Do-it-yourself birch ceiling tiles for decorating a kindergarten. Master class with step-by-step photos. Exquisite decor from branches - a step-by-step master class for making beautiful crafts Functions of decorative trees

Do-it-yourself spring decoration of a preschool educational institution. Master class with step-by-step photos

Volumetric trees made of ceiling tiles. Master class.
Spring group decoration.

Proshina Vera Ivanovna – teacher of the MADOU CRR kindergarten No. 60 “Fairy Tale” Moscow region, Likino-Dulevo
I prefer to use ceiling tiles to decorate the group. I suggest you see how you can make voluminous trees with your own hands from ceiling tiles for spring decoration of the room.

Target: production of volumetric birch from ceiling tiles.
Show a method for making three-dimensional trees from ceiling tiles.
Develop imagination and a creative approach to spring room decoration.
Cultivate the desire to make trees for the spring decoration of the group with your own hands.
The material will be useful to educators, additional education teachers, primary school teachers and anyone who likes this idea in decorating a room.
Trees made from ceiling tiles can be used in the design of a group, music hall, stairwell, in the decoration of theatrical performances or musical celebrations.
Material: ceiling tiles, scissors, pencil, ruler, corrugated green paper, glue stick, artificial branch, “Master” glue, wallpaper, black, white paint, brush.

Introductory part.
This forest fashionista
He often changes his outfit:
In a white fur coat - in winter,
All in earrings - in the spring,
Green sundress - in summer,
On an autumn day - dressed in a raincoat.
If the wind blows,
The golden cloak rustles. I. Semenova

Birch is the most common species among deciduous trees. It lives for about 150 years, the trunk reaches 30 - 40 cm in diameter and 28 m in height. There are about a hundred species of birch in the world. Birch is a slender tree, with a thick fluffy, bright green crown. The leaves are small - up to 7 cm long and up to 4 cm wide, heart-shaped with a serrated edge. Birch flowers - “earrings”. The bark is white or yellowish. The outer part of the bark is birch bark. It peels off very easily. The birch tree initially grows at a relatively slow pace, but after a few years it begins to develop rapidly.
Linguists associate the Russian name for birch with the verb to preserve. This is due to the fact that the Slavs considered birch to be a gift from the gods that protects people. Birch in a number of traditions symbolizes light, radiance, purity, and femininity.

Birch is a healing tree. People say about the benefits of birch: “The birch has four things: the first thing is to illuminate the world; the second thing is to cry to console; the third thing is to heal the sick; The fourth thing is to maintain cleanliness.” The bark, leaves and buds are used for medicinal purposes. The buds are collected in early spring during the swelling period, but always before the leaves bloom. They are stored in paper bags for two years. But the birch leaf is plucked in May, during the birch flowering period, when the leaves are still sticky and fragrant. Dry outdoors in the shade.
It should be remembered that you should not collect leaves from trees growing near roads. Birch leaves are good for preparing baths - they have a calming effect on the body, have a beneficial effect on the skin, help with dermatitis, eczema, as well as rheumatism, gout, and stimulate metabolism in the body.
With the arrival of spring, axillary birch buds release resinous, fragrant droplets called “tears,” which attract bees. They use them to produce propolis.
Spring birch sap (“birch tree”) is considered a blood purifier and, as people define it, “heals” the blood. It is taken 3 glasses a day for skin diseases, all kinds of eczema, lichen, rashes, for childbed fever and for diseases with high fever; It is considered a diuretic and is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism and scurvy. Experienced producers advise: when going to harvest juice, take with you a small brace, a drill, drill a hole in the trunk no more than 4-5 cm deep, insert a tube into it (such as for cocktails), deepening it 2-3 cm. Tie it on. dishes - a bottle, a jar, juice will flow into it through a tube. Don't forget to cover the hole afterwards to keep the tree alive. One adult birch tree can produce up to 150 liters of sap if used skillfully.

Modern bioenergeticists confirm that this tree has enormous positive energy, and advise people to recharge with this energy from time to time. To do this, you just need to lean your back against the trunk and stand there for a while. For a Man, it is pleasant and useful to wander in a birch grove, where there is a lot of light, the air is transparent and clean.

Heavy, dense birch wood is used to make high-quality plywood, skis, small carved toys, and whistles. Birch bark has long been used in folk crafts. Birch bark is the upper, elastic layer of birch bark. Due to its remarkable qualities (strength, flexibility, resistance to rotting), birch bark has long been considered an excellent material for the manufacture of various utensils - traditional containers in which dairy products do not spoil even in the heat, salt shakers, baskets, purses, baskets, boxes, ladles, simple shoes .

It is good to plant a birch tree near the house for the well-being of the family and protection from lightning.
If you throw birch branches on garden beds, there will be no caterpillars on the cabbage.
Birch is a blessed tree that once sheltered the Virgin Mary and Christ from the weather.
As soon as the birch leaf unfolds completely, you can plant potatoes.
The nightingale sings when it can drink dew from a birch leaf.
If in August the leaves on birch trees turn yellow below, early sowing will be good.
If a leaf falls from an oak or birch tree cleanly, it means an easy year; if it doesn’t fall cleanly, it means a harsh winter.
If a lot of sap flows from a birch tree, then it will be a rainy summer.
If the birch blossoms before the alder and maple, expect a dry summer.
If the leaves of birch trees begin to turn yellow from above, it is early spring; if the leaves turn yellow from the lower branches, it is late spring.
Russian birch is a symbol of Russian nature, the favorite tree of the Russian people. Slender, curly, with white hair, she was always compared to a tender, beautiful girl, to a bride. Artists and poets dedicated their best works to her. The birch tree in Russia has always been loved for its beauty. Our ancestors, the Slavs, called it the main tree of their land, its support.
Why - suddenly they asked you -
Do you see Russia in the birch tree?
Because in beauty and strength
She will not yield to Russia.

On the seventh Thursday after Easter, the Russian people celebrate the holiday of the Russian birch tree - “Semik”. It marks farewell to spring and welcome to summer and glorifies the green earth. Semitic Thursday and the days that followed were celebrated in the old days with girls' festivities: round dances around birch trees in the grove, weaving wreaths and telling fortunes about the grooms. Over time, some of these rituals were transferred to Trinity.
My birch, my little birch, my white birch, my curly birch.
You are standing, little birch tree, in the middle of the valley,
On you, birch tree, the leaves are green,
Below you, birch tree, silk grass,
Near you, little birch, the red girls are singing at seven,
Below you, little birch, red girls are weaving wreaths.

On this day, temples and houses are decorated with young birch branches, the floors are sprinkled with herbs, and ribbons are curled into the birch branches. The fun is accompanied by dancing, singing songs and round dances around the birch tree. The most familiar round dance, “There Was a Birch Tree in the Field,” was composed in 1750. It is still popular today.
April 11 – Birch Day is celebrated.
Birch in Russia is a symbol of happiness, purity, love and tenderness.
No other country in the world has as many birch trees as we have in Russia. Therefore, it is a symbol of our homeland Russia, a symbol of its spirituality, prosperity and longevity. And it will be in our vastness forever, because our land is eternal and our people are eternal!

The sun warmed the slopes a little
And it became warmer in the forest,
Birch green braids
I hung it from thin branches.
All dressed in a white dress,
In earrings, in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.

Step-by-step work process:

Birch can be made of any size depending on your space in the room, even from floor to ceiling. To make a tall birch tree, you need to connect the ceiling tiles together.
1. First, cut off the thin edges of the tile evenly. We check how the tile bends: on one side it bends strongly, on the other it bends worse.
2. Determine where the width will be on all tiles. We measure the required width for the trunk and cut off the excess with scissors.
3. Place the edges of the tiles overlapping each other (check that the fibers bend correctly). We cut along the ruler with a stationery knife, pressing the tiles tightly.

4. Apply a thin layer of ceiling glue to the cut sides.

5. After a minute, firmly press (join) the tiles on a flat surface so that the cut points coincide exactly.
6. Strengthen the junction of the tiles on the wrong side by gluing a thin strip of paper. Let the glue dry. This will be the trunk.

7. Cut a strip from the wallpaper equal to the height of the birch tree. We make the width 1.5 -2 centimeters narrower than the width of the tile (width of the trunk).

We glue the cut strip of wallpaper along its entire height to the birch trunk from the wrong side. Spread the glue with a thin strip of 0.5 cm. Apply it evenly so that the barrel does not warp. We put a load on top - books, let the glue dry.

8. We glue the wallpaper on the other side in the same way. Place the load for 10 minutes.

9. This is how the barrel turned out.

10. Draw branches.

11. Using the template, we cut out branches from the ceiling tiles and glue them onto the trunk. First, mark the junction of the branch and the trunk. Press the branch with your hand until the glue dries (no need to spread it in a thick layer).
12. We decorate the birch with black and gray strokes with a brush and paint.

13. We make thin hanging branches. Take a vine with leaves. We remove the leaves and make blossoming leaves from corrugated paper. Cut strips of green paper 5 cm long and 3 cm wide. Fold it in half, bend the side corners into the middle - it looks like “bundles”.

14. We glue these “bags” to the vine.

15. Now you can decorate the birch tree on the wall.

16. Branches can be made from the stem of an artificial flower.

17. The rose branch turned into a birch branch.

18. The volume of the trunk is visible here.

19. Birch put on earrings (real ones).

20. This is what a birch tree looks like in autumn.

21. And this is how it is in winter.

Now let's make a maple tree.
Its trunk is thicker than that of a birch. We draw the bark: with a ballpoint pen we randomly draw stripes along the trunk. You need to adjust the pressure on the handle. If you increase the pressure while applying the strips, then when bending the ceiling tile, it may crack or break. Paint the trunk with brown paint. Then use a sponge to randomly apply light brown and gray paint. The recesses obtained by drawing the stripes with a pen are painted over with black paint.

We remove the leaves from the purchased maple branches and make small green blossoming leaves just like on a birch tree.

And this is what maple looks like in the fall

And this is a maple in winter.

General view of the spring composition.

In order to make the interior of your home individual and a little creative, you don’t have to buy expensive designer items. In order to make it like this, it is enough to use ordinary tree branches for decoration.

Original lamp made from dry twigs

Few people think about this option, but in vain, because dry branches are a very beautiful and sophisticated material with which you can create many original things for the home with your own hands. Tree branches will look very good and appropriate in any room, be it a bedroom, living room, bathroom, hallway or kitchen. They are perfect for decorating candles, decorating mirrors, creating an original cornice or hanger for things. Here everything depends only on your personal imagination!

However, before you make decor from tree branches with your own hands, it is worth remembering that only dry branches are suitable for creating it, otherwise, otherwise, you will have to dry them. It is not necessary to use the branches in their original form; they can be:

  • coat with wood varnish,
  • paint with spray paint,
  • or regular enamel in any desired color.

We offer you several original ideas of what you can make from dry branches for the interior with your own hands; no special skills are required for this, you just need to find a beautifully shaped branch.

Partitions in the room

An interesting and very original screen for zoning can be made from equal length, even dry branches. At the final stage, it is better to varnish such a partition; thanks to this, the finished product will acquire a certain charm. Such zoning will look not only interesting, but also very stylish. In exactly the same way, you can make a screen in the bedroom from identical branches.

Curtain made of branches for zoning

Eco-curtain for the bedroom


The most important thing in the execution of such decor is to treat the branches well so that they do not fall off on the heads of the sleeping person in the future. You also need to secure them well so that they do not move when the mattress moves.

Boho style for the bedroom

Raw branches for the head of the bed

Birch is ideal for the bedroom

Wall decor

Painted dry branches with a large number of branches can be an excellent decoration for the living room.

  1. The main secret of this decor is that the branch was a contrasting color to the wall.
  2. If the wall is dark in color, then the branch should be either light, or with a metallic sheen, but if the wall is in a light tone, then it is better to use branches in their original color or painted in dark colors.
  3. Also consider illuminating this wall decor. Can be used for illumination small candlesticks, fixed to a branch with glue, spotlights on the ceiling or a garland randomly wrapped around the branch.

It is thanks to the lighting that such an unusual and rather original version of wall decor looks very impressive and can turn an ordinary wall into a stylish part of the room.

Birch in the interior

Branches in the interior

Kitchen decor

Dry branches will look very appropriate in the interior of the kitchen. So old batteries can be perfectly disguised with a screen made of dry twigs of the same length. A panel made of dry branches, which can be quite large in size, will also come in very handy in the kitchen.

It’s very easy to make such a necessary thing as hot pads yourself from ordinary branches. The trinkets on the refrigerator have a rather cute and original look, which can be easily made from small twigs and then glued to magnets. Its interesting and non-standard decoration of the kitchen with branches will add a special atmosphere.

Kitchen decoration

Bathroom decor

Dry branches can be used to make very practical decor in the bathroom; it can be a large shelf on the entire wall where you can store bathroom accessories, or a ladder on which you can hang towels. Or it can be small branches that will act as hooks; it is very convenient to hang bathrobes and towels on them. A dry twig can also be used as a toilet paper holder.

Original towel hangers

toilet paper holder


Dry branches, as well as their cuts, can be used as furniture decor. The tables look incredibly elegant and stylish, the base of which is thick branches, and the tabletop is made of transparent glass. Dressing tables and coffee tables can be covered with cuts from dry branches; they turn out not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. For example, take a look.

Decorative lamp

There are many different ideas for creating lighting fixtures. Lamps in which branches of different diameters are used as a base look very beautiful.

A thick dry tree branch equipped with light bulbs will make any room more comfortable. This eco-style element will perfectly complement a modern interior and make it close to nature.

Wall lamps and table lamps decorated with dry branches look great. Such lighting fixtures, made from natural or painted branches, will fit perfectly into a variety of interiors, ranging from simple to exclusive designer interiors.

Unusual lamp on a large branch

Designer table lamp

Night light on a branch

Lamp for working on a tree branch

Lamp base made from old driftwood

Shelves for storing small items

Very cute and quite practical shelves for storing books, souvenirs, jewelry and other small items can be easily made from dry branches. Such decor only needs to be well fixed on the wall and supplemented with decorative finishing materials. Also, a wooden trunk can become the basis for several shelves in the form of a partition.

Shelves for small items

Untreated birch shelf

Branch hangers

Dry branches make excellent and very convenient wall hangers, as well as hangers. These can be not just knots that look like hooks on the walls, but also unusual wall and floor hangers for hallways and bedrooms. Thus, thick branches with shoots can serve as very convenient vertical hangers for clothes, while thinner ones can be placed along the wall.

Clothes hanger

Original wardrobe hanger

For outerwear

For costume jewelry

Great idea for a store


Non-standard and very interesting window cornices can be made from thicker branches or thin tree base. Curtains with large hooks or loops to match the curtains will look very nice on such curtain rods. This decor will bring creativity to the interior and create a certain homeliness.

Cornice for pots

Wooden curtain rod

Panel of branches

To create such decor requires a lot of energy, in contrast to simply making a “bouquet” of branches in a vase. Initially, you need to come up with a composition, for example, a heart or a bird, or a star, and then start implementing it. You can make this kind of decoration from dry branches with your own hands, and it is unlikely that anyone else will have it.

Decor from branches “Heart”

Pictures and frames

Unique and inimitable paintings can be made from dry branches. To do this, you need to attach the branch composition to the wall and then surround it with a beautiful frame. You can decorate a photo frame with thin twigs or their cuts, pasting it in a circle. You can decorate a mirror in exactly the same way, which will look great on the walls in the hallway.

Composition of branches and picture frame

Branches in floor vases

Floor vases with dry branches look very impressive and stylish. Long branches in a transparent vase will perfectly replace any other decor, attracting the eye.

Decorative branches for floor vases

Vase decoration

Decor for a vase made of dry branches is a very stylish way to complement the interior of a room in Scandinavian and eco-style. You can use branches of the original color picked from the ground, but they do not look as attractive as if they were painted. When starting to paint them, it is better to choose a color for the branches in accordance with the color scheme of the room’s interior. The most spectacular and stylish colors for this purpose will be gold, silver, white and black. Such original vases with decorated branches will look good on shelves, coffee tables and bedside tables.

Stylish candlestick

Russian folk tree as a design trend. Where to put and hang?

After Alexander Pushnoy sang the most famous folk song in the “heavy metal” style, there was no doubt left: birch is very relevant in modern art. So she takes an active part in interior design.


The trunks of thin birch trees in their original form are placed along the walls, secured, and then illuminated with decorative light. It turns out to be a home mini-grove. Eco-style is the best there is.

Sometimes there are more daring solutions: not near the wall, but right in the middle of the room. Or even as a headboard. It’s controversial from an ergonomic point of view, but the effect of being in a birch grove is even more complete.

Or, for example, branches. They can be used to fill a large glass vase, having previously weighed down the base, or to “build it” into the furniture itself. A minimum of florist skills - and a harsh bouquet from the most dense forest is ready. This option is suitable for country styles and rustic interiors.

Although, in truth, birch is such a universal decor that it will fit anywhere. Both in modern apartments and in neo-classical ones, turning empty spaces into attractive picturesque corners. Attractive not only visually, but also with its unique texture. Silky, matte, with rough growths of various shapes: this decoration seems to be specially designed to be touched.


Tree bark or its imitation as a covering for walls and cabinets - you definitely haven’t seen anything like this before. And if the bathroom cabinet is even more or less clear, then how did the decorator manage to make the bedroom seem to be on the branches of a giant birch tree? A kind of free interpretation of the theme of a home for gnomes or forest people. Suitable for those who like to play with scale in the interior.


Attractive stumps, which do not necessarily have to be bought in a designer store, look very designer-like: a unique design, a fairly spacious surface area, a “living” tree. They are easy to adapt to a cabinet, flower stand, or coffee table. The main thing is not to forget to make the cuts even - for good functionality. Or vice versa - deliberately make them uneven. But then it will no longer be a cabinet, stand or table, but an art object. In any case, they (cuts) should be thoroughly treated with sandpaper and, if desired, varnished.

Particularly talented craftsmen contrive to adapt birch trunks and branches as a bed frame and a canopy over it. Unique handmade! There are no exact analogues and there never will be, and the atmosphere is completely special.

Decorative motif

If birch “live” can be used for permanent decoration only in the version without leaves, then birch as a picture can be used without any restrictions. The simplest option is to wallpaper an accent wall with “birch” wallpaper or paint part of the room with images of this tree. In a realistic or stylized manner, in polychrome or black and white.

You can create a whole plot in the living room: a fan rotates, the wind blows, slender autumn birch trees sway, touching the window frames... It’s original and puts you in a philosophical mood.

Subject for paintings

White bark with dark streaks is extremely inspiring for creativity. Like a pencil drawing or an engraving with chiseled lines, it has that graphic quality that makes the interior unsaid and mysterious. The role of windows into another world is played by paintings, posters and photographs on a birch theme.

Moreover, this is not necessarily the view of a sunny grove in the middle of summer. Sometimes, in order to awaken imagination, it is worth hanging graphics or stylization “like a birch tree”. And sometimes it’s enough to confuse the viewer so that he thinks carefully about where this picture is up and where it’s down. It will definitely not be boring in such a living room.

By the way, decorating the interior with birch trees is an ancient Russian tradition. Our ancestors used trees and bouquets of branches to decorate huts for the holiday of the Holy Trinity. The custom is still observed in Orthodox churches. In Russia, for the first time, they began to make furniture from Karelian birch, and in such a way as to maximally emphasize the natural beauty of this material. The best artists of the 19th century depicted graceful white-trunked trees on their canvases, and subsequently these landscapes began to be considered classics in world painting. So the birch theme in design is quite natural for us - and not only because it is associated with Russian culture, but also because it has great artistic potential.

Ecology of consumption. Interior design: This design solution is relevant in this fashion season. The decor made from firewood and logs looks especially colorful and beautiful.

Ecological decor from natural materials in the interior.

This design solution is relevant in this fashion season. The decor made from firewood and logs looks especially colorful and beautiful.

Firewood by the fireplace creates a unique home coziness and comfort. The natural aroma of pine, sandalwood or spruce has a wonderful effect on health. It purifies the air and gives a feeling of calm, relieves stress and promotes relaxation. Therefore, decor made from logs is not only beautiful, but also useful for well-being.

To decorate the interior, it is better to use pre-prepared firewood to avoid debris from dust, wood chips and bark. Well-dried and primed natural logs are perfect.

From carefully processed firewood you can make a composition near an artificial or pseudo fireplace. The logs are stacked, placed in a wicker basket, a special metal stand for firewood or an original bag.

Firewood can be neatly or, conversely, carelessly stacked in a niche near the fireplace or on shelves next to it. A creative mosaic of logs will be created in a decorative niche in the wall. It can even take up the entire wall. The result will be a very extraordinary eco-decor.

The sight of trees in nature and in paintings always evokes thoughts of space.

The idea of ​​painting trees on walls in urban housing has been developed by apartment interior designers.

Living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms, hallways, kitchens - now it is fashionable to decorate with trees.

Draw a tree with your own hands

When you decide to decorate your home with wood as a wall decoration, you need to decide how it should look.

You can simply draw it, or you can make it three-dimensional. It all depends on the color of the wall, the general style of the room, lighting, and furniture.

It's easy to draw a tree using real dry branches. Having sketched an outline along them, then you need to glue these branches along it, the foliage can be made from large and small branches to make it look realistic, and the trunk can be lined with pieces of bark.

The crown can be imitated by cutting out leaves of the desired shape from colored paper or self-adhesive film and gluing them to the wall. Or paint them with paints - acrylic paints work well for painting on the wall. When cutting out leaves, you can use live leaves as a stencil.

You can paint a real sheet of paper and press it against the wall like a stamp, then you will get realistic prints. You can make leaves from self-adhesive film.

Decorative wood in the interior can be drawn with chalk. A tree drawn with a simple pencil will look very stylish.

Before you draw on the wall, you need to make a sketch on a sheet of paper - depict the tree in detail, adjust the drawing to achieve realism, and then accurately transfer it to scale from the sheet of paper to the wall.

You can cut the product out of paper - an unnecessary roll of wallpaper or thick rolled paper will do. First you need to draw an outline, and then color it with colored pencils or watercolors.

The finished drawing can be completely pasted onto the prepared area, or the tree can be cut out along the contour. It will be easier if you draw on self-adhesive paper.

If you have a lot of old glossy magazines at home, you can cut a tree from them. It will turn out to be extraordinary and colorful, and will not require any money at all for materials.

Using imagination, such a tree can be made very unusual, for example, its branches can be made themed, decorating them with pictures of the same theme: in the kitchen a tree with branches on a culinary theme will be relevant, in a child’s room – on a cartoon or toy theme.

You can make a tree from fabric. The desired tree is drawn on the fabric, then the applique is cut out and attached to the wall.

Thick fabric is best; you can take burlap, canvas, a piece of linen or upholstery fabric. With the help of multi-colored patches, the applique will turn out to be creative.

A stencil made of thick cardboard will help simplify the work of creating a decorative tree. To make the drawing clear, the stencil can be glued to the wall with tape.

Any tree you create with your own hands is a masterpiece. A selection of photos of decorative trees will help you decide which one is best to make, or give you an idea, and also see how such trees look in different interiors.

Ideas for trees in the interior

If there are shelves hanging on the wall, then a tree can be placed between them, then the shelves will be its branches, and books, vases or figurines will stand on the branches.

The original version is a family tree, its branches will be decorated not with leaves, but with family photographs in frames; the tree will look especially stylish if all the frames are the same.

The branches of the tree can be decorated with images of butterflies, bees, birds, flowers, and fruits.

The tree does not have to be even, because there are no ideal trees in nature. It is not necessary to draw it completely - with a trunk and foliage, you can depict a part of the tree that will simply fit into the surrounding interior.

In building materials stores you can buy ready-made stickers with images of trees made of vinyl - it’s quick, if the tree gets bored, it can be removed without a trace, in addition, vinyl makes it easy to clean with wet water.

Volumetric decorative trees

More interesting, but more difficult to manufacture, will be a three-dimensional tree. It can be made from a foam plate.

Wood can also be made from yarn. To do this, you need push pins, which need to be fixed on the wall, marking the silhouette with them - and the threads are wound between them. Such a tree will look like an exclusive handmade masterpiece.

A three-dimensional image can be obtained using toilet paper. To do this, dry paper is rolled into bundles, moistened and weaved into the desired shape.

It’s even better to make gypsum wood; the packaging with gypsum indicates the technique for working with the material. A plaster tree will look expensive and give the room a luxurious feel.

Functions of ornamental trees

Trees can become not just decoration, but also a functional decorative element. The branches will make it possible to place shelves asymmetrically - at different levels - on which you can put various small items or toys.

In this case, it is better to paint it green or brown so that they and the tree form a single whole.

If a tree decorates the kitchen wall, towels and oven mitts can hang on its branches, and bottles of cosmetics can stand in the bathroom.

But there is nothing better than real wood in the interior. If the space of the house allows, then it is better to have a living plant in a pot, placing it in a corner - it will become both a decoration and will hide the empty space in the room.

Photo of decorative wood in the interior