Lighting for a small bathroom. Lighting in the bathroom: choosing the optimal lighting scenario Lighting in a small bath

The bathroom is a place not only for hygiene procedures, but also for relaxation after hard working days. Here we bathe, do laundry, clean ourselves up, and can also take a bath, relax and gain new strength. Therefore, proper lighting in such a room is no less important than in others. For many years it was represented by only one lamp, often a lampshade with an incandescent lamp, hanging on the ceiling or above the door. But nowadays there is great variety lighting methods even for such a specific room as a bathroom to make life more comfortable. First, let's talk about how to make lighting in the bathroom safe.

Safety rules for organizing lighting in the bathroom

The bathroom has a microclimate with high humidity, which must be taken into account when installing electrical wiring and lighting yourself.

You also need to make sure that the lighting is as close as possible to natural daylight, so that makeup is applied correctly and is carried out comfortably. hygiene procedures. Certain rules must be followed:

  • To correctly calculate the bathroom lighting scheme, for this you can resort to the help of professionals. After all, alterations can be expensive later and take up extra time and effort.
  • Do not place open sockets, tees in the bathroom, and extension cords should not be used here either. It is best to choose special moisture-proof sockets, also high degree electrical appliances should have protection.
  • It is best to separate the electrical wiring in a hidden way. If the cable is laid open, then it must be protected using corrugation or a plastic tube.
  • All wiring in the bathroom must be grounded.
  • You need to choose only lamps that tolerate moisture well. At the same time, their metal parts must have anti-corrosion protection.
  • The power of lighting devices should be small, no more than 12 watts.
  • For the safety of swimmers, it is important to properly place the lamps in the room. Do not hang sconces directly above the bathtub to avoid contact of water with the hot lampshade to prevent the light bulb from bursting. You should also beware of exposed incandescent light bulbs during damp room– if a light bulb breaks, its flying fragments can cause significant harm.
  • All unprotected sockets and electrical appliances must be located at a sufficient distance from the water, at least 2.5 meters.
  • There are four humidity zones in the bathroom - in the immediate vicinity of the bathtub, sink or shower; space above the bathroom ceiling; half a meter from the edge of the bathtub or washbasin; at a distance of 2.5-3 meters from the bathtub and sink, where only condensation reaches. Depending on the humidity zone, it is necessary to choose a lighting device of a more or less high level of protection, according to their existing classification.

Number and location of lamps in the bathroom

Even while planning repair work You should consider the number of lighting fixtures in the bathroom. These days there are different options lighting, which will allow you to make a choice based on your own preferences, availability of finances and design idea. You can choose open or built-in lamps, but you should pay attention to the size of the room and the height of the ceilings. After all, the closer the lamps are to a person, the brighter they illuminate all the necessary objects.

Sconce in the bathroom

If the bathroom is small, you can limit yourself to one central light source on the ceiling - a chandelier with several shades, one closed shade, sconce or directional lamp.

But still, one source may not be enough, so experts recommend installing additional lighting working area– places near the washbasin and mirror.

Considering the importance of convenience when applying makeup and shaving, such lighting will allow these processes to be performed more efficiently.

If the bathroom is large enough, then you can highlight and highlight each zone separately - a wash area (sink and mirror), a bathing area (bathtub or shower), a free area (for example, for laundry). In a spacious room you can install several ceiling lamps - about six are enough. When selecting several lighting objects, their size and power may be less than if there is one central one.

Depending on their location, lamps are divided into types:

  1. Ceiling: this traditional look lighting needed in every bathroom. They provide the main light, indicate the exit, and are often the only source of light in the room.
  2. Wall-mounted: used to illuminate functional areas of the bathroom, giving the room greater convenience and sometimes a special aesthetic effect.
  3. Floor standing: are optional, carry more decorative function. They give an unusual effect, sophistication, and visually expand the space of a small bathroom. It will be especially interesting to use multi-colored light bulbs. The power of such lamps is about 5 Watts, and you should definitely take care of good protection from moisture.

A new trend in bathroom lighting is the use of spot lighting. It can be done using different types lamps and performs the function of illuminating a specific area for a specific need. The lamps can be rotated to illuminate the desired location. at the moment object.

Let us highlight the following features of the location of light sources in the bathroom:

  • The light should be uniform and correctly distributed; we must not forget about the different functional areas of the bathroom.
  • It is better to direct lighting fixtures not perpendicular to reflective surfaces, but at a certain angle to them.
  • When lighting a mirror, you should hang lamps on the sides of it, or side lamps in combination with the top ones. This will allow you to achieve the effect of light reflection and the absence of shadows on the face and any unnecessary distortions.
  • It is better to connect different lamps with separate lines, so that, if necessary, you can turn on either bright or dim light.
  • You can also illuminate furniture, especially the contents of cabinets and shelves, in order to find needed items in such dimly lit places.
  • Separately, you can highlight and highlight a bathtub or shower stall, although this has more of a decorative function. Lighting would also be useful measuring instruments, lamps with low power will be sufficient.

Types of bathroom fixtures

Today, there are several types of lamps that can be used when lighting a bathroom:

  • Incandescent lamps.
  • Halogen lamps.
  • LED backlight.

An incandescent lamp is a popular product, widely known and used in everyday life due to its availability, low price and instant ignition. It does not depend on temperature environment, works silently, but still has some disadvantages. It has a relatively short lifespan - rated to last around 1000 hours - and gets very hot. It is not recommended to be used together with plastic shades, fabric lampshades.

Halogen lamp - has excellent light output, copes well with thermal radiation, will last a long time, can be used in spot lighting on suspended ceilings. They have a power of 220 V and 12 V. But they require the installation of a low-voltage transformer, and also consume quite a lot of electricity.

Fluorescent lamps - different great variety shades of light, designed for long time work. But they can react to the surrounding temperature and voltage, and simply not ignite. They also operate with more noise than other lamps and have a power of no more than 150 watts.

LED lighting – characterized by low energy consumption and for a long time services, used for spot lighting of rooms. The only drawback is its high price– both for lamps and related equipment.

Using any type of these lamps you can create correct lighting in the bathroom.

To avoid light distortion in the bathroom, you should choose closed lampshade made of matte white or transparent material.

Also won't fit fluorescent lamps cold spectrum, which can distort what we see. You need to focus on the spectrum of natural light, especially considering that in most bathrooms the lighting is predominantly artificial due to their distance from windows facing the street.

Lampshades with stained glass will create interesting light reflections on the walls, which will add zest to the room.

Suitable lighting power

The level of illumination in a sanitary room affects the comfort of the residents there. Therefore, there are standards for the number of lumens per square meter room, that is, according to the brightness of the light flow of each light bulb.

For sanitary premises, 200 lumens per square meter is sufficient. At the same time, we must not forget about the decoration of the walls of the room: the darker the tone of the decoration, the more light will be needed for comfortable lighting.

  • Incandescent lamps with a power of 25 to 100 watts have a brightness of 200 to 1350 lumens.
  • Halogen lamps will provide brightness from 625 to 1170 lumens.
  • Fluorescent lamps will provide 1500 to 2000 lumens.
  • – the brightest, up to 6000 lumens, and they can be selected to suit any need due to the many configurations of such lighting.

Decorative lighting in the bathroom

If space allows, you can let your imagination run wild and add decorative lighting to the main one. It will give special atmosphere bathroom, can organize an intimate atmosphere. Now you can highlight whatever your heart desires - the floor, windows, niches, steps, the perimeter near the bathtub. There is even lighting built into the bathtub, but this is one of the expensive projects. You can install an LED strip around the perimeter of the floor and ceiling, which will create a unique effect. Ceiling lighting with a starry sky effect, installed in addition to one central lamp, will look amazing. You can make lanterns from shiny ones with your own hands. tin cans by making holes in the jars and placing a candle inside. They can be transferred to different places, thus playing with lighting.

The main thing here is a sense of harmony, style, taste and imagination, then all ideas can be implemented with the best result. Or you can contact specialists who will develop a suitable individual project for the bathroom, will hide all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages, based on any area of ​​​​the room.

So, organizing lighting in the bathroom is a rather interesting task and has different alternatives. It is worth paying attention to it in order to achieve best effect and the greatest comfort in such a room necessary for life.

A lot of lighting is good, but not in all cases. Of course, each person independently determines for himself how many and what types of lamps to install. These can be spot lamps, standard lampshades in the center of the ceiling, etc. You also need to start from the space of the room.

Let's take a closer look at the types of lighting in the bathroom.

If you rely on the standards, then the correct one should be a ceiling lamp and wall sconces. There may be a combination of the main ceiling lamp and several point ones.

Placement of lighting fixtures

Lighting is always needed even if there is one. Following the standards, lighting in the bathroom should be three levels.

Overhead lighting. Perfect for rooms with a small area. One lamp on the ceiling will be quite enough; you can add a scattering of stars if your budget allows.

Work area lighting. Of course it is. Install lighting fixtures on the sides, only at the top of the mirror. It is better to give preference to flexible brackets, so you can adjust the light by directing it to the desired area.

Floor lighting. It is more for decoration than functionality. Various elements of the room can be emphasized in an original way; they can be built into niches or steps. It will be beautiful and there will be additional light. As in the photo of the lighting in the bathroom.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the area of ​​the room. Lighting is completely different from the big one. It is not possible to hang a ceiling hanging lamp. It won't be practical. And in a large room, one chandelier with several shades cannot be installed. It simply won't be enough to illuminate the bath.

Second rule. Do not buy models made of colored glass, the light in such devices will be distorted. The most popular and best option, lampshade closed type, made of transparent material, can be matte and white.

Third tip: choose lamps to match your style. For example: modern style requires bright light, there should be a lot of it, you can use backlighting of a different color. In the Japanese style, on the contrary, the light should be soothing.

The fourth lighting option is a classic. If the interior of the room fully corresponds to the style, attach lamps with laconic shapes without unnecessary elements. Preferably vintage glass, it will create interesting game on .

LED backlight

We live in modern world and every day I come up with new solutions in lighting technology. One of these LED lighting baths. It is advantageous in that it consumes little energy and has a service life of approximately 100 thousand hours.

It is used to decorate various objects: mirrors, bedside tables, ceilings, etc. It's up to your taste.

It can also be used with a combination of spotlights. Of course, such equipment costs a lot, this is perhaps the only negative.

Installation of lamps on a suspended ceiling

Today, you can increasingly see suspended ceilings in apartments, and the bathroom is no exception.

Let's consider the process of installing lighting in suspended ceilings in the bathroom:

The devices are mounted to a rack, which is located at the base of the ceiling. After that, the fabric is stretched in which holes are made for the devices. To prevent the fabric from tearing, the hole is fixed with special yokes.

Important! Choose lighting equipment with overhead mounts; in this case, there will be no problems with installation. Do not choose chandeliers or shades with a flat shape; they are completely unsuitable for a stretch ceiling.

Ceiling lighting in the bathroom can be achieved using lamps with external minions. Convenient and practical option.

Do not forget that lighting in the bathroom is no less important than in others, because a lot of time is spent there, especially the female half.

Photo of lighting in the bathroom

August 23, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Bathroom lighting must be approached responsibly, because here we not only perform hygiene procedures, but also rest and relax after have a hard day and just being alone with ourselves. At the same time, the lighting determines how comfortable it is to be in the room and how convenient it is to use all the functions of the bathroom, not to mention the visual perception of the interior. Therefore, next I will tell you how to correctly implement lighting in the bathroom with your own hands, and what principles you need to follow.

Principles of lighting organization

Before making lighting in the bathroom, you need to decide on a number of nuances. To do this, in turn, you need to know the principles of its implementation, which are given below:

Below I will tell you in more detail about the principles of organizing lighting in the bathroom, and also give examples of lighting from professional designers.

Principle 1: Correct placement of luminaires

When choosing places to install lighting devices, do not forget that there is never too much light. Therefore, ideally, lighting should have three levels:

  • overhead lighting – as a rule, it is a chandelier that is installed in the center of the ceiling. True, in small spaces It is better to use spot lighting, i.e. several small lampshades located evenly on the ceiling or around the perimeter of the room.
    Another modern and original solution is a “star scattering” consisting of many diodes. True, such lighting can only be realized if there is a suspended ceiling;

  • working - provides illumination of important areas. For this, sconces and lamps are usually used, which are most often located near the mirror above, as well as near the bathtub, shower stall, etc. Working lighting should be bright enough, but at the same time it must be implemented in such a way that it does not dazzle the eyes, especially for devices located near the mirror;
  • bottom lighting is more decorative than functional. It is usually used to decorate pedestals, niches, steps, baseboards and others. architectural elements. In this case, the lighting can take the form of portholes, multi-color lanterns, or even solid ribbons.

Small lamps can be built into furniture - cabinet drawers, shelves, etc. Thanks to this, the interior will look more attractive, and you will quickly find the things you need.

Principle 2: harmonious lighting design

When choosing the design of lighting fixtures, you need to consider the following rules:

  • The dimensions of the central lighting source and its design determine the height of the ceilings and the area of ​​the room. For example, if the walls are low, you should not use a hanging chandelier. But spotlights and spots would be an excellent solution;

  • When choosing the design of a lighting device, be guided by the style of the interior of the room. If the room is decorated in a modern style, for example, high-tech or, then metal lamps of simple and strict shapes will look great. If the interior is classic, give preference to chandeliers and sconces;
  • if the bath area is large enough, it is better to use a central lighting source with several lamps that provide uniform diffused lighting;
  • if the room is decorated catchily, then the lamps should also be noticeable so that they serve as an accent and decoration of the room even when daylight. If the interior contains a minimum decorative elements, it is better to use inconspicuous lighting devices, for example, built-in ones.

Avoid using lamps with plastic or colored glass bodies, as similar models greatly distort the light. It is better to give preference to lamps with white frosted glass.

Principle 3: Optimal lighting power

The comfort of staying in the bathroom largely depends on the level of lighting, as it affects vision and, in general, nervous system. But what kind of lighting should be in the bathroom to ensure maximum comfortable conditions? It's actually very simple.

As you know, light power is measured in lumens. So, There are certain standards for the number of lumens for a bathroom - this is ~ 200 Lm per square meter.

True, lamp manufacturers most often indicate the power consumption of devices, and not the light power. However, knowing it, you can find out the luminous flux power from the table below:

When calculating lighting power, also take into account the colors of the finish and the type of materials. If the room is decorated in light colors and has many glossy surfaces and mirrors, the lighting level can be left within 200 Lm per square meter or even a little less. If the finish is dark, this figure can be increased slightly, for example, to 250 Lm.

Principle 4: Safety

Bathroom and toilet lighting should be safe. This is perhaps the most important requirement for him. Therefore, when choosing lighting devices, you need to pay attention to the index, which is deciphered as follows:

  • The first digit indicates the protection of the device from the penetration of dust and other small particles. No protection is indicated by the number 0, and complete protection by 6.
  • the second digit is responsible for the level of moisture protection. Complete water resistance is indicated by the number 8. In this case, the device can even be immersed under water for a long time. The absence of moisture shields, accordingly, is indicated by the number 0 - such devices cannot be used in the bathroom.
  • the third digit indicates the impact resistance of the product and can vary from 0 to 10. It should be noted that at the maximum value of this indicator, the formation of dents, chips or cracks is allowed after mechanical impact at 20 J, however, the device must still continue to operate and even meet electrical and fire safety requirements.

It must be said that sometimes manufacturers do not indicate impact resistance, in which case the index contains two numbers - the level of dust protection and moisture protection.

Switches and sockets should be located outside the bathroom. The wiring must be hidden and protected from moisture. It is better to entrust the connection of all devices to specialists, so that it is also carried out in compliance with all standards.

Thus, A bathroom fixture must be protected from negative influences. external factors not less than IP 442. In this case, of course, one should take into account the operating conditions of the device, which depend on the area where it is located.

For example, lamps near the bathtub and sink, as well as inside the shower stall, should use the most secure fixtures, i.e. with a marking of at least IP 674. Moreover, they must operate under a voltage of no more than 12V.

Ceiling lighting for these same areas can be provided by devices rated IP 452 or higher. If the device is located at a distance of half a meter from the edge of the sink or bathtub, then its marking may be even lower, down to IP 242, i.e. There should only be protection from drops of water.

In cases where the bathroom is large enough and you will install the lamps at a distance of at least 3 m or more from the bathtub and sink, you can use models marked IP 011.

Of course, when choosing lighting devices, price plays an important role. So that you can get an idea of ​​the cost of these products, the table shows prices for some common lamp models:

Principle 5: Optimal lamp type

Currently there are quite a few various types lamps that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, below we will briefly review them, which will certainly help you make a choice:

Types of lamps Peculiarities
Incandescent lamp Popularly known as the “Ilyich light bulb”. Possesses small level luminous flux and is not durable, however, despite this, it is most popular due to its low cost.
Halogen lamps As a rule, they are used in spots. They have a much higher light output than incandescent lamps, and also heat up less and last longer. There are 220 and 12 V lamps on sale, the latter require additional installation transformer.
Fluorescent lamps They have a powerful luminous flux and at the same time have a long service life. Disadvantages include susceptibility to voltage fluctuations in the network.
LED backlight According to manufacturers, LEDs will last you at least 100,000 hours. At the same time, they consume a minimum of electricity.

They are usually used in spotlights. In addition, there are tapes used as decorative lighting. In particular, they can be used to create luminous ceiling and floor skirting boards, which look beautiful and modern in the interior.

When choosing a lamp type, you should take into account the characteristics of the lamp. For example, incandescent lamps, which become very hot during operation, are not suitable for plastic appliances.


Properly and beautifully designing lighting in the bathroom is easier than it might seem at first glance. And for this you don’t have to be at all professional designers. The main thing is to adhere to the recommendations outlined above, and, of course, take into account individual wishes.

See the video in this article for more information. If you have any questions regarding the organization of lighting, ask them in the comments and I will be happy to answer you.

No matter how original the interior is, everything can be ruined by the wrong light. It is not surprising that the issue of lighting occupies quite an important place when arranging premises for various purposes. Moreover, this is no less important for the bathroom than for other functional rooms.

We will tell you how to choose the right bathroom ceiling lamps from among the products offered for sale. We will advise you on what needs to be done for rational placement and error-free installation. Taking into account our recommendations, you will easily form a hygienic room cozy and pleasant atmosphere.

During the creation process, the design of the project must be selected optimal model lamp, taking into account the characteristics of the room, the design and texture of finishing materials.

For example, built-in models are not suitable for arranging a bathroom with a concrete ceiling monolithic slab. In this case, it is better to use overhead fixtures or ceiling fixtures in the form of chandeliers.

Striving to create stylish interior and a comfortable environment, to be special attention pay attention to choice lighting equipment. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the design, characteristics, dimensions, lamp power, methods of mounting the electrical appliance and the need for additional structural elements.

When arranging a spacious room, designers advise focusing on traditional lighting solutions that will fit perfectly into the interior

If the bathroom is large, then beautiful chandelier it will look organic. But spot models, correctly and evenly distributed throughout the ceiling space, will allow you to create a stylish interior that takes into account current trends.

When choosing lamps, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • room area and distance between lamps;
  • zoning of the room, the need to highlight separate areas;
  • instrument placement level;
  • interior style direction;
  • color scheme of walls, floors, furniture and plumbing;
  • presence of mirrors, tensile structures, ceramic tiles and other surfaces that reflect light.

Before you start installation work, it is necessary to think through the layout of light sources and the nuances of cable routing. Some models offered by manufacturers in the assortment require the creation of special conditions.

The quality of products directly affects their service life. Expensive branded models of built-in or surface-mounted lamps compare favorably with cheaper ones. They are of higher quality, wear-resistant, and therefore retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time.

In an effort to create a stylish and original interior in the bathroom, we must not forget about safety. Electrical appliances, intended for installation in rooms with high humidity, must have maximum degree protection, which corresponds to the IP65 marking.

The bathroom is divided into zones with different humidity. The bright blue area is exposed to maximum splash water.

When arranging premises with high level humidity, certain rules must be followed.

The following recommendations will help you organize safe room lighting:

  • You can only use moisture-resistant electrical appliances with a degree of protection of IP24;
  • in the zone high humidity put low voltage devices up to 12 V;
  • use lighting devices of protection class 2 near the bathtub or shower stall;
  • it is desirable that everyone metal parts were made of stainless steel or had anti-corrosion properties;
  • Light bulbs and other heated parts of electrical appliances must be equipped with protective covers or shades.

You should also remember about the features and properties of light rays. So, next to the washbasin it is better to use lamps with a softer yellow light. Otherwise, the mirror will reflect rather pale skin, which will prevent you from applying makeup correctly.

Its main disadvantages:

  • short warranty period ranging from 1,000 to 1,500 hours;
  • if the length of the plinth or size does not suit the design of the ceiling, the suspended structure must be lowered;
  • It has no protection against power surges, so it quickly burns out.

If you regularly turn on the lights in the bathroom instead of traditional lamps, it is better to give preference to 5 times more economical option- energy saving.

Energy-saving light bulbs are often used in bathrooms and toilets equipped with pendant lamps, most of which are equipped with sockets for ordinary light bulbs

Halogen lamps can be installed in ceilings that are low. In any case, the light flux will be uniform. They provide more light than classic ones, save energy and can be used 3 times longer.

These light bulbs also tend to burn out. To replace a damaged one with a working one, you need to remove the retaining ring located on the spring, remove the cone and install a new one.

A popular halogen lamp designed for installation in point device cone-shaped with mirror reflector

LED lamps are distinguished by their aesthetic design and strict contour geometry. They are made in gold or silver shades, similar to the color spectrum of plumbing fixtures.

The advantages of LED lamps are aesthetics, versatility and compactness. The only negative is the high cost of the lamps

The main advantage of LED devices is the low level of electricity consumption. It is ten times smaller than the good old incandescent lamps.

In addition, a number of other advantages should be noted:

  • the number of turns on and off does not reduce the service life of the product;
  • maximum light output 120 lumens/watt;
  • a wide spectrum is possible without the use of light filters;
  • LED incandescence up to a maximum of 60 °C;
  • safety in case of damage due to lack of chemical compounds and glass fragments;
  • long service life (up to 50,000 hours).

This type of lamp is characterized by the absence of a natural type of luminous flux. To slightly soften the monochrome of the harsh rays, you will have to use additional phosphors. To prevent the light from pulsating, you will need a balancing capacitor.

Bright LED lamps placed in active areas - bathroom or shower, next to the sink, in changing areas

Lamps in the bathroom interior

Shocking modern styles require original lighting. For example, for an interior decorated in the Art Deco style, bright lamps framed with expensive wood, genuine leather and stunning semi-precious stones are ideal.

For the bathroom laconic style hi-tech is suitable for symmetrical and clear lighting in the washbasin area and straight rows silver spotlights. And classic presupposes naturalness, elegance and luxury - they install aesthetic sconces with shades on the walls and overhead glass or crystal products on the ceiling.

Placement of lighting fixtures in an art deco bathroom: chandelier on the ceiling, bright sconces near the mirror, lighting of the ceiling structure and along the steps of the podium

In the bathroom with small area the interior often gravitates towards minimalism, where lighting can be varied. For example, installation in the form LED strip, which will illuminate certain areas. Lamps can be used various shades, combine electrical lighting devices - sconces, chandeliers, built-in spot models.

Location of light sources

When choosing the placement of lamps, it is necessary to make maximum use of the luminous flux emitted by them. In a room with a small area, it is advisable to install built-in light sources, placing them around the perimeter of the room.

Spotlights along the perimeter allow you to evenly illuminate the room, creating a modern and stylish interior

If you want to highlight separate zones, then it’s worth considering placing decorative lighting in the intended places. As a rule, built-in point products are intended for general lighting. For local use decorative lighting from linear LED lamps or flexible LED strip.

Regarding required quantity lamps, then you will need rules for the arrangement of residential premises. According to sanitary standards The illumination of the bathroom should be at least 50 lux.

According to the rules of 1st quarter. m area can be illuminated with an incandescent lamp with a power of 25 or 30 W, fluorescent 5-7 W or LED 3-4 W

  • 2-3 incandescent lamps with a total power of 150-180 W;
  • about 4 LEDs with an indicator of 18-24 W;
  • or a dozen energy-saving ones at 30-40 W.

Knowing the power, you can determine the total number of lamps and choose a way to place them on the ceiling.

The nuances of installing lamps in the bathroom

It is important to take care of safety when arranging lighting in the bathroom. To do this, you need to check that the wiring in this room is grounded.

Another important point- buy only lamp models with a sufficient level of protection. Do not forget that splashes from swimming can easily end up inside electrical appliances, which can lead to serious problems.

Difficulty in installing lighting fixtures for suspended ceilings depends on the type of ceiling structure. If the bathroom has a ceiling made of PVC panels or plasterboard, then installing a light source will not be difficult. The lampshade must be inserted into the hole for the lamp, and then pressed with a spring.

Installation diagram of a popular spotlight for the bathroom. The device is installed in ceiling structure from PVC panels or plasterboard

If the bathroom has suspended ceilings, then lighting fixtures designed for suspended structures will be required. They are attached to guides or ceiling tiles.

Installation diagram of a compact spotlight on suspended ceiling allows you to visually study the process of installing an electrical lighting fixture in the bathroom

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Choosing lighting fixtures for the bathroom in the video:

Subtleties self-installation spotlight illuminated in the video:

There is a wide range of lamps on the market. They differ in design, functions, appearance, placement and installation method.

To achieve the desired result in the bathroom, focusing on the most spectacular details, you will need to determine the number and power of lamps. When choosing them, it is important to comply with safety standards, choosing electrical equipment with a moisture protection level greater than IP44.

Please write comments, ask questions, post themed photos in the block below. Tell us about how you chose lamps to decorate your own bathroom or combined bathroom. Share the arguments that influenced your choice and information that will be useful to site visitors.

The bathroom is a room in the house in which the lighting should be bright and safe. In this room, the conditions for the operation of electric lighting devices are difficult - humidity and temperature changes. Lighting in the bathroom requires a careful approach in terms of placement, direction, number of sources, type of fixtures and lamps.


The bathroom, if it is combined with a toilet or separate, belongs to areas of high humidity. Therefore, in the process of selecting lighting devices and their installation, it is necessary to remember to ensure the safety of their use.

Important! Lighting in the bathroom, regardless of its type, must be created as close to natural as possible.

Requirements for selection and installation:

  1. The wiring is hidden.
  2. The distribution box and switches are mounted outside the room - GOST requirement.
  3. The degree of protection of electrical appliances is IP 44. When installing lamps in the bathroom, this parameter is IP 67.
  4. It is better to use sealed terminal blocks to connect cables.
  5. For open wiring it is necessary to use corrugated tubes or special boxes that are attached to the wall.
  6. One lighting device is not enough. You need at least a lamp near the mirror, in other places on the wall.
  7. The socket must be placed at a distance of 2.5 m from the tap, no less. If the device is equipped with moisture protection, this distance is reduced to 60 cm.
  8. Extension cords (carrying cords) should not be used; it is better to install sockets with a reserve for each household appliance, which can be used in the bathroom.

We should not forget that the number and power of lamps should be selected based on design idea, the finish used, its color, the size of the room.

Everything needs to be illuminated functional areas

Humidity zones

There are requirements regarding the selection lighting fixture based on its placement in the bathroom. There is a classification according to humidity zones. More specifically:

  • The first or places of high humidity. There may be water flowing here, there is a high concentration of steam. Such areas are located near the bathroom, inside the shower. Here it is allowed to use 12 V light bulbs, a lighting device with a protection index of IP 674.
  • Second. Areas near the sink, as well as those adjacent to the bathroom. There is a risk of moisture in the form of drops or steam. Lamp power – up to 24 W, protection index of the lighting device – IP 425.
  • Third. At least 50 cm from the edge of the washbasin or bathtub. It is allowed to use light bulbs of any power, the protection of the lighting device is IP 242, which is considered sufficient.
  • Fourth. This includes the rest of the space. Moisture comes in the form of steam or condensation.

Types of lamps, their advantages and disadvantages

Lighting fixtures used in the bathroom are designed to be installed different types lamps Each light source used today has its own characteristics and specific application, and this must be taken into account when selecting them for such a room.

Incandescent lamp

Ilyich's light bulb is cheap, available in any store, but it is not for the bath best option. It does not like humidity, so there is a risk that it will burst if moisture comes into contact with a heated lamp. Its service life is unlikely to exceed 1000 hours. Such lamps get very hot, while creating a weak luminous flux. It is highly undesirable to use them with plastic and fabric lampshades. In the first case, there is a risk that the lampshade will begin to melt, in the second, that it will completely ignite. Despite all the shortcomings, its cheapness still attracts buyers.

Important! The incandescent light bulb is the most “gluttonous”. It consumes a lot of electricity.

Halogen lamp

Such light bulbs are often used in spots. Their light output is many times greater than that of the previous version, they heat up less and last longer. On sale you can find lamps of this type that are designed for use at a voltage of 220 or 12 V. In the second case, it is necessary to install a transformer.

Usage option halogen lamps in spotlights in the bathroom