How to make decor for the kitchen with your own hands. DIY kitchen decorations: many interesting ideas with descriptions. Panels and other wall decor

Any hostess wants her home to be stylish and most original. And there comes a moment when she thinks about how to decorate the kitchen with her own hands. If you approach the process with a soul, having thought through everything to the smallest detail, then the project budget can be small. With a small investment, there is a chance to create the kitchen of your dreams: cozy, fashionable and attractive.

Range of design works

On the topic "How to decorate the kitchen" you can talk for a very long time. This is an endless scope for the designer's imagination, because absolutely any surface can be beautifully transformed:

  1. Walls;
  2. Ceiling;
  3. Furniture;
  4. Flooring;
  5. Window;
  6. Doors, etc.

Before transferring the idea to the “locality”, it is necessary to think through all the details: how it will look in the end, whether repairs will be required if you want to remove decorations, etc. Not always what is presented in thoughts organically fits into the general style of space.

It would not be superfluous to ask on sites with photos of various design projects by the work of professionals. It is from there that you can draw inspiration and determine the direction of thought - how and how to decorate the kitchen with your own hands.

Also check out the article.

Window decoration options

The window opening is the first thing that catches your eye when entering the kitchen (as in any other room). by the most simple option window sill decoration is an organic placement flower pots with live or artificial plants. Some will ask: how to decorate a window in the kitchen with artificial flowers, is it appropriate? Designers assure that with windows facing the north side, this option is the best decor.

It is worth noting one more thing: frequent ventilation of rooms with PVC double glazing creates an unfavorable habitat for living flowers: cold air currents lead to the death of individual leaves and the fall of inflorescences.

You can decorate the window opening with practical and well-tailored curtains. Whether to use a set of tulle and curtains or hang only a transparent organza with a lambrequin - each housewife decides for herself.

Blinds, newfangled Roman blinds - the choice of high-tech and modern style supporters. Office options in neutral tones are inappropriate for the kitchen, you need to choose more stylish and bright products. The manufacturer offers a wide range of products color solutions and invoice.

The choice of material for kitchen decor

When choosing a material for decorating the kitchen space, they proceed primarily from the issue of practicality: the surfaces will have to be washed periodically in order to comply with hygiene and sanitation requirements. Therefore, the following positions become the most common materials:

  1. Film on a sticky basis;
  2. Acrylic types of coatings;
  3. Details of textile origin;
  4. Sackcloth;
  5. Tapes.

Application of self-adhesive film

With the help of such available material the kitchen can be decorated in any style, realizing the most daring ideas. The cost of the film is not high, but the choice of colors and sizes is extremely large. It looks interesting to combine different pieces with each other.

How to decorate a kitchen set with a film? First you need to make a stencil on thick cardboard of the image or pattern that you want to transfer to the furniture. Next, using scissors or a clerical knife, the parts are cut out of the self-adhesive film according to the prepared template. After the drawing is simply transferred to the surface of the headset in a predetermined sequence.

Important: the layout of the film parts on furniture facade it is worth considering first in your head, then transfer it to paper or to a special program. And only after that proceed to the implementation of the idea.

It looks good to wrap boring furniture with a film, but designers recommend connecting your imagination and making a collage of film fragments, photographs, recipes for your favorite dishes, etc. Guests are unlikely to forget such an interior.

Kitchen apron decoration

This is not about the textile apron of the hostess, but about finishing the space between the worktop and the hinged headset module. This apron is usually laid out with ceramic tiles.

On the net you can find a lot of examples of how to decorate a kitchen. It is an apron that can become a real “chip” of decor if it is done in any interesting way:

  • imitation of a dilapidated brick wall;
  • mosaic with ancient Roman themes;
  • a triplex panel with a fake aquarium hidden behind it, etc.

It is worth noting that time-worn ceramics can be perfectly masked with the same self-adhesive film of any shade.

Satin ribbons

How to decorate the kitchen with satin ribbon? From this beautiful and bright material, you can make a pigtail or braid a tourniquet, on which you can hang hooks. These fasteners will become the basis for the location of all the most necessary: ​​mittens, tacks, bags of dry seasonings, various amulets, etc.

The manufacturing algorithm for such a suspension structure is simple:

  1. It is necessary to buy satin multi-colored ribbons in the store, each color - 1 meter;
  2. The number of colors can be anything, but ideally there should be more than 8 (all colors of the rainbow);
  3. The ribbons are tied to each other, leaving 10 cm ends on the sides;
  4. You can twist the threads with each other, you can braid a pigtail out of them;
  5. Artistic weaving looks great, but this requires skills;
  6. So that the knot fastening the ribbons does not come loose, it is stitched with a needle and thread;
  7. Fixing a homemade pigtail on the kitchen wall;
  8. The final chord is hanging hooks on a bright satin pendant on equal distance from each other.

The result is a functional and inexpensive decoration. If the idea is to your liking, such pigtails can be made different thickness and in any quantity, hanging on one potholders, an apron and towels, and on the second - bags with dry herbs.

Important: you can make such bags with your own hands, which will only emphasize the color and originality of the decor.

Sewing bags for grass

How to decorate the kitchen with small cloth bags with dried herbs and spices is described above. Now to the issue of making those same bags.

You will need to purchase or prepare the following materials:

  • satin, teak, calico or other cotton fabric;
  • tourniquet;
  • braid;
  • threads;
  • flaps for application;
  • beads, etc.

The hostess chooses the size of the bags herself, but it is desirable to make them the same. In terms of color and texture, these containers for dry raw materials should organically fit into the style of the kitchen space. Fabric bags with polka dots look out of place in the kitchen made of glass and metal.

To tie products, you will need a tourniquet, which “in combination” will also become a hanger. The bag itself can be sheathed with braid, sewn on applications (currant leaves or strawberries) or embroidered with beads, beads or unnecessary buttons.

Bags designed in the same direction as kitchen textiles look original: curtains, tablecloths, napkins and an apron of the hostess.

With a little effort, you can create such bags for relatives and friends. Many will appreciate a handmade gift to cheer up and decorate the kitchen space.

Textile "things"

Each woman will answer the question of how to decorate the kitchen with her own hands in her own way: someone focuses on the little things, someone takes up the matter on a grand scale. If the hostess knows the technique of cutting and sewing, you can decorate the kitchen room in a stylish and inexpensive way. First, a style is chosen that should be followed when creating potholders, napkins, an apron, curtains, towels. These textiles can be hung in any order, especially for small details (curtains - a place on the window).

The original solution is cutting covers for kitchen furniture. So you can hide shabby legs of chairs or a greasy sofa seat.

The choice should be made based on many factors:

  1. The side of the world where the kitchen window goes;
  2. Dimensions of the window opening;
  3. wooden or plastic double-glazed window(whether it blows in winter);
  4. Availability of ventilation;
  5. Wishes of the owners themselves;
  6. Project's budget.

"Clothes for the window" can be bought at the store or ordered by specialists. If you have the appropriate skills, you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands. kitchen design. Skillfully selected curtains can expand small room, brighten up official style or simply perform its direct function - protection from sun rays and prying eyes.

Important: the latest fashion trend in the field of decor is hand-painted curtains with spray paint.

kitchen patchwork

Kitchen utensils can be literally dress words by sewing felt covers and envelopes. You can tie a funny cap on the teapot, hang a homemade pocket on the wall for all sorts of little things (openers, garlic presses, etc.).

A great option for kitchen decor is the use of patchwork technology (as patchwork is called). There are always many pieces and shreds left in the household, which are not used. From them you can sew a tablecloth and the question is: how to decorate kitchen table will fall off by itself. It is worth noting that it is from shreds that hot coasters are often created.

To decorate plain patchwork napkins, you can use any bright elements: satin ribbons, decorative butterflies, beads, etc.

There are many options for decorating the most comfortable room in the house. The choice always remains with the owner.

No matter how interesting, high-quality, thoughtful, taking into account all the tastes, ideas and interests of the owners, repairs were made in the kitchen of an apartment (in the kitchen) or at home, after a certain time it still bothers. Yes, and natural wear and tear due to careless handling of furniture and kitchen decoration also makes a significant contribution to the desire to update the interior, especially if there are small children in the family - mischievous inventors who seek to “decorate” a room that is boring to their taste.

If you are bored with the interior in a small kitchen

A boring kitchen interior can be easily updated with a little decor.

You can use both finished products, of which there is a huge variety today, and hand-made wood crafts - if you have carpentry skills.

Accessories from old bag handles

When updating appearance kitchen furniture should not forget about glass elements, inserts in cabinet doors. Ordinary transparent glasses can be replaced with mirror ones, which will visually expand the space of a cramped room. kitchen area. Or use matte, corrugated, colored, stained glass, decorated with sandblasted ornaments, patterns, which, together with the equipment of cabinets with internal decorative and functional lighting, can give high decorative properties, become the "highlight" of your kitchen. See also information about .

Old tulle can be used for decoration kitchen cabinets shabby chic style

The same applies to the rest of the furniture elements - from the array you can decorate with various hanging decor - plastic, wooden moldings, plaster molding. On sale there are a lot of variations of this fittings, differing both in shape, size, and appearance. decorative finishes, coloring. You can apply other variations of decorating elements of furniture structures, for example, decorate the legs of tables and chairs with colored threads, various carvings, burning, and then varnish them.

How to create stained glass windows, master class in our video:

Decor and design of the apron

Kitchen apron - the area between the work surface - the worktop kitchen set- and hanging cabinets. Traditionally, this area is finished with ceramic tiles. If the latter has a discreet solid shade, it is quite possible to decorate it in various ways:

  • paint or decorate with various painting techniques (or simply according to your imagination and imagination) using special paints designed for ceramics with a matte or glossy surface;
  • apply decor from colored beads or special decorative stones that are glued to the surface of the tile using special glue;
  • use decoupage technology - applying ready-made ornaments, patterns, which are then covered with a protective varnish layer;
  • apply the carquelure technique, which allows you to give the effect of antiquity or decorate the kitchen apron with cobweb patterns.

The first three decoration methods are quite versatile, they are suitable for both a city apartment and a country house. Only patterns and drawings should be selected appropriate, for example, in a city kitchen, abstract decor or carquelure would be more appropriate, and in country house“live” patterns will look better - flowers, sunflowers, fruits and vegetables, cockerels and others.

Decoupage tiles - one of the most common decor options

Decoupage of ceramic tiles in our video:

Decorating: how to do it with textiles

Beautiful textiles in the kitchen create a special mood

This decor group includes various curtains, tablecloths, furniture covers, soft pillows, decorative coasters for dishes, which also protect the working surfaces of the table and countertops of the headset from scratches and heat from hot dishes. For example, .

It is important that textiles are in harmony with each other.

The ideal option would be to acquire several sets of textiles made in a single color scheme and stylistics. You can change them, for example, according to the seasons (in summer - more "cool", green or salad shades), in winter - "warm" tones - red, yellow. Or have a set of ordinary, everyday and festive textiles.

Curtains on furniture will give the kitchen coziness and homely mood

Having dressed up the kitchen on the eve of any memorable date or a general holiday in new “clothes”, you can significantly improve the mood of the household, bring a festive atmosphere to the interior.

The bright style of the kitchen will transform the room

Any options for the execution of textile products are suitable: embroidery, macrame, other methods of weaving and decorating fabrics. Only when choosing colors and patterns of fabrics, one should adhere to the following principles:

  • Style matching. Laconic, monochromatic or discreet two-tone ones are better suited to a minimalist style, while pompous, heavy, decorated with large, catchy and bright patterns more in line with the classical style.
  • Room size. Juicy and large patterns will look good in large kitchens, small rooms better fit material with small stripes, ornaments, floral and other patterns.
  • Practicality. If you do not want to regularly clean, wash kitchen textiles, you should give preference to non-staining fabrics that do not absorb kitchen odors.

We decorate the kitchen walls with our own hands

Kitchen wall decor is not always a dramatic change.

To decorate the walls of the kitchen, you can use:

  • various compositions from which you can arrange pots with indoor or vases with artificial flowers, photographs, various figurines, decorative beautiful dishes and other elements that attract attention;

Shelves in the kitchen great option bare wall decor

But you can use the shelves for storing utensils.

  • a collage of photographs and their reproductions can also decorate “bare” walls. At the same time, the style and design of the room should be taken into account - for a minimalist, hi-tech style, abstract ones are suitable, for a city apartment - various landscapes, for a solid rural kitchen - paintings depicting wildlife;

A collage of photos is suitable for vintage or loft styles

Ceramic mosaic is another option for wall decor

  • you can also paint the walls using various stencils, vinyl stickers or, if you have an artistic gift, come up with a composition yourself.

Painting the walls will not take much time. especially if you like to draw

Bright drawings on the walls look interesting

Other design ideas for decorating the kitchen

You can decorate the kitchen with a variety of functional and aesthetic elements. For example, you can use ikebana - compositions of artificial / dry plants, beautiful sets of dishes that should not be hidden in cabinets - on visible places kitchens are the place for them - in addition to the decorative function, such an arrangement also brings practicality, since utensils are always at hand, there is no need to look for them.

paint old facades kitchen painting on glass, dishes, cabinet, balcony, window sill, window, designer curtains, ceramic pots that will look great on country kitchen, crafts-pictures from cereals, colored sand and much more.

Like many other people, I really do not like stamping, bureaucracy, standard solutions in the interior own house. Of course, without factory furniture and other large forms you can’t do it, but only things that you yourself have put your hands to give it a mood and some kind of atmosphere.

And often it does not take much time and superpowers to create them. Look at some interesting ideas for the kitchen that you can bring to life with your own hands.

furniture decoration

You can slightly decorate, add accents or completely change any: old and new, from natural wood or modern materials. Here are just a few ways.


A fun activity for adults and kids alike

Everyone can paint, even children, so you can involve them in the process. Especially since paints for the kitchen should be used only non-toxic, on water based . The main thing is to prepare the surfaces well for painting: remove if necessary old layer, clean, prime.

The easiest way is to completely repaint the furniture in the desired color and stop there.

  • come up with a drawing or ornament, apply its contours to the surface;
  • stick masking tape along the borders of the ornament;

  • apply paint of a different color to the space between the strips of adhesive tape;
  • when it dries, carefully remove the tape;

  • instead of tape, you can use an old lace tablecloth or tulle. But in this case it is better to paint not with a brush, but with spray paint, so as not to move the fabric in the process and not smear the drawing;

  • it is desirable to fix the beauty by covering the painted parts with a colorless varnish after the final drying of the paint.

In general, there are many options for painting. For example, lay maple leaves, saucers on the surface different diameters, old discs, not to mention the use of stencils.

An interesting accent for the interior can also be a table, a cabinet door or a part of the wall painted with slate paint, on which you can draw, write down recipes, leave messages to the household.


The basis is the same - prepared, primed and painted in the background color tables, chairs, cabinet fronts, refrigerator door. Anything.

The principle of decoupage is simple - it is an application, sometimes supplemented by drawing contours, using artificial aging methods, etc. For example, to create such a masterpiece, you need to get confused: first, paint the base of the table “under a leopard”, and only then stick pictures carefully selected in style.

The following photo examples are simpler: a pattern cut out of a napkin and sheets of a music album were chosen as an application on a monophonic base.

Most often, beautiful colored three-layer napkins are used for such a finish, or rather, their upper layer, from which the pattern is cut out with scissors or simply cut off the excess.

But any other paper or fabric “carriers” of the pattern are also suitable: pages of books and magazines, pictures printed on a printer, photographs, newspapers. And, of course, decoupage cards - they are sold in art stores.

Glue all this beauty on PVA glue, after which cover with 2-3 layers of varnish.


After repair often remains ceramic tile. Its price is considerable, so it’s a pity to throw it away, but you can’t hand over a small amount to the store. Well, it can become an additional decoration of the kitchen!

If the tile is of various colors and sizes, we ruthlessly break it into small pieces, add shards old crockery, beads, and create a mosaic:

  • first, we invent and lay out the pattern “dry”, adjusting it according to the shape;

  • then we put each piece on glue;
  • and when the work is completed, we fill all the empty spaces with a grout matched by color.

I will not describe in detail the technology of working with tiles and mosaics here - if desired You can easily find this information on the website..

"Under glass"

I have one not very good trait - I get bored pretty quickly with monotony. Therefore, I am always looking for how to decorate the interior so that the decor can be changed from time to time without much cost.

I like the idea of ​​using tempered glass for dining table, which is as follows:

  • along the perimeter of the tabletop, wooden sides are fixed;
  • decor is laid out on the surface. It can be anything: a herbarium of dry leaves and flowers, a photo collage, a beautiful fabric, a completed puzzle, and even a small one. the children's designer Lego type;
  • glass is placed on top of it.

At any time, the glass can be removed and the decor changed.

Decorative stickers

An option for those who are not ready to spend a lot of time decorating the kitchen in the apartment. Fast, simple and, speaking in youth slang, cool.

But most of all all sorts of interesting stickers on the refrigerator. Among them you can find inscriptions with reminders that you decided not to eat after six, and hanging mice, and all sorts of different cats, and just beautiful pictures.

This kitchen decor is good because it is inexpensive, easy to stick on and just as easy to remove without leaving any residue.

Homemade lamps for the kitchen

Have you seen how much lamps cost in stores now? No, there are also cheap ones, but it is unlikely that among them you can pick up something that is ideally suited to the interior of the kitchen. Therefore, I again suggest using your own crazy hands for home comfort.

From cans

Everything is so simple and at the same time original that there are simply no words:

  • take the right size tin can(two, three - as needed), wash thoroughly and dry;
  • we make a hole in the center of the bottom and thread a wire wrapped in a colored cord into it;

  • paint the jar in a suitable color.

As an additional decoration of the "plafonds" you can use the same decoupage, stickers, rhinestones.

From kitchen utensils

Plafonds and lampshades can be made from a variety of kitchen utensils, fixing it on the frame of an old chandelier:

From dishes

By analogy with tin cans, you can make a lamp out of glass jars with screw-on metal lids, in which a hole is drilled for the wire and cartridge.

In every house, there are probably several assorted cups and saucers from the old service. Usually they collect dust in the closet and are not used as front dishes. some amateurs indoor plants violets and other small flowers are planted in them.

And you can do it like this:

It is only necessary to drill holes in the center of each part, and put them on, like elements of a children's pyramid, on a metal support tube.

wall decor

If walls seem boring and featureless to you, there are many ways to decorate them too. And again - without any problems and costs.

Mirror mosaic

Ordinary glass mirrors are rarely hung in the kitchen, but curly acrylic ones on a self-adhesive basis or such a mosaic will not only decorate the interior, but also visually increase the space, create interesting game Sveta.

Such a mosaic can be cut into separate pieces and formed into any shape. The main thing is fantasy.

Panels and other wall decor

It is unlikely that paintings or frames with photographs will be appropriate in this room - a more authentic decor is needed.

  • For example, wall plates. You can format them like this:

  • Polyurethane sockets for ceiling lights will also look great on the wall:

  • Coffee lovers will surely like unpretentious bean crafts. If you don't want to craft a coffee tree or a complex panel, you can stop at this concise version:

  • Quite often, strips of the wall above the kitchen set and the window gape in the void in the kitchen. Thematic pictures in the same frames with a passe-partout will enliven the interior.

  • If someone, like me, does not like fridge magnets, but wants to have a place to keep all sorts of notes, recipes, receipts and morning messages to sleeping children in sight, here are a couple more for you. interesting ideas:

  • And this is how you can use a rake, pre-sanded and painted:

Glass bottles. I went over the most different ideas their decoration and use. They are painted, painted, trimmed using the decoupage technique, pasted over with pebbles, shells, rhinestones - and used as a flower vase or an independent decoration.

But also in his in kind they look very good if you deviate a little from the standards and do not put them on the table, but hang them above it in ring holders fixed on the wall:

And just decor.

Vases, figurines, candlesticks and other little things in the kitchen annoy me - they collect dust and soot on themselves, they constantly interfere. But someone likes it. Or their presence requires the style of the interior.

By themselves, I also like them, so on special occasions I use them to decorate and create a festive atmosphere. But not purchased souvenirs, but again homemade. If you are interested in how the kitchen is transformed on such days with your own hands - design ideas in your piggy bank:

If you do not like the smell of cinnamon - you can take thin twigs, colored straws for drinks - whatever your imagination tells you.


Surely this article was read to the end only by people with a creative mindset. Much easier to pick desired decor in store or made to order.

If you are not one of them, and it gives you real pleasure to make something for the house with your own hands, share your ideas in the comments. To me, and to everyone who has read up to these lines, it will be interesting and useful.

Many designers agree that the most effective way to change the surrounding space, to give it exclusivity are the decor elements.



The same hot dishes are rearranged from time to time on surfaces that you really don’t want to damage. Textile, wooden, bamboo or plastic coasters will save furniture from characteristic traces and serve as a decoration for the kitchen.


Tablecloths, napkins, pelmets, curtains, chair pads - this textile ensemble defines the mood of the kitchen and fulfills practical purposes.

Small floral prints on a delicate background will do rustic styles, fabrics with shiny monograms and fringe - classic. But checkered textiles are universal and will find application in absolutely opposite directions.


Curtains tend to change the situation much more significantly than you think. They occupy most of the wall and definitely affect the mood and atmosphere. You have 3 options:

  • improve old curtains with accessories;
  • purchase new curtains from a different fabric;
  • get curtains of a different model.

Tiebacks, clips, fringes, ruffles or piping all give familiar curtains a whole new look.

Curtains with photo printing are another element that refreshes the environment, designed to become the main highlight of the interior. Moreover, the image is applied to any model of curtains.

Roller blinds, Roman curtains, cafe curtains, stained glass curtains - they are all compact and free up the window sill for flowers, kitchen utensils or a beloved cat. Roman and roll models are versatile and fit modern and classic trends. The other two varieties will be more appropriate in soft romantic or rustic styles.

A miniature curtain-skirt will replace the cabinet doors and play the role of a cozy decoration.


If for one reason or another you decide to refuse curtains, but have not yet decided what to do with the cornice, decorate it with a lambrequin. This old palace disguise of cornices will add charm to both the window opening and the kitchen as a whole.

The color of the lambrequin will complement the furniture upholstery, kitchen apron, and other interior elements in creating color harmony.

digital photo frame

The implementation of this kitchen decor idea involves the presence of two objects - a free outlet and the device itself. With the role of the latter, the old iPad, which works only from the outlet, is quite correct.

Thanks to the slideshow with photos, you will remember the pleasant moments of life more often. And if instead of a photo in the slideshow there are words with translation and voice acting, you will quickly master a foreign language.


Patchwork technique is becoming more and more popular and confidently expanding its positions. Today, patchwork is not only fabric sewn from scraps of different fabrics, but also a style of wall or floor ceramic tiles.

This kitchen idea gives you the opportunity to win three times because you:

  • choose the tiles yourself, creating unique combinations;
  • get a decor that does not take up extra space;
  • You can save on materials by purchasing the rest of the collection.

Patchwork textiles are a less drastic change, as they can make your kitchen colorful and avant-garde from time to time. Curtains, tablecloth, carpet, chair pads or towels - each of these details will make the interior brighter and more unusual.

The main thing in patchwork is not to overdo it, otherwise the room will be too colorful. This technique looks best against the background of monochrome interiors.

artificial fruits

If the season for fresh fruits and vegetables is still far away, create a pleasant illusion for yourself with imitations of wax, plastic or fabric with foam rubber.
But when the season is in full swing, they will be a good reminder to restock.


Even a small thing brings its own energy into the room, and connoisseurs of figurines will agree with this. Each of them carries its own set of emotions and symbols.

Joy, abundance, grace, love - all this is combined in a ceramic, iron or glass little thing.

If a lyrical attitude is alien to you, pay attention to a variety of piggy banks.


Wall masks do not have to look intimidating and repulsive, although they are in demand.

They can carry refinement, femininity and quirkiness of forms.

Do you want to change your image every day or become your favorite movie character? Surround yourself with magical masks to help you transform!

Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers today are one of the most available ways transform the room and add individuality to it. Unusual silhouettes, recognizable drawings, various inscriptions can diversify any interior solutions.

Stickers are durable, affordable and easy to maintain.

Decorative film

An even more compact "analogue" of curtains - window film, which is glued directly to the glass. Films are sunscreen, mirror, with photo printing, drawings or stained glass.

Compared to curtains, they do not take up any space at all, do not fade from the sun, maintain the microclimate of the room and protect the glass from damage.

A film with a three-dimensional image will replace a nondescript city landscape with an endless field or sea.

If desired, the film can also be pasted over glazed furniture facades.

Original lighting items

Designer chandelier, extraordinary lampshades, pendants or wall sconces will bring completely new lighting, glare and, accordingly, mood to your kitchen.

Vase or jug

A stylish designer vase, like a jug, is a beautiful and necessary item in every kitchen. How is it - a vase is not needed? Is that a reason not to give flowers? Where to put them then?

Wreath or garland

Hot peppers, garlic, spices and dried fruits - perfect material for a useful, and even edible decor.

There is only one minus - not everyone will like to spoil the composition, tearing off details to add to dishes.

LED Strip Light

A modern solution that serves both as a decor and as an opportunity to save energy.

Post led strip can be anywhere - upper tier kitchen set for lighting working surface, along the perimeter of the floor, ceiling, mirror or sofa. Thanks to the color RGB lighting, you will choose the color of the evening kitchen lighting depending on your mood.


The fact that carpets make the room more comfortable, and also able to surprise with colors and shapes is undeniable. But will he be in the kitchen by the way? Of course, if:

  • you have a cold tile floor;
  • you dropped something fragile;
  • you need to mask the floor covering that has lost its appearance;
  • you want to separate the dining area from the work area;
  • There is a sense in additional soundproofing.

Art pin frame

What is also called an express sculptor or 3-d-memory is, in fact, nails glazed into a frame, which once again confirms the direct relationship between simplicity and genius. Why is it useful? In addition to imprints of absolutely any objects, you will test your knowledge of the language of generally accepted signs by exchanging messages with other family members.

Are you not going to get creative? Start small, because you have an ever-renewing canvas in front of you.

Plus, the art pin is a great educational, and most importantly, a distracting object for the child, which will come in handy while you warm up his meal.

The music of wind

Windmill Wooden or iron tubes, bells, feathers and other jingling and rustling objects that create one composition are also called windmill. This is one of the symbols of Feng Shui, designed to protect the house and bring good luck. However, someone is inclined to believe that wind music has nothing to do with ancient Chinese teachings.

If you are an amateur oriental style or just a melodic ringing and drafts that create it, this decor will be perfect for you. And for connoisseurs of the practical side of things, wind music, hung at the front door, will be a signal of the arrival of guests.

original fittings

Even such a trifle as locker handles can decorate and radically transform the interior! Large beads or baby hairpins with flowers instead of boring, ordinary cabinet handles are a lovely decor that changes the look of the headset as a whole.

Do it yourself

If you want to decorate your kitchen with a unique décor that you definitely won't see anywhere else, make it yourself. Here are a few kitchen ideas that are quite feasible at home:

  • Self-made or painted wall plates.
  • Threaded bottles, vases, jars for tea and cereals.
  • Cross-stitch, cutwork, macrame, crochet or knitting napkins and bedding on chairs.
  • Coasters for hot pots made from vines, paper, matches, or dried cyperus stems.
  • A mosaic of fragments of plates, cups and saucers will decorate a kitchen apron, table or window.
  • Dough decor or.
  • Wooden round stand or lid for infusing tea.
  • Panel of acorns, cones and others, which can be done with your child.
  • Pockets of old bags or jeans for scoops, crayons and other utensils. If they don't fit, spread bottom seam pocket.
  • Painting or painting the facades of a kitchen set, refrigerator, window frames and door frames.
  • Beautiful branches covered with copper, silver varnish, gold, bright paint or artificial foam snow. In eco-interiors, a simple, unprocessed branch can become both a decor and a towel rack.
  • Bottles with cereals, spices, berries and condiments stacked in layers. Corn, chili peppers, small beans, colorful leaves, peas, lentils and others can participate.
  • Paper lanterns - make every day a holiday.
  • Origami - paper figurines of animals, birds, fish, insects and flowers - interesting decor and wonderful family leisure.
  • Old CDs are great material for decoration kitchen apron, window frames, paintings, mirrors, and almost any object.

Among the variety of ideas for decor, it will be easy to choose the option that will appeal to you. Everyone can find a solution with which your room can become brighter, more cheerful, extraordinary.

Often there are situations when it seems to be in the kitchen and New furniture, and fresh wall and ceiling decoration, but something is missing. Some soulfulness and warmth. And it is the extraordinary beautiful decor and crafts for the kitchen can change the whole atmosphere of the room, making it more cozy and comfortable.

Even just one picture or an unusual shelf can completely change the entire design of the kitchen, adding dimension and originality to it.

You can decorate any part of the room and appliances with decor, the main thing, of course, is to choose materials that are resistant to kitchen conditions, that is, they are not easily flammable and are not afraid of moisture, as they will be subjected to frequent cleaning.

Any decor or crafts for the kitchen can be done with your own hands, it is not necessary to buy them or use the services of professionals, the help of your family members or friends is enough.

wall decor

If the wall in the kitchen solid color, then stencils and ornaments are perfect for decorating it. It will be necessary to make a markup in advance so that the drawings are evenly spaced. The stencil is attached with adhesive tape, and then the necessary places are painted. After that, it is desirable to varnish so that the drawing retains its external qualities for as long as possible.

Self-adhesive tape works great. The outline is drawn on the reverse side. future figure and cut out. Stick the decor on the wall slowly, gently pressing down with a rubber spatula to expel all the air.

If you do not want to cut out, you can purchase ready-made stickers. Moreover, there are countless options for colors and patterns. Offered as the most simple and funny, and complex and sophisticated. Stickers can be made in the form of silhouettes, butterflies, flowers, berries, inscriptions or vignettes.

Their advantage is that it is easy to replace old ones with new ones.

For those who have the talent of an artist, you can draw a landscape or other drawing on the entire wall, for example, near dining area. You can use both acrylic paints and decorative plaster. The latter is easy to use, you only need to breed and decorate. Moreover, it is suitable for any surface: metal, plastic, concrete, wood and so on.

Many people use ceiling sockets as decor for kitchen walls. Color them in different colors spray paint and stick, putting in an interesting combination.

Important ! When choosing decor for the kitchen wall, remember that it should be combined with its overall style.

A great wall decor for any room is a wall clock. The range of designs and colors of watches is huge, so find one for certain style kitchen is not difficult.

If the wall already has a pattern, for example, wallpaper with flowers, then it is better to hang pictures, panels or photographs. in the kitchen with classic design still lifes, landscapes, herbariums and the like will look great. For a kitchen made in neoclassical style black and white paintings or photographs are best suited. Modern style rooms are decorated with posters, plaques or conceptual paintings.

But if the kitchen small size, then you should not hang it with a lot of pictures. It is better if only one of medium size or several small ones arranged in a vertical row. This arrangement will visually enlarge the room.

Rare dishes (plates, trays) or unusual colors are also ideal for wall decoration. Traveling around the world, buy dishes with a national pattern. The result is an interesting and original collection.

Wooden look unusual cutting boards. A small hole is drilled in them and hung on hooks.

It is not necessary to decorate the entire wall, it is enough to decorate either an apron, or a dining area, or part of the wall behind the stove or sink. Tiles can also be used as decor for the kitchen. Moreover, the choice of material is huge, ranging from patterns and ornaments to drawings or mosaics.

Tiles can be laid in the form of a Christmas tree or combined different sizes. In this case, you should draw a diagram in advance for error-free installation.

If the tile already exists, then it can be painted with special paints that are resistant to heat and washing.

It is not necessary to paint the entire tile, especially if most of it is in excellent condition. It is enough to paste over problem areas with vinyl stickers or other interesting things like clippings from magazines or napkins. And the flaws are hidden, and excellent wall decor.

Another unusual way of decorating is pasting. different wallpapers, on certain zones or underlining only one of them.

For example, the dining area is covered with wallpaper bright shade, and the rest of the kitchen in a more neutral color.

Photo wallpapers can also be decor. Most often they are applied to an apron or on a wall near the dining area. In addition, they visually enlarge the space.

And for those who like to write and draw a lot, you can use chalk wallpaper. You can paste over them both the whole room, and only a part, making, for example, in the form of a school board. Children will especially like this option. Or arrange in the form of pictures. Then inside it will be possible to draw or write something original. For example, a declaration of love to household members or write down an interesting recipe.

Chalk wallpaper is easy to clean and can even be re-pasted from one place to another.

You should not paste over the whole room with them if it has only one window or without them at all. The dark shade of the material will make it dull and boring.

Another way is decorating with mirrors. An unusual decorative mirror looks especially good, made in an original frame that matches the style of the kitchen. Or mirror surface installed on the apron. This method also increases the space, adding freedom and comfort to it.

window decoration

To decorate the window in the kitchen, you can use curtains and curtains. If the kitchen is small, then it is better to hang light and small curtains, but if it is large, then even curtains can be used, they will give the room a mood of chic and wealth.

Advice ! Bright and bright hues curtains or curtains will make the kitchen more spacious and add more positive mood, and dark shades- tranquility and luxury.

Sewing curtains or curtains with your own hands will take a lot of time, but it's worth it. You can decorate the fabric with original beaded patterns, butterflies, flowers, drapery, or add only fringe and lambrequins.

Decoration of furniture and appliances

If the furniture has lost its original appearance and looks completely dull, then it is quite possible to finish it with decor. For example, paint in a different color and replace the handles. How beautiful and unusual the cabinet will look, decorated with patterns or hand-made drawings.

The glass in the cabinets can be painted with stained glass paints or the doors can be completely removed, leaving the shelves open or with curtains. Especially this option is suitable for a kitchen with a small area, because closed cabinets reduce space.

Equipment can also be painted or pasted over with stickers. Special attention and thoughtfulness of details should be given to the refrigerator, as it takes up a lot of space and is an integral part of the kitchen.

Advice ! Before you start decorating, decide whether you are only dealing with furniture or appliances. Since if you decorate everything together, the kitchen will become too colorful and busy.

Don't forget the hood over the stove. It can be painted or painted with patterns. We also deal with gas stove, washing machine. Although, for the latter it is better to sew a cover.

The chandelier is outdated, do not rush to change, try to make a new lampshade.

Accessories and kitchen stuff

If it is not possible to decorate furniture or appliances with decor, then various little things and fakes will help in this case.

Moreover, there are countless things that you can do with your own hands:

  • potholders, napkins, tablecloths;
  • heating pads;
  • dolls;
  • pockets, baskets, storage systems;
  • bottlers;
  • topiary;
  • paintings;
  • cutting boards and more.

To create something new, there are many interesting techniques like decoupage, knitting, patchwork, pyrography, sawing and more.

The photo below shows DIY crafts for the kitchen.

From the fabric using the patchwork technique, you can make pillows for chairs, tablecloths, napkins. Patchwork decor is great for a Provence style kitchen.

Any little thing can serve as a material for creativity, even toothpicks or matches, cereals, napkins, grains and much more. Everything depends only on the imagination.

Jars with different spices, cereals and beautiful bottles will be a great decor for any kitchen. They are placed on open shelves. Dishes or jars with preservation are placed in the same way. Shelves can also be made by hand.

And if there are magnets, then with their help small jars of spices can be fixed to the wall, making a panel.

Banks can be made of wood and decorated in the desired style. Be sure they should stand in the most prominent places: open shelves, a table or hung from a refrigerator.

Transparent jars with bright cereals and vegetables can be filled with your own hands or purchased. In the latter case, they will retain their aesthetic appearance much longer, as manufacturers use special technologies for their conservation. In addition, all bottles with bizarre and unusual shapes are stacked.