Flower bud. Fruit formation stimulator bud p green belt. Beets, onions, green crops

Growth stimulants used according to the instructions give only positive results.

Amateur gardeners began to use stimulants not so long ago, but very actively. What substances do these preparations contain, how do they affect the plant and how effective are they? Consider the example of the growth stimulator "Bud".

"Bud": description of the drug

Any plant contains a certain composition of phytohormones (gibberellins, cytokinins, auxins), each of which is responsible for the implementation of a particular function in the life of the plant. For example, gibberellins are responsible for flowering and fruiting, cytokinins are responsible for the development of buds and shoots, and auxins are responsible for regulating metabolism and the formation of the root system.

"Bud" is a unique plant growth stimulant designed to regulate fruit formation, increase the number of ovaries, protect them from falling off and reduce the number of barren flowers. The drug has the following effects on plants:

  • increases frost and drought resistance, increases the survival rate of seedlings, protects against falling off;
  • increases yield by 20-35%, reduces the ripening period by 5-7 days, improves nutritional and taste characteristics, increases the content of vitamins;
  • improves the ecological purity of fruits;
  • strengthens plants, increasing their resistance to diseases and helping to grow in adverse conditions.
In addition, the use of the Bud stimulant will help restore the yield of crops damaged by spring frosts.

Did you know? "Buton" was awarded more than one gold medal: VSI Evrika-2003, Russian farmer, Russian All-Russian Exhibition Center noted this drug.

Active ingredient and mechanism of action of the drug

Before using this or that drug, you should study its composition. The unique complex of growth substances of "Buton" makes the drug unique. The active substance of the product is gibberellic acids (GA3) of sodium salts (20 g/kg), auxiliary substances are humates, micro and macro elements, vitamins, polysaccharides necessary for plants during the period of vegetative development.

The maximum effect can be achieved with repeated use of the Bud stimulant, however, the correct dosage and time of use is determined only by the instructions that come with the drug.

Did you know? Gibberellic acids stimulate even old seeds, shorten the ripening period and increase yield.

For growth, plants need a sufficient amount of trace elements, which are rich in fertile and fertilized soils. To get a good harvest on poor soils, boron, manganese and copper are additionally included in the best growth stimulants.

Due to boron deficiency, the plant is weakened and more susceptible to various diseases, copper improves resistance to viral and fungal diseases, and manganese takes an active part in photosynthesis.

How to use "Buton" correctly, instructions for using the drug for different crops

The range of application of "Bud" is distinguished by its breadth: it is used for ovary, improving budding, fruit formation, and is an excellent fruit growth stimulator. How to apply it correctly?

For spraying plants, soaking materials for planting (seeds, tubers, bulbs), one sachet (10 g) of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water (it is recommended to strain after dilution). It is treated with such a solution during the formation of buds, at the beginning of flowering and during the formation of ovaries. Consumption rate of the finished solution:

  • on fruit trees - 1-3 liters under a bush (tree);
  • for beds - 4 liters per 10 sq.m.
It is necessary to spray with plant growth stimulants in calm, dry weather in the morning or in the evening, equally wetting the leaves.

Important! In plants, phytohormones are formed in extremely small quantities. Therefore, non-compliance with intervals and excess doses of stimulants can have an opposite effect - inhibition of plant growth instead of the expected increase.

In order to improve the yield, "Buton" is used for such crops:

Did you know? Since "Bud" promotes the laying of flower buds, its effect is prolonged and is reflected in the next year's yield.

Apply "Bud" and for indoor plants. It helps to quickly increase the green mass, improve the appearance and survive stressful situations for plants. In addition, flowering plants receive additional nutrition.

"Bud" for tomatoes is used not only during the growth and flowering of the crop, the instructions for the use of the drug describe the method of soaking the seeds in a solution for 10-12 hours before planting. Moreover, you can soak several varieties at the same time, placing them in a well-moistened cloth. Seeds are placed in a container with a solution and, after slightly drying, are planted in open ground. For soaking, the dose of the drug is 2 g per 0.5 l of water.

There are several general rules for breeding stimulants:

  • only special utensils are used;
  • "Bud", or another growth stimulant, dissolves in a small amount of water and mixes well. The water must be warm.
  • dilute with water to the required volume.

Important! Treatment with cold water on a hot day can cause stress in the plant and, as a result, the buds and ovaries fall off.

Hazard class and precautions when working with the drug

Like many drugs and chemicals, plant growth promoters are classified according to the level of danger. "Buton" belongs to the third hazard class - a medium dangerous compound, which must be used strictly for its intended purpose.

Stable fruiting, an abundance of ovaries, resistant in any weather - the dream of gardeners. To do this, use stimulants of fruit formation. A proven remedy is Bud, which improves survival and increases stress resistance. With proper processing, it preserves and doubles yields.

For all gardeners, the question of how to feed tomatoes during budding and flowering is relevant so that productivity is maximized.

Bud fertilizer for tomatoes is an effective remedy from the group of natural activators.

What's in:

  1. Sodium salt of gibberellic acids. Obtained artificially. It is a valuable growth factor. Accelerates ripening, increases the level of yields. It activates the fastest germination, increases the percentage of germination even for seeds older than 4-5 years.
  2. Humates. Synthesized from extracts of organic waste. The raw materials are manure, manure, humus, compost, silt and peat. They contain simple and complex saccharides, many chemical elements, a rich composition of vitamins.
  3. A set of trace elements. Boron to improve tying. Stimulation of root and bud growth. Copper to strengthen immunity against tomato pathogens. Manganese is necessary for metabolic processes, photosynthesis. With its presence, commodity and taste criteria are improved.

Purpose of the stimulant

Bud for tomatoes stimulates the most important processes:

  • setting and pouring fruits;
  • growth and expansion.

And also among the worthy effects that the drug causes:

  • increases productivity;
  • improves resistance to pathogens;
  • enhances cold resistance;
  • increases heat tolerance.

Application methods

The drug is used in several ways. Most often spraying is carried out. Irrigation is applied several times during the cultivation period:

  1. At the seedling stage 2 times in 10 days and 10 days after picking.
  2. During the period of enhanced vegetation to increase green mass.
  3. At the very beginning of flowering.
  4. At the stage of tying to form more fruits in the hands. At this point, there should be 3 first clusters on the bushes.

The drug is a powerful stimulant for seeds. By soaking them before planting, germination and germination can be significantly increased.

Instructions for use

Why do tomato buds fall, although flowering is in full swing:

  • micronutrient deficiency;
  • weak ovary due to lack of gibberellin acids;
  • diseases and pests, weakened immunity.

How to feed tomatoes during budding? In the arsenal of experienced farmers there is always an effective tool, one of the best is Bud for the ovary of tomatoes. Sold in sachets of 2 g. Prepared in a dilution of 1% or 2%.

How to dilute Bud 2 grams for tomatoes according to the instructions for use:

  1. Take 1 liter of settled water at room temperature.
  2. Dilute 2 g of the product from the sachet in a small amount of heated water.
  3. Mix thoroughly.

The solution is prepared immediately before spraying.

Spray rules:

  • for the first irrigation use 1% preparation;
  • the second and third 2% solution;
  • adult tomato bushes are processed only 3 times.

In order to consistently obtain large yields in protected conditions, they process tomatoes with Bud in a greenhouse. The consumption of the product is 1-1.5 liters per 10-15 m2.

For tying use:

  • In 1% dilution, 1 g of the stimulant is dissolved in 1 liter of liquid;
  • In the form of a 2% solution, 2 g of the drug is added to 1 liter of water.

How to dilute the drug bud for tomatoes correctly:

  1. Dry powder is poured into a small amount of warm liquid.
  2. Dissolve until the complete disappearance of the precipitate.
  3. Bring to the desired volume by adding liquid.

Dilution of the stimulant

The procedure is performed according to certain rules:

  • use specially designated containers for processing tomatoes;
  • the powder is poured into water heated to 25 degrees, and not vice versa;
  • To obtain a volume of 1 liter, water is added.

Precautionary measures

The drug is included in the group of drugs of the 3rd hazard class. What are the characteristics of the drug:

  • does not violate the soil structure;
  • does not harm insects and microorganisms;
  • does not poison pets.

Comply with the rules of protection:

  • use the solution exclusively for plants;
  • work in a mask, gloves, glasses;
  • always prepare a fresh solution;
  • the remains are disposed of;
  • wash the instruments.

Status: Not valid


Group: plant growth regulators

Preparative form: powder

Active substance: Gibberellic acid sodium salts

Human hazard class: 3 (LOW HAZARDOUS)

Hazard class for bees: 3 (LOW HAZARDOUS)

Approved for personal use

Registration number: 1106-08-111-035-0-0-3-1

Registration expiration date: 03/30/2018

Production: Domestic

Regulations for the use of the drug Buton, P

Regulations for the use of Buton, P in personal subsidiary plots

The rate of application of the drug (l/ha, kg/ha, l/t, kg/t)Culture, processed objectPurposeMethod, processing time, application featuresWaiting period (multiplicity of processing)Exit dates for manual (mechanically low-leveled) work
10-15 g/10 l of waterWhite cabbageSpraying in the phases of the beginning of the appearance of the first true leaf, the formation of 6-8 leaves and the beginning of heading. Working fluid consumption -4 l/100 m2-(3) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterCauliflowerIncrease in yield, sugar content, vitamin C, decrease in nitrate contentSpraying: the first - in the phase of 5-6 leaves, the second - at the beginning of the formation of the head, the third - before the closing of the leaves above the head. Consumption of working fluid - 4 l / 100 m2-(3) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterTomatoIncreased early and overall yields, increased solids content, sugar, vitamin C, reduced acidity, increased disease resistanceSpraying in the phases of the beginning of flowering 1, 2 and 3 brushes. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(3) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterEggplantIncrease in early and overall yields, increase in the content of solids, sugar, proteinSpraying in the phases of budding and the beginning of flowering. Working fluid consumption -4 l/100 m2-(2) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterPotatoes (seed plantings)Treatment of tubers before planting. Consumption of working liquid - 1 l/100 kg-(1) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterPotatoes (seed plantings)Increase in yield, increase in the yield of marketable tubers, increase resistance to frostSpraying in the budding phase. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(1) -(-)
15 g/10 l waterDaikonYield increaseSpraying in the phases of 4 leaves and again after 12 days. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(2) -(-)
10 g/10 l waterBlack currantSpraying: 1st - at the beginning of flowering, 2nd - after flowering, 3rd - at the beginning of the formation of berries. Consumption of working fluid - 0.5 l / bush-(3) -(-)
10 g/10 l waterSweet cherryDecreased shedding of ovaries, increase in the mass of berries, increase in yieldSpraying: 1st - at the beginning of flowering, 2nd - after flowering, 3rd - at the beginning of fruit formation. Consumption of working fluid - 1-3 l / tree-(3) -(-)
10 g/10 l waterApple treeReduced ovary shedding, increased yieldSpraying: 1st - after flowering, 2nd - 7 days after the first spraying, 3rd - 30 days after the second spraying. Consumption of working fluid - 2-5 l / tree-(3) -(-)
10 g/10 l waterstrawberriesacceleration of maturationSpraying in the flowering phase. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(1) -(-)
10-20 g/10 l of waterCucumberIncreased early and overall yieldsSpraying in the phases of the appearance of the first true leaf, the beginning of flowering and mass flowering. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(3) -(-)
10-20 g/10 l of waterVegetable peas, beansIncreasing the protein content in beansSpraying in the phases of budding and the beginning of flowering. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(2) -(-)
10-20 g/10 l of waterSweet pepperIncreased early and overall yieldsSpraying in the budding phase and at the beginning of flowering. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(2) -(-)
20 g/10 l waterOnionIncreased yield, accelerated ripeningSpraying in the phases of mass regrowth of leaves and again after 4-6 days. Working fluid consumption - 4 l/100 m2-(2) -(-)
2 g/l waterpotted flower plants-(2) -(-)
2 g/l waterOutdoor flower plantsImproving decorative qualities, increasing the duration of floweringSpraying in the budding phase and again at the beginning of the flowering phase. Consumption of working fluid - 10 l / 100 m2-(2) -(-)
1-2 g/l watercorms of flowering plantsAccelerate germination, increase multiplication rateSoaking corms before planting for 5 hours. Consumption of working fluid - 100 ml / 10 kg-(1) -(-)

The Bud line of fertilizers are substances that are used to stimulate growth, flowering and fruiting. The preparations increase the resistance of different types of crops to adverse natural conditions and are involved in metabolic processes at the cellular level. They are safe for plants and do not affect the quality of the crop. Top dressing is applied by spraying leaves and shoots as part of an aqueous solution, the concentration of which will be different for fruit and ornamental crops.

Fertilizer Bud

The manufacturer is Technoexport (Green Belt brand). Specializes in the development of fertilizers, growth stimulants and other preparations for plants.

Fertilizer Bud is a solid substance in the form of a powder. Before use, it is dissolved in water in the proportions indicated in the instructions. It is recommended to spray it on the leaves and stems of plants with a spray bottle. The drug can be purchased in small packages of 2 g or 10 g.


With the help of the "bud" you can control the yield and improve the quality of the fruit. In addition, these substances do not have a toxic effect and are safe for plants. Their active ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of crops, which is expressed in the following:

  • the survival rate of seedlings and the germination of seedlings are improved;
  • the yield increases by 20-25%, the varietal and taste characteristics of fruits are improved;
  • the crop ripens faster by 5-7 days;
  • plants acquire resistance to frost and drought, as well as pests and infectious diseases.

The main active ingredient of dressings is gibberilic acids of sodium salts. They stimulate the growth and development of plants and affect fruit formation. In addition to them, the preparation contains minerals (boron, copper, manganese), vitamins and polysaccharides.

Important! Buton fertilizers have been awarded several medals, which confirms their quality. They were awarded medals of the VSI Evrika-2003, Russian Farmer, Russian All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Instructions for use

There are several varieties in the Buton fertilizer series. They differ slightly in composition and are used for different purposes. These preparations contain those active substances that representatives of vegetable, fruit or ornamental plants need at different periods of the growing season.

Fruiting stimulator

Suitable for different types of vegetables, fruits and berries. Before use, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the package in water, pour into a container with a spray bottle and evenly distribute over the surface of the leaves.

The concentration of the working solution and dosage differ for different crops. It is also necessary to take into account the optimal timing of the introduction of the drug:

  • for apple trees (2 g of the substance per 2 liters of water) - with the formation of ovaries and with the appearance of a petiole fossa in the amount of 1 liter for young trees and 3 liters for adults;
  • for cherries, apricots, currants (2 g per 2 liters of water) - 1 liter for each bush or tree;
  • for cabbage (2-3 g per 2 l) - you will need 2 l of working solution per 50 m2 of surface in the phases of formation of 6-8 leaves and flowering;
  • for onions (4 g per 2 l) - the solution is sprayed on 50 m of soil during the formation of the arrow;
  • for processing potato tubers before planting (2-4 g of powder per 2 l) - 1 liter of liquid is sprayed on 100 kg of planting material;
  • for potatoes (2-4 g per 2 l) - 4 l of the solution is used to spray 100 m of the surface during the flowering period;
  • for grapes, strawberries (2-4 g per 100 l) - 4 liters of liquid will be needed for 100 m of planting during flowering and bud formation.

Fertilizer is recommended to be used during periods critical for plants. During flowering, they need an additional supply of nutrients, which can be obtained by feeding. The active ingredients also allow you to increase the number of healthy ovaries and prevent them from falling off, which will further affect the volume of the crop.

For cucumbers, zucchini and squash

For these crops, a separate type of Bud fertilizer has been developed. The first treatment can be carried out even before planting seeds. To do this, 5 g of dry matter is dissolved in a glass of water, and then the seeds are left in solution for 8 hours.

After planting in open ground or in a greenhouse, it is recommended to carry out a few more treatments. 2 g of powder is dissolved in 2 liters of water, and this amount is enough to spray 40 m of plantings. The procedure is repeated three times:

  • when the first sheet appears;
  • at the beginning of flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries.

Advice! Seed treatment will not only improve their germination, but also protect young plants from short-term frosts in the spring.

For tomatoes, peppers, eggplants

Suitable for their cultivation in open or closed ground. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 g per 2 liters of water - this amount is used to process 40 square meters of plantings. Spraying is carried out twice:

  • during the formation of buds;
  • during flowering 1, 2, 3 brushes.

It is important to observe the terms of application of the drug, since it is during these periods that plants need an increased amount of organic acids, vitamins and minerals. The dosage of the substance does not differ for open and greenhouse soil.

For garden and indoor flowers

"Bud" for ornamental plants will extend the flowering period and protect them from weather conditions. In addition, top dressing increases the yield of bulbous flowers and improves seed quality.

The solution is prepared from a ratio of 2 g / 2 l of water and distributed over 40-50 m of the surface in the following periods:

  • immediately after planting seedlings or transplanting flowers into a new pot;
  • when buds appear;
  • during flowering.

For bulbous plants, the material is additionally processed by replanting. 1 kg of bulbs must be left in 1 liter of solution for 5-6 hours, and then placed in the ground.

Prices in stores

Green Belt products are distinguished not only by their high efficiency, but also by an affordable price. The cost of one package of the drug (2 g) will be from 20 to 35 rubles, depending on the distributor.


Top dressing Bud is suitable for all types of fruit and ornamental crops. It is safe for plants and humans, so it can be used without harm to future crops. A universal fruiting stimulant is effective for all plants, and for tomatoes, cucumbers and decorative flowers, you can choose individual varieties.

Last year at the dacha I sowed a myriad of flowers. Unfortunately, their flowering, to put it mildly, disappointed. Few buds formed, and a lot of nutrition had to be added to the flower beds to make them look at least somewhat decent.

At the end of the year, a neighbor (and part-time owner of the most prominent rose garden in the area) advised an inexpensive drug that was supposed to solve my problem. Of course, I immediately bought it, and applied it in the spring ...

The flowers bloomed like crazy. And the vegetable garden (on which I sprinkled a little solution for the sake of interest) also pleasantly surprised me.

It all depends on the specific product. The fact is that "Buton" is produced with a slightly different formula - one drug was created for flowers (flower beds, indoor), the other for fruits and vegetables.

There is also a more "highly specialized" product - for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes. You will not be mistaken, as each pack is not only signed in large letters, but also provided with a picture.

  • Color processing. If they do not bloom yet, the plants will quickly acquire twigs and leaves, and will be more resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Bud-growing flowers will grow more than these same buds, and flowers that have blossomed as a result will last longer. Finally, already flowering crops will receive a balanced diet, which will make their flowers larger.
  • Soaking seeds. It will help more seeds "wake up", and earlier than usual. Seedlings will turn out stronger, more tenacious.
  • Spraying vegetables. Having processed the seedlings, you will help her quickly get used to the conditions of the open ground, it is better to bush. By applying the Bud solution at the time of flowering (the second treatment of the beds), you will stimulate the vegetables to grow more ovaries, reduce the number of empty flowers, and accelerate the ripening of many crops.
  • Processing fruits and other horticultural crops. If you have time to spray the garden before flowering, there will be more ovaries and they will be less afraid of bad weather. There will also be fewer empty flowers on trees and bushes, and the fruits will grow larger.

What's in the package

To put it simply, it is a grayish powder.

If you "dig deeper", the basis of "Bud":

  • Sodium salt of gibberinic acids. This is a natural growth hormone, which modern chemists produce artificially. Its task is to speed up the ripening period, “revive” even stale seeds, increase the number of fruits (flowers) on each bush.
  • Humates. These natural components are already extracted "from nature" - silt, manure, peat. They have a very complex formula, including vitamins, trace elements, polysaccharides, and so on.
  • Microelements. Manganese (an active participant in photosynthesis), copper (makes the plant stronger, more resistant to stress and disease), boron (does not allow flowers or vegetables to dry out, lose their ovaries, get sick).

Ways to use "Buton"

Each drug you buy can be used in several ways.

  • Soaking seeds. Processing one variety? Just put the seeds in a jar (cup, lid) and fill with a solution of 2 g of Bud and a liter of water (or half a liter if these are flower seeds). Filling several varieties or types at once? This can also be done in one container. And so that the seeds do not get confused, wrap each type / variety in a piece of gauze or bandage.
  • Tuber processing. Most often, Bud is moistened with potatoes before planting (although tubers and bulbs of other vegetables and flowers can also be sprayed). It is laid out in boxes indoors (it is important that there are no drafts inside). The potatoes are sprayed, then turned over to the other side and sprayed again. Solution: 2 g per 2 liters of water. If these are 2 varietal kilograms you bought, they can be completely soaked in a bucket of solution. After that, the tubers are planted in the ground.
  • Spraying. The most popular procedure. You can spray seedlings, flowers (potted and in flower beds), bushes and trees. And at different stages of growth.

Do you want to see with your own eyes how this tool works and what it gives? I offer a video review of a woman who treated tomatoes with Bud (the scene is Kazan). And this is what she saw in her garden:

Instructions for the drug

As a rule, "Buton-P" is a bag with 2 grams of the drug. They must be diluted in 1-2 liters of water, obtaining a one- and two-percent solution, respectively.

In private crop production, the manufacturer himself recommends using Bud for the following crops:

Solution preparation principles:

  • first take a small amount of water, and when the powder dissolves in it, add the remaining water;
  • it is better to take a warm liquid - the “Bud” dissolves faster in it;
  • but cold water, on the contrary, is a taboo, since getting a cold solution on the leaves (especially on a hot day) can provoke the opposite effect, causing sensitive buds and ovaries to fall off;
  • do not stir the drug in a cup or bowl that you use for eating and drinking - take only garden remanent.

Is Bud dangerous?

The hazard class of this fruit formation stimulant is the third. This means that it is non-toxic and does not kill insects or animals. Also, the drug does not pollute the soil into which it accidentally gets.

Sometimes this substance (in powder or solution) enters the human body. Our actions:

  • if swallowed, induce vomiting and gastric lavage, then take activated charcoal;
  • if you have inhaled the drug, go out into the fresh air and see if you have an allergy - if so, it is better to call a doctor;
  • if "Bud" gets into the eyes, rinse them well under the tap.

How to store the drug

The shelf life of "Buton" is 2 years. If this period has expired, the sachet with the drug must be disposed of. The same is done with the unused solution: it is prepared immediately before spraying, and pour out what is left.

It must be kept in a dry place. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +30 degrees. Moreover, it can even be a utility room located on the street - "Buton" will not lose its properties if the temperature in the room drops to -30 degrees.

Well, of course, such chemicals should not be stored together with medicines (for both people and animals - it is possible with medicines for flowers / vegetables), as well as products. Access to drugs of this kind should be limited for children and pets - this is not a toy.

When buying, always check if the package is intact. If it is damaged, do not take such a drug.

By the way! If you often visit garden or flower shops, you have probably heard that there are a lot of fruit formation stimulants and just high-quality fertilizers.

For example, there are also "Zircon", "Epin", and in general - about 10 popular horticultural products. What they give and in what cases it is better to buy certain funds, this thorough video will tell: