Lunar calendar for sowing vegetables in June. Lunar calendar for sowing vegetables in June Gardener's sowing calendar for June

In the summer, gardeners and summer residents begin to cultivate their plots of land. With the arrival of warmth you need regular watering, weed and pest control. It is necessary to plant seedlings and sow seeds.

For greater efficiency and quality of fruits, work is carried out according to the lunar calendar, which indicates favorable and unfavorable dates for land cultivation.

Lunar days of June in the table

Numbers of lunar phases in June:

How do lunar phases affect landing?

When gardening, people use the lunar calendar. It indicates favorable and unfavorable dates for working on the ground and in the greenhouse with plants, seeds and seedlings. The Moon has a strong influence on natural vegetation. For 28 days the luminary remains in all zodiac signs(2-3 days each).

Important: some zodiacs have a beneficial effect on specific types of work, while others negative impact. Plant growth depends on this (energy effect on the circulation of nutritional components).

Moon phases:

  • new moon - energy moves to the base (roots), leading to a slowdown in growth;
  • the moon is growing - nutrition from the roots to upper parts plants, increased photosynthesis (favorable planting period);
  • full moon– concentration of released lunar energy into fruits, flowers, shoots;
  • decline - nutrient sap moves from the foliage to the root system. Good period for collecting fruits.

The elements of water and earth are a good time for gardening garden work. Neutral signs are Sagittarius, Aries, Virgo. When the moon moves into Libra, Leo, Gemini, it is better to postpone planting work until a more favorable time. The stay of the Moon in Aquarius is an unfavorable period for agricultural work.

What days of June are favorable for planting?

Favorable dates in June 2018 for sowing and planting plants, crops, trees:

  • 10-11;
  • 23-24.

Flowers and herbs:

Flowers, root vegetables:

  • 4 - after lunch;

Energy harmony in June:

Important: It is better to spend the unspecified dates of the month on vacation.

What days of June are unfavorable for planting?

Prohibited dates in June for sowing and planting:

Gardeners' daily calendar for June (lunar)

Friday 1 – Capricorn, waning moon, average fruitfulness. You can plant root vegetables, onions, and vegetables for storage (cucumbers, zucchini). It is allowed to weed, water, fertilize with organic matter, plant seedlings, and thin out seedlings.

Saturday 2 – Capricorn, the moon is waning.

Sunday 3 – Aquarius, waning moon, flower day. Unfavorable for garden work. You can do loosening, thinning, hilling, shaping, and destroying pests.

Monday 4 – Aquarius, the moon is waning.

Tuesday 5 – Aquarius, waning.

Wednesday 6 – Fish, fruitful period, foliage days. Cucumbers, summer carrots, beets, zucchini, and squash are allowed. Favorable sowing tomatoes, chicory, broccoli, spinach, head lettuce. Annuals, perennials, and bulbous plants are planted in flower beds. You can plant potatoes, sprinkle mustaches and branches (reproduction). It is better to postpone pest control treatment.

Thursday 7 – Pisces, waning.

Friday 8 – Aries waning. Unfruitful period, it is forbidden to plant, replant, sow. Loosening, weeding, thinning, spraying, and fertilizing with organic matter are allowed. In gardens you can prune trees, bushes, collect fruits, and cut out shoots. Postpone pinching, picking, seed germination, and watering.

Saturday 9 – Aries, waning.

Sunday 10 – Taurus, waning (increased fertility). Root days - it is recommended to plant seedlings, sow cucumbers, squash, zucchini, and cabbage. Potatoes and onions are planted, tomatoes are planted, and forcing crops are sown. You can water, cultivate the soil, and feed the roots with organic matter. A good date for planting perennials, cuttings, planting bushes and trees. It is recommended to exterminate pests, harvest nettles, and preserve (fruits and berries).

Monday 11 – Taurus, waning.

Tuesday 12 – Gemini, waning. During the new moon, working with plants is not advisable.

Wednesday 13 – Gemini, new moon.

Thursday 14 – Cancer, growing (fertility period).

Friday 15 – Cancer, growing. It is recommended to plant peppers, cabbage, blueberries, tomatoes, and parsley. Dill, sorrel, cucumbers, and lettuce are sown. Seedlings are planted, vines are formed, and tomatoes are planted. Mineral feeding, sowing of annuals, and trimming of mustaches are allowed. You can propagate shrubs, graft, and mow lawns. It is prohibited to trim trees or spray plants with pesticides.

Saturday 16 – Leo, lunar growth (unfruitful time). It is unfavorable to sow seeds, weed, loosen, fight pests, and form lashes. It is recommended to postpone the stepson. Sowing of lettuce, cucumbers, fennel, basil, and lawn grass is allowed. It is better to postpone fertilizing, germination, picking, pinching, and replanting.

Sunday 17 – Leo, moon rising.

Monday 18 – Virgo, moon waxing (average fertility). Root days - valerian, cucumbers, salads are sown, seedlings are thinned out, the beds are weeded. Control of diseases and pests, picking, pinching, and fertilizing with minerals is allowed. You can sow annual and climbing flowers, divide, replant perennials, and propagate shrubs. You cannot soak the seed.

Tuesday 19 – Virgo, the moon is waxing.

Wednesday 20 – Virgo, the moon is waxing.

Thursday 21 – Libra, lunar growth (average fertility). Seedlings of peppers, blue peppers, cabbage are planted, greens, cauliflower, coriander, sorrel, legumes, mustard, green manure are sown. Planting potatoes and forming cucumbers is allowed. Roses, tuberous and climbing roses are planted in flower beds, and strawberry tendrils take root. You cannot spray or vaccinate. Can be fed garden plants mineral complexes.

Friday 22 – Libra, lunar growth.

Saturday 23 – Scorpio, lunar growth (fertile period). It is allowed to sow corn, zucchini, spinach, herbs, cucumbers, and green herbs. You can sow onions, chives, tomatoes, plant vegetable seedlings(Beijing, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli). Favorable watering mineral supplements, soil loosening, planting flowers. Dividing rhizomes, pinching, or pinching is prohibited. The day is good for mowing and drying the lawn medicinal plants, preparing liqueurs.

Sunday 24 – Scorpio, lunar growth.

Monday 25 – Sagittarius, waxing moon (low productivity). It is allowed to loosen dry soil, weed, collect vegetable fruits, and freeze. You can fight pests, weed, hill, sow seeds of onion, trumpet, shiv, spinach, asparagus. Climbing flowers are sown in flower beds, tree seedlings are planted, and plants are treated against pests and diseases. You cannot do pinching, picking, replanting, watering, or pruning. Juices, preserves, jams are prepared, and cabbage is fermented.

Tuesday 26 – Sagittarius, lunar growth.

Wednesday 27 – Sagittarius, the moon is waxing.

Thursday 28 – Capricorn, full moon. It is better to spend the day relaxing; you should not work with plants.

Friday 29 – Capricorn, waning moon (average fertility). You can sow crops for wintering (sorrel, asparagus, rhubarb). Weeding, watering, and sowing of greens, lettuces, and mint are allowed. Root crops are fertilized, seedlings are thinned out, and perennial flowers are planted. No cutting or pinching is allowed.

Saturday 30 - Aquarius, waning moon (infertility). Unfavorable day for gardeners. You can thin out, loosen, hill up, collect seeds. In the gardens, fruits are collected, branches are pruned, and the lawn is mowed. The destruction of pests and weeds is allowed. You cannot plant and sow, soak and germinate seeds, water, or feed.

The nature of work in the garden and vegetable garden changes noticeably with the arrival of summer. Recommendations lunar sowing calendar for june 2018 will help you properly care for your plants, which means making your work more efficient and significantly increasing productivity.

The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for June 2018 will help you choose the most favorable days for sowing seeds, planting seedlings, fertilizing, cuttings and grafting.

Plowing, loosening the soil, cultivating are best done: 5-9, 19-21, 23-25

By entering mineral fertilizers should be done: 3-6, 8-10, 20-24

To deposit organic fertilizers The most suitable days are: 4-9, 19-20, 22-25

Spraying, pest control: 3-7, 9-11, 21-25

Boarding, transfer: 4-6, 8-11, 19-23

Planting of seedlings, cuttings and grafting should be carried out on the following dates:

Day of the month Moon phase Recommended work in the garden and vegetable garden
June 1 Waning moon It's time to sow zucchini, cucumbers, root vegetables (radish, carrots), tubers (potatoes), garlic and onions for seeds and storage; plant seedlings in open ground heat-loving plants. Biennials and perennials are good flowers. Already planted beds require loosening and weeding, fertilizing with organic fertilizers, abundant watering, protection from pests and diseases. garden plot Almost any type of work is allowed: planting fruit trees, sanitary pruning, preparation of rootstocks, cuttings. Fertilizing - for example, with urea - and watering will work especially well. If indoor plants are still languishing on the windowsills, it’s time to move them to balconies and loggias, closer to sunlight. Replanting and pruning are not recommended, but careful loosening is possible.
June 2
June 3 It is better to give up planting for a while, concentrating your efforts on thinning seedlings, removing weeds, loosening, hilling and preventive treatment of plants against pests and diseases. However, if you wish, you can continue to plant potatoes, radishes and carrots, sow late varieties cabbage, a variety of greens and annual flowers. Don’t forget to cut off the arrows on the garlic and start forming cucumber vines. In your garden plot, you should check the beds with strawberries and trim off the overgrown tendrils, and remove excess shoots from the berry bushes.

Houseplants still need delicate handling, so hold off on replanting and formative pruning. Only light watering, spraying, disease prevention.

June 4
June 5
June 6 Favorable time for sowing spinach, asparagus, different types lettuce, cucumbers, late varieties of cabbage, legumes, root vegetables and herbs. Planting of potatoes and transfer of seedlings to open ground continues - this time tomatoes, chard and broccoli. There are no restrictions on the flower beds, plant whatever you want: annual, perennial, tuberous flowers, but do not overdo it with watering. Propagation work is underway in the garden plot: creating layerings berry bushes, powdering strawberry tendrils, grafting trees. It is recommended to mulch the trunk circles of the latter to preserve soil moisture. If there is a lawn on the property, tidy it up and use the mowed grass as mulch - you will kill two birds with one stone.

Houseplants require watering and loosening.

June 7
June 8 Hold off on planting and sowing seeds. Thin out seedlings, pull out weeds, form cucumber vines. Fertilizing is especially recommended for plants with above-ground fruits. summer cottage it's time to pinch annual raspberry shoots if they have reached required height(from 70 to 100 cm depending on the variety), and sanitary pruning of trees. In the southern regions you can start picking strawberries.

It is allowed to replant coniferous indoor plants, but be extremely careful not to damage the roots - this will seriously undermine the health of your green pets.

June 9
June 10 Transfer seedlings of heat-loving plants to open ground, plant potatoes, carrots, radishes and onions, sow cucumbers, cabbage and zucchini, biennials and perennial flowers. Grown vegetable crops require pinching, organic fertilizing and moderate watering. A good period for planting fruit trees, raspberries, currants, blackberries, grapes, strawberries, wild strawberries on the site. You can also practice cuttings, digging in shoots and tendrils.

Along with indoor coniferous plants, in the first half of June it is worth replanting camellias and azaleas, which are distinguished by their capricious disposition. It is best to do this using a transshipment method that causes minimal damage to the root system, and after replanting, keep the plant protected from direct contact for several days. sun rays place.

June 11
June 12 The new moon and both days adjacent to it are considered unsuitable for gardening work. Spend time cleaning suburban area from garbage, carry out an audit garden tools or just relax.
June 13 New moon
June 14 waxing moon
June 15 A great day to plant everything that is planned: sweet and bitter peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes. By this time it’s time to sow the greens a second time, and everything that has already been planted could use another feeding. For flowers, give preference to annuals. If the strawberry crop has already been harvested, cut off the mustaches, which will only waste the strength of the plant. And if you notice signs of disease on the bushes, ( powdery mildew, gray rot, mites), it is recommended to mow the leaves.

Overgrown indoor plants can be divided and planted in different containers.

June 16 The seeds sown today are unlikely to produce rich seedlings, and interaction with plants is more likely to harm them than help them, so devote your energy exclusively to land work: loosening the soil, weeding, moderate watering. You can sow summer green manure in the free beds. Once on the garden plot, arm yourself with pruning shears and ration the fruits, removing excess ovary on the trees to prevent its excessive shedding. For the same purpose, you can spray the crowns with a urea solution.

Indoor plants can be replanted and watered, but it is better to refrain from feeding them.

June 17
June 18 A favorable day for sowing hot peppers, lettuce, cucumbers and herbs, annual and climbing flowers. Any work on the beds will be successful: watering, fertilizing, getting rid of weeds, pest and disease control, thinning seedlings, pinching, Ros-Register reports. During the period of setting buds on potatoes, it is encouraged to add wood ash between the rows. In the garden plot, your field of vision should be primarily berry bushes, which during this period can be propagated by layering and cuttings. In addition, strawberry bushes and wild strawberries planted in the beds take root well.

Houseplants will respond well to fertilizing and treatment against pests and diseases.

June 19
June 20
June 21 Seedlings of eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes and white cabbage it's time to hit the ground. Sow seeds of cauliflower, peas, sorrel; plant potatoes and onions; propagate roses by cuttings, plant bulbous and club flowers. There is also a place for cuttings in the garden plot - if you plan to propagate berry bushes. You can still dig up shoots from strawberries and wild strawberries. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will not hurt either.
The successful replanting period for houseplants is coming to an end, don’t miss it!
June 22
June 23 A good day for sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, corn, sweet peppers, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, chives and any greens. Dill, which goes well with most vegetable crops, it is better to sow along the edge of the finished beds. Flowers can be planted without any restrictions - the choice is yours. At your summer cottage, tidy up the lawn by sending the cut grass to compost heaps or to tree trunk circles for mulching. Abundant watering and fertilizing are appropriate.

For indoor plants a neutral period has begun. You can do replanting, pest control, and crown formation, but if you leave your pets alone, you won’t lose anything.

June 24
June 25 Sow spinach and asparagus spicy herbs, all types of onions - in particular, onions and turnips. Plants are shown loosening the soil and hilling, pest control, and collecting the first crop and seeds. In flower beds, sow and replant perennial flowers, propagate plants using cuttings. At your summer cottage, it is appropriate to spend time digging up currant and gooseberry shoots, planting seedlings, and forming grape vines.

Any manipulations with house plants are allowed, including the most capricious ones: gardenias, fuchsias, violets.

June 26
June 27
June 28 Full moon It is not recommended to disturb plants during the full moon. Take a day off from gardening chores.
June 29 Waning moon Root crops require feeding, and all vegetable crops, without exception, require weeding and watering. It's time to plant perennial vegetables that are going to spend the winter on your site: horseradish, rhubarb, sorrel, various onions (batun, slime, chives), parsley on the rhizome. The day is also suitable for planting perennial flowers. At your summer cottage you can plant trees and shrubs, water, feed, remove dry branches and young shoots, cut off the mustache of strawberries and wild strawberries.
June 30 Thin the beets and onions planted on the turnips to give them room to develop. Sowing and planting vegetables is not recommended. Collect fruits and seeds, loosen the soil, fight weeds, pests and diseases. And this applies not only to the vegetable garden, but also to the garden plot.

Summer is a hot time not only temperature indicator. Each landowner will have to take care of his plot every day in order to ultimately obtain a rich harvest. But, of course, in June there are fewer things to do than in the spring, when planting material, the weeds are filled with juice and the pests are moving away from their winter torpor. So what can a gardener expect? First of all, frequent treatment of plants with various drugs against diseases and the same ubiquitous pests, in particular with Fitoverm. In addition, one should not forget about root feeding of garden and garden crops, soil fertilization. However, the gardener’s lunar calendar for June is compiled for this purpose, so that it becomes a reminder on the right day.

Try not to destroy the larvae along with the pests. ladybug, they are black with red and orange dots on the sides, these are your reliable allies in the fight against aphids.

Many weeds are sources of diseases characteristic of garden plants. Therefore, it is imperative to mow all the weeds, thereby suppressing them, which helps to weaken them. Most of fruit crops, such as cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as flowers (for example, asters) should be sprayed with “Fitosporin” from time to time against fungal damage.

According to the lunar landing calendar For gardeners and gardeners in June, this month is not too late to transfer seedlings to the soil and sow late varieties of carrots and black radishes.

The beginning of the calendar summer for a gardener, summer resident, gardener is the time when it is still possible to sow crops, plant heat-loving seedlings in the ground and greenhouses, and also harvest the first harvest.

In June, there comes a favorable moment for repairing buildings on the site, implementing the most bold plans according to its design, including the arrangement of swimming pools and decorative mini-ponds.

But we must not forget that fruit ovaries and delicate foliage are a treasured bait for pests. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor plants in the garden and, if necessary, protect them from harmful insects, mice, diseases.

To properly organize work on a personal plot, experienced gardeners, summer residents and gardeners, of course, use the Lunar calendar for the month of June 2020. If this is your first time using such a table, keep in mind that first of all you need to pay attention to the phase of the night star, the zodiac sign in which it is located, and only then focus on the lunar day and the scheduled day of the week.

Work schedule by moon phases and zodiac signs for June 2020

June 1-2. The moon is growing under the constellation Libra. You can continue to sow cauliflower seeds, kohlrabi, and plant cauliflower seedlings. Carry out root feeding, replant perennial flowers, bushes, sow annual flowers. Carry out activities to combat pests and diseases. Care for indoor flowers.

June 3-4. Moon growing under the constellation Scorpio. A good time to plant peas, beans, cucumbers, asparagus, tomato seedlings, cauliflower. Abundant watering and fertilizing with organic fertilizers is recommended. You can mow lawns, fight weeds, and shape tomato bushes. Thin out seedlings of root crops (carrots, beets), hill up potatoes, loosen. There is no need to use pesticides against pests now.

June 5. Full moon under the constellation Sagittarius. The Sowing Calendar for June 2020 notes that working with plants on this day is not recommended.

June 7 is Holy Trinity Day. Pentecost. The Gardener's Calendar does not recommend working on this day.

June 7 - Midsummer's Day. If the rowan blooms weakly, sparingly, it will be a long autumn season. Today, gardeners and gardeners have a lot to worry about: it’s time to sow flowers (both perennials and annuals), take cuttings, divide shrubs, and plant berries.

June 8-9. The moon is waning in the sign of Capricorn. You can plant potatoes, sow radishes, turnips, plant seedlings of peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers. A good time to start preparing the first medicinal herbs, drying them. They mow lawns, prepare bait for moles, and carry out inspections. gardening equipment and inventory.

June 10-11. The moon is waning under the sign of Aquarius. You can do pest control, weeding, and removing shoots on tomatoes.

June 12-13. The moon is waning in the sign of Pisces. It's a good time to water your plants. You can plant peas, cucumbers, dill, parsley. It's time to add organic fertilizer.

June 14-15-16. The moon is waning under the sign of Aries. It is recommended to combat pests and cut out unnecessary growth in the garden.

June 15 – Nikifor. In the old days, peasants began to hill potatoes. If a nightingale sings at night, the weather will be sunny.

June 17-18. The moon is waning in the sign of Taurus. You can sow cucumbers cauliflower, plant any seedlings. Start collecting vegetables, berries, and fruits for canning. If necessary, re-sow dill. Check that there is enough support and material to support the plants.

June 19-20. The moon is waning under the sign of Gemini. It is good to plant strawberries, wild strawberries, and all types of climbing plants. You can harvest medicinal herbs. We continue to prune and graft trees, lay compost, pick up seedlings, hill up, and cultivate. Do not forget about loosening the soil between the rows.

June 20 – Fedot Urozhainik. If the day is rainy, the bad weather will last another 40 days.

June 21. New Moon in the sign of Cancer. According to the Sowing Calendar for June 2020, it is not recommended to work with plants on this day.

June 22-23. The moon is growing in the sign of Cancer. A favorable day for sowing white cabbage, onions, dill, spinach, parsley, peas, beans, and sorrel in open ground. You can start planting cabbage and asparagus seedlings. Plant annual flowers, divide perennials, plant cuttings.

June 23 – Timofey. Day of signs, omens. If you happen to see a rainbow today, then the year will be lean and hungry.

June 24-25. The Moon is waxing in the sign of Leo. Care for berry bushes, grafting and pruning of fruit trees is shown. It is recommended to sow free ridges with siderites. Don't forget about indoor potted plants.

June 26-27. Moon waxing in the sign of Virgo. You can sow flowers (annual and biennial), harvest medicinal herbs, dig up bulbs of tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths if their leaves have turned yellow.

June 28-29. Moon waxing in the sign of Libra. You can sow cauliflower, kohlrabi, start planting cauliflower seedlings, weed, and continue pest control.

June 30. Moon waxing in the sign of Scorpio. You can plant peas, beans, cucumbers, asparagus, plant seedlings of tomatoes, cauliflower. Prepare cuttings and plant compost pit, hill up potatoes, loosen row spacing, thin out seedlings. The fight against weeds continues.

June 30 – Yarilo or Manuel Solntstoy. Even the ancient Slavs noticed that on this day the sun lingers at its zenith. All plants begin to grow intensively.

Favorable dates in June 2020 for planting

Cucumbers – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7,12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30.

Dill, parsley and other greens - 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30.

Tomato – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30.

Sweet pepper – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30

Blue ones – 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30

Melons - 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30.

Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes – 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30.

Daikon, radish, radish - 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30.

Beets, carrots - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30.

Legumes – 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30

Cabbage – 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30

Pumpkin, squash, zucchini - 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26, 28, 30.

Onion – 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 22, 23, 30

Onion - 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 17, 22, 23, 30

Root parsley - 1, 3, 4,6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 22, 23, 26,27, 29, 30.

Annual ornamental plants – 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 22, 23, 28, 29.

Perennial flowers from seeds - 2, 4, 6, 7, 12, 22, 23, 28, 29.

Trees - …

Fruit bushes -...

Unfavorable days for sowing seeds in June 2020 – 5, 21.

Gardener's lunar calendar for every day of June 2020


Here is the main list of June concerns for personal plots, according to the Lunar calendar 2020. But do not forget that this is only general recommendations. In many respects you need to focus on weather conditions, climatic features your area and even monitor your own physical well-being. Don't overextend yourself by trying to do everything in the guidelines.

If there are errors in the calculations, then look at the “Questions and Answers” ​​section.

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and types of work with plants

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, raspberries, viburnum, and rose hips begin to bloom. In the second half of the month, strawberries ripen (photo). Near fruit trees and in beds, the soil is carefully loosened, simultaneously destroying weeds. Vegetables and fruit trees are constantly watered; during watering, you can apply fertilizer, and tomatoes are planted. After flowering, it is advisable to treat fruit trees against pests.
In the middle of the month, potatoes are hilled. Under climbing plants install supports. Entrances of carrots and cucumbers should be thinned out. Loosen cucumber beds not recommended since the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface.
Flowers in June need to be watered, weeded and loosened, and the soil around them needs to be fed. It is better to water flower beds early in the morning, since during the day watering in the sun can spoil the leaves.

Folk signs about the weather in June:
June will show what December will be like, and December will show June.
Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.
June is summer for the heat, and sun for winter.

Based on one interesting folk sign, together with you we will try to compose one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the 2019 gardening season.

Thematic tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Lunar calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from 01 June 2019 00:00 (Sat)
to 02 June 2019 14:48 (Sun)
A favorable day for planting potatoes, sowing radish seeds, parsley, celery, radish, daikon. Planting bulbous flowers.
Watering and applying organic fertilizers to root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. Ridges with root vegetables (including garlic and onions) are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting kohlrabi seedlings for summer consumption. Thinning carrot and beet crops. Growing tomatoes. Possible planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers (alternative days) .
The rooting of tree and shrub seedlings planted on this day goes well. Carrying out spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes against pests and diseases. Favorable time for bookmarking compost heaps..
We still have a blog "", login only from the lunar calendar
from 02 June 2019 14:48 (Sun)
to 03 June 2019 04:15 (Mon)
Unfavorable time for watering. Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Planting tomatoes and peppers, forming vines of cucumbers. Removing yellowed leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Spraying fruit crops against pests, diseases, as well as growth and fruit formation stimulants; foliar feeding of fruit crops. Planting, dividing and feeding flowers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees.

In June, planting tomatoes is still a hot topic. For readers visiting our calendar for the first time, I am transferring the link to the video: from the May calendar page. You can also watch how tomatoes are formed and a VIDEO of their pinching by clicking on the picture (a new window will open).

June 3 (23.05 old style) - Elena and Konstantin (Deer Day)
"Olen's day - plant cucumbers. If there is bad weather on Olen, then autumn will be stormy"

from 03 June 2019 04:15 (Mon)
to 05 June 2019 05:36 (Wed)


It is not recommended to plant or replant anything. Any possible chores, working with soil, composting, spraying against pests and diseases of trees and shrubs.

June 03, 2019 13:01 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac sign: - until June 04, 2019 19:17 Moon in the sign of Gemini, then in the sign of Cancer.

from 05 June 2019 05:36 (Wed)
to 06 June 2019 22:15 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer

Unfavorable days for pruning trees and shrubs, pinching, pinching vegetable crops. It is favorable to water and fertilize heat-loving crops and cabbage with an increase in the dose of potassium fertilizers in rainy cold weather, fruit trees with a predominant dose nitrogen fertilizers. Spraying vegetable crops with growth and development stimulants and preparations for fruit formation. Spraying fruit crops with growth and development stimulants; carrying out vaccinations; foliar feeding of fruit crops with liquid complex fertilizers with humates. Arrangement of currant and gooseberry shoots into the grooves for their rooting. Sowing green and spice crops. Good period for pickling
from 06 June 2019 22:15 (Thu)
to 09 June 2019 00:45 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Leo

This is an unfavorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other work with vegetable plants. Spraying is useful against diseases and pests. Favorable period for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers, climbing flowers and ornamental crops. The collected medicinal herbs will have the greatest power, especially herbs that treat heart disease. Harvest must be processed immediately.
(from June 7 to June 9 - in Russian folk signs associated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days months for pickling cucumbers)
from 09 June 2019 00:45 (Sun)
to June 11, 2019 03:29 (Tue)

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Fertilizers cannot be applied. Planted green cuttings will take root well. During this period, it is good to lay mixborders, ridges, flower beds, alpine coaster. Favorable time for sowing biennial flowers, dividing and planting ornamental plants and perennials that have faded in spring. You can plant and replant medicinal herbs, sow lawns and lawns. A good time for loosening, hilling, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. Strawberry processing. Replanting balcony and indoor flowers. The harvested crop must be processed immediately.
from June 11, 2019 03:29 (Tue)
to June 13, 2019 07:02 (Thu)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Libra

A favorable time for re-sowing dill, lettuce, chervil, and broccoli. Sowing perennial onions, grains, fodder and leguminous crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetables. Planting seedlings of annual flowers in open ground. Sowing lawn grass, formation of flower beds. Dividing and replanting perennial and biennial flowers if they have bloomed. Planting and replanting indoor flowers and medicinal herbs. Planting flowers, berries and ornamental shrubs, green fruit cuttings and ornamental trees. Carrying out vaccinations.
from June 13, 2019 07:02 (Thu)
to 15 June 2019 12:03 (Sat)

Waxing Moon in the sign of Scorpio

Pruning trees and shrubs, as well as pinching vegetables and other crops is strictly prohibited. Watering and loosening the soil are favorable. Sowing perennial onions, dill, lettuce, chervil. Collection early harvest lettuce, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. Tilt and garter of annual apple tree growths in the process of crown formation. Rooting strawberry rosettes. Preparation for rooting of green cuttings and their planting. Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. It is possible to fertilize fruit trees with complex fertilizers with mullein infusion. Foliar feeding of tomatoes and cucumbers. You can sow the seeds of biennials or plant their seedlings.
from June 15, 2019 12:03 (Sat)
to 16 June 2019 20:10 (Sun)

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening and mulching the soil, working with compost. Installation of supports under the branches of fruit trees, construction of fences around bushes. Cleaning early vegetables and greens and their processing. Berry picking remontant strawberries and honeysuckle for consumption. Sowing perennial onions. Application of inorganic fertilizers, hilling. Disease and pest control. Vaccinations
from June 16, 2019 20:10 (Sun)
to 18 June 2019 22:14 (Tue)


Prohibited days for working with plants. Unfavorable days for pickling (you should not pickle, for example, cucumbers on a full moon). Collection of flowers, leaves and herbs of medicinal plants. Loosening and mulching of the soil is possible.
June 17, 2019 11:30 Moscow time - astronomical full moon (mid-lunar month - until June 17, 2019 19:13 Moon in Sagittarius, then in the sign of Capricorn
from June 18, 2019 22:14 (Tue)
to June 20, 2019 05:00 (Thu)

Waning Moon in the sign of Capricorn

Weed control, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radishes for winter storage, second sowing of turnips. Raking soil from onion bulbs, hilling leeks. Application of fertilizers for root crops and potatoes. Feeding tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage. Feeding fruit trees, berry bushes and raspberries.
from June 20, 2019 05:00 (Thu)
to 22 June 2019 17:01 (Sat)

Waning Moon in Aquarius

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing plants, as well as watering and fertilizing vegetable crops.
Spraying vegetable crops with growth stimulants; from diseases and pests of fruit trees, shrubs, heat-loving crops (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers). It is possible to fertilize flowers. Carrying out a set of activities around the lawn. Weed control. Collection of herbs for drying. Pruning, pinching and pinching plants. Best time for cutting down old trees.

June 21 (08.06 art. style) - Fyodor Letniy (Stratilat)
“If there is heavy dew on Stratilata, the summer, even if it is dry, will produce a good harvest.”

from June 22, 2019 17:01 (Sat)
to June 25, 2019 05:37 (Tue)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

Watering and fertilizing vegetable crops, berry bushes and raspberries with organic fertilizers; fertilizing fruit trees with an increased dose of nitrogen fertilizers. Favorable time for re-sowing green crops. Hilling potatoes. Thinning carrot crops
from June 25, 2019 05:37 (Tue)
to 27 June 2019 16:32 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aries

Spraying all heat-loving crops with growth and fruit formation stimulants. Fertilizing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, squash, physalis, cabbage, etc. A favorable time for loosening, mulching, weed and pest control, mowing grass for hay and preparing firewood. Carrying out formative pruning of fruit trees by pinching and removing thickening shoots, normalizing the ovary. Removing whiskers from strawberries. Hilling early landings potatoes. Thinning of seedlings. Making compost.
from June 27, 2019 16:32 (Thu)
to June 30, 2019 00:09 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Watering and applying organic fertilizers to root crops (carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) and potatoes. The beds with root crops are loosened and mulched with humus. Planting kohlrabi seedlings for summer consumption. It is possible to re-sow radishes and turnips for winter storage. Thinning carrot and beet crops. Growing tomatoes. A favorable period for pest control. A favorable period for laying compost heaps. "The sun is quieter on Tikhon" - Amazing fact, causing people to be amazed at the observation - at this time the Earth is in the aphelion zone of its orbit and really slows down its movement around the Sun, one would think that this is a coincidence associated with rhyming, but the next day - “Manuel” and again the statement: "The sun stagnates on Manuel". Nowadays, the date of the Earth's passage through the aphelion point is July 4, but 250-300 years ago the Earth passed aphelion at the end of June!
from June 30, 2019 00:09 (Sun)
to 30 June 2019 23:59 (Sun)

Waning Moon in Gemini

Weeding, thinning seedlings in vegetable beds. Pruning tomatoes and peppers, shaping cucumber plants, pinching vines from pumpkins and melons. Removing yellowed leaves on cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes. Removing unnecessary strawberry whiskers. Plucking thickening shoots at fruit trees. Favorable days For digging up tulip, hyacinth and small-bulb bulbs.

Continuation of the table:

♑ Capricorn

17th lunar day

Sunrise 23:17

Sunset 06:14

Waning Moon

Visibility: 93%

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 06/1/2018 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on June 1, 2018

As of date 01.06.2018 V 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning Moon". This 17th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Capricorn ♑. Illumination percentage Moon is 93%. Sunrise Moon at 23:17, and sunset at 06:14.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 17th lunar day from 22:28 05/31/2018 to 23:17 06/01/2018
  • 18th lunar day from 23:17 06/01/2018 until the next day

The influence of the Moon on planting and caring for plants according to the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener June 1, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn (+)

Moon in a sign Capricorn. This is an average sign of fertility. Provides good harvest, which is stored for a long time and well, however, the fruits are of medium size.

Seed material is very high quality, the seeds remain viable for a long time. Plants sown and planted these days sprout slowly but amicably. Have a powerful root system, a strong stem and although they grow slowly, they acquire endurance and resistance to various damage, diseases, temperature changes, drought, and frost.

Trees and perennial shrubs will bear fruit for a long time, especially those crops that will have to grow and bear fruit in dry or very cold conditions. Perennial and annual flower plants have a strong stem and are not large, but beautiful shape flowers.

Favorable in Capricorn:

  • soaking seeds;
  • sowing, planting for long-term storage and for seeds, also transplanting vegetable plants, especially potatoes, root vegetables and onions;
  • sowing and planting trees and shrubs, legumes, grains;
  • planting rootstocks for further regrafting;
  • winter sowing and planting perennial plants wintering in open ground;
  • you can replant plants with a weakened root system, as well as those flowers that will have to spend the winter on cold window sills;
  • root and foliar feeding of plants;
  • pruning, pinching, grafting and taking cuttings;
  • making hay;
  • protection from diseases and pests;
  • harvesting for long-term storage and for seeds;
  • harvesting the roots of medicinal plants;
  • procurement of grown products for future use: canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, preparing juices and wine.

The following crops can be sown and planted in Capricorn:

  • vegetable: peanuts, legumes, daikon, cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower), potatoes, onions (bamboo, leek, chives), chard, carrots, hot peppers, radishes, turnips, beets, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin , garlic;
  • spicy greens: basil, mint, parsley, celery, dill, horseradish, spinach, sorrel;
  • fruits and berries: apricot, cherry, pear, strawberry, gooseberry, peach, plum, currant, apple tree;
  • field: buckwheat, barley;
  • flowers: iris;
  • indoor plants: dracaena (Derham, fragrant), Friedrich's conophytum, Noble laurel, Margaret's lapidaria, Largyroderma ovate, fan palms (Chamerops squat, Trachycarpus Fortune, Washingtonia filiform), Crassula (silver, crescent), ficus (Benjamina, Bengal, lyre-shaped) , ficus elasticus (rubber), conifers, elephant yucca.

Not favorable in Capricorn:

  • work with plant roots.

17th lunar day (+)

June 1, 2018 at 12:00 - 17th lunar day. this day is considered active and favorable for gardening work and work in the garden. On this day, the Moon begins to wane and the Earth takes its first breath.

The gravitational attraction of the Earth increases and the pressure in the underground part of the plants increases, juices and vital energy tend downward. This enhances the growth of the plant root system and slows down the development and growth of leaves and fruits.

  • plant, sow, harvest;
  • grape harvest and winemaking;
  • weeding.
  • planting, pinching, pruning, pinching plants.

Waning Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waning Moon. activity vital energy and juices are directed from the leaves to the center, and the pressure in the underground part of the plants also increases.

The roots are more fragile and sensitive compared to the plant stem, so damage to them during this period can have a detrimental effect on the plants.

Happens on the waning moon active growth roots and underground parts plants, and the growth of above-ground plants stops. The aerial part reacts poorly to damage during this period.

At this time, it is necessary to water much less frequently, because... plants drink less water.

On the waning Moon it is favorable:

  • sowing and planting root crops, bulbs, legumes, potatoes;
  • thinning of seedlings, destruction of weeds and pests;
  • pruning plants to slow down shoot growth;
  • trimming strawberry tendrils;
  • digging up flower bulbs, corms and tubers for storage;
  • cutting flowers intended for long-term transportation and storage;
  • harvesting for long-term storage;
  • preparations for future use: drying vegetables and fruits, making jam, canning with heat treatment;
  • Organic fertilizing is allowed, but only root fertilizing.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Friday, this day is under the auspices of Venus - a mysterious, enigmatic and bright planet. Since ancient times it has been considered women's day. On this day, girls and women were supposed to rest and not burden themselves with any activities.

Since Venus patronizes grace and beauty, creating a feeling of tranquility in a person, on Friday it is best to take care of the garden and its improvement, at the same time clearing the area of ​​everything unnecessary. The best thing is to prepare for the week ahead. And in no way try to complete all the work in the garden before the end of the working day.