Do-it-yourself construction from round timber. Mini-house - a compact log house from a FORUMHOUSE participant. Log assembly options

Wood being environmentally friendly pure material, not only effectively retains heat, but also gives the air in the room a special aroma.

To build a wooden one, you must first prepare a beam.

Stage 1. Preparation of round timber

Attention! To determine the quality of logs (you can refuse low-grade sawlogs at any time), you need to know about ideal conditions blanks, which we will consider below.

Round timber must be harvested at sub-zero temperature, that is, in winter. It is at this time that the amount of moisture in the wood is minimized, therefore, during drying, the material will deform and crack less.

In order to ensure the durability of the log house, certain sections of logs are used during construction (the so-called butt logs). These sections start from the rhizome and end at the crown. Such butt logs are denser (which compares favorably with the tops) and there are practically no knots in them. Also, the selection criteria include the round shape and the degree of curvature of the trunk. In both cases, a marriage is an error exceeding 1 cm per linear meter.

Attention! If the length, for example, is 5 m, and the error exceeds 5 cm, then the log can be safely rejected.

The same applies to the diameter. For example, the diameter of the base of a log is 35 cm, while the tops are 25 cm or less. Such round timber is categorically not recommended for use in construction.

Finally, pay attention to the type of wood. Ideally, coniferous trees (spruce, larch, etc.) should be used for the bath. Larch is characterized by resistance to moisture, although in extreme cases, you can resort to a combination of "pine-spruce", in which the first few crowns are erected from pine. And if only spruce is used in construction, then the material must be treated several times with an antiseptic.

Perform further actions in accordance with the previously drawn up project. This can be done by yourself, found on the Internet or ordered from specialists. It is with the help of this document that you can calculate the required amount of consumables, determine the area and shape of the base.

Stage 2. Processing of timber

Step 1. After you have brought consumable(or you cut it down and delivered it yourself), it needs 25-30 days to rest.

Step 3. Then start processing. First, remove the bark from the logs (do this carefully so that they do not crack), leaving it a little on the sides - about a 15-centimeter strip on each side.

Step 4. After processing, store the logs about 25 cm from the ground. You can stack it as you like - in stacks, bundles, etc., the main thing is that the distance between the logs is 7-10 cm.

Video - Preparation of logs

Stage 3. Construction of the foundation

Let's make a reservation right away that massive monolithic ones can be abandoned due to their low weight. future design. In order to save money, you can resort to one of two possible lightweight designs, namely:

  • strip foundation;
  • columnar.

Let's consider each of the options.

To build such a foundation around the entire perimeter, as well as under future walls, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 50 cm deep, lay a “pillow” of sand and gravel on the bottom. Next, lay the reinforcement, build a formwork 50 cm high and pour the concrete solution. As a result, the height will be approximately 1 m.

Attention! A more specific height depends on the depth of soil freezing in a particular region.

Video - Foundation pouring

Inside the perimeter, pour strips of sand and gravel. In the future, the strips can be filled with concrete or built on top of them. wooden floor. The choice of one or another option depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Column type foundation

If necessary, erect supports. There are two options here:

  • brick;
  • from asbestos pipes.

Place the supports at the corners of the perimeter, as well as under all walls in 1.5 m increments. Under each support, pre-lay a concrete "cushion". In each support, fix several reinforcement bars so that the latter protrude at least 30 cm above the surface.

Build a formwork 40 cm high, lay the reinforcement in it and tie it with the rods protruding from the supports. Pour concrete mortar. After four to five weeks, when the concrete is completely dry, you can proceed to further work.

Stage 4. Base waterproofing

Treat the surface of the foundation with melted and lay a layer of roofing material on top. After the bitumen has completely dried, repeat the procedure. As a result, you will have a reliable two-layer.

Stage 5. Preparation of tools

To work, you will need the following equipment:

The last tool - the "line" - will be given Special attention. For the manufacture will require steel wire with sharply sharpened ends. Bend the wire in half so that it takes the form of a compass, you can additionally fasten the handle. This tool will be required when marking logs.

Stage 6. Construction of a log cabin

There are several assembly technologies:

The first option - Russian felling - is the easiest to perform, even an inexperienced carpenter can handle it. Therefore, we will consider this technology.

Step 1. The construction of the log house should be carried out in stages and begin with the crown crown (in other words, from the first). Logs, which will serve as a crown crown, otteshete on the edge for the most snug fit to the foundation.

Step 2 Lay the first pair of logs on top of the waterproofing layer. Lay the next pair at an angle of 90ᵒ relative to the first and connect everything into a “cup”.

Attention! "Cup" is the most simple option connections at construction of a felling of buildings. It is carried out quite simply: at the bottom of the log, the boundaries of the future “cup” are measured, then with the help of the “line” a recess is marked. After re-checking the dimensions, the recess is carefully cut down with an ax.

You can use a chainsaw - it will save a lot of time. Although the final finishing of the “cups” will still have to be done with an ax.

Attention! In the starting crown, the "cups" will not be deep, as a result of which the logs will not come into contact with the base. Therefore, in the gap that appears, lay a lining - a small piece of board of the required thickness, treated with an antiseptic and covered with insulation.

Step 3. Next, lay the second crown, using the thickest possible logs. This is due to the fact that in the future you will cut sexual lags into them. For the purpose of a snug fit, make a longitudinal groove in the upper log, which would be equal to a third of the diameter of the previous log. To draw the boundaries of the groove, lay the upper log on the lower one and mark it with a “line”.

Attention! The longitudinal groove can be semicircular and triangular. If you have a chainsaw available, then you can handle the triangular groove in two to three minutes. But remember: logs with a similar groove will not connect tightly, which will negatively affect the thermal insulation properties of the walls.

It's obvious that the best option is a semicircular groove. Do it with a chainsaw, use a chisel to remove residues.

Step 4. Insulate the log joints, preferably with linen jute. Lay one piece of canvas on the lower crown, seal the longitudinal groove with the second (especially if the latter has a triangular shape).

Step 5. Connect the crowns to each other. Here you can use:

  • square dowels;
  • round dowels made of wood.

The second method is preferable, because the dowels can be purchased ready-made and make holes with an electric drill.

Make holes in increments of 1-1.5 m, simultaneously flashing a pair of upper crowns completely and not completely - the third (from below). To avoid skew at the end of shrinkage, sink the dowels into top crown at least 6-7 cm.

Step 6. Raising the Walls desired height lay on top of them ceiling beams and rafters. If wet wood was used, then lay sheets of slate instead of rafters and wait for the structure to shrink. Usually, it is enough to spend the winter once, but ideally, shrinkage should last a year and a half.

In the spring, when the shrinkage is completed, proceed to the caulking.

Video - Aspen shingle roof

Stage 7. Door, window openings

We specifically started talking about openings after construction was completed, since there are two options for their arrangement.

Stage 8. Caulking logs

At the end of the shrinkage, the caulking of the log house is performed. To do this, prepare the following equipment:

  • a hammer;
  • caulking (wood or metal).

Attention! If you compacted the interventional space with tow or moss, then you can skip this step, since you most likely will not need a caulk. But if you find even the slightest cracks, then the procedure is still better to perform.

Start work only after the insulation has completely dried. First, twist the material (tow or moss) into a bundle, then hammer between the crowns with a hammer and caulk.

You can use tape jute - in this case, the material is simply fixed with nails or a mounting stapler.

Video - Log Caulking

Stage 9. Roof

As soon as the tree shrinks, you can start building. If you do this earlier, then the roof will simply lead.

Step 1. Lay on the wall trim wooden beams(We have already talked about this).

Step 2. Fix the beams and attach the rafter legs to them in 1 m increments. In the ridge part, cut the rafters at an appropriate angle for connection.

Step 3: Nail to rafter legs solid boardwalk(if you plan to use rolled roofing material) or make a crate (if you use slate, tiles, etc.).

Step 4. Install roofing according to the instructions for the specific material.

Step 5. Cover the ridge with galvanized sheet steel to protect it from aggressive environmental influences.

Step 6 Sew up the gables of the roof with siding or clapboard.

An example of a log house with a shingle roof

  1. Sometimes, during assembly, it becomes necessary to join the logs. In this case, do not allow the joints to be located on top of each other. Moreover, in lower crown connections are not allowed.
  2. When laying a log house on a finished foundation, you can collect logs even before drying, laying a sealant between them.
  3. It is advisable to equip windows after shrinkage, because otherwise they may warp.

Now you know how to builddo-it-yourself log cabin.

Log buildings have been popular for centuries. This is also relevant at present. Do-it-yourself log cabin has certain advantages, such as strength, heat capacity, and besides, it is natural material. But in order to enjoy a sauna under a log house, you need to understand the technology of assembling a log house and the rules for caring for it. This article and video is about how to make a log house for a bath with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages of a log cabin for a bath

Log cabin advantages:

When starting to build a bath, you need to consider the following:

In order for a log house to last for many years, it is made from certain types of trees. Especially strong and relatively inexpensive varieties are usually used.

Logs under the frame must have a certain size. For the construction of the log house, logs with a diameter of 20 - 26 centimeters are used. Logs must be the same in thickness, and not have bends and cracks..

Log assembly options

You can assemble a log house with your own hands, but still you need some experience working with wood.

Before starting assembly work, it is necessary to draw a construction project, on the basis of which the method of attaching the log house to each other is selected.

The classification of the log assembly depends on:

  • From planning.
  • From the method of attaching logs to each other.
  • From processing logs.

Depending on the layout, the building can be:

  • Four-wall (square or rectangular).
  • Five-walled (lack in the layout of an intermediate wall made of a log house).
  • Figured (hexagonal or semicircular).

There are two methods of attaching logs or timber to each other: “in the paw” and “in the bowl”. They create a stable structure, the difference lies in the creation of special grooves.

The advantage of fixing logs "in the bowl" is that the corners of the log structure are not subject to gusts of wind. The only drawback is the significant increase in wood consumption.

When attaching logs "in the paw", less wood is consumed, but the building is exposed to the action of winds.

Both of these methods are quite complicated, so it's better to visualize them with the help of a video.

Taking into account the specifics of processing, the log house is erected from logs and profiled timber. Very rarely, ordinary logs and glued beams are used for felling.

Do-it-yourself material for assembling a log house

As already mentioned, the frame is erected from two materials: rounded logs and profiled timber. They have advantages and disadvantages.

A rounded log is created by processing an ordinary log to perfect geometric shape. To achieve this, a special machine is used, with which the upper layer logs being the most durable.

As a result, a rounded log is obtained, which has certain advantages:

  • Due to the ideal geometric shape, the building acquires perfect view and there is no need to decorate it further.
  • The processed rounded log is the same along the entire length. Due to this, the building is erected strictly according to the level, without distortions, the joints sit down without gaps.
  • Log construction usually shrinks over the years. When using rounded logs, the smallest proportion of shrinkage occurs.
  • When used for a log house, such material makes the building stable and durable.
  • Unlike ordinary logs, round logs carry less heat loss.

Profiled timber is processed on a special machine. The resulting beam on the sides has a flat surface, and the top and bottom are embossed, in the form of grooves.

Thus, the profiled beam is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • Its cost is lower than round logs.
  • Thanks to the grooves, the structure is more stable, and the construction of the building is faster.
  • Due to the flat side surfaces rainwater will not be able to get into horizontal joints, therefore there will be no stagnation and decay of wood.
  • Profiled timber has minimal shrinkage.
  • It does not need to be additionally subjected to decorative processing.
  • Due to its low weight, the profiled timber is suitable for any type of foundation.

Stages of building a log house with your own hands

To build a log house with your own hands, you should know that this is a very difficult process and certain skills are needed. The correct construction of the structure is carried out in several stages.

Prepare the area and pour the foundation. It must be taken into account that for each material prepare an individual foundation. Easiest to use strip foundation due to its strength and ease of construction. After pouring the foundation, it is allowed to settle for a month, and then proceed to the next stage.

A layer of roofing material is laid on the foundation. A board, 5 centimeters thick, is placed on it, and a layer of tow is laid on top to increase the heat capacity of the building.

The first crown of the log house is laid on the tow. The logs used tend to have the most large diameter among all the others. Before laying the first crown on the logs along the entire length they make notches 15 centimeters wide. This ensures tight contact between the log and the board.

After laying the first crown, the next crowns are erected to the very top. Between them it is necessary to put tow. For the stability of the structure, create tenon connection logs.

After building a bathhouse from a log house, it is left for at least 1 year to shrink the logs. It should be taken into account that shrinkage can deform window openings and other structural elements. To avoid this, it is necessary to make technological gaps that will disappear after shrinkage.

During shrinkage, floors and roofs can be dealt with, because they are not subject to deformation.

After shrinkage of the bath, the tow is rammed between the crowns and numerous gaps. Such work is carried out every year.

After that, the construction of the structure from the log house will be considered completed. Video attached.

In order for the bath to be in working condition for a long time, you need to know the subtleties when building a structure:

  • Logs for a felling are harvested in the winter. This is necessary because during winter harvest the log undergoes less decay, and it is resistant to various precipitations. To check whether logs were harvested in winter, iodine is dripped onto them. A bluish spot should form.
  • In order for the building to serve as long as possible, all wooden elements structures are treated with an antiseptic.
  • To increase the heat capacity of the structure and give it a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to score all joints and gaps with tow. It should not protrude beyond the logs, otherwise it will get wet and rot.
  • If the method of fixing logs "in the paw" is chosen, it is necessary to protect corner connections. To do this, they are sheathed with boards.
  • It should be remembered that during shrinkage, the height of the building will decrease by 5 or 10 percent.
  • Cutting the material to the center will help prevent cracks in the log.
  • Caulking works are carried out in dry weather.
  • They increase the stability of the structure and prevent the displacement of the logs by fixing them with dowels installed in the holes in the center of the logs.

Thus, making a log house with your own hands, although a difficult process, is doable. In the video presented for this article, you can find full information on this topic.

Wooden materials retain heat well, are environmentally friendly, and also have an attractive appearance. The log house can be prepared with your own hands.

Materials and tools for work

To prepare a log house, you need to take the following tools:

  • Ax, it should not be too heavy.
  • Chisel.
  • Roulette, level and marker.
  • Plumb and brace.
  • Hacksaw, shovel.
  • Rope, and a tool for marking in the form of a compass.
  • Chainsaw.

Consider what the various expressions mean in carpenter's language:

  • A log house is the main structure without a roof and floor, its height is determined by the number of crowns.
  • A crown is a place in a log house that has a square or rectangular shape. In the corner part they are fastened with locks. The crown is of three types and is placed according to the name:
  1. window sill type;
  2. window type;
  3. overhead type;
  • The crown crown is the first element of the log house, with the help of which the lower trim is protected from decay.
  • The lower trim is called the second element of the log house, it is considered the main part where the logs are placed.
  • The logs are the support of the floor, and fix the strapping at the bottom.
  • The crown of the closing type is the first window element.
  • The strapping in the upper part serves as a support for the roof, it includes rafters and fittings.
  • Butt is a section of the trunk, which is located at the bottom of the tree. And on opposite side the top is located.

The logs can be processed underneath to secure the work being done. The construction of the log house takes place in three stages: the main part is completed, and then the middle and upper ones. Along the entire length, the log can be of different circumference, so you need to change the top and butt. If you make an edge, then the crowns will connect well and not form large cracks. The deck at the extreme is crimped on both sides to make a flat surface.

Logging material

First, logging is carried out, having previously calculated right amount and the dimensions of the logs, these figures depend on the width, height and length of the building. Therefore, before starting this work, it is necessary to draw a building with clear dimensions and calculate the amount of material. The preparation of a log house depends on the layout, the type of fastening of the logs, and their processing.

When completing the project, they note what shape the building will be, that is, it can be standard, which consists of four walls. And may have unusual view, and include large quantity bearing elements.

Logs are fastened in two ways: in the "bowl", and in the "paw", these types of construction of grooves differ. In the first option, a strong wind does not affect the corner parts of the building, but when dressing, more material is taken away.

With the second version of the material, less is needed, but the corner parts will be affected strong wind, and also make the grooves more difficult.

The building can be made of cylindrical and profiled logs. In the first case, the log is processed to such an extent until it takes the form of a cylinder, for this special machines are used. This material has a number of advantages:

The profiled view of the beam on the cut has a rectangular or square shape, its processing is also performed using a machine. At the final stage, the side parts of the log will be flat, and special grooves for fastening are located above and below. Such material also has its advantages:

  • Thanks to the grooves, the construction will be more stable, the work is done faster compared to the first option.
  • Due to the flat surface of the side joints, water from precipitation does not penetrate into the horizontal seams, and the material does not rot.
  • After the time has elapsed, the logs do not move, since cuts are made during manufacture. Such material has minimal shrinkage.
  • The profiled log has little weight, therefore, does not require the construction of an expensive and massive foundation.

Coniferous types of wood are used for the manufacture of a log house. After harvesting the logs, the bark is removed and dried.

Initial work

According to the drawing, marking is carried out on the territory, stakes are installed and the rope is pulled. Then the foundation is made in the form of linings, with dimensions of 1 meter in length and 1/3 meter in circumference. Their laying is carried out near the corner of the proposed building using a level, while the load will be uniform.

Then they build an edging, choose where it will be located, and with this part up they make the stacking, fix the log with brackets. With the help of a plumb line, lines are drawn vertically, they will be the extreme parts of the edge. The rope is pulled along the edges of the log, notches are made, and the material is hewn until the edge is completely obtained. The same work is carried out on the opposite side of the log.

Log house laying

After the foundation is poured, it must be left to dry completely.

Laid on the completed foundation waterproofing material, you can use roofing material. A board with a thickness of 5 centimeters or more is installed on top, on which the crown will be located. To keep the building warm, tow is laid on top.

Then the initial crown is laid, in which the logs should have a larger circumference compared to the rest of the material. Before starting this work, notches of about 15 centimeters along the entire length are made on the log. In this case, the material will fit snugly against the board.

After that, the rest of the crowns are laid up to required height. Tow is placed between the elements of the crown, the logs are tied up in the corner part, spikes are also used for tight connection, they are placed at a distance of up to 1 meter. In this case, the building will have good stability.

How to install the first element of the window sill crown

First, mark the doorway, then install the logs using a dowel. With the help of plumb lines, the vertical arrangement of the corner parts is checked, the final window sill beam is installed on two dowels.

Then the crowns of the window element are laid, observing the height of the opening up to 130 centimeters. After that, the strapping is performed at the top.

After that, elements for the rafters are prepared, for this, logs are hewn, and about two edges are made on each of them. The elements cut into the deck, with a chisel they make recesses for the rafter legs.

When performing rafters, there should not be many small knots in the log. Near the base of the rafters, a spike is made by sawing out, and a pair is laid.

How to install openings for doors and windows?

Openings can be made in two ways: after the work is completed, and during construction.

In the first option, the openings are installed after all work is completed; for this, gaps are made in the crowns at the intended location. After laying, these openings are cut out with a chainsaw.

In the second option, openings are made in the process of laying logs, for this special bars and grooves are used, this method takes a lot of time and money.

Metal materials cannot be used as casing, as heat will escape through them. To install a pigtail on the end parts of the logs, a vertical spike 50 * 50 is made on each side. A pigtail is installed on it, a groove is located on its reverse side.

roof construction

First, the beams are laid on the strapping of the walls.

The beams are fixed, and the legs of the rafters are set at a distance of 1 meter. Near the ridge, an angular notch is made for a tight connection.

Boards are nailed to the legs of the rafters or a crate is made.

Then the main roof covering is laid according to the instructions for the selected material.

The horse is covered with galvanization to protect it from strong winds and rainfall.

After completing all the work, proceed to interior decoration, namely to the construction of floors.

Types of pillars and their installation

The pillars are:

  • corner;
  • window;
  • intermediate;
  • door.

They are located according to their names, the thickest elements are angular, the thinnest are intermediate.

Corner posts are placed in a pocket, the depth of which is up to 7 centimeters. The remaining pillars are set to a depth of about 3 centimeters. Up to three edgings are performed on the log house, after shrinkage occurs, the rest of the pillars are laid.

At the end, rafters are installed; for this, bridges, jibs and nails are used as fasteners. Elements are laid on bridges, upper part fasten with nails. spikes roof elements they are placed in pockets, fixed with jibs, and the legs are fixed with staples.

After completion of all work, the building is left for 1 year to shrink. In order to prevent the doors and windows from being skewed, and also not to deform the material, it is necessary to make gaps that disappear over time. While shrinkage occurs, the construction of the floor or rafters for the roof can be carried out.

After shrinkage occurs, the tow fills all the resulting gaps.

Binding Rules

When constructing buildings from a log house, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Logs are harvested in winter period because the material at this time is more resistant to precipitation, and not prone to decay. The tree can be used for blanks by dropping iodine on it, if it turns blue, then they start working.
  2. To increase the service life and prevent the material from rotting under the influence of precipitation, it is necessary to treat the logs with an antiseptic.
  3. Before starting the main work, the crowns are laid out on the surface and signed, and then they are installed sequentially.
  4. All seams and gaps made must be closed with tow, thanks to which heat will be retained.
  5. When tying "in the paw", the connection of the corner parts is sheathed with boards for additional fixation.
  6. You also need to take into account that after shrinkage, the height of the building can decrease up to 10%, so you need to immediately calculate this figure.
  7. To make the roof stable, the rafters are fixed with a wire to the 3rd or 4th crown.
  8. To prevent cracks in the log, it is necessary to make cuts to the center. If they do arise, then the recesses are filled with tow.
  9. When filling the gaps, the tow must be hidden from getting wet, otherwise moisture will get on the base material, which will lead to decay.
  10. Filling gaps is carried out in the absence of rain to protect the material from getting wet.
  11. So that the logs do not move out and are securely installed, they are fixed with dowels located in the recesses that are made in the center of the material.
  12. When laying the initial crown, a gap may form between it and the foundation, which must be hidden by the halves of the logs.

In order to build from a log house, you must select desired processing logs, prepare the material, build a foundation, put waterproofing material on it, boards, and the initial crown of the log house is laid on them. Then they proceed to the construction of the remaining crowns to the required height, after which they make openings for doors and windows, make floors, and leave the building to shrink, after which you can make a roof. To prevent deformation of the material and openings, it is necessary to leave compensation gaps that are filled with tow.

With the right work done, the building will be warm and durable.

Wooden house- this is separate category construction. Its smell takes us back to childhood, and the atmosphere that is created inside fills us with comfort and gives a feeling of calm and tranquility. AT log houses it is easy to live there, a comfortable climate is preserved there, and their environmental friendliness is good for health. In order to obtain all these effects upon completion of the building construction process, it is necessary to understand how to properly build a house from a log house and what features it has.

A log house built according to all the rules will become a real fortress before the owners

Choice of material: log cabin or planed (chopped) log

All log houses are divided into 2 types of buildings:

    the buildings from planed logs, that is, those that have been processed manually;

    buildings that are built from round logs.

In order to understand how to properly build a house from a log, it is necessary to have an idea not only about the external difference between the 1st warrant and the 2nd, but also about the constructive one.

"Wild log house"

The history of architecture tells us that all the log houses that were built before the end of the 19th century were built from a "wild log house". This meant that the future building material was processed manually. A freshly sawn log was stripped of bark, while the bast layer should remain unharmed. It was he who protected the wood and its deep layers from moisture. This provided a framework reliable protection from fungus and mold, and increased their "service" life at times.

The main feature of the house from the "wild log" was a bright and expressive form. Such individuality was given by non-cylindrical bars. A sawn log tends to taper from bottom to top. After processing wood with tools, such a difference in the size of the diameter still remained. The farther from the end, which was located at the roots, the thicker the log.

Houses from a "wild" log house completely bring its owners closer to nature

A tall tree can be processed and divided into several logs. Sometimes it turns out 2 building elements, but it would be ideal to get 3-parts.

The classic rule for dividing the beam as follows:

    1 log - butt. This is the part that is closer to the roots;

    2 log - friend. it middle part wood;

    3 bar - third or peak. Accordingly, this is the last part of the log that came up to the top.

For the construction of the house, 1 part was used - the butt. The frame in this place was the thickest, had high strength and the smallest change in diameter. And in order to compensate for those differences that remained, the timber, when laying the walls, alternated: in one row, the butt “looks” in one direction, in the next in the opposite direction.

When laying a beam, each top of the logs lies on the previous opposite side

But, despite such opportunities to simplify the construction of a house from chopped wood, it is worthwhile to approach the selection of building materials very carefully. After all, you need to reproduce a smooth and solid construction from logs different diameter. And this is not an easy task for them.

The construction technology itself has not changed much since those times. Houses are built in the same way: “wild log cabins” of different diameters are adjusted as close to each other as possible. It should be noted that houses that are built in this way are classified as elite and differ in price. This is dictated by a certain complexity and laboriousness of the process. Indeed, after the construction of the frame, the house should stand from 1 to 2 years. During this period, it will “sit down” in height up to 10%. This factor should also be taken into account when designing. So, in addition to spending time and effort on the selection of building materials, it will take a lot of time and patience to see the result.

In the completed house, you can see the location of the logs in relation to each other

rounded log

The round log cabin is a planed log in industrial conditions. On the machines, the tree is brought to an ideal state: it becomes smooth and even along the entire length. On special machines, all the necessary grooves for fastening are cut in the timber. At the same time, the dimensions are adjusted to the millimeter, which minimizes inconvenience during construction. Building a house with the help of such a log house is similar to collecting a children's designer.

Rounded logs are made in approximately the same size

For all its convenience, the round log house has its drawbacks. Ideal evenness in size and smoothness is achieved by removing several levels of wood. During the production process, “useful” layers (sapwood) are also removed, which protect the log from moisture, fungus and mold. Only the mature and sound central part of the tree remains. It is not protected from external factors. Under such conditions, it is necessary to additionally impregnate the timber with antiseptics, antifungal and antihelminthic drugs. The result is beautiful and lightweight material to build a house. The downside is the low level of environmental friendliness and, oddly enough, durability.

The walls of the rounded timber look smooth and more accurate.

The choice of material for construction

In order to properly build a house from rounded logs, you need to know how to choose it and what material is more suitable in your area. For log houses coniferous wood is most suitable. These are such trees as: pine, spruce, cedar and larch. But in the absence of the desired options on the market, you can use oak, ash, aspen and other hardwoods. Spruce and pine are the most affordable in price category. For this reason, they are the most popular.

Trunks coniferous trees smoother and easier to work with

When choosing this type of building material, the felling period is very important. It is necessary to choose a timber that was harvested in winter. It is he who has best performance moisture resistance.

The region where the tree grows is also important. If possible, opt for the wood of the northern regions. This material is the most durable. Good options: Baltic pine and Canadian spruce. Option softwood, which was properly harvested in compliance with all conditions and requirements, from the regions middle lane also very good.

note the fact that the choice of the diameter of the beam depends not only on design solution, and from climatic conditions. Main criterion is the maximum temperature in winter.

    if it is winter in your area not lower than -20 degrees- you can stop at a diameter of 200 mm;

    when winter maximum -30 degrees- 220 mm;

    with thermometer readings up to -40- choose a log that is not less than 240-260 mm and more.

For laying a log house, special equipment is involved, which facilitates the construction of a house

The thickness of the log for building a house in northern regions must be at least 25 cm

The main parameters of the log and its sections are indicated in the table

It is also worth noting that choosing a bar a little larger diameter than recommended according to climate zone, it perfectly compensates for temperature changes. The main thing is not to choose a material smaller than the specified one. Despite the fact that the house will be insulated by laying a jute or flax-jute gasket between the logs, she will not be able to give that comfortable temperature, which can provide a log of the desired size.

Additional Criteria, which you need to pay attention to when choosing a log house:

    quality log yellow or dark yellow;

    on the cut there should be no stains;

    at good material core dark shade and occupies ¾ of the cut;

    OK, when knots are absent, and if they are present, they should sit tightly without gaps. The reverse picture indicates a damaged core;

    best ringing for a log - ringing. Try to hit the butt with an ax and listen to how it rings;

    Availability cracks possible, provided that their depth is no more than 1/3 of the log;

    the timber should not be twisted: such a log during the construction of a house can only be used for laying the floor - for this it is dissolved into boards and bars.

The beam is selected according to several criteria, if at least one does not meet the norm, the material is changed to the desired one

Construction technology

At first glance, all houses are built the same way. But with a careful study of this issue, certain nuances and features of construction come out in one way or another. So just and proper construction log houses have their own distinctive characteristics.

Video description

Without knowing the technology of building a house, it is easy to make many mistakes. About them in the video:


The main and most important element of any building is the foundation. Its depth and character depends on the soil on which the house will stand, on the nature of the material of the walls and on the number of storeys.

A log house is relatively light in weight. This quality of construction allows you to make the foundation shallow. Almost all options existing species foundations suitable for building log house. Often make a tape version. In difficult soils, a buried strip foundation or a pile foundation is performed. You can also make a slab version.

It is worth noting that any version of the foundation should be deepened by 300-400 mm into the ground. After pouring it and completely drying it is necessary to carry out waterproofing (roofing material with mastic). This is a very important process, despite the fact that the house is made of logs.

If a strip foundation is used, it begins with the arrangement of the formwork


Upon completion of the stage of laying the foundation, they move on to the main thing - the construction of walls. It is important to know that the first crown (the first row of logs) is never placed directly on the foundation. First, a “backing” board is laid. It is made of linden timber with a thickness of 50-100 mm and a width of at least 150 mm. Only then they proceed to the collection of walls from a round log house.

Mortgage crown on a shallow monolithic foundation

The first mortgage crown should be cut off from below. Its end in width should match the backing board. This is necessary in order for the house to rest firmly on the foundation.

Logs for walls are laid in circles (crowns). First, logs are placed that are parallel to each other. Then the other two sides, and the insulation is laid on top. It is attached to the log with a construction stapler and should hang down at the edges by 5 cm.

Then the transverse sides of the house are laid, which will rest on the mortgage crown. And we repeat the "procedure" assembling the house as a constructor.

The assembly of the house is carried out in the likeness of a "constructor": each log has its place

Each of the logs has its own number, by which it is easy to determine where the beam should be located.

Roof installation

The wooden house must not be left uncovered. After laying the last crown, it is necessary to immediately proceed with the installation of the roof. When building walls from a tree, you can not lay a Mauerlat (a special retaining beam for rafters), but put the rafters immediately on a log. The recommended distance between the rafters is 600 mm. It is this gap that will ensure the stability of the roof, and reduce the risk of its possible sagging.

Since the tree belongs to the "living" materials - the rafters must be mounted on sliding supports. Then lay the waterproofing and after that - the crate. The step of the lathing depends on the chosen roofing material. At the end, they “cover” the house with the chosen finishing material.

After the erection of the walls, proceed to the assembly of the roof frame

Log house caulk

Caulking at home is a separate milestone during its construction. Upon completion of the construction of walls and roofs, it is necessary to caulk inwards all the insulation that was initially laid between the logs. To do this, with the help of a special caulking tool, the hanging 5 cm of the gasket is wrapped down, and then it is pushed inward between the slots of the logs.

After completing the caulking and roofing, the house is left for a year to shrink. A year later, the caulking of the walls must be repeated. Some experts recommend carrying out the “procedure” again after a year of operating the house with the heating turned on.

The insulation laid between the bars must be hidden

After “caulking”, the insulation is almost invisible, and there is no draft in the house

Installation of doors, windows, installation of ceilings and floors

Important points when installing doors and windows is that they are installed only after the house has completely shrunk and only in special casing boxes that are installed in openings in the walls.

Installation of doors and windows is carried out after complete shrinkage of the log house, with the exception of log houses chamber drying- in this case, they can be placed immediately

Such precautions are due to the fact that the tree is a “living” building material and will completely shrink in size for another 5-7 years.

The floor is installed on logs that cut into the first, and preferably the second crown. The mortgage crown should be well ventilated in order to be subjected to rotting processes as little as possible.

After installation entrance doors, windows and laying the floor, you can install a heating system, carry out communications, connect an electrician, and also install interior doors, slopes, plinths and install plumbing.

Wall decoration may not be carried out. After all, the beauty of a log house is not only outside, but also inside. The bas-relief of slightly yellowish walls will fit into almost any interior. The main thing is to correctly emphasize the texture of the tree and complement the design with the necessary accessories. And your dream home is ready!

A log house in the forest above the water is a great place to relax from the bustle of the countryside

Inside the house does not require additional finishing, a natural wood can complement the stone

One-story log house manual felling combined with stone trim

The first floor is built of stone, the second - of logs: this combination also looks great

Video description

How a log house can turn out, see this video:

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of rounded log houses from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".


Despite the apparent simplicity of building houses from prepared logs, there are a lot of pitfalls here, which can only be bypassed by experienced specialists who know the technology thoroughly. Therefore, the construction of a cottage should be entrusted to professionals who will not only do everything quickly and efficiently, but also give a guarantee for their work.

In this article, we will consider the most common way to build a log cabin of a bath - this is a manual cutting into a bowl . Even our ancestors successfully used it, since it is the least laborious and does not require any special tools. It is enough to have an ax and a couple of skillful hands.

Tool for cutting a log house into a bowl

Now we will not dwell on the whole process of cutting the log cabin of a bath, but we will only talk about how to cut a bowl and a longitudinal groove in a log. To begin with, you need to stock up on the following basic tool (we are modern people):

  1. Carpenter's ax.
  2. Chainsaw (or electric saw).
  3. Wood chisel.
  4. A carpenter's (or homemade) trait.
  5. A hammer.

If it is not possible to get a carpenter's line, then you can make it yourself. It is necessary to take a square wooden block with a side of 25-30 mm and a length of 150-200 mm, round off the sharp edges and walk on it with an abrasive sandpaper.

Then you will need two steel strips 3 mm thick, 20 mm wide and 200-300 mm long (the length depends on the diameter of the log and the size of the bowl). Using a hacksaw and a file (preferably emery), we sharpen one end on both strips. With adhesive tape we fix the non-pointed ends of the strips (80-100 mm) to a wooden bar (handle) on opposite longitudinal edges.

Bending the strips on right size, we will mark the contours for the bowl and longitudinal grooves. To prevent the strips from bending during operation, they can be fixed with screws or an M8 threaded stud with four nuts and washers (2 pieces for each strip). To do this, on both strips we make one oval hole each and insert a stud with nuts into them. Adjustment is made by twisting and tightening the nuts. In this way, a tough and reliable homemade "feature" can be obtained.

Note : a welded version can be used. Instead of wooden block take steel pipe and weld strips to it.

Marking and cutting into a bowl for a bathhouse from a log house

First of all, you need to lay the logs so that it is convenient to work with them. The processed log keeps within crosswise in relation to the lower logs. To give it stability, it can be fixed with brackets - then the log will not spin around its axis.

We pick up the “line” and draw the contours of the bowl and longitudinal grooves, observing the following rules:



Example for D=200 mm

A R/2 max
B Not less than D/2
R D/2

We looked at how marking and cutting into a bowl is done. To build a hand-cut bathhouse, you will also need to learn how to build a log house using the “paw” method. But this is already in the article about manual.

More articles on how to build a bath with your own hands.