Describe the area where I live. Essay on my street. Some interesting essays

A description of a locality is a description of any place where a person lives: a village, a town, a city, a street, a yard, a square. The basis of the description is a listing of objects characteristic of a given place, and a description of these objects. When describing the area, you need to be able to find the “initial point of view”. For example, you look down from a hillock at the city and its environs.

When describing the area, you can use the following phrases and words: not far, a few steps away, a little further, not far, near, on the contrary, a complex of multi-storey buildings, a new layout, openwork arches of bridges, picturesque corners etc. Verbs are best used in one tense, they should help draw an object: spread out, stretched out, stretches, rises, hides. The verb can also be omitted: near the forest, far away the dome of the church.

Pay attention to the speaking description of the area given by N.V. Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls":

“The village of Manilovka could lure a few with its location. The master's house stood alone in the south, that is, on a hill, open to all the winds, whichever it takes to blow; the slope of the mountain on which he stood was dressed in trimmed turf. Two or three flowerbeds with lilac and yellow acacia bushes were scattered on it in the English style; here and there five or six birches in small clusters raised their small-leaved thin tops. Beneath two of them was a gazebo with a flat green dome, blue wooden columns and the inscription "Temple of Solitary Reflection"; lower down is a pond covered with greenery, which, however, is not a wonder in the English gardens of Russian landowners. At the foot of this elevation, and partly along the very slope, gray log huts darkened up and down, which our hero, for unknown reasons, immediately began to count and counted more than two hundred; nowhere between them is a growing tree or some kind of greenery; everywhere looked only one log. The view was enlivened by two women, who, picturesquely picking up their dresses and tucking themselves in from all sides, wandered up to their knees in the pond, dragging a tattered log by two wooden nags, where two entangled crayfish were visible and a caught roach glittered; the women, it seemed, were at odds with one another and were squabbling over something. At some distance, to the side, a pine forest darkened with some dull bluish color. Even the weather itself was very useful: the day was either clear or gloomy, but of some kind of light gray color, which only happens on the old uniforms of garrison soldiers, this, however, a peaceful army, but partly drunk on Sundays. To complete the picture, there was no lack of a rooster, a harbinger of changeable weather, which, despite the fact that the head was gouged to the very brain by the noses of other roosters in known deeds of red tape, bawled very loudly and even flapped its wings, tattered like old matting.

There are many different streets in my city: both large and small, and wide, and narrow, with tall houses, and not so much, but there is only one street that is dear to me.

I don’t know the history of the appearance of my yard, my parents lived in another city (district), but I know a lot of events that took place on my street, I know every tree, every secluded corner where you can hide while playing hide and seek. I know almost all the children of my yard. Together we often arrange various competitions, play, joke, talk.

I love my street at any time of the year. In spring, lilacs bloom on the trees, from which everything around is saturated with a pleasant aroma of flowers. In summer, the whole yard becomes like an anthill, because many people appear on the street, as all the inhabitants go out to bask in the sun. In autumn, the yard is painted in all shades of red and yellow, it becomes extraordinarily beautiful. In winter, everything falls asleep and it becomes quiet around.

My street is the place to which I have a special feeling. It is very dear to me, because I grew up here, met new people, learned a lot. Many happy and joyful moments of my life are connected with my yard. My street will forever remain in my heart no matter where I live in the future.

Composition grade 7, grade 8, grade 5, grade 6.

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I live in a large and spacious private house. We have our own yard, which we equipped with dad and mom according to our wishes. But despite this, I'm always interested in going out and meeting my friends.

It so happened historically that in every house on our street there are children, also my peers. Therefore, when we are all going to walk together, there are about 20 of us. Imagine how much fun we have. We don't have to be bored.

Our street is long and not very wide, and it can offer us a lot of entertainment. On one side is an unfinished and abandoned building. It has a roof and walls. We equipped this building for our headquarters, fenced it off, put things in order inside. Each of the guys brought something interesting from home. I was able to take a telescope. We installed it in a convenient place, and every evening we look at the starry sky.

Our dads helped us build a big wooden table where we often have tea parties. The abandoned building is overgrown with large and mighty trees on all sides, so they protect us from the wind and extreme heat.

There is also a large playground on our street. Recently, the mayor of our city came and opened it by cutting the red ribbon. Oh, how happy we all were. The new site has slides, swings, and a variety of twists and turns, on which we can ride until dizzy.

Walking a little further down the street, we can see a large green area. This is a garden with fruit trees. The guys and I decided that we would look after him. And he, in gratitude, brings us magnificent fruits - sweet and juicy pears, apples and plums. There are several peach trees. There are many shrubs with grapes in the garden. So this outdoor garden feeds us with vitamins and delicious treats every year.

How I love my street, where so many good people and my true friends live.

My street

I. My street is the most expensive place.

II. General view of the street:

1 Development history.

2. Residential buildings.

3. State institutions and public institutions.

4. My school.

III. I love my street.

Each person has memorable, most expensive places in life. For me, this is my home, my house, my street. When I was very young, my parents got an apartment in a new area on Druzhby Narodov Street. I believe that this name is symbolic, because it is friendship between people that is the key to the best feelings: friendship flows into love, without friendship there is no fidelity, humanity begins from friendship.

Twelve years ago, a young residential area “grew up” on the site of a corn field and collective farms. White high-rise buildings towered above the ground, as if touching the clouds with the grips of TV antennas, and they themselves resembled clouds. My peers and I grew up with this area, here everything is close and familiar to us.

Our street is straight and wide. In the summer there is a lot of greenery, because on one side there is a forest belt, turned into a cozy alley. On the other, sunny side, there are always many flowers, but the trees have already grown in twelve years. The edge of the street opens into a field. From the windows of the upper floors, a wonderful view opens - vast green fields, which at the beginning of summer are golden with sunflower radiance. The other end of the street rests on a wide highway, along which private buildings begin. Although one-story houses claim to be original in architecture, I love high-rise buildings. It is especially pleasant to look at nine-story buildings with patterns near the roofs - these are houses with an improved layout. They stand out for their originality. The street is very long, and supermarkets are located on both sides. They are designed almost the same way, so the street acquires a kind of frame.

Necessary public and state institutions are planned to serve the residents on the territory of our microdistrict. To a greater extent, they are located on the first floors of multi-storey buildings, with the exception of shops and cafes. Cafe "Lotta" has become a favorite vacation spot for young people. And between the houses in cozy yards there are kindergartens and schools. Surrounded by residential buildings is my school.

This three-story structure is built in such a way that many of its windows overlook the courtyard with a flower bed in the middle, on which a large spruce grows. In front of the main entrance, flowers are blazing in the flowerbeds, and the birch alley leading to the school creates comfort and cheers up.

I love my street at any time, but especially in autumn. This is the time when everything is covered with gold, which is interspersed with crimson.

From the window of my house, the entire microdistrict is clearly visible, and a light breeze of early autumn fills the room with the smell of withered leaves.

Father's house

I. Where childhood passed.

II. Island of beauty and harmony.

1. Blooming yard.

2. Lilac color of childhood.

3. Old garden.

4 The past does not return.

III. Leaving a piece of myself.

Remembering childhood, you are imbued with strange sensations. Somehow it becomes aching in the chest when you remember the yard on which you took your first steps. Small, cozy, twined with vines, it barely let the sun's rays through. In the summer it protected from the heat, in the winter - from blizzards. In autumn, the fall of the leaves covered the ground with a fluffy carpet, on which we, the children, murmured. And you raise your head up - poured bunches of grapes. Barely nailed down by the morning frost, which flowed down in a transparent drop during the day, the grape clusters seemed transparent, even the seeds showed through the pale pink shell and beckoned the children's imagination. Then dad took me in his arms, lifted me up and I took out the ripe vineyard with my lips. And on the door, leaning against the jamb, my mother stood and pretended to be angry when she saw my dirty face. And then we all laughed merrily. In the spring, my father cut the vines - and the yard brightened up, so that in May it would turn green again.

Our house was located on the outskirts of the village and one side looked at the ravine. And on the other side of the ravine towered high-rise buildings. Our small provolochok consisted of one-story houses of private development and was a small island of beauty and harmony in the middle of a big bustling city.

Our family owned one part of the house, on the other side there was a neighbor's fence. Grandmother believed that this fence spoils the beauty, and planted it with weaving flowers. When red nasturtium and multi-colored cups of twisted panyches bloomed, the fence disappeared, turning into a colorful bright carpet.

A small picket fence protected my grandmother's front garden in front of the windows from the street. What was not there! Flowers changed depending on the season, filling the yard with the scents of summer, but roses were always considered grandmother's pride. She grew them from shoots, protected them from bad weather, and when they bloomed, she could not stop looking at them. And once she grew a lash rose, prickly, prickly, but inexpressibly beautiful.

I liked the white lilac that grew under the window of my room the most. My grandmother planted it in honor of my birth, but it overtook me in growth. Every year on Victory Day, my grandmother and I broke lilacs and went to the Memorial of Glory. Grandmother lifted me up in her arms, and I put a white bouquet to the eternal fire. And returning home, I saw lilac flowers whiten against the background of a red brick house and barely touched my window.

In the spring, our house changed as the garden behind it changed. At first it seethed with a white blizzard of apple and cherry color, a little later it was buried in greenery, and even later - in the crimson of the poured fruit. The small windows gleamed with clean glass, which dazzled and attracted various warmth.

passing the whole garden behind him. At first it seethed with a white blizzard of apple and cherry color, a little later it was buried in greenery, and even later - in the crimson of the poured fruit. The small windows gleamed with clean glass, which dazzled and attracted various warmth.

From there I went to first grade, and when my parents got an apartment in a high-rise building in another district of the city, I refused to move with them, staying with my grandmother.

And now that my grandmother is gone, I go to school in the new area where my parents live. I like my house, and the new school, and my new friends. But there, in the old district, not only my childhood remained, but also a piece of myself. Sometimes I even imagine that I open the gate, and there my grandmother is standing on the threshold and waiting for me. I know that miracles do not happen, that the past does not return. But in my heart for a lifetime there will be memories of an old neat house, shrouded in a haze of a garden - my home.

Subject: Composition - description of the area.

Objectives: to introduce students to the features of the description of the area;

to enrich the speech of schoolchildren with words denoting architectural objects and their details;

prepare students to describe the area - by observation.

Teaching aids: reproduction “Kazan. Kuibyshev Square.

portrait of K. Kuznetsov,

texts with examples of descriptions of the area.

During the classes.

1. Message of the topic of the lesson and its goals.

2. Conversation on questions.

First of all, let's remember in what works we met the description of the area,

that is, a description of a village, city, street, some place where people live.

(Students name the description of the estates of Troekurov and Dubrovsky in "Dubrovsky",

description of the village in the "Prisoner of the Caucasus")

3. Work in preparation for writing - a description of the area.

Where do you think you can start describing the area?

(Define the intention of the essay, determine from what point of view, from what position I describe

terrain. You can first convey the general impression of the place that I describe)

And then?

(And then describe individual items.)

Correctly. But you need to describe these objects in such a way as to reveal your intention.

Listen to how V. Ulyanov describes the village of Shushenskoye in a letter to his sister.

Let's read this description.


You ask, Manyasha, to describe the village of Shu-shu-shu ...

The village is large, with several streets, rather dirty, dusty - everything is as it should be. It stands in the steppe - there are no gardens and no vegetation at all. The village is surrounded by ... manure, which is not taken out to the fields here, but thrown right behind the village, so that in order to leave the village, one must always almost go through a certain amount of manure. Near the village itself, the river Shush, now completely shallow. About 1-1/2 versts from the village (more precisely, from me: the village is long) Shush flows into the Yenisei, which forms a mass of islands and channels here, so there is no approach to the main channel of the Yenisei. I bathe in the largest channel, which is now also very shallow. On the other side (opposite the Shush River) about 1-1/2 versts - “pine forest”, as the peasants solemnly call it, but in fact a pretty bad, heavily cut wood, in which there is not even a real shadow (but there are a lot of strawberries!) And which does not has nothing in common with the Siberian taiga, which I have only heard of so far, but have not been to it (it is at least 30-40 versts from here). Mountains... about these mountains, I expressed myself very inaccurately, because the mountains lie about 50 versts from here, so you can only look at them when the clouds do not cover them ...

Therefore, to your question: “what mountains did I climb” - I can only answer: on the sandy mounds that are in the so-called “pine forest” - in general, there is enough sand here.


What genre is this passage written in? What he really is?

(The text is written in the epistolary genre. This is a letter.)

Find that part of the description that gives an assessment and general impression of the village of Shushenskoye.

(“The village is large, with several streets, rather dirty, dusty - everything is as it should be.”)

a) when describing the place where the village stands?

(“It stands in the steppe - there are no gardens and no vegetation at all,” and there is manure all around.)

b) when describing a river and mountains?

(“... the river Shush, now completely shallow”; pine forest, that is, “a pretty, heavily cut wood”; mountains - “sand mounds.”)

Let's define the outline of this description:

1. General impression of the village of Shushenskoye.

2. The place where the village stands.

3. "Sights" of the area:

a) a river and its tributaries;

b) "boron" - a cut wood;

c) "mountains" - sand mounds.

What plan do we have?

(Difficult, since the third part of the plan consists of 3 points.)

You already know that when describing a terrain, you need to determine the position from which this terrain

will be described. For example, I. Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union, in his book

starts description.


Two young poplars of the same age are growing in our yard. Their father planted them. About five years old, I remember, I was already climbing them. I climb to the very top and look around.

From what position is the area described?

(The area is described from the height of a poplar, which a five-year-old boy climbed.)

What could he see? We read the following passage.

... I see the roof of our hut and a wide crooked street, along the street - ditches, which are flooded with water in the spring. Bridges are thrown over them. At the outskirts there are two small lakes overgrown with sedge. Past the birch forest is a road lined with willows. In the distance, to the edge of pine forests, fields go, and from the north, to the Desna, - water meadows. A ridge of low hills blocks the village from the pressure of spring water.

Expanse and freedom!

(I. Kozhedub. I serve the Motherland.)

So, the boy first sees what is close to him: "the roof of the hut and the wide crooked street." Then the gaze goes further, "along the street": ditches and bridges over them; further: outskirts, two small lakes. And already quite far away: a birch forest, a road, the edge of pine forests, fields, water meadows near the Desna and on the horizon "a ridge of low hills." So, a close-up describes what a five-year-old boy could notice from the height of a poplar.

And now let's recall the description of the farm in "Taras Bulba" and determine

from what position it is given.

(The students indicate these lines: “They (Ostap and Andriy), having passed, looked back: the farm

they seem to have gone into the ground ... ". Ostap and Andriy looked at the farm from afar, so they saw

not a house, but two chimneys from their modest house, not trees, but "only the tops of trees", not

well, but "a pole over a well with a wheel tied at the top.")

The description is given through the eyes of the heroes of the work, who say goodbye to their home, with a sweet childhood.

Where you are, how you look, depends on your impression of the objects. One and the same object can look different: it is one thing, for example, to describe a courtyard from a window, another - from the height of a tree, from the height of a flying plane; he will be one in the morning, another in the afternoon, and a third in the night.
And the size, and color, and lighting of objects will be different. This must be kept in mind when you begin your work on the description of the area.

Here is how K. Paustovsky says about it: “The light on a cloudy day before the rain is completely different than on the same day after the rain. Wet foliage gives it transparency and shine.

So, first of all, determine the place of observation, from which the area seems especially attractive to you. To make the description interesting, you need to make observations, peer into objects, see their features.

Please note that you can describe the area in a different sequence:

a) first you can say what is far away,

b) then about what is closer to you,

c) about what is very close to you (and vice versa).

There may be another sequence:

left to right, top to bottom (and vice versa).

You can describe in detail the area (street, square, or even part of the street, square),

it is possible to describe only a general view (panorama) of the city (village, village).

You have to describe the street. You can approach this topic in different ways. After all, the position from which you will describe the street can be very different. For example, you stand in the middle (or at the beginning, at the end) of our street and look along it...

Let's try together to describe the area depicted in the painting by Nikolai Dmitrievich Kuznetsov “Kazan. Kuibyshev Square. »


4. Acquaintance with the personality of the artist.

was born in 1923 in the village of Vasilyevo, Zelenodolsk region of the TASSR. In 1945 he graduated from the Kazan Art College. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1950. Awarded with medals “For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, “For Valiant Labor. Participant of All-Russian and All-Union exhibitions (1951 - 1957), "Soviet Russia" (1960 and 1970), zonal "Big Volga", 16 autonomous republics of the RSFSR in Moscow (1971), "Artists of Tataria" in Leningrad (1972), Ufa (1976) -1977), as well as republican exhibitions in Kazan.

The first success and recognition brought the artist railway landscapes, in which a sense of the new was organically combined with a poetic perception of reality (Moscow. The Third Kilometer, 1952; At the junction station, 1954; On the tracks of the Yudino station, 1962).

The artist began a series of urban landscapes in 1953 with the painting “Moscow. Komsomolskaya Square. One of the best in this series is the landscape "Kazan Kremlin" (1955). Kuznetsov worked on urban motifs until his last days. His canvases about Moscow and Kazan introduce us to the architectural appearance of the capitals; unexpectedly, modern high-rise buildings next to ancient monuments appear before us in a new way.

was an artist temperamental, restless, in love with life, tireless in work. The desire to embody new themes led him to search for new figurative means, to enrich the palette.

The subjects of this master's paintings, combining lyrical intonations with a heroic-epic beginning, are very diverse: railway stations and tracks, river ports and moorings, the wide expanses of the Volga, tower cranes and silhouettes of new buildings, oil rigs, houses, streets and parks of transformed cities . And everything in them is full of life, movement, energy of creation.

His last works are a cycle of landscapes about the gigantic construction site of the 9th five-year plan - KamAZ, in which his outstanding abilities appeared in a new way. The artist died in 1974.

5. Work on the picture.

Are you familiar with the area depicted in the picture?

(This is one of the most famous places in Kazan - Kuibyshev Square)

Does the area in the painting, painted in 1972, differ from what we know now?

(Now the building on the left is no longer there. The newsstand and tree avenue are also gone.)

And now let's choose a point from which we will look and describe this area.

(For example, from the window of the building opposite)

(Nearby is a newsstand, next to which is a group of people waiting for a bus. Then there are several more groups of people who seem to be a motley mass. In the distance, a tall gray building is clearly visible, on which you can even read the inscription: “ Hotel Tatarstan". Next to this building another white and gray building lower.)

What time of day is in the picture?

(Probably morning)

Why do you think so?

(Firstly, there are a lot of people. They probably went to work. And secondly, it is clear that the sun is breaking through the clouds in the sky. Its glare is reflected on the wet pavement.)

And what colors does the artist use to convey a cloudy day?

(Gray, bluish, muted. There are practically no bright details in the picture)

What mood does the sight of the area evoke in you?

(On the one hand, it’s sad that there is no sun, but at the same time it’s nice, because I’m looking at all this from the window, and therefore I’m warm and comfortable.)

So we come with you to the task that you have to complete at home.

6. Drawing up a plan.

1. General impression of the area.

2. Location.

3. "Sights" of the area.

4. Personal attitude to the described area.

7. Vocabulary work.

Depending on which street you will describe (urban or rural), we will write down the words that will be needed in this work:

light room, window frames, wood carving (carved ornaments);

log cabin, consisting of crowns;

reeds, rubble stone(local building materials);

traditions of national architecture as architectural appearance,

expressive silhouette of buildings, architectural ensemble,

niche, columns, capitals, stucco details, carved ornament, original cladding, tunnel;.

complex development (of new quarters), a complex of multi-storey buildings, a new layout (of a collective farm village, a residential quarter), reconstruction, restoration..

8. Completion of specially designed tasks.

A) Choose synonyms for the word architecture and make various phrases with them.

B) Explain the meaning of the words in the dictionary:

Capital, pediment, cornice, facade, portico.

9. Homework.

Describe the street you live on or know well on a winter evening.

10. The results of the lesson.

My street on a winter evening

I am standing at the entrance of my house on Bolshaya Krasnaya Street.

How beautiful our street is on a winter evening! There are many electric lamps on it, and the snow seems to be bathed in their radiance. It sparkles so beautifully and glows with an unusual blue light!

There is silence on the street. Only occasionally a car will drive, a random dog will bark. And again it's quiet.

I walk along the sidewalk. The janitor scrapes the snow and dumps it into a pile.

I'm going to the construction site. A new house is being built next to the road. It has not yet been completed, and in the dark it seems that this is a fabulous ruined castle, and the crane is a huge bird that has spread its huge wings without rising into the sky. One eye of the searchlight is mysteriously looking at all this. Occasionally there are passers-by. They walk slowly, enjoying the quiet frosty evening. A group of young people appeared in the distance, they are having fun, they are singing a song.

Through the glass windows of the first floors one can see the life of our street: someone is busy with household chores, someone receives guests, someone reads, writes ...

Here comes the snow, fluffy, soft. It falls on the eyelashes, the sidewalks are covered with a plump veil. And from all this it becomes so good and pleasant that I want to walk and walk along this good and dear street to me.


one. . The use of painting in teaching the Russian language. - M., 1983

2. Kazakova painting in the teaching of the Russian language. - M., 1983

3. Akhmadullina as a means of developing the speech of Tatar schoolchildren. - K., 1999

4. . Painting at the lessons of the Russian language: theory and methodological development of lessons. -

5. Kapinos of speech: theory and practice of teaching