How to make a box for drying fish. Dryer for fish with fan. In the manufacture of such a dryer, one cannot do without

Dried fish - delicious and useful product. Some are happy to eat such fish with the same boiled potatoes and drink kvass. However, choosing a truly high-quality dried fish is not so easy. Violation of drying technology, improper storage, use of stale raw materials - all this can lead to severe poisoning. In order to be sure of the quality of the product, you can try to wither the fish with your own hands.

The difference between curing and drying

Drying fish is its gradual dehydration. Before this, the carcasses are soaked in a salt solution. After the loss of moisture, the fish becomes ready for eating, it does not need to be processed thermally.

The drying process differs from drying in the length of time. Drying requires at least a day to achieve the readiness of the product. Drying takes only 6-7 hours.

In addition, drying involves fermentation - the breakdown of organic substances under the influence of enzymes. This does not happen during the drying process.

Equipment for drying fish

If you are a lover dried fish and you want to cook it often, it may make sense to purchase certain equipment for this. Here are the types of devices that exist on the market today.

  • Closet. This apparatus is designed for drying fish using circulating air currents. It is equipped with a timer to enable you to set different programs for different different types products (fish, fruits, vegetables and other products). And also the drying cabinet has a built-in ventilation system to create air flows, tubular electric heaters for drying them, a timer to turn off after the time has elapsed. The duration of drying fish in such a cabinet is approximately 13 hours.
  • Camera. In fact, the principle of operation of the drying chamber is the same as that of the cabinet. This is a device in which air circulates with the help of a built-in fan. When setting the required program, the device itself selects the temperature and direction of air flows, and turns off automatically. The water that the fish loses during the drying process leaves the unit either through open doors, or through an evaporator pipe, or is dried using heating elements.

  • Dryer. This device differs from the above in that it can be electric, or it can be self-assembled and not depend on the power supply. The most popular dryer model is hanging, equipped with a mesh to protect against insects and dust. Such a dryer can be hung anywhere where there is air circulation: on the veranda, on the balcony, on personal plot. As for its electric counterpart, such a device, of course, is more expensive, but it speeds up the process and can be used even in a city apartment. Represents small closet stainless steel chick with several removable mesh drawers for laying fish.
  • Net. In my own way appearance the dryer net is somewhat reminiscent of a muzzle for catching fish. Inside, it is divided into several sections, in which fish carcasses are placed for subsequent drying. The mesh is hung out in the open air, where the process takes place.

How to make a drying tool at home

Let's walk through the process of making a fish dryer step by step. To do this, stock up on the following materials:

  • drywall profile;
  • "corners" made of aluminum;
  • plastic mosquito net;
  • 9 metal rods 70 cm long;
  • thick wire;
  • a sheet of polycarbonate material for the cover with a thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm;
  • rivets, nuts, bolts, washers (5 mm);
  • "corner" made of plastic for fixing the mesh from the outside;
  • decorative "corner" made of metal for the lid.


  • drill, it is better to take with a battery;
  • Sander;
  • riveter;
  • pliers;
  • scissors;
  • wrench;
  • stationery knife.

We will design a device with parameters:

  • height - 120 cm;
  • length - 100 cm;
  • width - 70 cm.

The dryer will be three-level: at each level we will place 3 metal rods, on which we will hang the fish carcasses.

Our work begins with the manufacture of the dryer frame. For this we cut aluminum profile: we make 4 pieces of 120 cm, 6 of 100 cm and 6 of 70 cm. We retreat about 20 cm from the floor and mount the rectangular box by screwing the aluminum pieces perpendicular to the longest ones.

It is very important to attach the profile so that a plane is obtained - this will facilitate the installation of the grid. We strengthen the bottom of the box with aluminum “corners”, screwing them from the inside.

We attach metal rods perpendicularly to the profile - 3 pieces at each level. The distance between them must be the same. On these rods we “string” wire hooks for hanging carcasses.

Then we begin to attach the grid. Try to cut it off with a margin, turning it inward when attaching. Make sure that there are no gaps through which unwanted "guests" can penetrate: flies, bugs and other insects. The bottom of the box is also sheathed with mesh.

The cover will be made of polycarbonate material. First, from the decorative "corner" we mount a frame of such a size that it can cover our box without gaps. We cut out a rectangle with a clerical knife, insert it into this frame, screw it. Now we can easily open and close our dryer.

The device is designed, the fish is caught and soaked in a salt solution - it's time to start the drying process. Take on a few simple life hacks, which will allow you to make a tasty and healthy product:

  • put the fish out to dry in the evening and let it stand until the morning: in the dark, the air temperature is lower, and there are no flies;
  • for the first hours, periodically blow the carcasses with a fan - this will help to “blow out” the specific smell and speed up the drying process;
  • start your practice of self-drying fish with small specimens: they cook much faster than large individuals and will not deteriorate in the sun.

It's so easy and simple to create a device for drying fish with your own hands at home and then cook a tasty and healthy product for the whole family.

A master class on making a dryer for drying fish can be viewed in the video below.

It's one thing to catch a large number of fish, and quite another - to properly dispose of the catch. One of the most popular ways of processing extracted trophies is its drying and drying.

So that the processing process does not become burdensome and to protect the hung carcasses from insects, a fish dryer is used. In this review, we will talk about various types these devices, produced industrially and sold in fishing stores.

Most of the material will be devoted to how to make a fish dryer yourself at home.

Types of dryers

The simplest device for drying is a wire stretched under a canopy or an ordinary clothesline. To protect against insects, gauze is simply pounced on the fish. You can hang roach, crucian carp or bream both on wire hooks from ordinary paper clips, and by clamping them with clothespins.

This option is simple, but it is good for one-time harvesting of fish in field conditions or in a summer cottage. When the business is put on stream and good catches are regular, you need to think about a more or less decent design.

Dryers for fish can be divided into two broad categories:

  • mobile portable;
  • stationary.

Each option has its own advantages. The former can be used anywhere: from the river bank to the balcony in the apartment.

The simplest portable dryer made in China. When folded, it is very compact, you can take it with you on a fishing trip or to the country. On the spot, you can easily unfold it and hang it on any tree branch.

The latter can be called drying cabinets, they are most often used not only for fish, but also for harvesting vegetables and berries, curing meat and other food purposes.

Drying fish is easy fresh air, but you can do it with forced air supply by a fan. At the same time, the drying process is much more intensive, and the products are prepared more evenly.

In cold weather, the drying cabinet can be equipped with electric heating elements, which will also help to quickly prepare the fish for use.

A distinctive feature of the drying chambers is also the number of compartments they have. Most often, single-section options are used, but there are dryers with a large number compartments, some models have up to 5 sections.

Industrial Models

From the industrial models we liked, we distinguish two varieties. The first is structurally made in the form of a tall cabinet made of metal pipes covered with mosquito net. Similar models are produced by different companies under the brands "Mitek" and "Kedr".

The photo shows a dryer for meat and fish "Kedr", products under the brand "Mitek" of a similar design

Second interesting model is a bunk design IdeaFisher ECO-2. This collapsible design is also compact and easy to transport. In addition, depending on the conditions, it works as in suspended version, and installed on a table or on the floor.

The dryer is assembled plastic corners, and the fish is strung on special skewers.


Let's move on to the most interesting, let's talk about how a do-it-yourself fish dryer is created. It must be said right away that there are a lot of designs of dehydrators. All options improvised designs it is impossible to describe in one article, because the fantasy of our Kulibins is truly inexhaustible.

Reference! Dehydrator in literal translation from Latin is a dehydrator, that is, the same as a dryer.

Often homemade dryers make in the form wooden box covered with mosquito net. At the same time, one of the running ones is a variant with dimensions: 500x500x500 mm.

Depending on the location conditions, the dryer is made in a vertical or horizontal version.

At the first stage of production, you need to prepare required number wooden battens, sanded and coated protective composition. The coating should protect the structure from moisture and salts, but at the same time not give off harmful fumes that can be absorbed by drying products.

Then, according to the previously completed drawing, the frame of the future dryer is assembled. Self-tapping screws are used for installation metal corners.

For a small structure, the size of the rails in cross section can be 25x25 millimeters. With an increase in the volume of the drying cabinet, more powerful bars will be required

On a note! The stationary dryer can be mounted directly on the wall.

After the frame is ready, proceed to the tension of the mesh. At the same time, it is necessary to determine how access to inner space. To do this, make a door or sew a zipper.

wall stationary dryer with a hinged door. When using this design, you need to ensure that insects do not fly in while hanging the fish.

A variant of such a homemade product is the use of not stretch mesh, and designs from modern plastic windows. In this case, you do not need to make a separate door, but use a frame from a finished mosquito.

The design is also based wooden frame. At the bottom of the dryer are trays to collect liquid dripping from the fish

With fan

Some of the dryers made by our homemade dryers have fans in their design. Air convection in such dehydrators allows you to speed up the drying process.

Similar dehydrators are made from various plastic containers or in the form of closed cabinets through which air is driven.

Consider the manufacturing process the simplest dryer with a fan, for this we need:

  • plastic container of large volume, from 20 liters and above;
  • exhaust fan;
  • ventilation grille;
  • metal rods with threads and nuts suitable for them;
  • mounts for grille and fan.

We act in the following sequence:

  1. Punch a hole in the lid of the container ventilation grill and fix it.
  2. We mount the fan in a similar way in one of the side ends of the plastic box.
  3. In the upper part of the container we make holes for the rods and insert them, clamping them with nuts. Here we will hang fish, meat.

For drying mushrooms, berries or vegetables, it is possible to provide for the installation of special grates.

If you need to increase the temperature in such a dryer, you can use electric mats. Similar Models sold in pet stores for keeping reptiles.

Advice! You can increase the temperature in the dehydrator by installing conventional incandescent bulbs. At the same time, they should be positioned so that drops from the products do not fall on them.

When the dryer is ready and the fish is caught, you can start salting and actually drying it. The whole process requires a description in a separate article, but here we will give brief tips.

  1. Do not wash the fish before salting, it is enough just to buy it up a little from adhering sand, grass and other debris.
  2. Use only coarse salt for salting, in no case use "Extra" or iodized salt.
  3. Caught in a hot time, peaceful fish that eats plant foods must be gutted before salting! Otherwise, the food in the stomach can rot and ruin the finished product.
  4. When hanging fish inside the drying box, do not let them touch, otherwise even drying will not be ensured in these places.


A well-made dryer will not only become a reliable assistant in drying fish, but will also allow you to harvest other products, such as meat, fruits and berries, vegetables and mushrooms. In addition, it will encourage you to use it, which means it will help you increase your catches.

Dried and dried fish is one of the most popular snacks in our country, and it would be strange to pay money for it if you yourself like to fish, and even boast of abundant and regular catches. The simplest version of a do-it-yourself fish dryer can even be an ordinary clothesline with clothespins on which the prey will be attached. To protect against midges, the catch can be protected with a mosquito net thrown over the top, but with the “production” put on stream, this does not look serious.

Home-made drying for fish of a decent appearance and the same functionality can be done at home by placing a large number of slaves in a small space and providing good ventilation and protection from curious insects at the same time. In a rural area, such a solution is especially relevant, since not only fish, but also mushrooms, and even meat can be dried in a similar way. Two variants of this design can be distinguished. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Demountable hanging cabinet

In private houses, in most cases, they resort to making a box, covered on all sides with a mosquito net to protect against insects. Depending on the size, such a structure can be hung on a wall or even be multi-tiered and stand on the ground - then up to several dozen fish can dry in it at the same time, but the likelihood of access by ground insects increases. The dimensions of the future box are determined only by you, based on your fishing abilities.

For good air access, the box should not have walls - in fact, we are talking just about a contour frame. For its manufacture, a bar is usually chosen or wooden slats, whose thickness should never be less than 2.5 cm. Moreover, in many cases it makes sense to take a thicker material if the structure has many tiers, or its volume allows you to hang several kilograms of fish at once. In order not to be mistaken with the amount of purchased material, you can draw up a drawing in advance.

Just keep in mind that any box of a relatively large size will not interfere with the presence of additional spacers for strength and stability. When purchasing a bar, it is worth taking it with a small margin - just in case.

For beauty, wood is often sanded and then painted, but it is more reasonable to do the first procedure before assembling the structure, and the second after assembly. The polished slats are cut so as to make two identical rectangles out of them, which will become opposite walls. You can connect them together either with several separate spacers, or with two more equal rectangles. After all this, one more rectangle needs to be made according to the size of one of the walls - it will serve as a door. For the perfect correctness of all corners, most craftsmen advise using special metal corners. small size, sold somewhere in the neighborhood with the same lumber.

When the frame is ready, if not painted, then at least varnished, because wood, and even outdoors, will last much longer.

Paint and varnish must be chosen wisely: they must protect the wood from water and salt deposits, but at the same time be environmentally friendly, because toxic fumes will surely soak the fish.

In the upper part of the box, as well as between the spacers of the lower tiers, you need to stretch a twine or wire on which the fish will be hung. The density of the rows and the vertical distance between the rows should be determined based on the size of the catch you can usually show off. When choosing between twine and different types of wire, focus on the ability to withstand rain and carry the expected weight of the catch, it is also wise to provide an easy option to replace sagging or torn pieces.

When this stage is also passed, you can start fitting the mosquito net - usually it is simply cut into fragments required size and simply nailed to the rails in a taut state. In this way, all sides of the box are trimmed, except for the one left for the door, and with the planned tight hanging on the wall, the opposite side may also be left without a grid. The door itself is also upholstered with a mesh, after which it is attached with hinges to the “doorway”. final touch there will be the creation of a “heck” of two or three nails, but here it is worth approaching the task as responsibly as possible so that not the slightest gap remains.

If it suddenly turned out crooked, and there are still cracks, you can paste them on the outside with a sealant.

Many, by the way, do not want to make the door on their own, but specifically adjust the dimensions of the box to the dimensions of a standard mosquito net on the window in order to use it as a door. The very lazy ones may not assemble any frame from a bar at all, simply by connecting several such grids together.

Some craftsmen do not like the fact that when the door is open (at the stage of hanging the fish or extracting part of the prey), insects can get inside, therefore, instead of doors, they sew a zipper into the mesh. This can make the inlet much smaller and easier to control, but this approach tends to degrade the mesh on that side more quickly.

Drying chamber with fan

This design is more intended for the city - at least, it not only can, but should be inside the building, since it requires electricity to operate.

Any box can be used as a frame, only now with integral walls and the possibility of tight closing. You can put it together with your own hands, but the use of large (at least 20 liters) plastic containers from something is much more popular.

The ventilation grill is usually built into the box cover located on top, but a small one is installed in one of the narrow side walls. exhaust fan window type, so that by its efforts the air flow passes through the entire box. The presence of an electric fan allows you to completely level the absence of a draft due to the lack of free air circulation in the room, therefore even dense walls plastic box will not interfere with the rapid achievement of the result - in most cases, this design dries the fish faster than the classic one with a net and fresh outdoor air. In the upper part of the box, metal rods with a wrench thread are attached, which are fastened on the outer sides with the corresponding nuts - we will hang fish or other products on them.

On this, the simplest design of a home drying cabinet could be completed, however, some craftsmen offer options for improving the design. So, it's no secret that for normal drying, not only a constant supply of air is needed, but also a fairly high temperature, which in winter time even indoors is not always achieved. good decision to increase the temperature inside the cabinet, it can be the use of an electric mat - such an item can be bought at a pet store, since it is necessary for the comfort of most pet reptiles. You can go the other way, providing a place inside the box for installing ordinary incandescent bulbs, which also heat up significantly during operation, but they will take up more space and may require numerous holes in the frame.

When installing any equipment for raising the temperature, it must be remembered that water flowing or evaporating from the dried products should not get on the heated surface, and even more so on electrical contacts.

Both design options are quite effective, tested over the years of operation and used by hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens, as evidenced by positive reviews on various fishing forums. Another thing is that for beginners who decide for the first time to try to dry fish or mushrooms on their own, the first pancake comes out lumpy. Out of ignorance, such people often sin on an unsuccessful design, although the reason for the spoilage of products or their very specific taste lies not in the crooked hands of the master, but in the banal non-compliance with the technology for preparing the catch.

For example, it makes no sense to dry fresh fish - the finished product will turn out to be completely tasteless and few people will like it. Before being sent to the drying cabinet, the fish must be salted for at least 10-12 hours, and not any salt can be used for this - only coarse-grained is suitable, and iodized and "Extra" are considered completely unsuitable for these purposes.

Another common mistake is to thoroughly wash the fish before salting - although this may seem unhygienic, this should not be done. The fact is that the inhabitants of the depths are already an excellent breeding ground. various microorganisms, and the increased presence of water also contributes to this, at the same time slowing down the drying process.

Any self-respecting fisherman cannot imagine his life without dried fish. Is it considered a kind of trophy, because it is not only caught on its own, but also fish on its own at home? This process requires special skill.

How to dry fish properly

To prevent a fly or other insects from landing? To do this, it is necessary to make its correct preparation before this process:

  1. It is necessary to salt the fish until it becomes translucent.
  2. When soaking a salted product, it is recommended to add from 50 to 150 grams of vinegar to the water (this substance repels flies, although not always effectively).
  3. For drying, it is best to take not very big fish because it dries faster and various insects they are not so willing to sit on an already almost finished fish.
  4. If you still decide to take large prey for drying, then it is recommended to remove all the intestines from it and remove the gills.

By following this plan, you will slightly increase the chances that flies will not land on fish, but you will not be able to get rid of them 100%.

After that, the product is hung out in the open air and dried for a week, up to ten days.

How to dry fish at home?

Not every fisherman has a special place for drying fish. Accordingly, not everyone knows how to dry fish at home.

To do this qualitatively, you need to stock up on seasonings such as Bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a dense foil and an oven.

So, how to dry fish at home? After preparing all the above things, you need to follow this plan:

  1. Rinse the fish, dry it with a paper towel, pull out all the intestines, and then make cuts on it. After completing these steps, the product is sprinkled with salt and pepper and placed under oppression. Next, the fish must be thoroughly washed from salt under running water and dry.
  2. After drying all the fish, you need to preheat the oven and place foil on a baking sheet. All prey is laid out on it, be sure to make sure that the heads are turned in one direction. During the drying process, the oven door must be slightly opened by about 50-70 millimeters. The temperature should be no more than 50 degrees. After two hours, the heads of the fish are covered with foil, and the fish itself continues to dry for three or four hours.
  3. Then the product is taken out of the oven, strung on an iron wire or thread, and then hung in the fresh air, in the apartment - it can be a balcony. It dries there for at least two days.

In winter, after pulling out of the oven, the fish can be hung on a rope or wire above the stove.

What is a hanging fish dryer and what is it for?

Drying fish on a rope or wire is quite simple and traditional way, but it does not eliminate the spoilage of the product by flies. But the hanging fish dryer is able to protect it from this harmful influence.

The hanging dryer is presented in the form of walls made of gauze or mesh. Such "walls" allow air to pass through and do not slow down the process of drying the fish. As a rule, inside such dryers is placed hanging device, consisting of slats with stretch marks and chains. Hooks for hanging fish are attached to these chains; when buying such a dryer, they are included in the kit.

To install this type of dryer, you just need to stretch the stretch on neighboring trees or simply drive in stakes. If the drying of fish is done in an apartment, then you can purchase a special frame or build it yourself.

Drying fish in the summer

How to dry fish in summer? This process in warm time year almost does not differ from its drying in winter period. The only difference is that in summer the product can be taken out to the balcony or (in a private house) to the street. In winter, it is necessary to dry the fish over the stove, having previously done the above procedure using the oven.

Drying fish in summer is most often practiced, since winter fishing is not as popular as in the warm season.

Drying fish on the balcony

For residents of apartments, the process of drying river prey is a little more complicated, since open air not so much. How to dry fish on the balcony? You need to do the following:

  1. The fish must be thoroughly washed, the intestines removed. In no case should the scales be removed, as this will attract flies and contribute too much fast drying prey (this may affect its further taste).
  2. On the back of each fish, it is necessary to make a shallow but long incision, approximately from head to tail.
  3. Next, the product is salted in a bowl. It is best to choose enameled containers, and coarse salt. The latter is taken with the calculation of 20% of the mass of the weight of the entire fish. If you wish, you can add bay leaf and black pepper to the salt.
  4. The fish is transferred to another container in layers, each layer is carefully covered with salt. You also need to rub the product inside.
  5. An oppression is placed on top of the fish and all this is placed in a cool place for several days. The use of a refrigerator is recommended.
  6. After salting, the fish must be washed and dried.
  7. Further, it is hung out on the balcony (a thread or wire is used). How to dry fish so that a fly does not sit down? It is best to treat each with 3 percent vinegar.

The fish is dried in about a week.

How to dry fish with intestines?

Drying fish with intestines or not is a matter of taste. It is worth noting that if the product was dried along with the insides, then a certain bitterness can be observed in its taste, which not everyone likes.

Drying fish with intestines is the same as all the above methods, the only difference is that you do not need to remove all the contents of its belly.

On the one hand, removing the insides of a fish is a very difficult task, but if the fisherman does not want to get a dried product with a bitter aftertaste, then it is better not to shirk this business.

What is a fish drying box?

How to dry fish so that a fly does not sit down? To this end optimal solution will be the use of a box for drying fish.

It can be bought or made with my own hands. Creating a box with your own hands will cost about half as much.

The optimal size of the box frame for drying fish is 1 * 1.10 meters, the depth is 0.5 meters. Most suitable material- this is a tree (its breed does not matter).

To create such a box, do the following:

  1. Mark the beam and cut it with electric jigsaw. Then, using a screwdriver, corners and screws, assemble the frame.
  2. Stiffeners are attached on all sides.
  3. A cable is attached to the side walls (fish is dried on it).
  4. Then you need to treat the box with an insect repellent.
  5. It should be absorbed and dry, and after that the box is opened with varnish. It must be applied in two layers with an interval of 4 hours.
  6. At the bottom of the box you need to install special spacing.
  7. The base of the door must be glued with a sealant.

After completing these steps, you will get a ready-made box for drying fish, where no insects can penetrate.

How to dry fish so that a fly does not sit down, the reader already knows. Now is the time to talk about how to properly store it.

There are several tips to help keep dried fish as long as possible:

  • before putting the fish in a bag for further storage, you need to wipe it thoroughly and put sprigs from coniferous tree, in its absence, plain paper will do;
  • in the hot season, it is recommended to lay nettle on top of dried fish, this will increase its shelf life several times.

Here we told you how to dry fish at home. Fulfilling all the requirements, you will receive a high-quality and tasty product. Bon appetit!

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


For drying fish products, a special device is provided, which is used at home. Before you buy a dryer for fish, you need to familiarize yourself with all existing models, ask the price and choose the option that is best for you in terms of cost, functions and design. All types of dryers prevail in free sale, some model is sure to please the hostess.

What is a fish dryer

This is a special device for drying fish, which is sold in a specialized store. The main differences between the models are in a number of characteristics, in order to simplify the choice of each hostess. Dryers differ in capacity, appearance, functions, design, price. When choosing a drying structure for preparing delicious dishes, you need to take into account that there are a number of models of Russian and foreign manufacturers that provide a quality guarantee and expand the capabilities of the hostess in the kitchen.

Hanging fish dryer

Having studied all types of dryers, most fishermen prefer the time-tested hanging models, which are made of a steel frame and nylon fabric. The main advantages of such material are the reliability of the design during drying, the protection of fish from unwanted contact with insects, decades of experience.

The design provides for several tiers, which ensures the supply of fresh air to obtain a high-quality and safe food product. For housewives, such universal options are not suitable (they may seem unaesthetic), but true fishermen will be interested. To dry the fish after fishing, you can use the presented hanging models.

Three whales

This is a popular Russian manufacturer that is engaged in mass production and sale of everything necessary for hunting and fishing. If a dryer for fish is required, here is a reliable model for free sale:

  • name: Three Whales;
  • price: 1,400 rubles;
  • characteristics: pendant model, parameters (length, depth, height) - 120x80x40 cm, 4 fish chains, 20 hooks per set;
  • pluses: practical model for home use on optimal price;
  • cons: none.


These are imported products, which are no less relevant for beginners and professional fishermen. Below is a universal model that, in addition to drying fish, can be used to dry vegetables, fruits, mushrooms:

  • name: Sport-Fish;
  • price: 560 rubles;
  • characteristics: hanging, 50x50x60 cm, double zipper, wire frame, 3 levels;
  • pros: comfortable design for everyday outdoor use, sufficient capacity, reasonable price;
  • cons: none.


To make life easier for fishermen, a fish drying net from the Kedr manufacturer has been specially designed. The design is reliable and durable, allows you to dry fish on a long trip or in the country. Below is the most best option"on every day":

  • name: Cedar 6 chains SU-02;
  • price: 1,250 rubles;
  • characteristics: the design is folding, the main parameters are 100x80x75 cm, 6 chains at 2 levels, position adjustment;
  • pluses: quickly assembled and disassembled, does not take up much space, is inexpensive, can be bought at a sale;
  • cons: none.

Electric dryer for fish

All of the above models are manual control, i.e. the desired result depends on the human factor. In fact, such a universal design can be reproduced at home using several layers of gauze, wooden (metal) crossbars. The fish will not only be caught, but also hung up, while regularly monitoring the natural process of its drying.

To speed up the result, it is recommended to use more advanced models - electric dryers. Such modern designs are much more expensive, but as soon as possible give the hostess the opportunity to enjoy the unforgettable taste of dried fish. If you have to buy a fish dryer, below are several top manufacturers and their products.


Models of this brand are made of stainless steel, therefore they are distinguished by increased strength and long term services. Among other advantages, we should highlight the presence of a step timer and several operating modes, increased capacity with compact dimensions in case of a large catch, stylish design, quality assurance from the manufacturer. Outwardly, this metal box. Here are the models to choose from:

  • name: Rawmid Dream Modern DDM-11;
  • price: 24,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: electronic control panel, 11 removable trays, 3 modes of temperature change, backlight, built-in air filter, fan;
  • pluses: uniform drying, work with an open door;
  • cons: high cost.

The price of the above model "bites", so buyers are looking for cheaper offers. Here is the second version of the specified brand, which is considered budgetary, more suitable for use at home:

  • name: RAWMID Dream Vitamin DDV-06;
  • price: 11,500 rubles;
  • features: 0.5 kW electronically controlled convection dryer, plastic housing, 6 trays made of transparent plastic, overheating protection, timer, display, dimensions 34.5x45x31 cm;
  • pluses: comfortable and roomy design at the best price;
  • cons: none.


When choosing a fish dryer, it is worth considering another recognizable brand, stated as retail as well as online stores. In the latter case, order frame device available at a good discount fast delivery by mail. Here are the most recognizable models of this brand:

  • name: ENDEVER Skyline FD-59;
  • price: 2,200 rubles;
  • characteristics: 0.35 kW electronically controlled convection dryer, plastic housing, 5 transparent plastic trays, overheating protection, timer, dimensions 27x21.5x27 cm;
  • pluses: a budget model for everyday use, you can buy cheaply for a promotion;
  • cons: short service life of the device.

Judging by the reviews, such a model is not always reliable and durable. The second no less relevant offer of the dryer, which will pleasantly please many customers:

  • name: ENDEVER Skyline FD-58;
  • price: 1,800 rubles;
  • features: 0.35 kW electronically controlled convection dryer, plastic housing white color, overheating protection, tray height adjustment, automatic fan, dimensions 26x25x18 cm;
  • pluses: walls made of durable plastic, original design, the availability of functions, the ability to select and purchase from a photo from the catalog;
  • cons: not identified.


The dryer for drying fish outwardly is a small cabinet, which during its operation acts as a heater. To significantly save on price, while getting a durable assistant High Quality in the kitchen, it is recommended to pay Special attention on the Chudesnitsa trademark and its favorite positions. So:

  • name: Miraculous SSH-008;
  • price: 1,900 rubles;
  • characteristics: mechanically controlled convection dryer with a power of 0.5 kW, temperature control, 5 plastic trays, volume 17 l, dimensions 39x39x40 cm;
  • pros: cheap, multifunctional model, which prevails in free sale not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • cons: a long process of drying fish.

Domestic models are distinguished by their practicality, durability. The second offer from this manufacturer is presented below:

  • name: Chudesnitsa Lux SSH-010;
  • price: 1,600 rubles;
  • characteristics: mechanically controlled convection dryer with a power of 0.5 kW, maximum load 5 kg, temperature control, 5 plastic trays, volume 17 l, dimensions 40x40x39 cm;
  • pros: comfortable design, affordable price, stylish design, compact dimensions, positive customer reviews;
  • cons: none.


The fish dryer is represented by mechanical and electric models, so the price range is very extensive. Before making a final choice, it is recommended to study the main parameters and characteristics of the so-called favorites, ask the price, study real reviews buyers. So:

  • name: Gemlux GL-FD-01R;
  • price: 3,100 rubles;
  • characteristics: electronic control with LCD display, temperature range varies from +40 to +75 ° C, operating time 48 hours, overheating protection system;
  • pluses: fully corresponds to the declared price (optimal budget option);
  • cons: cost, lack of operating modes, not always positive reviews on thematic forums.

Another universal dryer from the specified manufacturer. The model is useful not only for drying fish, but also for drying mushrooms, fruits, vegetables:

  • name: Gemlux GL-FD-800D;
  • price: 12,000 rubles;
  • characteristics: black, power 800 W, 8 sections, several protection circuits, a timer and a temperature control function;
  • pluses: convenience, speed of cooking fish;
  • cons: high price.

How to choose a dryer for fish

Many housewives tend to buy a dryer cheaply, but this indicator should not become the main selection criterion. The main thing is to study the functions of the cabinet, determine the dimensions and roughly imagine the place of its future storage. Only in this case, the purchase will be successful, and inconvenient inventory will not appear in the kitchen - bulky and, in fact, useless. Here are the main selection criteria:

  1. Device features. There are mechanical, manual and electric dryers. The last option can be safely called the most progressive, since it simplifies the work of the hostess and reduces the time interval for obtaining dried fish. It is important to understand that such structures will cost an order of magnitude more expensive.
  2. Functions. The more additional features has a dryer, the more expensive it will cost. It is important to understand that the presence of buttons does not indicate the versatility of the selected model, some of them may remain unused throughout the service life. So it doesn't hurt to read the manual first.
  3. Design. In this matter, it is advisable to build on the taste preferences of the hostess. Models are found round, oval, rectangular shape, have one or more tiers. To place the structure in the kitchen, you must first study the parameters (height, width, depth, length), dimensions.
  4. Manufacturer. Most buyers trust imported products, but also Russian manufacturers not inferior in quality, functions and service life. There is an extensive list trademarks, which are engaged in the serial production of dryers. Reviews of their products are also positive.
  5. Price. This selection criterion depends on a number of indicators. If you buy products foreign manufacturer, overpriced. When choosing a dryer domestic manufacturer You can save on the purchase, but at the same time not lose in terms of quality.