Installing a wood disc on a grinder. Is it possible to install a saw blade on a grinder. Grinding discs for grinders: flap discs

Quite often, the grinder is used for processing various kinds material. Some sources claim that it is strictly forbidden to work with this power tool on wood, while others say that it is possible, but only taking into account some nuances. One way or another, an angle grinder is used in carpentry. Therefore, the question of using a wood cutter for a grinder remains relevant.

The saw blade with chain saw chain elements allows you to cut boards up to 40 mm thick, and it is important to be extra careful. Violation of the rules can lead to injury:

  1. Protective covers on the tool must not be removed. At large diameter disks exceeding the dimensions of the casing, the grinder cannot be used.
  2. It is necessary to work with an angle grinder in compliance with the speed indicated on the cutting tool. If they are exceeded, the chain may slip, which will lead to the scattering of its constituent parts.
  3. Protective goggles and thick gloves are a must. It is also recommended to work in dense tarpaulin clothing.

It is forbidden to work as an angle grinder with installed disks that are intended for circulars. Because it poses a threat to human health and life.

This ban also applies to diamond cutting discs for concrete. They are not safe to work with wooden products, because they are not designed for this. The efficiency indicator from their use is quite low, considering the cost of disks. And also there is a possibility of charring the product and simply ruining it.

And most importantly, there is a possibility of such a disc jamming at the processing site, which will lead to the tool flying out of the hands and possible injury.

With such a disc for the grinder, which is shown in the figure below, you should work as carefully as possible when processing wooden materials. Its design provides for protection that prevents jamming of the side teeth, which contribute to the expansion of the cutting width. The disk has a diameter of 115 mm, and thanks to its dimensions it is possible to work with the protective cover installed.

Some home-grown "masters" practice fitting standard saw blades for circular saw for an angle grinder. All work is done with protective covers removed. Often the ending of such experiments is rather tragic. Unfortunate masters receive serious injuries that threaten life.

But despite this, the construction markets are full of offers that allow you to purchase. Inexperienced craftsmen are convinced by sellers that when correct use there are no risks associated with such tools. All this is true, exactly until the moment when nothing bad happens.

No professional shops will ever sell a person a grinder disc that may also be suitable for working with a circular. For such sales, if the buyer is injured, the seller may be held criminally liable.

The list of the main reasons why the use of a circular saw to work with an angle grinder is unacceptable:

  • discs are designed to work at low speeds, the material of such a cutter is quite fragile. In the process of work, there is a possibility of the tool breaking into small pieces or spalling of the teeth soldered on the disk, which fly off at great speed;
  • the wood has a rather viscous structure, in connection with this, the bite of the teeth occurs in an uneven way, which leads to vibrations and the mobility of the tool. This can lead to loss of control of the angle grinder and cause serious injury;
  • jamming of the discs occurs during the working process when processing wood, the tool can be pulled out of the hands. Please note that the included tool with a rotating disc is unpredictable.
  • uneven loads caused by working on a wooden surface can cause the power tool to overheat, resulting in breakage.

The best solution is to manufacture a stationary sawing machine, on which the grinder will be securely fixed. absolutely simple, you need to prepare only the main components for this equipment. But it is definitely worth it, you will not only reduce the time for processing products, but also protect yourself from bad consequences.

Video "Wood cutter for angle grinder"

An informative video from an expert about the Speedwood LEMAN saw blade for an angle grinder.

We carry out rough processing of wood with a grinder

But, despite the existing warnings, it seems possible to process a wooden blank with an angle grinder. This requires the use of special nozzles, which are manufactured in working conditions, and strict observance of safety regulations in the process of working with the tool.

Using planer discs for grinders

Roughing a log house involves the use of special discs that allow you to perform the function of a planer. This kind of wood processing using angle grinder considered one of the safest if you follow the operating instructions. The device is a good alternative to a carpenter's axe.

The nozzle is used without the installation of protective covers, since the fact that it can be destroyed during operation is completely excluded. You cannot use such a disk if it has an upward position.

During the operation of the grinder, on it in without fail it is necessary to provide for the installation of a handle that will allow you to hold the tool with two hands.

It is also necessary to have tight overalls and means personal protection who can protect open areas skin. When cleaning wood, you may encounter large chips that can easily injure the skin. One of the positive side effects from the use of such a power tool, ease in chopping chips or large sawdust, if any, is necessary for household needs.

Application of grinding discs

To remove the bark from a tree trunk, and give it a primary shape for blanks, a number of special peeling nozzles for an angle grinder are used.

Thanks to such a chain circle, it is possible to clean the trunks from bark or small knots. And also the required shape is given to the blank material for further processing using more precision instrument. Such devices can replace axes for carving bowls in logs for the construction of buildings from a wooden frame.

It is also possible to use this disc as a cutting wheel, but the resulting cut will be jagged and the material loss is too high due to the large thickness of the cut.

Using milling cutters on angle grinders for working with wood

After completing the roughing, you should proceed to the next step in the processing of wooden blanks - milling. For this purpose, some types of special nozzles are used.

The size of the abrasive on the discs can be completely different. Using this cutting tool should take into account its purpose. By means of such mills, it is easy to carry out giving of a final form to preparations. Some craftsmen use such nozzles to finish the wood and at the same time the results from such work are quite good.

Almost similar types of discs are a mechanized rasp. They are considered relatively safe tools that do not require special precautions and compliance with certain conditions. You just need to take care of the protection of the eyes and respiratory organs.

If you need to perform the usual cutting of wood materials, then it is better to use simple disk, chain and reciprocating saws, not Bulgarian. Also, the task can be effectively performed with an electric jigsaw.

It should be noted that an alternative to electric tools for sawing boards and logs is homemade equipment. Fabricate to run simple tasks quite simple, so it is not necessary to use dangerous and expensive tools for simple tasks.

Milling a tree with a grinder: which cutters can be used

It requires careful observance of security measures. Similar work with a cutter using an angle grinder belongs to the class of dangerous, but acceptable when correct execution relevant recommendations.

A cutter on a grinder for working with wood is used to make grooves, rough edge alignment, cut out bowls for log cabins, and even for sawing blanks. It is possible to use only those cutters that have a special design that excludes the process of jamming and tilting of the power tool due to the heterogeneity of the wood. When using it, it is recommended that you read the instructions without fail, in particular about the sections with maximum revolutions and the direction of movement of the cutter in relation to the position of the angle grinder.

Milling attachments for angle grinders are not inferior in their range to attachments for manual milling devices. Naturally, it is almost impossible to achieve a similar quality of material processing with a grinder, but it is quite possible to make a selection of suitable nozzles in order to give a suitable shape to the product.

Video "Is it possible to cut a tree with a grinder"

Video review on the use of a grinder for cutting boards and beams. How to cut a tree with a grinder and whether it is possible to do it - you will learn in this video.

The Bulgarian is associated with an ordinary user with a tool for metal, concrete, brick. This is not the whole area where angle grinders are used. She can work with wood. There are special discs for the grinder. For sawing, milling, grinding wooden blanks, several types are used. cutting wheels. Each is designed to perform a narrow-profile task. Universal variant does not exist.

Saw blades are classified by diameter. This parameter is taken into account when selecting a nozzle for a specific model of an angle grinder. If the disc diameter is greater than the allowable one, then working with the tool is possible only after removing the protective cover, and this gross violation safety regulations. To avoid problems, cut-off wheels are available in several unified sizes:

  • 115 mm - sanding wood in hard to reach places
  • 125 mm - milling, grinding, debark
  • 150 mm - sawing boards
  • 180 mm - sawing thick boards
  • 230 mm - processing of massive workpieces. An angle grinder with a disk of this diameter is difficult to hold in your hands

Depending on the design, the wood grinder disc is used in several operations:

  • cutting
  • Cleanup
  • Milling
  • Grinding

Let's consider each in more detail, and also determine the nozzles for each type of work.


A wood grinder disc is rarely used directly in sawing. With it, you can process boards up to 40 mm thick, while observing safety regulations. There are two types of saw blades that can be used to cut a board:

  • Hybrid. It consists of metal base round shape and a chain around it from a chainsaw. The nozzle is used when working with thin boards, with small cuts along the length.
  • Disc for circular or hand saw. This is a round saw element with teeth of different sizes located along its outer edge. The pitch and size of the tooth affect its characteristics. The larger it is, the more aggressive the sawing. The smaller, the neater the cut.

A standard circle for a circular or hand saw is cast from solid steel. It is designed for installation in a stationary machine with a hard seat. The angle grinder works at lower speeds, the disc constantly vibrates. This can lead to its destruction, as well as injury to the direct performer of the work and others. Therefore, this type of work is not always safe.


This is a rough job with wood, for which a wood grinder disc is suitable. There are two types of factory-made nozzles for this type of work.

  • The disk is a planer. Practical attachment for the primary processing of logs and ends of irregular boards. It is massive, durable, equipped with three knives. With its help, the tree is cleared of bark. For work, it is not necessary to install a protective cover, since the thick cutting wheel will not collapse.
  • Peeling. It consists of a metal base and a chain for a chainsaw, which trims its outer part. This structure allows you to perform a rough cleaning of wooden blanks from the bark, to even out cracks and chips. Peeling chain circle suitable for cutting wood.


It is carried out with an angle grinder with nozzles for wood. Milling wheels cut grooves in the workpiece different widths. The size depends on the thickness of the nozzle. A perfectly even cut, like on a machine, is over. But cutting out a simple landing socket or groove for a tongue will not be a particular problem.

There are solid and compound nozzles for milling. Compound circles make a wider cut.


This is a finishing treatment of wood, designed to remove small bumps and roughness. There are several types of nozzles:

  • Cord brush. Working surface relief structure for deep, rough processing of wood. Cordbrush "bites" into the base, smoothing out bumps and chips.
  • End disk. Shaped like a bowl. Work surface - only a narrow strip with outside saw circle. This shape allows you to process end angle cuts, as well as hard-to-reach areas.
  • Petal nozzles for grinding. The most common type for finishing. It consists of a steel base glued with abrasive material. Depth and quality of grinding depend on the grain size sandpaper. The smaller it is, the smoother the surface will be at the output.

There are two versions. The first is a disk glued with pieces of sandpaper in the shape of a trapezoid. Each next petal is overlapped. With such a working surface it is effective to process wood. She is slowly fading away. The second is a flap disk, where the abrasive material is located radially. Suitable for processing workpieces in hard-to-reach places.

  • Velcro grinding wheel. It is designed for repeated use. Only the working surface of sandpaper, which is attached to the base with Velcro, changes. Stores sell sandpaper with different size grains. This allows you to use the nozzle, both for rough and fine grinding.

Rules for working with angle grinders

  • Work is carried out only in protective glasses and gloves. During coarse cleaning wood is better to cover the whole face.
  • It is forbidden to remove the protective cover from the angle grinder.
  • Work is done by holding the tool with both hands.
  • Do not use a saw blade larger diameter than indicated in technical documentation to the instrument.
  • While working with the tool, it is recommended to lean on both feet.

Firms - manufacturers

There are budget cutting wheels Hitachi, Makita, Luga. They grind faster, vibrate more than more expensive ones. The quality of the surface treatment differs from the result of more expensive analogues. Professionals choose Kronenflex saw blades from Klingspor or Bosch. They grind more slowly, practically do not vibrate. Less likely to be destroyed by improper use.

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What is a "Bulgarian" at the present time, even a schoolboy knows - this is a corner Sander designed to work with metal blanks by using special cutting and grinding wheels. The fact that such an electric tool can be used for woodworking is not known to everyone, but only to professionals, so this article is intended to fill this gap in the information available to ordinary users. Disc for a grinder on wood - types, General characteristics and standard sizes, as well as safety measures for use and an overview of prices for popular models- this is the topic of this article of the editorial site

Depending on the type of disks used, the "grinder" in skillful hands can be used on various stages work with wooden blanks: from sawing to grinding

"Bulgarian" was not originally intended for sawing wood, especially for workpieces of considerable thickness and hardwood. This is due design features this type of tool and associated with such dangers of use:

  • when the saw blade is jammed, it is difficult to hold the angle grinder in the hands, which can lead to injury;
Important! Jamming of the saw blade when using a "grinder" for sawing wooden blanks is the most common problem in this type of work, which is due to the softness and viscosity of the wood.
  • uneven wood structure due to knots can damage the saw blade being used and injure the user.

Despite the potential danger of using an angle grinder as a sawing tool wooden products, manufacturers Supplies, which include discs for the "Bulgarian", produce similar products.

Expert point of view

Viktor Isakin

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“For processing workpieces of considerable thickness and with professional use it is most correct to use a tool originally intended for sawing wood, which are a circular saw and a circular saw.

The main and most common uses of the "grinder" when working with wood are: its peeling, grinding and polishing, for which manufacturers produce special types disks.

General characteristics of discs for "grinder" depending on the type

Discs designed for different types use, differ in their design and materials used in their manufacture. In this connection, different types similar products, the general characteristics vary, which requires their separate consideration.

Cutting models

  • circular– considered “dangerous” saw blades;
  • chain- are made using links designed for chain saws;
  • with few teeth- are the safest, compared with circular analogues;
  • tungsten carbide- the safest type of such equipment.

Note! Circular discs come in two modifications: this is a "dangerous" and "less dangerous" option. Distinctive feature models of the "less dangerous" type is the presence of anti-jamming provided by the setting of the teeth.

Chain modifications are less dangerous when used, as they their design provides for a non-fixed fit saw chain on the surface of the disk.

Expert point of view

Viktor Isakin

Tool selection specialist retail network"220 volt"

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“When the saw chain is jammed during its use, the disk attached to the angle grinder continues to rotate, the tool does not break out of the hands, allowing it to be emergency stopped.”

Discs with a small number of teeth are of two types:

  • with 3 teeth- used with small "grinders" with a diameter of up to 150 mm;
  • with 4 teeth- are used on "grinders" of a large size with a diameter of 230 mm.

A distinctive feature of models made of tungsten carbide is the absence of teeth on the cutting surface of the product. Segments located along the circumference of the disc act as a cutting element.

Important! Tungsten carbide models are able to cut various hardware(nails, self-tapping screws, etc.), which can be in the workpiece without damaging the cutting elements and their integrity.

Grinding discs

For peeling wooden products, manufacturers produce several types of nozzles that differ in design and types of materials used in their manufacture.

By design, such nozzles can be made in the form of:

  • a disk with spikes or crumbs applied to its surface;
  • a glass with cutting elements made of twisted wire inserted along its circumference;
  • disk with wire coils mounted on its surface.

Expert point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

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“Scraping attachments are used to remove paint and other coatings applied to a wood surface, as well as to roughen a smoothed wood surface.”

Models for grinding and polishing

To perform grinding and polishing, there are special nozzles used both for wood and for other materials (metal, plastic, glass, etc.).

Nozzles used for such purposes are of two types:

  • the basis of the design is a metal base, fixed on the angle grinder shaft, and circles made of sandpaper of different grain sizes or polishing materials (felt, cloth, etc.), which, in turn, are attached to the base with Velcro;
  • petal emery wheel.

Standard disc sizes for "Bulgarian"

In the production of discs for coal grinding machines ok companies, manufacturers operating in our country, produce their products in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • GOST 21963-2002 (ISO 603-15-99, ISO 603-16-99) “Cut-off wheels. Specifications".
  • GOST R 53410-2009 (ISO 603-12:1999-ISO 603-14:1999, ISO 15635:2001, ISO 13942:2000) “Sweeping wheels for manual grinders. Specifications".

In accordance with these documents, the standard sizes of discs used on angle grinders are: 115, 125, 150, 180 and 230 mm.

Note! Landing size for all standard sizes is 22.2 mm.

Manufacturers of disks for "grinder" on wood

In the domestic market of manual electric tool disks for angle grinders of Russian and foreign companies. Among them, the most popular are:

  • "GRAFF" (Belarus);
  • GREATFLEX (China);
  • "Bosch" and "Klingspor" (Germany);
  • Ziflex, PRACTICE, LUGA and ZUBR (Russia);
  • Makita and Hitachi (Japan);
  • FIT (Canada).

In addition to the brands listed above, different regions In our country, other manufacturing companies are also popular, which is due to the location of the region and the presence of dealers of these companies in a particular territory.

Safety measures when working with a grinder on wood

When performing work on wood processing using an angle grinder, the safety measures are the same as in cases of using metal and other materials. However, in connection with physical properties trees, which have already been written about above (softness and viscosity), it is necessary to take them into account, and in this regard:

Price overview for popular models

The cost of products depends on the place of their sale, specifications and manufacturer's brand. In this section of the article, several models are presented, on the basis of which one can get an idea of ​​​​the order of numbers that determine the cost of one or another type of such products.

Graff Speedcutter

The blade is designed for sawing wood and, and board materials( , ). The model is equipped with three teeth.

Feedback on the model "GRAFF Speedcutter":

Read more on Otzovik:

GRAFF Speedcutter

GREATFLEX 71-125120

GREATFLEX 71-125120 consists of 72 petals located at an angle of 10˚ to the working plane of the disk, which allows you to increase the efficiency of the product.

Feedback on the GREATFLEX 71-125120 model:

Read more on Otzovik:

GREATFLEX 71-125120

Bosch 2608623013

An angle grinder, which is commonly called a grinder, is not intended for processing wooden products. Even with proper selection of working circles, such operations are unsafe for health. Manufacturers producing discs for wood grinder 125 refer to this aspect in operational conditions, but not all people pay attention to this warning.

Working discs for angle grinders

In modern industry for the grinder, several types of discs are provided:

  1. Abrasive wheels, which are divided into grinding and cutting wheels, are quite fragile if they are not used for their intended purpose. The range of operations for which they are designed is performed perfectly.
  2. Discs with diamond-coated that are used to process building materials and hard rock stone. Subdivided into solid and segmented. Segmented discs are more suitable for grinders for metal.
  3. Working circles for circulars, which experts do not recommend using in the processing of wooden products. It is better to choose saw blades adapted for the grinder, which are also popularly called a milling cutter.
  4. Chain discs for grinders. Although outwardly they resemble shots from horror films, they cope with wood operations. the best way. They consist of a circle, along the edges of which a chain is applied like on a chainsaw. High-quality steel allows you to perform various operations with lumber, or rather, milling, modeling, stripping and cutting holes in logs.

When choosing wood discs for a grinder, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the diameter of the circles should not exceed the diameter for which the grinder is designed;
  • select the main details should be only those that are allowed for manipulation with the tree;
  • sometimes you have to remove the protective cover, which is unsafe.

Therefore, you should try to select only those working circles that are provided for these tools, taking into account the diameter of the grinder and the material. Experimenting with power tools at high speeds may result in injury.

The nuances of using each type of circle

Diamond wheels can be called universal because they are suitable for almost any material. For processing building stones and other hard rocks, this disc is ideal. But segmented diamond-coated wheels are not used for metal processing, and they will not cope with wood either. Lumber usually hides many surprises in the form of knots and structural heterogeneity.

Metal abrasive discs 125 may be used to cut through wood. But at the same time:

  • the thickness of the material should not exceed 4 cm (and it will have to be cut on both sides);
  • it is necessary to take a break regularly to check the circle;
  • change it at the slightest sign that the part has led;
  • change a worn disk in a timely manner.

And you should also be prepared for smoke and the smell of burnt wood. It can take more circles to process lumber than a steel plate.

The use of circular discs for an angle grinder 125 is dangerous to health and life. Although there are advisers on how to adapt a circle for a circular grinder, it is better to refuse such recommendations. If only because the speed of rotation on the angle grinder is higher, because of which there is a danger of breaking the circle and increased vibration of the power tool. Circular circles are very fragile, and during their use on the grinder, there is a possibility of injury from flying fragments.

In such cases, it is better to use a milling cutter for a circular saw. It is distinguished by the shape of the tooth and the presence of special expanders, which eliminates its jamming, minimizes the appearance of a kickback and the occurrence of vibration.

For lumber processing, it is best to use chain discs on wood. The tool steel used for their manufacture is able to withstand loads and not shatter into fragments.

The service life of such a circle with a chain is several times longer than that of a cutter, in addition, it can always be sharpened. But the price of chain discs for a wood grinder 125 or 230 exceeds 2 thousand rubles.

Safety first!

Convenience at the use of angle grinders in transactions with wooden material overshadows safety.

However, you can minimize the risk by observing some conditions:

  1. When working with a grinder, use safety glasses and overalls.
  2. The protective cover must not be removed.
  3. Do not use a defective wheel in work, as well as discs on which there are even the most minor defects.
  4. When working with a grinder, you should hold the tool with both hands.
  5. It is impossible to lay the grinder until the rotating part stops completely.
  6. The cord from the tool should be at a distance from the working circle.
  7. Refrain from planned actions with a grinder if you feel unwell and in a state of intoxication.
  8. Use wheels that are strictly suitable for the diameter of the tool and designed to work with the selected material.

These rules will help to avoid unnecessary injury when using the grinder in woodworking.

When choosing working discs for a grinder when buying, you should remember that it is better to spend a significant amount once, but to purchase a circle with a chain for a long time. It will help to perform many operations when working with lumber, as well as raw logs.

If the wheel is needed for a one-time use, you can opt for a milling cutter. Such a disc can also be used in working with aerated concrete and other materials. The cost of the cutter is lower than the chain cutter, but also exceeds the price of the abrasive device.

The most extreme case is the purchase of a cutting abrasive disc. But you should be prepared for strict observance of safety precautions: there is no need to swallow smoke and “enjoy” the aroma of burnt wood. In any case, such savings can cause irreparable harm to health, as well as lead to additional costs.

Bulgarian or angle grinder allows processing various materials, including wood. If it becomes necessary to cut metal, they resort to using an abrasive disc on a grinder. If you need to cut a brick or ceramic tiles then come to the rescue diamond discs due to high strength and durability. What to do if you need to saw or grind wood? To do this, you will need to purchase a special disc for a wood grinder.

Initially, you need to decide on the tool with which you plan to cut wood. It is known that discs are produced for standard sizes of angle grinders. The smallest diameter is 115 mm, but such a tool is used in extreme cases. The main advantage of such a grinder is its compactness, but it is extremely inconvenient to work with such a tool for a long time. The best option for woodworking - this is a grinder with a 125 mm disc. It is this size of the circle for wood that is the safest, and therefore it has become widespread.

To work with angle grinders on wood, a special disk is required. It is strictly contraindicated to cut wood with abrasive or diamond circles. This will not help to cope with the task, but rather lead to the destruction or overheating of the tool. When choosing a circle for a wood grinder, it is important to pay attention to the inner diameter of the shaft, which, according to the standard, is 22.2 mm.

It's important to know! Older models of angle grinders may have a different shaft diameter, so this point is important to consider when buying the appropriate circle.

The optimal circle for woodworking has following options: 125x22.5 mm. Bulgarians for discs from 150 mm and above are not recommended for wood, as the risk of serious injury increases. It is better to use tools for cutting or grinding wood under 125 or 115 circle diameters.

Varieties of grinding wheels for wood

When choosing nozzles for a grinder for woodworking, you should know that there are not only cutting discs, but also grinding discs. For sanding wood using angle grinder applied petal attachment. The working surface of such a consumable consists of several layers of sandpaper, which has varying degrees roughness. The lower the roughness, the softer the sanding can be. Flap wheels allow you to carry out not only grinding, but also polishing work, which depends on the degree of granularity.

In addition to petal, there are also such types of nozzles that are very popular - these are sticky discs. They are known for their versatility, as they allow quick replacement using a special Velcro. The cost of such consumables is much lower than that of the first option, but at the same time they have a shorter service life.

Grinding and polishing discs for the grinder must be of high quality, which affects not only the quality doable work but also on the safety of the master. The quality of wood processing is influenced by such a factor as the degree of its dryness. Processing raw wood is prohibited, as the result of such manipulations can be unpredictable.

If it is required to carry out peeling works, which are often carried out as initial processing, then special peeling nozzles are used. They are mainly used for those purposes to remove a layer of paint from a painted surface. Such nozzles are metal plates, inside of which there is a metal bristle made of wire.

It's important to know! It is not difficult to carry out grinding or polishing wood with a grinder, but it is important to observe safety precautions.

Varieties of cutting wheels for wood

If you need cutting discs for a grinder for wood, then you should initially pay attention to such parameters as the diameter of the circle, the depth of cut and the characteristics of the teeth. Depending on the wood material, a wood saw blade with the following teeth must be used:

  1. Universal or beveled wood saw blades for grinders are best used if it is planned to carry out work rarely in extreme cases, and any type of wood can be used as processed materials.
  2. Wood discs with straight teeth are recommended if technological process provides work with coniferous and soft breeds of wood.
  3. The trapezoidal shape of the tooth is suitable for cutting medium-density chipboard. Most often, such a tooth is universal and suitable for sawing hardwoods.

Features in working with saw blades are due to the following factors:

  • The thickness of the circle should be within 2 mm.
  • The depth of the cuts made can be within 20 mm.
  • Cutouts can be empty or filled with copper.(!)

It's important to know! When working with saw blades or cutting discs on a tree for a grinder, you should be especially careful and careful. Without special need and experience, it is better not to carry out such work or replace them with other tools.

What you need to know when working with angle grinders

Not only power tools, but also hand tools are a serious danger if safety rules are not followed. The nozzle on the grinder for cutting wood in this case is no exception. At the work of the angle grinder With woodworking discs, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Choose the right circle for the tool: according to the diameter of the outer and landing, and also depending on the type of wood.
  2. Select the appropriate operating mode for the tool.
  3. Do not use wheels that show obvious signs of damage.
  4. Use personal protective equipment.

It is not necessary to carry out work without the use of a protective cover, with the exception of carrying out manipulations for peeling, grinding and polishing wooden surfaces. It is especially dangerous to work with saw wheels. It is strictly forbidden to resort to installing discs from a circular saw or other tools on the angle grinder. For angle grinders, you can only use consumables that are directly intended for it.

In conclusion, it should be summed up and noted that grinder wheels for woodworking are no less popular than abrasive wheels. After all, the use of such consumables greatly facilitates the work of a person, and also significantly saves time.