What size pots are needed for indoor plants. We choose the right flower pot: the size and material of the product. Planters for cacti and succulents

In a wide range of flower containers, you can choose a pot for a houseplant according to the material from which it is made, as well as in shape, volume and color. It is very important that this container is not only beautiful and fashionable, but also suitable for this plant, taking into account its needs.

One of the main purposes of a flower pot is to protect the root part of the plant from drying out and contact with the environment, which can adversely affect this part of the flower. But at the same time, it is necessary to choose a container from such a material in which the roots of the plant can breathe freely. The best option is pots made of clay or other porous material. Although containers made of other materials, such as plastic, metal or ceramics, are also great for some plants.

The difference between clay and plastic pots is in the location of the drainage holes and in the variety of color shades. In a clay pot, the hole is located in the center of the base, and in plastic containers there are several such holes and they are located along the circumference of the bottom. If we talk about choosing a container by color, then plastic pots are presented in a wide range of colors, which cannot be said about clay pots.

  • A container for a houseplant must necessarily have a drainage hole to regulate the moisture in the soil and prevent stagnant water in it.
  • The volume of the container should correspond to the amount of substrate needed for a particular plant, since it is the main source of nutrition for the plant. The amount of moisture and essential nutrients received by the plant depends on the volume of the soil mixture.
  • The size of the flower container should correspond to the size of the root part of the indoor flower. With a branched root system, the plant should be comfortable and convenient, and not cramped in a container. The development of the roots of the plant, and, therefore, the life of the indoor flower as a whole, depends on the size of the pot.
  • The flower pot or container should be stable, and its shape and size should only help, and not interfere with sufficient light and the full development of the houseplant.

When growing even several indoor plants, it is necessary to select pots that, first of all, are ideal for this plant, and they must also fit into the interior of the room.


A planter is a decorative container without drainage holes, in which you can place the most ordinary plant pot. They are made from a variety of materials: metal, glass, ceramics, plastic. Wicker planters look very nice in the interior of the room. They can be of the most diverse shapes and colors and are able to disguise an ordinary unremarkable flower pot.

One of the positive qualities of the planter is that it does not have a drainage hole, which makes it possible to calmly water the plant, which is located along with the container in it. After all, water will definitely not spill on furniture or carpet on the floor. What must be taken into account in this case is the timely (about fifteen minutes after watering) removal of excess water from the pots. A plant with a container that has been in a container of water for a long time may begin to rot the root.

When buying a pot, you must consider the size of the indoor flower. The depth of the pot is selected individually depending on the type and variety of this plant, as well as on the shape and volume of its root system.

Most often, when choosing a pot, you need to pay attention to the diameter of its upper part. The height of the container and the diameter should be approximately the same.

The volume of the purchased container or container for an indoor flower that needs to be transplanted should be oriented to the volume of the plant's root system. If the root occupies the entire space of the container or even grows into drainage holes, and even more so wraps around the entire earthen ball, then a new pot should be chosen two to three centimeters larger in diameter.

A flower container, which in volume far exceeds the size of the root part of the plant, can harm a pet. Moisture will stagnate in such a container, and this is dangerous for the development and growth of the roots and the whole plant. Tanks of such volumes are recommended only for growing fast-growing plants in which the root system is branched and powerful in size.

Use of flower containers

Containers for flowers and plants are used:

  • As a tray and humidifier.
  • For flower arrangements and co-planting.

It is important to remember that a properly selected pot will ensure the healthy growth and development of your plant or flower in the house.

Flowers in the house are wonderful. For a long time I have been breeding various types of flowers, and, analyzing the optimal conditions and their habitat, I concluded that choosing the right pot plays an important role.

Choose: ceramic or plastic

When you go to a hardware or flower shop, the variety of pots is striking in its quantity. At first glance, I want to get a beautiful, stylish, complementary decor, pot. And here, manufacturers delight, offer pots made of metal, ceramics, plastic, glass. Each of these species has its own characteristics and is intended for a specific type of indoor plants.

1. Plastic.
I must say right away that I prefer this particular type, because they are inexpensive and you can always choose the desired color, shape. Moreover, I am engaged in planting a large number of flowers, so I can buy up to 50 pots at a time.

Plastic pots are easy to use, they are good for transplanting plants, while the risk of damaging the root system remains minimal.

Plastic pots today can be not only colored, but also transparent, which makes it possible to solve the problem of transplanting orchids.

But such pots also have their drawbacks. Very often they are knocked over by children, as the plastic form is not stable on the surface. Such pots are not recommended for flowers that require evaporation of moisture through the root system. The structure of the plastic does not allow moisture to evaporate below, which leads to stagnation of water.

In my flowers, I solve this problem quite simply, using professional peat and perlite for planting. These components prevent rotting of the root system.

2. Ceramics.

Such pots always amaze with their beauty, but their price is also not cheap. Choosing a ceramic pot for your flower, you can always add a stylish twist to your interior.
The most basic advantage of such a pot is its porous structure. It allows the root system to breathe freely, moisture to penetrate inside and evenly distributed over the substrate.

I rarely use ceramic pots, because it is difficult to make large plants in them, while its transportation or movement around the apartment becomes problematic due to the large weight.

Ceramic pots must be disinfected when reused, as diseases are perfectly preserved and live on such surfaces.

What pots are best to use in your home

From my experience, I want to offer some practical tips for choosing a pot for your home.

1. Choosing a pot should begin with determining the type, shape and color scheme. You can not use pots that will be their design forms, colors overshadow the beauty of the flower. A pot is just a container, and a flower is a decoration for a room.

2. The best shapes for any flower are round pots. Of these, it is easy to transplant the plant, while damage to the root system is minimized.

4. Be sure to have a saucer or tray for watering in the pot. A lot of home flowers require irrigation of the root system. The presence of a pallet helps to avoid rotting or mold.

5. If you need to choose a pot for transplanting, then its diameter should be a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

6. If it is necessary to plant a plant and divide it into parts, then the diameter of the pots should be 2-3 centimeters less than the previous one.

7. If you need to propagate the plant with children or seat children, then I do not recommend buying pots at all. For this method, small plastic cups are suitable. To make the plant feel comfortable in them, you need to cut several holes in the bottom for the passage of water.

8. For violets, it is better to use cone-shaped pots. They allow the rosette of the plant to form correctly, the leaves of the flower in such plants will be lush, and the flower cap will spread freely over the entire surface.

9. When choosing a pot for a large plant, you must consider its height. The pot should be 1/3 - ¼ of the height of the plant. If the flower will have a large crown in the future, then the pot should be wide.

10. When choosing ceramic pots, you need to pay attention to the inside. It must be covered with glaze without fail.

When choosing pots for cacti, it is worth remembering that these plants do not tolerate stagnant fluid. Therefore, the answer to the question of which pots to plant cacti in, suggests itself - in those in which the root system will be warm and dry. Cactus flower pots should have good drainage capacity and retain the accumulated heat energy during the night period. These consumer qualities have ceramic containers with thick clay walls. If necessary, you can use plastic pots for succulents, but you need to ensure that they are constantly in a warm place. For example, provide for the location of plants on the windowsill, under which the central heating battery passes. Or put it on a sunny window during the day, covering the green part of the plant from direct ultraviolet rays.

Look at the proposed photos of cacti in a pot - they are well illustrated with all the described principles for choosing dishes:

Choosing pots for cacti

Plant utensils, commonly referred to as "flower pots", are of great importance for the growth of cacti, as they determine the volumes of soil mixture available to plants, and with it the amount of nutrients and water.

Florists and flower shops sell cacti most often in very small pots, as they take up less space and are cheaper. This concerns, first of all, miniature clay pots with spectacular looking “mini-cacti”. However, for further cultivation of plants, these small pots for cacti are completely unsuitable, because they cannot provide them with a sufficiently large living space and conditions for growth.

In the sun, a small pot heats up very quickly, and when the sun hides, it cools rapidly. In warm weather, the soil dries out very quickly, so that the plant is constantly between two unfavorable poles: “very damp” (immediately after watering) and “very dry”.

And since cacti are extremely hardy plants, they do not immediately show that they can hardly tolerate such conditions.

In other words, satisfactory cultivation of cacti in these small commercial potted plants is not possible in the long run. Gardeners in these pots. Very often they are grown in large beds in greenhouses and transplanted into mini-pots only for sale, or small clay pots with plants planted in them are buried in large tabletop peat boxes or beds in optimally adjusted greenhouse climate conditions, that is, they have more living space with even climatic conditions. Therefore, we choose more suitable containers for growing succulents.

In what size pot to plant a cactus for active growth

The size of the cactus pot is of paramount importance, so after buying new cacti, the amateur cactus grower most often needs to immediately plants from small pots into a more spacious dish that is suitable for their further cultivation. There is no single answer to the question of what size the pot should be. In which pot, each grower decides individually, depending on the choice of pots.

A new pot should provide the plant with the opportunity for normal active growth and development within one to two years, and after a certain time, the earthen clod in it should be completely penetrated by roots.

On the other hand, it is also wrong to plant a small plant in a very large pot. Otherwise, in the substrate, where the roots do not braid the entire earthen lump for a long time, unpleasant decay processes may begin. Therefore, very small plants are best planted several together in a larger pot or bowl.

Planters for cacti and succulents

When growing a culture, clay pots for cacti, traditional dishes for all indoor plants, have both their advantages and disadvantages. Their characteristic feature is a certain evaporation of moisture through the porous walls, and the more, the drier the surrounding air and the more sunlight and heat in the place where they stand.

Thus, the soil in the pot dries out much faster than would be expected based on the plant's water requirements. On the one hand, the evaporation of water through the walls of the pot leads to a certain cooling of the earthen clod.

On the other hand, all the salts dissolved in water during evaporation form an ever-increasing layer of white coating on the walls of the pot. Especially strong limescale is formed in regions with very hard water, when watered, the soil in clay pots eventually alkalizes. And since almost all cacti prefer slightly acidic soil mixtures, their root system gradually dies off, which leads to the death of the plant.

However, along with these shortcomings, clay planters have their own advantages. Firstly, ceramic pots for succulents retain their shape better; when choosing large dishes - this circumstance is often a decisive argument in their favor compared to plastic or plastic pots.

In addition, due to their own weight, they are more stable, which is especially valuable when growing tall cacti or species with drooping shoots. Sometimes a strong evaporation of water can also be an advantage: namely, when the plant is watered abundantly at the wrong time.

As a result of the rapid evaporation of moisture through the porous walls of the pot, the soil dries out faster. You can avoid the formation of limescale on the walls of clay pots if you use soft or artificially softened (distilled) water for irrigation. It is possible to completely eliminate the evaporation of water through the walls of the pot by painting it from the inside with waterproof paint (for example, a special paint used to paint the inner walls of containers with drinking water).

There are clay pots for succulents in a wide variety of shapes, although small flower shops usually sell ordinary round ones. For many cacti, especially for species that form whole clumps, low, flat pots are more suitable.

Plastic pots for succulents, often referred to as plastic in everyday life, also have both their advantages and disadvantages when cultivating cacti. Firstly, plastic pots of the most varied quality are commercially available.

An amateur cactus grower should choose for his plants not disposable plastic pots, which, due to their low price, are preferred by floricultural farms, but better dishes. These pots come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. There are round, low and wide pots that are especially well suited for growing clump-forming cacti; very tall flowerware is more suitable for plants with a long turnip main root. From plastic, both ordinary round pots and square-shaped pots, which are especially popular with owners of greenhouses and greenhouses, are produced.

Plastic pots are cheap, light, and easy to stack. Thanks to the smooth walls, they can be washed well and thus prepared for reuse. Due to the fact that the walls of the plastic pot do not allow moisture to pass through, the plants need to be watered less frequently.

True, this advantage for inexperienced amateurs often turns into a disadvantage. Plants in plastic pots need about 1/3 of the water that plants in earthenware consume.

Therefore, there is a danger of waterlogging of cacti in plastic pots. In addition, even when the surface of the soil is dry in the plastic pot, the substrate may still be damp at the bottom of the pot.

However, cacti require another watering only when the substrate dries sufficiently; as mentioned above, they absolutely cannot tolerate the constant dampness of the soil. Over time, plastic pots also age, become brittle and break easily. And this primarily applies to the cultivation of cacti, since it is in this case that strong solar radiation and relatively high temperatures are a characteristic feature.

As a generalization, when growing cacti in separate pots for smaller plants, plastic utensils have certain advantages. In small clay pots standing, for example, on the windowsill, it is difficult to maintain the humidity and temperature of the soil at the right level, since the pots heat up very quickly, and the substrate in them dries up completely. In such cases, it is better to use plastic utensils.

On the other hand, large cacti need large pots. However, in this case, a larger volume of soil provides a more uniform temperature and moisture of the substrate also when using clay pots.

In addition, when using large-sized dishes, durable clay pots have advantages over plastic pots that easily bend and break (for example, when lifting a plant carelessly). In addition, if a plant in a large plastic pot is watered too heavily, that is, it can take a very long time for the soil to dry out again, and meanwhile a fungal infection can spread in the soil and infect the plant through the roots.

See how potted succulents look like - the photo shows different options for ceramic and plastic containers:

Square pots and bowls for cacti

Taking into account all the disadvantages that cultivation of cacti in small clay pots brings with it, with their poorly tolerated plants, drastically changing conditions, one very soon comes to the conclusion whether it is not necessary to plant many plants at once in large cactus bowls, thereby creating for them more free living space. Indeed, amateurs who grow their plants in rooms are increasingly finding very attractive and well-growing landscape compositions of cacti in bowls or low flower boxes. And, on the contrary, cactus growers. those who have a greenhouse or conservatory in which they can create favorable conditions for the growth of cacti prefer to grow their plants in separate pots - if they do not plant their large cacti directly into the soil.

If an amateur has a desire to try in a bowl, then first you need to choose the right dishes for this. Flower shops often offer arrangements from bowls.

In itself, this is not objectionable if the bowl has drainage holes to drain excess irrigation water - and if the amateur is not tempted by the round shape to the point of placing the bowl in the middle of the table in the room. Because it's definitely too dark for cacti.

For closed flower windows, depending on their design, amateurs have at their disposal special square cactus pots of various sizes, and for growing on a windowsill, on the contrary, it is necessary to give preference to flower dishes in the form of balcony flower boxes. Eternite boxes, which are produced today from asbestos-free materials, are best suited for cultivating cacti on an external windowsill.

If you intend to grow cacti in a room, it is best to choose more attractive plant boxes, such as plastic ones. In any case, the flower box should have drainage holes at the bottom through which excess watering water can drain.

On an outside window sill this dripping water may not be a problem, but in a room the flower box should be placed on a galvanized steel or plastic tray. Since a pallet of the right size is often very difficult to find, it is necessary to buy a flower box together with the pallet from the very beginning.

Further, in such boxes it is necessary to plant only approximately equally growing, strong cacti that require similar conditions. A particularly well-growing species should not be allowed to grow rapidly and suppress with its growth a rare specimen that grows slowly in the neighborhood.

This overgrowth can also take place in the soil, where the roots of the fast growing species increasingly restrict the living space of the slower growing species, causing the plant to wither.

In addition, "white" looking species that require bright sunlight and plenty of heat should never be planted next to the less thorny green species, which, although they prefer a lot of light, need protection from direct sunlight during the midday hours. And since in the general substrate of any flower box all root pests living in the soil can freely spread

However, it is possible to combine the advantages of growing plants in individual pots with the advantages of growing in large containers, if cacti growing in clay pots are placed in a flower box and the free space is filled with a mixture of sand and peat.

Then, thanks to the porous walls of the clay pots, moisture leveling occurs through the filler substrate, and the soil in them does not dry out too quickly. In addition, when cultivating in this way those species that prefer not completely dry conditions in winter, with a light moistening of only the box filler substrate, it is possible to keep the soil in the pots slightly moist. If individual cacti grown in plastic pots are placed together in a bowl, then this will not give great advantages in culture, since in this case moisture exchange does not occur through the walls of the pots.

Nevertheless, thanks to this, a certain leveling of the temperature of the soil in the pots is still achieved, and the cacti collected in one bowl are easier to carry, for example, when it is necessary to open a window.

If individual square cactus pots are collected in one flower box, then later you can easily take out a particularly overgrown plant and transplant it into a larger pot. A few decorative stones well placed in the bowl will allow you to mask the edges of the pots protruding on the surface of the filler substrate and create an attractive landscape with cacti.

Indoor plants are elements of wildlife that are easily "embedded" in the interior of any room and style. Flowers, mini-trees, bushes fill the house with warmth, draw attention to themselves, create a special, comfortable atmosphere. Ficuses are one of the most popular houseplants. Almost all of them are unpretentious in care and at the same time are exquisitely decorative. A significant role in maintaining their health and beauty is played by the correct choice of the container in which they grow. Knowing how to choose the right ficus pot will help provide your green pet with the best conditions for him.

What pot is needed for ficus

It is believed that unglazed earthenware pots for indoor flowers are the best option, as the clay is porous and allows air to circulate. This positively affects both the regulation of soil moisture and the supply of oxygen to the roots. However, ficuses are not picky about the material from which the container is made - it can be ceramics, clay or plastic. The only thing that is fundamentally necessary for all types of culture is drainage holes and a “spout” on the tray to drain excess liquid. You can even plant a young ficus, transplant an adult plant into a cheap plastic pot - and if you follow the simple rules of care, the owner of the flower will receive a healthy and well-developed flower, bush or tree.

pot shape

For most "natural" looking ficuses (that is, excluding bonsai-style trees), standard-shaped pot models with approximately equal height and diameter, as well as holes at the bottom (to allow plantings to drain), are suitable.

When choosing a vessel for a ficus, it should be remembered that this culture is rarely transplanted due to its slow growth, and in addition, the flower itself perceives this procedure as stress, reacting by dropping foliage. Therefore, the issues of the shape and design of the pot are decided in advance and a flower is planted in it, given that in the next year or three it will not be injured by changing the “house”.

In particular, experts do not advise using round-shaped pots, in the form of a ball. It is difficult to get plants out of them during transplantation, and ficuses get sick when their roots are severely injured.

Deciding on the size

The disproportion in the size of the plant (together with the root system) and the capacity for it sometimes leads to problems: in a pot that is too large, the soil dries slowly, increasing the susceptibility of the flower to root rot. If the pot is too small, the bush or tree may tip over under the weight of the branches.

The size of the ficus pot is determined by the size of the root system: when placed in a pot, two centimeters should remain to its walls (it is difficult to use a ruler in such cases. Practicing flower growers simply put two fingers on the root coma). A more “free” capacity, instead of being useful, can destroy the plant - too much moisture harmful to it will be retained in excess soil.

In cramped containers, the ground part of a bush or tree develops more strongly, and in free ones, the root system increases, and the growth of the ground mass is inhibited. Therefore, when transplanting, they either change the soil, leaving the old pot, or pick up a container 2-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Features of choosing a container for bonsai

The following rules, taking into account the aesthetics of the appearance of the plant, will help to correctly determine the size of the pot for ficus bonsai:

  • the depth of the tank should be equal to the diameter of the trunk just above the ground level;
  • for trees with a particularly wide crown, a wider pot is selected;
  • the length of trees with a very thick trunk (compared to their height) - they choose deeper vessels.

In addition, bonsai experts believe that the shape of the vessel should be in harmony with the tree. In appearance, bonsai plants are conditionally divided into male and female (it depends only on the opinion of the owner):

  • male trees have a strong trunk, strong, mature bark, often sharp angular branching. They look good in containers with pronounced corners - square, rectangular;
  • ficus bonsai are considered to be female, more refined, with smooth bark, as well as smoothed lines of bends of branches. Oval or round containers are suitable for them.

A properly selected flat bonsai enhances the aesthetic pleasure of contemplating a tree as a work of art. If only gardening considerations are taken into account, almost any flat bonsai pot with a wall height of no more than 10 cm will do.

The “charm” of ficuses, in addition to their many other advantages, also lies in the fact that they are not picky in terms of the shape and material of the pots. Therefore, taking into account the size of the root system and the way the plant is grown, you can select a variety of vessels for them, harmoniously fitting them into the style of the interior in the room.

Almost all of us have indoor plants. Green pets give us their beauty, improve health and mood, purify the air. But, in order for the flower to look great and please the owner, you need to take care of creating the best conditions for its maintenance.

Choosing a pot for a home plant is one of the very first and most important steps in home floristry. That is what we will talk about in the article. You will learn how to choose a flower pot and what to pay special attention to when buying a container for a plant. So let's get started.

Pot or planter

For experienced flower growers, the question of how a flower pot and planter differs is quite obvious. But, many novice florists sometimes cannot distinguish one from the other and, as a result, they acquire a thing that is completely unnecessary to them.

The most important difference between planters and flower pots is their functional purpose. A pot is a vessel in which a plant is planted. A planter is a decorative container, its main task is to hide an unattractive flower pot.

[!] Translated from French, cache-pot means a hidden pot

It is very easy to distinguish a pot and a planter when buying, despite the fact that at first glance they are exactly the same. The pot has one or more drainage holes at the bottom and a separate drip tray for excess water. A cache-pot is a one-piece vessel without a pallet and holes.

If you need a container specifically for planting a plant, your choice is a flower pot. If your plant is already planted and you just need to decorate an unattractive flower dish, pay attention to the planter.

How to choose a plant pot

So, you have decided that you need a flower pot in order to plant a plant directly into it. We proceed to the choice of a pot.

At first glance, it seems that this is not at all difficult, but when you see how many options the stores offer, you can easily get confused and purchase a container that is not suitable for your plant. What you need to know when purchasing a flower pot?

When choosing floral utensils, first of all, you need to remember that a flower pot is a home for a plant. That is why, a flower pot should combine both beauty and benefit. Let's talk about the benefits first.

Flower pot dimensions

Dimensions, namely the height and diameter of dishes for a plant, are one of the main criteria when choosing a pot. It's simple: the larger the plant, the more capacity it needs.

For planting young plants, purchase small bowls.

[!] If the sprout is planned to be transplanted often in the future, you can use plastic cups

When planting adult flowers, choose pots larger than the previous capacity: mentally add 2-3 cm to the size of the old pot in radius and bottom. The root system of the plant, drainage about 2 cm high and the required amount of substrate should be completely placed in the new container. The universal formula for choosing a flower pot says that the height of the container should be a third or fourth of the total height of the plant.

There is no need to buy flower pots for growth: usually home plants do not like overly spacious containers, and some of them, for example, spathiphyllum, do well and bloom only in cramped conditions.

flower pot shape

It is no secret that the root system of each plant is individual - these are long roots that go deep into the soil (cacti, palm trees, various types of citrus fruits) and fibrous, branched roots located near the surface of the earth (geranium, chrysanthemum).

In order for the plant to grow and develop normally, it is necessary to select dishes in strict accordance with the shape of the root:

  • for plants with a long root - tall and narrow containers
  • for plants with a fibrous root - wide and shallow

If it is not possible to find the perfect bowl, choose a universal option - standard pots (the height and diameter of the upper ring are the same) are suitable for most plants.

Various shapes of flower pots


Currently, florist shops offer a huge selection of flower pots from a wide variety of materials: ceramics, plastic, glass, metal. Each of these materials has both pros and cons, which a novice florist may not even be aware of.

Ceramic (clay) flower pots This is a classic that has stood the test of time. Planting plants in clay bowls was first started in ancient Egypt, and then this tradition was picked up in other countries. Clay is an almost ideal material for planting a plant, and clay pots have a number of undoubted advantages:

  • a variety of shapes and designs, thanks to the plasticity of clay and its various processing options
  • stability and optimal weight
  • the possibility of evaporation of excess moisture and ensuring the flow of oxygen to the roots of the plant due to the porous structure of the clay

But, despite the obvious advantages, there are some disadvantages of ceramic pots, for example:

  • fragility
  • high price
Ceramic flower pots

Plastic containers for flowers- fashion trend of recent years. Store shelves are literally littered with plastic bowls and an increasing number of flower growers choose them. What attracts home plant lovers?

  • low price
  • variety of shapes, colors and sizes
  • ease of use and maintenance

The disadvantages of plastic pots include:

  • light weight and instability
  • lack of breathability of the material: the entry of air and the evaporation of water in the substrate is difficult, which can lead to the appearance of root rot

Plastic flower pots

glass pots have not yet received mass distribution, since glass is not the most suitable material for planting: it breaks easily, just like plastic does not let air through. However, due to the transparency of the glass, these pots are well suited for placing orchids and other plants whose roots are involved in the process of photosynthesis.

metal containers for planting plants, an even more exotic option, rarely found in flower shops. Despite the high decorativeness, such flower ware has too many disadvantages: it does not allow air to pass through and retains moisture, certain types of metal easily rust when in contact with water, and in addition, one can note the high cost of these products.

Glass and metal flower containers

How to choose a planter

Above, we have already found out that the plant is not planted directly in the planter, which is why there are no strict criteria when choosing a planter. There are only two parameters worth noting: the dimensions of the planter and the material from which it is made.

Planter sizes depend only on the size of the container in which the home plant is planted directly. In order to choose a suitable planter, before buying, use a ruler to determine the height, diameter of the lower and upper rings of the bowl with a flower, and then add 1-2 cm to these measurements in each dimension. The resulting numbers will be the sizes of the pots you need.

Concerning materials from which the pot is made, then here you can focus on their utilitarian properties and to your taste. So, for example, a plastic planter is light and durable, while a glass or ceramic planter is heavy and fragile.

Flower pots and flowerpots as an interior element

One of the most important factors when choosing flower pots and planters is the compatibility of the design of plant dishes with the design and style of the interior of the room. Such a seemingly trifle - a flower pot, can both decorate your living room, bedroom or kitchen, and vice versa. In order for the container with the plant not to look like an alien object in your interior, follow a few simple rules:

1. Pots or planters with flowers must fully comply with the style of the entire room as a whole. So, for example, a flower pot with a laconic and strict design will fit perfectly into a room decorated in Japanese style, hi-tech style or minimalism. A richly decorated bowl with monograms and reliefs is perfect for a classic or baroque interior. And bright pots with cheerful drawings will be appropriate in the nursery.

2. In order for the container with the plant to successfully fit into the existing interior, it is necessary to pay attention to its color design. If you want plants to be an accent spot in the interior, choose pots of rich contrasting colors. Alternatively, the color of dishes with plants can echo other bright details: sofa cushions, posters, textiles, and so on.

In contrast to contrasting compositions, there is a nuance. Reception is suitable in a situation where there is no need to highlight flower dishes. In this case, the color of the plates should match the main interior color, for example, the color of the walls.

3. If plants are arranged in groups or in a row indoors, the dishes in which they are grown must be combined with each other. This rule applies to all flower containers in the same room.

The easiest and safest option, applicable if the plants are the same in size, is to use pots of the same shape and size.

However, if you want variety, some combination is possible. For example, in the case when the plants in the room are of different sizes, pots of different sizes, but of the same color, will look good. You can also place several multi-colored pots of the same shape. At the same time, the palette of flower dishes should organically fit into the palette of the existing interior. Flower pots or planters from one collection are easy to pick up in specialized florist shops or supermarkets.

More complex combinations of shapes and colors require a professional approach and advice from an interior designer.

4. When decorating the interior of a room with plants, one should not forget about non-traditional solutions, such as, for example, hanging or free-standing pots or planters. This option for placing flowers is perfect if there are not enough horizontal surfaces or if you don’t want to litter them too much.

For hanging and freestanding pots, ampelous (climbing and hanging) plants are usually recommended, but, in fact, almost any type of houseplant is perfectly located in containers of this type. Exceptions are, perhaps, only very large and massive specimens (palm trees, ficuses, monstera, zamiokulkas and the like).

5. When choosing a flower pot palette, the color of the plant placed in it must also be taken into account. So, for example, non-flowering plants can be placed in pots of bright colors. And vice versa, bright dishes, the rich shade of which argues with the color of the flower, look inharmonious. In this case, planters of neutral shades will be appropriate, which will perfectly emphasize the beauty of a flowering plant: white, gray, beige, terracotta, coffee.

If you still want a riot of colors, keep an eye on the compatibility of the shades of the flower of the plant and the pot. A few examples of unsuccessful, in the opinion of designers, combinations:

  • pale pink flowers and a bright red, yellow or orange pot
  • silver-green or pink-green foliage of delicate color and rich green pot
  • plants with a pronounced pattern on the leaf blade and a green pot

High technologies at the service of florists. Unusual flower pots

As in all areas of our life, progress does not stand still, so in floristry, more and more new materials and technologies are constantly appearing. This is especially true for dishes for houseplants. Original flower pots with additional functions can now be purchased not only in specialized places, but also in supermarkets or small shops. What do inventors offer us?

Pots and planters with automatic watering

Such containers for home plants are very convenient for busy and forgetful people, as well as for those who often leave home. Using automatic watering technology, you can not worry about frequent watering of flowers and only occasionally replenish water in a special tank.

There are several options for pots and planters that use automatic watering technology:

Ceramic pots with automatic watering.

One of the properties of clay - porous structure - is used for flower containers with automatic watering. In the middle of the pot is a reservoir into which water is poured. If the soil dries out, the tank passes enough water for the plant. If the earth is well moistened, water does not enter the soil. This automatic watering option was developed and implemented by American industrial designer Joey Roth.

Plastic pots with automatic watering.

Self-irrigating plastic bowls usually consist of two containers inserted one into the other, while the plant is planted in a smaller (inner container). Between the containers there is a fairly large gap into which water is poured. Through the bottom, water in the required amount enters directly into the soil to the roots of the plant.

Manufacturers of such dishes promise that plants planted in them can not be watered from two weeks to three months. The only drawback is that the automatic watering system works only if the plant is mature and has a voluminous rhizome (if the root of the plant is not developed and is located near the surface of the soil, it will not receive enough moisture, since the water for irrigation comes from below) Young plants must be watered in the traditional way .

Automatic watering technology in flower pots

Florariums, paludariums

Florianas (glass containers for growing plants) and paludariums (large florariums suitable for several groups of plants) are gaining more and more popularity among exotic lovers.

Plants in florariums look very impressive and are a real decoration of the interior. However, there are a few limitations that an experienced florist should be aware of:

1. There are only a small number of house plant species that can grow in a glass container. These are mainly succulents, anubias, some mosses and ferns
2. The glass walls of the florarium multiply the power of sunlight and can cause leaf burns. That is why it is not recommended to place such compositions in direct sunlight.
3. Florariums and paludariums are quite complex systems and require increased care

One of the most spectacular novelties of recent times is interior flower pots with backlight. Typically, such planters are made of matte translucent plastic, between the walls of which there are luminous elements. The power source of the planter is electricity or built-in batteries. Inside the planter, you can place a container with a plant.

Illuminated planters look great both indoors and on open terraces, being both an element of gardening and an additional source of light.

silicone pots

The idea of ​​creating silicone containers for growing flowers came to the mind of a young Italian designer, Emanuele Pizzolorusso, while he was watching the process of collecting garbage in plastic bags. The designer noticed that for the convenience of filling the bags, the workers bend their edges, thus changing the volume of plastic containers. The artist decided to embody this principle in the production of containers for house plants and created silicone pots that can change size as the plant matures.
Due to the flexibility of the silicone, the rim of the pot can be folded down and the height of the pot can be reduced. When the flower grows, you need to return the edge to its place and the pot will become tall again. Since the silicone used to make the bowls is quite dense, the container keeps its shape perfectly and does not deform.

Symbiosis of plants and interior items

Why use free-standing pots when you can build them into tables, benches, shelves and even wall tiles - this idea has come up with many designers. The result is very interesting and practical pieces of furniture and interior, combining several functions.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of such systems is the difficult planting and care of plants, which is why it is worth choosing only the most unpretentious specimens for planting.

How to make a pot or planter for flowers with your own hands

If you prefer things made by yourself, try your hand at the art of making flower pots and planters.

Making a pot at home is somewhat more difficult than decorating a planter, but it is quite possible, and the result will certainly please you.

Gypsum and concrete pots, made by yourself, will become a real decoration of the terrace of a country house or cottage.

What you need: cement-sand mixture or gypsum, water, two plastic or wooden molds of the same shape, but different volumes

Thoroughly mix gypsum or cement-sand mixture with water, in a ratio of 1:1 (gypsum-water) or 1:3:2 (cement-sand-water) Prepare plastic (wooden) forms - grease the inside of a larger container and the outside with a smaller one , grease or green soap. This step is necessary so that the form can be easily separated from the cement or gypsum in the future. Pour concrete (gypsum solution) into the bottom of a larger container, let it harden a little, then place a smaller container on top and lightly press it down with your hands. Carefully pour the remaining concrete or gypsum into the gap formed between the walls of the molds. Wait for the mixture to harden completely and carefully remove the plastic molds. At the bottom of the resulting pot, drill a few holes for water to drain.

Pots made from vines or brushwood. Weaving from a vine is a real art, sometimes only available to professionals. But an ordinary person can also try his hand at basket weaving, making, for example, a flower pot.
What you need: dry thin twigs (vine), base form, thin wire, burlap, glue
Clean the twigs, remove excess processes. Take the base and, following the shape, braid it in a circle with prepared branches. You can not adhere to a strict pattern, twist the twigs randomly, from time to time fastening them with wire for rigidity. Then remove the form, glue a thick burlap inside the finished product. The resulting container can be used both as a planter and as a pot for orchids.

Coconut pots. These pots are perfect for medium-sized houseplants.

What you need: coconut, hacksaw or grinder, awl or other sharp object

Choose a round coconut if you want a stable shape or an elongated oval if you want to hang the arrangement with the plant. Make holes with an awl in the places of three small depressions on the “butt” of the coconut and remove the liquid. Subsequently, excess water will drain through these holes when watering the plant. Saw off the opposite end of the coconut with a hacksaw, stepping back from the edge about one third. Thoroughly clean the inside of the nut, removing the white edible mass. The pot is ready. If you drill additional holes on the sides of the nut, you can thread a cord through them and hang them.

Vinyl record pots. Original and functional pots are made from old vinyl records.

What you need: Vinyl records, gas or electric stove, string, thick cotton gloves, acrylic paint, plastic primer

Pass a rope through the existing hole in the record, secure it with a knot or a metal nut so that the record hangs freely on the string. Preheat the stove and hold the record above it for a few minutes at a distance of 20-30 cm. Hold the record by the rope and use gloves - hot air can burn the skin. After a while, the plate will become soft from exposure to hot air. At this point, you can give the vinyl disc any desired shape, either by hand or by putting it on any frame. After the vinyl has cooled and hardened again, you can paint the resulting pot with acrylic paint. For better adhesion of paint to the plate, you can use primer on plastic.

As you can see, there are many ways to make a flower pot with your own hands, you just need to show a little imagination. Well, in the next article we will talk about decorating plant pots.