Alpine violet houseplants. Cyclamen - growing alpine violets. Alpine violet or cyclamen

Alpine violet is a perennial flowering herb that actually has nothing to do with the violet genus. This is a tuberous plant that belongs to the genus Primrose.

The correct name for this plant is Cyclamen. There are few species - only 22 and some of them are on the verge of extinction. Also among the people, this beautiful little indoor flower is called Dryavka.

The ancestor of cyclamens is, whose homeland is Turkey and the Middle East. All his hybrids need similar growing conditions.

What is it alpine violet? This is a cute compact flower that varies in height from 15 to 30 centimeters. Main advantage indoor cyclamen- delicate flowers that bloom in winter. They come in a variety of colors - from white and pale pink to rich red and purple. The leaves are heart-shaped. not pure green, but decorated with a marble pattern.

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Alpine violet perceives summer heat as a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place a pot with a plant near the eastern or western windows. With the advent of autumn, when the flower begins to grow actively and prepares for flowering, it can also be transferred to windows facing the south side. However, from direct sun rays the plant must be protected.

Air temperature

Although cyclamen is perennial grass, often presented in winter blooming alpine violet, up to next bloom does not survive. The most common reason is not maintaining the desired temperature. environment. Although this plant is considered to be heat-loving, you should not take it so literally and leave the pots in hot and stuffy conditions next to the batteries. Thermophilicity is expressed in the fact that, unlike their garden counterparts, home cyclamen cannot be kept at a temperature lower than plus 10. In order for the flower to be comfortable, it is necessary to provide a moderate and even slightly cool temperature - about 17 degrees Celsius.

Overheating can cause the leaves to turn yellow, while flowering will be normal. Also non-compliance temperature regime can greatly reduce the flowering period of cyclamen. Elevated temperature is also favorable for the main enemies of cyclamen - ticks. The cyclamen mite likes hot, wet conditions. For spider mite best friends- warm and dry.

During the dormant period - in the summer months, cyclamen should also try to protect from the heat, without exposing it to scorching sun while keeping in the cool fresh air in the shade.

Soil Requirements

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. You can make a mixture yourself according to the following recipe: 3 parts of leafy soil and 1 part of peat, humus and sand. Can add coconut fiber, or rotted bark. There must be a layer of drainage at the bottom.

Watering mode

Watering alpine violets should occur at such intervals that the top ball of soil has time to dry out. Like any other tuberous plant, cyclamen does not tolerate waterlogging.

In the matter of watering, a very important point is how exactly this procedure takes place.

You can water cyclamen by arranging a dive for it. A pot with a houseplant should be immersed in a tank of water and let it stand there for up to a quarter of an hour. The water should be tepid, and before returning the flowerpot to its place, it is also necessary to allow time for the excess liquid to drain.

Alpine violet should also be sprayed according to the rules. The main thing is not to do this when the plant is flowering. Spraying should be stopped as soon as the buds appear.

The fact that the watering is uneven and the earthy lump periodically dries up, the flower will signal premature or uneven flowering. In this case, the buds will open at different levels, sometimes even from under the leaves.

Falling leaves will indicate excessive watering.


Top dressing is necessary during the bud setting phase. It is also not recommended to fertilize immediately after transplantation; it is necessary to wait at least a month.

A suitable fertilizer should be nitrogen-free. Excess nitrogen will negatively affect the condition of the buds, they may not even bloom or fall off. Top dressing should be applied through watering.


Alpine violets may need to be repotted every two years. It is necessary to focus on the growth of tubers and on the saturation of the soil. The favorable transplant period is in the fall.

It is necessary to choose the moment after the dormant period, when new shoots appear on the plant.

When transplanting an alpine violet, it is important to know which variety you are the owner of.

The differences are such that the Persian cyclamen is planted so that its tubers are half covered with soil, but the European one should be completely in the ground.


Reproduction of alpine violet is possible. Their germination time is a month and a half. Seeds can be obtained by artificial pollination. Moreover, the procedure should be carried out several times in a row. After the flower withers, it should not be torn off, as is usually done with. You have to wait for it to dry on its own.

Also, an amateur gardener can try the method of dividing a bush.

Diseases and pests

This herbaceous plant is afraid of the cyclamen mite. The fact that cyclamen is infected with it will show the condition of the leaves. They acquire a collapsed state, the stems can twist, the plant stops growing.

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Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


It's perennial root plant belongs to the Mirsinov family and is common in Iran and African countries. The flower has other names - alpine violet or dryakva. When buying, many do not know how to care for cyclamen at home, and caring for it has some features. Alpine violet loves good lighting and humid air. This beautiful indoor flower with red flowers is increasingly appearing on the shelves of greenhouses as it blooms in winter, creating a pleasant and joyful atmosphere with its bright petals.

Cyclamen Care

Many beginning flower growers have a question - how to care for cyclamen flowers at home? There is an opinion that this plant is finicky and demanding, and it is very difficult to take care of it - in an apartment, a mountain plant does not bloom well, it gets sick incurable diseases. In fact, the opposite is true - cyclamen at home is unpretentious, and the problems associated with it often occur due to flower growers' ignorance of how to water, grow, propagate and protect a flower from pests.

Alpine violet has more than 20 species, but in room culture the most popular are two of them: Persian and European cyclamen. The life of the plant is in the tubers, because everything is there. nutrients, which help dryakva survive in the dormant period. The growth and flowering of cyclamen falls at the time from October to March, and the rest of the time it rests. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances proper care for alpine violet: how often to water, where it is better to put, what temperature is needed.

During flowering

During this period, the plant needs a room with bright lighting and moderate watering. The flower prefers coolness (12 - 15 degrees Celsius), so florists do not recommend placing cyclamen in a pot close to batteries or lamps. Alpine violet loves bright, diffused lighting, but not sunny - burns may appear on the leaves, and they will begin to turn yellow. clean air and optimal humidity(50%) will help the plant to keep flowering and healthy look and avoid disease.

Watering cyclamen should be moderate and regular, with water at room temperature. When carrying out this procedure, it is advisable not to spray the leaves and tubers, since excessive moisture leads to rotting of the plant. The best option- Gently pour water into the rim of the pot. Cyclamen European or Persian during flowering must be fertilized every two to three weeks. Top dressing should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as this leads to the growth of leaves, not buds and flowers.

After flowering

A cycle of active growth and blooming (3-4 months) is followed by a dormant period. At this stage, cyclamen "sheds" the flowers and leaves, which begin to turn yellow, and die off after the next two months. Throughout this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the watering of the plant to a minimum - excessive moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. During the dormant period, the alpine violet is moved to a cool place with low light.

How to transplant cyclamen

Toward the end of summer, it is advisable to transplant alpine violet into fresh soil. This procedure has its own characteristics. Before transplanting cyclamen, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which contains: two parts of peat, leaf and sod land, one part of sand. It is necessary to transplant into a flowerpot carefully so that the roots are not damaged. It is desirable to treat the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate and steam it, since this houseplant is easily affected by various pests. The tuber is not completely buried - the roots are at the bottom of the cyclamen - they need a place to grow.

Reproduction of cyclamen

It is really possible to carry out this procedure on your own at home, but in order for it to work correctly, you should know how cyclamen reproduces. There are two ways - by seeds or vegetatively (tuber division). Alpine violet is very sensitive to all sorts of interference, so both breeding processes should be carried out carefully. Florists advise beginner gardeners to buy cyclamen mini mix and experiment. This set includes plants with two or three tubers, which will allow several propagation operations.


The vegetative method of division is traumatic for the plant, therefore, in room conditions rarely used. The root crop of cyclamen does not give shoots - you have to cut the mother tuber, which threatens to rot the entire flower. For this procedure, old plants are taken, which are several years old. In order for the division process to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations:

  1. Wait until the leaves of the plant have completely died.
  2. Carefully remove the tuber from the pot and free from the soil.
  3. Propagate the tuber with a clean knife from top to bottom so that each part has roots.
  4. Treat with fungicides (antifungal chemical substances) and let dry.
  5. Plant in different pots.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

How to grow this plant from seeds? Very simple. This method of propagation of alpine violets is more common and not as complicated as vegetative. To obtain cyclamen seeds at home, it is necessary to artificially pollinate the plant. To do this, you need a soft brush, which gently applies pollen from one flower to another. After some time, seeds are born. Their cyclamen hides in a small box under the leaves closer to the ground. It is desirable to get the fruits before the moment when they fall into the ground - ripening occurs before the start of flowering of the alpine violet.

It is best to sow cyclamen seeds when spring comes, after soaking them with a preparation that accelerates the growth of flowers (for example, Epin). Place the fruits in sterile fresh soil to prevent rot. The first shoots will appear 30-40 days after sowing, under conditions suitable for germination and flowering: temperature 18-20 degrees above zero, dark space and moist soil.

Diseases of cyclamen

Alpine violet - gentle home flower, so it is subject to various diseases. Plant care requires a person to have the skills and knowledge of how to revive a cyclamen if it has begun to wither, or what to do if its leaves have begun to turn yellow. Rot, aphids and mites are one of the main enemies of alpine violets. There are a number of symptoms by which one or another disease of cyclamen is distinguished.

Leaves turn yellow

If this happens, the plant does not have enough light, clean air or he's hot. When the leaves turn yellow, you should move the flower to a brighter room, but not under direct sunlight. It is better to let the cyclamen "breathe" fresh air by placing it on the windowsill open window. Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves may be insufficient watering of the plant - you should moisten the soil, but do not overdo it. Due to an excess of water, alpine violet will begin to rot.

Leaves are curling

In the process of damage to the flower by pests or external environment cyclamen leaves may curl. This negative effect can be caused by several reasons:

  1. The presence of pests (mites, aphids, thrips).
  2. Home flowers are affected by bacteria or fungus.
  3. Infection of the soil or its waterlogging.
  4. High air temperature in the room.

Why is it not blooming

Slow growth and flowering of cyclamen may be due to different reasons. One of the main ones is fusarium. This disease causes damage to the tissues of the alpine violet. With Fusarium, the vessels of the plant are filled with toxic substances. This leads to the fact that cyclamen ceases to bloom, and the leaves turn yellow. The initial lesion is difficult to determine by eye, since the cause of the disease is in the soil or seeds. It is desirable to fight Fusarium with the help of fungicides (for example, Agat-25K), which have a detrimental effect on the source of the disease.

Sep 14 2018

Cyclamen (Alpine violet) - home care

Among indoor plants that delight us with their flowers on cloudy autumn and winter days, special place occupied by cyclamen. Although many consider it difficult to grow, it is actually enough to properly organize watering and temperature conditions. In this article we will talk about the intricacies of caring for alpine violets at home.

AT wild nature Cyclamen grows in the warm and humid climate of the Mediterranean. It can be found in the shady forests of southwestern Asia, southern Europe, on the wooded mountain slopes of Greece, the Middle East, the Caucasus and the Crimea. Cyclamen has several folk names: dryakva, "pork bread", alpine violet. The name "pork bread" comes from the fact that wild boars they like to eat cyclamen tubers, tearing them out of the ground.

Cyclamen belongs to the primrose family, its genus consists of 20 species. It belongs to the ephemeroids that bloom for a short time. And in the rest of the year, the leaves of the plant dry up, and the flower begins a dormant period. Cyclamen is a perennial tuberous plant, the flowering period in nature begins in autumn and ends in spring. Indoor cyclamens mainly bloom in the cold season. Although there were hybrid varieties that begin flowering in the spring.

In early autumn, new leaves appear from the tuber. Cyclamen leaves are rounded with a silver pattern over a dark green surface. The leaves are arranged horizontally, form a dense basal rosette. Above it, flowers resembling moths appear on long pedicels. The petals are bent back and raised up. During the flowering period, fifty to seventy buds appear on cyclamen. And although one flower "lives" for about ten days, thanks to a large number buds flowering period lasts several months.

Flowers are rich in colors and shades. Cyclamen has a rich palette of shades of pink and red. Also popular "alpine violet" white color. Modern hybrid varieties can "boast" of unusual shades: burgundy, purple.

Types of cyclamen

All types of cyclamen are divided by height into three groups:

  • undersized, in which the height is 15 cm;
  • medium height - about 20 cm;
  • standard - height reaches 30 cm.

Common in nature the following types cyclamen, differing in size, color and place of growth:


The Persian species is one of the most common varieties both in nature and in indoor floriculture. Tubers grow up to fifteen centimeters in diameter, have a flat-round shape. The leaves are dark green in color with a silvery pattern and heart-shaped. The height of the peduncles is from fifteen to twenty centimeters, and overall height flower reaches thirty centimeters. Flowers white, pink or red have oblong petals about five centimeters long, laid back from the corolla. The Persian species blooms from autumn to spring, and sheds leaves in the summer. Based Persian cyclamen many hybrid varieties have been bred for indoor floriculture.


European cyclamen among indoor flowers occurs much less frequently. It has some differences from the Persian species. The size of the leaves is three to four centimeters. Besides, down side leaflets has magenta hue. Its flowers are smaller, and the size of the petals does not exceed two centimeters. Flowers are white, red or color pink. Main difference European cyclamen- flowering period. It blooms from May to September, and it does not have a pronounced dormant period with drying of the leaves. Of course, in summer it is desirable to keep it at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees and in diffused sunlight.


Cretan cyclamen is found naturally on the island of Crete. Is different small size. Flowers are white and pink.

Kossky (photo by Andrey Pomidorov)

Kos cyclamen is found in the Caucasus. A low plant reaches only ten centimeters in height, it can winter under the snow. White or pink-red flowers dark spots at the base of the petals.

Ivy (Neapolitan)

Ivy cyclamen has a second name - Neapolitan. It differs from other species in that flowers appear first, and then leaves.

Care rules


Cyclamen does not like direct sunlight, so it is better to place it on the northern, western and eastern windows. In winter, when the amount of light decreases, it can be moved to the southwest or southeast windows.

During the dormant period, the pot with the tuber is placed in a shaded cool room. It can be a shaded place on the balcony, terrace. Some people put a pot of tubers under the bathroom for the summer. But at the same time, we must not forget to water the earth once or twice a month. large quantity settled water.


Maintenance optimum temperature for cyclamen is the main difficulty in keeping it in an apartment. The most suitable temperature for alpine violets is the range from 14 to 16 degrees Celsius. This is especially important during the flowering period, which falls on heating season. The flower pot must be protected from the dry and hot air of the radiators. In extreme cases, temperatures up to 25 degrees are allowed, but it is necessary to increase the humidity of the air. This will allow the plant to adjust to room temperatures.

At high temperature indoors, cyclamen has a shorter flowering period.

How to water cyclamen

When the room temperature is above 17-18 degrees, it is necessary to increase the humidity. It is not recommended to spray cyclamen. You can spray water into the air around the plant, making sure that the droplets do not fall on the plant. But the best way will place a pot of cyclamen on wet pebbles or expanded clay. In this case, the pot should not stand in the water, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the tubers.

The watering regimen of cyclamen is determined by the period of flower development. During the period of the appearance of leaves and flowering, watering is done more often to prevent the earthen coma from drying out. Watering is carried out with settled water with a temperature a couple of degrees below room temperature. With the onset of wilting of the leaves, the amount and frequency of watering is reduced. During the dormant period, a rare watering with a small amount of water is carried out. Water along the edge of the pot to prevent moisture from getting on the tuber. Watering flowering plant carried out through the pan, pouring out the remaining water after an hour. You can lower the pot into a container of water for fifteen minutes so that the water does not reach the edge of the pot. This method is suitable for clay pot whose pores allow water to pass through. A plant in a plastic pot is watered through the pan.

top dressing

From the moment the leaves appear until the end of the flowering period, cyclamen must be fed. Use complex fertilizers for flowering plants. Perform two top dressings during the month. In summer, during the dormant period, cyclamen is not fertilized.

The soil

Cyclamen prefers light and loose soil, neutral or slightly acidic. If you prepare the mixture yourself, then you need to take sheet and sod land, peat and sand in the same amount. Also suitable for growing cyclamen is another mixture:

  • leaf ground (3 hours);
  • peat (1 hour);
  • sand (1 hour).

You can purchase ready-made earthen mix for tulips or universal primer. AT ready mix it is recommended to add sand or vermiculite to give looseness.


The plant is transplanted after the end of the dormant period, when young leaves begin to break through. First you need to choose a pot according to the size of the tuber.

Important! The basic rule for choosing a pot is that the diameter should be more sizes tuber, so that two to three centimeters remain between the tuber and the edge of the container.

The bottom of the pot should have holes for water to drain. First, a layer of expanded clay is poured. Then an earthen mixture is poured, which must be heated in the oven for half an hour before planting to kill bacteria. After all, cyclamen tubers are easily susceptible to disease.

The exceptions are diseased plants and recently acquired ones. The tubers are examined for the presence of rot, the rotten parts are cut out, and the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. Purchased plants plant in soil with plenty of peat to accelerate growth. Therefore, you need to transplant cyclamen into more suitable soil.

Young flowers up to five years old are transplanted annually. Adult plants are transferred to a new pot, first once every two years, and then after three years.

Attention! When planting, the tuber should not be sprinkled with earth. At least a third of the tuber must protrude above ground level, otherwise the plant will die. The exception is the European cyclamen, in which roots form over the entire surface of the tuber. Therefore, it is allowed to sprinkle it with earth, but it cannot be buried deep.

Preparing for a dormant period

Let's pay attention to one subtlety when caring for cyclamen. When the flowers fade, the leaves dry up, they must be removed. Removing faded flowers lengthens the flowering period, encouraging new buds to appear. But be sure to follow this procedure correctly. You can not pick, cut off old flower stalks and leaves. They must be unscrewed near the tuber itself, carefully so as not to damage it. If a "wound" is formed, then it is sprinkled with powdered charcoal (activated) charcoal.


For propagation of cyclamen, seeds or the tuber division method are used. Each method has its pros and cons.

Reproduction by seeds

Growing cyclamen from seeds is a long and laborious process. Seeds can be purchased at flower shop or get it yourself. To get seeds from home cyclamen, it is necessary to carry out artificial pollination. To do this, pollen is transferred with a soft brush from one flower to the pistil of another. If there are several alpine violets in the house, then cross-pollination is carried out - pollen is transferred from one flower to another.

The ovary is best formed if pollination is carried out on a sunny morning. In this case, the transfer of pollen is carried out several times, which increases the likelihood of the formation of an ovary. Before pollination, it is recommended to feed the flowers with the following composition: dissolve 1 gram of superphosphate and 0.5 grams of potassium sulfide in one liter of water.

Sow seeds in August, before the start of the growing season. Pre-seeds are poured with a five percent sugar solution. Floating seeds are discarded. Then the remaining seeds are soaked in a solution of zirconium for a day to improve germination.

An earthen mixture is poured into the planting container, consisting of equal parts of peat and leafy soil, or a mixture of peat and vermiculite. The soil is moistened, and seeds are sown on the surface, sprinkling with a thin layer of earth. The container is covered with a film and placed in a shaded place with a temperature of 18 to 20 degrees. Periodically moisten the soil with a spray bottle and ventilate. Shoots appear in a month and a half.

After the appearance of the leaves, the film is removed, the seedlings are rearranged to a lighted place without exposure to sunlight. In this case, the temperature should be lower - 15-17 degrees. In December, the seedlings have two or three leaves and a small nodule is formed. They can be transplanted with a pick into a new mixture, which is made up of two parts of leafy soil, one part of peat and sand in a half dose. When transplanting, the tubers are sprinkled with earth. Dive seedlings are fertilized with complex fertilizers in a half dose a week after transplantation. Before the onset of the dormant period (second half of spring), the seedlings are transplanted into separate pots, already leaving a third of the tubers protruding from the ground.

From the moment of sowing to flowering, 13-15 months pass. Plants grown from own seeds, acclimatize better than seedlings from purchased seeds.

Reproduction by tubers

Most flower growers at home propagate cyclamen by dividing tubers. During the dormant period, the tuber is removed from the pot, divided into several parts. There will be as many parts as there are growth points on the mother tuber. The slices are dried a little, sprinkled with powder from activated carbon or Kornevin. Then the parts are planted in separate containers in the usual mixture for cyclamen. Its composition has been given above.

With the seeming simplicity of this method of reproduction, the death of both the new plant and the mother tuber is often observed. Cut tubers are susceptible to rot.

Diseases and pests

At good care cyclamen pleases owners with its flowers for many years. But violations in care, non-compliance with watering and temperature conditions lead to various diseases. The table shows the main problems in growing cyclamen.

Main features Cause Remedy
Brown spots appeared on the leaves. Dry air, bright light. Rearrange the pot or shade, increase the humidity.
The flower sheds buds. Sudden change in ambient temperature, such as moving to a warmer room. If necessary, the transfer of the plant should gradually get used to the change in temperature.
Cyclamen leaves turn yellow and wither. Excessive watering, which led to the decay of the tuber. Remove the tuber from the ground, cut out the rotten parts, sprinkle with Kornevin or coal and plant in a new sterilized mixture.

If the leaves turn yellow and wither after flowering, this is normal.

For cyclamen, a great danger is fungal diseases, which often lead to the death of the flower. The infection most often enters through contaminated soil.

The main fungal diseases of cyclamen

Disease Main features Cause Remedy
Fusarium wilt or dry rot. Leaves turn yellow. Yellowing starts at the top, and often affects one side of the plant. The fungus enters the vascular system of the plant through the roots, clogs it, which disrupts the nutrition of the leaves. It is watered under the root with Fundazol, and the leaves are treated with Topsin-M. Both the one and the other drug are taken at a concentration of 0.1%.
wet rot Leaves and peduncles wither, wilt, which is accompanied by a putrid odor. The spores of the fungus enter along with contaminated water or soil through cracks in the tuber or the place where the flower stalks come off. Heat and moisture contribute to the development of the disease. It is impossible to cure a diseased plant. It is destroyed along with the earth. The pot must be disinfected.
Gray rot Mold grows on the leaves gray color, which rises into the air when the air moves. Leaves and flower stalks turn yellow, darken and die. It develops in cold conditions with high humidity. Remove the affected parts, reduce watering and spraying, ventilate the places of detention, but without a draft. Treat with fungicide according to instructions.
root rot The leaves turn pale, dark areas are visible on the tubers. The fungus gets along with unsterilized soil. The earth is treated with a fungicide. But young plant may not survive. In an adult cyclamen, the tuber is removed from the ground, the damage is removed and treated with a fungicide. Then planted in new sterilized soil.
Anthracnose Flower stalks are affected, which stop growing, top part dries them up. Then the leaves are affected, which curl, dry out. The fungus gets along with the ground, develops when high humidity and temperature. Reduce air humidity, remove damaged parts of cyclamen. Treat with fungicide.
sooty fungus A black coating appears on the leaves and shoots. It appears in aphid habitats. It clogs the pores of the plant, and growth slows down at first, and then the leaves dry up. You can wash the leaves with a two percent solution of green soap, then with a copper-soap solution. Then washed clean water. Or they are treated with a fungicide.

Among the pests of cyclamen, the main enemies are aphids, mites and thrips. To combat them, insecticides are used, which are widely available on the market.


Alpine violet, blooming in the cold season, gives good mood, the joy of contemplation beautiful flowers with a delicate aroma. Do not be afraid of difficulties in growing cyclamen, and it will decorate your window sills in winter.

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Alpine violet

When the flowers are not only beautiful, but also unobtrusively fragrant, it brings a special joy. These include the alpine violet, with its pink-lilac flowers over heart-shaped, leathery, dark green, fleshy leaves.

She blooms all year round, with short breaks. But provided that it is properly looked after. Violet is very capricious. If something is not according to it, it immediately dies. The first alarm signal is the yellowing of the leaves. In this case, watering should be reduced, otherwise the tuber will rot and the flower cannot be saved.

The violet reproduces by dividing the bush (the tuber has many root offspring, which, through certain time also become tubers). My long experience as a violet grower has shown that she likes to be replanted periodically, at least once every one or two years. What do you need to pay attention to? If the flower has stopped growing, the leaves have turned yellow or lost their dark green color, if underdeveloped leaves form, and also small flowers that fade early - all these phenomena indicate the need for a transplant.

The best pots for violets are earthenware, well-fired, with a hole in the bottom. The plastic ones don't work in my opinion. new pot before planting, it is necessary to soak well in water, and rinse the old hot water and dry on fire. It is desirable to plant a violet in a low pot, the width of the upper part of which is twice the height. The best time for planting - March and the time after flowering. At the bottom of the pot, you need to put a shard with the convex side up, then cover it with earth (a mixture of garden or garden soil with soil taken under a hazel tree - 1: 1).

Violet likes a lot of light, but is afraid of direct sunlight, so windows facing west are more suitable for her, where the sun is 1-2 hours.

Violet does not like temperature changes. In winter, move the pot away from the glass. Remove the violet from the windowsill while airing in winter time. Watering is a very important procedure in caring for this indoor flower, because in summer it needs one moisturizing regime, and in winter it needs a completely different one. Main principle: the colder the room, the less moisture the violet evaporates and less often it needs to be watered. Particular care must be taken when watering winter period. In summer, spring, autumn, violets are watered no more often. three times per week, and in winter even less often - 1-2 times. But first of all, focus on the temperature in the room. Another important point: never water a flower with tap water, it must be settled.

In addition to watering, I wash and spray the leaves every 1-2 months. Spraying is best done in spring and summer, and in rooms with dry air in winter, but not often.

To protect the violet from diseases, it is necessary in the spring (or after flowering) to water the flower with a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate. In addition, it will be a good top dressing, which is very fond of alpine violet. Just do not overdo it: you can water with such a solution no more than once a month. And such watering always saves my violets from midges in the ground. I want to advise: it is better to water not under the tuber, but around it or along the walls of the pot, while the water should not fall to the ground in a strong stream. In spring and summer, you can water at any time, in autumn and winter - only in the morning.

During the transition from autumn to winter, it is a good idea to feed the plants. In addition to the mentioned potassium permanganate, I use the leftovers ground coffee with sugar, topping them up with cold boiled water. Still very good feeding both for violets and other indoor flowers - an infusion of onion husks. But do not overdo it - violet tolerates dry soil better than an excess of moisture.

Tatiana Podplutova

Beautiful cyclamen has several folk names. It is called "alpine violet" and "dryak". Wild boars feed on the roots of cyclamen, hence the interesting folk nickname “pork bread”. He has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house, this determines the high popularity of the plant among flower growers. What should be home conditions for proper flower care?

Cyclamen is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Mirsinov family. AT vivo it is found in the Mediterranean region, in Spain, Iran, in northeast Africa.

Cyclamen grows in Syria, Greece, about ten species live in the Caucasus and Crimea. The place of natural habitat becomes clear from the name of the variety: there are Persian, African, Cypriot, Colchis cyclamen. We provide a description below.

Persian cyclamen is very common among flower growers.

The leathery emerald leaves, located at the roots, take an oval shape with a heart-like base. They are bloom on long petioles of brown-red color, reaching thirty centimeters, and are distinguished by an unusual gray pattern with a silver sheen.

Flowers look exotic. Their interesting appearance misleads so that it seems as if butterflies are hovering over the plant with fancy pattern on wings.

The flowers are curved back, pointed at the tip, reaching eight centimeters in size. They can be dyed in different colors: white, pink, red, purple, burgundy, magenta, lilac, dark and light. delicate flowers emit an exquisite aroma, which is used during the creation of elite perfumes.

cyclamen blooms from mid-autumn to the end of March. Specific terms depend on the type of plant and the conditions of detention. Flowering lasts for three and a half months.

The most common types of cyclomenia: European, Alpine, etc.

There are about fifty varieties of indoor cyclamen. There are several groups that differ from each other in appearance:

  • undersized (reach fifteen centimeters);
  • medium-sized (reach from fifteen to twenty-five centimeters);
  • standard (reach from twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters).

European cyclamen is distinguished by leathery emerald-colored leaves with silvery patterns resembling a heart. They reach a size of four centimeters. European cyclamen blooms from early spring to autumn.

It blooms two-centimeter pink flowers with a delicate aroma. European cyclamen is native to southern and central Europe.

Cyclamen "Alpine violet" grows naturally on the Greek island of Crete. He prefers to settle in dark places where the bright sun does not penetrate.

If you have an alpine violet at home, shade the place where it stands

This variety is heat tolerant., so you should not place it in hot places. The flower grows actively at the end of March.

"Mix" is not the name of a particular variety. This is industrial name, which unites cyclamens different varieties and colours.

How to care at home in summer and winter

Cyclamen actively blooms and develops in autumn and winter. Recommendations on how to care are given precisely for this period.

Proper lighting and temperature

A comfortable place for the location of cyclamen are window sills of windows of western and eastern orientation. He loves diffused light. On the northern window, he will not have enough sunlight, and when located on the southern windowsill, the plant will have to be shaded so that the hot sun does not burn it.

How to water, humidity

Cyclamen needs moderate watering.

You can not overdry or waterlog the substrate.

Cyclomenia roots are prone to rotting, so they only moisten the bottom layer of earth in a pot. When watering cyclamen, you should be extremely careful. Do not get on the organs of the plant and in the center of the outlet. You can water by immersing the pot in a container of water for fifteen minutes.

When watering, make sure that the flower does not rot due to residual water in the leaves.

When cyclamen blooms (autumn-winter), it watered with distilled water. At the end of flowering, the amount of water is reduced, and during dormancy, watering is stopped.

Cyclamen thrive in cool and humid environments. It is not placed near heating appliances, otherwise the flower will get rid of the leaves and hibernate.

To increase the humidity of the air, a container filled with wet pebbles is placed near the flower. Before the buds appear, cyclamen is sometimes sprayed.

How to feed a plant for flowering

Feed cyclamen during flowering and active growth. Comprehensive mineral fertilizer helps to grow leaves during the period of active development.

You can feed twice a month. With the appearance of a bud, the amount of nitrogen is reduced and potassium and phosphorus are added.

Choosing a pot for planting and soil

For cyclamen, prepare the soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. To obtain the necessary substrate, leaf, soddy soil, sand and humus are mixed in equal proportions. The soil must be well drained.

The pot is plastic or ceramic. The average diameter of the pot is fifteen centimeters. When transplanting, choose a pot two centimeters larger in diameter than the previous one.

Why rest is important for care

The dormant period for cyclamen begins in summer. It lasts for about two to three months. With the onset of the dormant period, cyclamen stops growing. His leaves wither, which are removed completely dried. Water less, the plant is not sprayed or fertilized. It is placed in a place with penumbra.

At rest, the cyclamen tuber sheds all leaves.

During the dormant period the tuber gets rid of all the leaves, but may leave multiple instances that cannot be deleted. Cyclamen is placed in a dark and cool room with a temperature not exceeding twelve degrees.

They do not refuse watering: the tuber is watered twice a month.

Avoid waterlogging, which will lead to root rot. As soon as the plant releases new leaves and buds, the dormant period will end. Cyclamen is returned to a bright place and watering is increased.

Time and instructions for transplant

Cyclamens difficult to tolerate transplant, so the plant is better to transplant after the flowering period. right time- August or early autumn.

The procedure for transplantation is as follows:

Reproduction of indoor cyclomen

In the conditions of the apartment cyclamen not easy to breed. It is often grown from seed or propagated by dividing the tuber.

Reproduction of cyclamen by dividing the tuber at home is possible

Growing by tuber division

During the dormant period, the tuber is dug up and cut. Each new part of the tuber should be with a kidney and roots. Places of cuts are dried, sprinkled with crushed coal. Delenki are placed in different containers and organize a greenhouse.

How to grow cyclamen from seeds

Seeds are bought at a gardening store or collected on their own if there is one at home. blooming cyclamen. Store-bought seeds have a shelf life of up to two years, so be sure to look at the date of manufacture seed lots.

In order to independently collect the seeds, the plant is first pollinated: using a cotton swab or brush, the pollen of one plant is transferred to another. It is better to repeat the manipulations several times. The time for them is chosen in the morning.

Before planting, do not forget to check the expiration date of purchased seeds.

Mature seeds are stored for two months, then they are sown in the substrate, having been soaked in Zircon beforehand. The substrate is prepared by mixing leaf ground, peat and vermiculite in equal proportions. Seeds are placed on the surface, sprinkled with a thin layer of earth and placed in a room with a temperature of twenty degrees.

If temperatures are higher, planting material will go into hibernation, and if lower, it may rot. Seed containers regularly ventilate and moisturize.

In about a month, the first sprouts will appear. The container with the plant is transferred to a well-lit place with temperature indicators fifteen or seventeen degrees.

Cyclamen is attacked by thrips, cyclamen mites and aphids. To get rid of pests, use products sold in garden stores.

If a cyclamen mite has attacked a plant, insecticidal agents will help

When growing cyclamen, you may encounter a problem when the leaves of the plant turn yellow.

Then it is worth reviewing the conditions of detention. Leaves turn yellow due to dry and warm air, improper watering, burns due to direct sunlight, lack of top dressing.


Disease Causes / Symptoms Treatment
wet rot The disease is bacterial and manifests itself in the form of withering leaves and flower stalks hanging from the pot.

The flower grower smells putrid. This disease appears in conditions of warmth and humidity.

Not amenable to treatment the plant is destroyed
Gray rot Appears in damp and cold conditions. Botrytis spores are spread by wind and water.

The plant becomes ill in case of violation of the conditions of detention. Mold appears on leaves and buds gray shade. Leaves and flower stalks turn yellow and die

Cyclamen renders beneficial effect for emotional people. It fills the room with positive energy, which helps to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the house.

People have a desire to do good to others. Cyclamen looks beautiful and worth it to give him a place on the windowsill. He bring peace and tranquility to your home.