and do people need to intervene in such a result of mating? Why do dogs stick together?

Physiology of dog copulation

Every owner of a four-legged friend (professional breeder or amateur) comes to the time when a strong, strong animal ready for mating grows out of a funny lop-eared puppy. Canine sexual maturity occurs at 9-12 months.

Bitches and small dog breeds are ready to mate at an earlier age. Adulthood in dogs is manifested in a change in their habits, behavior and character.

If the owner gives the go-ahead for breeding offspring and decides to knit pets, arm yourself with knowledge about how this process happens with four-legged friends.

Dog mating stages

Acquaintance of dogs begins with mutual sniffing. At this time, the dogs determine whether they are suitable for each other. If nature "gives good", the female becomes in a position convenient for crossing, and the male climbs onto the female, holding her tightly with his paws. Cynologists designate such actions as “trial cages”.

This is not closeness yet, but preliminary, fitting actions. At this time, the bitch chooses a more comfortable position, and the male looks for the dog's vagina. The process of "fitting" lasts 4-5 minutes, after which the male proceeds to the main action:

The penis of the dog, increasing 3-4 times in size, comes out of the skin fold (prepuce), and the head of the organ (bulb) becomes thicker than the penis in size. The aggregation begins. The female, straining the vaginal muscles, firmly grasps the male's penis.

Due to the increased size of the bulb and the tension of the muscles of the vagina, “gluing” occurs. What is the name of this process? Among cynologists, the "castle" was called "gluing".

Thanks to the bonding, the male's penis does not fall out of the bitch's vagina, and mating is successful.

After intercourse, the next stage of mating begins, lasting up to a minute - ejaculation. The movements of the male become intense, rough - this is the most important part of the process, after which a period of "relaxation" begins.

When resting after violent intercourse, the male leans on his partner and rests in a relaxed position for 5-6 minutes. And the "bride" at this time is in a state of excitement - the female whines, squeals in an attempt to change her position.

Experienced cynologists in these moments help the "groom" not to lose his beloved - the breeders hold the female until the male changes position.

In a male during mating, not only sperm is released. Nature has delimited the process of dog copulation into three stages, in each of the males secretion of a certain type is released:

1 stage. Preparatory. The male releases lubrication immediately after mating with the female. This is a colorless liquid without sperm - it is necessary for the dog's penis to freely enter the female's vagina.

2 stage. Isolation of sperm. The main phase of dog intercourse, in which the male ejaculates (seminal fluid). Sperm is released as soon as the male penis bulb reaches its maximum size. The volume of the secretion fluid is small - 2-3 ml, but this portion of semen contains up to 1,800 million spermatozoa.

3 stage. Gluing. What happens in the final stage of intercourse? After ejaculation, the processes of the third phase of mating begin. In a male, secretions from the prostate gland begin (in the amount of 70-80 ml). Their main task is to accelerate the passage of spermatozoa to the dog's uterus.

Mating can take place without the final, "gluing" stage. But prudent nature has not in vain created a dog "lock" mechanism.

The role of the "lock" for the female dog

The main purpose of intercourse is fertilization. Tail-crossing of dogs during mating is a natural and physiological phenomenon. This is insurance, a guarantee of the future appearance of puppies. There is a second reason for bonding dogs during intimacy. This is the male's insurance - the "lock" guarantees that the female will not be able to re-fertilize from another male.

The process of "gluing" lasts from 15-20 minutes to 2-3 hours.

Attention dog lovers! You can not interfere with a dog couple when the "groom" and "bride" are in a "love castle" with each other. The only thing that is allowed to do is to hold the female so that she does not create sudden movements.

Bonding is not observed in all cases of mating. The reasons for the absence of this phenomenon are the following factors:

  1. Health problems in dogs.
  2. Inexperience, youth of partners.
  3. Too young female.
  4. Inappropriate mating time.

The most favorable time for conception of dog offspring are (if the female cycle scheme is 21-23 days) 10-14 days of estrus. Or 14-18 days after the onset of estrus with a cycle of 26-28 days. In order for the mating to be successful, the female happens only in the territory of the "groom".

The male in the familiar environment feels confident, caring for the lady. A slightly frightened female does not resist the boyfriend.

Curious Notes

Cross-linking is observed in many representatives of the world of fauna. Wolves, hyenas, foxes converge in a love coupling. More often this is due to natural processes during mating. But in some animals (especially young animals that have not reached the normal age for raising offspring), mating occurs due to fear.

Such a spasm is accompanied by unbearable, excruciating pain in the animal. Subsequently, an unsuccessful mating experience is superimposed on the behavior of females, fear of males. Female animals react aggressively even to touching the genitals, and intercourse takes longer.

But cats don't have this problem. In cats, mating lasts 10-15 seconds and the female does not have time to “fasten” the male.

Do people get stuck? Animal problems have not bypassed humans. In women, spasmodic tension of the vaginal muscles and "stuck" in the vagina of the male member can also occur. This phenomenon is called "vaginismus" or "sexual neurosis."

In this case, a man and a woman experience a sharp pain and fall into an emotional state of shock. According to statistics, this happens in 2 out of 1,000 sexual acts. For people, such a reaction is not characteristic and abnormal. Bonding occurs due to the pathology of the female body - an unconscious fear of sexual intercourse.

Why do dogs need splicing

The main purpose of the appearance of "love coupling" in dogs is to guarantee offspring. This is the importance of this physiological process. In dogs, the structure of the penis is not quite usual - its free part ends in a cylindrical onion head, at the base of which there is a bone. The bone ends in cartilage, consisting of a spongy cavernous body.

In the minutes of intercourse, the veins of the canine genital organ are squeezed and stop the blood flow. The onion overflowing with blood gets stuck in the female's vagina. Let's summarize why nature "invented" splicing:

  • Dog love "lock" - a guarantee of a favorable outcome of sexual intercourse.
  • If the male and female have physiological inconsistencies, mating “smoothes out” the disproportion, ensuring normal intercourse.
  • Thanks to the "sticking in the castle", the spermatozoa are deep in the vagina, which means success in fertilization.
  • When the "lock" secretion fluid is released from the male. What is it for? Lubrication helps the sperm to move forward, which is why spermatozoa reach the uterus more quickly and successfully fertilize the egg.

Thanks to mating, the male does not allow extraneous "love interference" of another male. Deadly tired of intercourse, the female will no longer let other dogs near her. Bonding is a necessary and important process.

What should dog breeders do?

It is better to untie young females and males by 2-2.5 years. Early matings, when dogs are young, do not improve their physical well-being, nor the health of the puppies. Cynologists say that mating is best done in winter - puppy litter is strong and healthy.

Before intimacy, it is better not to feed the dogs, but be sure to take a good walk. The acquaintance of a dog couple is held on neutral territory - let the “groom” and the “bride” get to know each other and play.

When mating, it is desirable for a lady to be on the territory of the male. Sometimes intercourse occurs during the initial acquaintance, on a walk. Dogs should not be disturbed during mating! But it is not recommended to leave the dogs either - the owner needs to be nearby and see the dogs in order to help the animals in the process if necessary (direct the male or raise the loin of the female).

Sometimes too frisky females have to be firmly held in their hands so that the male does his job successfully.

What to do when dogs stick together? Don't interfere! Animals will deal with intimacy on their own. Help is required if the female breaks out during the “lock” - in this case, it is worth holding her slightly. If mating did not occur during mating, perform a control mating after 1-2 days.

After intercourse, dogs lose interest in each other. Tired animals should be given water to drink and the female should be weaned. After a short rest, the male is again ready for intimacy, and the female needs a longer time to recover. The sacrament has come true and now it remains only to wait for the offspring.

When a dog reaches sexual maturity, it is ready for breeding. In nature, animals mate on their own, without outside help. At home, the mating process is helped by the owners of the animals. Mating dogs under the control of breeders is carried out to regulate the breeding process.

The reproductive system in males

In males, the main reproductive organ is the testes, where the development of spermatozoa, which are important components of positive mating, occurs. The male is ready for breeding if the testicles have descended into the scrotum. It happens that during the dog's life the lowering of the testicles does not occur. The male is considered infertile. Often the only testicle is omitted, under such circumstances the male can mate, but sexual functions remain reduced. Dog breeders do not recommend using defective males for procreation, sexual inferiority can be inherited. As you know, purebred puppies are considered the pride of the breed if they do not have a single defect.

In an unexcited state, the male penis is hidden in a leather pouch. If a dog begins to regularly lick the genitals, breeders should immediately take the dog to the veterinarian. It is possible that the dog has a sexually transmitted infection that requires immediate medical treatment. A sick male is not allowed to mate.

In an excited state, the male penis "leaves" the sac, an erection, sexual intercourse and ejaculation occur. The process of mating dogs should not be distracted by outsiders, it is forbidden for a person to interfere in the sexual intercourse of dogs.

The female reproductive system

In females, the ovaries are considered the main reproductive organs of reproduction. In these organs, the egg matures. In rare cases, the bitch is infertile, it depends on the structure of the body, the impact of external factors or heredity. Often, females have a hormonal imbalance in the body: the dog is ready for breeding, but cannot become pregnant. This happens due to improper maintenance of the animal (overeating, hunger, sedentary lifestyle) or due to previous diseases.

The structure of the female body is designed in such a way that the dog becomes ready for fertilization after 3-4 days after ovulation. Male spermatozoa retain their functions for 7 days. For pairing, the specified time period is selected.

Bitches in heat

Changed behavior is considered the first forerunners of the beginning estrus. The dog begins to rush about, becomes angry or overly active. With the symptoms voiced, the dog's genitals should be examined daily. When the loop becomes enlarged and bloody smudges begin to stand out, estrus has begun.

If you are going to mate a bitch, beforehand, before estrus, the dog needs to be dewormed. If prevention is not done, then pregnancy, if the dog has worms, will end in miscarriage or premature birth.

Each female has an individual estrus period. It is generally accepted that successful mating occurs on the 9th or 11th day of estrus. But this is a delusion. In an individual case, you will have to independently determine favorable days for conception. If the bitch resists mating, then the auspicious day has not come. You need to wait for the moment when the dog wants to copulate.

As soon as the bitch began to reach out to the male, the mating process should be carried out immediately. A delay of 2-3 days will lead to unsatisfactory results, in order to re-tie the dogs, you will have to wait for a new estrus.

Dogs stick together when mating. There is a physiological process, correctly called - bonding. Animal organisms are so arranged that when mating, they seem to interlock with a lock. Nature, when mating, provides dogs with “insurance” against unsuccessful mating. In medical practice, there is an explanation for the process: during intercourse, the vaginal muscles of the female contract sharply and tightly clasp the tip of the male penis. It turns out "sticking".

Successful mating

Usually dogs during sexual intercourse do without outside help. For a successful result, the breeder must be nearby in the process of action. You may need to guide the dog or lift the back of the bitch. In some cases, the bitch has to be held tight in order for the mating process to take place.

After the eruption of sperm, the dogs are mated together. The action lasts 15 minutes. Then the dogs lose interest in each other.



With a successful sexual intercourse, fertilization in a bitch occurs within 5-7 minutes. This time is enough for dogs to feel satisfied and fulfill the main goal in life: the production of offspring.

After intercourse, dogs must be given water to drink. After mating, the bitch should be separated from the male, otherwise the dog will want to continue and again wish to copulate. As a rule, a fertilized bitch will no longer allow a male.

In order to be able to help the dogs with mating, or at least make sure that everything is going well, you will have to become more familiar with the structure of the reproductive system and the physiology of reproduction of these animals.

The male has paired sex glands (testes), in which the formation of spermatozoa occurs. For the normal course of spermatogenesis, a temperature below that which exists in the abdominal cavity is necessary. That is why, during development, the testicles must leave the abdominal cavity, where they are at the beginning of the life of the male, and descend into the scrotum. Males with undescended testicles (cryptorchs) are infertile. In the case of non-descendence of only one testicle, the male retains sexual activity and, although reduced, fertility. However, one-sided cryptorchids cannot be used as producers - this malformation is transmitted to offspring.

In addition to the testes, there are also accessory sex glands. The liquid product of their secretion ensures the maintenance of the viability of spermatozoa and serves as a lubricant for the female genital tract during mating.

The male penis in an unexcited state is hidden in a leathery bag (prepuce). By the way, if you notice that the dog often licks himself, and the edges of the prepuce are reddened and swollen, carefully rinse the inside of the bag with warm boiled water or a weak solution of chamomile. It accumulates the protein secret of the gonads, the remains of urine, which can cause the development of infection. If purulent discharge appears, consult a doctor, but do not try to give the dog antibiotics on your own - unsystematic treatment with them will not work, and the disease will become chronic.

Any disease of the genitourinary organs, if started, can lead to infertility. Some infections are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

With the development of sexual arousal, the penis tenses and comes out of the prepuce. This phenomenon is called an erection. An erection occurs due to a rush of blood to the genitals: cavernous bodies pass inside the penis, penetrated by a mass of blood vessels: with increased blood filling, they increase sharply in volume. In addition to the cavernous bodies, the rigidity of the penis is also ensured by a thin bone passing along the long axis of the organ. With a gross intervention in the mating process, a fracture of the penis bone is possible; a male that has received such an injury is no longer physically capable of mating.

In females, the paired gonads (ovaries) are located in the abdominal cavity - elevated temperature does not act on the eggs as detrimentally as it does on spermatozoa. Each egg in the ovary is surrounded by several layers of epithelial cells that supply it with nutrients and protect it from damage. This formation is called a follicle (vesicle). As estrus approaches, some follicles increase in size. The integumentary cells move away from the genitals so that the latter is floating in a cavity filled with follicular fluid. This fluid plays a huge role both in the process of fertilization and in the development of pregnancy, since it contains a large amount of hormones and other biologically active substances. When estrus occurs, the follicle ruptures, the follicular fluid pours out of it and the egg comes out - ovulation occurs. The ruptured follicle itself undergoes complex changes and turns into a corpus luteum. The main function of this cell formation is the secretion of a hormone that supports pregnancy. How many eggs in a bitch ovulated the same amount of corpus luteum formed.

With some pathologies of reproduction, the external signs of sexual activity of the bitch are not accompanied by ovulation. This can be determined by clinical examination by the absence of corpus luteum in the ovaries, which should be palpable on the surface of the ovaries through the wall of the rectum. There is also the opposite phenomenon: no signs of estrus, but ovulation has occurred. This phenomenon has received the figurative name silent hunting. Infertility is also characteristic of quiet hunting, because the bitch does not seek to mate.

These and many other pathologies of reproduction are usually associated with hormonal imbalances, with past diseases, and their most common causes, as always, are unbalanced nutrition, overfeeding, and lack of movement.

If you have had to resort to hormonal drugs in the treatment of any disease, consult your doctor before breeding a bitch. Foreign hormones greatly alter their own hormonal balance organism, violations of the sexual cycle, the process of fertilization, the development of embryonic deformities are possible.

A characteristic feature of ovulation in bitches is that eggs are released from the follicles that are not yet capable of fertilization. Within 3 days they ripen, being in the oviducts of the bitch. Spermatozoa injected by a male during intercourse remain viable for up to 7 days. See what a margin of safety released by nature, so that fertilization is inevitable.

In the ejaculate, that is, the portion of sperm erupted in one mating, contains from 500 to 1300 million spermatozoa, and only a tiny minority of them will merge with the eggs and give rise to new lives. After all, only one sperm is needed to fertilize one egg; as soon as it merges with its nucleus, all other spermatozoa can no longer penetrate the membrane of the mother cell. The same spermatozoa that are in the cytoplasm of the egg, without having time to get to its nucleus, will be destroyed by enzymes.

It follows that if a female is mated by two males, then each puppy can have one father (and not two, as is sometimes believed), but puppies from both males are possible in the litter. Determination of the truth of paternity is a complex matter, requiring the finest laboratory research (DNA analysis), and is not carried out in our country. In this regard, when mating a female, you should avoid possible accidents, because of which you will be tormented by the question, who is the father of the puppies?

Another misconception that has long historical roots is the myth about the influence of the first male on all subsequent litters of the female. According to this belief, a bitch, once mated to a purebred or other breed male, will bring puppies all her life, similar to the first male, no matter who she is mated with. There is no biological basis for this. The spermatozoa will die no later than 7 days after mating, and there is no other carrier of male heredity, except for the spermatozoon, in dogs, as in other living beings.

Such an excursion into the physiology of reproduction will help you to correctly approach the mating.

When the first signs of estrus appear in a bitch (marking, increased activity or aggressiveness), examine her external genitalia every day. The loop becomes somewhat enlarged, as if swollen, spotting appears. Many bitches actively lick these secretions, and in order not to miss the first day of estrus, do the following every morning: gently spread the edges of the loop with a cotton swab and apply the swab to the mucosa. This procedure will give you the opportunity to notice the slightest traces of blood.

If you are going to knit a bitch, do not forget to carry out preventive deworming. Giving anthelmintic drugs after mating, especially at long gestation periods, will either provoke a miscarriage or cause the development of congenital malformations in puppies.

From past heats, you already know how many days this period lasts. Now it is necessary to determine the exact timing of the hunt, that is, the days of possible mating. Many owners knit their bitches according to the generally accepted pattern: on the 9th or 11th day - and not always successfully. The fact is that each bitch has a purely individual, moreover, changing cycle of sexual activity over the years. In one female, hunting may occur on the 3rd day of estrus, in another - not earlier than the 15th; it is clear that none of them will let a male in the average time. That is why the readiness for mating must be determined individually for each bitch and in each estrus.

There are two most convenient ways to detect heat. The first of them is as follows: the bitch is stroked on the hips and pressed on the lower back closer to the croup; if she strains, stands motionless and lifts up or takes her tail to the side, then she is ready to accept a dog. The second way: gently press the bottom of the loop (acute corner); the loop should rise, and its edges should move apart. The bitch herself at this moment tensely freezes in place or begins to make short movements with her hips, as if pushing something forward. The latter method of detecting hunting seems to us more accurate.

When you make sure that the bitch is ready for mating, you should immediately bring her to the male: 2-3 days of delay - and you can wait until the next estrus.

Unfortunately, for a natural, or free, mating, the opportunity is rarely presented. To do this, you must have an aviary or a securely fenced yard, where there are no strangers and stray dogs. Dogs have to be introduced in advance, taking all the precautions, as a bitch frightened by an unfamiliar environment can bite a male. After the first acquaintance, the male takes care of the bitch for quite a long time. He invites her to run, dropping his chest to the ground as a sign of good intentions and whimpering. If the bitch behaves non-aggressively, he begins to lick her ears, sides, loop, and only after that he tries to make a cage. At the first cage, the bitch usually rarely stands still, more often crouches, twists and snaps at the male, and then the whole round of courtship begins all over again. Both the male and the female now and then mark different objects with urine ... In the end, mating occurs by mutual agreement, but not necessarily on the first day of meeting. In the city, of course, almost none of the owners can give their dogs an opportunity to agree.

It is extremely risky to try to conduct free mating just on the street, even in a forest or park. Dogs can run very far, and it is not at all excluded that instead of the male chosen by you or the club, some other bitch will be bred. And the appearance of spectators from among random passers-by also does not contribute to a successful outcome of the case.

Usually you have to resort to the so-called manual mating, when the owners control all the actions of the dogs. Mating should be carried out in the apartment where the dog lives. On its territory, the bitch can be aggressive, and the male is so unsure of his own abilities that he does not even try to approach the bitch.

The bitch is fed on mating day, but not too much. If she has a habit of spitting up food out of excitement or fatigue, she may not be fed. It is better not to feed a dog at all - he will have to move a lot and actively. In the warm season, dogs are knitted early in the morning or late in the evening, when the heat subsides. In hot weather, a male before mating can be bathed in a pond or river, but bathing should not be long - it is enough for him to freshen up. It is absolutely impossible to bathe a bitch in estrus, since pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the genital tract, and such inflammatory processes are treated for a long time and not always successfully.

Before the arrival of the bitch, the dog should be walked and locked up in a place so that his girlfriend can be brought into the house without interference. On the bitch, especially at the first mating, it is necessary to put on a muzzle or (if the dog is small) pull her jaws with a bandage loop. She must have a soft collar; you can fasten a short leash, but usually it only gets in the way. All these precautions will save you a lot of trouble, because even a bitch with an angelic character can start to bite. And it is quite understandable: she can be frightened by an unusual environment, an unfamiliar male and simply emotionally not ready for mating.

The bitch is taken to the room indicated by the owners of the dog. If the floors are slippery, it is better to put the bitch on an old path or mat, but we advise you to remove clean carpets and rugs in advance - they will inevitably turn out to be dirty.

Advice to the owner of the bitch: make yourself as comfortable as possible, it is possible that you will have to sit for a long time, almost without changing your position. Grasp the dog firmly by the collar and talk to him gently and calmly, trying to cheer him up.

Now is the time to let the dog in. It may have a soft collar, but it is not required. Do not wear a muzzle on a dog, because he will not bite a bitch, and even more so will not pay attention to her owner. For many males to develop full-fledged sexual arousal, it is simply necessary to lick the bitch's loop, although there are those that do well without any foreplay at all.

Remember that the less people assist in mating, the more sense - this is still not a circus. The presence of the owner of the bitch, the owner of the dog and, if necessary, the mating instructor (recommended by the club) is quite sufficient. Everyone else should wait outside the door and not look in every minute to see how things are going. It is in such cases that the case is usually delayed.

At the first cages, an inexperienced male gets very excited and can go to the bitch from the front or side, and then you need to correct him. However, the less the dog is touched and corrected, the better he copes with his task. With the right seat from behind, the male may not immediately insert the penis into the loop, and here you can help him, acting carefully and carefully. Support the bitch under the belly as close to perineum with one hand, and with the other, gently bring her loop to the moving member. In no case do not touch the member of the dog with your hands - this will cause premature ejaculation on the outside, and mating will have to be delayed for at least an hour, and most likely until the next day.

If the bitch is lower than the male so much that it interferes with mating, you can put her hind legs on a sofa cushion, but the male should still be on the floor. You can put your own knee or hand under the belly of the bitch and raise the back of the torso, but this technique is not always successful, since the set knee prevents the male from hugging the bitch with his front paws.

If the female is taller than the male, they try to sit her down slightly, bending her hind legs at the hocks; this technique is quite laborious, as the bitch will tend to stand with her legs completely straight. It is easier to put the dog on the pillow, making sure that the bitch does not move away from this pedestal.

All the described manipulations, as a rule, require the help of a designer or another person from the family of the owners of the dog.

Whether the male managed to insert the penis into the bitch's loop is easy to determine by her squeal and the change in the nature of the male's movements: the pelvic thrusts become very frequent and short, the male rises above the bitch, almost straightening his hind legs, sometimes even tearing them off the support. At such a moment, the bitch must be held as tightly as possible. If she twists to the side or sits down, the penis will inevitably slip out of her genital tract, and since a full erection has already occurred (spherical thickenings at the root of the penis have come out of the prepuce), then ejaculation cannot be avoided. After ejaculating outside, the male must be allowed to rest for at least an hour: after waiting for the erection to subside, take him for a walk down the street, in extreme cases, take him to another room. However, many males after ejaculation completely lose interest in the bitch on this day.

If no unpleasant surprises happened, events continue to develop as follows: the male makes rhythmic movements of the penis in the genital tract of the bitch, after which it freezes and sprays sperm in several steps. Irritation of the female genital tract stimulates a copious rush of blood to them, her genitals swell and tightly cover the male's penis - mating occurs, in modern dog breeders' jargon more often drunk with "castle". In such a skewed state, the male and female stay for some time: from several minutes to hours or more. What determines the duration of the "lock" and what physiological processes it provides is still not clear. But it is quite obvious that it has no effect on the results of mating. Some males knit all their lives or from time to time and perfectly fertilize bitches without any “lock” at all; record-breaking litters (of 15 puppies and more) were obtained from matings with a “castle” of the usual, that is, 10-15-minute duration. However, this is a feature of mating dogs, and it must be taken into account.

The male, already mated with the bitch, remains on her for some time, then opens his front paws and places them on the side of the bitch. Now you can help him move his back leg over the bitch's croup so that the dogs turn back to each other. There are males who do not try to do this, but prefer to stand side by side with the bitch. Don't let them do it. Moreover, if the bitch is large for a male, you should not twist his leg at all, dragging it over the partner's croup.

Now hold the dogs until the bonding is over. The bitch may start to spin, try to sit or lie down, stop her. It is possible that she will try to bite the dog right now, and this is where the muzzle comes in handy again. Extraneous noise is also extremely harmful: dogs can react to it with sudden movements, run, so they must be kept in place until they disperse.

It is with sudden movements and falls during bonding that a fracture of the bone of the penis in a male and eversion of the vagina in a female is possible. Do not try to speed up the divergence of dogs - this can only cripple them!

After the blood supply to the genitals decreases, the member of the male is released, and the dogs disperse. At the same time, a certain amount of turbid, whitish, sometimes traces of blood liquid is poured out of the bitch's loop. Don't be scared, it's not sperm! After the end of gluing, an excess of secretion flows down, which lubricated the genital tract of the bitch to facilitate the passage of the penis into them. It is completely pointless to try to prevent the flow of this fluid, although there are many such recommendations. The fact is that a full-fledged spermatozoon has the ability to move against the flow of fluid, that is, the mucus from the female genital tract flows out, and the spermatozoon actively moves inward. Moreover, remember that at least 500 million spermatozoa are ejected during ejaculation, and it does not matter if even 20 thousand are lost. You should not turn the bitch upside down because of this, she is already tired. The leaked secret (lubricant) has a sharp, very unpleasant odor and leaves a hard-to-wash mark on the litter. That is why we did not advise to breed dogs on a clean carpet.

After mating, let the dogs calmly lick their genitals and give the animals water to drink. Examine the dog carefully. Sometimes, with a decrease in excitation, the penis cannot return to the prepuce: the hair wrapped inside the bag interferes, which is especially common in small long-haired males. Without delay, wash the penis with cool water - this will cause a rapid outflow of blood from the organ. At the same time, straighten the wrapped edges of the prepuce to a normal position. Do not postpone this procedure, relying on chance: the swelling of the penis occurs very quickly, and then it will have to be set in a hospital, and here the most serious consequences are not excluded.

It's time for the bitch owners to go home. If you linger on a visit to the male, after a while he will again show interest in the bitch and will be ready to repeat the mating. There is no big use in such a repetition, and the bitch is tired. In addition, although her sexual activity usually recovers more slowly, however, the example is more than enough for her. In this regard, on the day of mating, do not let her off the leash for a walk. She has enough love experiences for today.

If you don't look closely, a bitch can mate with the first male that comes along with surprising ease. So sort it out later, from which male which puppy. - the entire litter will be culled.

Feed dogs after mating at the usual time or when they ask for food.

48 hours after the first, it is recommended to conduct another, control, mating. This is done because the time of hunting does not always coincide with the moment of ovulation and the period of egg maturation, the discrepancy can be quite significant. And although sperm cells remain viable for a long time in the female genital tract, their number and fertilizing ability decrease more and more over time. That is why it is better to play it safe and tie the bitch again.

The control mating usually passes: it is easier, but it may not take place at all if the bitch is already out of heat. This means that next year you will bring the bitch to the first mating early, and now it remains to hope for the best.

What are the possible complications during mating? We have already talked about the discrepancy between the sizes of partners. Sometimes there is a high aggressiveness of the male towards the owner of the bitch, because of which the male does not pay any attention to his lady. It makes sense to leave both dogs only with the owner of the dog, as sometimes it helps to put the energy of the dog in the right direction. However, mating may not occur: the mere fact that the presence of a female in heat does not arouse interest in a male is a bad sign.

When a male is calm and has little interest in the bitch, there may be two reasons for this. Firstly, if it is known that the male mates easily and has a lot of experience, then most likely the bitch is not yet (already) ready for mating. After all, an experienced male determines this by the smallest nuances of her behavior and smell, without even coming close. The second reason for his indifference to the bitch may be that he was not knitted, but often “worked out” for sexual preoccupation. In this case, the owner of the dog should leave the room, and the instructor should deal with the dogs. If there is no instructor, the owner of the bitch left alone can try to do the following: first push the bitch's butt closer to the male, let him sniff calmly, and then drag the bitch forward by the collar a little. This removal of the object of sympathy sometimes helps timid males overcome their shyness. There is absolutely no point in putting a dog on a bitch by force - he will not knit it, but will break out of rough hands with all his might.

If the male refuses to tie the bitch in the hunt (she is not interested in the male or he cannot properly mount), the owner of the bitch immediately notifies the person responsible for breeding of his club about this. The bitch is given a referral for mating to another suitable male (understudy).

The cause of a failed mating is also a bitch. The most banal case is the incorrect determination of the timing of the hunt. It's good if the bitch was brought to the male too early, at least you can wait here. If you are late, you can't change anything. After all, there are no such methods or means to resume the hunt that has ended.

The bitch, who does not want to accept the male, behaves very characteristically: she tucks her tail, sits down, bares her teeth and rushes at the male. When she is forced to stand, she tirelessly wriggles out of the hands holding her and hysterically barks at the attempts of the male to introduce a member into the loop. A male with sufficient sexual experience will either not pay attention to such a bitch at all, or leave her alone after the first attempt.

Rarely, but there are anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs: narrowing, adhesions and even films similar to a clear hymen and physically preventing sexual intercourse. Even if the bitch is in full heat, the male is not able to insert the penis deep enough. If he succeeds in pouring sperm into the vestibule, the vagina, it is not at all clear whether fertilization will occur, and if it does happen, it is not known what the course of childbirth will be. In such cases, a thorough gynecological examination of the genital organs of the bitch and treatment appropriate to the nature of the anomaly is necessary.

If the bitch is very obese, her sexual activity is significantly reduced and the hunt proceeds sluggishly. In addition, it is physically inconvenient for a dog to do cages. Here the recipe is simple - first drive off fat, and then acquire offspring. By the way, in overfed females, cases of pathology of pregnancy and childbirth are common.

But the most exotic option in such an intimate sphere of dog relationships is that the bitch wants to mate, but not with the male she was picked up. When he approaches, the choosy beauty behaves as if there is no hunting at all, and when you press on the lower back, she demonstrates all the reflexes of readiness for mating and is keenly interested in other males. In such a situation, one has to resort to rigid fixation of the bitch and firmly tie her jaws. This is real animal abuse, so perhaps this couple should not be brought together. Indeed, in animals, the choice of a sexual partner is carried out with the help of complex, not fully understood mechanisms; Maybe it's not for nothing that the bitch avoids mating with this particular male? However, such cases are so rare that the negative reaction of the bitch to the male is mainly due to the lack of heat.

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"Leader of the Pack" (1964) is a song by George Morton, Jeff Barry and Ellie Greenich, recorded by the American female vocal group Shangri-Las. It ends with the roar of motorcycles and the sound of breaking glass.

The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) is a concept album by the English progressive rock band Pink Floyd.

Keith Richards (Keith Richards, b. 1943) - English guitarist, singer and songwriter, one of the founders of The Rolling Stones.

Bonds is an Australian manufacturer of popular and inexpensive underwear.

Bing Crosby (Harry Lillis, 1904-1977) was an American singer and film actor.

"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" ("Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus", 1992) is a book by American pop psychologist John Gray (b. 1951) about practical methods for improving gender relationships.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a BBC comedy series created by English writer and radio screenwriter Douglas Noël Adams (1952-2001), first aired in 1978 and has since become phenomenally popular. A trilogy of the same name of five novels was published in 1979-1992. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (1980) is the second volume of the saga.

The Simpsons (since 1989) is an animated series created by American cartoonist and artist Matthew Abram Groening (b. 1954). "X-Files" ("X-Files", in Russian box office - "The X-Files", 1993-2002) is a television mystical-fiction series created by American screenwriter and producer Chris Carter (b. 1956). Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are its main characters, played by David Duchovny (b. 1960) and Gillian Anderson (b. 1968), respectively. The Twilight Zone (originally 1959-1964) is a sci-fi/mystery/horror television series created by American screenwriter Rodman Edward Sterling (1924-1975). My Favorite Martian (1963-1966) is an American comedy television series.

NASA is the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, an independent federal agency created in 1958 under the Aeronautics and Space Act.

"Silver Chair" ("silverchair", since 1994) - Australian rock band, formed in the suburbs of Newcastle.

Voodoo Lounge (1994) is an album by The Rolling Stones.

Oprah Winfrey (Orpah Gail Winfrey, b. 1954) is an American television talk show host (since 1985).

Metallica (1981) is an American heavy metal and hard rock band.

Star Trek (1965-1969) is an American science fiction television series.

NYPD Blue (1993-2005) is an American police television drama created by Steven Bochco and David Milch. "A Current Affair" ("A Current Affair", 1986-1996) is an American television program with a "hard" presentation of news and scandals.

Ricki Lake (Ricki Pamela Lake, b. 1968) is an American actress and TV talk show host, where, in particular, heavy everyday dramas were discussed, often ending in violence.

A-C / DC (1973) is an Australian hard rock band.

A line from the song "Airplane" ("Aeroplane", 1995) by the American rock band "Red Hot Chili Peppers" (since 1983).

Gene Simmons (Gene Simmons, Chaim Witz, b. 1949) is an American singer, bass player, songwriter, actor and producer, founder of the glam and hard rock band Kiss.

"Kyuss" ("Kyuss", 1989-1995) is an American stoner metal band.

Vegemite is the brand name for a popular Australian dark brown spreadable food product that is a mixture of yeast and vegetable extract. Considered an integral part of the Australian diet. First appeared on the market in 1923.

Kurt Cobain (Kurt Donald Cobain, 1967-1994) - American singer, guitarist and songwriter, leader of the rock band Nirvana.

David Bowie (David Bowie, David Robert Jones, b. 1947) - English singer, multi-instrumentalist, director, producer and actor, creator of the image of the space alien Ziggy Stardust (Ziggy Stardust). Sigourney Weaver (Sigourney Weaver, Susan Alexandra Weaver, b. 1949) is an American actress, famous for her role as Lieutenant Ripley in the Alien tetralogy (1979, 1986, 1992, 1997). "Men in Black" - a popular image in the mass consciousness of government agents who intimidate people by meeting with aliens, the heroes of the comic strip of the same name by Lowell Cunningham and Sandy Carruthers (1990-1991) and the film by Barry Sonnenfeld (1997). Doctor Who (1963) is an English science fiction television series about a mysterious traveler in space and time who fights evil.

"Nine Inch Nails" ("Nine Inch Nails", c 1988) is an American rock band, consisting mainly of its creator, songwriter, singer, multi-instrumentalist and producer Michael Trent Reznor (b. 1965).

Courtney Love (Courtney Michelle Love, b. 1964) is an American singer, songwriter and actress, widow of Kurt Cobain and leader of the rock band Hole. We are talking about her song "Doll Parts" (1994).

"Mama" Cass Elliot (Cass Elliot, Ellen Naomi Cohen, 1941-1974) was an American singer who performed with The Mamas & The Papas.

"T-Rex" ("Tyrannosaurus Rex", "T Rex" or "T-Rex", 1967-1977) is an English glam rock band. "Dinosaur Jr." ("Dinosaur Jr", since 1985) - American alternative rock group, was forced to add "Jr." to their name when they were threatened with legal action by the psychedelic supergroup The Dinosaurs (since 1982).

The title of the album of the American alternative rock group "The Smashing Pumpkins" (since 1988, hereinafter referred to as "The Awesome Pumpkins") "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" ("Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness", 1995) and the song "Tales of Scorched" are played Earth" included in it.

This refers to the "peplum" of the American director William Wyler's "Ben Hur" ("Ben Hur", 1959) based on the novel by Lew Wallace, which for a long time remained the most grandiose film production of the twentieth century.

Marilyn Manson (since 1989) is an American industrial and alternative metal rock band with lead vocalist (Brian Hugh Warner, b. 1969), who performs under the same name, borrowed from American actress Marilyn Monroe and leader Satanist sect of Charles Manson.

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" (1991) is a song by Kurt Cobain, Chris Novoselic and David Grohl from Nirvana's album Nevermind.

The band's song "silverchair" from the album "Frogstomp" (1995).

"Communion" ("Communion", 1987) is a book by American ufologist and science fiction writer Whitley Strieber (Louis Whitley Strieber, p. 1945), who claims that it describes his real experience of abduction by aliens. In 1989, the book was filmed by director Philip Mora and starring Christopher Walken.

Foo Fighters (since 1995) is an American rock band founded by former Nirvana member David Grohl. During World War II, pilots used this word to refer to unexplained aerial phenomena.

Timothy Francis Leary (1920-1996) was an American writer, psychologist, and active supporter of the use and research of psychoactive substances. 7 grams of his ashes were buried in open space aboard the rocket, along with the remains of 24 other people: the rocket was launched on February 9, 1997 and spent 6 years in orbit, after which it burned up in the atmosphere.

Elvis Aaron Presley (1935-1977) - American singer and actor, "the king of rock and roll." In urban legends, various versions of his death are still being exaggerated, up to the fact that he is alive, moreover, the myth is often supported by many of his impersonators.

Kylie Ann Minogue (born 1968) is an Australian singer, songwriter and actress. "Loco-Motion" ("Loco-Motion", 1962) is a song by Gerry Goffin and Carole King, recorded by, among other artists, Kylie Minogue in 1988.

Will Smith (Will Smith, Willard Christopher Smith Jr., b. 1968) is an American black comedian film actor.

"Berocca" - the brand name of a mixture of vitamins B and C, is available in tablets.

"Dazed and Confused" is a song by Led Zeppelin from their first album (1969).

Quizinart is a brand of kitchen appliances manufactured by the American corporation Conair.

Uluru National Park was established in 1958 as Ayers Rock National Park, 480 km southwest of Alice Springs in Australia's Northern Territory. Ayers Rock - the world's largest sandstone monolith, a famous tourist attraction: it changes color depending on the lighting during the day; is of great importance for Aboriginal culture - many caves, decorated with ancient Aboriginal drawings and stone carvings, are still considered sacred by them. Subsequently, Ayers Rock was returned to the original name of Uluru.

"Lubbock Lights" - an unidentified V-shaped formation of lights observed over Lubbock, Texas, in August 1951, as well as in the state of New Mexico. According to one version, it was a reflection of new street lamps or the lights of a cinema for motorists, reflected in a flying flock of plovers.

Tempi's Junkyard is a large Salvation Army store on Bellevue Street in Sydney, specializing in clothing and furniture. Named after a landfill in the Sydney suburb of Tempi.

"Alvin and the Chipmunks" - a group of singing chipmunks (Alvin, Simon and Theodore) under the direction of "manager" Dave Saville, invented and recorded in 1958 by Ross Bagdasarian. Subsequently - the heroes of cartoons and movies. The band has received two Grammy awards for recording excellence.

The Klingons are a race of warriors in the fictional Star Trek universe created by series writer Gene Coon and named after Lieutenant Wilber Klingan, with whom original series creator Gene Roddenberry served in the LAPD.

Wim Wenders (b. 1945) is a German director, screenwriter, producer and film critic. In his films The Sky Over Berlin (Der Himmel über Berlin, 1987) and So Far, So Close (In weiter Ferne, so nah!, 1993), angels act on Earth.

"Alien" ("E.T.", 1982) - a film by American director, screenwriter and producer Steven Spielberg about an alien, accidentally forgotten on Earth.

Vikram Seth (b. 1952) is an Indian poet and novelist. His epic novel A Suitable Boy (1993), which took almost 10 years to complete, was published in 1993.

"Give me a beam, Scotty!" ("Beam me up, Scotty!") is a "false quote" from Star Trek that has become part of the pop culture lexicon, although it does not appear in this form in the series. Captain Kirk allegedly refers her to Transportation Chief Montgomery Scott whenever he needs to be transported aboard the ship.

Björk (Björk Guðmundsdóttir, b. 1965) is an Icelandic pop-rock singer and songwriter. Green Day (1989) is an American pop punk band. Alanis Morissette (Alanis Nadine Morissette, b. 1974) is a Canadian-American pop singer, songwriter and actress. Billy Idol (Billy Idol, William Michael Albert Broad, b. 1955) is an English hard rock musician, singer and songwriter. Queen (since 1970) is an English rock band. Rod Stewart (Roderick David Stewart, b. 1945) is an English pop-rock singer. Joe Cocker (John Robert Cocker, b. 1944) is an English rock and blues singer and musician. Cyndi Lauper (Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper, b. 1953) is an American pop singer and actress. Michael Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, b. 1958) is an American pop singer and dancer.

"A White Shade of Pale" ("A Whiter Shade of Pale", 1967) is a song by the English band Procol Harum.

Phil Collins (Philip David Charles Collins, b. 1951) is an English rock and pop musician, drummer, singer, songwriter, one of the founders of the progressive rock band Genesis. Sir Cliff Richard (Harry Rodger Webb, b. 1940) is an English pop singer.

Mr. Natural (1974) is an album by the Anglo-Australian pop group Bee Gees.

Eccocchino is an Australian substitute for cappuccino, made from a mixture of Ecco barley and chicory powders.

"Moltizers" is the brand name of a chocolate dragee with a porous filling produced by a branch of the Mars company.

"Violently Happy" ("Violently Happy", 1993) is a song by Björk from the album "Debut".

"Hoover" is a trademark of vacuum cleaners with a hanging dust bag manufactured by the American company of the same name, founded in 1908.

Blind Melon (since 1989) is an American rock band. The Celibate Rifles (1982) are an Australian rock band. Single Gun Theory (since 1986) is an Australian electronic group.

Dax is the brand name for menswear and underwear manufactured by the English company Dax-Simpson.

GONIPI (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, SCIRO) - State Association of Scientific and Applied Research, the largest research organization in Australia. Created in 1949

"Gilligan's Island" ("Gilligan's Island", 1964-1967), "The Beaver will figure it out" ("Leave It to Beaver", 1957-1963) - American comedy series, in one form or another designed to strengthen family values. "(Countdown, 1974-1987) - Australian musical television program. Gary Glitter (Paul Francis Gadd, Gary Glitter, b. 1944) - English pop-rock singer, songwriter, whose peak of success came in the first half of the 1970s gg.

The name is a play on a line from Paul McCartney and John Lennon's ballad "Michelle" from the Beatles' album "Rubber Soul" (1965).

Zd.: "Babes in Toyland" ("Babes in Toyland", 1987-2001) is an American alternative rock group.

Sun Ra (Sun Ra, Herman Poole Blount, ca. 1914-1993) - American jazz composer, pianist, bandleader, creator of "space philosophy". He claimed to belong to the angelic race and flew to earth from Saturn.

Fred Astaire (Frederic Austerlitz Jr., 1899-1987) was an American dancer and actor.

"Doors" ("The Doors", 1965-1973) - American rock band.

Red Rogers (Ginger Rogers, Virginia Katherine McMath, 1911-1995) - American theater and film actress, dancer, constant partner of Fred Astaire.

"Minty" is an Australian-made brand of chewy hard candy.

Clubfoot Kopchuh (Smokey Stover, 1935-1973) is a comic book character by American artist Bill Holman, a bungler firefighter on a two-wheeled "fu-mobile".

Cats (1981) is a musical by the English composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber (b. 1948) based on the collection of humorous poems Old Possum's Popular Science of Cats (1939) by the Anglo-American poet Thomas Stearns Eliot (1888) -1965). The Phantom of the Opera (1986) is a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on the novel of the same name (1910) by the French writer Gaston Leroux (1868-1927). Hair (1967) is a musical by American composer Gault McDermot based on the book by James Rado and Jerome Ragney. Hanson (since 1992) is an American pop rock band. Throbbing Gristle (since 1975) is an English experimental and industrial music group.

Pantera (1981) is an American heavy metal band.

Dave Graney is an Australian rock musician and songwriter. His album with the Coral Snakes group The Soft and Sexy Sound was released in 1995. Beck (Beck Hansen, Bek David Campbell, b. 1970) is an American rock– musician, singer, multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. His album "Odelay" ("Odelay") was released in 1996. "Henry's Dream" ("Henry's Dream", 1992) is an album by Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds group. Perkins, Walker and Owen - Australian supergroup "Tex, Don and Charlie" (since 1992) consisting of singer-songwriter Tex Perkins (Gregory Steven Perkins, b. 1964), pianist Don Walker (b. 1951) and guitarist Charlie Owen.

"Porno for Pyros" ("Porno for Pyros", 1992-1998) is an American alternative rock band.

Bette Davis (1908-1989) was an American film, stage and television actress. Chrissy Amphlett (Christina Amphlett, b. 1959) is the singer of the Australian rock band Divinyls. "Salt-and-Pepper" ("Salt-N-Pepa", since 1986) is an American rhythm and blues and hip-hop group. Prince (Prince Rogers Nelson, b. 1958) - American pop musician, singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter; his album Purple Rain was released in 1984. You Am I (since 1989) is an Australian alternative rock band. Faith No More (1982-1998) is an American experimental alternative metal rock band. Jim Morrison (James Douglas Morrison, 1943-1971) - American singer, songwriter, cinematographer, poet and novelist, leader of The Doors. Annie Lennox (Annie Lennox, b. 1954) is a Scottish singer and rock musician. Madonna (Madonna Louise Ciccone, b. 1958) is an American pop singer, songwriter, producer, writer, dancer and actress. PJ Harvey (Polly Jean Harvey, b. 1969) is an English singer and songwriter. Donna Summer (LaDonna Andrea Gaines, b. 1948) is an American pop singer. The Velvet Underground (1965-1973, 1992-1994) is an American rock band.

Sock dances are informal dance parties especially popular among high school students in the 1950s.

"Twister" is a game popular in colleges, in which the participants are supposed to place various parts of the body on appropriately colored circles, thus adopting rather unimaginable poses.

Wilma Flintstone is a character in the television animated series The Flintstones (1960-1966), a red-haired prehistoric housewife.

"Boyzone" ("Boyzone", 1993-2000) - Irish male vocal ensemble.

Mardi Gras (Tuesday in Shrove Tuesday) is a holiday in New Orleans and other cities of Louisiana, with a colorful carnival, balls and parades with the participation of mummers and jazz bands.

Some of the books by the American horror writer Anne Rice (b. 1941) are listed: The Vampire Chronicles cycle (1976-2003), Cry to Heaven (1982), Exit in Eden, written under the pseudonym Ann Rampling (Exit to Eden, 1985), and the Lives of The Mayfair Witches cycle, 1990-1994.

"Animals" ("The Animals", 1962-1966) - English rock band. Three Dog Night (1968-1975) is an American rock band. The Beasts of Bourbon (since 1983) is an Australian swamp rock band that featured Tex Perkins. Portishead (since 1991) - English trip-hop group; the song "Biscuit" was recorded by them on their first album "Dummy" (1994). "The Beach Boys" ("The Beach Boys", since 1961) - American pop group; concept album "Pet Sounds" released by them in 1966.

Possibly an unheard line from the song "Shadow Of A Doubt" by American band Sonic Youth, from their 1986 album EVOL.

This refers to the song of the American bluesman John Lee Hooker (John Lee Hooker, 1917-2001) "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer" ("One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer", 1966).

"Jaws" ("Jaws", 1975) - a film by Steven Spielberg based on the novel by Peter Benchley about a man-eating shark. Composer John Williams.

Iced Tea (Ice–T, Tracy Marrow, b. 1958) is an American rock musician, rapper, writer, actor and public figure, one of the founders of gangsta rap.

"What's new, pussycat?" ("What's New, Pussycat?", 1965) is an erotic comedy directed by American director Clive Donner, also a song by Burt Bacharach with lyrics by Hal David.

Betty Boop (Betty Boop, since 1930) is a cartoon character produced by Max Fleischer, the embodiment of sexuality in the 1930s.

Patti Smith (Patricia Lee Smith, b. 1946) is an American rock singer and poet.

"Tank Girl" (Tank Girl, 1988) - the heroine of the English comic book by Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin, as well as its film adaptation by American director Rachel Talalay (1995).

Kryptonite is a fictional substance from the remnants of the planet Krypton, invented in 1940 by Superman comic book creator Jerry Siegel.

"The Thing" ("The Thing", 1982) - a film by American director John Carpenter, a remake of Howard Hawks' film "A Thing from Another World" (1951) based on the novel by science fiction writer John W. Campbell Jr. "Who's Going?".

The band is named after a character in the French director Roger Vadim's erotic-fiction film Barbarella (1967), played by John Philip Lowe. The title role in the film was played by American actress Jane Fonda (b. 1937).

"Unsane" ("Unsane", c 1989) is an American noise and hardcore band.

"Songs in the Key of X" ("Songs in the Key of X", 1996) is an album by a group of performers with musical material sounding in the series "X-Files" and inspired by it.

R2-D2 is an astromech droid, a character in the George Lucas film series Star Wars (1977, 1980, 1983, 1999, 2002, 2005).

Paraphrase of a line from John Lennon and Paul McCartney's "You Can't Buy Me Love" ("Can't Buy Me Love", 1964)

Red Dwarf (1988-1999) is an English fantasy television series created by Grant Naylor (the collective pseudonym of screenwriters Rob Grant and Doug Naylor).

"Start Me Up" (1977) is a song by The Rolling Stones from their 1981 album Tattoo You.

Siouxsie and the Banshees (1976-1996) is an English rock and post-punk band led by singer-songwriter Suzy Sioux (Siouxsie Sioux, Susan Janet Ballion b. 1957). The Sisters of Mercy (since 1980) is an English post-punk band. "L-7" ("L7", 1985-2000) is an American female rock band. "Mochilovo Bikini" ("Bikini Kill", 1990-1998) is an American female punk band with a radical feminist bias. ABBA (ABBA, 1972-1982) is a Swedish pop group. The Rolling Stones (1962) are an English rock band.

This Island Earth (1955) is a science fiction film directed by American director Joseph M. Newman.

"Spinal Puncture" ("Spın̈al Tap" [TO DESIGNER: SO - with i without dot and umlaut over n], since 1964) is a predominantly fictional American heavy metal band, made famous by Rob Reiner's mockumentary It's a Spinal Puncture (1984).

Soundgarden (1984-1997) is an American rock band that, among other bands from Seattle, laid the foundations of the grunge style. The song "Black Hole Sun" was included on their album Superunknown (1994).

Guns N Roses (1985) is an American hard rock band.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, after whom Louella is named, are characters in George Lucas' Star Wars space movie saga.

John Laws (John Laws, b. 1935) - Australian radio host, thanks to his mellifluous voice, he acquired the nickname "Golden Tonsils". Rush Limbaugh (Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, b. 1951) is an American radio host, a staunch Republican.

Elmer Fudd (Elmer Fudd, since 1940) is a character created by American cartoonist Chuck Jones for the TV series Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies, an unlucky rabbit hunter Bugs Bunny with several speech impediments.

Frenzal Rhomb (since 1991) is an Australian punk band.

Maglight (since 1979) is a brand name for flashlights manufactured by Mag Instrument, Inc. renowned for their strength and reliability.

Little Richard (Little Richard, Richard Wayne Penniman, b. 1932) is an American singer, pianist and songwriter, one of the pioneers of rock and roll. Jimi Hendrix (James Marshall Hendrix, 1942-1970) was an American rock guitarist, singer and songwriter. The Red Hot Chili Peppers (since 1983) are an American rock band. Pearl Jam (since 1990) is an American rock band, one of the four founders of the grunge style.

"Don't Worry, Be Happy" ("Don't Worry, Be Happy", 1988) is a song by American jazz composer Bobby McFerrin from his album Simple Pleasures, based on the slogan of the popular Indian spiritual leader Meher Baba (1894-1969) .

The song plays on scenes from American director Steven Spielberg's science fiction film Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977).

"AstroTorf" is the brand name for artificial turf for sports fields.

Dim sum - small Chinese pies (fried or steamed) made from rice dough stuffed with meat, seaweed, shrimp, vegetables, fish, chicken, etc.; also any small snack that is eaten with the hands.

Electric Ladyland (1968) is a studio album by the Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Janis Joplin (1943-1970) was an American blues-rock singer.

"2000 Light Years from Home" ("2000 Light Years from Home", 1967) is a song by The Rolling Stones from the album Their Satanic Majesties Request.

The Cruel Sea (1988) is an Australian indie rock band.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967) is a concept album by the English group The Beatles.

Guy Pearce (Guy Edward Pearce, b. 1967) is an Australian film actor. "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" ("The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", 1994) - a film by Australian director Stephen Elliott about the trip of two drag queens and one transgender across Australia on a bus named Priscilla. Guy Pearce played one of the transvestites in it.

Jimmy Page (James Patrick Page, b. 1944) is an English rock guitarist and producer, founder of the Led Zeppelin band. Robert Plant (Robert Anthony Plant, b. 1948) is an English rock singer, songwriter, vocalist of the Led Zeppelin band.

Underground Lovers (1990) is an Australian alternative rock band. "Your Eyes" is their 1993 single.

Quagaars are a biological species imagined by the characters of the television series Red Dwarf (their ship turns out to be a garbage can, and the body belongs to a half-decomposed fried chicken).

"Apollo 13" ("Apollo 13", 1995) - a film by American director Ron Howard about the ill-fated flight of American astronauts to the moon. Starring Tom Hanks (Thomas Jeffrey Hanks, b. 1956). The following is a quote from the movie. Independence Day (1996) is an American fantasy film directed by German director Roland Emmerich.

The Cult of Ray (1996) is the third solo album by American singer, guitarist and songwriter Frank Black (Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV, 1965). The title refers to the American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury (b. 1920).

Pee Shy Shame (1993-1998) is an American indie rock band.

"Wali" ("Beat It", 1983) is a song by Michael Jackson from the Thriller album.

Quentin Tarantino (Quentin Jerome Tarantino, b. 1963) is an American film director, screenwriter and actor.

Tina Arena (Filippina Lydia Arena, b. 1967) is an Australian pop singer.

"What a Wonderful World" ("What a Wonderful World", 1967) is a song by Bob Teal and George David Weiss, which became famous thanks to its first performance by jazz singer, composer and trumpeter Louis Armstrong (1901-1971). In 1992, it was recorded as a duet by Nick Cave and Shane MacGowan (Shane Patrick Lysaght MacGowan, b. 1957), Irish musician, singer-songwriter, member of The Pogues. The recording style was sustained in the spirit of heavy alcoholic delirium.

"To All the Cows" ("For all the Cows", 1995) is a song from the band's first album, Foo Fighters.

Dettol is the brand name for a disinfectant from Reckitt & Coleman.

Oasis (since 1991) is an English rock band led by guitarist and songwriter Noel Gallagher and his younger brother, singer Liam (b. 1972).

Henry Rollins (Henry Lawrence Garfield, b. 1961) is an American hardcore and punk singer, songwriter, writer, and actor. c.d. Lang (Kathryn Dawn Lang, b. 1961) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, and lesbian culture icon. Brad Pitt (William Bradley Pitt, b. 1963) is an American film actor. Tom Cruise (Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, b. 1962) is an American film actor.

CHRZM (INXS, since 1977) is an Australian pop-rock band.

One Hot Minute (1995) is the sixth album by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), American philosopher, poet, and essayist.

The "Mexican wave" in Australia and the UK refers to the concerted action of the public at major sporting and other events - a wave of standing and sitting bodies that covers the entire stadium.

"Zoo TV" ("Zoo TV", 1992–1993) is a multimedia live performance by the Irish rock band U2 in support of their album "Achtung Baby", designed for sensory overload of the audience.

Lenny Kravitz (Leonard Albert Kravitz, b. 1964) is an American rock singer, guitarist, songwriter and record producer. Johnny Rotten (Johnny Rotten, John Joseph Lydon, b. 1956) is an English rock musician, former singer of the punk band Sex Pistols.

"Stairway to Heaven" (1971) is a song by Led Zeppelin from their fourth album, considered by many to be the greatest rock work of all time.

OK Computer (1997) is the third album by English rock band Radiohead.

March of the Pigs (also Halo 7, 1994) is a song by Nine Inch Nails.

The Gadflys (since 1980) are an Australian rock band.

Let It Be (1970) is the twelfth album by The Beatles.

"Young Bodies Heal Quickly" (1997) is a song by the Australian band Regurgitator.


State Duma deputies submitted for consideration a bill of sanctions against the United States and other countries. It is planned to impose restrictions on the supply of alcoholic and tobacco products, medicines, as well as to stop cooperation in the aircraft industry and the rocket-building industry, to produce Western goods without patents. According to the already established tradition, the adoption of sanctions can harm Russia more than the Americans.

The bill "On Measures to Influence (Counteract) the Unfriendly Actions of the United States of America and (or) Other Foreign States" was proposed to the State Duma by a group of deputies headed by Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

It gives Russia the right to apply sanctions against the United States and "other countries" in the form of a ban on the import of agricultural products, alcohol, cigarettes, medicines into Russia and allows the production of foreign goods without the permission of the copyright holders.

A political scientist commented on the paragraph of the bill on a ban on foreign medicines Alexey Mukhin, who believes that there is no reason to panic, since we are not talking about all the drugs: “I mean those drugs that have analogues in the Russian version. That is, in fact, we are talking about providing the same domestic manufacturer and distributor with maximum preferences on the Russian market. Since the United States, bypassing all conceivable norms, decided to engage in public protectionism with impunity. With the same stick and on the same sides - solely for preventive purposes with pedagogical intentions: if the words are not understood, markets will lose. Despite this, citizens are essentially deprived of the right to choose which medicines to be treated.

More difficulties for the state itself can create a permit for the production of foreign goods without a patent and the permission of the right holders, which is most likely to the claims of the International Courts. Thus, on US sanctions Russia:

“The project of retaliatory sanctions on the part of Russia is a terrible painting in complete poverty. Intellectual. This is a recognition that the authorities do not want to move the country along the path of intellectual development, create something new, change the world. Instead, they want to turn us into a nation of counterfeiters, manufacturers of cheap and low-quality fakes. And at the same time raise food prices and ruin their own citizens with low-quality medicines. Let me take this opportunity to remind you that in his address to the Federal Assembly, Putin promised a breakthrough. So, this is not a breakthrough, this is a shame and poverty, ”the journalist notes. Ekaterina Vinokurova.

It is not entirely clear how they are going to implement retaliatory sanctions measures in the aircraft industry. According to the ria.ru news agency, Sergei Ryabukhin, chairman of the Federation Council budget committee, said Russia could ban titanium supplies to Boeing in response to US sanctions.

It is not at all clear how this will be implemented, since there are 54 Boeings in the Aeroflot fleet, the entire Pobeda fleet consists of 12 Boeings, Rossiya airlines - 31 Boeings, UTair - 50 "Boeing". The active operation of the American aircraft makes us think about how the purchase of additional spare parts for it will take place if Russia refuses to supply metal. The largest titanium producer VSMPO-Avisma, according to Vedomosti, has already notified lawmakers that Russian sanctions will give Western partners a reason to accuse it of defaulting on obligations, and 20,000 of its employees will find themselves in a crisis situation. It turns out that again the government of the country cuts the branch on which it sits?