Country houses from logs: details of technology, types of products, styles of log houses. Do-it-yourself log products: making furniture and swings

Completeness of landscape design in the country is given not only by a built residential building or a barbecue area. True individuality and originality can only be created with the help of various accessories and small details. And what could be better than wood crafts for summer cottages - hand-made gizmos will add an indescribable flavor and will undoubtedly attract the attention of guests.

The use of wood in the suburban area

Currently, hardware stores offer a huge number of different ready-made sculptures and other elements for the garden and garden, made of various materials, to choose from.

But it’s better not to be too lazy and make country crafts with your own hands - from wood, unlike stone or metal, it’s not so difficult to make them, and the result will exceed your wildest expectations.

DIY Ideas

Let's dwell on interesting and easy-to-implement constructions:

  1. The most common option is wood sculptures.. It can be a figure made of a single log or made up of several parts connected to each other in one way or another.
  2. Crafts from branches and stumps look good, which resemble animals, birds or fairy-tale characters.. In this case, you practically do not need to make changes to their natural form, it is enough to clean the material from the bark and varnish it.
  1. Good for plywood. Draw a stork, a windmill or a princess frog on a sheet, cut off the excess parts and paint the product.

  1. You can also make beautiful containers for plants, birdhouses for birds from plywood.. Another beautiful and useful thing is the feeder.

Logs as a material for creativity

Very often, when decorating a summer cottage, you need to cut down one or more trees. Of course, they are perfect as firewood, but it’s better to show imagination and use them for crafts from logs for a summer residence: with your own hands you can easily make a flower bed, a bench or a decorative well.

Let's consider these options in more detail.

  1. Flower bed. For most summer residents, they are not new, made from various improvised materials: gypsum, empty glass bottles, old car tires, and so on. But it is the old log, like nothing else, that is suitable for this purpose.

For manufacturing, you need a hammer with a chisel or a chainsaw. Having made a recess of a suitable size and installed a log on supports, you will learn an unusual and pretty product absolutely free of charge. It remains only to fill the recess with earth and plant flowers.

  1. Garden furniture. An excellent solution, which, however, is not so easy to implement. First of all, you need to pick up a log of a sufficiently large diameter.
    Then carefully process it with various tools:
    • the first stage is an ax or a chainsaw;
    • the second stage is a chisel and a hammer;
    • the third stage is grinding and applying a protective coating.

  1. Decorative well. A very nice garden accessory. Its disadvantage is that old wood is not suitable for manufacturing. You need to purchase high-quality rounded round timber and fold it into a frame.


Simple Options

Do-it-yourself wooden crafts for giving with your own hands can be made even by a novice summer resident who does not have too much experience in working with carpentry tools. Naturally, you need to start with simpler options, and then you can move on to monumental products that will become the central element of the landscape design of your dacha.

The manufacturing instructions below are just a general guide. Otherwise, you should rely only on your own taste and sense of style. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Perhaps in the future it is your wooden sculpture that will be a role model.

  1. The simplest option is plywood crafts for giving. On a sheet of a suitable size, you can draw individual parts of a pony, donkey or goblin, cut and tie them together with a strong twine.

  1. Another idea is small branches of fruit trees. They are suitable for making wall or floor planters. In this way, you can make pots for home plants with your own hands. In this case, it is advisable to cover the interior with plastic wrap to avoid spilling the earth or insert plastic containers there.

  1. Having gained experience in working with a manual or electric jigsaw, you can start making more complex crafts. Carefully transfer your chosen sketch to the plywood and carefully cut it out. The finished wooden sculpture is cleaned with sandpaper, cleaned of sawdust and varnished or painted to protect it from adverse environmental conditions.
  2. There are other do-it-yourself plywood crafts: for giving, you can make not only garden sculptures, but also figures that look organic in the garden. For example, plywood hares will be an unexpected detail decorating a bed with carrots. The procedure for making them is simple: draw an outline and cut out the shape with a jigsaw.

On suburban land plots sometimes there are power outages or power outages.
In this case, only renting a diesel generator for a summer residence can help out.
This device will provide power to all power tools and other devices.

Complex structures

For those for whom country crafts made of wood with their own hands have already become a kind of hobby, you can offer more complex options - to make a mill or a wooden well. Here, in addition to your desire, an accurate mathematical calculation is required, otherwise the cut parts will not be able to fit together.

There is also an easier option:

  1. We file the strips of the same length, which will be the basis for the mill (you can use small bars of a suitable section).
  2. We take two sticks and lay them parallel to each other at a distance slightly less than the length of the element itself.
  3. The following two elements are placed on the laid planks (perpendicularly) (the whole process is somewhat reminiscent of the construction of a log house, only on a smaller scale). You can fasten the parts to each other with the help of carnations or glue.
  4. Having constructed the structure of the desired height, we proceed to the construction of the roof. To do this, four small blocks are taken and connected in pairs, forming a ridge. On the roof, you can put ondulin pieces left over from the construction of the house. Then the design will fit into the landscape design of the site as much as possible.
  5. The material for the blades will be two or three planks fixed at an angle like an aircraft propeller.
  6. You can decorate the structure with a decorative climbing plant that will braid one of the walls.

The well is made in the same way. In this case, the composition can be supplemented with a miniature bucket and a bench. Having protected all this, you will get a beautiful and unusual playground for children's games.

If wood crafts are intended for children, take care of safety.
All sculptures and structures should not have sharp corners, protruding nails and rough splintery surfaces.

Do not forget that the wood must be treated with antiseptic compounds, varnished or painted. This will extend its service life and make crafts more attractive.


The above information will help you create your own unique wood crafts that will be the highlight of your summer cottage. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

Cutting down trees and uprooting stumps can be more enjoyable if you know exactly what to do with the logs and roots. Old trees interfere in the garden, occupy a certain area, do not bring the aroma of flowers and green foliage, do not give shade, and therefore we do not hesitate to get rid of them. Most often, cutting down a dry tree at the root, we send it to the firewood in the oven or barbecue. But you should not rush with this decision, because there is always material for ignition and fuel, but for decorating a summer cottage it is quite expensive. We suggest you use the logs obtained from the cut of trees for decorative purposes.

Today we have collected some information and thematic photos, and have identified all this in an article that will tell you how to use logs in the country with a certain benefit, for decoration, practicality, and even cost savings.

The use of logs in the country

A log is, in fact, a tree trunk that you remove from your summer cottage for any reason. You should not immediately pick up a chainsaw and work on the cut all day, take some time for the following original ideas for giving, and you will not regret it.

flower bed

We are accustomed to building flowerbeds of stone, plaster, even car tires or plastic bottles, whichever one considers more acceptable and practical for a summer cottage. But today, in the arsenal of materials that are suitable for arranging flower beds, we want to add large logs from old trees.

Let's say you cut down an old tree that has dried up a long time ago. It is his trunk that will perfectly serve as the main form of a flower bed, which can be done in just a couple of hours. It is enough to use a chisel and a hammer, a chainsaw and your own imagination, as an original creation appears on the site, for which you have not paid a penny. It remains only to choose the color scheme of plants, and the varieties of flowers themselves, which will be placed in such a flower bed.

Simple country furniture

The photo below shows the simplest furniture made from a tree log, but it is not easy to make it. As you can see, a fairly large log is used for production, with a serious cross-sectional diameter. Firstly, it is difficult to find such a tree in the country, and secondly, if you decide to make country furniture with your own hands, then this will require a lot of free time and a professional tool.

Partially, the log is processed with an ax, then a chainsaw or an electric saw is used, with which the main form is created. After, careful and accurate work with a chisel and grinding. Naturally, it will take a lot of effort, but as a result, you have every chance of getting furniture that will easily last for decades.


You can build anything from a log, and now we offer you an unusual decor for a country well. Naturally, you will need a special rounded log for this, and it is far from being made from an old tree. But you can also use the material available in the country for a similar decor. It seems to us that if we take the trunks and thick branches of trees in the bark, then the picture will turn out to be much more natural and harmonious.

Country paths from saw cuts

We devoted enough time to the paths in the country, paid attention to similar masterpieces, but in this article we decided to remind you of their existence, because the country paths from the cut are very interesting.

For the construction of such tracks, it will be necessary to use high-quality material, without defects and damage by insects, since it is strength and reliability that are the main factors in choosing materials for flooring.

Having arranged a high-quality foundation for a sand path, you can lay saw cuts of different diameters and shapes, and decorate the finished project with stones and plants. Do not forget only that paving with this material will require special protection, for example, even impregnation with drying oil or other wood preservatives.

Crafts for the playground

In the recent past, we talked about crafts such as wooden horses for summer cottages, which can become not only an object for children to play, but also an original decor for the landscape. Today we present another version of a wooden horse, which, by the way, is already made entirely of logs.

You can choose a trunk of any tree for such a product, correctly mark it and cut it, peel it from the bark and install it on the site, creating the necessary shape. After, painting the sculpture in a bright color and light decor.

Stylish furniture for a summer residence

Elena 11.01.2017

It would seem that an ordinary tree, but how many beautiful and original things, it turns out, can be made from it. My dad, a handyman of all trades, made figurines from wood, they still decorate the dacha. And the children really like them. It turns out, not only figurines from wood, you can ennoble the appearance of the dacha. I took a couple of crafts into my piggy bank, I especially liked the swing, we will translate the idea into reality.

Dasha 11.03.2017

Wood is a fairly versatile material, if you know and properly handle wood, it can last quite a long time. We have a lot of wooden buildings in the country, they look very beautiful. I built a wooden gazebo, it stands well and reliably. He also equipped the well with a tree. The material lends itself well enough to change.

Yeleea 28.08.2017

Will it grow in an open sunflower? Does not grow under trees. or preferably half a shade?

Territory of the House 28.08.2017

It grows in the sun itself, and also in a flowerpot (where the earth dries up instantly), it feels good. Of course, you need to water it during it. I also planted it in an openwork shade, it also grows well, even better than in a flower pot. In the pots it is cramped and hot. In general, not a whimsical plant, it grows on its own, only in the heat I water it, along with everyone.

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Rounded log - a kind of building material for the construction of houses, cottages, baths and other buildings, on which a furrow has been cut for a tighter fit with other logs. In the process of processing, the log is obtained with the same diameter along the entire length, the lunar and compensation groove is sawn. Coniferous and deciduous wood is used as raw material.

Kirov Lumber Plant "OSINA-LIPA-HVOYA" manufactures sawn timber in assortment, designs houses and prepares house sets from logs and profiled timber. Full-cycle production is located in Kirov, where Vyatka winter-cutting timber is supplied. Delivery to all regions of Russia, including Moscow.

Lumber is delivered by several types of trucks:

  • Gazelle - up to 2 tons;
  • Tata - up to 7 tons;
  • KAMAZ - up to 12 tons;
  • MAN - more than 20 tons.

How many pieces in a cube

Round timber is made mainly from coniferous wood of the Vyatka forest: pine with a quality not lower than the second grade according to GOST 9463-88 and larch. The standard cylinder diameter is 180-300 mm. Such a wide range of diameters is available through the use of state-of-the-art equipment.

Lumber is measured and delivered in cubes. Use the table below to determine the amount you need.

Length, m

Diameter, mm

Sizes and prices per cubic meter of logs in Moscow

When ordering round timber from a manufacturer in Moscow, the client immediately receives 2 serious bonuses. First - the price is 20-30% lower than that of competitors. The second is the range and quality. Every day, the plant produces 150 cubic meters of round timber of various profiles. When ordering any volume, you do not have to wait for the end of production - all goods are already in stock and are waiting for their buyer. Sale is possible from one piece.

Log diameter, mm

price, rub. per 1 m3


With custom bowls

Wholesale prices for a cube of logs in Moscow

It is clear that the wholesale party is always cheaper, but the concept of wholesale is different for everyone. In our case, wholesalers are those who place an order for 100 cubic meters. and more, resulting in a saving of 20% of the total cost.

Log diameter, mm

The volume of one log is 6 meters, m3

price, rub. per 1 m3


With custom bowls

Production features

The production of round timber is carried out in accordance with the following regulations and standards:

  • TU 636320-003-0144784889-01 Technical specifications for logs;
  • GOST 16588-79 "Sawn products and wooden parts";
  • GOST 15612-85 "Products made of wood and wood materials";
  • GOST 30974-2002 "Corner joints of wooden block and log low-rise buildings".

Selected pre-processed softwood and hardwood sawlogs are used as raw materials. As a result, all logs are obtained with a single selected diameter from 180 to 300 mm (according to individual orders, the diameter can be reduced or increased).

Docking grooves and locks are determined by the formula and cut with perfect accuracy so that the crowns have the smallest gaps (up to 2 mm), and the logs can be connected at different angles.

The advantage of working with logs in the city of Moscow is the exact geometric parameters of the diameter along the entire length, the thickness of the longitudinal groove and the dimensions of the crown bowl. In the assembled state, it is impossible to detect cracks, gaps and other flaws that ultimately affect the operation of the house.

Important! Precise geometry makes work easier. There is no need to alternate the butt and top in a mandatory sequence, fitting them to each other. There is no need to caulk the cracks - the rounded log fits as tightly as possible and does not require finishing.

When building a house, it is preferable to work with round timber.

Firstly, its density is higher than that of a bar. When rounding, only the upper part of the wane is removed, leaving a strong structure. The beam is softer, looser than round logs. This is, in fact, the core of the tree, which must be constantly protected from external factors.

Secondly, cutting grooves on a log allows you to "collect" houses for several days. It is a leader in low-rise construction.

Thirdly, the safety of part of the wane and the external strong structure ensures the safety of heat inside the room. No other material compares to wood.

Structurally, a rounded log of a certain diameter and length with a sawn stacking groove (bowl) and a cut is a finished part of the log house. You can just call and order a ready-made house kit for projects in Moscow.

It is clear that such material has pros and cons. We have already talked about the pros, and the main disadvantage is shrinkage. It reaches 10% per year, which must be taken into account when arranging a house inside.

10 reasons to build a house from logs

  1. Environmentally friendly and safe material. In a wooden house, a person always feels better, more comfortable and healthier.
  2. Wood, even with antiseptic and flame retardant treatment, provides an optimal microclimate inside. Due to micropores, more than 30 cubic meters enter the house every hour. air that has time to warm up.
  3. Wood not only keeps heat and coolness inside, but also does not allow sounds to penetrate from the outside. The log house is always quiet and very comfortable.
  4. Factory production ensures the geometric accuracy of the parameters. The house is literally made up of individual elements, and it takes from 5 to 15 days, depending on the area. No additional processing, docking, caulking, etc. is required.
  5. A real log house "fits" into any environment, be it the center of Moscow or a small village.
  6. The advantage of round timber over stone, shell and other materials is that no additional "aesthetic" processing is needed. The tree is beautiful on its own. The maximum that can be done is to cover with a transparent varnish to emphasize the texture.
  7. Round timber is lighter than stone and brick, that is, you can save on the foundation. It should not be massive, but go below the freezing point of the soil. This is a prerequisite for capital buildings.
  8. Rounded logs are easy to process on machines. So you can create original engineering and design solutions.
  9. Factory antiseptic treatment protects the building from negative factors - humidity, mold, decay, attack by bark beetles, etc. It is recommended to renew the coating regularly.
  10. Tight fit, precise geometry and high-quality wood processing guarantee at least 30 years of operation in any region of Russia.

Where to buy round logs in Moscow

Ordering round timber in Moscow is very simple - just call or send a request by email. After receiving the order, the manager will contact you, specify the volume of the batch, how much it costs on the day of the order, linear and overall dimensions, and the type of bowl. If you do not know what exactly you need, send us your project by mail and engineers will calculate the exact quantity and variety.

rounded log used to build houses. Structures are characterized by increased strength, durability in operation. The houses are outwardly similar to log cabins, built by highly skilled craftsmen using special methods.

Characteristics and scope of rounded logs

The company "Lestorg" has been operating in the production of wood products for 15 years. Thanks to the accumulated experience, we are able to choose excellent raw materials for the manufacture of lumber. For the production of rounded logs, we use high-quality sawn timber, selected using special methods. Finished products have the same diameter and perfect surface.

Logs are given a special profile depending on the scope of products. Special recesses (bowls) allow you to stack logs tightly one on top of the other without the formation of cracks. Due to the correct geometry of the products, the same diameter along the entire length, the presence of special recesses, rounded logs can be easily stacked, forming even walls.

The construction of houses from rounded logs takes much less time compared to the construction of log cabins. The structures are durable and resistant to the negative external environment.

Advantages of buying rounded logs from Lestorg

Lestorg offers buy quality rounded logs in Moscow at the best possible price.

We take care of factors such as:

    the correct geometry of the forms of finished products;

    homogeneity and quality of raw materials;

    high manufacturability of woodworking processes;

    compliance with the conditions of warehousing and storage of lumber;

    special methods of packaging and delivery of logs, preventing the deformation of products;

    execution of orders in strict accordance with the requirements of the customer;

    competitive prices;

    providing bonuses for regular customers;

    long-term relationships with customers on a mutually beneficial basis.

The company "Lestorg" delivers wood products to any region of Moscow and the region. We can buy round logs at the best possible price to build an aesthetic home with ideal quality indicators.

For the construction of real wooden log cabins, round logs are considered the most rational in terms of price and quality. These are sorted logs that have passed the rounding stage, i.e. removal of the upper layer, resulting in a material that is ideally even in diameter and structure. Depending on the project of the house, the diameter and length of the log and the connecting elements (Finnish or Russian thicket profile) change. Already finished products go through the stage of antiseptic and flame retardant treatment.

The LesProfil lumber plant manufactures and sells rounded logs from winter-cutting forests, which guarantees excellent aesthetic and operational properties. Production is located in Kirov - it is more convenient to get wood immediately from the plots and carry out its primary processing. There are also equipped warehouses for storing finished lumber. And delivery is possible to any region of Russia - we cooperate with the largest transport companies, delivery is carried out within a maximum of 7 days.

4 useful facts about round logs "LesProfil"

  1. The quality of raw materials and finished molded products is checked by an independent laboratory in Moscow. At each stage of production - from drying to treatment with antiseptics and flame retardants and packaging - research is carried out with the issuance of the appropriate certificate. If even minimal deviations are detected, the entire batch is removed and sent for recycling.
  2. Testing at the field site. Samples from each batch are tested by express and natural method for resistance to biological factors (impact of moisture and pathogens), fire resistance and shrinkage volume. If the experts are satisfied with the result, the rounded log goes on sale, if not, it is refined.
  3. Safe material. The phrase "environmentally friendly product", to be honest, has already set the teeth on edge. Few people understand what this really means, but everyone considers it possible to label their product in this way. In our case, a rounded log from the manufacturer, as an exclusively natural material in itself - these are machined tree trunks, and is processed with hypoallergenic safe antiseptics and fire retardants.
  4. Each region has its own offer, which depends on the climate, average temperature and humidity. If a log with a diameter of 180 mm is enough for the southern part of Russia, then in the north the minimum is 240 mm, and even better 300 mm. If in doubt, what diameter is needed in Moscow, contact our specialists and you will be given comprehensive information about the properties and suitable sizes.

The number of rounded logs in a cube

Length, m

Diameter, mm

Sizes and prices per cubic meter of logs in Moscow

A huge advantage of selling round logs from a manufacturer in Moscow is stable prices and the absence of trade and intermediary margins. In addition to the price indicated in the price list, only transport costs will be paid. And if you want to save even more, you can arrange self-delivery. And the most interesting thing is that we give a 10% discount to every first client.

Log diameter, mm

The volume of one log is 6 meters, m3

price, rub. per 1 m3


With custom bowls

Wholesale prices for a cube of logs in Moscow

It is clear that the wholesale party is always cheaper, but the concept of wholesale is different for everyone. In our case, wholesalers are those who place an order for 100 cubic meters. and more, resulting in a saving of 20% of the total cost.

Log diameter, mm

The volume of one log is 6 meters, m3

price, rub. per 1 m3

With custom bowls

Production technology

The production of logs is carried out in accordance with TU 636320-003-0144784889-01, GOST 16588-79, GOST 15612-85 and GOST 30974-2002.

Selected sawlogs of coniferous and deciduous species are used as feedstock. After manual sorting, chamber drying is carried out - the output is sterilized and dried to 12% moisture content of wood, in which spores and hyphae of fungi and mold are completely absent, as well as larvae of grinder beetles and other insects.

Rounding is carried out according to a certain diameter from 180 to 300 mm. According to the technology, the maximum diameter difference along the entire length does not exceed 4 mm. Next, a longitudinal (lunar) groove is cut and a mandatory compensation (unloading) cut 10 mm long and 0.25 mm deep, so that during laying and further operation the log does not twist.

Important! When laying, the cut always “looks” up so that the next layer overlaps it.

The next step is trimming and cutting cups using laser marking.

Treatment with protective and fire fighting equipment in accordance with GOST R 53292-2009.

The final stage is the control of measurements and marking, after which the finished products are stacked in stacks with layer-by-layer laying with bars for natural ventilation. Before shipment, the batch is packed and put on pallets.

Control methods:

  1. Measurement of length with metal tape measures and calipers (GOST 7502-80 and 15876-70).
  2. Deflection measurement to check for signs of warping.
  3. moisture content of the finished product.
  4. Roughness along the entire length.
  5. Breed Definition

Where to buy and how to order round logs in Moscow

Ordering round logs in Moscow is very simple - just call or send an email request. After receiving the order, the manager contacts you and specifies the batch size, linear and overall dimensions. Doubt about the quantity, length or diameter - you can send your project to the post office and engineers will calculate how many pieces of logs you need, taking into account shrinkage.