Football how long does a football match last. Game duration (football)

Everything related to a football match is regulated by the IFAB Rules. This includes the start of a football game and how long a football match lasts. Significant adjustments to them are made by the illumination of the field, the participants in the competition, the referee, the organizer of the tournament. The high rank of the match is close to the IFAB recommendations - local regulations.

In recent decades, the dynamism of football has increased. The workload of players is also growing. But the number of unsportsmanlike behavior of athletes is also increasing (simulations, time delays). The rules have been significantly amended due to pauses in football. To increase the net time, the arbiter adds the time allowed for non-playing stops. In order to avoid excessive loads and deterioration of the health of the players, the referee makes a pause for the rest of the teams or for the athletes to drink water. This will be followed by the resumption of the game of football without changing the gate.

Length of match and halves

How long a football match lasts is decided by the teams and the referee before the game. Their joint verdict fits into the rules of the competition. According to the rules-recommendations of the IFAB (International Football Council), the duration of a football match is 90 minutes. This time is divided into two periods. And how long a half lasts in football is calculated by dividing the total time. That is, the duration of a football game is two periods of 45 minutes.

How long a football match lasts is decided "on the ground". Local federations and competition organizers are making significant adjustments. Solid tournaments (national championships, Cups) are adjusted to general recommendations. And competitions of small value differ in time parameters. So, matches involving children, youths, disabled people, veterans have, in total, less than 90 minutes. Reduced time is observed in friendly games. The participants of the competition reduce the duration of the match due to insufficient lighting.

Photo 1. Children's football matches can last less than adults, the total time is 90 minutes.

IFAB does not set hard time limits, except for one. The match is divided into two periods - halves. Agreements comply with the regulations and are reached before the start of the meeting.

Photo 2. Competitors can shorten the match time when the football field is poorly lit.


How long a break in football lasts depends on the rules of the competition. The duration of the meeting is agreed by the teams and the referee of the meeting. IFAB has introduced a limit on the break in a football match from the maximum side. It does not exceed 15 minutes. And it does not depend on the duration of the football match.

The break of a football match between regular and extra time depends on the regulations of the tournament. The duration of the pause between overtimes is also set.

Photo 3. Players from the Mexican team at the 2014 FIFA World Cup against the Dutch team, Rafael Marquez and Paul Aguilar at half time.

How is the game of football. Kickoff

The beginning of the game of football is the first hit on the ball in the center of the field. It is carried out by a team determined by lot.

The initial blow is not considered the procedure for performing a symbolic blow, which is made by guests of honor. After such an action, the ball returns to the center of the field and is put into play by the competitors.

Photo 4. From the start of the match, special referees keep the timing starting from the first movement of the ball.

The initial blow is also performed by:

  1. After goals scored.
  2. At the start of the second and any extra half.

At the initial impact, the following points are taken into account:

  1. One team starts the game in football, and in the second half - its opponent.
  2. It is performed by the team that conceded the goal.
  3. A football game starts in extra time by a team determined by a draw.
  4. The teams are in their own half of the field.
  5. Opponents are located no closer than 9.15 meters from the ball.
  6. A direct hit on the goal counts as a goal.

Photo 5. Quarter-final. Netherlands match against Costa Rica (July 5, 2014). The scoreboard shows the numbers of the replacement players: Jasper Cillessen and Tim Krul.

Football. The duration of the game of two halves

What is the duration of a football match with a break in advance is impossible to know. It is influenced by many factors, both predictable and unpredictable. The duration of two halves of a football match with a break consists of:

  1. The duration of the first half of a football match is 45 minutes.
  2. Stopped time by referee - from 0 to 5 minutes. In practice, there are few substitutions in the first half, the players do not delay the time. The judge adds more than three minutes.
  3. Football match break - 15 minutes (according to IFAB recommendations).
  4. Second half - 45 minutes.
  5. Stopped time by referee - from 0 to 10 minutes. The duration of a half of a football match is increased due to substitutions that the coaches postpone to the second half of the match. In addition, the fatigue of athletes causes the threat of injury and simulation. There is also time delay for goal kicks, restarts of play after fouls, throw-ins and corners. All this is done in order to achieve a victorious result.

It is possible to calculate how long a football match lasts with a break. And if the above factors provide for, then there are force majeure circumstances. They cannot be predicted. They are rare, but affect the duration of a football game:

  1. Weather. The drainage system will not cope with a sudden downpour.
  2. Fan behavior. The safety of people (football players, visitors, stadium workers) is the main thing. Pyrotechnics, provocations, hooliganism at the stadium interrupts the meeting. And the answer to the question, what is the duration of a football match will hang in the air.

Photo 6. Unforeseen situations extend the time of the match. Russian Super Cup between CSKA and Zenit, 2016

How long does a football match last with a break and extra halves

In some cases, 90 minutes of play is not enough to determine the winner. This happens in cup competitions at the playoff stage. There is no other option but to assign two extra halves. At the end, a total draw will be recorded - they will take advantage of a penalty shoot-out.

The duration of two extra halves of a football match depends on the rules of the tournament. The fate of the playoff round depended on factors:

  • Replays.
  • Draws.
  • Ballon d'Or (Instant Death) in extra time.
  • Penalty series.

Golden goal - a method used from 1993 to 2004. in football in play-off stage matches to determine the winner in the event of a draw at the end of regular time (90 minutes). In this case, extra time is assigned (2 halves of 15 minutes). If a team scores a goal during extra time (such a goal is called a “golden goal”), then it becomes the winner and the game stops. If, after extra time, neither team manages to score a goal, then the winner is determined using a penalty shoot-out.

Photo 7. Penalty shootout makes the game longer. Pictured is Cristiano Ronalno taking a penalty against Poland at Euro 2016

AT recent times, after a series of experiments with overtime, football functionaries settled on this formula:

  • The traditional two halves of 45 minutes are held. A variant of a two-legged confrontation is the total score of home and away games.
  • If it is impossible to determine the winner in 90 minutes (or 180), extra time is assigned. It consists of two halves of 15 minutes. After the end of the regular time, the athletes are given rest. Depending on the regulations, they stay on the field or go to the locker rooms. There is no break between overtime periods. There is a time limit for the teams to exchange halves of the field.
  • If overtime does not reveal the winner, a penalty shoot-out is assigned. Teams take 11-meter free kicks. The number of penalties is 5 for each opponent. If after the first series there is a draw, then there is a second one. The peculiarity of this series is that a pair of penalties forms the final score. If he becomes undrawn even after the first kicks from the side, the match is over. In case of a draw and after the 10th penalty kick, a series of five kicks is performed. And so on, until the winner is determined. The penalty shootout counts as the third overtime. And regardless of the number of goals from 11-meter, the total score of all series becomes 1:0.


What's happening

The ball is placed on the 11-meter mark

The player to hit is determined

The goalkeeper of the team receiving the kick stands on the goal line facing the kicker until the kick is taken.

The remaining players are within the playing field, outside the penalty area, behind the penalty mark at a distance of at least 9.15 m from it

The player taking the kick, on a signal from the referee, sends the ball forward and does not touch the ball again until it (the ball) has touched another player

A goal is scored in accordance with the Rules

The table details the stages of the penalty kick.

In view of these factors, it is not easy to determine how long a football match with a break and extra halves lasts.

Photo 8. Rivals are chosen by lottery, according to the results, the teams are divided into groups in the tournament bracket

Post-match penalties are the decoration of the meeting. The "pleasure" of the fans can last for three hours, taking into account the half-time rest. In order to know how long a football match is going on with a break, the scoreboard at the stadium is not enough. If no force majeure occurs during the game, then the net playing time is calculated. To do this, add injury time in both halves to 90 minutes. The minutes added by the arbiter at the end of the half are indicated by the reserve referee using a portable scoreboard. Similar actions occur in extra halves.

Photo 9. Each stadium has an electronic scoreboard that indicates the time of the match, period, fouls and current score.

The time of a standard match is calculated as follows:

  1. First half - 45 minutes.
  2. Injury time for the first half - X minutes.
  3. Second half - 45 minutes.
  4. Injury time to the second half - X minutes.

90 minutes + added time of the first and second halves.

In the presence of extra time - two halves of 15 minutes + stoppage time to the half.

Total: 120 minutes + injury time of four halves.

They also add time to break through the post-match penalties.

Photo 10. A player's injury stops the match. In the photo, Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Manchester United FC) suffered a knee injury in the Europa League in April against Anderlecht

And the out-of-game time will be:

  • Break between halves - 15 minutes.
  • The break between overtimes is 15 minutes.
  • Break before the penalty shootout.

The match is delayed for 120 minutes of the game + 30 minutes of breaks + extra time for four halves + time before the penalty shoot-out + time to take the penalty (unlimited).

Video: The longest football match

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Play time

A football match consists of two equal halves of 45 minutes each, unless the referee and the participating teams agree otherwise before the game. Any agreement to reduce half time must be reached before the start of the match and must not be contrary to the rules of the competition.


Players have the right to a break between two halves of regular time, the duration of which is indicated in the competition regulations, but should not exceed 15 minutes.

Added time

To the duration of each of the halves must be added the time spent during the game on:

  • substitutions
  • assessing the severity of player injuries
  • transportation of injured players from the field for assistance
  • intentionally delaying the resumption of play by players
  • any other reasons.

11 meter kick

If the time of the match has expired and the penalty kick is to be taken or retaken, then the duration of the half is increased by the time required to complete the kick.

Unfinished matches

All unplayed matches are replayed, unless the competition regulations contain a different provision.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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  • Game duration
  • Violation of the rules and unruly behavior of players
  • Duration of mini football game:

    Game periods.
    A match lasts two equal periods of 20 minutes each. Time control is carried out by the timekeeper.
    The duration of each half of the match may be extended for penalty kicks.

    Teams have the right to take a time-out of one minute in each half of the match.
    When granting a timeout, the following conditions:
    Team head coaches have the right to ask the timekeeper for a time-out of one minute.
    A time-out of one minute may be requested at any time, but may be granted when the team requesting the time-out is in possession of the ball.
    The timekeeper signals the granting of a time-out when the ball is out of play by using a whistle or other acoustic signal different from those used by the referees.
    During the time-out, the players must remain on the court. If they wish to receive instructions from one of the team officials, they must do so only at the touchline opposite their bench. Official person instructing the players must not enter the pitch.
    A team that did not use a time-out in the first half of the match is only entitled to one time-out in the second half of the match.

    break between periods.
    The break between periods should not exceed 15 minutes.

    If the timekeeper is absent from the match, the head coach requests a time-out from the referee.

    If the Competition Rules provide that extra time must be played after the end of regular time, then no time-out is granted during extra time.

    Bets on football matches are accepted for regular time. The time added by the referee to the regular time is injury time (not to be confused with extra time "2 halves of 15 minutes", which is assigned in cup matches and is NOT taken into account, except for specially stipulated cases).

    For example, a bet was made on the victory of Germany in the 1/4 final match. The regular time of the match ended in a draw, the referee called extra time (2 halves of 15 minutes), and in extra time Germany won with a goal in the 120th minute. The bet on Germany to win is LOSE (because the outcome of the regular time of the match is a DRAW). If you want to bet that Germany will reach the 1/2 finals, then this is provided special kind rates, which is called "Pass".

    Goals, substitutions and other events of the game that occurred in injury time are considered to be committed in regular time (the injury time of the 1st half is considered the 45th minute, the injury time of the 2nd half is considered the 90th minute).

    For example, in the 90th minute of the match the score was 0:0. The referee added 5 minutes of stoppage time to the regular time of the match, and in the 5th added minute the hosts scored a goal. For the calculation, it is considered that the match ended with a score of 1:0, and the goal was scored in the 90th minute.

    Bets on the victory of each of the teams in the match, taking into account the handicap (handicap). The handicap can be positive, negative or equal to zero. To determine the result of the bet, the handicap for the selected team is subtracted (if the handicap is negative) or added (if the handicap is positive) to the actually scored goals of the team on which the bet is made (the handicap for the second team is not taken into account). If after that the result of the match is in favor of the selected team, then the bet is considered won. In case of a draw, the bet is returned.

    For example, if the bet is placed on the first team, it has a negative handicap "-1", and the match ended: a) with a score of 0:0, the bet is lost; b) with a score of 1:0, the bet is returned; c) with a score of 2:0, the bet is won.

    A if a positive handicap "+0.5" is set and the match ends a) with a score of 0:1, the bet is lost; b) with a score of 0:0, 1:0, 2:0, etc., the bet is won.

    Bets to guess the outcome of the 1st half and the whole match as a whole - "time-match". In the bet of the “time-match” type, it is necessary to guess the outcome of the first half and the entire match at the same time. Initial letters are used in the line to designate these outcomes: P - victory, N - draw, while the outcome of the 1st half is placed in the first place, and the match is in the second. The outcome of the 2nd half does NOT matter for the calculation of this bet.

    For example,

    if the match ended with a score of 1:1, and the first half - 1:0, then the W1N outcome wins.

    if the match ended with a score of 1:0, and the first half - 0:0, then the winner is the outcome of "NP1".

    if the match ended with a score of 1:0, and the first half - 1:0, then the winning outcome is "Win1".

    In all cases of bets related to the number of warnings of players, removals do not count. If a player is sent off for two yellow cards, then one is counted. Cards shown to substituted players, substitutes, coaches and other persons not participating in matches are not taken into account.

    For example, in a match, 3 yellow cards were shown to the hosts and 4 yellow cards to the guests. Moreover, one guest player received his second yellow card and was sent off. AT this example, for calculation purposes, the result on yellow cards is considered - 3:3 and "there was a removal".

    Player bets. If a player came on as a substitute, then the next order calculation: the bets “to score the 1st goal” and “guess who will score the 1st goal and what the score will be” on this player are subject to return if the account has already been opened by the time the player enters the field. And the bet "to score a goal: no" is refundable regardless of the score by the time the player comes on as a substitute. The rest of the rates are calculated based on clause 5.9.

    For example, a player entered the field in the 65th minute with the score 1:1 and subsequently scored a goal.

    "To score the 1st goal" - return

    "To score a goal: YES" - win

    "To score a goal: NO" - return

    For example, a player entered the field in the 65th minute with the score 1:1 and did not score a goal.

    Bets on this player are calculated as follows:

    "To score the 1st goal" - return

    "To score a goal: YES" - lose

    "To score a goal: NO" - return

    "To score the 1st goal and the score of the match 2:1" - return

    For the purposes of calculation, the following events are considered to have occurred: corner - in the case of an actually executed kick from the corner mark; goal kick - in the case of a goal kick actually taken; out - in the case of an actually performed throw-in; offside - in the case of an actually executed free kick after fixing offside; foul - in the case of an actually executed free kick or free kick after fixing a violation of the rules.

    For example, the goalkeeper kicked the ball over the sideline with a goal kick and the referee blew the final whistle. The last event that occurred in the match is considered a goal kick.

    For example, the ball rolled over the end line from a defending player and the referee blew the final whistle. It is believed that there was no corner kick.

    Bets "What will happen to the player first". It is proposed to guess which event from the specified set will happen to the player during the match. If the player did not leave in the starting lineup, then the bets on him are returned. The bet "will play the whole match" wins only if the player played the whole match and none of the other specified events happened to him - he didn't score a goal, didn't concede a goal (goalkeeper), didn't receive a yellow card, etc.

    For example, the following bets were offered on the goalkeeper in the "What will happen first" offer: "play the whole match", "concede a goal", "yellow card or sending off", "save a penalty", "will be replaced".

    The “play the whole match” bet only wins if the goalkeeper has not been substituted AND his team has not conceded a goal, AND the goalkeeper has not received a yellow card or sent-off, AND no penalty has been awarded to his team.

    If the goalkeeper came on as a substitute, then all bets on "What happens first" are returned on him.

    Bet "How the 1st goal will be scored". The following options are offered: "From the penalty spot" - a direct kick from the penalty spot (without finishing); "From a free-kick" - a direct kick from a standard position (touching the ball by other players does not matter if the goal is recorded on the one who has broken the free kick); “Own own goal” - if the scorer of the match lists the player of the team that conceded the goal as the author of the goal; "Head" - a goal is scored with a head (not in own net); "From the game (not with the head)" - in all other cases.

    For example, if the score is 0:0:

    - a penalty was awarded, the goalkeeper parried the kick, but the running player finished him off with his foot - the goal was scored "from the field (not with the head)"

    - a goal was scored by a direct kick from a corner - a goal was scored from a free kick

    For example, a free kick is awarded, a player shoots, the ball, touching another player (including the goalkeeper), ends up in the goal. If the goal scorer is listed on the scoresheet as:

    - the player who took the free kick - the goal was scored from a free kick,

    - another player of the team that scored the goal, if the ball touched his head - the goal is scored with a "head", otherwise - "from the field (not with the head)"

    - another player of the team that conceded the goal - the goal was scored "own goal"

    Bets on the time when an event will occur. For example, the time of the 1st goal, the time of the 1st w/card, etc. It is proposed to guess the ordinal minute at which the event will occur. Exact time for the calculation of such rates is determined without taking into account seconds.

    For example, the time of the 1st goal, if the first goal is scored, when 00min10sec has passed since the beginning of the match – “1st minute”, 04min10sec – “5th minute”, 04min59sec – “5th minute”, 05min00sec – “6- I am a minute.

    Bets on the outcome of the match and the total number of goals in the match. It is proposed to guess how the match will end and how many goals will be scored in the match.

    For example, the bet "Germany win and total match under 2.5" wins if Germany wins with a score of 1:0 or 2:0, and if Germany wins with a score of 2:1 and any other victory for Germany (as well as a draw or defeat), it loses ( since more than 2.5 goals will be scored in the match).

    Bet "Corners will be taken from all 4 corners of the field". It is proposed to guess whether corners will be taken from all four corners of the football field - Yes or No. In live, corners are counted in the comments field in the form of four numbers, each of which is responsible for its own corner. The countdown looks like this: 0-0-0-0 (to the right of the current score in the match). If a corner is taken from one of the corners, then the number 0 will be replaced by an X. The first (leftmost) number is responsible for the left near corner if you were sitting in the central stand. The remaining numbers are responsible for the remaining angles clockwise (left far, right far, right near).

    For example, the match ended with an entry in the comments field: 0-Х-Х-Х. The bet "Corners will be taken from all 4 corners - Yes" lost, the bet "Corners will be taken from all 4 corners - No" won. The match ended with a note in the comments field: X-X-X-X. The bet "Corners will be taken from all 4 corners - Yes" won, the bet "Corners will be taken from all 4 corners - No" lost.

    Information on the calculation of statistical indicators of a football match:

    1 . For the purposes of calculation, events are considered to have occurred.:

    angular- in the case of an actually executed kick from the corner mark;
    goal kick- in the case of a goal kick actually taken;
    out- in the case of an actually performed throw-in;
    offside- in the case of an actually executed free kick after fixing offside;
    foul- in the case of an actually executed free kick or free kick after fixing a violation of the rules;
    barbell or crossbar- in the event that the ball after hitting the post or crossbar remained in play (touched the player, the referee, another post or crossbar).

    A barbell or crossbar is not considered if:

    Before the ball hit the post or crossbar, the game was stopped

    After hitting the post or crossbar, the ball went out of the field or flew into the goal (a goal was recorded).

    The score of corner kicks, as well as the number of yellow and red cards in a football match is kept according to TV broadcasts, which have unconditional priority over other sources when making decisions.

    2. For the purposes of calculation, the counting time for each event from paragraph 6.6 of the rules is considered to be:

    out- the time on the timer at the time of the actual throwing out;

    foul- the time on the timer at the time of the actual execution of a free kick or free kick after fixing a violation of the rules;

    goal kick– the time on the timer at the time of the actual execution of the goal kick;

    angular– time according to the timer at the time of the actual execution of the kick from the corner mark;

    card- time according to the timer at the moment of the actual presentation of a yellow or red card to the offender by the chief arbiter;

    offside- the time on the timer at the time of the actual execution of the free kick after fixing offside;

    Goal- time on the timer for a valid goal (crossing the goal line with the ball).

    In the case of a fuzzy translation of the moment of a corner kick, indirect confirmations of the corner kick that took place in order of priority are:

    a) gesture of the chief referee

    b) side referee gesture

    c) the position of the players during the kick-off (the players are at the posts)

    d) the words of a commentator present at the stadium.

    In the case of a fuzzy broadcast of the moment with a warning to the player, indirect confirmations of the display of a yellow or red card in order of priority are:

    a) information caption during the broadcast

    b) information on the site from the list.

    In disputable situations that can be interpreted in two ways, the final decision is made by the administration, taking into account the general betting practice.

    ATTENTION! Before placing a bet, we strongly recommend that you carefully read this extract from the Rules, as well as full text Rules. If you have any questions about the specifics of accepting and calculating a particular rate, please contact the hotline directly.

    In the section on the question What is the scientific name of the halftime in football??? The very term in the football lexicon!!! given by the author Neurosis the best answer is Correctly called "half-time".
    RULE 7 - Duration of the game
    Play time
    The duration of the game is two equal halves of 45 minutes each (unless the referee and the two teams participating in the match agree otherwise). Any agreement to change the length of the playing time (for example, to reduce each half to 40 minutes due to insufficient lighting) must be reached before the start of the game and must comply with the rules of the competition.
    Break between halves
    Players are entitled to a break between two halves.
    The break between halves should not exceed 15 minutes.
    The competition rules must specify the duration of the half-time interval.
    The duration of the break between halves can only be changed with the consent of the referee.
    Source: (.ru/page/36/)

    Answer from Olchik Bogatenkova[guru]
    Yes, that's what it's called-BREAK .... or did I miss something once?))

    Answer from Quasimodo[guru]

    Answer from grow up[guru]

    Answer from freshly salted[active]
    A timeout is a break during a match and is not used in football. and a break is called a break.
    time out is used in futsal (1 time per match per team.)

    Answer from Viltes Orel Super jubaf[active]

    Answer from =>Li [email protected]<= [master]
    rush in the locker room..

    Football game length on Wikipedia
    Check out the wikipedia article on Football game duration