Air purifier for the apartment. Air Control: Which Air Purifier Should You Choose? Fighting tobacco smoke

A healthy atmosphere, and not only psychological, must be maintained in our homes. An important criterion is the quality of the apartment air, which directly affects the well-being and mood. When there is a lot of dust, allergens, viruses in the apartment, health inevitably deteriorates, as there is a constant load on the immune system. Helping your body is easy enough - you just need to choose the right air purifier.

Types of air purifiers for an apartment

Typically, such devices are distinguished by the type of filters, cleaning methods and built-in capabilities. They can be:

  • ionization - remove dust, disinfect the air and saturate it with ions;
  • with electrostatic cleaning - trap dust using static electricity;
  • with fine cleaning - eliminate almost all contaminants, even the smallest ones;
  • photocatalytic - neutralize the simplest pathogenic organisms and viruses;
  • ozonizing - clean from large pollution and enrich the atmosphere with ozone;
  • deodorizing - absorb harmful volatile compounds and odors;
  • detergents - have a complex effect on the air, moistening it and literally washing away dust and allergens.

Only electrostatic devices and sinks can be independent devices, while the rest are usually combined in various ways, depending on the model. The best devices for creating a clean air environment in your home are those purifiers that have the maximum number of the listed methods. It is they who will get rid of mold, remove dust and pet hair, neutralize bacteria and give freshness.

How to choose an air purifier for an apartment

First of all, you need to decide on the range of tasks that the device should solve. For example, if we are talking about the kitchen, then it is necessary to eliminate odors. For a bedroom, it is important that the air does not contain dust and is sufficiently enriched with negative ions. And in the room of an asthmatic it is better to choose the maximum possible configuration.

Next, it is worth clarifying the dimensions of the room - the area or volume with which the device will work. It is necessary that the device does not function for wear and tear, and its performance fully covers the required indicators.

The third parameter is functionality. Reduced noise performance, remote control, timer, built-in gas analyzers - all this is not included in the basic package. Of course, the price of air purifiers increases with the increase in the number of additional features, but you should not save on your comfort.

Where to buy an air purifier

For residents of Moscow and other regions of Russia, the MirCli virtual showcase has collected on online pages a variety of models from leading companies in the industry. Here it is easy to purchase a high-quality device with an official guarantee that will definitely be able to meet the needs of users.

The article examines in detail such a useful device as an air purifier for an apartment: what type of device to choose for a home, varieties of existing designs, their classification, functional and technical features, advantages and disadvantages, rating of the best models on the market, reviews and prices. The text contains useful recommendations for choosing a quality household appliance.

The cleanliness of indoor air has a strong influence on the well-being of a person and his state of health. Particularly sensitive to pollution are people suffering from manifestations of allergic reactions and suffering from bronchial asthma. In such cases, it will not be enough to buy a humidifier, an air purifier will be an excellent addition to it in the struggle for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or house.

Most devices are designed to combat popular household allergens:

  1. Dust - dust particles in themselves do not pose a serious threat to humans. The danger lies in the mites living in them, protein particles from pets, fungal and mold spores.
  2. Pollen - pollen from plants enters the house through windows. This type of allergen is a seasonal problem, but the effects of this can stretch for almost a year.
  3. Dandruff and pet hair - pet hair is also not dangerous for humans, the harmful effect comes from the protein that is produced by the pet's body and is fixed on it.

Air purification is carried out due to special filters that keep allergens inside the structure. Devices are classified according to the purpose and type of filter installed inside. On sale there are air purifiers without replaceable filters. They are less hygienic than devices with a replaceable filter system, but they have a lower cost.

Note! Not a single purifier is able to fully remove all types of allergens from the air. But quality devices cope with most of them. In stores, you can buy universal devices that include the function of humidifying and purifying the air.

Air purifiers for an apartment with plasma filters

The plasma filter is at the heart of the cleaning process. It forms an electrostatic field that attracts dust particles to itself. This type of device is quite popular among consumers. The filter consists of metal plates that are easy to clean and do not need to be replaced. Just rinse them under running water.

However, as air purifiers, these devices are not as effective. The capabilities of an electrostatic (plasma) device allow it to cope with only a certain amount of dust particles. Only 80-90% of pollutants can be removed from indoor air.

If there is too much dust in the room, the device cannot cope with high-quality cleaning of such volumes. For this reason, in order to more effectively clean the air masses in the house, you will need a device with several degrees of purification. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics are better off looking for another option.

Most modern air purifiers are equipped with

Air purifiers for home with ionization function

Air purifiers with ionization function are a whole complex. The device includes several elements that carry out cleaning in various ways. Due to this, a high degree of purification of air masses from various impurities that can be harmful to humans is ensured.

  1. Due to the built-in fan, polluted air masses are drawn into the structure.
  2. The foam filter performs a preliminary coarse cleaning, due to which large dust particles are retained.
  3. Air streams are driven through the photocatalyst filter. There is the destruction of toxic and chemical substances, as well as the elimination of unpleasant odors.
  4. An ultraviolet lamp with bactericidal action disinfects the air.
  5. Plates that create an electrostatic field screen out small dust particles from the air.
  6. A special device generates negatively charged ions that are transferred to the air.
  7. Through the outlet grille, the air that has been cleaned and disinfected is returned to the room.

Useful advice! When using this air purifier for the home, you need to perform dry and wet cleaning more often. This is done in order to remove the dust that has settled on the surfaces.

The principle of operation of this equipment is also its advantage. The device does not accumulate pollution inside itself, so there is no need to regularly replace the filter system. Thus, the owner of the device will avoid additional costs for its maintenance. Metal plates are easily washed under running water. Vacuuming the pre-filter is enough to keep it in working condition.

Features of air purifiers with HEPA filters

If you need to perform high-quality air purification from dust particles, the best air purifier for an apartment will be a device equipped with a HEPA filtration system. The name is an abbreviation for "High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance", which literally translates from English as "highly effective particle retention".

Such devices have a complex configuration and are a kind of accordion, consisting of a fibrous material. The density of the filter is so high that the gaps between the fibers are only a few microns.

A fan is installed inside the device. It draws air masses into the air purifier with a HEPA filter, where the streams are cleaned not only from microscopic dust particles, but also from bacteria living in it, as well as plant pollen. The efficiency is almost 100%. For this reason, this type of equipment is considered one of the best options for apartments where people with allergies live.

Useful advice! In order for the device to maintain such a high efficiency, it should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner at least once a month. The filtration module is changed 1-2 times a year. The frequency of this procedure depends on the quality of air purification and the level of contamination.

Specificity of photocatalytic air purifiers

Just like devices with a Hera filter, photocatalytic purifiers perform a step-by-step cleaning. Thanks to this, the equipment copes not only with the removal of dust particles of various sizes from the air, but also with the elimination of mold spores, fungus, dust mites. It is these factors that provoke allergies.

This type of device is necessarily equipped with an ultraviolet radiation lamp and a catalyst. In addition, the design contains ion generators, a carbon filter and plates that form an electrostatic field. When it gets inside the device, polluted air is pre-cleaned by a dust filter, which is located at the inlet. It traps most of the large dust particles and pet hair.

After that, the air masses enter the chamber, where they are exposed to the ultraviolet light of the lamp and the catalyst. As a result, the process of photocatalysis starts. During this process, toxic pollutants in the air are decomposed into harmless substances. In other words, the output is carbon dioxide, water and oxygen. After this procedure, dust deposits are almost completely absent inside the device, so there is no need to frequently replace the filter.

Why is it profitable to buy a photocatalytic type air purifier for an apartment?

Many buyers prefer to buy a photocatalytic air purifier for their home and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Removal of formaldehyde and phenol fumes from building materials. These materials include fiberboard and chipboard, on the basis of which furniture is made.
  2. Elimination of exhaust gas entering the house from the street through window openings. Actual for city apartments in houses located near highways.
  3. Effective removal of soot and carbon monoxide in homes where occupants use a stove or fireplace.
  4. Elimination of dust together with the harmful microorganisms (bacteria and viruses) contained in it.
  5. Purification of air from allergens of animal, household, and also plant origin.
  6. Removal of organic compounds that evaporate from powdered household chemicals and solutions.

Note! Devices of this class are most often characterized by a low level of electrical energy consumption. They are environmentally friendly and safe. At the same time, cleaners require minimal maintenance. It is enough to clean it with a vacuum cleaner once every six months.

With all of the above in mind, it becomes clear why it is so profitable to buy an air purifier for an apartment, which is based on the photocatalysis process. On the other hand, cleaning efficiency, which is one of the most important advantages of these devices, can be considered as a disadvantage.

In the process of passing through the structure, the masses are cleaned so thoroughly that at the outlet in the air there are not only harmful, but also neutral microorganisms for humans. The device simply cannot distinguish one from the other. Subsequently, such sterile air can adversely affect the immune system of children. For this reason, you should not perform too thorough cleaning of the premises where the kids live.

Ozonizers as air purifiers for allergy sufferers and asthmatics

An ozonator is a device designed to purify the air by generating a small amount of ozone. Ozone is a gas that is part of ordinary oxygen itself. In high concentrations, this element has a detrimental effect on all living organisms, so it is widely used to disinfect rooms and destroy microbes.

Related article:

What is the best humidifier for a child's room? Varieties of designs, their advantages and disadvantages, features of operation.

The gas is formed when an electrical discharge acts on oxygen. As a result, splitting into atoms occurs. A similar process occurs in nature when there is a thunderstorm outside. In the air, you can feel the characteristic smell of ozone. It is this natural phenomenon that formed the basis of the principle of operation of the device. It artificially collides electric current and oxygen.

Note! There are many air purifiers for allergy sufferers that work on the principle of ozone generators. But all these devices have similar key components: mains voltage converters, ozone generators and a fan.

Why is it profitable to buy an air purifier for home with ozonation: advantages and disadvantages

Air purifiers using the ozone principle are very popular. As household appliances, they are able to offer a lot of useful advantages:

  1. Disinfection of air in the room with the complete removal of mold and pathogens.
  2. Elimination of putrid odors.
  3. Purification of drinking water from impurities of harmful metals and chlorine.
  4. Purification of food products from chemicals and antibiotics, for example, meat, vegetables, fruits.
  5. Elimination of unpleasant odors from the refrigerator chambers and disinfection.
  6. Treatment of things with ozone (underwear, bedding, furniture, shoes).
  7. Cleaning air conditioner filters from mold.

With such a large number of advantages, air purifiers-ozonizers are not without disadvantages. Doctors recommend that you carefully consider the use of such equipment in the home. Excessive exposure of ozone to the air environment that surrounds a person is not allowed. To exclude negative consequences from the use of the device, you should strictly adhere to the operating instructions that are attached to it. It is better if during the use of the device, there will be no people in the premises.

Features of air purification in the apartment using devices with carbon filters

Appliances equipped with carbon filters belong to the category of fine cleaning devices. They can remove all kinds of impurities from the air masses, including gases. The structures contain ultraviolet radiation lamps that remove biological contaminants from the air.

By themselves, carbon filters are not capable of high-quality purification of air masses from environmental pollution, which are present in large quantities in city apartments. Therefore, it is recommended to buy an air purifier for allergy sufferers of the modern generation. In such models, additional filters of the photocatalytic type or HEPA are installed.

Note! It is not recommended to use carbon filtration systems in rooms with a high level of humidity. Under such conditions, the material absorbs moisture well and quickly deteriorates. As a result, flowability is lost, and, consequently, efficiency is reduced.

Charcoal filters contain fine powder of activated charcoal. It forms a lot of resistance as air flows through the system. Therefore, when looking for where to buy an air purifier with carbon filtration, it is recommended to pay attention to the presence of models with large granules in the composition.

On sale there are also devices with a pleated and universal mesh filter. Corrugated options due to the large absorption surface are considered more effective in the fight against small and large particles than mesh ones. Filters are replaced twice a year, otherwise these elements themselves can become a source of air pollution.

Air washer as humidifier and air purifier for home

The air washer performs cleaning by hydrofiltration. The operation of the device is as follows:

  • the fan drives the air masses inside the cleaner;
  • passing through the zone with special rotor impellers, air is mixed with liquid (water) almost to the state of dispersion due to the blades of various configurations. It also cleans from impurities, which later settle on the pallet. Air masses are separated and sent to outlets;
  • There are additional features that provide photocalytic and ultraviolet cleaning. Moreover, the inclusion of these options is carried out if necessary. As a result, air purification is so effective that it eliminates viruses, odors and mold spores;

  • the built-in ionization module is another advantage of modern models. Thanks to negative ions, the air reaches a high level of purity and freshness;
  • after that, humidified and purified air is fed back into the room.

Note! In the ratings of air purifiers and humidifiers for an apartment, sinks occupy a leading position due to their versatility and the presence of a large number of functions. Devices not only remove large and small particles of dust and other allergens from the air. They are able to eliminate unpleasant odors, moisturize and even aromatize the air. The efficiency of the devices is 85-95%.

What are the best humidifiers for home?

There are three types of humidifiers:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional (mechanical type).

All of them, to one degree or another, also perform the function of a purifier, despite the fact that the main task of these devices is to humidify the air.

In air purifier ratings, ultrasonic humidifiers are equated with devices that provide cleaning. Due to the ultrasonic membrane, which splits water into tiny particles, heated or cold steam is formed. It is sprayed thanks to the built-in fan. Ultrasonic devices are safe, virtually silent, economical and easy to operate.

Traditional devices remove dust particles from the air during humidification. Cleaning is carried out by blowing air through the humidifying cartridges. The disadvantages of the designs include a high level of noise.

Steam humidifiers work with hot steam. This type of structure is the least popular; careless operation can cause burns. In addition, steam appliances consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of noise.

A Brief Review of the Best Household Air Purifier Humidifiers

The capabilities of the Atmos AQUA-1210 air purifier are enough to humidify and purify the air in a room measuring 30 m².

Device advantages:

  • ergonomic and stylish design;
  • high functionality;
  • air purification even from fine dust;
  • night illumination, which, if necessary, turns off;
  • profitability;
  • aroma function.

Note! The Atmos AQUA-1210 device works in 4 directions at once: purification, hydroionization, humidification and biological air sterilization.

The Sharp KC-D61RW air purifier can handle a 48 m² room. It has convenient electronic control. The maximum air purification rate is 396 m³/h.

The advantages of the device include a multi-level filtration system:

  • pre-filter;
  • deodorizing filter (washable);
  • condensate filter;
  • HEPA filter.

The device has three operating modes: ion rain, cleaning and moisturizing, flower pollen.

With the Venta LW15 cleaner and humidifier, an area of ​​20 m² can be treated. The device is easy to use and has the following advantages:

  • water filtration system;
  • the ability to adjust the intensity of work;
  • low noise level;
  • low liquid level indicator.

The air purification capacity of the device is 120 m³/h.

Prices of air purifiers for an apartment with a humidification function:

Instrument model price, rub.
Atmos AQUA-1210 4900
Venta LW15 14790
Sharp KC-D61RW 24200

Which air purifier to choose for an apartment: reviews and recommendations

The main criteria for choosing an air purifier:

  • power level - the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more power the unit should have. This increases the cost of electricity;
  • service area - this indicator is indicated by the manufacturer on the package. The device must cover the intended processing area of ​​the room, otherwise the air purification will be defective;

  • control type - mechanically controlled devices belong to the budget category of devices. Cleaners with electronic control type allow you to create a work program that will meet the needs of residents;
  • type of power - power can be battery or mains. The presence of a battery is considered an advantage, especially if the house has frequent power outages;
  • noise level - the maximum allowable limit is 35 dB. Despite the fact that manufacturers set this figure to 65 dB, it is recommended to buy less noisy models;
  • dimensional parameters - for small rooms, compact and stable device options should be selected. They are comfortable and easy to carry from one place to another.

Note! Most reviews confirm the fact that many buyers prefer devices with additional functionality. These options include ionization, ozonation, UV lamp, the ability to adjust speeds, indication of filter contamination and inclusion, timer, remote control, aromatization.

Many users choose smart models of air purifiers with advanced functionality.

A good air purifier is a useful purchase for a home where allergy sufferers, children, and the elderly live. It is very important to choose a device that will last for many years, be effective and comfortable to use.

Criteria for choosing a good air purifier

Maximum air exchange

It is known that with effective operation, the device must pass through itself the air in the room 2-3 times in 1 hour. Therefore, calculate the volume of the room (in cubic meters) and multiply this number by three, and then compare the result with the parameters of different air purifiers.

Used filters

There are several types of filters: electrostatic, ozonating, photocatalytic, water, carbon, HEPA filters. Each has its pros and cons. Qualitative models are characterized by the presence of several filters at once, i.e. multi-stage cleaning.

Ease of maintenance

You need to take into account 2 points:

  • the time you are willing to spend caring for the device. If an electrostatic filter requires washing no more than once a week, and a photocatalytic filter - once every six months, then air washers need daily attention (change and addition of water);
  • the presence of replaceable blocks in the design, the cost and frequency of their replacement.

Additional functions

These are indicators, displays, backlights, timers, aromatization, UV lamps, etc. The most important of the "bonus" features, which is worth paying for, is the possibility of controlled humidification.

Air purifiers-humidifiers

Air wash

Washers both humidify and purify the air from dust and other contaminants. An important advantage of these devices is that they do not need to buy consumables. Humidification and air purification is carried out without the use of replaceable filters.
For cleaning, the air is driven either through a system of discs moistened with water, or through a water curtain forced by a fan.
This is another advantage of air washes - the water evaporates naturally, and the humidity in the room cannot rise above a comfortable 60%. The disadvantages of these devices include noise and decent dimensions.

Climatic complexes for air purification and humidification

Multifunctional devices that combine three separate devices in a single housing: a full-fledged air purifier, a humidifier with traditional "cold" evaporation and an ionizer.

Advantages of climatic complexes:

  • The presence of an intelligent control system for air quality and relative humidity, which allows you to use the device in automatic mode;
  • High degree of air purification with or without humidification (unlike classic air washer).


  • The need for periodic replacement of "dry" and (or) humidifying filters.

Recently, many people think about the quality of food. Proper nutrition becomes a cult. But they rarely think about air. Even less frequently, steps are taken to improve the situation. Uncleaned air contains harmful impurities, bacteria and various contaminants. An air purifier for an apartment with the right power will improve the microclimate in any room. And if such a device exists, why not use it, while increasing the comfort and quality of life of the whole family.

Read in the article:

Why you need an air purifier for your apartment

The main tasks of the cleaner:

  • effective air purification from dust accumulations, constant use of the device significantly reduces the accumulation of dust;
  • removal of odors arising from cooking or the use of household cleaning chemicals;
  • removal of animal hair, flower fingers;
  • neutralization of harmful microorganisms, mites and bacteria.

Regularly turning on the air cleaner will help to clean the air as much as possible. At the same time, allergic reactions and colds are minimized. A clean microclimate is very important in homes with small children or animals. The main thing is to choose the right device with the necessary programs and content.

Air purifiers as a remedy for allergies

Allergy has recently become almost epidemiological in nature. Pollen, flowering, pet hair, dust, food - this is a small list of allergic manifestations. Runny nose, sneezing, coughing, tearing overcome many people several times a year.

Medicines will help relieve an acute condition. However, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant disease. The first step is to identify the allergen itself. As an additional measure, you need to secure your home. Clean air with a minimum content of impurities is one of the measures to prevent allergic manifestations.

What air purifier will help to cope with the assigned task? What should you pay attention to when buying?

Allergens vary in size. When choosing an air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, attention should be paid to the filtration system.

Pet hair

One of the largest allergens (about 10 microns). It is visible to the naked eye. For cleaning, a regular filter is suitable. Models with a pre-cleaning function with a large air exchange show greater efficiency. Due to the high speed of air purification, wool settles on the filters.

Air purifiers with a humidification system provide a double benefit. Moistened particles settle on the floor, thereby reducing the risk of inhalation.


Pollen is the second most common allergen. Particle sizes from 0.3 to 10 microns. It can also be visualized without additional equipment. Dandruff, which is sometimes found in pets, has similar parameters. To purify the air from such manifestations, systems are suitable that, in addition to humidification, are supplemented with aerostatic filters. Cleaning efficiency - 95%.

These air cleaners are produced without the need to replace parts. Air ionization has a positive effect on the immune system and improves the quality of life of all family members.


The dust allergen has the smallest dimensions from 0.3 to 0.1 microns. It is almost impossible to recognize with the naked eye. Even on the cleanest areas after wet cleaning, micro particles remain that penetrate the respiratory system and settle in the lungs.

Home air purifier with HEPA filters helps to clean the air environment up to 99.9% of allergens up to 0.3 microns in size and up to 91% of particles with a size of 0.1 microns.

dust mites

It is quite difficult to define them. To enhance the cleaning effect, you can choose a system with more power than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room requires. Processes will be much faster and therefore more productive.

Mechanical filters are powerless in the fight against dust mites. On the contrary, it is a favorable environment for them, once in which they actively reproduce. Ozonizers are the only device that will clean the air as much as possible from a small allergen.

Air pollution is the cause of many diseases. And if on the street we can’t do anything about it, then at home, in the struggle for a cozy microclimate, systems with cleaning and humidification functions will be good helpers.

Air purifiers consist of a set of filters, passing through which the air masses are gradually cleaned. The built-in fan helps move the flow. The simplest designs consist of one filter, more complex ones - up to 5. The more filters, the more efficient the system works. It is desirable that there are filters available:

  • rough cleaning;
  • catching odors;
  • fine cleaning.

A fabric with a fine mesh can act as a filter. The dense base structure is similar to HEPA filters. Fabric protection acts as a coarse filter.

Carbon filters are used to control odors. Coal granules are placed in special cassettes. To increase the level of purification, the cassettes are impregnated with compositions with adsorbing properties.

The fine filter is the most important element of a modern air cleaner. It traps the smallest elements. HEPA filters are an efficient fine filter system. Besides:

  • some air cleaners are supplemented with electrostatic filters. The electrostatic field attracts polluted particles. Such a system works only in conjunction with fine filters;
  • household cleaners can be supplemented with photocatalytic filters, the principle of which is based on the oxidation and decomposition of toxic elements;
  • Another cleaning option is ultraviolet lamps. They additionally disinfect the air streams with the help of short-wave radiation.

Climate complexes

These are the whole systems of purification of air masses. They are supplemented with ionization and humidification modes. In industrial premises, Folter filters are used to clean the air from dust; they act as dust collectors in industrial complexes.

Important! Ionization and humidification systems should not work constantly. The modes should be switched on periodically.

Main technical characteristics of air cleaners

Before choosing an air cleaner for efficient performance, you need to decide on the main parameters.

  • performance- the maximum volume of air masses passing through the system in 1 hour. For effective cleaning, it is necessary to complete the passage of the volume during this time 2-3 times. Calculating the volume of the room is not difficult. Multiplying it by 2-3, you get the required performance value;
  • cleaning area- household models are able to clean areas up to 90 sq.m. For effective cleaning of the entire apartment, devices should be installed in each room;
  • power- Efficiency is directly proportional to power. The best quality of work will be in closed rooms. Doors and windows must be kept closed during work;
  • noise. For a comfortable stay in a room with a working device, you should choose a cleaner with the lowest noise levels. Manufacturers in the product data sheet may indicate the noise level at minimum speed. Comfortable values: in the daytime up to 40 dB, at night - up to 30 dB;

control. In products with a budget price, control is displayed on the panel. It can be buttons or switches. As an addition - indicators.

More expensive devices are complemented by electronic controls in which certain modes of operation can be programmed. The display shows the main parameters of the air cleaner.

Modern systems may have the function of remote control through a mobile application.

Types of cleaners and their principle of operation

Air cleaners from different manufacturers may differ in performance. Air purification in the apartment occurs only according to the specified parameters. Therefore, it is necessary to decide what type of pollution the air cleaner will have to deal with. In addition, you should know if additional functions of humidification and air ionization are needed. And already under these parameters to select a system.

In any purifier, filters are the main working elements. Understanding the principle of operation of the filtration system, you can choose an air cleaner that meets all requirements.

Electrostatic filters

These filters work on the principle of fine cleaning, effectively removing contaminants down to 0.01 microns in size. Air masses pass through a special cleaner chamber, where an electrostatic field is created under voltage. The operation is based on the principle of polarity. Polluted elements receive a positive charge and are attracted to plates with a negative charge.

The main advantage of such a system is that there is no need to change contaminated elements. It is enough to wash them periodically with water. High service life, effective cleaning and low cost make air cleaners with electrostatic filters quite popular.

Air ionizers for an apartment

Gas ions are formed due to the electrical charge. They stick to contaminated particles and charge them. A strong electrostatic field is created inside the air cleaner, in which, according to the principle of polarity, negatively charged elements are attracted to a positively charged electrode.

Important! When operating an air cleaner with ionic filters, ozone must not be released.

Ionic filters cannot effectively purify the air. Their principle is based only on the physical effect of flow ionization.

HEPA filters

Modern manufacturers produce filters with the designation TRUE, the degree of purification using new technologies increases to 99.97%.

Filters are replaceable or washable. An efficient system has only one drawback - high cost. The quality of cleaning significantly improves the indoor climate, which is very important for allergy sufferers and families with small children.


Their principle is based on the breakdown of harmful elements to a safe chemical compound. A big plus of such filters is that there is no negative impact on a person if the filter is dirty.

Ultraviolet radiation breaks down and kills complex harmful contaminants, microorganisms and gaseous substances up to 0.01 micron in size. This is the main difference from conventional filters, which simply trap and precipitate contaminants. Photocatalysts are 500 times more efficient than conventional carbon systems. The degree of purification from pollutants reaches 99.99% and eliminates odors up to 85%.


Household appliances with an additional ozonation function effectively eliminate odors, viruses and microbes. The low cost combined with a high degree of purification makes the device quite popular.

Their principle is based on the release of ozone under the action of high voltage. The gas penetrates into the composition of hard surfaces, which cannot be reached during normal cleaning. The structures of bacteria and viruses are damaged, causing death.

Ozone acts on gaseous states according to the principle of a chemical reaction, splitting compounds into simple, harmless compounds that do not have odors. The ozonizer is able to completely disinfect the air, which is very important during the epidemiological manifestations of colds.

Carbon filters

Charcoal filters are fine cleaning systems. They absorb odors and harmful gases. They are used in conjunction with other filters, preferably coarse. The shape of the granules is important here. A fine structure can create high resistance to airflow. It is much easier for air to pass between the larger structure.

Air washing (hydrofiltration)

This is a combined system with the function of moisturizing and cleansing. The main advantage of the device is high performance and up to 90% degree of purification. The disadvantages include noisy operation and high cost.

Cleaning occurs by passing air masses through a water barrier. Hydrofiltration is able to retain only particles larger than 1 micron, small elements will pass through the barrier and return to the room. Therefore, such a system is not suitable for people with allergies.

The purifier consists of a water tray, a drum with moistening disks, a fan with blades and special channels through which air flows and is discharged. The container is filled with water up to the mark. After turning on the fan, air flows are drawn into the drum and moistened. The increased weight does not allow them to move further, they are glued to the body, then washed off with water into the pan. Purified streams go into the room.

Humidifiers - air purifiers

The principle of operation for an apartment is based on the evaporation of moisture. They can be supplemented with filters made of moisture-absorbing material, such as multilayer paper impregnated with antibacterial compounds. Drink moisture comes from a special container. The air masses are driven by the fan through the filtration, humidified and returned to the room.

To increase efficiency, you can put it near heating appliances or in places with good air circulation.

  1. Ultrasonic devices break down moisture into a fine water mist. The saturation of the air with such humidification is maximum. To prevent the formation of lime scale, the humidifiers are supplemented with demineralizing cassettes. Suitable for these purposes and distilled water. Such techniques will help prevent the formation of limescale on surfaces;
  2. Steam humidifiers consist of two electrodes that are immersed in water and heat it. During the boiling process, the water evaporates. These are the most powerful devices. Humidification efficiency reaches 90%. When heated, bacteria colonies die, the purified steam escapes into free space. The only disadvantage of such systems is the formation of scale when using hard water. This can be prevented by using special nozzles that should be cleaned periodically. Steam humidifiers raise the room temperature.

Important! Use steam systems away from children and animals to avoid burns.

TOP 6 air purifiers for an apartment rating 2017-2018

The top best air purifiers include systems from well-known manufacturers from different countries. You can buy an air purifier for an apartment from both a domestic and a Chinese manufacturer, although they are slightly inferior to world-famous market leaders. They have a number of undoubted advantages: efficient operation and low cost, which makes them quite in demand on the market.

Top models are equipped and complemented by a variety of systems operating on different principles.

Ultraviolet air purifier from a Japanese manufacturer. The main purpose is the effective cleaning of air flows.

Area, m²41
Power, W61
Productivity, m³/hour420
There is
FiltersPre-cleaning, photocatalytic filter
IonizationThere is
Mode adjustmentThere is a fan speed control, the intensity of evaporation modes, an air mass odorization sensor
FasteningOn the wall surface
ControlRemote control
Noise level, dBUp to 47
Overall dimensions, mm400*498*198
Weight, kg-

The operation of the device is based on ultraviolet radiation, under the influence of which the decomposition of harmful microorganisms occurs. The only negative is the lack of humidity control. As recommendations for an ideal microclimate, we can advise the purchase of a humidifier.

Air purifier joint Russian-Chinese production.

Area, m²70
Power, W123
Productivity, m³/hour600
Control of purity of air massesThere is
Filters7 stages of purification, carbon and photocatalytic filters, purification up to 99.97%
IonizationThere is
Mode adjustmentAutomatic
FasteningOn the floor or a special stand at a distance of 50 cm from the floor
Control4 speeds
Noise level, dB38
Overall dimensions, mm630*500*270
Weight, kg8,5

The only drawback is the high cost

The air purifier of the Japanese manufacturer fully controls the parameters of the air environment. This is both an air purifier and a humidifier for an apartment.

Area, m²48
Power, W123
Productivity, m³/hour396
Control of purity of air massesThere is
IonizationThere is
Mode adjustmentControl of fan speed, intensity of evaporation modes, control of odors, humidity, temperature control
FasteningOn the floor
Noise level, dB49
Overall dimensions, mm416*643*295
Weight, kg11

For the humidification system, the device is supplemented with a 4L water tank to provide humidification at a consumption of 730 ml per hour.

Additional advantages of the cleaner.

  • energy-saving cleaning modes;
  • inverter control;
  • additional protection from children.

A manufacturer from Canada has added a triple degree of filtration to the air purifier, which purifies the air up to 99.97%.

Area, m²35
Power, W30
Productivity, m³/hour170
Control of purity of air massesNot
FiltersPretreatment, HEPA and carbon filters
Mode adjustment
Overall dimensions, mm216*317*216
Weight, kg2,72

Continuous operation of the cleaner is possible. An additional function is air aromatization.

The Swedish manufacturer Electrolux has introduced a high-tech air purifier for domestic use. A distinctive feature is a silver rod, with the help of which bacteria are disinfected. The principle of operation is the washing of air masses.

Area, m²50
Power, W18
Productivity, m³/hour150
Filters2 levels of purification
Mode adjustmentControl of fan speed, intensity of evaporation modes
FasteningOn the floor
Noise level, dBSilent
Overall dimensions, mm323*336*407
Weight, kg6

The tank capacity is 7 liters, water consumption is up to 0.5 liters per hour. Regular replacement of filters is necessary.

The Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2 air purifier is supplemented with a temperature, air quality and humidity control sensor.

Area, m²37
Power, W31
Productivity, m³/hour310
Control of purity of air massesThere is
FiltersPre-treatment, HEPA and formaldehyde filters
Mode adjustmentThere is a control of fan speed, intensity of evaporation modes
FasteningOn the floor
ControlElectronic, through a mobile application
Noise level, dBSilent
Overall dimensions, mm520*240
Weight, kg4,8

Where to install an air purifier in an apartment or house

It is necessary to determine the place of installation of the air cleaner even before purchasing it. In order for the work to be as efficient as possible, you should follow some rules:

  • if the manufacturer does not provide for floor placement, the system must be installed at a distance of at least 50 cm, and preferably 1.0 m from the floor level;
  • if installed on a stand, it is necessary to prevent the cleaner from tipping over. The surface should be as flat as possible;
  • the distance to the wall surface should be at least 10 cm, for the humidifier - 30 cm;
  • with an additional humidification system, it is important to know where the evaporation is directed. Air mist should not be directed at furniture or clothing;
  • distance to heating devices - at least 30 cm;
  • The air cleaner must be installed away from children and animals.

It should be remembered! A running system must not be moved. Only after shutdown can the air cleaner be reinstalled.

Recommendations for the purchase of an air purifier, optimal prices

Each cleaning system performs its own functions. Before you buy an air purifier for your home, you need to decide what contaminants you need to get rid of. In addition, you need to be prepared for the additional cost of replacement filters. And only after that you can proceed to the choice of model and manufacturer.

Purchasing goods on the manufacturer's website or from official representatives of market leaders, especially through online stores, will significantly reduce the cost of the product. In addition, well-known manufacturers provide, as a rule, increased warranties. Service may be offered as a bonus.


Manufacturers annually modernize cleaning systems. The top 10 air purifiers for the home include models of interesting designs and content. When choosing the best cleaning system, it is necessary to pay attention to all the parameters described. A properly selected model will last a long time, giving your favorite home a cozy and comfortable microclimate.

As an addition, you can watch the video.

Video: complete set of the most popular models with user comments