Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the figures of the crown. Fortune telling on wax and water for the future - the meaning and interpretation of figures, letters and numbers. List of figures and their possible values

One of the first figures of geometry that attracted the attention of mankind in antiquity is a triangle. It can be found in ornaments, jewelry, historical records and paintings. In the eastern lands, it was used as a combination of the higher mind, spiritual will and human intuition.

Depending on its location on the plane and angles, each triangle had its own specific meaning. Often there are images of several figures, which are also endowed with their semantic meaning.

What does a triangle within a triangle mean?

The well-known double triangle, when the figures are located on top of each other, but in the opposite ratio, is called the Seal of Solomon. This six-pointed star conveys the idea of ​​the ancients that everything has its opposite and everything can be used back. Mogun David is a sign of the commonality of opposites: male and female, good and bad.

Both triangles are identical in structure, but the top one is white and the bottom one is black. Everything is an image of something else. Top part the hexagonal star is a symbol of the sky, the lower one is the earth. In his unity, he is a man, connecting these two different worlds.

Creation has dual forces, the elements merge into a whole, this is the sign of the Preserver - this is the interpretation of the triangle symbol in the triangle of the ancient sages. The one who owns it commands the jinn. In ancient times, the seals of Solomon were credited with the extraordinary power of a talisman against evil spirits.

Interestingly, the symbol is alive. It continues to be in demand among people of a wide variety of views and religious beliefs. It often has conflicting interpretations.

Sign in antiquity and now

Like many symbols, a triangle within a triangle different nations endowed with interesting and sometimes common meanings. Hindus believed that this was the emblem of the union of the principles of creating and generating.

A triangle with vedagana upwards, like tongues of fire stretching into the sky, a kind of ascension of the Spirit. Often symbolized Summer and Grace. Associated with the sign. The lower inverted triangle because of the horizontal is passive, not strong fire, moderation in many ways. He is ready to accept, like a deep bowl, rushing water into himself, this is Wisdom and a symbol of the feminine.

For the ancient Aztecs, a triangle in a triangle is a symbol of recurring temporality, of a certain cycle. It was also used in alchemy, signifying the completion of a great work.

The sign of two triangles was actively used by Masons under the name of Solomon's seal. The first is the Main, the second is the Follower. Alpha and Omega - these were the meanings of the triangles that make up the star. It is a hexagram and a secret seal of Freemasonry around the world.

Modern followers of the teachings of Kabbalah also took the tetragram of two figures into service. With the help of her and the added signs, she symbolizes the devil. Here the opposite God-Devil is pointed out. She summons evil spirits during rituals.

jewish symbol

One of the scholars of Jewish and Jewish symbols, Uri Ophir, quotes Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, who, in his response to Igrot Moshe, points out that the origins of the Star of David as a Jewish symbol are unknown. Nevertheless, he puts forward the version that the origin of the Star of David is associated with the temple menorah. Under each of her seven lamps was a flower: “And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold; beaten, let a lamp be made; its thigh and its stalk, its calyxes, its ovaries, and its flowers shall be from it.”. Uri Ofir believes that it was a white lily flower, which resembles Magen David in shape.


The geometric triangle shape is very popular in tattoos. Often two triangles are stuffed at once, and the meaning this figure often each owner attaches his own. Some believe that this is the number or marriages, others attach mystical significance to it.

This tattoo is universal. It is liked by both men and women. The first ones like to stuff it on their hand. Ladies prefer more closed places: back, thigh, calves.

When stuffing a pair of triangles, especially those that have intersections, for many, this is an expression of the victory of the Spirit over everything that carries the bodily. In another case, two opposite elements are symbolized in interaction: Fire (a triangle with the top up) and Water (an inverted figure).

The Jews attach a slightly different meaning to such a tattoo, namely: the fidelity of thinking, the fullness of words, the fulfillment of the deed. Christians associate with the trinity of the Divine principles.

2 My girlfriend wears a lot of rings, she is generally a fan of cheap jewelry. She especially likes jewelry that has mysterious signs and symbols. Therefore, she often has questions about their meaning. Today we will answer one of them, this is Triangle Symbol which means you can read a little below ..
However, before I continue, I would like to talk about a couple of my popular publications on the subject of symbols. For example, what does the White flag mean; what does the Owl of Minerva mean; what is the Tree of Life; what does the letter "Sh" mean on a car, etc.
So let's continue, shall we?

If a person puts on a ring with the right side up, the triangle stands straight with its apex pointing to the sky, and by this he confirms his male power. Then, as if the ring is turned upside down, the top points down, and thus he denotes his feminine principle. Few objects can match the duplicity of people's moods, so many appreciate this versatility.

Triangle- this image is most often deciphered as a symbol of the Great Goddess and Heavenly waters, and the pubic female triangle is called as its prototype

Triangle signs

  • Creativity
  • Harmony
  • share
  • Ascension
  • climax
  • Lighting
  • Integration
  • Subjectivity
  • Manifestation.
Such versatility is what captures the themes of magic, the occult, creativity, and unites in the triangle symbol.

None of the other basic forms offer this kind of ambiguity. If we start to rotate the square, then its sides will remain unchanged. It's the same with a circle - spinning it however you like, it's still a circle.

Any discussion of the meaning of the triangle should not continue until it is associated with the number three. Indeed, the meaning of the triangle is inseparable from the number three.

All mystical teachings include three forces in their corners. The number three is the union of the numbers (one plus two). Numerologically speaking, if the number "One" means strength, "Two" represents discovery, then "Three" is the birth of true wisdom.

The meaning of the triangle

Think of a few secret triads, represented by esoteric triangles.

Historical and cultural triads represented by a triangle

Symbolic the idea here is that the vertical side represents one aspect, the horizontal side the other aspect, and the hypotenuse is the product of the combined sides. The combination of one and the other creates new form, indicating the birth of a new life (the appearance of a child).

This is, complex element, lies in the fact that the triangle symbol symbolizes creation / creativity. Each side and angle creates a melody, and their combination in form creates a wonderful harmonic orchestration.

The triangle theme is abundant in Celtic culture. We see it in the form triskelion, trickers and various other ternaries Celtic motives. Read more about the meaning of Celtic symbols.

The designations "mother, maiden, old woman" are common among students of Celtic triads. This concept was first proposed in contemporary literature Robert Graves, who noted the tripartite aspect of the divine feminine in his book The White Goddess: An Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth. His observation is valid, but potentially overrated. There is much more to the sacred triangle than the author of the book suggests.

I would rather prefer the seasonal or cyclic output of Celtic life: birth (renewal), death (closing), life (transcendence). The prevalence of the triangle in the Celtic era may also indicate their classification of the worlds: "Another World", "Mortal World", "Sky World".

For Greeks the triangle is seen as a delta symbol and symbolizes a doorway. It's really interesting idea because, she is revisiting the combination of polarities to form a new opening. For example, balancing thought and emotion would open the way to higher wisdom (the hypotenuse).

Aristotle marked with triangles the symbols of the five elements in Nature.

Triangles are also represented in Aristotle's concept of the five elements (shown below). Why did he attach triangles to each of the elements? Why didn't he choose circles or squares for this purpose?

I affirm that there is a deeper activity inherent in everyone individual element. When combined, these elements are the sum of infinite potential and divine creativity. But each individually also flickers with its creative sparks and ideas.

In conclusion, thank you for allowing me to educate you on the seemingly endless implications of the meaning of the triangle. But don't stop at this page, check out some more of my articles in the "Symbols" category.
Find triangles in my life, in nature, in the books in my library. Learn more about them and incorporate them into your experience.

Our lives are like giant laboratory experiments. We can introduce triangles and other symbols into our daily practice, writing down the results of our findings, and this will eventually lead to the development and growth of your personality.

By reading this short article, you have learned what does triangle symbol mean, and now you can adequately perceive such mysterious signs.