Alpine violet cyclamen. Alpine violet: description, photo, home care. How to choose planting material


Cyclamen European (alpine violet) requires difficult conditions of detention. It survives, let alone reproduces, not in all flower growers, so it’s worth dwelling on this separately. It's pretty rare house plant, which flower growers are really hunting for, is not easy to buy. Outwardly, it resembles cyclamens, which are sold en masse in stores - Persian cyclamens. Only the flowers of the European cyclamen are smaller, very fragrant and they bloom not in winter, but in summer. Value European cyclamen, or, as it is sometimes called, alpine violet, precisely in the smell of flowers.

Conditions for watering alpine violet

Water European cyclamen only and only in a saucer under the pot. In exceptional cases, you can pour it into the pot, but make sure that the moisture does not touch the outlets. I sometimes use the second method only when the plant has not yet grown - only after transplantation. The lump of earth should not dry out inside, but it should not be constantly wet either. When there is a critical shortage of water, cyclamen shows you that the leaves are drooping, which means you need to water urgently. There is no need to bring it to that extent. As for overwatering, this is also not very good. I can sometimes leave a pot in a pan of water for two weeks while I’m away, but once this gave me the bugs that spoiled the flowers. They were easily removed with the first insecticide that came along, but it was not pleasant.

Lighting conditions for European cyclamen

Our cyclamens are very photophilous, but do not like direct light. How to solve this problem? The obvious solution is a north-facing or shaded window. That's what my grandmother did. However, flowering under such conditions will begin only in June, and will also end early. I solve the problem differently. Best alpine cyclamen grew up on my south window, under the only but very important condition. From early spring to late summer, the lower part of the window was covered with thick sheets of white landscape paper so that direct rays did not fall on the leaves. One sheet of thickness is enough, but 2-3 of them may be needed to cover all directions of the rays of incident light. Under such conditions, flowering will occur from April to December inclusive, with almost no hibernation.

Transplantation and soil

European cyclamen needs an annual transplant, which is carried out in February. You can use the same pot or a little larger than the previous one - low, wide, medium-sized pots are suitable. In replanting, the main thing is not to increase the size of the plant itself (the violet will remain small in any case), but to remove excess rosettes and replace the soil itself, which is depleted over the course of a year.

When choosing the size of the pot, it is important to think about the purpose for which you are replanting the plant. If you want to get babies, then take a pot a little wider so that new sockets will appear, and for good flowering take a pot in which there will be no place for new rosettes to branch.

Pot material special significance it doesn’t - first-year ones live well even in half-liter plastic glasses. However, ceramic pots will be less likely to dry out the soil and will be more beautiful.

This pot was chosen with an eye toward producing babies, so it is a little wider than I would choose for an actively flowering plant. It is now February, so some (winter) leaves have elongated petioles - by the time flowering begins they will die off and the bush will take on a more compact appearance.

You carefully remove excess rosettes (you can get new plants from them) and replace some of the soil. Do this extremely carefully, leaving a lump of earth around the rhizome or tuber that forms in older plants. If the tuber is already large, it can be cut into several parts according to the presence of rosettes - this operation is for advanced gardeners. The cuts are sprinkled with charcoal to avoid fungal infection or rotting. The European cyclamen tuber, unlike its Persian counterparts, in which the tuber is only partially buried, must be buried completely, leaving only the rosette growth point exposed!

You can use any universal soil; be sure to place drainage at the bottom. The limestone stones that I specially brought from the south performed very well as drainage - apparently, this is closest to the natural conditions in the Alps.

You need to manage the transplant before the first buds appear; the end or even mid-February is the best time.

After replanting, it is important not to flood the plant - the soil should be moist, but not wet.

Cyclamen fertilizer

When replanted annually, alpine cyclamen does not need fertilizer. However, if for some reason you were unable to replant the flower in February, then feed it with regular fertilizers for flowering plants in a dose half the recommended one. Feed only when watering; foliar feeding is not necessary.


Alpine violet does not need spraying, but it can be done occasionally, especially on hot days after the sun has gone. You can spray with growth stimulants and succinic acid. I'm on at the moment I don’t use anything like that - I don’t see any particular need.


According to my observations, hibernation in the European cyclamen occurs only due to the very modest light regime of our latitudes - in winter it is too dark for normal growth and vegetation. However, growth slows down in autumn and winter, but does not stop - with a clear lack of light, winter leaves with long petioles appear. In winter, I keep the pots with cyclamen close to the light, I don’t shade the rare Moscow sun, but I water them almost the same way as in the summer, especially since the air in the apartment is still dry. By February, the plant is already beginning to wake up, so do not delay replanting.

Perennial herbaceous plant with an underground tuber of the primrose family. Homeland - Asia Minor, Greece, Southern Europe, Crimea. It grows wild in Greece, Palestine, and Syria.

About 10 species are found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Delicate cyclamens with flaming flowers are sometimes called “dryakva”, “pork bread”, and alpine violet. The leaves are entire, rounded, kidney-shaped, with a heart-shaped base, on long reddish-brown petioles.

The leaf blade is dark green on top, with a beautiful light pattern, and reddish-purple underneath. The flowers are small, delicate lilac-pink in color, with a strong pleasant smell. Bright exotic flowers resemble tropical butterflies. Persian cyclamen and its polyhybrid forms are cultivated in the rooms.

Cyclamen blooms profusely from early spring to late autumn.

It is relatively undemanding about living conditions. In summer, a semi-shaded place, fresh air, and abundant watering are needed. In winter - a bright, cool room and rare watering.

After rest (rest period - summer), leaves on long petioles grow from the tuber; in late autumn, flower stalks appear, at the top of which large flowers with pointed curved petals.

The main condition for proper maintenance of cyclamen in a room is a cold atmosphere, which can be created by placing the plant between double window frames or in a cool room. window greenhouse, fenced off from the battery and room air glass or film. Blooming cyclamens should be watered moderately along the edge of the pot and fertilized.

At the end of flowering, watering should be gradually reduced, and after the leaves have fallen, the tuber should be removed for a period of rest in a dark place. The tuber needs to be moistened occasionally; at the beginning of July, watering should be increased again; in addition, cyclamen should be sprayed 2-3 times during the day.

At the beginning of September, transfer the plant to fresh soil or limit it to extracting soil from the surface, exposing the top of the tuber.

It is better to take loose, nutritious soil, composed of equal parts of humus mixed with leafy, light turf soil and sand. After transplanting, move the pots to a bright place, protecting them from direct sunlight.

With proper care, cyclamen blooms well for many years. It is propagated by seeds (less often by dividing the tuber), but in room conditions this is difficult to do, so it is recommended to purchase already flowering plants.

They are replanted before growth begins at the end of March, while simultaneously separating the young bushes formed on the rhizome for propagation. Cut flowers and leaves can stand in vases with water for a long time.

European cyclamen combines a number of decorative properties: abundant flowering, grace and delicate aroma of flowers, the beauty of numerous painted leaves. This allows it to be used in the decoration of premises both in a blooming state and after flowering. Cut flowers and leaves are an excellent material for miniature bouquets and flower arrangements.

They look like butterflies fluttering above the silver-green foliage. IN European gardens cyclamens are planted under big trees- they bring light and play into the shady twilight. And here they are often grown as indoor plants.

Some people think that after flowering they are thrown away, but this is a mistaken opinion. Cyclamen is a perennial plant, and if you care for it properly, it will delight you with its flowers for a long time.

The Eastern Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of cyclamen, a plant of the primrose family, the closest relative of the primrose. In nature, there are many species growing in the mountains along the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas. Hence the second name - alpine violet. And the third, not at all poetic name - dryakva - the plant received for its poisonous properties: some animals, having tried it, begin to tremble and stumble.

Other types of cyclamen - Pontic (C. ponticum), Kos (C. coum), Caucasian (C. caucasicum) - are grown as horticultural crops, which does not exclude the possibility of using them as potted plants.

Nowadays, many varieties have been developed that differ in color (from white and pink to dark red, burgundy and purple) and the shape of flowers and leaf colors. Some varieties have petals with beautiful corrugated edges; there are double and profusely blooming cyclamens, in which up to 35 flowers bloom simultaneously, these are varieties of the “Turbo” line.

There are miniature forms, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm. And there are those that bloom without leaves at all - the flower stalks come straight out of the ground. IN indoor culture The most common is Persian cyclamen (C. persicum), sometimes European cyclamen (C. europaeum) or purple cyclamen (C. purpurascens) are grown.

Ersidian flowers bloom mainly in autumn and winter, and are propagated by seeds. European, or purple, flowers bloom in spring-summer, and they are propagated by both seeds and tubers. They also differ from Persian ones in that their bushes and flowers are much smaller and more delicate Persian and they are evergreen plants, that is, these flowers do not have a dormant period, the rosette of leaves does not die off.

Alpine violet care

Cyclamen or alpine violet is an indoor plant, ideal for rooms with a cool microclimate. The popularity of this plant is growing every year.

This is explained by the fact that cyclamen blooms in winter, when few plants can please us bright colors, in which shimmers sunlight and just by looking at them, a person is overcome with joy and inspiration comes. This plant is simply irreplaceable in homes where bright, emotional people with a light, slightly changeable character live.

The genus includes fifteen species of tuberous herbaceous perennials, distributed in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and some areas of Asia. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word “cyklos” - a circle, based on the shape of the tubers of these plants.

Two types are common in indoor culture: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen.

Persian cyclamen is perennial, forming round tubers, up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The tuber has only one growth point, and its damage leads to the death of the entire plant. The leaves are dark green, leathery, heart-shaped.

They are located on long (up to thirty centimeters) petioles and have a decorative grayish silver pattern. The flowers are pointed, curved back. Their color can be snow-white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple. There are flowers with two-color colors.

Flowering continues for quite a long time, more than three months. Depending on the variety and room conditions, it can begin in October and last until April.

European cyclamen is somewhat smaller in size. Its tubers are spherical in shape and can reach ten centimeters in diameter. The leaf petioles are no more than fifteen centimeters in length. The flowers are pink, with a pleasant scent.

Cyclamen is unpretentious: during the flowering period it needs a bright, but not sunny, cool room. Optimal temperature in winter +15 degrees Celsius. Watering evenly, always with soft, settled water. Do not allow water to get into the middle of the rosette of leaves. The plant reproduces by dividing tubers or seeds.

Bought already in bloom, cyclamen can bloom again. After the plant has flowered, it is kept at moderate temperature without stopping watering and fertilizing. You can transplant the plant into “fresh” soil. As old leaves die, new ones appear, and then buds form and flowers open.

Alpine violet reproduction

Alpine violet is called cyclamen in its homeland. It is a primrose that grows in the mountains of the Mediterranean, where in the spring it forms a continuous carpet, and is also found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. In European gardens, cyclamen of various colors grow under trees with a spreading crown. In the shady twilight, the flowers look like fluttering butterflies, easily hovering above the silver-green foliage.

Cyclamen are also successfully grown as indoor plants. If you like flowering plants to surround you all year round, cyclamen fits perfectly, because one plant produces up to fifty flowers with delicate curved petals during the flowering period.

Cyclamen reproduces only by seeds, its tubers are not divided, and do not give in to your friend’s persuasion to divide the bush, no matter how large it is. This manipulation will destroy the plant, because damaged tubers quickly rot.

Cyclamen is a herbaceous perennial plant with exotic fragrant flowers. In nature, they are found in countries with a mild, hot climate: the Mediterranean. Türkiye, Iran. The plant does well when grown in pots. Caring for cyclamen at home has its own specifics. Violation of maintenance rules leads to the death of flowers. Particular care is taken with purchased imported specimens, which find it difficult to adapt to new conditions.

Cyclamen: types and features

The cyclamen genus includes about 50 species, 20 of which are grown at home. The plant tuber is a round, flattened bulb with a growing point. Depending on the species, it grows up to 10-15 cm in diameter. Leaves are basal with long petioles. Their distinctive feature– gray or silver pattern with outside leaf plate. The flowers have elongated, strong peduncles. The petals are 2-3 cm long and slightly bent back. The color scheme is varied, it includes all shades of pink, red, lilac, white. The number of buds on one adult plant reaches 60 pieces.

Information. Cyclamen root juice is used to treat sinusitis.

There are two main types of cyclamen used for growing at home.

Persian cyclamen

The homeland of the Persian species is Asia Minor, northern Africa and the Mediterranean. The perennial is distinguished by its large diameter flowers and tall peduncles. The core-shaped leaves can reach 14 cm. They are dark green in color and covered with a marbled silver pattern. Breeders have created many varieties of Persian cyclamen. It gained such popularity due to its long flowering and magnificent decorative appearance.

The flowering period lasts from autumn to early spring. The height of the peduncles is 30 cm, they produce flowers with a diameter of 5 cm. The tips of the petals are pointed or fringed, bent back. Then the plant needs rest and peace. In May-June it sheds its leaves and freezes for several months. At this time, watering is reduced to a minimum. Withered peduncles and leaves are removed. In August, the plant is transplanted into a new pot and watered regularly. The tuber grows up to 15 cm, its root system is located in the lower part. When transplanting, the tuber is not completely buried; 1/3 should be above the soil surface. Reproduces only by seeds.

Alpine violet or European cyclamen

European type of cyclamen for its delicate smell and small bright flowers called alpine violet. IN natural conditions they are found in the center of Europe, Crimea, Italy. The tuber of an adult perennial has a diameter of 10 cm. The roots grow from its entire surface, therefore, unlike the Persian type, the tuber is buried completely in the ground. The basal leathery leaves on the outside along the edge are covered with a silvery pattern. Their reverse side and petioles have a purple tint.

Thin strong peduncles grow up to 15 cm, flower diameter is 2-3 cm. Flowering time falls on warm time year - from spring to autumn. Range of colors from pink to purple. After flowering, a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. The plant is not demanding on living conditions. It does not shed its leaves for the winter and does not have a clear dormant period. Reproduction of European cyclamen is possible by dividing the tuber and seeds.

Plant care rules

To make the plant happy with its cap bright colors, it is necessary to provide him comfortable conditions. How to care for cyclamen at home? Beginners in keeping this plant should pay attention to several main points:

  • priming;
  • room temperature;
  • watering;
  • lighting;
  • feeding

Secrets of watering

One of the first questions when purchasing a plant is how to properly water cyclamen. Incorrect agricultural technology - common reason plant death. It is recommended to water cyclamen through a tray. This method allows you to avoid moisture getting on the tuber and growing point. But it is worth considering the hardness of the water. Large quantity salts have a negative effect on root system. Hard water must be left to stand for several days or filtered. When watering through a tray, the water is left to soak into the ground for an hour. Then the remaining liquid is drained. It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning; during the day the soil dries out slightly.

Advice. The solution helps to dissolve and wash away excess salts from the soil. succinic acid(1 tablet per 1 liter of water). Use once a month. Instead of succinic acid, you can take aspirin.

It is permissible to water the plants from above; the moisture flows carefully along the edge of the pot. Cyclamen loves cool weather, so some gardeners replace watering with ice cubes or snow. This procedure is desirable in the summer heat. The recommended water temperature for irrigation is 2-3° lower than the room temperature.

Choosing a pot and soil

The substrate for planting the plant can be purchased at the store. Suitable universal soil for flowers, soil for violets or geraniums. Adding sand and perlite will help make it looser and more moisture-absorbing. The soil for cyclamen should be slightly acidic or neutral. You can cook it yourself. You will need:

  • leaf soil– 3 parts;
  • humus – 1 part;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

The soil taken for the mixture on the street must be disinfected - heated in the microwave or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate. There must be drainage at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay, small pebbles, and gravel are used as materials. And foam balls, which are recommended for other indoor plants, are not suitable in this case.

For cyclamen, plastic and ceramic pots with drainage holes. It is better to choose a design designed for bottom watering. No need to look for capacity large size, for adult plants optimal diameter 14-15 cm, and for young people it should be less. You should choose a pot for cyclamen according to the dimensions of its tuber. There should be 2-3 cm from the edge of the bulb to the edge of the pot. In this case indoor flower It develops correctly and blooms on time. Large capacity provokes high humidity and root rotting.

All types of cyclamen love coolness, comfortable temperature in summer 18-22°, and in winter – 12-14°. Increased temperature should be avoided, especially for purchased plants. Otherwise, they may go into a dormant state. Flowers need diffused light; direct rays are destructive. The room must be ventilated frequently, but cyclamens should not be exposed to drafts.

West and east sides are recommended for placing flowers. They love humidity; if the air is too dry, the leaves are carefully sprayed. But with the appearance of buds, they switch to another way to increase humidity. The pot is placed in a tray with wet moss or expanded clay. For feeding, liquid complex fertilizers are recommended, which are applied along with watering. The plant needs additional nutrition during the period of active growing season and bud formation.

Attention. For cyclamens, use half the dosage recommended by fertilizer manufacturers.

The frequency of fertilizing is once every two to four weeks. When choosing a drug, you should pay attention to the nitrogen content. Bulbous plants are contraindicated in excess amounts of this element. The cyclamen flower does not need special care after flowering. It is enough to remove dried flower stalks and leaves, and place the tuber in a dark place. Watering is very rare, fertilizing is excluded.

Reproduction methods

All types of cyclamens reproduce by seeds. They can be bought or grown at home. Flowering cyclamens are pollinated with a brush and wait for the seed capsule to ripen. The European species can be propagated by dividing the tuber.

Tuber division

The cyclamen tuber is dried before division. When cutting into pieces, make sure that there is a root and a bud with leaves everywhere. There is no need to make many parts. The sections are treated with brilliant green or activated carbon, then allow time to dry (2-3 days). The parts are planted in moist soil. For germination, place the pot in a bright place and provide regular watering. The survival rate is not 100%, some may rot.

Growing from seeds

Before planting in the ground, I soak the seeds for a day in a solution of water and Zircon (4 drops per 0.5 liters of water). To grow seedlings, light, loose soil is taken, consisting in equal parts of peat, leaf soil, vermiculite and sand. A container with holes in the bottom is taken under the soil. A layer of expanded clay 2-3 cm high is poured into it. Prepared soil (6-7 cm) is poured on top. The soil is generously moistened. The seeds are laid out on the surface two cm apart and sprinkled with a small layer of soil. The container is covered with polyethylene to create constant temperature and humidity.

The container is placed in a dark, cool place. The wait for germination takes 1-3 months. During this period, the soil must be watered and ventilated. The first to appear on the surface is a pinkish-purple nodule. When two leaves grow, the seedlings are planted and placed in separate pots. After 1-2 weeks, they are fed with complex fertilizer (reducing the concentration by 2 times). You will have to wait more than a year for cyclamens to bloom. But plants grown at home will be hardier and healthier than purchased ones.

Pitfalls of purchased cyclamen

Store-bought cyclamen is handled with care. Before entering the house, the plant experienced several stresses due to transplantation and a change in the usual climate. The conditions of its maintenance in the greenhouse differ from those at home. The flower needs to be helped to get used to its new life. Replanting cyclamen after purchase is recommended after 1-2 months. Vigorous peduncles and leaves may wilt after a day in the apartment. Don't rush to water or feed them.

The plant adapts to the new temperature and humidity. Choose a cool but bright place for it. Check the degree of moisture in the earthen ball with a dry stick. If necessary, water through the drip pan. Fertilizers will not be needed for several months. The fact is that store-bought specimens are overfed for abundant flowering. Spraying water with Zircon will help the leaves recover. This is a universal growth regulator that increases disease resistance and root formation activity.

When is a transplant necessary?

Often indoor flowers sold in transport primer, not intended for long-term use. He is poor on nutrients, but soaked a large number fertilizers It supports the plant certain time, and then it begins to turn yellow and wither. Replanting from such soil is desirable before the end of the adaptation period. It is necessary to change the soil in the following situations:

  • noticed pests in the ground;
  • low quality substrate;
  • rotting of plant roots.

Transplanting flowers

Planned replanting of cyclamen at home occurs every 2-3 years. The time depends on the type of plant - European ones are replanted in the spring, and Persian ones in the fall. This is the period before the start of active growing season. The procedure is performed using the transshipment method. The plant is placed in a new pot with a lump of earth entwined with roots. They just add it to a larger container. required quantity soil. Don't forget about the drainage layer.

When replanting purchased flowers, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the roots of old soil. An earthen mixture is poured into a new pot for bulbous plants(“Tulip”, “Florin”). The soil should be slightly acidic. For a young cyclamen, a pot with a diameter of 7-8 cm is enough, for an older one (3-5 years old) - 14-15 cm.

When planting, the tuber of the European cyclamen is completely covered with soil, and the Persian one is only 2/3 covered. In a high-quality substrate, fertilizing will not be required for 1-2 months.

Cyclamen problems

The main problem that worries gardeners is why cyclamen does not bloom at home. There may be several reasons:

  • high temperature indoors, at 25-28° the plant does not set buds;
  • lack of mineral fertilizers or excess nitrogen in the soil;
  • waterlogging or dry soil;
  • the pot is too large in diameter;
  • lack of lighting;
  • plant diseases (rot, cyclamen mite).

Diseases and pests

One of the most common plant pests is the cyclamen mite. They appear when there is excess moisture. Under the influence of the pest, the leaves curl and dry out. Spraying with the drug "Aktara" helps to destroy the tick. Violations of agricultural practices lead to the appearance of gray rot on the petioles and leaves. Its main symptom is gray plaque. This is a fungal infection that is treated with fungicides. Replanting into new soil will be required.

With proper care, cyclamen delights with its beautiful leaves and flowers for up to 20 years.

homemade Cyclamen - Alpine violet. How to care for a plant

Name of the plant in Russian: Cyclamen
Other flower names: Alpine violet, dryer
Latin name: Cyclamen
Family: primroses (Primulaceae)
In indoor conditions, the following types are very common: Cyclamen persica (C.perseum) And C. European (C. europaeum)

External signs of the plant, description of indoor species of Cyclamen:

Name Cyclamen comes from the Greek word Kyklos, which means circle, is the shape of the tubers of this long-lived, beautifully flowering plant.

The homeland of wild 15 species of this plant are: Caucasus, Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, certain areas of Asia Minor, Greece, the Middle East and the Alps .

Alpine violet is a perennial plant that can live up to 25 years in nature.

In a few sentences, you can describe Cyclamen as follows: a delicate decorative perennial flower with a thick, fleshy bulbous tuber, green and dark green leaves with a pattern of silvery veins. But the most important advantage of the Alpine violet is its beautiful, light as a butterfly, delicate, bordered or fringed flowers, very rich in multi-colored colors: white, red, pink-lilac. The flowers gracefully sit on reddish petioles of different heights (their length differs in different varieties: there are large ones up to 30 cm high, as well as medium and miniature cyclamens). I would also like to note the pleasant aroma of dryberry flowers.

Common indoor species are European and Persian cyclamens, between which there are some significant differences. For comparison, below is a brief description of each of the domestic species.

European cyclamen(C.europaeum) is a long-lasting herbaceous plant with a round, elongated, or flattened tuber with a diameter of up to 10 cm; daughter tubers are located on underground shoots. From the top of the tuber grow short shoots with small leaves 2-4 cm in diameter on long, rounded petioles; the top of the leaf is dark green with a silver pattern, and the bottom leaves are dark red in color. The flowers are also small - 2-5 cm in diameter. pink shades and with a pleasant smell, they delight the eye from spring to autumn.

Cyclamen persica(C.persicum) - has a larger tuber, reaching 15 cm in diameter. Unlike the European one, in which the roots are located on all parts of the tuber, the Persian Cyclamen has roots coming from the bottom of the turnip. The characteristic features of this type of Alpine flower are large leaves in diameter. up to 14 cm, colored green below and may have a jagged edge. The flowers are larger - 5 cm with pink or purple petals bent back or slightly curled. The flowering period is autumn-winter until spring.

The photo shows home views

European cyclamen with soft pink flowers

Persian Cyclamen - huge leaves and
pink flowers with jagged edge

Different varieties of C. differ not only
the color of the flowers, but also the pattern on the leaves

How to care for different types of cyclamens:

When growing Cyclamen indoors, you must adhere to certain conditions. For different types of Alpine violet, advice on maintenance and care is similar, but may differ. Therefore, differences in the cultivation of Persian and European flowers will be discussed separately.

Cyclamena prefers diffused sunlight, do not allow direct exposure to the sun. Therefore, in the summer it is placed on a north window in the shade.

Temperature conditions should be +18-+20 degrees Celsius in summer, and in winter - around 10-12°C.

Watering is carried out moderately, and during the dormant period it is significantly reduced., without allowing the soil in the pot with Cyclamen to become too dry. Here I would like to note that C. europaea does not have a pronounced dormant period and is watered evenly all year round. And for the Persian Cyclamen, the rest period begins immediately after flowering from May to June, a sign of this is the shedding of leaves; during dormancy, the Persian Persian (C.perseum) is watered approximately 1 day after the soil in the flower pot dries out. You can periodically spray the surface of the leaves.

Flowering period for each type is also different: European. Ts. pleases with its flowers from spring to autumn. Persian Ts. sprouts roots with many flowers in the autumn-spring period. In order for the Alpine violet to bloom longer and produce more flowers, it must be kept in a bright, cool room, and yellow leaves and wilted flowers must be removed in a timely manner. With proper care, Cyclamen can bloom for more than a month and a half and during this time produce more than 50 beautiful, delicate, fragrant flowers.

This tuberous flower is replanted in the fall, but many gardeners recommend a different scheme. Persian C. transplanted into a wider bowl early July when new leaves begin to grow. For European Cyclamen, change the pot annually in March or April. Transplanted cyclamen is rarely watered. Increase watering only as rooting progresses. The European tuber is covered completely with soil, while the Persian tuber is covered halfway up. The soil mixture for this winter indoor plant has the following composition: one part sand, humus and peat and three parts leaf soil.

The main method of reproduction in the two indoor species of Cyclamen also differs.
European look has side shoots with small nodules, with the help of which young plants of this species are propagated.
With reproduction in Persian look things are much more complicated, because it needs to be artificially pollinated. To do this, it is advisable to have a second plant and take its flowers for pollination. If pollination is successful, boxes with seeds are formed in place of the flowers, which are immediately sown fresh in moist peat to a depth of one centimeter and kept at +17°C (very important: if the temperature of the seeds is higher than +18°C, the seeds will enter the state secondary dormancy and will germinate within a year). If the temperature is kept low, the seeds will sprout within 1 month. When the small nodules formed from the seed produce a second leaf, they can be picked, completely buried in the soil. They are watered and the top layer of soil is loosened. The second transplant of Persian Cyclamena seedlings will take place in 1.5-2 months: the young tuber is buried by two-thirds, observing moderate watering and shading from the sun.
Such young plants will bloom in about a year.

Features of caring for Alpine violet at home:

! Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the Cyclamen plant: A fungus can settle on the leaves, after which the leaves wither and turn yellow. The affected leaves along with the petiole must be removed immediately.

! The most common cause of yellowing leaves Cyclamen has warm and dry air, because the dryer loves a cool room - in winter it is twelve degrees Celsius, in summer it is not higher than plus twenty, but preferably seventeen degrees Celsius.

! When watering Cyclamen water should not get on the tuber, because this can lead to rotting of the tuber and death of the plant. You cannot spray the flowers of C.

! When replanting the plant, it is advisable to leave the upper part of the tuber open without covering it with soil.

! Apart from the usual common pests Cyclamen can affect ground weevil - striated mower. The larvae of which eat the roots, and the adult beetle gnaws the leaves at night. The fight against this weevil consists of completely replacing the soil clod, checking and removing adult individuals from the roots and chemically. processing the Cyclamen tuber before planting in new soil.

! Abnormally small, misshapen leaves- the cause may be the cyclamen mite. This pest settles on the leaves of cyclamen, saintpaulia, balsam and pelargonium. As a result, the leaves curl, the growth of the plant stops, and with a large concentration of these tiny mites on the underside of the leaf, they look like light dust. The cyclamen mite loves damp places; spraying with conventional preparations will most likely not produce results, so the affected leaves must be removed immediately.

Alpine violet, also known as European cyclamen.

This flower is ideal for those gardeners who want their home to be decorated with fresh flowers all year round - just one plant sometimes produces up to 50 beautiful flowers.

In nature, this plant grows on the slopes of the Alps, hence its name.

Temperature and light conditions

Cyclamen prefers cool rooms. Perfect temperature for growing European cyclamen is +12+17°C. In the summer, maintain this temperature regime It will be quite difficult, so we must try to organize conditions under which the temperature will not rise at least above +25°C. If the room is hotter, the flower may wilt.

Winter pot with an alpine violet flower, you should keep it away from heating radiators, but provide it with a lot of light. Drafts can have a bad effect on the condition of the plant, as well as direct rays of the sun hitting its leaves. The room where the plant is located must be regularly ventilated.

Humidity and watering

Spray This plant is not needed, but if the temperature in the room is too high, you can lightly spray the air around the flower.

This measure helps well in cases where the room temperature is higher than recommended, and the flower will thus be able to withstand the heat.

Caring for alpine violet watering should be done very carefully. Water should not get on the flowers, shoots and tubers of the plant - this can lead to its death.

During flowering You should water frequently, but make sure that the soil is not over-moistened.

During the rest period You need to water much less often, only when the soil is already dry enough. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to pour water directly into the tray.

Used for irrigation soft water, preferably standing for about a day, or filtered.

Top dressing

Fertilize cyclamen necessary at least twice a month, using comprehensive mineral fertilizers. This applies to adult plants - young cyclamens do not need to be fed at all. Do not fertilize cyclamens during the dormant period. Add manure to fertilizer strictly prohibited, as this can lead to rotting of the plant.

Transplantation and soil

Transplant Alpine violet cultivation can only be done during the dormant period - preferably in the second half of summer.

Pot for transplanting, the selection is not very large - there should be about 3 cm of free space from the edges to the tuber.

In too spacious pots, cyclamen tubers can rot, as a result of which it almost does not bloom.

To the bottom of the pot good expanded clay is laid and then poured soil mixture. The soil selected is as follows: perlite, leaf soil, peat and sand in equal parts.

Before immersing the plant in fresh soil, you need to carefully ventilate the tuber, while removing damaged, dried and rotten roots from it. It is impossible to completely immerse the tuber in the ground; it is advisable to leave it one third above the soil.

Immediately after transplantation, cyclamen is required a lot of light, but you need to be more careful with watering - until young leaves begin to appear, you rarely need to water it.


Reproduction of cyclamen produced in the summer, after it has already bloomed. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and cut into sections. You need to make sure that a part of the root and a bud remains on each division.

After this procedure tubers dried thoroughly in dark place. The cut areas should be treated with an antiseptic, such as charcoal. After drying, the separated parts are planted in small pots.

Diseases and pests

For alpine violets, if the rules of care are violated, the following signs are characteristic. Leaves wither and turn yellow– the air is too dry, or the room temperature exceeds the recommended one.

Sometimes such symptoms indicate direct sunlight hitting the plant, or a lack of watering.

Rotting of peduncles and leaves– too much water, or water getting on the surface of the tuber when watering.

The plant fades too quickly - lack of fertilizers, or too high a temperature. It is necessary to move the pot to a cooler room and arrange regular feeding.

The tips of the leaves turn yellow, flowering stops - the plant or soil is infected with a fungus. It is necessary to immediately treat European cyclamen with the drug “Topsin-M”, and also add a solution of foundationazole to the water used for irrigation.

Everywhere on the plant appear dark spots or white coating – infection with rhizoctonia or gray mold. It is necessary to replant the flower by treating the soil with fungicides, and also temporarily reduce the frequency of watering.

The most common pests of alpine violets are thrips, And cyclamen mite. Anti-pest drugs – Fitoverm, Aktara, Spintor, etc. – will help you cope with them.

Besides his excellent appearance, cyclamen also has some medicinal qualities. Based on the extract of this plant, drugs are made that are used to relieve inflammation, reduce migraines, treat sinusitis, and also as sedatives.

And for the curious, we suggest watching a video about the Alpine violet