Rules for the installation of hidden electrical wiring in an apartment and a house. The best ideas for hiding wires on the walls, floor and ceiling in the house How to hide exposed wiring in the apartment

We welcome everyone who looked to us on the Internet light. Our portal is connected with electrical issues, but we do not forget to periodically talk about things indirectly related to it, which, however, are no less important in our everyday life.

The choice of today's topic fell on the TV on the bracket, namely, how to hide the wires from the TV on the wall. At first glance, it may seem that the question is not so complicated, but even the most ardent skeptics, after reading the material, will discover something interesting and new for themselves. So let's go!

We will start with the most obvious and will gradually move towards more interesting and original solutions.

Straight into the wall

Today, concealed wiring is more popular than ever, and indeed, people try to hide from their eyes any communications that, in their opinion, spoil the appearance of the interior. An exception was not made for the antenna wire for the TV, which very often has to be pulled through the entire apartment or house, since a high-quality video signal can often be obtained only by installing the receiver only in a certain place.

  • In solving this problem, floor plinths with cable channels are very helpful, able to hide most of the cable along its length. However, if the TV is hanging on the wall, the wire has to be taken out of the plinth and directed to it, and it is not difficult to guess that the whole picture immediately deteriorates.
  • Plus, do not forget that the antenna television wire is not the only cable that fits the TV. At a minimum, you will need to power the equipment from the electrical network, but, as a maximum, it will also include: LAN Internet cable (many modern TVs are already, in fact, a computer that can access the network); wires for transmitting video and audio signals from various DVD players, TV receivers, HI-FI acoustics and more.
  • The picture begins to emerge and is completely horrific, and sometimes the maximum that can be done is to wind everything up in a bunch of nylon ties, and at least somehow try to disguise all this disgrace.

Perhaps the most time-consuming and dirty way to hide such a number of wires will be laying them in the strobes made in the wall during the repair. However, the method can be safely called the most accurate and technologically advanced, since the wires hidden in this way will not be gnawed by your cat, no one will accidentally hook your foot, plus everything will be displayed in a single console containing all the necessary outputs.

In this case, there is no need to hollow out the entire wall in order to spread all the wires around the room. It is enough to stretch them to the same plinth and hide everything else in it.

The big disadvantage of this approach is that it is applicable only in premises where renovation work is being carried out. If your walls are just done and you don't want to touch them anytime soon, then scroll right through to the next chapter for alternative methods for hiding your TV antenna wire.

If you are ready to take drastic measures, then stock up on tools and go ahead:

  • First of all, you need to accurately outline the location of the TV on the wall.
  • Next, determine which bracket you will use for mounting. This moment is very important, because, despite the VESA world standard, which includes the most common attachment points, the brackets themselves can be of different shapes and sizes.

Advice! Without paying attention to this, you can end up with communications peeking out from behind the “carcass” of the TV, since the bracket is too massive, or it will interfere with switching.

  • It is desirable that the device is already in your hands, so that everything is measured clearly.
  • Try on the bracket to the TV and measure the distance that remains to the edges - it is on it that we will place all the sockets.
  • We transfer the measurements to the wall and begin to dust. The grinder cuts two vertical strips a couple of centimeters deep, at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other.
  • Next, the inner part is hollowed out with a puncher to form a full-fledged strobe.

  • After, with the help of diamond crowns, a series of holes is made for the purchased TV outlet. Immediately see that this element contains all the necessary outlets and a sufficient number of power points so that it is enough to connect all the equipment.
  • The next steps are extremely simple. First, all the wires are laid in the strobes, which must first be fixed with plastic brackets so that they do not fall out and do not interfere with further plastering.
  • The ends of the wires are connected according to the scheme with the socket, and it is installed in its place.
  • All strobes are sealed with gypsum plaster, after which subsequent finishing is performed.

cable channel

A less elegant solution would be to use a cable channel, but not everything is so simple - you can make this element yourself or find a non-standard store option, making it an integral part of the interior. Plus, do not forget that it will be much easier and faster to implement such an undertaking.

Having studied the assortment of electrical goods stores and those selling electronics, you can find the following types of cable channels:

  • The easiest option is PVC.. Everyone saw them - this is an ordinary plastic box in white or another color, which has a removable lid held on by latches. It is possible to successfully fit such a product into the interior only if it is combined with the environment in terms of color - it will merge with it or, on the contrary, will be brightly contrasting.

  • Quite a rarity - models from MDF that can be effectively combined with the environment.
  • Metal options- more often it is aluminum, which is shown in one of the photos above. Such a product looks impressive enough to become part of some futuristic interior.

The structure of all models is very similar. They are attached directly to the wall with dowel screws, after which all connections, together with wires, are hidden under a decorative overlay.

As already mentioned, in some cases it is advisable to make a box with your own hands. The quality of workmanship and the final appearance will depend entirely on your ability to handle the tool, as well as the type of materials used in the decoration of the room.

The photo above shows a very simple and at the same time effective way to assemble such a box. It is made of planed boards, between which all the wires are laid. Any decorative overlay can be placed on top of them, and the boards themselves can be painted in any shade to make them as inconspicuous as possible.

Special furniture

Furniture manufacturers also did not bypass the problem and offered their solutions to the buyer.

As you can see, the variety is very large, and there are enough non-standard furniture options. In part, they are not able to hide all communications and still require gating, however, with this approach, there will be much less dirt, so you can resort to this method even in a renovated room, doing everything as carefully as possible.

Creative approach to problem solving

Well, for dessert, we offer you several options that can not only be effective, but also allow you to additionally decorate the room.


A very interesting way out of the situation is not to hide the wires from the TV on the wall, but to decorate them, that is, to make them part of the interior.

Here are some interesting examples:

There are a lot of decoration options, and even manufacturers offer their own solutions. And if you have enough experience and imagination to create and implement your ideas, you can create a real masterpiece for mere pennies.

The simplest ways of artistic decoration will be the following options:

  • Parts of the wires can be placed behind the furniture, attached to it from the back with tape or staples;
  • Install living plants under the TV;
  • Use varnished driftwood;
  • Make a necklace out of wire by putting large beads on it;
  • Apply ready-made plastic clamps from the manufacturer;
  • And much more.

Decorative boxes

If the wires themselves do not bother you much, but the massive tees and extension cords “calm” your eyes, then the original solution to the issue will be to place them inside a decorative box that you can make yourself or purchase a ready-made version. By the way, instructions for assembling one of these solutions will be given in the video attached to the article.

Various devices are also very effective, allowing you to hide and secure the largest parts in inconspicuous places.

Here are some photos with similar solutions:

That, in principle, is all that we wanted to tell you about how you can hide or disguise the antenna wire for the TV and other cables. No need to put up with the given! Approach the matter wisely, and the result will not keep you waiting!

It is completely ugly when, after repairing the premises, the wires are not hidden in the wall, but lie randomly on the floor or hang on the wall. They not only spoil the overall picture of the room, but can also lead to an accident. In some cases, you have to think about how to connect some kind of device and at the same time not spoil the design of the room. Of course, you should pay attention to how to hide the wires in the apartment.

Each house is connected to one or another household appliance, and in any case, the wires on the wall from these appliances can somehow catch the eye. This article will give detailed instructions on how to hide wires on the wall, in the wall and in the floor.

Hiding wires in the wall

First, with the help of a wall chaser, after removing the remnants of plaster and concrete, cut a strobe in the wall in which all the wires will be hidden. The wiring must be placed in a protective sheath - corrugation, which serves to protect against external adverse influences. Then the wires should be laid in the cut channels, after which the wall must be plastered.

To hide the wires in the wall, you have to break its integrity, and you often don’t want to do this, because the interior will suffer, in addition, the work is associated with dust and debris, and subsequently the wall is subject to reconstruction, which involves certain costs. Therefore, you can use other, more profitable methods in which you do not need to resort to wall chasing.

Wire on the wall

If you have an artistic taste, then you can fix the wire on the wall, making a picture out of it. It is quite clear that a native, one and a half meter wire is not enough for these purposes. Choose a suitable drawing, and transfer its contours to the wall, making a low-fat drawing with a simple pencil. Now you need to calculate the required amount of wire. To do this, you can attach a nylon thread to the wall so that it repeats the pattern. Then its distance can be measured. Do not forget to add the length from the drawing to the outlet and to the source of electricity consumption - add a meter in reserve and you will get the required amount.

Wire manufacturers most often do not indulge in an abundance of wire colors, so you have to choose from what is available - black or white. If these colors do not suit you, then you can buy an extension cord, which can be pink or red. Do not rush to rely on your opinion - try attaching a strip of colored fabric to the wall and you will immediately see if the chosen color suits and whether it will be in harmony with the overall environment.

If you decide to make everything simple, but tasteful, then you can fix the decor on the wire or come up with your own, something original.

Alternative Methods

You can find a different approach - to mask the wires, not hide them, and the existing elements of the room, for example, door frames, skirting boards, ceiling moldings, and heating risers, will help in this. With the right approach to work, the laying of wires can be made almost invisible, which will favorably affect the interior of the room. Usually low-voltage wires (internet and telephone) do not cause difficulties in laying, they can be hidden in baseboards, under metal thresholds or in platbands. When laying power cable, a different approach is needed.

It is problematic to stretch power wires along the wall, as they are of large cross section and are almost always white, which significantly distinguishes them from the background of the wall.

Often, all electrical communications in our time are laid by a hidden method, but due to various circumstances, such a laying option is not possible, for example, when, during repairs, it becomes necessary to install additional sockets or switches.

We hide the wire in the cable channel

Almost always in the house there is a section of wiring that needs to be driven into the wall or closed with a cable channel, which is a plastic box - it will protect the electrical wires from mechanical damage. The box has an attractive appearance and in this case it can be used as a decorative element. This option is also a solution to fire safety problems.

Laying wires in the bathroom can be especially difficult when the walls and floor of the room are completely tiled. If there is a false ceiling in the bathroom, the wires can be hidden in it, and if this is not possible, then the cable channel will help in this situation.

It is not recommended to install sockets in the bathroom, and if you do not have an urgent need for this, give up this idea, limiting yourself to installing lighting fixtures. If you need an outlet, then take care of safety precautions, and the outlet must be waterproof.

Wiring on the floor

It is also worth paying attention to how the wires are laid on the floor. To date, special skirting boards are produced, in which a niche for the cable is structurally provided. The top panel of the plinth is removed, the cable is laid there, then it is put back in place. The advantage of this method is convenience and dust-free operation. In such a plinth, you can hide both computer wires and a network cable.

Often wires from various chargers interfere with us. In this case, you can do as in the photo - hide them in a box specially made for this. If you can offer your own method, then at the end of the article you can add a comment and attach a photo of your invention to it.

Floor wiring

If it is necessary to hide the wires in the floor, then with the help of a wall chaser or a puncher, a gate is made in concrete, the wiring is threaded into the corrugation and fits into this recess. Upon completion of the work, the installation site is leveled with a sand-cement mortar.

If your house has a wooden floor, then in order to conduct wiring under it, you will have to remove the boards, and live the cable in a metal pipe.

As a rule, the TV is placed on the wall in front of everyone, so the wire from the TV will be very noticeable to others. It is best to hide the wire in the wall, and make sockets behind the TV. For this purpose, a wall chaser is used in the wall, and if this is not the case, then a groove is made with a perforator, the wires are collected and laid in a corrugation. Then the wires with the help of special fasteners and brackets must be fixed in the strobe and plastered.

If you do not necessarily need to completely hide the wire, then it can be disguised.

All the subtleties associated with wiring in the house are best provided for at the stage of repairing the premises so that there are no problems later.


See how you can hide the wire from the lamp in the plinth:

This video shows how to make and hide home theater wiring:

A photo

Sometimes, when buying new equipment or after repairing the wires in the apartment, they remain lying on the floor, hanging on the wall. They seriously spoil the appearance of housing, moreover, they can cause a person or electronics to fall. It is necessary to clarify in advance how to hide the wires so as not to spoil the design and make the house safe.

Internal placement

When a major overhaul begins in an apartment or house, the wiring is most often recessed into the walls. First, a wall chaser, a drill, a puncher make strobes in the wall, into which the cables are then hidden. Wiring in a wooden house must be placed in a protective corrugation - a shell that will cover them from adverse effects and prevent damage.

Communications remain open during cosmetic renovation of the home or when installing new sockets, switches. If desired, you can always correct the situation at no extra cost. There are several methods that allow you to hide the wires with your own hands.

On the walls

It happens that the wallpaper is already pasted, and you do not want to violate their integrity. There is an option to eliminate protruding cables without serious damage:

  • carefully cut the wallpaper or bend it away from the wall close to the floor;
  • take a convenient construction tool, make a neat shallow channel in the wall;
  • lay the wires in the resulting hole;
  • close the channel with a thin layer of plaster, putty;
  • let the solution dry;
  • glue the wallpaper in place.

If this method is not suitable, you can act without gating - use a decorative box for wires. Especially often it is necessary to close the power wires with boxes: they have a large diameter, so they cannot be drowned into the wall without re-repair. It is necessary to buy a cable channel that is suitable in color, width, length, which will serve as an additional element of decor and reliably protect the wiring.

In a wooden house, the box will help strengthen fire safety measures. This option is also ideal for the bathroom, because it is very difficult to lay wires under the tile. It is only important to remember that all lighting elements, electrical wiring, cable channel must be waterproof.

How else to hide the wiring on the walls beautifully? If desired, it can be covered with such trim elements:

  • door platbands;
  • various moldings, baguettes;
  • window slopes.

It should be noted that only low-current wires (for example, for the Internet, telephone) can be covered with such materials, and high-voltage cables can only be hidden in accordance with fire safety standards.

On the floor

Wiring is often thrown across the floor, and here it is even easier to hide it than on the wall. During repairs, when laying the screed, you can stretch the cables in the corrugation, fill them with cement from above - the communications will be reliable and durable. If there is already a floor covering, it is easy to carefully remove it, pierce the recesses with a perforator, then drown the wires in them and cement them. Under wooden floors, you will have to lay cables in a metal pipe, after removing the boards.

The stores offer a wide range of skirting boards for the floor with a hole for wires (with a cable channel). The central part of such a plinth is removed, cables are laid in a niche, after which the removable element returns to its place. Working with such skirting boards is convenient, fast, there is no dust, dirt, floor material does not deteriorate.

The procedure for laying wires under the most popular coating - laminate - is as follows:

  • remove part of the lamellas under which the cable will pass, up to the construction logs (bars);
  • place the cables in the corrugated pipe along or across the lag, if necessary, cutting out a space in the tree for crossing the wires;
  • return the soundproofing gaskets and lamellas to their original place.

On the ceiling

You can also hide the wiring on the ceiling, while the method will depend on the type of coating. In homes and offices, stretch ceilings are often used, which take up extra space, but make it possible to wire the wires the way users need. There are practically no obstacles for cables, therefore it is possible to lead them along the shortest path. This has a number of advantages:

  • cost reduction;
  • reduction of work time;
  • reduction of the total resistance of the circuit;
  • strengthening fire safety;
  • easy wiring replacement.

According to the rules of the fire department, it is necessary to close the wires, their bundles with corrugated pipes. Do the same with wiring under false ceilings, niches or complex plasterboard structures. It is best to link communications into a single highway, which will facilitate repairs in the future. If the ceiling is concrete, you will have to drill strobes in it and lay the wires in the same way as it is done on the walls. This method is very laborious and is rarely practiced.

outdoor camouflage

In the presence of artistic taste, many prefer not to hide, but to decorate the wires. From standard wiring it is quite possible to make a real art object, a picture, a panel with your own hands. Usually the cables are black, white, but if desired, you can find a material of a brighter shade.

Next, you should choose a drawing suitable for the style of the interior, make a sketch of it with a non-greasy simple pencil right on the wall. After that, you need to measure the length of the circuit with a thread in order to buy the missing amount of cable (part of it will only play a decorative role).

From the wires, you can lay out any wall drawing. Often the following are taken as a basis:

  • branch with leaves, sitting birds;
  • one or more trees;
  • giant light bulb
  • power station;
  • road (in the nursery);
  • decorative fence.

The wires are attached to the wall with special fasteners, which can then be decorated with any suitable material - fabric, special paper, designer decorations. Also, ugly protruding wires are hidden behind tall indoor plants, well-placed furniture, carpeting, door and window trims.

Hiding wires from TV and computer

Usually the TV is placed in plain sight, so a long wire from the equipment will also be visible to everyone. Most often, during the repair, they immediately determine the place for the TV, mounting the sockets behind it, and leading the wire out of the wall. It is recommended to carefully peel off the wallpaper, make a strobe for wiring, put it in the hole, drowning it in the corrugation. The wires are fastened with brackets.

There are almost always a lot of cables near the computer desk, because printers, modems, routers and other devices are connected to the system unit. To hide the "tangle", you can do the following:

  • attach the wires to the inner surface of the table with self-tapping screws, reliable adhesive tape, staples of a construction stapler;
  • beautifully arrange a shoe box, a plastic box, cut holes and release the wiring;
  • sew a fabric cover, attach to the table top or to the back of the furniture from the inside;
  • attach cables with clerical clips to furniture;
  • hide the wiring in a single "hose" that will prevent confusion.

In order not to get confused when masking the wires and not to get into trouble during the repair, they must be marked in advance. This will help you immediately find the right cable later. It is better to separate low-power wiring from power wiring, without connecting it into a single bundle. Wires from the antenna, the Internet should be placed separately from others, so as not to spoil the signal quality.

Cables should have the shortest possible length and the minimum number of connections: this increases their safety, reduces the risk of injury. It happens that the braid of hidden cables is frayed at an unsuccessful location, so wiring in dangerous places should be checked more often. If you need to mask the wiring, you can use any ideas, especially since the range of tools and materials for decorating is now huge!

An extension cord with chargers constantly gets in the way on the table or under your feet, collects a lot of dust, and it looks unaesthetic. Dealing with this problem is very simple: take a nice box, make a few holes in it and hide all the wires and cables there.

There are also ready-made solutions, such as Plug Hub from Quirky. This is a box made of hard plastic with a rubberized bottom. There are three holes on the top for cables, and inside there are three fasteners, on which you can wrap extra long cords. Plug Hub can be placed on the floor or mounted on the wall.

2. Fix the wires under the tabletop

To fix the wires and extension cord under the table, you will need binders and screws (they must be at least a quarter less than the thickness of the tabletop in length, otherwise they will go through and the table will be damaged). First of all, fix the extension under the table top, preferably in the middle of the table or closer to the wall. Then fix the binders in the right places with screws. Connect everything you need to the extension cord and assemble the wires with clamps. Visually, the table has become much cleaner and neater.

There is a simpler option if you do not need to hide a large number of wires. This will require a construction stapler. To prevent the long wire from the lamp from dangling under your feet, carefully fasten it with paper clips at the table leg. A small extension can also be fixed with paper clips. For thicker wires, it is better to use special clamps (for example, these).

Do you like stapler staples? Regular zip ties will do. Secure the cable to the table leg with cable ties. The wires that run along the floor can be covered with plastic or a plank to match the color of the floor. The extension can be fastened under the tabletop using a wide Velcro: fix it with screws on the back of the tabletop, and then attach the extension. To keep the wires from dangling under the table, run them through cable ducts - these can be purchased at any hardware store. You can fix the channels themselves with electrical tape or a regular plaster.

3. Organize cable storage

Getting rid of the confusion in the wires will help their proper organization. To get started, collect cords from phones, a player, a game console, and tablets around the house. Then take the boxes (preferably prettier), place cardboard separators inside them, sign the place for each cable (so as not to get confused later) and lay everything out neatly. To avoid tangling the wires themselves, use ordinary ties.

If you don't feel like messing around with boxes, buy a basket and stock up on toilet paper rolls.

If the wires do not bother you, you can simply attach a label to each to make it easier to distinguish between them. For example, like this:

4. Keep all the necessary wires close at hand

Not all cables we can hide in a box: we need some of them almost constantly. The solution is simple: mount them on the edge of your desktop so that you can reach out and connect the device to the right wire if necessary. Sugru will help us with this - plasticine-rubber and one of the most indispensable things in the household. Don't believe? Then look.

Roll the Sugru into small balls and place on a table support. Then, with a clerical knife, remove some plasticine (carefully, try not to deform the balls much). Life hack: to prevent plasticine from sticking to the blade, pre-rinse it with soapy water. Then adjust the shape a little with a sushi stick or a toothpick to get neat hollows (they should be slightly wider than your wires). Everything is ready, you can fix the cables.

There is an option for those who know how to work with wood. A small block with holes will help organize all the wires on the desktop.

The simplest solution is to pass the wires through the binders attached to the table top.

5. Don't hide wires

Seriously, if you get creative, cables can be an interesting piece of decor.

We choose wallpapers in cute flowers or fashionable snow-white finishes, shabby or, on the contrary, ultra-modern furniture, napkins that match curtains and cushions on chairs - in a word, we create a special little world in our home with a unique style. But there are things that cannot be avoided in our age of progress and which, taking advantage of this, impudently spoil the whole idyll carefully created by us. These include, for example, electronics and home appliances. However, manufacturers began to produce equipment in a large assortment, suitable for different styles, and in built-in versions. Another enemy is the wires stretching from this very technique along the walls and floor. For those to whom they are unbearably an eyesore, we offer several ideas for their disguise.

We all know that most often the wires are hidden under the plinth, and the sockets are trying to match the color of the finish and buy them with special caps that ensure safety for children and a more attractive look. But what if, for example, a new Internet operator came to you and extended new wires? Or did you decide to move the TV to that corner of the room where there is no outlet? Do not redo the entire repair because of this? You can always be creative and block the wires, for example, with a decorative fence. And block the outlet or a new Internet router with some kind of homemade barrier that turns an unseemly element into an art object. In the example below - an easy-to-create geometric iceberg.

In order for the wires to lie behind such fences without bristling, another well-known way to make the wires look more accurate will help us - clamps-ties.

Such collars can be made by yourself from ordinary Velcro. Velcro clamps are also quite easy to find on sale, their significant advantage is reusability.

You can also make home-made fasteners for wires from stationery clips. Clips as clamps can also ensure their fixation to the wall. From the same clothespins, you can make a separator for charger inputs.

While the idea of ​​using wire ties is obvious, not all of us realize how useful they can be in everyday life. Here is an example of how the look of your desktop changes thanks to these simple little things.

Now on sale you can find very nice options for clamps, for example, in the form of leaflets.

There are also camouflage covers for wires on the same plant theme.

You can also beat the look of wires stretching around the room with the help of improvised means, stickers and your own drawings.

If the insulators on your wires are even slightly similar to aesthetic ones, you can not mask them at all, but, on the contrary, make them the subject of design art and everyone's attention. Here are some examples for inspiration. This idea is especially suitable for interiors stylized as a loft.

Wires hanging from the desktop, if your desk is against a wall, you can simply curtain it.

Or reason with the help of special hanging hammocks.

Such a device can be ordered at, from where is another gadget to pacify tangled wires.

You can find similar separators for wires and charging inputs on sale in the form of boxes.

However, it is not at all difficult to make such a separator yourself, for example, from a shoe box. Your new desktop device will look especially beautiful if you wrap the box with beautiful paper or cloth.