Succinic acid for orchids. Succinic acid for orchids: benefits and harms How to make succinic acid for orchids

When growing an orchid, problems often arise: the plant develops slowly, does not bloom, and looks stunted. In these cases, succinic acid for orchids helps out - an effective and safe biostimulant. The drug allows you to achieve bright and long flowering, strengthen immunity and quickly restore the culture after stress.

Amber is an inexpensive and affordable drug extracted from natural amber or synthesized artificially. It has many positive qualities:

  • stimulates growth, root formation, photosynthesis;
  • increases seed germination;
  • prolongs flowering, increases the number of buds;
  • improves the absorption of nutrients;
  • enhances the functioning of the immune system;
  • relieves stress, restores decorative qualities with improper care;
  • brings dying or injured orchids back to life;
  • cleans the soil from toxic substances.

The product is environmentally friendly, safe for humans and nature, does not accumulate in the tissues and vegetative organs of plants. There are only 2 disadvantages of such feeding of orchids:

  1. acts rather slowly - do not wait for an instant effect;
  2. with systematic use acidifies the soil.

When using a biostimulator, orchids continue to be fed and cared for in the standard mode: this is the only way the desired result is achieved.

Other potted crops can also be processed with amber.

Acid in tablets intended for humans contains some impurities:

  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • talc;
  • calcium stearate;
  • aerosil.

These components are useless, some of them inhibit soil microorganisms. The concentration of the active substance is negligible - 0.1 g in a tablet weighing 0.5 g. Therefore, for fertilizing orchids, it is better to buy a product in the form of crystals. It is sold in many flower shops.

Treatment of orchids with succinic acid

The drug is used for:

  1. increased flowering when the plant is healthy;
  2. stress relief;
  3. acceleration of acclimatization during transplantation;
  4. increase the survival rate of cuttings;
  5. resuscitation of sick specimens.

Acid is an additional remedy. It is not able to replace the main care procedures.

When can it be applied?

The drug is applied according to the schedule. Plants need to be fed with amber during the active growing season. in winter, the orchid enters a dormant phase - it does not need to be artificially pushed to grow. However, in emergency cases, the culture is allowed to be irrigated with a weak solution of succinic acid (1 tablet / 2-3 l).

During flowering, processing is fraught with abscission of peduncles. After withering, the culture should also not be fertilized: it needs rest in order to restore strength for future development.

How to prepare a solution: proportions and nuances

To make a universal solution, 0.1 g of the active ingredient (1 tablet) is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Some flower growers recommend increasing the concentration to 0.1 g / 0.5 l. There will be no harm from such a mixture. Exceeding the norm does not lead to an overdose - the orchid will absorb only the required amount.

Acid is poorly soluble, therefore:

  • it is pre-crushed;
  • diluted in 0.2-0.3 liters of hot liquid;
  • make up to volume with cold water.

Powdered amber should be diluted in the proportion of 1 g / 1 liter. If the farm does not have pharmaceutical scales, put as much substance into the solution as it fits on the edge of the knife.

Cooking rules:

  1. Use only clean, settled or filtered water.
  2. Apply the solution immediately, otherwise the active substance will evaporate.
  3. If you need to keep the liquid for 2-3 days, it is poured into an airtight container, sent to a cool and dark room.

Top dressing should not be diluted in metal utensils. It is better to use containers made of glass or plastic.

How to process orchids?

Succinic acid for orchids is used by several methods - individually or in combination. The choice depends on the health of the culture and the goals pursued. The result appears in about 15-20 days.


By adding succinic acid, enhanced root formation can be achieved.

The working solution is poured into the pot in a thin stream until the substrate is completely saturated. The excess that has drained into the pan is removed after 15 minutes. Waterlogging should not be allowed - there is a high probability of rotting of the roots.

If the orchid is in a container without holes for drainage, after watering the pot is turned over, the excess liquid is drained. At this point, the plant is held by hand.

Root soaking

Shown at:

  • prolonged stress;
  • a sharp change in growth conditions;
  • transplant.

To do this, the pot is placed in a nutrient solution for 5-10 minutes.

When an orchid is transplanted, they act differently:

  1. clean the roots of excess earth;
  2. kept in acid for about half an hour;
  3. dry the plant in the open air;
  4. placed in a disinfected substrate.

For emergency resuscitation, the duration of soaking is increased to 2.5 hours.

Rubbing the leaves

Foliar treatment of orchids with succinic acid is superior in efficiency to watering. Plants absorb nutrients much faster through the pores located on the vegetative organs. The procedure is especially useful for:

  • wilting, yellowing of leaves;
  • loss of decorative qualities;
  • reproduction by the apical part.

If the root system is damaged, leaf processing will not bring the desired result - it will restore only the aerial part.

Conducting rules:

  1. The optimal frequency is 1-2 times in 7 days.
  2. The leaves are rubbed when there is no bright sun, otherwise burns will appear. It can be morning, evening or overcast day.
  3. Use a soft cloth or cotton swabs.
  4. Leaf plates are abundantly moistened from the inside and outside.

Seed treatment before sowing

Planting material is soaked for 12-24 hours, dried, sown in a suitable soil mixture.

Orchid processing during transplantation

In order for the plant to painlessly endure the procedure and develop intensively, clean roots are soaked in a solution (0.1 g of active substance / 0.5 l) for about half an hour. In the future, the plant continues to be processed leaf by leaf.

Treatment during treatment

Damaged orchids are alternately sprayed and rubbed. These actions are performed every morning until the state is completely normal.

To stimulate flowering

Withered flower stalks and leaf bases are treated with a working solution daily in the morning - first wiped, then sprayed. The roots are soaked in the standard way.

To stimulate root growth and during resuscitation

Scheme of work:

  1. remove damaged and rotten fragments;
  2. the plant is treated with a solution of amber, dried for 3-4 hours;
  3. ¼ transparent container is filled with soil substrate. The orchid is placed a couple of cm higher;
  4. the soil is constantly moistened, creating the most favorable conditions for the plant.

If done correctly, new roots will appear in 3-4 weeks.

To restore leaf turgor

When the leaf plates lose their elasticity, they are wiped daily with a mixture made at the rate of 1 tablet per 1 tbsp. water. The procedure is carried out until the leaves become dense again.

To stimulate kidney growth

After flowering, the arrow is cut at the root, divided into cuttings with a pair of buds, one of which is removed from the shell. then:

  • blanks are placed in a translucent container;
  • moistened sphagnum is placed at the bottom;
  • the shoots are irrigated with diluted acid;
  • container is clogged.

The plant is kept at a temperature of +30 °C. After a while, the orchid will form "kids".

Resuscitation of an orchid without roots with succinic acid

When waterlogged, the root system of the culture quickly rots. To restore it, the dosage of acid is increased by 3-4 times. The mixture is used for wiping, spraying leaf plates and sections of the trunk where the roots should be.

The flower can be restored in a different way. For this:

  1. cut off the affected and rotten fragments;
  2. slices are smeared with brilliant green or powdered with activated charcoal;
  3. place the plant in a solution of amber;
  4. put the container on a well-lit window sill, but not under direct sun;
  5. create a humid and warm microclimate;
  6. renew fluid every 2-3 days.

New roots appear in 2-3 months. When they grow by 5 cm, the flower is planted in the prepared soil mixture.

For the period of rehabilitation, the orchid is sometimes hung over wet moss at a distance of 1-2 cm. It can also be planted in a substrate, and the petioles can be powdered with acid, crushed into powder. Then watering is partially replaced by foliar treatment with amber.

The use of succinic acid in conjunction with other drugs

Succinic acid is allowed to be used in combination with other useful compounds.

Tonic for orchids

For 1 liter of water take:

  • amber - 2 tablets;
  • glucose - 1 tab.;
  • vitamins C, PP, B6, B12 - 1 ampoule.

The components are thoroughly mixed. The composition is optimal for:

  1. foliar processing;
  2. glaze.

The mixture "pushes" orchids to bloom, enhances root formation.

The ingredients lose their activity under the influence of sunlight, so the tonic is used immediately after preparation.

Orchid Resuscitation Cocktail

To make 1 liter of nutrient fluid, you will need (tablets):

  1. Yantarka - 2.
  2. Vitamins:
  • RR - 0.2;
  • B1 - 0.5;
  • B6 - 0.5;
  • B12 - 0.5.

To enhance the action, add a pinch of Kornevin stimulant. The cocktail is used in the same way as the previous remedy.

Succinic acid with garlic

  1. squeeze 6 cloves of garlic;
  2. fill the raw material with 0.5 l of water;
  3. insist 24 hours;
  4. filter;
  5. in another bowl, dissolve 3 tablets of amber;
  6. combine both mixtures;
  7. bring the volume up to 8 liters.

This solution of succinic acid is used every 15 days for irrigation. It stimulates flowering, root development and green mass.

Contraindications and precautions

When interacting with acid, follow the standard precautions:

  • protect mucous membranes and respiratory tract;
  • wear gloves and goggles.

If the solution gets into the eyes, immediately wash it off with water. Sensitive people may develop allergies. In this case, you need to seek help from a doctor.

The product is kept away from children and pets.

The use of succinic acid for orchids greatly facilitates care. Numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of this tool. It has no contraindications, is effective at any stage of the growing season, and does not harm human health.

Kira Stoletova

Growing orchids is accompanied by a number of difficulties, so it is so important not to harm the plant. Succinic acid for orchids is a universal top dressing that helps solve all problems.

  • Indications for the use of the remedy

    The useful composition of this tool allows you to quickly and efficiently regenerate the roots and leaves of the flower, as well as normalize its nutrition. With this drug, there is a chance:

    • extend the flowering period of Orchids;
    • activate the process of active rooting of cut cuttings;
    • stimulate the formation of roots;
    • speed up the regeneration processes;
    • increase the immunity of the flower to diseases and poor conditions;
    • to increase the deciduous mass of the plant.

    Succinic acid for orchids is also a good antiseptic, so its action, when used correctly, extends to the soil in which the flower is contained. With the help of the active ingredients of the drug, microorganisms harmful to the plant contained in the soil are destroyed.

    The composition of the drug in tablets

    The drug is a product of amber processing. The product is of natural origin and its use does not harm the human body and plants. The substance has the form of a white crystalline fine powder. In pharmacological form, it is tablets or powder.

    The composition of the drug includes 100 mg of acetylaminosuccinic acid, which is the active ingredient. Also, such a product is rich in magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, etc.

    Dilution of the drug

    Dilute succinic acid for orchids should be strictly in proportion. Dilute 1 tablet per 250 ml of water. The tablet is crushed in the package. The resulting powder is dissolved in 1000-1500 ml of hot water. Warm water is added to the desired volume.

    Use a solution at room temperature or warm. It is allowed to store it only in a dark place and using glass containers. The maximum storage period is 3 days. The unsuitability of its use is determined by the appearance of white lumps in the liquid.

    Rules and methods of application

    The main advantage of treating orchids with succinic acid is the high efficiency of the drug, as well as its versatility. It is used as a fertilizer for healthy flowers at any stage of orchid growth and as a root growth stimulator. This tool helps to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. They process leaves, roots, seeds, cuttings.

    It is an ideal biostimulant that is used in several ways. The main thing is to take into account the proportions and follow the relevant recommendations.

    Leaf processing

    In floriculture, the most effective way is to rub the leaves. Orchid leaves should be wiped with succinic acid if they are wrinkled or become lethargic. It is important to restore turgor: it is an indicator of the state of the plant. It is necessary to process with a solution, for this 1 tablet should be diluted in 250 ml of water.

    The foliage is processed daily in the morning using soft materials (cosmetic discs, a piece of natural fabric, etc.). Avoid getting the medicine into the base of the leaf plates. After use, the effect of the drug persists for 1-2 days. When the turgor returns, the solution is washed off with a wet cloth or napkin.

    seed processing

    The use of succinic acid for orchids also lies in the germination of seedlings from seeds. Growth stimulation is often a necessary measure that increases the chances of getting healthy and strong young flowers.

    The use of succinic acid for orchids (its seeds) requires the preparation of a solution. 1 tablet is dissolved in 240 ml of water, the seeds are soaked for 12 hours. After drying, they proceed to sowing. Such an operation is necessary for flower growers who want to breed a crop at home.

    Root restoration

    The result of diseases and poor-quality flower care at home is a partial loss of roots. The flower is reanimated using a concentrated agent. The drug in tablets is diluted in water in the proportion of 4 tablets / 1 liter. A damaged flower is sprayed from a spray bottle. The plant is treated daily in the morning.

    Do not be afraid to harm the orchid with an overdose. The use of such a tool when building roots has no drawbacks. The flower takes as much medicine as it needs. To increase efficiency, before each spraying procedure, the leaves of a diseased orchid are wiped with a damp cloth.

    Resuscitation of the root processes of the plant is carried out by another method. Dilute the same solution of succinic acid for orchids (4 tablets / 1 liter of warm water), soak the damaged flower in it. Resuscitation of the plant is carried out according to the instructions:

    • The plant is placed in the solution so that only the rosette is processed.
    • Processing is carried out within 2-3 months at the main place of cultivation. Take into account room temperature and humidity.
    • As the medicine evaporates and is absorbed by the plant, the solution is poured into the pot.

    This method is effective with the complete loss of plant roots. With proper application, roots form in 30-40 days. The procedure for keeping the orchid in succinic acid is stopped with the appearance of shoots longer than 5 cm. Then it is transplanted to a permanent place.

    Extension of the flowering period

    Feeding orchids with succinic acid is also beneficial for the inflorescences of the plant. Often the indication for use is the withering of the bush. The use of the drug contributes to an increase in flowering shoots by 2-3 times. The spray method is used. The standard solution is diluted before use. The main thing is to take into account some features:

    • The use of fertilizer to stimulate flowering is only effective for healthy plants that have 3-5 leaves.
    • Spraying is carried out in a place familiar to the flower at room temperature 20-22 ° C, moderate humidity and in a well-lit place.
    • Spraying is repeated with active growth, flowering. Re-fertilizing indoor flowers is required when the arrow reaches 10 cm.

    The third spraying is carried out when the first flowering opens. It gives the flower an abundance of nutrients to prolong the flowering period, and also helps to increase the size of the blooms. Florists do not recommend beginners to start using this method. Any mistake negatively affects the health of the plant, depriving it of buds. They can crumble, and the nutrients that were obtained with the solution are spent on the growth of the root system and leaves.

    Root treatment before transplanting a flower

    Succinic acid for Phalaenopsis and other Orchid varieties is also used to stimulate the root system before flower transplantation. It is required to prepare a solution of 4 tablets per 1 liter of water and place a flower in it. The holding time depends on the condition of the plant. A healthy flower needs 30 minutes. Sluggish flowers can withstand 2-2.5 hours.

    Dry the roots before transplanting. This procedure makes the plant stronger. The effect is observed after 7-10 days. New shoots appear on flower stalks.


    It will be useful to use succinic acid for orchids in the form of additional feeding. The use of this remedy has a positive effect on the roots of the flower, stimulating their active growth, forming a strong immunity to diseases and pests. Using the product in tablets, it is necessary to prepare a standard solution (1 g of the substance per 1 liter of water).

    After pouring the prepared solution into a watering can or bottle, start feeding. The plant is carefully watered under the root. The volume of liquid fertilizer is determined by the size of the pot. Watering is stopped as soon as water begins to flow from the drainage holes. After waiting until it drains into the pan, it is poured out to avoid rotting of the roots of the plant.

    Watering also has its own characteristics. When watering flowers with such a biostimulant, it is important to take into account periods of intensive flower growth, so it is watered only in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, the flower is easy to harm. Additional stimulation during the dormant period often leads to impaired root development and rotting.

    Preparation of complex solutions

    It is permissible to use complex solutions that feed flowers with useful microelements. The most widespread are:

    • Tonic. In 1 liter of water dissolve 2 tablets of succinic acid and 1 ampoule of glucose, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12 and pyridoxine. Such a solution is suitable for both watering and spraying, and for rubbing the leaves. The flower is treated once a day in the morning or evening.
    • Cocktail. The solution is prepared from preparations in tablets: succinic acid (2 pcs.), Nicotinic acid (1/2 pcs.), "Thiamin" (1/2 pcs.), "Pyridoxine" (1/2 pcs.), "Cyanocobalamin" ( 1/2 piece). The tablets are crushed and added to 1 liter of water. It is also important to add Kornevin (on the tip of a knife).
    • Mix with garlic. 6 cloves of garlic insist in 0.5 liters of warm water. After 12 hours, the product is filtered and mixed with an aqueous solution of fertilizer (0.5 l). The resulting volume is diluted to 4 liters and used for irrigation 1-2 times a month.

    Thanks to the additional nutrients that are part of the complex products, it is easy to restore the health of the plant, activate its growth and even flowering.

    Harm of the drug

    Having decided to save a flower from death, flower growers often forget about simple recommendations for using the drug. Spraying, watering or keeping a flower should be strictly at a favorable time for this. The agent must be used in accordance with the recommended concentration.

    For preventive purposes, the flower is treated every 30-60 days. In winter and autumn, it is not worth starting such events. During the flowering period, succinic acid should be used with caution. Any mistake leads to shedding of flowering, and all the forces of the plant are distributed to the formation of the root system and flower leaves.

    Precautionary measures

    Watering decorative orchids with succinic acid requires special safety rules.

    A natural biostimulant in the dosage form of tablets makes orchids stronger and more beautiful. It is completely safe for the flower and is perceived by them as a food product. It is not harmful to humans, but if it gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it causes an allergic reaction.

    Gloves should be used to avoid acid contact with the skin. To protect the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose - a gauze bandage. This drug is non-toxic. The only danger is getting the product into the eyes (irritation of the eye membrane appears).

    If the solution gets on the skin or in the eyes, they are washed with water. If necessary, it is important to consult a doctor.


    In the care of indoor flowers, succinic acid is often used, and decorative orchids are no exception. With the help of this preparation, there is a chance to reanimate the plant after the loss of roots, increase immunity to diseases and even increase the duration of flowering. The use of the drug is universal. With the solution made, the plant is sprayed, watered, wiped with leaves and used as a liquid stimulating basis for the formation of root shoots (keeping in solution).

    It is important to adhere to the basic rules for using such a tool. It will be beneficial only if the proportions are respected and the time of use is favorable.

    My acquaintance with this drug began from afar. My husband read on the Internet that succinic acid improves memory, and on the same day he bought several packs. The mother-in-law, running to visit, saw them, and immediately waved her hands at me: what are you, your phalaenopsis and a few tablets a month will be enough, why so many? It turned out that she also buys this substance, only as a growth stimulator for her luxurious orchids. What can I say - on the same evening I fed my pet with this pill. The flower loved it!

    They are pharmacies. It is interesting that they are bought both for people and for chickens or vegetables.

    The benefits of succinic (or in the language of physicians - dicarboxylic) acid were also appreciated by lovers of decorative flowers, in particular orchids.

    In fact, these are translucent crystals that can be dissolved in alcohol, ether or water. For convenience, pharmacists compress them into tablets (not in pure form, but often with the addition of glucose, ascorbic acid, talc), less often into capsules with powder. Before buying, always read the composition of the tablets - not every supplement will suit your flower! The same talc will only harm him. And even better - take the medicine not in a pharmacy for people, but in a florist's shop- such tablets will definitely suit the plant.

    People who have tried succinic acid say that it is a bit like regular citric acid. By the way, the name of the drug is not lying - the medicine is really made from amber.

    It costs mere pennies - about 15 rubles per pack.

    The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

    Are they only useful, or can they harm?

    Virtues the drug has many:

    • natural composition;
    • getting into the soil, succinic acid (hereinafter referred to as AA) stimulates an increase in the amount of “good” microflora, which positively affects the development of the plant;
    • it protects the roots, stimulates their growth;
    • accelerates the process of photosynthesis, increases the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves, so that they grow faster;
    • lengthens the flowering period, more buds are tied;
    • helps cuttings to take root better;
    • helps the plant recover from hypothermia, burns, illness;
    • enhances immunity, as well as resistance to stress (including unsuccessful watering and transplanting);
    • helps the flower to better absorb fertilizers;
    • prevents hazardous components from collecting in the soil.

    But in addition, there are limitations.

    • Although acid is not harmful to you, as well as your household (including tailed and feathered ones), it is better to work with it with gloves, and after work you should not rub your eyes or touch fresh scratches. After all, it is an acid, so it can irritate mucous membranes or wounds. But if your eyes are already stinging, immediately rinse them with clean running water. It is also advisable to go to the hospital - you never know!
    • Some people complain that when this substance is inhaled, a tingling sensation appears in the nasopharynx. Of course, you will not get poisoned, but everyone's organisms are different - someone will not notice anything, and someone will feel uncomfortable. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor.

    A curious cat stole a pill and swallowed it? Your pet is lucky - nothing will happen to her. The poor thing does not need to wash the stomach.

    Have there been cases overdose drug? In general, this substance will not hurt, even if you give more than other flower growers recommend (it is believed that the orchid will "take" exactly as much as it needs).

    However, remember: even excess water (and what could be more harmless for orchids?) often ruined this capricious flower. Therefore, I would still advise you to adhere to the norms and not “stuff” your orchid with excess acid.

    How to properly fertilize orchids

    The easiest way is to prepare the solution.

    Remember: it is not stored, since the active components decompose in the light. So don't overcook. Stir - apply immediately.

    Acid dilution

    For 1 g of the substance (powder) or 1 tablet, take a liter of water. It is better to take warm water, so the orchid will more obediently absorb the solution.

    If you are working with a tablet, first you need to crush it, mix it with a glass of liquid, and when all the crystals dissolve, add more water.

    Do you have yak powder but no scales? 1 gram is the amount that will fit on the tip of a knife.

    Feeding methods

    • Watering the soil. Use a watering can, it will help the solution get into the ground, but not onto the leaves. Pour in a little until you see that the bottom of the pan began to fill. Here, by the way, do not leave the solution - drain without residue. The best time to water your orchid is in the morning. If it is not on a hot windowsill, but in a protected corner, you can add succinic acid at any time of the day.
    • Rubbing the leaves. Prepare "amber water", soak a handkerchief or cotton pad in it, wipe each leaf blade. You can even get into the sinuses (this will protect them from moisture stagnation), but in no case leave droplets of the solution there. In addition, always squeeze the handkerchief well, it should not leak from it - excess liquid can injure the plant.
    • spraying. This procedure is especially indicated for a severely ill or young flower, as it stimulates the growth of new shoots. By the way, if water remains in the spray gun and the roots are transparent, pour the rest of the solution into the substrate.

    • Root soaking. This procedure is carried out during transplantation. You can keep the roots in the YAK solution for a couple of minutes or several hours. After that, you should not immediately plant the flower in nutrient soil - first, dry it in a sterile (for example, roasted in the oven) substrate. This procedure will help the flower take root faster.
    • seed soaking. Almost everyone buys orchids ready, in pots and blooming, but if you have the time and desire, you can grow a flower with your own hands. In order for the seeds to give better germination, soak them for 24 hours in a solution of succinic acid. After that, put them on a handkerchief to dry, and you can sow in the ground. By the way, the seeds will draw out all the benefits from the solution, so it is no longer suitable for watering or spraying adult plants.

    How often can you pamper a flower with this delicacy

    It all depends on the method of application.

    • You can water your pet with "amber water" 1-2 times a month. But! Only during the period of activity, that is, in spring and summer. From the beginning of autumn, your flower will fall into "hibernation", it should not be disturbed once again even with plain water, not like various stimulants and top dressings.
    • It is worth wiping the leaves once a week, in the morning. Although there are people who do this every day (the orchid is sick) and are very pleased with the results.
    • You can spray the plant once every 2 weeks.

    Remember: the use of YaK is not a reason to cancel the rest of the care(feeding, treatment). The acid is just a bio-stimulant that will push the orchid to grow and bloom.

    And one more thing: after the first and several subsequent applications, follow the reaction of your green pet. Flowers are like people, they also have individual incompatibility of the drug, or, more simply, their own personal tastes. If it seems to you that the orchid does not like succinic acid, do not give it any more.

    Combination with other drugs

    These pills are good on their own, but if you are a perfectionist, you can create even more complex cocktails for your favorite flower based on the drug.

    • Tonic for flowering and growing roots of a plant that has faded 2 months ago. 1 liter of water, 2 Yak tablets, 1 glucose tablet, 1 ampoule of pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid (these are all B vitamins, as well as C and PP). Mix and immediately wipe the leaves, spray or water the flower. Important: this should be done not during the day, but in the evening or in the morning.
    • Cocktail for resuscitation of a sick orchid. A liter of water, 2 tablets of YaK, 1/5 tablets of nicotinic acid, ½ tablets of pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, the smallest pinch (on the tip of a knife) of Kornevin. Apply the same way: you can wipe the leaves, you can spray the whole plant, but it is best to water the soil.
    • Beauty cocktail. Squeeze 3 medium cloves of garlic into 0.25 liters of heated water. Let it brew for 24 hours, strain. Crush 1.5 tablets of succinic acid, mix with hot, and then garlic water. Dilute to make 4 liters. Use for watering every 1-2 months.

    First aid: revival of a flower without roots

    How does an orchid lose roots? From frequent overflow - they simply rot. Of course, she cannot live without them. But if the plant has not had time to completely wither, it can still be saved.

    Remove all rot (some flower growers advise dusting cuts with crushed activated charcoal).

    Type amber liquid into a container and place the orchid so that it touches only the place where the roots will grow. Approximately like this:

    The liquid must be prepared concentrated: 1 tablet per 250 ml of water.

    Keep the flower in it for a short time - about 15 minutes. But repeat the procedure daily (the best time is morning), watching if the roots begin to “peck”. In this case, you can spray the leaves with a standard solution of YAK, and before that, wipe each leaf blade with a wet handkerchief - so they will become more receptive to the nutritional procedure. If the plant has already grown several young shoots, be sure to process them.

    Would you like not only to read about the experience of using this acid, but also to see the application with your own eyes? I offer this video: a girl resuscitates an orchid with rubdowns, and also shares her comments and advice. At the end you will see the result of regular procedures:

    In order for home orchids to grow actively and delight with frequent flowering, it is important to properly care for them. However, only watering and fertilizing is sometimes not enough: the flower gives foliage, but there are no new shoots and peduncles.

    To “wake up” the orchid, succinic acid (SA) is often used. It is an organic growth biostimulant, thanks to which the plant becomes more hardy, actively increases its green mass and soon blooms.

      Show all

      What is succinic acid used for?

      In addition to accelerating growth, succinic acid provides a quick adaptation of the plant to new conditions and therefore is often used after a flower transplant. Other beneficial properties of this substance include the following:

      • protects the plant from the action of adverse factors: overheating, excessive soil moisture, frost;
      • contributes to the rapid recovery of leaves and stems damaged by frost or sunburned;
      • improves the absorption of fertilizers by the flower;
      • increases the plant's immunity to diseases and pests;
      • activates the growth of the root system.

      Succinic acid not only makes the plant itself more resilient, but also positively affects the quality of the soil. It triggers the destruction of harmful chemicals and improves the microflora. If this additive is used according to the instructions for use, then it does not have any harmful effects on plants.

      Forms of release and rules for preparing the solution

      For the purposes of crop production, succinic acid is produced in the form of a powder, the additives in which are only 0.5%. Pharmacies sell the drug in the form of pills or tablets. The first ones are preferable to use, since they have less ballast substances.

      For YAK in powder, the proportion is 1 g per 1 liter of water. In the absence of scales in the house, with which you can accurately measure the required amount, the substance is taken at the tip of the knife. The resulting solution is suitable for use only for 2-3 days, during which it should be stored in a tightly closed plastic or glass bottle in a dark place. After this period, the composition loses its useful qualities.

      If the substance is in tablets, then the composition is diluted in the ratio of 1 piece per 2 liters of water. Tablets are recommended to be crushed beforehand. To prevent the filler from getting into the solution, it should be prepared as follows:

      1. 1. The pill or tablet should be placed in a cloth bag. It is advisable to use a dropper filter for this, but flaps from nylon tights can be folded into several layers.
      2. 2. Pour 1 liter of hot water into a tall container and hang the bag so that the tablet is immersed in the liquid. It is not necessary to shake or mix the water in the vessel.
      3. 3. When the tablet is completely dissolved, the composition should be carefully drained so that the sediment remains at the bottom of the container.
      4. 4. To prepare a working solution, the resulting base composition must be poured into cold water in a thin stream, stirring continuously.

      A stock solution made from tablets or pills must be used immediately as it deteriorates within a few hours.

      Application methods

      The method of using succinic acid depends on what it will be used for:

      • for watering;
      • for processing leaves;
      • to promote root growth;
      • to restore an orchid without roots;
      • for seed treatment.

      Watering rules

      For watering an orchid that grows in the ground, you should use a watering can with a nozzle in the form of a thin tube without a sprinkler. It is necessary to slowly move the watering can over the surface so that the water flows in a thin stream and, if possible, the entire earthen lump is moistened. After a while, the liquid will begin to flow into the pan, which will mean that watering should be stopped.

      If there are no drainage holes in the container, then water with the same watering can. After 20 minutes, you need to drain the rest of the solution, for which the pot must be tilted, holding the roots of the plant with your hand, and wait until all excess liquid has drained.

      Leaf processing

      To wipe the leaves, you need to moisten a piece of cotton wool or a soft cloth in an acid solution and carefully process the leaf plates.

      Care must be taken to ensure that the solution does not fall on the base of the leaves. Otherwise, there will be a risk of not noticing it and, accordingly, not removing it in time.

      YAK is kept on the leaves for no more than 2 days, after which it is removed with a cloth or napkin soaked in water at room temperature.

      Use to activate the growth of the root system

      Before transplanting an orchid, the roots of the plant are soaked in a solution. If the plant is weakened and it needs urgent restoration, then its root system must be kept for 2–2.5 hours in the composition. For a strong healthy flower, the optimal aging time is half an hour.

      Next, the roots must be left in the air to dry, after which the orchid can be planted in another pot. According to flower growers, the results can be observed in 6-7 days: new shoots appear on the peduncles, and the root system begins to grow actively.

      Restoring an orchid without roots

      Sometimes in floricultural practice there is such a sad situation when an orchid remains without roots at all. Usually the reason for this is improper care. But even in this case, the plant can be helped to grow new roots. There are 2 ways to do this, the first of which is as follows:

      • Succinic acid should be diluted in the ratio of 4 tablets per 1 liter of water.
      • Pour the solution into a transparent vessel and place the plant there so that only the root neck is immersed in the liquid.
      • Place the container in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Provide the plant with warmth and high humidity.
      • The solution should be topped up from time to time (every 2-3 days) so that the benefit to the orchid is maximum.
      • After 2-3 months, the plant will take up new roots. When their length reaches 5 cm, the flower can be planted in a flower pot.

      The second way looks like this:

      • Crush 2-3 tablets of succinic acid.
      • Coat the petiole of the plant with the resulting powder.
      • Fill the pot with a substrate that is usually used for orchids and place the flower in it.
      • Until the plant sprouts roots, it should be watered less frequently than usual and sprayed on the leaves.

      seed processing

      In seeds treated with succinic acid, germination rates improve, plants grow better and get sick less. The dosage is 1 g per 0.5 liter of water or 1 tablet per 1 liter of water.

    Today, pharmacies sell a huge number of different drugs for various diseases. But many do not even realize that some of them can be used to maintain indoor plants. One of these agents is succinic acid. For orchids, this drug is simply irreplaceable. So, how to use this drug correctly?

    What is succinic acid

    This drug is most often produced in the form of crystals dissolved in alcohol or in pure water. In this case, succinic acid has no color. For plants, this tool is a growth regulator. Home orchids with insufficient care do not grow well and, of course, do not bloom. Succinic acid allows plants to absorb all the useful components contained in the soil much better, and also helps to adapt when the climate changes or after transplantation. In other words, the drug helps orchids to endure stress faster and easier. Very often, plants suffer precisely because of unfavorable conditions for growth and during transplantation.

    How the drug works

    Succinic acid for orchids is used not only as a growth and flowering stimulator. Often plants need regeneration. However, the greatest effect can be achieved by using the drug only at the right time and in the right dosage. Processing can be done several times. In the solution, you can soak the planting material or lower the roots of the plant into it, and also spray the ground part of the flower with it in the future, or fertilize the soil with it by watering.

    Succinic acid strengthens orchids, increasing their resistance to various diseases. Thanks to this substance, plants begin to bloom better, as the drug increases the level of chlorophyll.

    What is the treatment of seeds and seedlings

    Home orchids are quite whimsical plants that often get sick. Additional treatment of planting material with succinic acid makes it possible to increase the resistance of flowers to negative environmental factors, as well as accelerate their growth and strengthen not only the roots, but also the ground part. In addition, the drug helps microorganisms in the soil to destroy any toxic ones much faster. Succinic acid for orchids is a salvation from components that are poisonous to them and can accumulate in plants.

    Spraying plants with a solution

    As already mentioned, succinic acid can be used in several ways: soak planting material in a solution, water and spray indoor flowers. In the pharmacy, the drug can be bought in the form of tablets. They can also be used. In order to make a solution for spraying, it is enough to dissolve one dragee in a liter of clean water. But not everything is so simple.

    Such treatment of all indoor plants should be carried out no more than once every 30 days.

    How to soak roots

    How else is succinic acid used? The tablets, the dilution instructions for which are described above, can be used to prepare a special solution in which the roots can be soaked. The processing time depends on the situation and can range from 30 minutes to 4 hours. It is not worth keeping the roots in the solution longer. The most optimal time is from 1 to 2 hours. If the roots cannot be soaked, then they can be sprayed with a solution. After such processing, the material must dry. This takes about 30 minutes. After that, the plant can be planted in a pre-prepared pot.

    Seed treatment before sowing

    Home orchids can be grown from seed. Before planting, they can also be treated with a solution of succinic acid. First you should prepare the drug by dissolving one tablet in a liter of water. After that, seeds must be placed in the resulting composition. Processing time can be from 12 to 24 hours. After the procedure, the seeds must be dried and planted in a container filled with a suitable substrate.

    Precautionary measures

    Succinic acid is a safe substance for fauna, flora and humans. At the same time, the drug does not pollute the environment. However, it is best to work with succinic acid in and with gloves. Do not eat, smoke or drink while working with the solution. It is better to treat plants with succinic acid in the absence of pets and, of course, children in the room.


    When using this tool, the main thing is to remember that succinic acid for orchids is not a top dressing as such. Rather, it is a substance that helps the fertilizer to be absorbed faster. And this, in turn, can significantly reduce the amount of top dressing introduced into the soil.