Drawings of a metal staircase from a profile pipe. Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe: we disassemble the device of marching and screw structures, we carry out installation. Safety precautions when working on a ladder

AT construction stores there are dozens of options for metal stairs, made mainly of steel and aluminum: aluminum pipes make light ladders and ladders, and from steel - capital interlevel, as well as external structures. The cost of a finished two-meter ladder starts from 2 thousand rubles, interlevel - from 30,000. Meanwhile, a ladder made of a pipe with your own hands would cost at least half as much. For her self-manufacturing you need to have welding skills and a sufficient supply of time.

What stairs can be made with your own hands

In addition to side ladders, there are marching (straight and rotary), bolt and spiral stairs. Consider the features of each type:

  1. Attached ladders. The simplest among them are attached, which are two parallel supports, with crossbars installed between them. Such ladders are usually mobile and light in weight.
  2. Marching stairs. Characteristics of this type:
    • Marching stairs have more complex structure and consist of beams fixed at a certain level with steps fixed to them.
    • marching stairs, which formed a straight row, is called a single-level, two rows with a span - a two-level, etc. A flight of stairs from profile pipe most often made by the owners with their own hands.
    • Stringers (beams fixing the steps from below) or bowstrings (beams holding the ends of the steps) can serve as a support for the mid-flight stairs.

  1. Spiral stairs. Steps in helical structures on the one hand are attached to the central beam, bending around it from the bottom up, and on the other - to the balusters and railings. For the manufacture of such a staircase, a central metal beam, as well as wood or profiles for constructing the base of the steps. Such stairs are rarely made on their own due to their unpopularity (these designs are very steep and uncomfortable).
  2. Boltsevye stairs. In this case, the steps are attached to the wall on especially strong bolts - bolts. The free ends of the steps are interconnected by bolts and railings. The principal feature of such stairs is that for their installation it is necessary solid wall one side. Self-production of such a ladder is possible, but this does not require metal pipes.

Thus, the most suitable for self-manufacturing are the mid-flight and the ladder attached from the pipe. Below are instructions for making them.

How to make a ladder


The manufacture of an attached ladder structure is not difficult even for those who have never held a welding machine in their hands, since you can fix the rungs to the frame with bolts. However, welded metal ladders made of pipes are more durable and reliable, and for their manufacture a minimum of materials is needed, the list of which is presented below:

  • 2 profile pipes with a diameter of 40x40 mm and a length of 2.5 meters;
  • 10 pieces from a profile pipe 40x40 mm 30 cm long;
  • 4 square steel plates with a section of 40x40 mm;
  • 20 steel corners;
  • flat surface (table or two chairs with backs);
  • primer for metal;

Sequence of work

How to weld a ladder from a profile pipe? Installation of this type of ladder structure will not take much time. Before you start welding parts, you need to put them on flat surface. Mounting in awkward conditions can cause the finished product to be skewed and unstable. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Lay out two long metal supports necessary at a distance of 30 cm from each other (according to the width of the crossbars).
  2. Then make marks, the distance between which should be 25 cm.
  3. According to the marks, weld metal corners. They should be positioned in such a way that they serve as additional support for the crossbars. You can do without corners by welding the crossbars directly to the frame.
  4. After that, from two long and two short segments, it is necessary to weld a rectangular frame.

  1. Next, the crossbars should be inserted into the frame and welded, laying them on the corners.

  1. Square rectangles should be welded to the ends of the supports so that moisture and earth do not get inside the product.
  2. After welding, the seams should be cleaned with a grinder or sandpaper.

  1. The resulting structure is primed and covered with paint.

On this, the ladder attached from the profile pipe is ready. It remains only to dry it. When constructing a structure for home use it is more expedient to take aluminum profile because it is very light. If necessary, you can increase the length of the stairs from square pipe. This will require pipes with a large one: for example, for a 4-6 meter product, a pipe with a cross section of 50x20 mm is required.

How to make a stair frame


Making stairs to the second floor from a profile pipe is a very common way. Such structures are used inside the house (for connecting floors) and outside (for the construction of fire escapes, porches, etc.).

The manufacture of a marching staircase has always been considered the most complex element house construction. Even a straight single-march design requires careful mathematical calculation.

To calculate the parameters of the stairs, you can use special programs or perform the calculation manually.

In this case, you should know the following parameters:

  • the optimal width of the stairs is 80-120 cm;
  • the optimal angle of inclination is 45 degrees;
  • height between steps - 12-20 cm;
  • step depth 25-40 cm;
  • the number of steps is the quotient of the length of the stairs and the width of the step;
  • the length of the stringer is the root of the sum of the length and height of the stairs squared;
  • the calculated load on the stringers is equal to the sum of the steps multiplied by 1.1 and the sum of the weight of people simultaneously on the stairs multiplied by 1.4;
  • the profile section is calculated by the formula I \u003d 5.2xbxQxL / E (b-step width, Q-design load, L-length of the stringer, E-indicator of elasticity of steel, equal to 2100000).
  • railing height - 90 cm (for adults) or 60 cm (if there are children in the house).

The initial dimensions of the stairs are determined by the characteristics of the room: its area, height, as well as the location of the stairs and its design. For the construction of a direct single-march structure, you will need:

  • rectangular metal profile for stringers (length and section depend on the length and height of the stairs and the dimensions of the steps);
  • metal profile for the construction of a frame under the steps (defined as the sum of the width of the step and the height of the step, multiplied by the number of steps).

With all necessary materials and according to the staircase scheme, the frame is being built. This will require:

  • grinder or hacksaw;
  • welding machine and 3 mm diodes;
  • grinder or sandpaper(brands R100 or L2);
  • primer for metal;
  • building level and corner;
  • cement for concrete preparation;
  • anchor bolts (2-4 pieces);
  • paint for metal surfaces.

Sequence of work

The installation process of the ladder frame is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, it is required to cut pipes for stringers.
  2. Then cut the pipes to create a frame crest under the steps.
  3. After that, the stringers are placed in the right place (it is desirable to concrete or strengthen their lower ends anchor bolts; the upper ends are fixed with anchor bolts).
  4. The stringers will serve as a kind of platform, thanks to which the whole structure will be more reliable and stable. When organizing a two-flight staircase, gratings from a profile are additionally installed, which act as spans.
  5. Then the sections of metal-profile pipes are welded to the platform, forming a comb-shaped ladder frame from a profile pipe for steps.

  1. All work is carried out strictly in accordance with the drawing.
  2. Each welded must be located strictly parallel to what is located on the second stringer.
  3. During installation, the angle of inclination of each element should be controlled.
  4. Upon completion of welding, all welds are sanded, and the structure is primed and painted.

On this, the creation of the frame metal stairs completed. As a base for steps, wooden blanks can be taken, laid in metal frames or bolted to the base. A simpler version of creating a foundation for degrees is shown in the photo below.

You will also find a detailed video instruction on the manufacture of a metal staircase from pipes useful.

After the completion of the construction of a residential building on a country land plot at the disposal of the diligent owner there are many different building materials that can be used to create various devices that facilitate work in the garden and in the garden. For example, a ladder from a profile pipe: do-it-yourself assembled structure will serve you reliably for years. And its cost will be much less than the price of a similar product in the store.

Self-made stairs from a metal profile

Choice of option

The need for a strong and lightweight stepladder on suburban area hardly anyone will dispute. What can I say, it will not hurt in a city apartment with high ceilings.

Most often, when talking about stairs, wood comes to mind as the most common material for their manufacture.

But the tree has many different disadvantages:

  • requires special storage conditions;
  • easily absorbs moisture;
  • quickly dries up;
  • serves as a haven for various bugs and bacteria.

If you weld the ladder frame from a profile pipe, then the only thing to be afraid of is corrosion. Regular paint will help protect metal from it.

Having decided on the material, you should proceed to the choice optimal design. It is best to make a ladder-ladder, which can be installed anywhere, and not just near some support.

There are three types of these products:

  1. A-shaped. This is a classic design that has been known for a very long time. It consists of two classic stairs connected at the top with hinges.
  2. Universal. A feature of these stairs is their ability to transform from an A-shaped position to a straight one. Some structures can take the form of construction goats, representing a kind of broad letter"P".
  3. transformers. Such stairs are more used in apartments. When folded, they take the form of various pieces of furniture (tables, chairs, and so on), organically fitting into the interior of the room.

For self-production, an A-shaped stepladder is most suitable.
Other designs will require extensive locksmith skills and costly materials (such as hinge assemblies).
Sometimes it will be cheaper to purchase a ready-made staircase than to make it yourself.

Materials and connection methods

In some cases, it is possible to use several materials: the posts are made of aluminum, and the cross members are made of steel. The calculation of the stairs from the profile pipe shows that such a design will be very light, but have sufficient strength. The only drawback is that only bolts can be used for connection.

In other cases, it is more advisable to use a welding joint.

Mounting process

So, how to weld a ladder from a profile pipe?

The whole process is quite simple and consists of several stages:

  1. Support connection. Four shaped pipes of suitable length and section are used as the legs of the stepladder. Make sure all pieces are the same length. After that, through holes should be made at one of the ends of each part (departing 10-20 cm from the edge).
    Then the workpieces are twisted in pairs using long bolts with a short threaded thread at the end. Thus, a swivel is obtained, which allows folding and unfolding the ladder.

  1. Having laid the supports on the ground, marks should be made that will serve as a guide for the installation of transverse step bars. As a material for the latter, you can use the same profile pipe, angle or fittings. Do not forget that the steps must be welded to the supports at an angle of 90 degrees. For control, you can use a metal square.
  2. We connect to the network and set up the welding machine for operation. First, it is recommended to weld the first and last crossbar, and then mount the rest according to pre-applied marks.

If the step blanks are too long, then the part that protrudes beyond the supports can be cut off later with a grinder or gas burner.

At first, it is advisable to weld the steps rough with the help of spot welding.
And only after the installation of the entire structure and its control geometric parameters all seams can be carefully processed.

  1. The second two supports will not have transverse steps. However, it is necessary to weld several transverse elements to prevent the movement of these parts separately. You need to fix them at the top, middle and bottom. You can also use an additional, diagonal part (but this is no longer necessary).
  2. A steel cable is fixed between the sections of the ladder. Its length should be such that the legs are placed at the desired length and ensure the stability of the structure.

When building a house or cottage, it becomes necessary to equip the stairs. The most durable and durable are ladder structures made on the basis of a metal frame.

Moreover, the use of metal allows you to solve the most intricate design projects- from a profile pipe you can create unique and non-standard compositions that fit the interior.

Article content

Types of stairs

The division of stairs into types occurs according to several positions: material of manufacture, design, purpose, location (internal, external).

As a material for making staircase structuresmetal, wood and reinforced concrete mixtures are used. Most often, these materials are combined.

By design there are:

  • attachments - the most simple and common structural view. It consists of two parallel supports, to which steps are welded at an angle of 900. They can be both stationary and portable, for example, a stepladder;
  • marching - have a more complex design, which involves the installation of steps on beams installed at a certain angle. As supporting elements bowstrings or stringers may protrude. These are quite within the power to do the owners of a private house with their own hands;
  • screw - The steps are attached on one side to the support beam, and the other side is protected by a railing. Steps are made in the form of a triangle or sector. It is quite difficult to make such a design on your own;

  • bolt ladders - in this case, the steps are attached directly to the wall using special strong bolts (bolts). The other side is connected by a railing. Required condition for this type of stairs - a strong wall that can withstand the load.

Advantages and disadvantages of stairs from a profile pipe

Do-it-yourself ladder from a profile pipe has a lot of advantages in comparison with designs from other materials:

  • high strength, which is provided by a profile pipe;
  • long service life, you can even say that this is a staircase for centuries;
  • the frame manufacturing process has already been worked out to the smallest detail, so it will not take much time;
  • usage different mounts, you can realize any design ideas;
  • relatively cheap Construction Materials on the frame.

Along with the advantages, there are some "cons" of stairs from a profile pipe, which must be taken into account even before work begins.

So, metal carcass- a fairly heavy construction, so lighter materials such as plastic or glass should be used for auxiliary elements.

But this nuance allows you to give them a more aesthetic appearance. The second point: the use of a metal profile implies that all joints must be welded, therefore, the master must be able to use welding machine.

Stages of manufacturing stairs from profile pipes

The most commonly used option for manufacturing stairs is a frame made of a profile pipe, and the steps are made of wood. For the base, they take a pipe with a diameter of about 60 cm and a corner of 40x40 cm.

Using this design as an example, consider the main stages of work:

  1. At the first stage, they make a calculation and drawing future design, determine the number of steps and calculate the length of the stringer. The most optimal dimensions: the width of the stairs is within 80-120 cm, the height of the steps is not higher than 20 cm and not less than 12 cm, the depth is 30 cm.
  2. Next, they mark the pipes and cut them, make frames for the steps.
  3. It is necessary to concrete the platform, which will serve as the basis of the entire structure, and also to keep the angle of inclination. This level is considered to be zero - it will be the first step.
  4. The installation of the profile pipe is carried out, fixing it by welding to the tabs in the concrete platform on the one hand, and on the other to the anchors that are built into the wall.
  5. Corners are welded to a metal pipe, the calculation of the dimensions of which is determined on initial stage. It should be noted that all dimensions, even if a household ladder is made, must be observed exactly.
  6. When the frame is assembled, railings are welded to it (if they are metal) or fixed in another way if wood or other material is used.

How to make a ladder from a profile pipe with your own hands? (video)

Design features

In the process of manufacturing a ladder from a profile pipe, there are nuances, the knowledge of which greatly simplifies the work. So, if the railing is installed on the side of the ladder frame, then it is possible to increase the width of the span in this way.

When erecting a staircase, it should be borne in mind that during operation it may be necessary Maintenance designs. For this purpose, a gap is left between the wall and the supporting structure.

To avoid vibrations of the stairs when moving along it, the length of the racks in the spans is limited.

A completely metal staircase made of a profile pipe is not very attractive, so it is often used auxiliary materials such as glass, durable plastic or brushed wood. This not only facilitates the design, but also makes the appearance of the stairs more beautiful.


In the backyard, an attached ladder is an indispensable thing that useful for any high-altitude work. You can make it yourself. There are single-sided or double-sided ladders. Structurally, the ladder looks like this - two parallel, and steps attached to them.

The calculation of the height of the ladder is done in the process of determining the interval between the base, that is, the floor, and the last step. The optimal interval between them is 20-25 cm.

By functional features there are three types of ladders: classic, universal or transformer.

The frame of universal ladders can be folding or telescopic, in which sections are put forward gradually, as needed. The sections are fixed with latches or hooks.

The folding stepladder works in several positions, and besides, it is compact and light when assembled, which greatly simplifies transportation.

In non-separable stepladders connections are made by welding, and transformer structures are joined with bolts. This connection method allows you to quickly dismantle the damaged element and replace it.

Made by hand, it has a number of advantages, such as lightness, practicality and ease of use, and a high degree of reliability.

Any modern construction project involves the arrangement flights of stairs connecting the floors of a residential building. At the same time, the most technologically advanced materials are used for the manufacture of the span frame, which include the profile pipe.

In this article, you will learn how to make a ladder from a profile pipe, and you will also be able to get acquainted with all the advantages of the described design.

Interfloor structures made of pipes look great in modern interiors. suburban buildings, office space and other buildings. In addition, for the manufacture of stairs of this class today is widely used metallic profile section 60x40 mm, the size of which is considered the most optimal.

This choice is explained by the fact that with smaller dimensions, the strength of the structure decreases, and profiles of larger dimensions make it too bulky and heavy.

Advantages of profile structures

Choosing a pipe for arrangement flight of stairs will provide you with a number of unconditional advantages:

  • high strength and reliability of structures of this class;
  • good performance and durability;
  • the use of well-established technologies that significantly reduce time and labor costs;
  • the possibility of varying the configuration of spans using modern elements decor;
  • quite reasonable price.

The technologies used in the production of the profile allow the possibility of its coloring in any color (by powder spraying). At the same time, you can choose the color that best matches the interior of the room you are equipping.

Note that silver, gold and black colors are currently considered the most fashionable.

Also note that this design provides the possibility of preparing a direct march, allowing you to change the direction of its installation by 90 and 180 degrees.

Organization of work

When installing the base (frame) of the ladder structure, profile pipes are installed and fixed on the platform in pairs, after which steps are mounted to them from the material chosen by the developer.

The procedure for preparing the frame may look like this:

  • preliminary marking and cutting of blanks,
  • installation of frames under the steps,
  • steps manufacturing,
  • their installation and welding.

Such a procedure for organizing work involves the mandatory use of welding equipment, as well as the possession of skills in handling it.

Manufacturing procedure

As an example, we suggest that you consider the technique of making stairs with steps made of wood and a frame made of a profile pipe. The frame base of this design is a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm in combination with a corner having a size of 40x40 mm.

The process of arranging such a structure includes the following operations:

  1. First of all, the required number of steps, as well as their main dimensions (height and width), are calculated.
  2. After that, you can proceed to pouring the concrete platform, which acts as the base of the entire structure and provides the required angle of inclination. The level of this platform is the zero mark on which the first rung of the stairs will be placed.
  3. Immediately after this, you can proceed to the installation of the pipe, which, on the one hand, is welded to the tabs in the platform, and on the other, it is attached to anchors tightly fixed in the wall.
  4. After that, metal corners are welded to the pipe, all dimensions of which must be maintained with a given accuracy.
  5. Upon completion of the main work, railings (railings) are mounted on the side of the frame, which can be made of both wood and metal.

Design features

Note that by installing the railing on the side of the supporting frame, you will be able to increase the working width of the flight of stairs. It should also be noted that a passage should be left between the finished structure and the wall, sufficient so as not to interfere with the current repair work. To avoid vibrations that sometimes occur during movement, it is recommended to limit the length of the racks in spans.

In addition, for the manufacture of stairs from profile pipes, you will definitely need auxiliary materials, among which glass, wood, stone and even ceramics are most often used. The use of any of these materials not only increases the operational advantages of any design, but also provides it with a completely modern and attractive appearance.


A typical metal frame staircase looks like this:

A photo

It is almost impossible to imagine a house without stairs. Even if the building has only one floor at its disposal, the stairs are mounted on the porch or rise to the attic and attic.

There are a lot of materials for creating such structures, but today special meaning for the consumer purchased a variant made from metal pipe rectangular section. There are many reasons for this, but the main ones are ease of construction and excellent performance.

Today we will analyze how a ladder is made from a profile pipe with our own hands: video and detailed instructions will be applied.

Any serious work begins with the fact that you need to draw up a draft of the structure being erected, well, or at least make an outline in the form of a sketch. The calculation of stair structures does not belong to the category of higher mathematics, but still it should be taken carefully so as not to end up with inconsistencies during the assembly of the stairs.

Calculation of the flight stairs

So, let's first take a look at how calculations are made for mid-flight metal stairs from a profile pipe.

A stairway is a structure assembled from one or more sections with a direct rise. Depending on the number of marches, single-march and multi-march versions are distinguished. The choice depends entirely on the location of the stairs and desired height lift.

  • In multi-flight structures, marches are connected using platforms or winders.

  • Such stairs can turn 90 degrees - they are placed when there is enough space for a long march. The site is most often located closer to the floor level of the first floor, in the corner of the room

  • 180 degrees - this design allows you to fit two marches of smaller sizes. The rise of such a ladder is gentle, and convenient for movement. Continuing the design, you can make an ascent to any number of floors.

  • 270 degrees in this case the staircase has three flights, each of which turns 90 degrees relative to the neighboring ones. The design is very compact, which allows it to be installed in bottlenecks, for example, a small bay window or corridor.

Knowing the types of structures, you can proceed to the calculations.

You need to act in the following sequence:

  • We decide on the place where we want to install the stairs.
  • After evaluating the scale of the room and the height of the floors of the second floor, you can determine the number of marches. Remember that at this stage all conclusions are an estimate. We can see everything in more detail when calculating.
  • We measure the height of the rise, taking into account the thickness of the interfloor ceilings.

Advice! Do not neglect millimeters, so as not to make mistakes in the calculations in the end. Do everything as accurately as possible.

  • To make it convenient for both adults and children to move up the stairs, it is necessary to optimally choose the ratio of the length and height of the step. These parameters are also called the dimensions of the tread (the place where the foot rests when lifting) and the riser (vertical decorative strip). Optimal dimensions fit in the following ranges: length 25 - 33 centimeters, height 15 - 22 centimeters.
  • As for the ratio, it should fit into the formulas 2x + y \u003d 60 (64) or x + y \u003d 47. All values ​​\u200b\u200bare indicated in centimeters and adjusted to the step width of a person of average height (175 - 180 centimeters).
  • The number of steps is calculated very simply - it is enough to divide the height of the opening by the height of the riser. Having received this value, you can also calculate the length of the march - you need to multiply it by the length of the tread.
  • These values ​​are directly related to the angle of inclination of the stairs. As you understand, we got an imaginary triangle, transferring it to a scale on paper, you can accurately measure the angle of inclination.

Advice! It is most convenient to carry out drawings and calculations on a lined sheet from a school notebook in mathematics.

  • But for the calculation, we lack one more quantity - the length of the march itself. Any sixth grade student who is familiar with the Pythagorean theorem can calculate it. Well, we remember: a² + b² = c² (the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs). Let's say the height of our imaginary ceiling is 260 cm, and the length of the stairs is 400 cm. We perform the calculation: (260 * 260) + (400 * 400) = 227600. We extract the root and get 477 cm with a "tail" - this is the length of the march.
  • We look at whether it will be possible to fit such a staircase in the intended place, if not, then you can try changing the parameters of the tread and riser, or, if the angle of inclination suits you, then save it by breaking the rise into several marches.
  • In general, the angle of inclination for a home staircase is very important, as both small children and the elderly will pass through it. The more gentle the rise, the easier it will be to overcome it. According to regulations, the value of this parameter should be from 23 to 45 degrees.

  • But it is best when the value does not exceed 33 degrees, since steeper stairs are less comfortable. Smaller values ​​are more suitable for ramps than stairs.

Advice! When doing calculations, you are unlikely to be able to adjust the parameters to integers - there will always be a small remainder. Round the result up. All deviations from the specified parameters can be eliminated due to the lower frieze step.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

The spiral staircase is very beautiful and is chosen by designers for this very reason, besides, it takes a lot of space. less space than the marching version of the design. But it also has plenty of minuses: such a ladder is considered the most dangerous when climbing; it is difficult or even impossible to lift bulky goods on it; the price that the masters call for the assembly is prohibitively high.

But if you have nowhere to go, and you need to install just such an option, do not worry! We will tell you in detail how to make such a metal frame for a ladder from a profile pipe, as well as how to properly finish it.

Savings in person. The only thing that is required of you is the ability to work with a welding machine and the labor force that will move the overall workpieces.

The calculation of a screw structure may seem too complicated for some, but we assure you that following us, you cannot make a mistake, since you only need to use a few formulas. As a last resort, you can always use special calculators that can be easily found on the Internet.

So, remember the notation of the parameters of the stairs:

  • H- span height. As in the case of a mid-flight staircase, it takes into account the thickness of the ceiling.
  • H1- the distance between the turns of the stairs. That is, the distance from one step to another, located exactly above it. The minimum comfortable value that should be observed is 2 meters. So, even a tall person will not hit his head when lifting.
  • h- step height. Risers on spiral staircases are rarely made, but the parameter remains the same, as for mid-flight stairs. For convenient lifting, this value is reduced to 12 - 22 centimeters here.
  • h1- step depth. An ambiguous value, since the steps of spiral staircases have the shape of a trapezoid. GOSTs and SNiPs set the size of the smaller side at 10 cm, and the larger side, in principle, is not limited (depending on the width of the lift), but the recommended value is about 40 centimeters.
  • Step working depth- this is a conditional line along which a person will lift. Its parameters must be calculated so that the value fits into the normalized 25 - 33 centimeters.
  • L- the length of the stairs along a given radius.
  • R is the outer radius. This value should not be less than 80 centimeters. When placing stairs in a rounded bay window, it is advisable to increase it to the inner radius of the room in order to be able to rest the free edges of the steps on the walls.
  • r1- working radius, the same line along which a person moves when lifting.
  • r is the radius of the central support. It will be required for calculations when there is no internal column in the structure, and the staircase will rest on the stringers or adjacent walls. The execution of such stairs will be an impossible task for beginners, so we will not paint them.

As in the previous case, we start by measuring the height of the span. Let's assume that we have it equal to 3 meters. Then we determine the outer radius of the structure, focusing on the dimensions of the room in which the installation will be performed. For convenience of calculations, we take 1 meter.

Next, we define entry and exit points. Let's say that we have them on top of each other, that is, the angle of rotation during lifting will be exactly 360 degrees. This data will be enough to calculate the external lift length.

  • As we remember from the school geometry course, the circumference is calculated using the following formula: L = 2πR - where L is the length, R is the radius, and π is a constant, which is approximately equal to 3.14.
  • We consider: 2 * 3.14 * 100 (cm) \u003d 628, that is, 6m 28 centimeters.
  • Now you need to find out the number of steps, but for this you first need to determine the working length of the march. It is generally accepted that a person makes an ascent along a radius that is 2/3 of the outer radius. Based on this, the answer can be obtained in three ways.
  1. The first, 628*2/3 = 419, rounded up;
  2. The second, according to the formula Lwork = 4/3πR = 4/3 * 3.14 * 100 = 419, also with rounding;
  3. Third, first calculate the working radius and perform the calculation using the formula for finding the circumference: 2/3 * 100 * 3.14 * 2 \u003d 419 - 4m 19 centimeters.
  • Now, knowing the working length, we can choose optimal width tread. Let's say we want 30 centimeters. Divide the working length by this number: 419/30 = 14 rounded. This is the number of steps in the span
  • It remains to check the height of the tread. To do this, divide the span height by the number of steps: 300/14 = 21.42. The value is a bit steep, so let's try reducing the tread width to 25 centimeters: 419/20 = 17; 300/17 = 17.6 cm. Now the rise will be smooth and comfortable.
  • Oh yes! Almost forgot! We completely determine the geometry of the step by calculating its external length: 628/17 = 36.9. Not enough! Then again we return to the selection of parameters until we find the optimal value.

But this is not the end, it remains to determine the size of the output area, with an eye to the value of h1. As you climb, each step will take away from overall height span riser height value. Due to the fact that h1 is limited to a limit of two meters, the width of the site should not be more than 4-5 treads - do not forget about the thickness of the floor.

The process of assembling the frame of the stairs from the profiled pipe

After all the drawings are ready, you can start making stairs. Accurate compliance with all the dimensions obtained in the calculations will not allow you to make mistakes when marking the workpieces, so be careful.

Tools and materials

To perform all the work, we need the following tools:

It is also possible to fasten the elements with the help of bolted connections, but such a design will become loose over time from loads, and you will be required to conduct a constant revision of the bearing units. Welding will create a monolithic structure, which, moreover, will look more neat.

Used in conjunction with a welding machine, and are consumables.

Bulgarian (UShM) and cutting disc for metal will allow you to cut the pipe.

Abrasive and petal discs used in the processing of welded seams. The first option is for rough grinding, and the second - will bring the surface to a perfectly smooth state.

A perforator will be required for drilling holes for fasteners in concrete and brick surfaces, which can be steel anchors or pieces of reinforcement.

It is used in tandem with a perforator, for the purposes already described.

A sledgehammer or a large hammer will be needed when driving pins and anchors into the concrete surface.

To drill holes in pipes for fasteners, you will need metal drills for steps. You can install them in a rotary hammer through an adapter cartridge, or in a high-speed electric drill.

With the help of wrenches, we will tighten the anchors, although it is better to replace them with an appropriate drill attachment.

To clearly set the horizontal and vertical, you will need a small building level. It is better to purchase the option with magnetic tape, so as not to be distracted by holding the tool during installation.

An indispensable tool for such work. Easily allows you to mark workpieces for a cut of 90 or 45 degrees.

Needed for detailing. It is better to buy several pieces of markers, as their pile tips quickly deteriorate on rough metal surfaces.

Let's also list the main materials with which we will work:

Actually, the profile pipe for the stairs itself. For work, options with different sections may come in handy. Which profile pipe to use for the stairs, we will tell you in the course of explaining the procedure for mounting the frame. For a screw design, you will also need round pipe from which the support column will be made.

Having cut it into segments of 12-15 centimeters, we will make welded fasteners. To do this, a hole is drilled in the base, which is one step smaller than the diameter of the rod, and then a workpiece is hammered into it with a sledgehammer. To the protruding end of the rod, we can weld the racks and beams of the structure.

Anchors replace the above method of fastening the elements of the ladder frame. For the convenience of ligaments on the lower ends uprights support pads with drilled holes are welded through which fixation occurs.

The beams are drilled through and fastened horizontally. In fairness, it should be noted that the first method of fastening for beams is the most reliable.

From pieces of plywood or similar materials, you can assemble a stencil under the steps so that they are the same size and forms.

Bolts or self-tapping screws with washers are used to fasten the steps to the frame. Bolted connection is through, and mounting on self-tapping screws can be made invisible by driving them into a step from below.

Assembly of the marching structure

Two main types of construction are common, although they are far from the only ones. The first - with an inclined beam and welded holders under the steps, and the second - with a broken kosour from the pipe. Let's look at both options.

The first option is much easier and faster, but in the end it will be a little more expensive, and the appearance of the structure will look very simple and unassuming. It is better to use this method when the ladder frame is completely hidden after sheathing, or to build a structure on the same support with platforms, as shown in the photo above.

  • The rise in the cost of the structure is due to the fact that a profile pipe for stairs with a section of 100x100 or even 150x150 is used as a beam. In addition, it will be necessary to weld platforms made of sheet metal 3 mm thick, which will also come out more expensive than profiled pipes.
  • When assembling, the first step is to install inclined supports. If the design provides for 2 marches, then the frame of the intermediate platform is first mounted, which will become the support for the beams.
  • There are two ways to weld pads. The first is that after determining the angle of inclination, horizontally welded to the beam a metal sheet. In order for it to withstand the weight of a moving person, a vertical support from reinforcement or a piece of pipe is welded under it in front.
  • In the second method, triangles of pipes are first welded onto the beam, which are connected under a straight line or acute angle, in case you want the risers to go inside to increase the tread area.
  • A platform is already welded on top of these supporting elements, although you can do without it. The edges of the tread between the parallel corners can be connected with pipe crossbars or, at all, immediately screwed onto them wooden steps, not less than 4 cm thick.

Advice! Additionally, it should be noted that the weight of the structure of this type large enough to allow side tipping of the ladder. To avoid this, we weld support pads made of metal 5 mm thick onto the racks - this way we will more evenly distribute the weight of the entire structure.

How to weld a ladder from a profile pipe, the video in this article will show clearly.

The second design option looks more beautiful, but it will take longer to assemble it. The optimal section of the pipe for it is considered to be 40x60 mm, and more is possible, but keep in mind that the mass of the stairs will increase, which is not always justified.

There are also two ways to connect parts to make a finished kosour:

  1. With the first method the pipe is cut into separate parts corresponding in length to the treads and risers. Their edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees (for a more accurate cut, it is better to get a miter saw) and welded together, forming a ladder. In theory, everything is simple, but in reality you will have to do a lot of welding work, and constantly monitor the accuracy of the location of the parts. To simplify the task, cut out a stencil from plywood, inside which you place the workpieces.
  2. The second way is much easier- we take a solid pipe and mark it in such a way that the point of the corner cut is the top of an equilateral triangle. The second triangle will be rotated 180 degrees relative to the first one, that is, its vertex will be on the opposite side. We draw triangles from two sides, and then cut them out of the pipe so that the edge to which the vertices fit remains in place. Next, we will need to bend the pipe in this place and weld the joint.

Instead of a platform on the stringers, we also weld the crossbars.

Making a spiral staircase

Installation of a spiral staircase begins with the installation of a central support pillar. Its diameter should not be less than 10 centimeters, so that we can keep the size of the adjacent edge of the step. Savings when buying this element is inappropriate, since the axis of the spiral staircase is under severe stress.

The bottom edge of the post should rest against a solid, reliable base - best of all concrete floor. You will also need a support platform to distribute the weight of the stairs.

Advice! If you are installing a staircase at the same time as building a house, then in order not to buy an expensive sheet metal, the support can be built in the form of a crosshair from segments of the same pipe, which is then walled up in a concrete screed.

Supports for steps can be of two types, which depend on the section of the pipe used. In terms of strength and external aesthetic component, they differ little.

  1. If pipes with a section of 20x20 or 30x30 centimeters are purchased, then it is better to weld a full-fledged frame around the entire perimeter of the tread. For convenience, we again use a stencil. Calculating the angle of divergence of the faces is very simple. As you remember, in our theoretical calculations we got 17 steps. We take the angle of rotation and divide it by this value: 360/17 = 22 degrees. That's the whole calculation.
  2. The second option is much faster. For it, pipes with a section of 40x60 will be needed. No patterns are required here - we take a piece of pipe, 8 cm less than the length of the tread, apply a second segment from the end, which will correspond to the width of the step, and weld them with the letter "T". In the middle, you can also add a transverse element, as shown in the photo.


Here you actually collected spiral staircase with your own hands. It remains only to ennoble it. Due to the fact that the number of materials for this is very large, and there are even more ways to finish, we list only the main stages.

  • First, we grind the surface of the stairs, Special attention by giving welds. Ideally, they should not be palpable and be smooth and even.
  • We cover the metal with a rust converter and wash it off according to the instructions on the package.

  • Prime the metal surface.
  • We paint the entire structure.
  • We sheathe the steps and do decorative trim around if it is scheduled.

Most often, in private houses, wood is used as steps for such frames. It is enough to install only treads, and the staircase will take on an attractive appearance. “Stairs from a profile pipe” - the video that we picked up will show how this procedure is performed. Well, that's all we have! See you soon!