Wide bench in the steam room 5 letters. A wide bench in the sauna room. How to arrange benches in the steam room

Wide bench in the sauna room

First letter "p"

Second letter "o"

Third letter "l"

The last beech is the letter "k"

Answer for the clue "Wide bench in the sauna room", 5 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word shelves

Broom without leaves

A wide shelf on which they bathe in the bath

Bath bed

Wide bench in the bath

Word definitions for shelves in dictionaries

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
see gender (gender).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
m. A high platform in the bath, on which they bathe. Scaffolding in mines, mines, between which mine ladders are installed. Sloping table. m. Cart with a flat deck for transporting bulky items.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia The meaning of the word in the dictionary Great Soviet Encyclopedia
sinking, suspended shelves, a metal structure (sometimes multi-storey), designed to accommodate mechanisms and fasten suspended equipment during the sinking of mine shafts. P. are also used to protect workers in the face in case of accidental ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
shelf, m. Cart with a flat deck for transporting bulky items.

Examples of the use of the word shelf in the literature.

Through the open door Aaron saw wooden shelves lined with pots and pans.

On the day of arrival, we were met by all the officers and commander a shelf gray-haired Georgian prince Abashidze, who received a report from Prutnikov.

On the way down, she stopped at the subscription department and, going to shelves, chose two Italian textbooks and an Italian dictionary.

Recovering a little, Abraham Meyer began to carefully move along the wide main passage, trying to stay close to shelves.

The restless Avar waited for the appearance of the chief of staff a shelf Colonel Bogomilov, to whom he complained about the improper fulfillment of business obligations by personnel a shelf.

Bathhouses cut from logs are gradually becoming a thing of the past, unable to compete with light, modern, inexpensive materials, but the lining of the steam room and furniture are always made of wood. Only this material is able to create a special healing atmosphere in the bath and provide comfortable conditions. If you want to save money, then try to make a bench for a bath. Since its design is very simple, a do-it-yourself bath bench can be made without a special tool, and a thing created by yourself is always better than a purchased one.

Which type of wood to choose

Strict requirements are imposed on the material for benches in the bath:

  • high density of fibers, which does not allow wood to split and crack;
  • low thermal conductivity, providing a comfortable temperature of wooden flooring;
  • resistance to moisture, allowing a long period of use of furniture in difficult conditions.

It would seem that coniferous woods are suitable for a bath: larch, pine, cedar, but they have a significant drawback that excludes the use of furniture in a steam room. When heated, resin appears on the surface of the boards, such secretions leave burns on the skin, therefore moisture-resistant coniferous wood is used for benches in the rest room or in the washing room.

Linden has become a favorite among the materials for furniture in the steam room: it is easy to work with, resistant to water and heat, and smells good. Aspen is also good, but over time, the wood begins to rot from the inside. Oak does not cause any complaints - this material has solid advantages, only its cost is high. You can make benches from other types of wood: maple, poplar, birch.

Before you make benches in the bath, you need to find out the requirements for their design.

  1. Boards and beams used for the manufacture of furniture in the bathmust go through a thorough grinding of the entire surface with a special machine or sandpaper.
  2. The corners of the benches must be rounded to avoid injury and scratches.
  3. Furniture must be durable and reliable, designed for safe use by an adult.
  4. For antiseptic impregnation, it is forbidden to use synthetic liquids that release toxins when heated. The material is protected by special compositions based on natural oils.
  5. For better drying, the space under the bench is not sewn up.
  6. A gap of up to 10 cm must be left between the wall and the installed bench.


In steam rooms, stationary or portable benches are installed. Their dimensions depend on the area of ​​​​the room and location. Comfortable installation height is 60–70 cm; if several rows are being built, then the distance from the upper deck to the ceiling should be 1.2 m. The upper tier is intended not only for sitting, but also for lying. Its width should be up to 90 cm, length - 150-180 cm, for the lower shelf it is enough to make a flooring of 60 cm. Portable benches are inferior in size, their length is 90-150 cm, width - 50 cm. Place the furniture away from the stove and windows, against a blank wall. Most bench models are based on a frame, legs made of beams and a seat made of boards stuffed at intervals of 1–2 cm, designed to drain water.

Tools for work:

  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • hacksaw.

Here is an example of a diagram of another more complex bench that can be used for a bath:


An easy option for a beginner carpenter is a small portable bench. Having gained a little experience working with wood, you can later take on a more complex design. First of all, a shop diagram is drawn with the designation of the parameters: length, width, height. For manufacturing you will need: 2 boards 150 × 20 × 5 cm, bars 5 × 5 cm, 2 planks 10 × 2 cm, self-tapping screws. All boards and beams are thoroughly sanded before assembly.

  1. Saw the bars into 4 pieces of 50 cm for legs and 4 of 41 cm for horizontal racks.
  2. Run two frames, connecting the legs and racks in the upper part with screws at the same level, and fasten the bottom rack from the inside at a level of 5 cm from the floor.
  3. Fix two boards alternately on the frames with four self-tapping screws, leaving a gap of 1 cm in the middle. Self-tapping screws are attached to the inside of the bench so that they do not cause a burn when heated, or they go deep into the tree by 5 mm and are covered with putty.
  4. For the stability of the bench, two thin strips are fixed on the crossbars fixed at the bottom.

Initially, for the manufacture of furniture for the bath, wooden dowels were used, which were hammered into prepared holes. This process is quite complicated, so it is easier for a novice master to use self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

Having made furniture for your bath, you can be sure of the quality of its wood and impregnation. The dimensions and design of the benches are ideal for the rest of the furniture and fit into the interior of the bath rooms, because they are made according to individual measurements.


How to make a bench for a bath, you can figure it out by watching the following video:

A photo

Benches in the bath must be only wooden. From what types of wood and how to make a bench in the bath will be described in this article.

The choice of material for benches

The following requirements are imposed on the material for the manufacture of benches:

  • low thermal conductivity so that you can sit or lie on the bench without being uncomfortable from the hot surface;
  • high density so that the tree does not split and split, leaving splinters;
  • strength, allowing for a long time to successfully withstand high temperatures in conditions of high humidity.

Of the tree species common in Russia, linden, oak and aspen meet these requirements to a greater extent. The use of poplar, maple and birch is allowed.

Linden is the undisputed leader.

Linden wood is light, durable and easy to process, has a strong tonic effect.

In terms of its properties, aspen is somewhat inferior to linden, but due to its high prevalence, it is two times cheaper in cost. This circumstance explains the fact that aspen benches in the bath are most common. The main disadvantage of aspen boards is hidden internal rot. Although the boards seem to be strong from the outside, decay processes are already taking place in the inner layers, as a result of which the wood is destroyed.

Of the other listed tree species, bath benches are made relatively rarely on their own.

Not to mention the African abachi tree. This is a real champion in its unique properties. The only drawback of abasha is its very high cost. Abashi is delivered to Russia in rather small quantities, and bath benches are made from it only to order.

Making benches for a bath

The minimum dimensions of the bench are 150 cm long (180 cm is better in the steam room) and 40 cm wide. Benches are made for a steam room and a sink.

In the steam room, benches are made of two or three steps. The upper step is made of such a width that allows at least one person to lie comfortably - at least 90 cm. The lower steps are 40 or 60 cm wide, designed for sitting. The lower step should be raised above the floor by at least 20 cm. The height between the steps should be 40 - 60 cm. The upper shelf should be 120 cm from the ceiling.

First, a frame is assembled under the steps, consisting of racks and horizontal jumpers between them. Between the racks there should be a distance of no more than 50 cm. The frame elements are made of bars with a section of 5 × 7 cm.

Then the shelves are mounted and the side parts of the benches are sewn up. For shelves and sidewalls, boards are used, respectively, with a thickness of 4 and 2.5 cm. The boards are fixed with small slots of 1 cm for ventilation. A gap of 10 cm is made between the upper shelf and the wall, for which a wooden cube is installed between the wall and the shelf.

Take note:

  • All connections are made with oak dowels driven into drilled holes.
  • In the washing department, the bench must be stable and durable so that you can safely lie on it, sit and put basins of water on it.
  • All parts of the benches must be carefully sanded, the corners are rounded.
  • To protect wood, you need to use impregnations for baths, which are made on the basis of natural oil. Traditional products (lacquer or drying oil) in the bath are unacceptable.

Bath is a truly Russian way to relax, gain strength, relax, improve the body. It is difficult to call a bath an ordinary hygienic procedure; it is a whole science of washing and relaxing the body. Many people dream of having their own comfortable bath with a steam room. And very often, after the construction of a country house, it is the turn of the construction of a bath.

Particular attention in the construction and arrangement of the bath is required to be given to the steam room. If the bath itself can be built from various materials, then the furniture and decoration of the walls, floor and ceiling of the steam room should be made only from natural wood.

Wood is a natural and environmentally friendly material that does not emit toxic substances at high temperatures. That is why all the furniture in the steam room is made of this material, including benches.

Before arranging a steam room, you should know that the furniture in this room is not luxurious and pretentious, even if expensive types of wood are used for it. Simplicity, functionality, convenience and safety - these are the main criteria that must be given credit for the manufacture of benches in the steam room.

Simplicity, functionality, convenience and safety - these are the main criteria that must be given credit for the manufacture of benches in the steam room

In the steam room, sharp temperature drops are constantly observed - from about 10 to 100 degrees. The wood is also exposed to hot steam. Not every natural material can withstand such tests, therefore a tree in a steam room is recommended to be selected based on its density, humidity and thermal conductivity.

A material with a low density does not accumulate thermal potential and does not heat up even at maximum temperatures. The heat is absorbed by the fibers and the surface of the wood does not overheat. It is impossible to get burned on such furniture.

Exotic varieties of wood

Meranti. Wood color - red, density 610 kg / cm3. Due to the heavy and dense wood, meranti does not heat up and perfectly withstands temperature and humidity changes. The wood is smooth, non-fibrous, practically free of knots, easy to process.

Meranti - wood of deciduous trees from the genus Shorea

This is the perfect wood for a steam room. Its porous structure practically does not contain moisture and does not accumulate it. Despite the low density - only 390 kg / cm3, abash does not heat up even at the highest temperatures. Minus - a very high cost, as the material is delivered from Africa.

Classic types of wood

Linden. This material perfectly resists heating due to its high density - more than 500 kg / cm3. It lends itself well to processing, when the air is heated, it releases volatile substances that are beneficial to health. Minus - wood needs to be pre-treated before being used to make furniture. Untreated wood quickly deforms, accumulates moisture, as a result of which it rots.

Pine. The most affordable material. For the manufacture of benches, it is recommended to use high quality wood: without knots, resinous pockets, blue. It has a low density. With prolonged temperature and humidity fluctuations, it deforms and cracks.

Birch. Heavy material having a density greater than 600 kg/cm3. Due to this, it does not accumulate moisture. Thermal conductivity is average. Due to its good viscosity, it does not deform during temperature fluctuations, it can be easily processed. If in a steam room made of birch, then good ventilation is required to preserve the furniture.

The design of benches for a steam room should be selected based on the size of the room. There are several constructive options for arranging furniture: stepped, two-tier or three-tier, single-tier.

  1. Step design most often located in small rooms. The upper shelf is wide and long, a person can lie freely on it. The lower step is most often narrow, they sit on it and use it to climb up.
  2. Two-tier or three-tier structures of benches designed for large spaces. The benches are wide, a person can easily lie down on them. You can climb up using a special ladder or from the lower tier.
  3. Single tier shop most often made for a small steam room. Experts recommend using the mobile rather than the built-in version. This makes it easier to care for furniture, dry it or repair it.

How to arrange benches in the steam room

First of all, you need to think about the location of the shops.

  1. Built-in or mobile furniture should always be located against a blank wall where there are no hoods or windows.
  2. Benches should not stand close to the stove. There is a risk of getting burned by the steam.
  3. If the design of the shops consists of three tiers, then the middle one is made stationary, and the upper and lower ones are removable.

How to make benches in a steam room with your own hands

For the manufacture of this design, it is not required to mount a special frame to the walls. The bench is made in one piece, has no back and is easily moved from place to place.


  1. A wooden beam having a section of 6 by 7 cm.
  2. Rails for seat construction. Thickness 2 - 2.5 cm. Width - 6 cm. Quantity - 9 pieces.
  3. Mounting fittings made of wood or metal.

Step 1. The beam is sawn into fragments having a length of 40 cm. 4 parts are needed. These are the future legs of the shop.

Step 2 For transverse jumpers, 2 pieces of timber of 60 cm each are required. Racks resembling the letter P are knocked down from these parts.

Step 3 Then you need to cut the length of the seat rail. The optimal length of the bench on which you can bathe lying down is 160-170 cm. This is the length of the slats.

Step 04 Then you should assemble the bench. Reiki are stuffed into jumpers. The distance between the boards should not be less than 1 cm. This is necessary for moisture drainage and for a gap during temperature-humidity expansion and contraction of wood. It is not advisable to stuff the rail onto the jumper from the very edge, you need to back off by 20 cm. Thus, the design of the bench will be more stable and stronger.

Step 5 To give the structure stability, it is recommended to connect the legs and racks with the remnants of the rail, making a kind of bench strapping 10-15 cm from the floor. You can also fasten the legs and racks with special mounting brackets. This should be done only from the inside of the furniture, since the metal in the steam room is very hot and, in contact with the skin, can leave a burn. For the same purpose, all mounting fittings are sunk into the wood by a few mm.

Video - Mobile and built-in bench in the steam room

Making a multi-tiered built-in bench in the steam room

Like the mobile version, multi-tiered benches in the steam room should be slatted. Carpentry requires the following tools.

  1. Saw.
  2. Angle grinder with a circular saw.
  3. Wood polishing attachment for angle grinder.
  4. Hammers with metal and wooden heads.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Level.
  7. Pliers.
  8. Roulette.
  9. Mounting accessories.

For the construction of a multi-tiered bench, a bar with a section of 5 by 6 cm, planks of 10 by 5 cm and flooring boards are required.

For convenience, above the second tier of the bench, you can stuff planks on the wall, on which to attach a crate of sanded boards. This will allow sitting to lean on a kind of back during the bath procedure.

Video - Do-it-yourself benches for a bath