Polyurethanes. Polyurethane foam in the mattress

The modern construction market is ready to offer its consumers both materials with long-term use and a stable reputation, as well as a whole list of polymers that have entered the market not so long ago and are still gaining recognition from customers. This group includes polyurethane foam.

What is polyurethane foam?

Experts refer this modern building material to the group of gas-filled plastics. consists of an inert gas phase by more than 85%. The scope of this material is wide and varied. However, the fierce debate over whether polyurethane foam is harmful to health has not subsided for many years. The most discussed from this point of view include the behavior of the material during combustion and the release of toxic components when heated.

The history of the appearance of the material

The date of birth of polyurethane foam can be safely called 1937, when a small group of scientists from a laboratory in Levenkusen synthesized a material with unusual properties. Depending on what was the mixing ratio of the components of the new material and how quickly the reaction took place, the properties of polyurethane foam were radically different. On the one hand, the material was elastic and flexible, but rather fragile to breaking loads. On the other hand - strength, hardness, density, but brittleness in bending. The material opened up extremely broad prospects, but the Second World War significantly slowed down their implementation. However, since the 60s of the last century, the manufacture of PPU began to develop at a rapid pace.

Component composition of polyurethane foam

The main components that make up polyurethane foam and are necessary for the formation and attachment of polymer chains are polyol (component A) and polyisocyanate (component B). Sometimes domestic producers can add another component to the polyol - a catalyst. The main components of polyurethane foam have a specific smell and are a liquid of a fairly thick consistency with shades from light yellow to dark brown.

Polyol during long-term storage tends to exfoliate, so it is recommended to mix it before use. Polyisocyanate interacts with water - upon contact, crystallization begins. During long-term storage for outdoors a film forms on the surface of the material. In my own way component composition PPU can be of two types - for spraying and for pouring.

Biogenic properties

Polyols and polyisocyanates used for the production of PU foam are petroleum products. However, it is known that polyurethane foam components can also be produced from vegetable oils. The best option for this purpose - castor oil. The polyol component can also be obtained from sunflower, soybean, and rapeseed oils. However, the cost of this raw material is quite high and the production is not economically feasible. Biogenic polyurethane foam materials are produced in small volumes and are used to solve very narrow specific problems.

PPU properties

Polyurethane foam produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers, has a number of both positive and negative characteristics.

Low (0.019 - 0.03 W / m), almost complete vapor impermeability, water resistance make polyurethane foam an excellent heat and water insulator. The same can be said about soundproofing. The high coefficient of adhesion makes it possible to apply polyurethane foam on almost any surface.

However, not only positive qualities characterized by polyurethane foam. Harm to human health can be caused during the combustion of PPU (in the presence of a direct source of fire, the material burns). In addition, polyurethane foam releases toxic substances into the atmosphere - formaldehyde. Polyurethane foam, the components of which interact with air and influence sun rays. Over time, it darkens and falls off.

Scope of PPU

This modern building polymer has found wide application in various areas of human activity. Its widest scope is in construction: thermal insulation, acoustic and waterproofing of civil and industrial facilities for any purpose (residential, country houses, workshops, warehouses, hangars, etc.). Due to the low thermal conductivity, polyurethane foam is used to insulate not only roofs, but also walls, both inside and outside buildings. PPU sandwich panels are indispensable in the construction of prefabricated construction projects.

PPU with a density of 30-86 kg / m³ (rigid polyurethane foams) are used as noise and thermal insulation material. Material with a density of 70 kg / m³ or more has a dense structure, does not let water through and is successfully used for waterproofing work.

In the production of refrigeration equipment, PPU is used as a cold insulator. The shoe industry uses the material to make various elements of shoes and arch supports.

However, there are areas where the benefits of using a material such as polyurethane foam are very doubtful. Health damage can be caused lining material and fillers for upholstered furniture, mattresses, pillows, etc. (polyurethane foam with a density of 5-40 g / m³ - soft foam blocks). Although PU foam manufacturers claim that the material is environmentally and biologically neutral, its use as a filler for children's toys can also make parents think about the health of their children.

Sleep in the arms of PPU ...

We will talk about such items of bedding as mattresses made of polyurethane foam. Harm, and quite serious, can be caused by inhalation of fumes of complex volatile chemical compounds (about 30 types), the most dangerous of which are phenol and 2-ethylhexanoic acid. Moreover, new mattresses filled with polyurethane foam emit 5-6 times more hazardous substances into the atmosphere than old ones. The vapor concentration of these substances is comparable to the emissions from a new laminate flooring.

Confidence in the safety of mattresses filled with polyurethane foam is doubtful for the simple reason that resins, catalysts, solvents, active chemical components (phenol!) are used at the stage of their manufacture.

Is the threat from phenol great?

Phenol is considered a toxic substance because it emits toxic fumes, and this process can continue for years without reducing or losing toxicity. This chemical element can cause disruption of the most important systems of the human body: respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular. The result may be headaches, loss of consciousness, impaired coordination of movements. Kidney and liver function may also be impaired. Constant contact with phenol and its fumes can cause such formidable diseases as asthma, infectious pulmonary pathologies, and allergies.

According to scientists involved in research in this area, the use of polyurethane foam for the manufacture of children's furniture, mattresses, toys is unreasonable. PPU may well be replaced with safer materials. If parents are concerned about the health of their children, they should be very careful when choosing toys and mattresses for them, in which polyurethane foam can be used as a filler. The bulk of civilized countries have banned the manufacture of everyday goods.

What else is bad?

Products made of polyurethane foam are widely used in many areas of human life. and foam board based on polyurethane foam adversely affect the lungs, skin, eyes. Thermal insulation boards made of polyurethane foam release toxic polyisocoanate compounds into the air that can cause allergies or asthma. When heated PPU boards heating batteries or sunlight, the release of the polyisocyanate is enhanced.

In the event of a fire, PPU burns and releases toxic gases, which is an additional source of danger and threat to life. However, it is worth noting that in recent times more and more non-combustible types of polyurethane foam are used, obtained by introducing special additives into their composition. Such polyurethane foam practically does not cause harm to health.

So where is the truth?

Polyurethane foam - what is it? Harm from it or benefit? A huge number of places where polyurethane foam is used in various areas of human life does not allow us to give an unambiguous answer to this question. For the construction industry, this is certainly a benefit, and a huge one. The ability to make a mixture and apply polyurethane foam on the surface to be insulated directly on construction site reduces associated costs and allows you to create a monolithic polyurethane foam surface without gaps during installation and Thermal insulation of main low-temperature pipelines of the chemical industry is also hardly possible today with the same efficiency that polyurethane foam provides.

However, the use of this material in the production of goods for people (and for children in particular) is seen by many experts in this field as not entirely justified. The release of toxic substances can Negative influence on human health. Even before 2003, the technology for manufacturing domestic components for the production of polyurethane foam provided for the use of highly volatile ether compounds. Today, manufacturers claim that this technology has been abandoned. Within 3 days after application, the material is released from a small amount of gases remaining after the reaction of the components, and after that the polyurethane foam is environmentally friendly.

In general, in each specific case, before using PPU products, one must sensibly evaluate all the pros and cons of using this material in a particular area of ​​life.

However, it is worth noting that most often the toxicity of such mattresses is caused by non-compliance with the technology of their production, so you should not save and purchase such products from little-known companies and manufacturers. This is not to say that it is necessary to completely abandon mattresses made of practical and relatively inexpensive polyurethane foam. It is worth noting that a fully reacted polyurethane polymer is chemically inert, and therefore safe! So, for example, polyurethane foam mattresses from the RollMatratz company are made of high-quality material, in compliance with manufacturing technology.

OSB boards

Formaldehyde is a by-product of combustion. Thus, they can be present in significant concentrations both indoors and outdoors - in a room with a working gas stove, in tobacco smoke, in car exhaust gases, etc. Formaldehyde is found in building materials that use carbamide adhesives (synthetic resins, polyurethane adhesives) - it is for the preparation of these compounds that this substance is used. In the production of plastics, varnishes and paints, it serves as a preservative; in the manufacture of artificial fabrics, it gives the fibers best performance crease resistance, low shrinkage and dimensional stability. Water solution formaldehyde - phenol - helps protein coagulation, so it is used to tan gelatin.

Floor covering ТМ VINILAM

Everything else, I think, is confusing the consumer and overloading his brain with unnecessary information. So, for 17 years now I have been doing turnkey repairs.

With their with my own hands laid more than one thousand square meters of different flooring, including all sorts of different vinyl flooring - from rolled to tiles or planks of the most different sizes, with different systems fastening, gluing or snapping. This is directly the base layer of vinyl in the form of a strip of different sizes, on top of which there is a decorative textured film that imitates the color and texture of wood or stone, or other materials.

Polyurethane health safety

In everyday life, PVC fabric is resistant to acids, alkalis, solvents, mineral oils. According to the conclusions of experts who have studied the composition of polyvinyl chloride, its components do not belong to volatile substances, so the statement that " stretch ceiling harmful to health" is groundless. In order for a person to be harmed, components dangerous to him must enter the body. On the other hand, PVC contains hazardous substances such as toluene and phenol, and it is their presence that consumers are most concerned about.

Development and study of the properties of a protective coating based on modified polyurethane DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPERTIES OF THE PROTECTIVE COATING ON THE BASE OF MODIFIED POLYURETHANE

It has been established that the physical and mechanical properties of the coating are determined by the ratio of the components. The toxicological properties of the coating were studied. The toxicity test was carried out by the method of biotesting using a biological test object - the lower crustacean daphnia "Daphnia magna Straus". The introduction of tetraethoxysilane a into the composition leads to a decrease in toxicity due to an increase in hydrophobicity and the formation of a cross-linked structure.

1. At the very top of the dozen are polymeric materials. A person who cares about his health should be alert to the abbreviations PVC, PVA, chipboard, fiberboard. The fact is that these widely used in the course of assembly and finishing works materials, if they are not sufficiently cleaned during production, can release dioxin into the surrounding space - the strongest carcinogen that provokes cell mutation and the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Polyurethane foam - an effective insulation

Here it is necessary to keep in mind the insulating layer of rigid closed-cell polyurethane foam with a density of more than 25 kg/m3. The PPU coating is quite capable of supporting the weight of the average person. Just don't do it in shoes with heels. We recommend shoes with soft soles, because any hard and sharp objects can pierce and thereby damage the surface of the foam. If you still managed to damage the insulating layer of polyurethane foam, then the damaged area must be cut out and re-foamed.

Is polyurethane harmful?

It is made from gas-filled plastic. In order for the chemical reaction in the production process to take place successfully, the following components are used: During the reaction, carbon dioxide is formed.

Due to this, polyurethane foam foams. After hardening, it does not change. Rigid polyurethane foam is used for thermal insulation. They are good for insulating floors, walls, roofs. Ecothermix is ​​a modern polyurethane foam. Nowadays it is very popular in construction.

Harmful and dangerous building materials: black list

wide PVC application gave rise to a lot of concerns about its environmental and hygienic safety. If you look for information about the harmfulness of vinyl materials, you can find a lot of frankly "yellow" articles that make PVC the number 1 killer of humanity. To answer this question, you need to understand the physical and chemical properties of this substance, as well as consider the technology for the production of PVC products. As you can see, the material is stable and resistant to temperature and chemical agents.

The whole truth about polyurethane foam

If necessary, the fire resistance of the insulation is increased by applying refractory compounds, the use of which does not affect the deterioration of the performance of the foam. The results of tests carried out in Europe showed that the PU foam layer on the roof has not changed its thermal, hydro and vapor barrier properties for 20 years. PPU with a density (50 - 100 kg / m3) supports combustion only if there is open flame, however, does not support independent combustion and does not smolder. Its disadvantage is the instability to the effects of ultraviolet sunlight.

However, in order for the tree to become a home only for you, excluding wood-boring bugs and other living creatures, it must be processed special composition. In addition, do not forget that the tree rots over time, that is, it needs to be treated with at least two compositions. Now imagine what happens to these compositions over time? After all, they not only evaporate and, over time, wood processing must be carried out again and again. A well-fired brick is safer in this regard, but if the house is on soil with high humidity, the walls, even with very thorough heating, rarely warm up to the desired temperature.

In recent years, foamed polymer heat-insulating materials have become widespread.

Indeed, from the point of view of thermal physics, these are the most effective heat insulators. But when it comes to housing, such a product construction industry, with which a person has to communicate daily for many hours for decades - thermophysical properties alone are not enough. Here the main thing is chemical safety and durability. The main cause of chemical hazard lies in the nature of polymeric materials.

Is it bad to wear earplugs often?

In this case, during sleep, when we do not control the position of the earplugs, they can move even further and injure the eardrum. It's unlikely, because earplugs have a long way to go, but not all manufacturers are equally conscious about the shape of these devices, so it's best to be careful. Pulling the earplugs out too quickly risks damaging the inner ear.

One of the features of such an adhesive is that it tends to expand in volume during curing. Such foaming makes it possible to fill even small gaps with such glue without any displacement of the connected products. Moreover, the resulting connection is distinguished by high resistance to sudden temperature changes from -60 to +120 degrees.

At the same time, he is not afraid of vibration, radiation, water, gasoline, oil, as well as cryogenic temperatures. It also needs to be added that adhesive connection differs in excellent resistance in relation to influence of pathogenic fungi and a mold. The composition of polyurethane adhesive does not contain any solvents, and at the same time it does not have a strong odor.

Today, one- and two-component polyurethane adhesives can be found on sale. Water is used as a hardener in the first variant, thanks to which the use of glue application equipment is simplified. As for the second option, it is obtained by mixing a polyol and an isocyanate.

Thus, if you decide to fix your shoes, then polyurethane adhesive is an affordable and effective cost-effective solution to a similar problem.

In the process of its polymerization, foaming and subsequent degassing, the toxicity of STYRENE should be eliminated. However, POLYSTYRENE (PS), from which POLYSTYRENE FOAM is made, refers to equilibrium polymers, i.e. is in thermodynamic equilibrium with its highly toxic monomer - STYRENE (C): STYRENE is a highly toxic substance.

The heart suffers from microdoses of styrene, women have special problems (styrene is an embryogenic poison that causes deformity of the fetus in the mother's womb).

Polyurethane is a synthetic polymer material, which is also called "foamed plastic". It was first obtained in the 30s of the last century, now polyurethanes are a group of materials with a wide range of characteristics that are set depending on the requirements for the product. From "foamed plastics" produce:

  • friction-resistant parts of machines and mechanisms - polyurethane is more durable and wear-resistant than metal;
  • insensitive to impact aggressive environments connecting elements with antibacterial properties - polyurethane tubes are indispensable in the food and chemical industries;
  • suitcases, backpacks, bags - a polymer with “adjustable” parameters allows you to create any fabric texture, which is used by many designers;
  • leather substitute for the production of clothing, shoes, gloves, belts - polyurethane "leather" lasts longer and looks more attractive than a conventional substitute made from polyvinyl chloride;
  • waterproof shoes - polyurethane is stronger and more durable than artificial rubber, and costs less than natural rubber.

Is polyurethane harmful?

The material is chemically and biologically neutral. It does not cause allergies, cannot serve as food for fungi and bacteria, does not absorb pollution and does not release any substances into the air. Polyurethane cannot harm health.

This polymer is widely used in the food industry. Reinforced or non-reinforced, colored or transparent hose is a standard part of the units used in restaurants for the preparation of fresh juices, cocktails, sauces. Modern manufacturers kitchen appliances are used and recommend the use of connecting elements made of polyurethane.

How to determine the quality of a polyurethane product?

In industrial purchases, the quality of products is confirmed by a certificate. It should be studied when choosing goods for the home, shoes, bags, gloves. If you really like bright waterproof boots, the discount looks extremely attractive, but the seller did not have it at hand necessary documents, you can conduct some "tests" yourself. They do not give a 100% guarantee, but they can save you from buying obviously low-quality goods.

Do not buy a product that has a sharp "plastic" smell. Polyurethane does not release any substances into the air, so it cannot smell. Gently press your fingernail on the surface of the thing, there should not be a scratch or a slowly rising dent. A good result is a fast disappearing trace. In this case, the polyurethane product is most likely of high quality.

Almost no one knows that foam rubber is a polyurethane foam composition, which was imported to the Land of Soviets by the well-known Scandinavian company Porolon.

Since then, the name has stuck with it and is still practiced, since it is rather difficult to call it polyurethane foam in everyday life.

Today, when our fellow citizens are finally worried about the harmfulness of household items, it's time to write about the properties of this elastic material.

According to its properties, the material is an elastic, soft foam made from polyurethane. The hollow cells contain air, which explains its very low weight.

The scope of its application is quite wide, but the main areas remain heat and sound insulation, giving softness and elasticity to most household items, such as upholstered furniture.

In the manufacturing process of foam rubber is used a large number of foam stabilizers, isocyanates, polyol, and catalysts. It is now generally accepted that these components can evaporate and cause substantial harm the health of those who come into contact with them. Until this fact is confirmed, and the manufacturers themselves insist that all these components are in a bound state, so they simply cannot stand out. If they are released, then under the influence of moisture in the air, they almost immediately decompose into harmless substances.

True, in some cases, polyurethane foam can be harmful to human health, since when burned, this substance emits highly toxic gases, so the material should not be allowed to ignite.

Manufacturers, to withstand high temperatures, add thermosetting substances to the foam rubber, but have not yet completely got rid of the flammability of polyurethane foam.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that the life of the foam rubber does not exceed ten years. In the future, the chemicals in its composition begin to actively stand out in the process of decomposition of complex compounds. These substances have pronounced carcinogenic properties, therefore it is not recommended to store polyurethane foam for more than ten years.

Polyurethane mattress, its properties

Polyurethane, the filler of these mattresses, is exclusively synthetic, but this does not mean that it is dangerous for the human body. This artificial material does not contain harmful substances and does not emit toxins, therefore it is ideal for making items for sleeping. Foamed structural polyurethane of various hardness is chosen for use as a filler; after hardening, air cavities are formed in its structure. It is thanks to this airy property that the material perfectly keeps its original shape, does not rot, is not attacked by pests, it is not affected by moisture and changes in air temperature.

The most effective are mattresses made of denser and more expensive polyurethane. It consists of hollow cells of different volumes, which react differently to the pressure exerted on them. Small cells allow the mattress to be soft, while large cells retain elasticity, it is the combination of these properties that form the optimal quality of mattress rigidity.

When buying a mattress in a store, you should look at its label, foam stiffness parameters - optimal indicator 32 kg per 1 m3. The lower the cost of a polyurethane mattress, the less dense it is and the less comfortable it will sleep on it - you need to know this rule when buying. Considering that the price of orthopedic sleep products has never been low and the fact that polyurethane mattresses are not the most expensive of this category of products - in order to provide optimal body support during rest, you should not chase a low price, but choose the best combination of quality and price . However, it is not recommended to use polyurethane mattresses for babies under 1 year old, as they simply do not fit them in terms of rigidity. For these kids, the ideal option would be spring mattresses or mattresses from coconut fiber.

The most important quality of a polyurethane mattress is its orthopedic properties. After a person sleeps, the mattress completely restores its shape. A person rarely sweats on it due to the fact that the material "breathes", and vice versa, it will not freeze again thanks to the air cavities. A polyurethane mattress will have all these qualities and will serve its owners for a long time, if it is properly maintained and cared for.

Pros and cons of polyurethane mattresses

The advantages of polyurethane mattresses are obvious:

  • The optimal combination of quality and price.
  • Possesses orthopedic property.
  • Hygienic (does not rot, indifferent to pests).
  • Do not cause allergic reactions.
  • Completely safe filler.
  • Long-term operation and preservation of qualities.
  • Easy care and cleaning (not afraid of water).

While sleeping on a polyurethane mattress, the filler adapts to the contours of the human body, supporting it and relaxing the muscles. Despite this, the mattress is quite elastic, it properly supports the spine, improves blood circulation, thereby eliminating congestion in the body. Polyurethane mattresses are recommended for overweight people, bedridden patients in postoperative periods, or during periods of illness, as they prevent the appearance of bedsores.

Undoubtedly, the pleasant fact is that a polyurethane mattress does not hold together, does not deform or wrinkle. If there is a need for transportation, it can be easily rolled up and transported to the right place, after which it will again take its original shape.

With such significant advantages, polyurethane mattresses also have disadvantages. Namely:

  • Quickly absorbs liquid, even vapours.
  • Cheap polyurethane mattresses quickly wear out and deform.
  • They require careful maintenance (airing, cleaning).
  • Relatively short service life up to 10 years.

After the expiration of the service life (more than 10 years), the polyurethane is gradually destroyed, it is deformed and this is immediately reflected in its orthopedic properties, comfort of sleep and rest. The disadvantages of polyurethane mattresses are insignificant and they are fully offset by its advantages, but to buy it or not, everyone must make their own choice.

How to make a foam mattress with your own hands

Experts recommend using only orthopedic mattresses in everyday life, in addition to comfortable rest it is also the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Unfortunately, the price of factory-made mattresses is quite high and not everyone can afford it. Meanwhile, making a foam mattress with your own hands is not so difficult task.

Factory structure orthopedic mattress

When sewing a mattress, you can go in two ways:

  • simplify the task as much as possible and use a thick layer of highly elastic material as a filler. After cutting, it remains only to process the edges of the material, sheathe it with a cloth and place it in a case. A foam mattress 10 cm created in this way will be quite convenient and comfortable;
  • you can complicate the task and try to combine a layer of foam rubber and a spring base in a mattress. In this case, the output will be an analogue of factory-made orthopedic mattresses.

One of the best options can be considered a spring base with independent springs. In this case, a person is guaranteed to be able to take a comfortable position. In the proposed design, the spring base will be placed in a box glued together from pieces of foam rubber. For the side faces, you can use foam rubber with a thickness of about 30 mm, but for the upper and lower parts - at least 50 mm. You will also need felt, fabric for lining the mattress and sewing a cover, braid.

The main part of the mattress

The base of the mattress is a structure consisting of two layers of foam rubber, two layers of felt and a spring base located between them. After cutting foam rubber and felt, first a layer of foam rubber is laid on any horizontal surface, then comes felt, a spring base, again a layer of felt and this “pie” is covered with a layer of foam rubber. Felt is used here so that the springs under load do not damage the surface of the polyurethane.

The structure of the future mattress

On the sides, the free space must be closed with inserts from the same polyurethane, as a result, a closed box should be obtained. For gluing the elements of the box, it is better to use special glue. You can get by with ordinary PVA and or liquid nails, but, firstly, the drying time of the adhesive layer will increase, and secondly, a hard crust is formed at the gluing site, which simply cracks when deformed.

Bonded mattress base

It is not necessary to additionally fix the felt and the spring base. They will not move during use.

For additional strength, when gluing, you can put a wide board on the foam rubber, and place a load on it.

Instructions for sewing a cover

For the cover, you will need batting and fabric; when cutting, you just need to take into account the dimensions of the foam rubber “box”. And, of course, leave a margin for processing the edges.

At the first stage, the batting is sewn to the fabric. On a flat surface, the batting and fabric are aligned with each other and manually stitched along the long side of the rectangle several times. After that, you can proceed to the processing of the edges.

First, the excess batting is cut off, which protrudes beyond the fabric, after which the detail of the future cover is stitched around the perimeter with an overcast seam. After that, you can sew the narrow parts of the cover into one piece.

Sew on large parts using decorative braid that hides the seam. First, the braid is sewn along the perimeter of the large part, then the edge of the narrow part is applied to the same braid, the braid is folded and stitched. By the same principle, a zipper is sewn on so that the mattress can be removed when washing the cover.

Finished mattress

PPU is a fire hazardous material. Is it so?

Let's start with what we mean by combustible and non-combustible material. To do this, we turn to GOST 30244-94 “Construction materials. Test methods for combustibility. In this document, building materials are divided into combustible (G) and non-combustible (NG). Non-combustible materials include metal (and even then not all alloys), stone, glass, expanded clay, basalt, etc. All materials on wood or polymer base are combustible and are divided into combustibility groups:

  • G1 - low combustible (for PPU, this means that it is not capable of igniting, resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, but under the influence of a flame loses mass, smolders)
  • G2 - moderately flammable (resistant to open fire and thermal radiation, does not support combustion, in the absence of a flame it self-extinguishes)
  • G3 - normally flammable (in the absence of a flame, it self-extinguishes, cannot be a source of ignition)
  • G4 - highly flammable (sustains combustion and may be a source of ignition)

In addition, the tests take into account other factors - flammability, smoke emission, mass loss, flame propagation speed, decay time, release of toxic substances and a number of other factors. After such comprehensive studies, a conclusion and a certificate are issued. fire safety, which regulates the scope of a particular material in construction.

Polyurethane foam is good because, depending on its composition (type and amount of fire retardant used), it can belong to all four flammability groups. And the choice depends directly on the scope and wishes of the Customer. So, for example, polyurethane foam with flammability groups G1 and G2 can be used as a heater in residential and industrial facilities with open access to the heater (roofs, facades, plinths, etc.). While the use of PPU with a flammability group G3 and G4 is justified for refrigeration units, at the conclusion of PPU between other non-combustible building structures etc.

In the "certificates" section on our website you can see examples of fire safety certificates for PPU: http://himtrust.ru/products/certs/napylitelnye/

PPU is an expensive material. Is it so?

Indeed, the cost of 1 m3 of polyurethane foam is more expensive than most other traditional heaters. But everything is not so obvious. After all, for some reason we also don’t buy the cheapest things and don’t drive the cheapest cars.

  • The first argument is installation costs. For the installation of PPU, no fasteners are needed, as a rule, the cost of the insulation already includes turnkey spraying work. Sheet insulation requires installation work and the purchase of a substantial amount of fastening material, as well as material for sealing joints. All this must be calculated separately.
  • The second argument is that membranes are not needed. For correct installation mineral wool insulation in order to extend their service life and reduce the risk of wetting, moisture and windproof membranes. These membranes also require fasteners and are an additional item in the estimate of contract work. In addition, membranes are very difficult to mount hermetically and achieve them effective work.
  • The third argument, the equivalent layer of thermal insulation can be very different. So, for example, 50 mm of polyurethane foam is equivalent to 100 mm of mineral wool or 80 mm of polystyrene balls. That is, to achieve a similar thermal insulation effect, you need 2 times less volume of foam compared to mineral wool.
  • The fourth argument is logistics. When sprayed with PPU raw material supplied in liquid form and consists of 2 drums and 1 tool kit. All this is easily placed in a minibus or "gazelle". For the delivery sheet insulation you will need transport with a volume of 20-30 times more, while you will be transporting, in fact, air. Of course, this will be reflected in the budget.
  • Fifth argument, service life. Not only that, the service life of PPU is comparable to the service life of load-bearing structures, which is incommensurably longer than the main competitors. It is also necessary to take into account changes in efficiency over time, which is associated with the loss of the original properties of the insulation. So for mineral wool insulation, the loss of thermal insulation properties ranges from 3 to 8% per year, depending on the operating conditions and type of material. And this means that in 5 years heat losses and heating costs will increase by 15-40%. At the same time, a study of buildings of the 60-80s in Europe and Japan with the use of polyurethane foam allows us to say that over 25-30 years, changes in the initial physical, mechanical and thermal properties do not exceed 5-7%. At the same time, science has stepped far forward and PPU formulations are now more perfect.


Of course, we have not listed all the negative opinions and not all the arguments in favor. But, I hope, we were able to make it clear that many fears are connected with ignorance or with unsubstantiated rumors.

However, there is no smoke without fire. Probably, someone came across unscrupulous or inexperienced contractors, perhaps even with a marriage of raw materials from which PPU was obtained, or with non-compliance with the work schedule. If your Mercedes breaks down, it doesn't mean that all Mercedes cars are bad. Maybe it just needed an oil change.

In this regard, we recommend that you carefully approach the choice of a supplier of raw materials and a contractor. Choose only proven, experienced teams with quality PPU spraying equipment. Get feedback from their customers. Make sure the contractor has used the raw materials with the stated requirements, ask for certificates. It is also not difficult to determine the density of the resulting PU foam and its flammability right at the work site using a kitchen scale and a lighter. If in doubt, get a professional opinion. It is better to do all this before the start of work or at the very beginning - it will save a lot of time and nerves.

The good news is that PPU continues to gain popularity and consumer confidence, while at the same time occupying an increasing share of the market. More and more experts agree that PPU is the future in the field of energy-saving construction technologies.

For more on this topic, see:

  • PPU spraying - what is it?
  • Thermal insulation (thermal insulation, thermal insulation)
  • PPU density


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Is the threat from phenol great?

Phenol is considered a toxic substance because it emits toxic fumes, and this process can continue for years without reducing or losing toxicity. This chemical element can cause disruption of the most important systems of the human body: respiratory, nervous, cardiovascular. The result may be headaches, loss of consciousness, impaired coordination of movements. Kidney and liver function may also be impaired. Constant contact with phenol and its fumes can cause such formidable diseases as asthma, infectious pulmonary pathologies, and allergies.

According to scientists involved in research in this area, the use of polyurethane foam for the manufacture of children's furniture, mattresses, toys is unreasonable. PPU may well be replaced with safer materials. If parents are concerned about the health of their children, they should be very careful when choosing toys and mattresses for them, in which polyurethane foam can be used as a filler. The bulk of civilized countries have banned the manufacture of everyday goods.

Standards and guests

  • Decree of the Government of Moscow of February 17, 2004 N 91-PP - standards for the use of polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of pipes and heating mains;
  • Thermal insulation of enclosing structures of buildings and buildings - STO 00044807-001-2006;
  • Thermal insulation pipelines with filling polyurethane foam VSN 462-85 (Approved by the USSR Minmontazhspetsstroy on March 29, 1985);
  • Sanitary rules for the production of synthetic and polymeric materials December 12, 1988 N 4783-88

Applications for polyurethane foam

The scope of polyurethane foam is very wide:

  • In the automotive industry as a filler for car seats and soundproofing the interior of vehicles;
  • In the furniture and light industry, the so-called soft polyurethane foams are mainly used as a filler and cushioning material for upholstered furniture, pillows, mattresses, in the molding of mannequins, etc. In view of the fact that PPU varies in density, this affects the level of elasticity of the final products;
  • In soft children's toys, polyurethane foam is also very often used as a filler - this is easily explained by the fact that this material is completely environmentally and biologically neutral;
  • In the shoe industry as insoles and other elements of footwear;
  • As a cold insulator in household and commercial refrigerators, large cold rooms and in transport refrigeration;
  • As a thermal insulator main pipelines, as well as insulation of low-temperature pipelines of the chemical industry;
  • During the construction of prefabricated industrial and civil structures (as part of sandwich panels);
  • And of course, one of the most extensive areas of use of polyurethane foam is its use as thermal insulation, as well as acoustic and waterproofing during construction, overhaul residential buildings, warehouses, hangars, private country houses, production shops, garages and other buildings.

Which is better: holofiber, latex or polyurethane foam

Mattress fillings are varied. There are 3 of them in close price groups. Because of this, the choice is often made between them. The consumer needs to understand exactly which option is better. For things use fillers of the budget category:

Manufacturers believe that latex and polyurethane foam are the necessary basis for the right mattress, and holofiber can only be used as an auxiliary layer. Serious production of orthopedic models will not produce them only from holofiber.

How to care

Proper care prolongs the life of the mattress. If mistakes are made, then the service life of the thing is significantly reduced. The basic rules to be followed during operation are as follows:

  • airing once every 3 months - for this you need to remove the mattress from the bed and leave it to stand for 2-3 hours. It can be vacuumed at the same time. good ventilation helps to remove maximum dust from it;
  • Washing the mattress cover is carried out according to the recommendations given by the manufacturer. When it is necessary to clean the filler block itself, they turn to dry cleaning. It will not be possible to wash a foam mattress at home;
  • drying in the open air - it is impossible to use heating devices to speed it up. Drying quickly will help applying to the surface of the paper;
  • for greater preservation of good orthopedic performance, once a month you need to turn the thing from one side to the other;
  • the recommended weight loads must not be exceeded.

Compliance with simple rules makes it possible to use polyurethane foam models for a long time and preserve all their orthopedic properties.

The benefits and harms of filler for health

Due to the fact that polyurethane foam is not natural material, buyers treat it with caution. However, when choosing foam rubber products, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of this filler and make the necessary decision.

Polyurethane foam is useful and attractive as a filler in mattresses, due to the fact that:

  • well supports the body of a sleeping person;
  • allows the spine and the whole body to relax;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • does not accumulate dust inside itself, mites and saprophytes do not form in the filler;
  • small weight of the product;
  • springless foam products are easy to transport and store, they can be rolled up during transportation;
  • It has long term services;
  • acceptable price;
  • unpretentious in care.

However, there are a lot of opponents of PPU in mattresses. They appeal by the fact that the foam in the mattresses:

  • non-natural origin;
  • can retain moisture inside itself;
  • has a "chemical" smell in the first days of use;
  • can heat up from the human body;
  • in case of violation of production, the filler can release harmful substances when heated. Some people sleeping on polyurethane foam mattresses report frequent headaches, dizziness, and nausea that occur after sleep;
  • under the influence of high temperatures and direct sunlight becomes unusable, dries out and crumbles.

The above advantages and disadvantages of the filler must be evaluated independently, based on personal considerations.


Each product is endowed with certain characteristics, evaluating which, we decide on the appropriateness of its purchase. So, when choosing a polyurethane foam mattress, pay attention to:

Rigidity. As we said, the level of rigidity of a foam rubber product depends on its density.

  • soft foam has a density up to 18 kg\m3. It cannot be used in the production of natras;
  • standard hardness (density 22-25 kg \ m3), sometimes the ST marking is indicated. Such polyurethane foam is used in the production of children's mattresses or cheap mattresses for adults;
  • increased density 28-30 kg \ m3 (EL marking). Dense, well supporting foam rubber. On average, the life of a mattress made of such foam is 5-6 years;
  • dense, having an indicator of 35-40 kg / m3. The maximum load on such a mattress is 90 kg. And the product will last up to 10 years;
  • artificial latex, having the highest density (from 45 kg / m3 and above), is indicated by the HR or VE marking. Such polyurethane foam is used only in elite and expensive furniture and mattresses, it has excellent orthopedic properties, and will last up to 15 years.

Dimensions. The dimensions of polyurethane foam mattresses can be completely different, the stores offer a wide range of products, among which there is a crib for newborns, and for older children, and for single, one-and-a-half, double beds. When choosing a mattress, it is necessary to take into account the height of a person, optimally, if the product has a length equal to the height of a person + 25cm.

Mattresses are also often made for non-standard beds at the request of the customer. The thickness of the mattress can also be very different (from 50mm and above), of course, it is more comfortable and healthy to sleep on high products.

Models. In the assortment of any manufacturer there are polyurethane foam mattresses. Depending on your preferences regarding the level of hardness, the presence or absence of spring block, number of layers, sizes, budget, can be easily selected desired model. But still, preference should be given to trusted manufacturers, as well as read reviews on the Internet.

Different effect. has an orthopedic effect polyurethane foam mattress high density or otherwise called artificial latex. Also popular in recent years is a mattress with a memory effect (Memoriform, Memorix, Memory Foam). Under the influence of heat from the human body, this material changes its shape, adapts to the anatomical curves of the body of its owner, providing a comfortable feeling and benefits for posture. A memory foam mattress has a unique ability to quickly restore its original shape.

Color solutions. Often, the filler made of polyurethane foam has various colors, for this, during the production of polyurethane foam blocks, dyes of the required color are added. Mattress upholstery can also be made in different shades and from different materials, as they say for every taste of the buyer.

Vacuum mattresses in a roll are very convenient in terms of transportation and storage in outlets. Such products are tightly twisted into a roll, do not take up much space. After opening the package, the mattress is laid out on a flat horizontal surface and after a couple of hours you can already use it. Re-twisting the mattress into a roll is not allowed. It should also be borne in mind that some mattress models should not be twisted for more than a certain amount of time. So, the Flex Standart mattress from Ormatek cannot be stored in a rolled form for more than 180 days from the date of manufacture.

Medical indications. Most of us, those who do not have problems with the health of the spine, are recommended to sleep on medium hard mattresses. The vast majority of polyurethane foam products have just such a level of rigidity. Those who have been diagnosed with any kind of orthopedic doctor should follow his recommendations regarding the level of stiffness.

Polyurethane foam mattresses are quite popular, thanks to affordable price, good characteristics. However, you should not buy the cheapest models from unknown manufacturers, so as not to be disappointed in the purchase. After all, a bad, low-quality mattress can harm your health.

Foam rubber is the common name for polyurethane foam (PPU). It comes from the name of the Scandinavian company Porolon, which was the supplier of this material to the USSR.

Both then and now, foam rubber remains one of the most popular materials that serves to fill furniture, soft toys, as well as sports equipment such as gymnastic mats and modules. The reason for the popularity lies in the cheapness of foam rubber, but this is practically its only plus.

Currently, manufacturers who care about the health of their customers are gradually abandoning the use of foam rubber, and increasingly prefer more modern materials that meet the standards environmental safety. But why is foam rubber so dangerous? Is it really a health hazard?

Harmful qualities of polyurethane foam

Turning again to Wikipedia, you can find out that the production of foam rubber itself is potentially dangerous, because. environmentally hazardous substances are used in the production process (foam stabilizers, polyols, isocyanates, various catalysts, etc.). However, manufacturers claim that these substances do not pose any danger in the composition of foam rubber, since they are in a bound state.

However, studies have confirmed that after several years of operation chemical compounds, which are part of polyurethane foam, begin to disintegrate and stand out in environment, posing a serious threat to the health and even life of people. Scary? Still, because the substances that foam rubber releases have strong carcinogenic properties, which directly affects the occurrence of cancer.

Also among the disadvantages of foam rubber, the following can be noted:

  • fire hazard and combustion toxicity. Polyurethane foam is a very combustible material, but even worse, when burned, it releases extremely dangerous substances (hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide). Of course, manufacturers are trying to reduce the fire hazard level of PPU by adding special additives, but this problem has not been 100% eliminated.
  • fragility. The material quickly loses its operational characteristics - it ceases to be elastic, crumbles, sticks together.
  • Absorbs odors, poorly ventilated, which can lead to the spread of harmful microorganisms inside the material.

Sports mats filled with foam rubber

Given all of the above, we can conclude that foam rubber is completely unsuitable as a filler for mats, because:

  • Sports mats are most often used in the gyms of children's educational and sports institutions, which means that it is children who suffer the most from the negative consequences of using polyurethane foam in such products.
  • Foam-filled mats pose an additional fire hazard and the risk of poisoning by harmful substances released during the combustion of polyurethane foam. Naturally, in educational and sports institutions, first of all, it is necessary to exclude such equipment, replacing it with fireproof, 100% non-toxic and environmentally friendly.
  • Due to the fragility of foam rubber, mats with such a filler require relatively frequent replacement, which in no way contributes to budget savings. If the equipment that becomes unusable is not changed in time, this increases the risk of injury when playing sports.
  • Foam rubber is being replaced by new safe materials, for example, Hollofiber, EVA material, etc. Information about