Normative temperature conditions in a residential area. The temperature in the living room. II. Hygienic requirements for the site and territory of residential buildings during their placement

With the advent of cold weather, people complain that the rooms where they live and work are not warm enough. But public utilities always claim that everything is supplied as it should be on their part - the indicators of the coolant when leaving the boiler rooms comply with sanitary requirements. To figure out who is right in such a situation, you need to know what temperature norm in an apartment during the heating season is set by technical standards by law.

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    Set indicators

    Any person has his own concept of home comfort in the cold season: one feels great in shorts and a T-shirt at 17 ° C, the other will be chilly in a warm jumper and socks at 26 ° C. That is, it all depends on individual perception. Factors affecting the feeling of temperature in the apartment:

    Therefore, when developing the norms for the temperature regime in apartments (SANPIN), not only the wishes of people, but also the opinions of doctors were taken into account.

    Temperature standards in the apartment. Morning with the province. Gubernia TV

    Medical justification

    The opinion of doctors regarding what temperature should be in the apartment in winter is quite unanimous: 22 ° C. It is this indicator that provides optimal comfort for human health. A higher value will make the air dry, and this will make breathing more difficult: there will be a feeling of a “stuffy” nose. The only exception is the bathroom: it can be noticeably warmer than in other areas of the apartment, but this will be compensated by high humidity.

    However, if there is a newborn child in the house, then a temperature of 23 ° C will be more comfortable for him. And in the room where he is bathed, it can even reach a value of 28 ° C. With regard to bedrooms, the situation is different: adults are much more pleasant to sleep in rooms where it is cool. Therefore, for these rooms, 18-20 degrees is quite enough. It is this indicator that will guarantee a deeper and more sound sleep, which means that a person will wake up well rested.

    Standard values

    These indicators are based on GOST 51617-2000, according to which the temperature in apartments should correspond to the range of 18-26 ° C, depending on the time of year: in winter it is 18-22 ° C, in summer it is not higher than 26 degrees. Within this area were established optimal and permissible deviation values ​​for each type of dwelling:

    Deviations towards a decrease in the value during the heating season are allowed only at night (from midnight to 5 am). The maximum decrease cannot be more than 2-3 °C. The basis is the order of SANPIN on the norm of temperature in the apartment.

    Norms of heating and hot water

    Taking measurements

    In order to monitor compliance with temperature standards in the apartment, you need to periodically take measurements. And to get true results you need to follow a few simple rules:

    It is necessary to take measurements not in one room, but at least in two (for example, in the hall and the bedroom, or the kitchen and the room). This will make the results more informative.

    From the temperature to which the coolant entering the heating radiators is heated, it will also depend on how warm it will be at home during the cold season. You can measure the level of water heating in batteries using conventional thermometers. How it's done:

    Another option for determining is with the help of a common house heating meter. On this meter, you can see at what temperature the coolant enters the pipes, and how much the value of this indicator decreases when it leaves the system. These values ​​must comply with the following:

    • If the outdoor air temperature is not lower than +6 °C, then the coolant should enter with a temperature of about 60 °C, and leave with a temperature of 40 °C.
    • The outside atmospheric temperature is about zero degrees - the required temperature at the inlet to the system is 66 ° C, at the outlet - 49 ° C.
    • If it is -5°C or lower outside, then the water for space heating must enter at a temperature of at least 77°C, and leave at 55°C.

    In the event that the result obtained deviates from the standard temperature in residential premises specified by law, the tenant may require recalculation for the service. To do this, there must be the following fluctuation threshold: 4 °C during the day and 5 °C at night.

    Comfortable air temperature for the child.

    Research result

    If, during independent measurements, it turns out that the temperature indicators are below the established standards, then this must be reported to the heat supply service. From there, a specialist will be sent to conduct a control measurement and draw up an appropriate act. What should be in the document:

    • The date of the paper.
    • Information about the technical characteristics of the apartment.
    • Full name of the employees of the utility service included in the inspection commission.
    • Meter readings.
    • Signatures of those present.

    The document must be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain with the owner of the housing, and the other will be sent to the public utility.

    Liability for non-compliance

    According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354, heating must be supplied to houses without interruptions and be of the required quality. Otherwise, residents may require a recalculation for this service: 0.15% of the established rate for each hour when the standards were not met.

    However, the same document also indicates the permissible norms for the absence of heat. They directly relate to force majeure situations (accidents on the heating main, repairs) and cannot exceed the set time:

    • Maximum 24 hours per calendar month.
    • No longer than 16 hours, provided that the room temperature does not drop below 12°C.
    • Up to 8 hours - in the event that the temperature in the living room has dropped to 12-10 ° C.
    • If the dwelling has cooled down to 8-10 ° C, then the heat supply must be resumed no later than after 4 hours.

    In order to find out what exactly caused the lack of heat in the apartment, just call the emergency dispatch service: if the culprit is a force majeure situation, then an employee of the organization will certainly tell about it, as well as about how much time it will take to eliminate the problem. problems. It must contain the following information:

    This request can also be sent by mail - by registered mail with notification. Then the HOA employees will not have any opportunity to “brush off” the complaint: all letters received by the organization are necessarily recorded as incoming correspondence and are subject to mandatory consideration.

    Terms of proceedings

    The application is accepted for consideration only within 30 days after the fact of poor-quality provision of the service was established. The resolution on recalculation is issued for a period of six months. And it will begin to be calculated from the next calendar month.

    But there is a caveat: you can reduce the amount of payment only if the overall temperature in the room is significantly below the established norm. And how hot or cold the batteries are in each of the rooms is not taken into account.

    Another feature is the fact that any repairs carried out on the heating system in the apartment on their own may become the basis for refusing claims to reduce the amount of heat payment. But, on the other hand, no one can force a person to pay for a non-existent or low-quality service - you also need to remember this and not be afraid to defend your case.

Winter! Today it’s 14 ° C at my house, and during the winter there was no more than 18 ° C ... I decided to look for the standards and this is what I found: Heating, that is, uninterrupted maintaining in a residential area certain temperature air during the heating season, is a public service, the quality of which is established by state standards (the heating season opens when the average daily air temperature does not exceed + 8 degrees C for 5 days).

If room temperature less than +14 gr. C, consumer has the right not to pay for heating services in general. If less than the norm, utilities have to recalculate paid fee (on the procedure for recalculation, see Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/23/2006 N 307 "On the procedure for the provision of public services to citizens") GOST R 51617-2000 (room temperature standards)

room Air temperature in rooms during the cold period of the year, ° С Air exchange rate per 1 h, m 3 / h, by exhaust (by inflow) or the amount of air removed from the premises
Living room of an apartment or hostel 18(20) 3 m 3 per 1 m 2 of residential premises
The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 ° C and below 20(22) Same
Kitchen of the apartment and hostel, cube:
a) electric stoves 18 Not less than 60 m 3 / h
b) with gas stoves 18 At least 60 m 3 /h with 2-burner stoves, at least 75 m 3 /h with 3-burner stoves, at least 90 m 3 /h with 4-burner stoves
Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in the apartment - 30 m 3 /h
Bathroom 25 25 m 3 /h
Restroom individual 18 25 m 3 /h
Combined restroom and bathroom 25 50 m3/h
The same, with individual heating 18 50 m3/h
Washroom 18 0,5
Shared shower room 25 5
Common restroom 16 50 m 3 / h for 1 toilet bowl and 25 m 3 / h for 1 urinal
Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the hostel 18 1,5
Vestibule, common corridor, anteroom in the apartment building, stairwell 16 -
Lobby, common corridor, stairwell in the hostel 18 -
Laundry room 15 7 (at least 4)
Ironing, drying room in hostels 15 3 (at least 2)
Storerooms for storing personal belongings, sports equipment; household and linen in the hostel 12 0,5
Isolation room in the hostel 20 1
Elevator machine room 5 Not less than 0.5
Garbage chamber 5 1 (through the trunk of the garbage chute)
Notes 1 In the corner rooms of apartments and dormitories, the air temperature should be 2 °C higher than indicated in the table. 2 In the stairwells of houses for the IV climatic region and IIIB climatic subdistrict, as well as houses with apartment heating, the air temperature is not standardized (SNiP 2.01.01). 3 The air temperature in the machine room of elevators during the warm season should not exceed 40 °C.

What to do next? If you are not the lucky owner warm apartments, then without delay, but rather on the same day, write a claim to the housing and communal services and wait for the commission, which should appear in your apartment within two days. Complaint Form (File is attached in the message)

To the head of the Housing Office ______________________________ From __________________________________________ of the resident (s): ____________________________


In accordance with the service agreement concluded between me, as the owner of the apartment at ___________________, and your organization, I am provided with utility services, including, among other things, heat supply services. I conscientiously fulfill all the conditions of this agreement, paying the fee on time and in full, which is confirmed by monthly receipts.

You are in violation of Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" you are not fulfilling your obligations: this year, from the beginning of the heating season, the air temperature in my apartment does not exceed ... degrees, which is ... degrees below the established standard.

(Next, you should indicate what consequences of the low temperature regime arose: dampness in the apartment, cold in the apartment caused catarrhal diseases of the residents, and constant moral and physical suffering caused an exacerbation of chronic diseases, other facts.) My arguments are supported by the following documents (next, you should rewrite the numbers and dates of acts, copies of complaints and other documents, if any).

For a long time, our verbal demands to you remain unsatisfied.

Based on the foregoing, I demand: 1. Bring the temperature regime in the apartment in line with the requirements of the regulations. 2. Proportionately reduce the payment for heating from ... until the moment when the temperature regime in the apartments is brought to normal.

In case of failure to satisfy my legal requirements, I will be forced to apply to the court with a statement of claim for the enforcement by you of your obligations under the contract, as well as for the recovery of compensation for the moral damage caused on the basis of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", which I estimate at ... rubles.

I propose to resolve the dispute out of court.

Date __________ Signature ___________

If the commission was not possible, you can create it yourself. Signatures of two neighbors are enough, confirming that the temperature does not meet the standards.

A selection of the most important documents on request The temperature in the living room(legal acts, forms, articles, expert advice and much more).

Arbitrage practice

The court satisfied the claims of the plaintiff (subcontractor) to the defendant (general contractor) for the recovery of debt on payment for work performed under a contract for the manufacture, supply and installation of aluminum structures. At the same time, the court found incorrect the conclusion of the lower court that the subcontractor allowed the installed structures, actually used as the main filling of the enclosing walls and roof, to fail to comply with the regulatory requirements, which led to a violation of the temperature regime in the residential premises. Guided by the provisions of h. 3 Article. 52 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, clause 4.6 of SP 48.13330.2011 "Code of rules. Organization of construction. Updated version of SNiP 12-01-2004", the court indicated that the main duties of the person carrying out the construction of the facility - the general contractor include, among other things: works, arrangement of structures in accordance with the design and working documentation; implementation of construction control of the person carrying out the construction. In this case, the design of structures was developed by the defendant, the plaintiff had the right to rely on the fact that the assignment was issued to him in accordance with the developed project. Taking into account the above circumstances, taking into account the slight discrepancy between the actual temperature of the residential premises and the normative one, the fact that the premises are used for their intended purpose, the court did not see a lack of consumer value in the work performed by the plaintiff, and therefore recognized that the work performed was payable.

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Living room temperature

Open a document in your ConsultantPlus system:
Under the above circumstances, the need to measure the air temperature inside the dwelling during the cold period of the year at an outside air temperature not higher than minus 5 ° C in relation to housing supervision, carried out in order to verify the fulfillment by the managing organization of the obligation to provide the consumer with a utility service of adequate quality, cannot be mandatory. character. Otherwise, it will be virtually impossible to check the quality of the utility services provided during the cold period of the year, when the outside temperature is above minus 5 ° C, and during the warm season, when the outside temperature is below 15 ° C (Resolution of the Second Arbitration Court of Appeal dated 03.24. -11229/2016 in case N A82-8306/2016).

Open a document in your ConsultantPlus system:
f) heating, that is, the supply of thermal energy through centralized heat supply networks and in-house engineering heating systems, which ensures that the air temperature in residential premises is maintained in residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building, in premises that are part of the common property in an apartment building, +18 deg. C (in corner rooms +20 degrees C), in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period -31 degrees. C and below - in residential premises - not lower than +20 degrees. C (in corner rooms +22 degrees C), as well as the sale of solid fuels in the presence of stove heating;

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Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation
dated "10" 06 2010 No. _64_
Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations

General provisions and scope

1.1. Sanitary rules and regulations (hereinafter - sanitary rules) are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.2. These sanitary rules establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which must be observed when placing, designing, reconstructing, constructing and operating residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.
1.3. The requirements of these sanitary rules do not apply to living conditions in the buildings and premises of hotels, hostels, specialized homes for the disabled, orphanages, shift camps.
1.4 Sanitary rules are intended for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of residential buildings and premises, as well as for bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.
1.5. Control over compliance with the requirements of these sanitary rules is carried out by bodies authorized to exercise state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Hygienic requirements for the site and territory of residential buildings during their placement

2.1. Residential buildings should be located in a residential area in accordance with the general plan of the territory, the functional zoning of the territory of the city, village and other settlements.
2.2. The land allocated for the placement of residential buildings must:
- be located outside the territory of industrial and communal, sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects, the first zone of the zone of sanitary protection of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines;
- comply with the requirements for the content of chemical and biological substances potentially hazardous to humans, biological and microbiological organisms in the soil, the quality of atmospheric air, the level of ionizing radiation, physical factors (noise, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields) in accordance with the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation .
2.3. The land plot allotted for the construction of a residential building should provide for the possibility of organizing a house adjoining territory with a clear functional zoning and placement of recreation areas, playgrounds, sports, utility sites, guest parking lots, green spaces.
2.4. When landscaping the adjacent territory of residential buildings, it must be taken into account that the distance from the walls of residential buildings to the axis of tree trunks with a crown with a diameter of up to 5 m should be at least 5 m. For larger trees, the distance should be more than 5 m, for shrubs - 1, 5 m. The height of shrubs should not exceed the lower edge of the window opening of the ground floor premises.
2.5. There should be no transit traffic along the intra-yard driveways of the local area. It is necessary to provide an entrance for special vehicles to the sites of garbage collectors.
2.6. The distances between residential, residential and public, as well as industrial buildings should be taken in accordance with the hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of the premises of residential and public buildings and territories.
2.7. When placing residential buildings, it is planned to provide them with engineering networks (electric lighting, domestic and drinking and hot water supply, heating and ventilation, and in gasified areas - gas supply).
2.8. On the land plots, entrances and passages to each building should be provided. Places for placing parking lots or garages for cars must comply with hygienic requirements for sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects.

In the adjoining territories it is forbidden to wash cars, drain fuel and oils, adjust sound signals, brakes and engines.
2.9. Areas in front of the entrances of houses, driveways and footpaths must have hard surfaces. When installing hard coatings, the possibility of free flow of melt and storm water should be provided.
2.10. It is forbidden to place any trade and public catering enterprises on the territory of the courtyards of residential buildings, including tents, kiosks, stalls, mini-markets, pavilions, summer cafes, production facilities, enterprises for minor repairs of cars, household appliances, shoes, as well as parking lots of public organizations.
2.11. Cleaning of the territory should be carried out daily, including in the warm season - watering the territory, in winter - anti-icing measures (removal, sprinkling with sand, anti-icing reagents, etc.).
2.12. The territory of the courtyards of residential buildings should be illuminated in the evening. Lighting standards are given in Appendix 1 to these sanitary rules.

Hygienic requirements for residential premises and public premises located in residential buildings

3.1. Placement of residential premises of apartments in the basement and basement floors is not allowed.
3.2. It is allowed to place public premises, engineering equipment and communications in residential buildings, subject to hygienic standards for noise, infrasound, vibration, and electromagnetic fields.
In the basement and basement floors of such residential buildings, it is allowed to build built-in and built-in-attached parking lots for cars and motorcycles, provided that the ceiling ceilings are sealed and equipped with a device for removing vehicle exhaust gases.
3.3. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building.
3.4. Placement in residential premises of industrial production is not allowed.
3.5. When placing parking garages under residential buildings, it is necessary to separate them from the residential part of the building by a non-residential floor. Placement above the garages of premises for working with children, premises for medical and preventive purposes is not allowed.
3.6. In residential buildings of any number of storeys on the first, basement or basement floors, a pantry for storing cleaning equipment, equipped with a sink, should be provided. It is allowed to arrange pantries with an area of ​​​​at least 3 m² / person for residents of the house: household, for storing vegetables, as well as for solid fuel. At the same time, the exit from the floor where the pantries are located must be isolated from the residential part. The laying of sewer networks in utility storerooms is prohibited.
3.7. Public premises built into residential buildings must have entrances isolated from the residential part of the building, while parking areas for staff vehicles must be located outside the local area.
Loading materials, products for public premises from the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Loading should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels or closed landing stages; from the highways.
It is allowed not to arrange loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public rooms up to 150 m².
3.8. In apartments it is not allowed:
- the location of bathrooms and toilets directly above the living rooms and kitchens, with the exception of two-level apartments, in which it is allowed to place a toilet and a bathroom (or shower) directly above the kitchen;
- fastening of devices and pipelines of sanitary facilities directly to the enclosing structures of the living room, inter-apartment walls and partitions, as well as to their extensions outside the living rooms.
3.9. It is not allowed to arrange an entrance to a room equipped with a toilet bowl directly from the kitchen and living rooms, with the exception of the entrance from the bedroom to the combined bathroom, provided that the apartment has a second room equipped with a toilet bowl, with an entrance to it from the corridor or hall.
3.10. Residential buildings with a height of more than five floors must be equipped with elevators (freight and passenger). When equipping the house with elevators, the dimensions of one of the cabins should provide the possibility of transporting a person on a stretcher or wheelchair.
3.11. Above the living rooms, under them, and also adjacent to them, it is not allowed to place the engine room and elevator shafts, the garbage collection chamber, the trunk of the garbage chute and the device for cleaning and washing it, the electrical panel room.

The main criterion for a comfortable stay of a person in a residential area is the creation and maintenance of a favorable temperature regime at any time of the year.

And if in the summer period such a problem is solved quite simply - using modern air conditioning devices, then in winter the temperature regime in the apartment can be regulated by the owner of the apartment when arranging an autonomous heating system or by the supplier of centralized heating.

What factors affect the temperature in the apartment

The temperature in the apartment depends on many factors, among which are the following:

  • Climatic conditions of the region of residence.
  • Seasons.
  • Technical features of housing.
  • Number, age and subjective preferences of residents.

Climatic conditions

Comfortable temperature conditions in a dwelling can have different values ​​​​depending on the region of residence. In addition, the level of humidity in the street, the amount of precipitation and atmospheric pressure have a great influence.


With the alternation of seasons, the indoor climate in residential premises may differ. So, in winter, the temperature drops significantly, and in summer it rises.

In addition, the heating season ends in spring, which leads to a drop in the average daily indoor temperature.

For many countries, the optimal temperature level in an apartment during the winter months is from 18 to 22 degrees, and in summer it can reach 26 above 0. It seems that a difference of several degrees between the values ​​\u200b\u200bis imperceptible, but in fact it can have a significant impact on the well-being of residents .

Technical features of housing

Comfortable temperature is also influenced by the technical features of the dwelling - the dimensions of the premises, the height of the ceilings, the insulation of surfaces, the presence of furniture, the location of the apartment (corner, central, number of floors).

Human factor

To maintain a comfortable temperature, it is important to take into account the human factor. For each person, the concept of comfort is individual. Women prefer higher temperatures than men. Young children are not able to independently regulate the heat exchange of their own body, therefore they are often prone to overheating or cooling. They need optimal conditions for staying indoors. Elderly people are no less sensitive to temperature changes.

Norms of temperature regimes in various rooms

According to GOST and SNiP for apartment buildings, the following temperature standards are established in residential and other premises:

  • A comfortable stay temperature is from 19 to 25 degrees.
  • In the cold period - from 19 to 22 degrees.
  • In the hot period - from 21 to 26 degrees.

The standard temperature in the apartment during the heating season is:

  • Living room (bedroom, living room) - from 16 to 18 degrees. For quick relaxation and proper rest of the body.
  • Children's room - from 22 to 24 degrees. Provides comfortable warmth necessary for proper regulation of heat transfer in children.
  • Kitchen - from 17 to 19 degrees. Enough heat produced by electrical appliances.
  • Bathroom and sanitary unit - from 23 to 25 degrees. To reduce high humidity and prevent dampness.
  • Other functional premises (corridor, pantry, hall) - from 17 to 22 degrees.

Important! According to SanPin, the minimum temperature difference between different rooms should not exceed 3 degrees.

For common premises, the following temperature norm is provided:

  • Entrances - up to 17 degrees.
  • Elevator cabins - up to 5 degrees.
  • Inter-apartment corridors - from 16 to 20 degrees.
  • Basements and attics - up to 4 degrees.
  • Vestibules, stairwells - from 13 to 18 degrees.

Correct room temperature measurements

In order to comply with the heating standard in a residential building, it is recommended to carry out mandatory temperature measurements. To obtain reliable results, the measurement is performed by a special device, taking into account the following technical requirements:

  1. Readings are taken every hour for one calendar day.
  2. The device must be located at certain points - 100 cm from the outer wall, 150 cm - from the floor surface.
  3. The room in which measurements are taken should not have sources of heat loss - slots, open windows and doors.
  4. Measurements are taken under neutral weather conditions.

If, as a result of independent measurements, a decrease in the norm of comfortable temperature in the apartment was established, this is reported to the emergency service. In this case, the duty officer sends a team to the tenant to draw up an official measurement report.

The act contains the following data:

  • The date the document was created.
  • Technical information of housing.
  • Checking composition.
  • Meter data.
  • temperature values.
  • Participants' signatures.

The document is drawn up in two copies: one - for the owner of the living space, the second - for employees of the public utility.

Determination of coolant temperature in batteries

The heat carrier in the central heating and hot water supply system is water heated to a certain temperature.

To measure the temperature of water heating in the system, the following devices are used:

  • Medical thermometer.
  • Thermometer with infrared spectrum.
  • Alcohol thermometer.

Central heating

To determine what the temperature of the radiators in the apartment should be, it is necessary to take into account the standards established for the coolant.

They are determined taking into account climatic conditions and are relevant if the pipe has a lower central supply to the battery:

  • Ambient temperature + 6 degrees: at the entrance up to +55 degrees, at the return - up to +40 degrees.
  • The temperature outside the window is 0 degrees: at the entrance +66 degrees, at the return - up to +49 degrees.
  • The temperature outside the window is from -5 degrees: at the entrance + 77 degrees, at the return - up to +55 degrees.

If the allowable temperature threshold decreases - by 4 degrees during the day, by 5 degrees at night - the recalculation of the level of payment for central heating services is carried out without fail.

Important! Unlike a single-pipe, a two-pipe heating system can have a reduced rate of heating temperature of the coolant.

The parameters of the heat supply system are strictly regulated by the current legislation, according to which the following temperature conditions of the coolant in the pipes are allowed in an apartment building:

  1. With a two-pipe system, the coolant temperature is +96 degrees.
  2. With a single-pipe system, the temperature is +116 degrees.
  3. The average heating temperature of the batteries in the apartment is from +78 to 92 degrees.

Measurements of the coolant in the system can be performed in the following ways:

  • Install an alcohol thermometer on the heating radiator and wait a few minutes. Add one degree to the resulting value. Instead of a thermometer for alcohol, you can use a room infrared thermometer, which has a higher measurement accuracy.
  • Fix an electric temperature meter on the battery with a thermocouple wire, take readings.

Hot water supply

In the cold season, the main factor is the temperature of water heating, which should be from +64 to 76 degrees. If the water supply is carried out in violation of temperature standards, this is fraught with an increase in water consumption and the cost of paying utility bills.

To measure the temperature of hot water supply, a deep container is placed in the sink, washbasin or bathroom. An alcohol-based thermometer is placed in it and liquid is supplied from the tap.

The duration of the measurement is about 10 minutes. Possible deviation from the norm can be +/- 3 degrees.

Air exchange rate

An important parameter that determines a comfortable and safe stay in a home is air exchange - the complete or partial replacement of dirty air with clean air.

According to regulatory documents, the air exchange rate is:

  • in a living room up to 25 sq. m - 3 cu. m/hour per square meter;
  • in the kitchen with a gas stove - up to 9 cubic meters. m / h, with an electric stove - 6 cubic meters. m/hour;
  • in other rooms up to 20 sq. m. - 1 cu. m/hour.

It is difficult to independently measure the air exchange rate, often laboratories and expert bureaus entrust such a function to themselves.

If you want to get reliable data on the frequency of air exchange, you can use several methods:

  • A device called an air door installed in a window or doorway. Under the influence of the fan, air is forced into the device, after which the multiplicity parameter is determined.
  • Thermal anemometer and balometer for measuring the speed and volume of air flow in the room.

The degree of responsibility of public utilities for violation of standards

The law states that owners and tenants of residential real estate can apply to utilities for recalculation of the tariff by 0.15% for every 60 minutes of non-compliance with the established temperature standards.

Tariff recalculation is possible in the following cases:

  • The temperature in residential premises during the daytime is less than 17 degrees, in the corner room - below 21 degrees.
  • The duration of the heating shutdown in one calendar month was 24 hours.
  • One-time shutdowns of heating for 15 hours at an air temperature on the street up to 11 degrees.

If, with the onset of cold weather, the air in the apartment remains insufficiently warmed up, a person can file a formal complaint with the following authorities:

  • Prosecutor's office.
  • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.
  • Housing inspection.

To resolve the issue in court, you must submit the following documents:

  • Copies of certified statements.
  • Application to the emergency dispatch service.
  • Temperature check report.
  • Copies of documents of compliance of the device, which was tested.

According to the court decision, the manager undertakes to eliminate all shortcomings in the provision of low-quality services within the period established by law.

Maintain the temperature conditions in the apartments in accordance with the current regulations should be a public utility or a management company. Having information about what air temperature should be in the apartment at the onset of the heating season, each owner will be able to control the quality of the services provided.