The humpbacked horse growing adjustable chair - “a detailed review of the growing chair, I will tell you where and how to buy it at a discount. This chair should be in everyone's home. the orthopedic back of the chair with a solid wide surface will take care of the correct posture of the child

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It's no secret that young children grow up very quickly, and they need not only new clothes every month, suitable in size, but also New furniture- tables, chairs. Household items for a child should be comfortable and spacious. Perfect option- growing stool This species is just learning to sit, or is already "nibbling on the granite of science" in first grade. The chair "grows" with the child, this saves parents from having to change the furniture every year.

PHOTO: Manufacturers of chairs "for growth" have provided the ability to adjust the product for growth

According to statistics, such a disease as scoliosis is found in 2% of preschoolers and 6% of schoolchildren. This suggests that the child, in the process of his growth, was not created right conditions in order to develop good posture. As a result, by the age of seven or ten, the baby has a hunched back, it is hard for him to sit at a desk for a long time.

Posture correction can take a long time, costly bandages, and in some cases even surgery. Wrong fit at the table can adversely affect not only the posture, but also the vision of the child. The statistics on this issue are horrendous - by the age of 14, that is, by the 8th grade of school, vision loss is observed in more than 15% of children.

How to determine if the child is sitting correctly in a chair:

  • both feet must be on the floor;
  • knees are bent at a right angle;
  • hands are placed on the table, a right angle should also form at the elbow.

Well, if the seat is adjustable, then you can install suitable size chair every six months and not buy new furniture.

Pros and cons of baby growing chairs

Chairs with adjustable back and height undoubtedly have many advantages:

  • an adjustable chair is perfect even for a small children's room, because it has a compact size;
  • furniture is mobile and can be easily moved from one room to another, or even to a new house;
  • chair adjustment is very fast. To raise the seat and footrest, you have to spend no more than a minute.

There is only one drawback of growing furniture - the high cost. average price for one chair - 5,000 rubles, which is very expensive for a family with a low and average income.

What is the difference between growing chairs for children

All growing chairs are assembled according to the same principle - the seat is rearranged manually, there is also a footrest made on a stable support. However, when choosing furniture for a child, you should pay attention to some nuances.

Growing chair for preschoolers and schoolchildren: what is important

As soon as the baby begins to hold his back and learns to sit, you can purchase a growing chair. In order for the child to feel confident in it, a soft seat and fastening belts are used for a start. The baby will stay on the chair and will not fall off it inadvertently.

These chairs are suitable for children from 6 months old and are first set to the maximum height and then gradually lowered. The advantage is that the child feels like a full participant in the dinner and sits at the same height with adults. At the same time, he can safely eat or play.

As the baby grows older, the chair and footrest lower down. However, when the child goes to school, a growing desk will be required in addition to the chair. If choose good furniture, you can provide the younger student with a comfortable workplace and minimize the likelihood of developing serious problems with posture and vision.

Materials for growing furniture

Manufacturers of children's furniture use only those materials that are completely safe for the child. These include metal, high-quality plastic and natural wood.

In the first place in terms of quality and safety is wood furniture, covered with acrylic lacquer. Chairs made of this material are always warm and comfortable, and most importantly, non-slip. Second is plastic. It weighs less, but is still less reliable than wood. A good wooden chair will hold even an adult, and a plastic one will have to be changed when the child grows up a little. Plastic, as a rule, has a rich acid color and immediately catches the eye.

Advice! In order for the child to be as comfortable as possible, order or sew a pillow for the chair yourself. You can choose shades that fit well into the existing color palette apartments.

Design features

In rising chairs, different mechanisms can be used to increase and decrease the height. In most models, special grooves are inserted on the supports, but if you need more robust design, it is recommended to choose a chair on furniture bolts.

The stronger the mount, the longer the furniture will last. If it is chosen correctly, then the chair will remain intact even after ten years of operation.

The most popular models of growing chairs

Parents always try to get the best for their children, and we are talking not only about food and toys, but also about furniture. According to Yandex.Market, there are several popular brands that have earned confidence in themselves by releasing high-quality goods.

Growing chair for the child "Humpbacked Horse": attractive and reliable

The manufacturer guarantees that the chair with fastenings will not fall even if the child begins to swing intensively in it.

Growing chair for a child "Humpbacked Horse"

Growing chair for the child "KidFix (Kidfiks)": practical

The special anatomically shaped back allows you to keep the child's back in correct position. There are additional fixing structures. The chair is very comfortable and practical.

Baby growing chair KidFix

Stokke growing baby chair: stable and durable

The product is made from the best parts of beech, treated with child-safe lacquer. Height adjustment is possible. Fastening is carried out using grooves.

Growing chair "Kotokota (Kotokota)": cheap and beautiful

This is the most affordable option of all listed. Russian manufacturer. The chair comes with cushions and toy pockets.

Growing chair "Kotokota"

Video instruction: how to make a growing chair with your own hands

Not every parent can afford to buy a growing chair and all the accessories to boot. However, you can assemble a transforming chair yourself, it has a very simple design. You only need a strong wide board or plywood in several layers.

Video instruction:

You can easily find suitable drawings on the Internet.

How much is such a miracle

A growing chair is one of the most expensive pieces of furniture. Average prices are shown in the table:

ModelManufacturerPrice for June 2019, rub.

It is not worth rushing with a choice. Before buying, it is recommended to study the reviews, as well as try to understand which table and chair is best for the child. Very often, parents are in a hurry with the purchase, and as a result, they have to change the chair in a year or two. To prevent this from happening, it is worth analyzing all the options and making a choice.

When the child becomes taller, it is enough just to rearrange to required height seat with a footrest, adjusting their position for growth. And reliable and convenient system fasteners will provide safe operation chair.

Tip: the only drawback of the grow-out chair is that it is quite high price, but if we take into account its service life together with the functionality, it turns out that this is more likely profitable investment than reckless spending.

Benefits of growing chairs

A chair that grows with the child has an impressive list of advantages:

  • Versatility - products are suitable for children 6-18 years old. Some models are also designed for a younger age group (from 2.5 years old), and due to the installation of special limiters, the chair can be used for very small ones (from 6 months). There is no upper age bar, so the growing chair is suitable even for adults.
  • Multifunctionality - the chair can be used both for and for, as well as for creative activities.
  • Provides correct posture and reduces the load on the spine due to the possibility of adjusting the position of the seat and back.
  • The child does not get tired sitting at the table, because it is provided correct location body. As a result, the child's interest in reading, drawing, lessons, etc. is significantly increased.
  • On such a chair, the child feels independent, because he can easily and without outside help get on it and get down.
  • The service life of a growing chair is almost unlimited, so when the baby grows up, this item can safely migrate from kitchen or even for bar counter.
  • The chair is very stable due to the large area of ​​​​support, and the design itself is designed for a load of up to 100 kg, so it is very difficult to break it.
  • Safety during operation. Most models of growing chairs have a special Teflon coating on the legs, which helps the base to glide gently on the floor, while the child will not tip over or fall.

Chairs are made from safe, certified materials. The most common option is natural wood, varnished on water based, which does not highlight harmful substances and does not cause allergic reactions. Also chairs or their individual elements can be made of high quality plastic, metal.

Tip: The stylish design of growing chairs makes them easy to fit into any space. Among the proposed assortment, you can choose an option for almost any color or design.

Among other things, a growing chair for a child can be made even more comfortable by equipping it with restrictive straps, pockets for toys or small things, and a tabletop for feeding. These accessories are offered by the same manufacturers, so it is easy to find the right ones.

What should be the ideal chair?

Both ordinary citizens who have already tried this item, and orthopedic doctors strongly recommend buying a growing chair for a child, the reviews speak for themselves. But it is important to choose the right model of such a chair so that it meets the expectations as much as possible and fully meets the needs of the baby.

First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the chair is made:

  • , as a rule, have two seats at once - upper and lower, which is used as a footrest. Both levels are easy to move in height in a fairly wide range, which makes it possible for children from 1.5 to 16 years and older to use the chair.
  • Plastic looks spectacular, weighs less, but will not last so long. The most durable options with a wooden frame and plastic seats.

The next thing to pay attention to is the age of the child. Some models, in particular those made of wood, can even be used by adults, while less durable plastic ones are more suitable for kids of a younger age group. The same applies to design: bright chairs with plastic inserts are better for kids, and as universal options"For growth" it is better to choose a model made of wood neutral color.

Tip: to make it even more comfortable for a child to sit on a chair, you can supplement it with soft padding on the back or seat, which will also add personality. appearance.

Not the last role is played by the ease of use and transformation of the chair. In particular, some models allow you to change the position of the seat using a system of grooves on the frame, while others use a stronger bolt-on mount.

The stronger the fastener, the longer the product itself will last, and its operation will be safer.

Popular manufacturers

Among trusted manufacturers that offer only high-quality and reliable products, you should pay attention to the growing chair for the child Kidfix, Kotokota, Millwood and the Little Humpbacked Horse.

All of them are similar in design, have a base and stands made of wood, and are also equipped with special limiters:

  • Kid-Fix is ​​a growing chair made of simple construction and versatile design. The position of the two seats is adjustable in a wide range, and the impressive width of the product allows it to be used even by adults. The wide base will appeal to active children who can’t get into a comfortable position. Additional benefits chairs of this manufacturer will be the ability to install restraints for babies, as well as soft covers for greater convenience.
  • Kotokota - a simple design made of wooden frame with the ability to adjust the height of the backrest and two seats. Most models are equipped with a limiter, which is used as a table for feeding, so the chair is suitable even for babies from six months. Seat fastening at the right level is carried out by means of slots-runners in the side parts. Chairs are made from high quality wood, which can be painted in any color.
  • Millwood - differs from its predecessors only in the materials used in the production. In particular, the frame is made of solid wood, but the seats and restraints are made of high-quality plywood (chipboard). The seats are fixed by installation in the side slots and fastened with a special key, resulting in a stable, durable design equally well suited for preschoolers and teenagers. The transformation mechanism is very simple and convenient, you can change the position of the elements in a few minutes.
  • The Little Humpbacked Horse - inexpensive models of chairs have simple design, consisting of a solid base with a backrest and two mobile seats. They are extremely easy to transform, have universal design, quite stable, suitable for children from 1.5 years. Products differ from foreign analogs in low price. Reliable fastening provide side openings.

Growing chair for a child: expert opinion

According to orthopedic doctors, a chair that grows with the child is extremely effective because it helps prevent spinal problems such as scoliosis, curvature, etc.

All children develop differently, so standard furniture cannot take into account all the features of the body. The ability to adjust the height and position of the chair allows you to choose the optimal landing position that is suitable for a particular child, taking into account his individual features. This is especially important to consider if the child sits at his desk for a long time and often, doing his homework, studying at the computer, drawing or reading.

From the point of view of psychologists, a growing chair is also necessary, because if the baby feels comfortable at his workplace, does not fidget, does not experience discomfort, then his emotional development will be harmonious. Provide psychological comfort from the very beginning early age, so every parent is required to buy an adjustable high chair. The kid will be more willing to engage in creativity or other activities at his table, he will feel like a part of the process.

Advice: child chair can always be placed next to common table, thereby involving the child in any family process. Being on the same level with adults, the baby will not feel defenseless, he will be happy to communicate with his parents, being less capricious and becoming independent faster.

Even chiropractors do not stand aside, insisting on. After all, many parents are still trying to force a baby to sit on an “adult” chair, thereby depriving the child of the usual comfort. As a result, blood circulation is disturbed, since the baby simply does not have support under his feet. Shoulders and elbows will also be out of place, causing a curvature of the spine. A child sitting in an uncomfortable chair will constantly act up, twitch, try to get up, and such anxiety can grow into serious problems with nervous system(sleep, vision, memory will worsen, irritability, fatigue will increase, attention will decrease).

To avoid all this, every parent who cares about the health of his child simply must think about buying a growing chair, because it is much easier to avoid a problem before it appears than to eliminate the consequences. In addition, the baby will be very happy that he has his own favorite and comfortable spot that will last for many years.


I turned my attention to the growing chair thanks to advertising, reviews, almost everyone who purchased a growing chair is very satisfied with the functionality of the chair. And then I had a desire to buy such a chair for my children too, the idea matured in my head for half a year for sure, and only this summer I decided to buy a growing chair.

I had to choose only the manufacturer of the growing table, and according to all the criteria, the choice fell on the chair Russian manufacturer children's furniture The Little Humpbacked Horse. Value for money at the highest level.

For information, chairs made from solid wood are much more expensive than a chair made from plywood.

I have two kids, one is 4.5 years old and the other is 1.5 years old.

I understood that they needed two chairs, but I didn’t risk buying two at once, because suddenly something would not suit me in this chair, and I would have to look for a replacement, so I first decided to buy one chair for testing.

I decided for myself that it is most relevant to purchase a growing highchair for a baby with an additional table, since it is already stretching towards our table.

Growing more compact and not as bulky as a regular highchair, and with a table and limiter, it can be used from 6 months. It fits perfectly on an ordinary dining table, 80 cm high, and the baby sits with us, eating on a par with mom, dad and brother.

Well, now I will tell you in more detail how the chair is arranged, how to use it correctly and how to place an order.


Children's adjustable chair "Konek Gorbunek" provides the correct posture for children from 3 to 15 years.

I bought it forofficial website of "Konek Gorbunek" (direct link to the site).

PRICE chair in white 6190 rubles.

The cost of the chair depends on the color you choose. I liked the white color the most, for me it's a win-win perfect for any interior.

I will also share with you information how to save money on shopping, having received 3% discount to order and Cash back 9% from the cost of the chair .

AT total amount you can save 12%, there is also a discount for a repeat purchase, it will be 5%.

Reorder discount cannot be combined with other discounts.

In order to receive promo code for 3% discount you need to register in social networks.

Join our group In contact with and/or subscribe to our page in Instagram and get 3% off your order.
Request a promotional code for a discount from our managers by mail or through a group on social networks.

By purchasing a chair and leaving a review on it, you can get Cash back up to 9% of the cost of the chair, the following conditions must be met:

Take a photo and/or video of your child on the Humpbacked Horse Chair.

Write a review for the chair. (See the full list of sites and the size of Cash back on the official website)


I placed an order on the official website of the manufacturer "Konek Gorbunek".

Registration is not required, filled in all the required fields, and in my mailbox I received response letters with the necessary information, the manager contacted me to clarify some questions. Good girl, explained everything clearly.

You can also place an order by phone or send them an email.


The color palette is very varied because the chair is presented in 17 colors:

Nature, Birch, Sandalwood, White Ivory, Blue, Walnut, Teak, Wenge, Loft-1, Loft-2, White-Orange, White-Blue, White-Lilac, White-Pink, White-Green, Blue-Orange.

I think everyone will be able to choose the right color, especially the growing chair is suitable for children of any gender, both for a boy and a girl.

For my son, once again I repeat, I chose a chair in white. Color white, pure, paintwork perfect.


The chair is sold unassembled, in a cardboard box. The packaging was originally sealed and pasted over with branded tape with company logos.

Box weight 7 kg

Box dimensions 45 cm * 92 cm * 7 cm

The box is quite small and light, but it is more convenient if the husband picks it up from the terminal.

Inside the box was the chair itself disassembled, securely packed, assembly instructions, as well as necessary kit assembly tools.

You don't need to buy anything separately, everything is included.


The chair is assembled quite quickly, in 15 minutes, instructions in pictures, understandable, problems should not arise. My husband collected the chair.

Then it will take another 15 minutes to adjust the chair, seat settings, footrests for the child, and at the end the final tightening.

The chair in assembled form is STABLE, DOES NOT STABILIZE, DOES NOT SCREAK.


The chair is designed for children aged 3 to 15 years.

But in fact, these time limits can be moved apart, so when buying an additional table with a limiter, the chair can be used, when the baby is 6 months old, he will sit, and just this is the time of the first complementary foods.

The chair is also suitable for an adult, so even I really sit on it,

The chair fits all tables with a height of 65-80 cm. We have dinner table almost 80 cm high, it is comfortable for the child to sit with us.

Chair dimensions 50cm*82cm*47cm (L*H*W)

The wooden elements of the chair are made of birch plywood. premium, coated with a varnish produced in Germany by HesseLignal, which meets the requirements of European normative documents DIN EN 71-3 (safety requirements for children's toys and children's furniture are fully met)

The chair Humpbacked horse has a certificate No. TS RU C-RU.BE02.B.00043 and complies with the requirements of the technical regulation Customs Union TR TS 025/2012 "On the safety of furniture products".

The manufacturer gives a GUARANTEE FOR THE CHAIR FOR 10 YEARS.


The growing chair is quite compact, not bulky, fits perfectly into the interior of the rooms.

It is convenient for the child, as it is comfortable to sit on it.

The child independently climbs on it, like on a ladder, it is convenient for him!

By the way, as you already understood, an adult can sit on it calmly, the main thing is not to exceed the maximum load on the chair of 100 kg.

Children grow up quickly, and the ability to adjust the chair to fit the height of the child is an indisputable advantage of the design of the chair.

Having bought a chair once, you can be sure that it will last for a long time, and it will last for many years.

The main elements of the growing chair Humpbacked Horse are made of high quality birch plywood, while the lintels and holders are made of birch.

The manufacturer gives a guarantee of 10 years for the chair, and this already says a lot. The chair is covered with environmentally friendly varnish made in Germany for children's furniture.


In this regard, the growing chair Konek Gorbunek has proven itself exclusively with positive side, it is stable and convenient to use.

The main thing to observe simple techniques security.

In appearance, growing chairs different manufacturers almost identical, and the decisive moment why I chose the manufacturer Konek-Gorbunek was its dimensions, namely the length of the bottom of the leg is 50 cm - A LARGE SUPPORT AREA MAKES THE CHAIR STABLE.

Since, while reading the reviews, there were negative reviews on one chair, which has a leg length of about 42 cm, and during the operation of the chair it overturned back, I did not take risks and decided to stop at the growing Gorbunek horse chair.

Especially on the legs of the chair there is SLIDING TEFLON PADS, thanks to which the chair will not tip over if the child pushes off the table or tries to swing on the hind legs, he will simply drive back.

As you already understand, I was satisfied with the growing chair, it's real worth buying for a child, if you care about his health, since the chair allows the child to sit in the correct position, the back has support, the legs do not hang, there is no need to reach for the table.

And all this thanks to the fact that:



The seat and footrest of the chair are adjustable for each child individually, depending on the height of the child.

On the leg of the chair, at the bottom there is an embossed branded label of the company "Konek Gorbunek".


The instruction comes with the chair, illustrated, understandable, it is easy to assemble the chair on your own, in 15 minutes.


It is important to correctly assemble and adjust the chair so that the child is not only comfortable to sit on it, but also useful, because the chair has an orthopedic back.

The height and depth of the seat, as well as the footrests, must correspond to the height and age of the child. Therefore, do not forget to change their positions over time.

The seat and footrest of the chair are individually adjustable for each child. With optimally selected settings, sitting on a high chair, the child should feel easy and comfortable.

Seat setting

The height of the seat is selected for a specific table so that the child's elbows are at the level of the table surface. The depth of the seat is selected so that the back of the child touches the back of the chair with the lower back. At the same time, a space of about 3-5 cm should remain between the front edge of the seat and the popliteal ligaments of the child.

Footrest adjustment

The height of the footrest is selected in such a way that the child's feet are completely on the footrest, and the hips touch the seat. The depth of the footrest is selected so that the front edge of the footrest does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the support area of ​​the chair legs.


In terms of care, the chair is not whimsical, to maintain the cleanliness of the chair, it must be wiped with a damp cloth. If water gets on it, then of course it is better to immediately remove it with a rag so that moisture does not affect the paintwork.



In addition to the chair itself, you can also purchase related products for it, chair cushions, on them the child will be more comfortable to sit and also thanks to good choice color solutions, you can also decorate the chair by choosing the color for the interior of the room.

The pillows are made of soft textile, which can be easily washed in the washing machine. Pillows are easily attached to the chair, due to Velcro and tightly fixed.

On the this moment There are 7 sets of pillows on the site made in various colors.

Price 1090 rubles.

AT comes with two pillows, on a back and a seat.

This version of the pillow set is perfect for an older child who sits independently and confidently, from 2 or even 3 years old, and does not need a restraint.

Since my baby needs a restraint and a table, I ordered a table with accessories.


You can also order one pillow per seat, for comfortable sitting on a chair. It is also soft, easy to install and attach to a chair.

Price one pillow 590 rubles. There are 13 colors to choose from.


The color of the table can be chosen to match the color of the chair itself.

I needed a white table, so I ordered it.

Thanks to the table with a limiter, it is possible to use a growing chair from 6 months, thereby avoiding additional expenses for the purchase of a high chair.

The table can be used for feeding a baby up to 3 years old, as well as for drawing and playing, but it is important to know that!

Table dimensions (L*W*H): 550-470*435*90

The length of the tabletop can be adjusted independently in the range of 470-540 mm. ADJUSTMENT OF THE TABLE IN DEPTH IS POSSIBLE IN 3 POSITIONS.

In addition to the instructions, a furniture self-tapping screw and a hexagon are included with the table with a limiter.

The table is on sale together with the limiter.

Do not use the table without a restraint for children under 3 years of age.

The restraint is a cushion of soft textile on the back with a three-point safety harness that securely fixes the child.

You choose the color of textiles yourself, from the catalog, 10 colors to choose from. There are colors, as well as universal ones, both for a boy and for a girl. For my baby, I ordered full set, in the color "Ship".

They can be washed in the washing machine on gentle mode at 30 degrees without spinning, or by hand.

If you also decide to order a table with a limiter, then when assembling, I recommend that you immediately thread the three-point mount through the stick under the seat so that you don’t have to disassemble part of the chair again like we did. At first, we simply assembled the chair, and then proceeded to assemble the table and install the limiter mount. The photo shows where the belt mount should be.

Well, in conclusion, I would like to tell you one more story about the growing high chair and my children.

As you can see from my review, I am completely satisfied with the purchase, and of course I recommend you to buy a growing chair.

So, at the beginning of my review, I wrote that I have two children, and I decided to buy one chair first, and, if everything is fine, buy a second one for the older child, since he also needs his own good chair.

Having tested one chair for two kids who are equally comfortable sitting in it, my husband and I decided that we would soon get a second similar chair.


Of course, for me and the child it was a great joy, since I saved on delivery to my city, and we live far enough away, and transport companies not in the city, but the child was happy with his chair.

Moreover, he and his brother have two identical chairs, they even sometimes manage to eat from the same table opposite each other, in general, it’s fun.


Children's furniture, in particular the table and chair, must meet many requirements: to be safe, aesthetically attractive, functional and easy to use. It is unacceptable to use one model throughout the entire period of growing up. Otherwise, an incorrect, uncomfortable position during classes, reading, table games can cause many problems. Difficulties in breathing and circulation, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, pain in the neck and back, chronic fatigue - these are not all diseases that can be avoided. the right choice workplace height.

The height of the chair should depend on the height of the child. The height of the table must also increase in proportion to its growth. But the annual purchase of a workplace can significantly hit the family budget. Tables and chairs that grow with the child - perfect solution this problem. Thanks to the ability to change the position of the backrest, seat height, table top and footrest, a child of any size and age (from infancy to youth) is extremely comfortable. A long service life and attractive design delight the whole family.


Main characteristics

A growing or adjustable table-desk is an optimal workplace that has the ability to adjust its height and tilt of the tabletop to the growth of the child as he grows up. An abundance of auxiliary accessories are included in the kit or purchased separately. These are pencil cases, side shelves, cabinets with drawers, pencil holders and much more.

Rectangular countertops usually have rounded corners for the safety of the child and a side against slipping of notebooks and pens to ensure convenience during the learning process.

The main characteristics of the growing table:

  • light soothing colors so that nothing distracts from classes;
  • the ability to change the angle of the table top from 0 to 55 degrees;
  • protection of corners and legs with special pads that ensure the safety of the environment and the floor;
  • solid or divided into several parts tabletop for various activities.


Manufacturers of growing chairs use wood, plastic, metal as materials, and also combine designs. These chairs grow with the child. Therefore, a whole set of fasteners is attached to it, allowing you to adjust the size at any time. And the presence a large number levels allow you to adjust the most optimal height.

Specifically for schoolchildren, such furniture is an important and useful acquisition, since the student spends a lot of time on different kinds learning activities at your workplace. It is very important to monitor his posture, because most of the unpleasant and intractable diseases of the spine appear at this age.

How to choose?

  1. Decide on an age category. Chairs with two seats (one is usually used as a footrest) are the most popular. Both seats can be adjusted so that children of different ages can comfortably sit on them - from infancy to 16 years old. But there are chairs directly designed for school-age children.
  2. We pay attention to the materials of production. The tree is considered environmentally friendly and harmless material. Thanks to modern ways wood processing wooden furniture not afraid high humidity, temperature fluctuations, aggressive influences household chemicals. Plastic chairs are less resistant, but brighter and lighter.
  3. We evaluate the complexity of furniture transformation. AT certain models parts are held in recessed grooves, in others - with bolts. Fasteners help to increase the strength of the product.

Overview of popular models

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

Children's growing chair "Humpbacked Horse" provides a comfortable position throughout the entire period of growing up a child of any build. This model is universal (suitable for any standard table), quite durable and easy to handle, tk. the chair consists of a solid base-back and a pair of seats that can be easily moved.

Table-desk "Humpbacked Horse" - best option for little scientists! Fits like regular chair, and growing. This is achieved by adjusting the height of the tabletop and the angle of inclination. working surface(0% for drawing, 10% for reading and writing).

In the presence of all the above advantages, the price compares favorably with similar designs from foreign manufacturers.

To date, numerous positive reviews testify to the great popularity of the "Konek-Gorbunok" furniture in Russia.


The growing chairs "Kotokota" are equipped not only with several seats (one in the form of a footrest), but also with a restraint for babies. Height adjustment helps create the most optimal parameters, affecting the correct posture, and provides proper support in the lumbar spine.

These chairs are made of wood, and thanks to painting in various colors, even the most fastidious people in this regard can choose a model for themselves. The seats are attached using small slots, which makes the transformation more convenient.

The growing school desk Kotokota Evo has a table top that can be adjusted in height (from 47 to 75 cm) and inclination angle (from 0 to 40 degrees). Additional elements in the form of top and side shelves allow you to increase the functional properties of the model.


Chairs "Kid-Fix" has a similar design, as well as the samples described above. Fame and prevalence is guaranteed by the quality of the material (wood), safety and functionality. A distinctive feature is a fairly solid width, so the chair will be comfortable for both adults and children. The model is equipped with seats and a footrest. For the smallest, it is possible to add restraints that will not allow the child to fall out. Soft cases are also available for added comfort.

Good orthopedic furniture can ensure the health of the spine and skeletal system at any age, starting from the earliest. And the most important piece of furniture in childhood is a chair - the same chair on which the child sits at his desk. Its height depends on the height of the child, so using the same chair every year is unacceptable. Unlike conventional chairs for a schoolchild, a children's growing chair allows you to change the height of the seat and the position of the back.

What is a growing stool

A growing chair for a child can be made from the most different materials, for example, from a tree. Also, on sale there are samples made of metal and plastic. The grow chair can grow with the child. To do this, its design provides a whole set of mounts that allow you to adjust the height of the chair. Here they change:

  • seat height;
  • Backrest position;
  • Footrest location.

At the same time, there are far from 2 or 3 gradations in height, but much more - the chair is adjustable for a child of any age and height. Thanks to this, you can not change the chair annually, but only adjust its height and the position of the footrest as you grow.

A growing chair for a schoolchild is a very important and useful acquisition for the school period, when the child often sits at his desk and prepares homework. Here it is very important that he sits correctly and does not twist his back. Otherwise, unpleasant and intractable diseases of the spine may appear. As the child grows, parents can adjust the position of the seat and backrest to help the child sit in the most comfortable position that does not injure the back. For the same purposes, we advise you to pay attention to orthopedic transforming desks.

growing chair allows you to form the correct posture and promotes the correct position of the spine ensuring its proper development. In some models, there is also an adjustable footrest. Due to this, these chairs have maximum convenience and allow the child to sit in the correct position. If you want to ensure harmonious development for your child, then he needs to buy a growing chair - such products are sold in specialized stores (including online stores).

How to choose the perfect model

A chair that grows with your child can be used in a variety of situations:

  • At the dinner table;
  • At the desk while doing homework;
  • At the drawing table, etc.

But how to choose the right model? Primarily need to pay attention to the materials of manufacture. They are widely used wooden chairs, consisting of two seats - one of them can be used as a footrest. Both seats move over the widest range, so that children of all ages can sit on them - from one and a half to two years to 15-16 years. Plastic chairs are less durable, but more beautiful - they are somewhat similar to small office chairs.

Some models are equipped with removable supporting inserts, due to which even the smallest children (from six months) can sit on them.

The next category includes wooden and plastic growing chairs designed for school age. Thanks to their structural features, both first graders and high school students can sit on them. That is, even adults can comfortably fit on them - great way do not change the chair for many years.

As you already understood, when choosing a growing chair, you should pay attention to the materials of manufacture, giving your preference to wood. Also, we turn our attention to the age category. The final factor will be the ease of transformation of the chair. In some models, the seats are held in sawn grooves, and in some they are bolted. Naturally, the presence of fasteners will be a plus, not a minus - it increases the strength and endurance of the product.

Reviews of the most popular growing chairs

The children's growing chair "Humpbacked Horse" is the simplest model, aimed at children of all ages. Even babies, at the age of one and a half to two years, can sit on it - for this there is a footrest that supports the legs. Reviews about the chair "Humpbacked Horse" are positive character. This model is characterized by versatility, stability and ease of transformation. At the same time, its price compares favorably with the offers of foreign competitors. Functionally, the chair consists of a single wooden base-back and two moving seats.

This model has an impressive range of movement of the seat and footrest - there are side holes for fixing them.

The growing chair "Kotokota" is similar in design and shape to the growing chair "Humpbacked Horse. It is supplied not only with two adjustable seats (one of which acts as a footrest), but also with a limiter for the smallest children. These chairs are made of wood and are painted in the most different colors- for every taste. They are universal and can be used by children of any age, starting from six months.. Seats are secured with shallow slots for easy transformation.

Wooden growing children's chair "Kid-Fix" has the same design as the two previous samples. Such popularity is ensured by the stability of this form factor and versatility. A distinctive feature of this model is a solid base width, so the chair will be comfortable even for adults, not to mention children, who always have little space on the chair. The Kid-Fix model is equipped with seats and footrests, if necessary, the chair can be supplemented with a limiter for the smallest. Additionally, covers are available that make the chair soft.

Millwood growing chairs are similar to their predecessors in this review. Their base is made of solid wood, and chipboard (plywood) is used for the manufacture of seats, footrests and limiters. The design is quite stable and can quickly transform. Stands and seats are installed in grooves and fixed with a special key - you can change the position of the elements in a matter of minutes. As for the age of a seated child, it varies from six months to 16 years.

Thus, growing children's chairs not only provide the conditions for the formation of the correct posture, but also save money, because they are bought once and for a long time. Also, on sale you can find chairs of other designs, but they do not differ in versatility and practicality.