How to make an apple crusher with your own hands. Do-it-yourself apple crushers from improvised materials. Homemade fruit and vegetable processing equipment Assembly of the control box

Grinding equipment for suburban area has a wide variety of uses. With it, you can grind coarse herbal food, break fruit into juice, create combined mixtures for and animals.

Often such mechanisms are quite expensive. But, there is always an option.

1 Types of crushers for a farm site

Before you do this or that, you should clearly define the type of raw material that it will process. Raw material has a different structure and degree of rigidity, respectively, and grinding equipment will differ in a number of features.

Branch shredder - an indispensable utilizer of plant waste

According to this criterion, there are:

  • apple press;
  • grape crusher;
  • bone crusher;
  • universal chopper (for example for).

Of course, this is not the whole list. options. But listed machinery can process most of the agricultural products, and very easy to make.

1.1 How to make a grass chopper with your own hands?

The electric device for processing hay and grass crops does not require special skills. For its manufacture, there are enough improvised materials. The mechanism consists of a hopper for raw materials, a grinding drum with several knives, a crushing mechanism, a special sieve, an outlet channel and an electric drive.

The whole manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. First of all, you need to take care of the electric drive. An engine with a power of 800 W or more is suitable as a power plant. More powerful models will give a smaller degree of grinding.
  2. The second point is the manufacture of the drum. For the walls of the grinding chamber and its base, metal with a thickness of 4 mm is suitable. The height of the drum must be at least 10 cm, the width must be at least 30. A hole is cut in the bottom of the grinder for connection with the drive.
  3. Next comes the base with a pallet and a hopper for raw materials. They can be made from tin or from a galvanized metal barrel.
  4. As a cutting body, metal plates (2 or more) are used, which are connected to the drive disk by means of long bolts and sealing washers. If the length of the bolts allows, you can make two levels of knives, which will improve the crushing.
  5. A do-it-yourself homemade hay crusher ends with an outlet pipe. It is best for him to use polymer pipes from water supply or sewerage. They do not corrode and fit in diameter.

Before actively using the device, it must be carefully examined, then all bolt fasteners are tightened and welding joints are checked. Only after this is the first launch carried out. Large straw is suitable as a test raw material.

2 How to make an apple crusher yourself?

A do-it-yourself apple crusher will make it easy to process fruits to a homogeneous raw material, from which it is easier to get juice later, or use it to create combined feeds. All apple choppers are based on a roller crushing mechanism.

As a working body for such a device, a steel cylinder with a length of 40 cm and 20 cm in cross section is suitable. Along the entire length, diagonally, stainless steel screws or self-tapping screws are screwed in. In this case, it is better to wind symmetrically in both directions of the cylinder.

The working body is installed on a flat polished board, or on an inclined drain made of tin. It is better not to take galvanized tin, as it can interact with apple juice. The cylindrical press is mounted on the shaft with the help of bearings. As a drive for such a device using a washing machine motor. Its power is quite enough for fruit processing. The shaft is connected to the engine by means of an automobile belt mechanism.

If apples will be used in the food industry in the future, a homemade crusher can be made from environmentally friendly wood materials.

In this case, a working cylindrical organ made of beech or aspen will be used. It is mounted with bearings on a rectangular frame. Screws are screwed into the drum, as in the previous version.

A special bunker is installed on top of the cylinder. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that three vertical walls located perpendicular to the surface, and one stands at an angle. This ensures an easy descent of apples under the crushing drum.

The axis of the toothed drum shaft is brought out, where the handle is attached to it. Such a crusher can be made from a grinder. In this made mechanism will process the raw materials automatically. The withdrawn axis is attached to the grinder drive. High speed of the device will evenly spin the shaft, which will ensure continuous work. A container for receiving processed products is installed below the device.

2.1 How is a do-it-yourself grape crusher made?

Making a grape crusher yourself is not so difficult. There are homemade crushers for grapes with a jaw mechanism, or using a hammer as a working body. In more difficult variant roller crushing is used.

As a working body here rubber rollers will be used to wring clothes from washing machines like "Tavria" or "Riga". You can buy them at almost any flea market or on the Internet. Six guide lines are drawn along each roller. Holes with a cross section of 1 cm and 0.5 cm in depth are made along the entire length of the lines with an interval of 0.5 mm.

The next moment is the most difficult - it is necessary to make two gears for the diameter of the rollers. It is better to entrust this process to an experienced turner.

Next is a bunker for the device. It is made of two wooden and two tin plates, in which the bottom is narrowed. wooden plates installed at an angle, and tin vertically. Two holes are drilled in tin plates at the base, and plates with a welded tube are bolted. The diameter of the tube allows the bearing to be pressed into it (preferably 202). On the one hand, a roller is attached to the bearing, on the other, a gear is put on.

At the end of the installation, the rollers in the base of the hopper should be located with a clearance of 3 mm. As a basis, we take any wide surface(wooden is the easiest to use) and cut a hole under the lower perimeter of the bunker. The motor is used as a drive washing machine. Belt traction is better to take from there. The belt is put on with one side on the engine wheel, and the other on one output of the shaft axis. In this design, the gears will spin in different sides and independently tighten the berries.

This type of grape crusher does not handle waste as well as the destemming roller grape crusher, but has a simpler design.

2.2 Bone crusher and universal grinder

A useful addition to the house will be a garden one, which is suitable for wood chips, bones, solid waste. The device includes the following components:

  • power frame;
  • working body from saws;
  • protective cover;
  • bunker for raw materials;
  • electric motor.

As a power unit, a gasoline or electric engine is taken. For rough materials, you can use the walk-behind tractor drive. The next step is to create a cutting body. To make it will take 10-15 circular saws with a diameter of at least 6 cm.

All saw blades are assembled together on an axle whose diameter depends on the saw hole. A plastic washer is installed between each pair of saws (can be cut from any polymer plate). Such a gasket will prevent the saws from sticking together during operation. On the sides, the cutting body is reinforced with washers or welded. A pulley is attached to the axle. And in general, the cutting body is ready.

The power frame is welded from 4 corners. An axle with saws is attached to one edge. For this purpose, bearings are used, mounted in clamps, which are attached to the frame by welding or bolts. A casing is installed on top of the cutting unit. It is made from sheet steel. Three walls are located in a vertical position, and the fourth has a slight slope towards the base of the frame. A hopper is put on top of the casing, which is also made of sheet or galvanized steel. The hopper is attached to the casing with bolts for ease of maintenance.

Next, the engine is fixed on the frame. A belt drive disk is put on the pulley and attached to the engine disk. For convenience, the system can be equipped with a control system or tumbler. Thus, you get your own. Suitable for, beets, bones, food waste.

The house I'm renting stands on a plot with several apple trees. The trees are old and tall. Apples are hanging - you can't reach them. You can’t even get everyone from a ladder-ladder.

It is not necessary to wait for full maturation. Apples themselves fall to the ground according to the law of attraction. Any worms and wind help.

Carrion is not stored for more than a week. Broken places rot. Worms are fattening.

Cooking jam requires a huge amount of sugar. And takes a lot of time. And more than one bucket of apples is poured.

Here's to squeezing juice from apples. Freshly squeezed juice without sterilization in the refrigerator will stand for a couple of days.

And if it starts to ferment, add a little sugar, but under the shutter. You look, and here the wine turned out for the new year!

You can, of course, buy a factory juicer. Then squeeze it into filled cabinets in a cramped kitchen, drag around when moving.

And here in the yard there is a garage, a bunch of wooden boards. I also bought all sorts of jigsaw drills for work. Self-tapping screws in the garage are laid out on the shelves.

It remains only to file, drill, twist. So this is my favorite thing!

I climbed into the Internet, watched videos on YouTube, who made what. Lots of homemade apple crushers and juice presses. It seems nothing complicated.

Bought a new two ton car jack and mounting tape from galvanization.

I didn't have time to take pictures while I was assembling the accessories, so I'm only showing how it works and works.

I warn you! If you are an esthete and a lover of beauty, it is better to fall in love with. Squeezing juice in the garage is an unsightly sight.

Apple crusher

I pick apples and wash them with water from dirt. First of all, I crush apples in a homemade crusher.

The crusher drive is a small drill with a power of 350 watts, which is enough to crush whole apples.

Apples are poured in small portions into a bunker made from scraps of laminated chipboard and ground by a drum. The hopper itself is simply placed on top and is not attached to anything, which makes it easy to remove it for cleaning.

The work table is a piece of laminated worktop (these remain after inserting the sink into the kitchen furniture). A hole was cut in the tabletop, 60 × 40 mm pine bars were screwed on both sides of it.

In turn, oak planks are fastened with self-tapping screws to pine bars. Holes were drilled in oak planks for a pin on which the crusher drum was mounted. No bearings are used.

The drum is glued together from four pieces of beech board 25 mm thick (an old shelf from the pantry). Boards glued together acrylic adhesive. The resulting beam 100 × 100 mm is slightly rounded with a planer. Then a hole was drilled along the axis and the drum was glued onto a 10 mm diameter stud.

I put the stud with the drum blank in place, securing the long end of the stud in the drill chuck. When you turn on the drill, we get, as it were, a lathe. The drum rotates along with the pin, and using a stand from a bar and a chisel, we give it the shape of an almost perfect cylinder. Having machined the drum, I screwed 25 mm self-tapping screws into it. Self-tapping screws protrude from the wood by about 10 mm.

After the first crushings, the planks were warped due to getting wet and one seam was torn. I had to re-glue and additionally scroll the entire body of the drum with self-tapping screws 70 mm long.

Fifteen to twenty minutes of the crusher, and we already have a bucket of crushed apples, we can move on to squeezing the juice. The frame for wringing is assembled from boards and bars, in places on self-tapping screws, in places on studs.

The lid of the putty bucket serves as a tray for the wringing basket. Of course it would be better to use right size a basin with a flat bottom, in our case we simply tilt the entire frame to drain the juice.

Place the basket on the pallet. The wringing basket is made of slats 20×35 mm fastened together with a perforated galvanized mounting tape. The gaps between the rails were set by eye about 1 cm.

Initially, the basket was about 40 cm high, now it is about 25 cm. At this height, a third of a bucket of chopped apples is placed in the basket.

To filter the juice, we put ordinary gauze folded in half in the basket.

Pour crushed apples into the resulting gauze bag.

The free ends of the gauze are brought together and twisted together.

A piston of two circles of beech board (the same one from which the drum is made) is placed on a bag of gauze. Initially, the piston circles were glued together, but they also warped and the adhesive seam broke. Since everything works in this form, it makes no sense to glue warped mugs.

Juice begins to run even before the piston is pressed down. We tilt the frame so that the juice flows into the substituted bowl. Slightly push the piston by hand. Juice is gone!

We install a two-ton car jack on top of the piston. The jack rod rests against the upper crossbar of the frames reinforced with a strip of metal (to distribute the load).

We tilt the frame for draining the juice into a bowl (we support it with a specially trained rail) and swing the handle of the jack. The process is underway full swing. We squeeze the piston with a jack, wait a bit, we squeeze it again. We give time to drain the juice. For the time being, we can sit down, relax and crack nuts with a homemade nutcracker.

After several spins, instead of a lid, we fit a cropped putty bucket with drilled hole for plum.

As a result, in twenty minutes a bucket of chopped apples turns into 4-5 liters of juice. Apple juice, squeezed out with your own hands with the help of simple homemade devices. What a yummy!!!

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Everyone loves homemade apple juice because it is not only tasty but also healthy. But where can you get real apple juice, without chemicals and preservatives, you can hardly buy it in stores. The only solution to this problem is to make your own homemade apple juice.. However, in order to get it, you need to overcome a number of small difficulties. To make your job easier, you will need an apple chopper and juicer. It is thanks to the chopper that you will spend a minimum of time and effort on getting homemade apple juice. In this article, we will consider how to make a homemade apple chopper.

The chopper can be purchased at a store or on the Internet, but real craftsmen will make this unit themselves and spend a minimum of money. A chopper is necessary for crushing apples into small pieces, if the apple is well chopped, then it is easier to crush it, and the juice yield is much greater. It is believed that the more homogeneous the mass after grinding, the easier it will be to squeeze the juice.

What are the advantages of an apple crusher:

  • For recycling a large number apples it takes a minimum of time.
  • Virtually no waste. All the juice is squeezed out of the apples and a small amount of cake remains.
  • To construct home shredder, will need minimum cost.
  • Everything is reduced to a minimum physical effort.
  • Processing of small batches of apples which is most suitable for household use.
  • Reliability and practicality equipment.
  • In the event of a malfunction, repair is carried out independently which again saves money.

In order to independently design an apple chopper, you will need a basic set of tools that every owner has. In addition to tools, you also need materials, if they are not on the farm, then you need to make a purchase.

We make a chopper for apples with our own hands, a drawing and diagrams

Choppers can be different types, some are metal, others are wooden, and still others combine both materials. But the main thing is not what the crusher is made of, but how it works.

Combined apple chopper

First we need a sheet of metal, stainless steel, d 80 mm. From this blank we make steps for the shaft exit and for bearings. Work is carried out on lathe.

Next, we need a milling machine to make a gear shaft. As shown in the drawing, we remove 8 faces. To enhance the crushing effect, we take a grinder and make triangular notches along the entire length of the teeth.

As a housing, you can use a washing machine, namely its outer part. The washing machine must be vertical loading made of stainless steel with a wall thickness of 1.5-2 mm. After we cut it into four parts and get 2 end and 2 side parts. We put all the parts together, making a box, and weld it. Before finishing the welding of the side parts, we bend the sheets of metal a little at the bottom, making a small gap between the working shaft and the chopper wall.

In order for the shaft to rotate smoothly and be well fixed, we use conventional bearing assemblies that are present in circulars. From the corners we cook the support frame. The base of the car is made of wood. The plank base is located below, since containers are placed on it to receive the outgoing mass from the grinder.

To create a control unit, we use special ballasts, basically it is a button responsible for turning on and off. The belt is tensioned by fixing it with a special bolt for clamping and by moving the body along the guides. It is necessary to fasten the handle and rollers to the frame, which increase the comfort of using the device, and allow you to independently transport the chopper to any place.

The crusher body is bolted to the upper corners of the frame, which eliminates pressure bending as the apples have their own weight. To reduce splashing, a wide basin is used, and the frame is made low.. The electric motor is placed on its side so that liquid does not get on it.

1 - housing, 2 - stiffening angle, 3 - working shaft, 4 - bearing boxes, 5 - belt drive pulley, 6 - belt, 7 - electric motor, 8 - frame, 9 - rollers, 10 - control unit, 11 - transportation handle , 12 - bolts for fastening the body with stiffeners

This crusher is made with my own hands, practically does not differ from the factory one, due to its performance and technicality. In order not to buy a motor, you can use the motor from an old and unnecessary washing machine or other equipment. Chopper powered by electric motor, used for crushing apples, not only for juice, but also for wine. Such a crusher will always come in handy on the farm. After one passing through the crusher, even the hardest varieties of apples turn into a monotonous mass, which can be loaded under a press and squeezed juice.

To get a good juice yield, after crushing, the mass must lie down for several hours, then when pressed, the juice will quickly leave itself.

Caring for apple choppers

If you made an apple chopper with your own hands, then taking care of it will be as easy as shelling pears. The most important rule is cleanliness. Wash the unit thoroughly after each use.. Even all hard-to-reach places must be washed and cleaned. There should be no apples, because their remains can start blooming, and when the machine is started again, the bloom will fall into the mixture, and then into the juice, which will lead to its rapid deterioration.

Before washing, be sure to disconnect the appliance from the power supply!

Do not leave the grinder outside in the rain. Moisture will not only rust the metal, but also damage the engine. If your crusher is made of wood, then moisture is also contraindicated for it.. After each use, unplug the grinder from the socket, wash it well and hide it in the room.


To enjoy delicious food in summer and winter apple juice, it is enough to make a home chopper and squeeze out the juice. Making an apple crusher is very simple and fast, plus you will spend a minimum of money. improvised materials, old washing machine and you already have own chopper for apples. With this device you can grind not only apples, but also pears and other fruits. An apple chopper will become simply an indispensable thing in the house, make just a little effort and your work will be rewarded.

To make a garden shredder with your own hands, it is very important not only to understand its principle of operation, but also to know how it works. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to make the correct drawings and assemble a home-made convenient machine for grinding in single structure.

Types of garden shredders and their purpose

The standard design of all garden shredders is similar in most cases, and represented by the following components:

  • motor;
  • working shaft with knives;
  • metal frame;
  • receiving box;
  • protective cover.

The design of the grinder is mounted on a standard two-wheel base, which makes it convenient and easy to move. The device allows you to quickly dispose of various garden waste in the form of plant stems, wood waste, fallen leaves, as well as branches and grass or apples and other fruits that have fallen from trees. As a result of the processing of wood or plant debris, you can get useful and very effective fertilizer for feeding plants, the value of which is not lower than some types of manure.

Currently, a fairly rich assortment of such equipment is on sale, but the models on the market differ in technical parameters. To choose the right unit, you need to decide on the goals and operating conditions:

  • knife models, characterized by the installation of the engine on the shaft metal disc. The design has a pair or more knives, and the speed and quality of the grinding performed depend on the engine power and the material of the knives. The advantage of such grinding methods is the high-quality processing of soft or freshly cut wood. Also, such a wood crusher helps to get rid of small bushes and dried stem parts. annual plants. It should be remembered that the knife cutting machine grinds fresh branches with a diameter of not more than 4 cm and dry branches up to 2.5 cm thick.
  • milling models they are similar to a knife branch cutter, but a powerful steel milling cutter, represented by a coarse gear, is mounted on the motor shaft. Rotation is performed at a low speed, which makes it easy to grind even fairly thick and dry branches, as well as tree bark. It is not advisable to use such a crusher for crushing fresh or thin branches;
  • universal branch cutter is able to work equally effectively with any kind of crushed material. This technique is equipped with a universal turbine cutter. The principle of operation lies in the phased grinding mechanisms.

The next classification of garden shredders is the difference in the type of material, used to make the case:

Power ratings and performance levels, allows subdivide garden shredders into the following types models:

When choosing, you should focus not only on the size of the branches, but also on the age characteristics of garden plantings. The amateur version of the aggregates is suitable for processing the thinnest branches and young plants. To grind thick branches, professional models are used.

How to choose a garden shredder (video)

We make garden shredders of branches, stems and grass with our own hands: drawings, device, installation steps

The most commonly produced disc version is based on saws. It is necessary to purchase a dozen and a half hard steel blades with nozzles for teeth.

  • select or make a set of steel washers for distributing disks along the shaft. The standard gap between the saws should not be more and not less than a centimeter.
  • put discs with washers on the machined shaft, placing the teeth with an offset or randomly, which will extend the life of the structure;
  • weld a reliable frame from corners and channels, after which, in the lower part, install a foundation base for installing an electric motor;
  • organize pedestals on transverse structures for the installation of ball bearings with a fixed working shaft;
  • to equip a working durable hopper for grinding with reliable walls and a base plate or a passive knife;
  • organize a bell for the supply of branches, necessary to direct the material into the grinder and protect hands from injury.

In the process of pruning garden plantings, it is not recommended to mix branches and other woody debris. With separate grinding, quite decent firewood is obtained, and processing is carried out into wood chips for a home smokehouse. It is allowed to make a chopper based on a chainsaw, but the creation of such a design option is quite time consuming.

How to make a homemade apple chopper

In addition to the wood chipper, an efficient and fairly productive apple chopper is very popular in home gardening. Such an assembly is not too difficult to perform, guided by the following recommendations:

  • from sheet metal d 80 mm on a lathe, make exit steps for the shaft and for bearings;
  • on the milling machine a toothed shaft is made with triangular notches along the entire length of the teeth;
  • for the manufacture of the body, the outer steel part of an old top-loading washing machine, welded into a one-piece box, can be used;
  • making a small gap in the box, which falls on the distance between the working shaft and the housing wall;
  • for smooth rotation of the shaft and its reliable fastening, standard bearing assemblies from a circular are used;
  • welding from the corners of the support frame and making wooden base to install a container for receiving the mass leaving the grinder;
  • the use of special ballasts for the arrangement of the control unit, which will allow turning the equipment on and off;
  • fixing the belt with a special bolt and screwing the handle and rollers onto the frame, which simplifies the operation of the unit.

At the final stage, on top corners frame, with the help of bolts, the body is fixed. The electric motor is located in the side of the structure.

How to make a grass chopper with your own hands (video)

Making a garden chopper for a walk-behind tractor with your own hands

An efficient wood shredder for a walk-behind tractor can significantly reduce the amount of plant debris by personal plot. The prefabricated wood shredder is perfect for any type of walk-behind tractors and motor cultivators with a belt drive from the engine pulley to the gearbox pulley.

For self-manufacturing you will need to use the materials and tools presented:

Self-manufacturing technology:

  • we weld the base from the channel and install a fixed knife;
  • we carry out a drive shaft with knives from an electric planer;
  • we install the pulley on the shaft with the cutting device, which will allow it to be driven by a belt drive from the walk-behind tractor;
  • We weld and install a receiving hopper for crushing plant debris.

At the final stage, we install the grinding unit on the front of the walk-behind tractor and pull the belt drive onto the pulley.

How to use crushed biomass as fertilizer

As biomass for fertilizers, crushed mass of cardboard, kitchen waste and plant debris are used. This is a great alternative to purchased fertilizers. Very important properly prepare the biomass for use in home gardens and horticultural plots as a highly effective top dressing. For this purpose, special composters or standard compost heaps are used.

To the very bottom compost heap a mass is laid, represented by crushed thick shoots perennials. From above, such a layer is covered with a small amount of already mature compost or fertile soil. Then shredded waste of plant origin is poured in layers. It is necessary to pour each layer with a two-centimeter layer garden soil with dolomite or chalk at the rate of a couple of kilograms for each cubic meter compostable mass.

As a result of natural processes occurring inside the composted mass, a valuable fertilizer is formed, which can be used practically in unlimited quantities for improvement quality characteristics soil on the backyard territory or top dressing of cultivated garden plants. Compost can be applied to the soil throughout the growing season, but the best effect can be obtained when applied in spring and autumn.

Around perennials and garden plantations, as well as in flower beds and flower beds, compost biomass is poured in a layer of 20-50 mm and slightly mixed with the soil. To improve the condition lawn grass it is enough to pour a centimeter layer.

How to make a garden shredder with your own hands (video)

Self-made shredders for grass, falling fruits and any other plant debris are today very reliable helpers for gardeners and gardeners. With the help of such equipment, it is possible not only to quickly and easily clear the backyard of debris, but also to obtain high-quality and very effective, environmentally friendly fertilizer.