Sowing cucumbers in summer. Planting cucumbers in a greenhouse for the second harvest and in the garden. Fertilizing cucumber beds

Until the very autumn frosts forces gardeners to start their summer planting. Plant cucumber crops in open ground possible until mid-July.

The timing of planting seeds depends on climate zone and weather conditions. Choose the best day by.

Preparing the bed

In a bed freed from greenery or early potatoes, weeds are weeded, dug up and fertilizers are applied - per 1 sq. m. m per bucket of humus or . This will allow you to get a bountiful harvest of cucumbers at the end of summer. After this, you can plant the seeds.

Keep in mind that cucumbers cannot be planted after pumpkin crops.

Planting seeds

In a warm region with hot summers, you can plant cucumbers with seeds in July. When choosing greens for summer planting, they give preference to early ripening varieties with short term growing season up to 50 days. Hybrid seeds most stable and . Many varieties of cucumbers are resistant to cold weather:

  • Buyan F-1,
  • Saltan F-1,
  • Maryina Roshcha F-1
  • and others.

They form ovaries within three months.

The seeds are pre-disinfected and soaked. The soil is loosened and furrows are made. The seeds are planted to a depth of 3 cm. There is no need to water the bed after sowing. To protect young seedlings from pests, sprinkle the soil with black and red pepper on top.

Seedling method

In regions with a cool climate, pre-grown seedlings are preferred.. This method is convenient when the plot is still occupied, but after 2-3 weeks there may be room for cucumbers. In this case, cucumbers are planted in advance in glasses or pots with fertile soil, grown for a maximum of a month, and then planted on permanent place. It is better to do this in cloudy weather or in the evening.

Water the garden bed using sprinkling method. Young plants must be protected from heat and wind. This can be done by planting nearby tall plants or by installing a frame and covering it with spanpond, geotextile or lutrasil on top.


The appearance of the second leaf on the seedlings is a signal for hilling.

Watering cucumbers cold water You can’t, it’s better to fill a container with water in advance and let it warm up in the sun. Water under the roots of plants. Plants can get sick from a lack of moisture or its excess. As the weather gets colder, the amount of watering is reduced.

If the temperature drops low at night, the beds should be covered with non-woven material or plastic film at night.

After watering or rain, the soil is loosened, breaking the crust. This will increase the flow of air to the roots. Weeds are removed immediately, not allowing them to grow and take over cultivated plants nutrition and moisture.

When the 4th sheet appears. The advantages of this operation:

  1. Plants are less damaged by mechanical stress;
  2. The bushes are better illuminated and ventilated;
  3. Harvesting is more convenient;
  4. Rational use of land on the site.

Top dressing

Cucumbers love all types of fertilizing: root and foliar. They respond well to solutions and. Slurry is used in a ratio of 1 to 10, and ash is taken in 1 cup per bucket of water and watered at the root. Read about other ways to feed cucumbers in our articles.

Greetings, dear friends!

Summer planting of cucumbers will provide you with fresh fruits until the onset of the first frost. Experienced vegetable growers plant cucumbers in open ground in mid-summer. Planting dates directly depend on the characteristics of your climate zone and the current weather conditions of the summer season.

Let's look at how to plant cucumbers in July using seedlings and without seedlings.

Freed from greenery and early vegetables(early ripening potatoes, radishes, lettuce, winter garlic) the plots are prepared to receive new seeds; all you need to do is carefully clean the beds, dig up the soil and enrich it with valuable nutrients.

If you live in a cool climate, then it is best to plant cucumbers in July using seedlings. To do this, at the beginning of summer they are sown in separate cups, peat humus pots or in planting cassettes that are filled with fertile soil. soil mixture, For example, ready soil for seedlings or Universal, cucumber seeds of the selected variety are pre-soaked between layers of gauze for several days. Best used for summer planting early ripening varieties, the growing season of which ranges from 45 to 50 days.

In warm regions and in hot summer conditions, planting pre-disinfected and soaked seeds can be done directly into open ground (without seedlings). To protect young seedlings from drying heat, dry winds, and the scorching southern sun, it is advisable to lay out beds under the cover of tall-stemmed plants.

Preparing beds for summer planting of cucumbers

After removing plant debris, the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade, enriching it with matured garden compost or peat-humus mixture or rotted mullein. It is enough to plant 1-2 buckets of valuable organic matter in the ground for each square meter. meter. Mineral fertilizers include double superphosphate, potassium magnesium and ammonium nitrate. Can be replaced individual species mineral fertilizers with complex nitroammophos. This organomineral combination is quite sufficient to obtain a bountiful harvest of cucumbers in late August - early September.

Next, the beds are loosened and grooves are cut into them. Seeds are planted in the usual way, deepening them no more than 2-3 cm. Seedlings are transplanted in cloudy weather or in the evening to prevent damage by bright July rays. Plantings are watered abundantly using the sprinkling method.

Planting care

When the second leaf appears, cucumber seedlings should be hilled up. Ice-cold well water is not used for watering cucumbers. The water temperature for cucumber beds should not be lower than 25°C. It is best to plan the event in the evening, when the water warms up in the sun during the day. Watering is carried out at the root, preventing drops of moisture from getting on the tops.

To prevent the plants from dying in the event of cold snaps at night, which so often occur in August, cover the cucumber beds at night or with plastic wrap.

Be sure to loosen the beds after precipitation and scheduled watering in order to prevent the formation of a soil crust that impedes the breathing of the root system. Remove weeds that are initially taken away from young seedlings useful elements nutrition and valuable moisture.

Fertilizing cucumber beds

Cucumbers are responsive to both root and foliar feeding. I recommend fertilizing cucumbers with a solution of slurry (4 kg of the composition is poured with a bucket of water, left for three days, diluted clean water in a ratio of 1:10). Seedlings respond well to ash infusion (a glass of plant soot in a bucket of water, water at the root).

Of the mineral fertilizers, it is best to combine urea (30 g), superphosphate (30 g) and potassium nitrate (20 g) for the first feeding. The dosage of drugs is indicated per bucket of water. For foliar feeding, use special mixtures to accelerate the ripening of pumpkin plants or a superphosphate solution (20 g per bucket of settled water, irrigate generously over the tops in cloudy weather).

Thus, repeated planting cucumbers in July will allow you not only to prepare cucumbers for future use throughout the winter, but also to enjoy their summer freshness in the autumn. Wishing you a bountiful harvest of cucumbers from your garden plot! See you!

If you want to provide your loved ones with fresh and delicious cucumbers for a long time, right up to the onset of frost, then planting cucumbers in July can help you with this. In such cases, it is recommended to plant them in open ground in mid-summer, taking into account the climate of your region and weather conditions.

Features of planting cucumbers in summer

In July, you can plant cucumber seeds or seedlings. Each of these methods has specifics. After you have harvested your greens and vegetables early maturation, we need to prepare the beds. To do this, they are carefully removed, the soil is loosened, and nutritional supplements are added to it.

For regions with cool climates, it is recommended to use seedling method. To prepare seedlings, they are sown in early June in special containers containing a mixture of peat and humus. You can also purchase planting cassettes. They contain a ready-made fertile mixture. Seeds should be soaked in warm water or special solution and kept in moistened gauze for several days. They are planted in containers for seedlings. At summer planting It is advisable to purchase early ripening varieties. Their full growing season is 50 days.

In warm regions, planting seeds in the ground is acceptable. They must be disinfected and pre-soaked. To create comfortable conditions for seedlings and exclude harmful effects heat, the beds should be placed under cover of plants with tall stems.

How to prepare beds

Before planting cucumbers, it is necessary to remove all plant debris from the beds. The soil must be dug up. The depth for digging must be taken with a shovel. An additional mixture of peat and humus or rotted mullein must be added to the soil. The rate for applying organic fertilizer is 1-2 buckets for every 1 sq.m. beds.

It is permissible to apply mineral fertilizers. The most suitable are double superphosphate, potassium magnesium and ammonium nitrate. You can also use complex nitroammophoska.

Planting cucumbers in July

The beds need to be loosened and then furrows made on them. The seeds need to be deepened 2-3 cm into the soil. If you are planting seedlings, it is advisable to do this in cloudy weather or in the late afternoon. This way you will prevent the sprouts from being destroyed by aggressive sun rays. After planting, the bed needs to be watered. This should be done generously.

Features of planting care

Seedlings need to be earthed up when the second leaf appears on the seedling. For watering should be used warm water with a temperature of at least 25 degrees. To do this, a tub of water is left in the sun during the day to heat up, and watering is done in the evening. You need to water at the root, which will protect the tops from moisture getting on them. To protect the planting from a night drop in temperature, it should be covered with film.

The root system of plants must be able to breathe freely. Therefore, you should not allow a crust to form on the soil - loosen the soil after each watering or after rain. You also need to regularly remove weeds, preventing them from growing and destroying the seedlings. Tomato lovers will be interested in reading how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes on the website

Rules for fertilizing beds

To add nutrients to the soil, it is recommended to use root and foliar fertilizers. From organic solutions high efficiency show:

  • slurry solution, which is made from 4 kg of the composition, filled with water and infused for 3 days, followed by dissolution in water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • infusion of ash, for which take 1 glass of plant ash per bucket of clean water.

As mineral fertilizer you can take a solution made by diluting the complex with 30 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium nitrate in 1 bucket of water. But foliar nutrition can be provided using a superphosphate solution at the rate of 20 g per 1 bucket of water.

Planting cucumbers in July will provide you with a bountiful harvest in the fall and a supply for the winter. It is necessary to select the right seeds, prepare the bed and carefully care for the seedlings.

Harvesting the first harvest of cucumbers in June

Sowing dates and rules for planting cucumbers

I usually get my first harvest of young cucumbers at the beginning of summer. Some planting features that I discovered over the years of practice help me get this result.

I start sowing seedlings on April 10-15, and on May 2-5 I plant them in open ground. For early planting, I most often use the Herman variety.

When planting cucumbers, I follow the following sequence of actions:

  • I dig a trench one and a half spade bayonets deep;
  • I fill it about a third with last year’s manure;
  • I add fertilizers - nitroammophoska and ash;
  • I sprinkle 10-15 cm of soil with humus;
  • I plant seedlings (about 35 bushes per 7-meter bed);
  • I cover the landing with non-woven material, over which I stretch plastic film;
  • As soon as the plants send out tendrils, I remove the covering material and tie the sprouts to the trellises.

How to properly care for cucumbers

Cucumbers love moisture, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the fruits will lose their taste:

  • V hot weather I water the beds warm water daily, or at most every other day;
  • If the air temperature drops, on rainy or cloudy days I moisten the soil as it dries.

Also, I regularly remove the stepsons of cucumbers, because these shoots are not needed, but they are taken away nutrients at the main lashes. As a result, the bushes noticeably lose productivity. Therefore, I try not to allow them to thicken.

As it turned out, not only people and animals love milk. I was surprised when I was advised to use it as a means to accelerate the growth of cucumbers, but after testing it, I was convinced that it works. To stimulate the development of the crop, every two weeks I water the beds with milk diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio. The result can be seen just a few days after the first feeding.

After moistening, the soil in the beds becomes compacted, a surface crust forms on it, due to which the plants lack oxygen. Therefore, I regularly aerate the soil to a depth of no more than 4 cm.

Features of mulching

It is important to provide the root system of cucumbers good conditions for development. This is facilitated by proper mulching. A layer of mulch activates the reproduction of beneficial soil microorganisms and retains moisture.

For mulching cucumbers, rotted sawdust, synthetic films, nonwovens, peat, chopped straw. I do not recommend using fresh grass, because using it increases the risk of vegetables being damaged by fungi and rot.

It is important to ensure that the mulch does not come into contact with the stems. This is especially true for young plants. Contact can damage the stems and cause the bush to become infected with diseases.

You should be careful when using lutrasil or black film for covering. On hot days, the root system may overheat, so during this period the material will have to be removed.

When the first harvest appears, I try to pick young cucumbers without waiting for them to gain weight. I noticed this pattern - the more often I harvest greens, the higher the overall yield of the garden bed.

It is very simple to grow cucumber beds on your plot, but you can achieve good yield only by caring for them. By following my recommendations, you will be able to enjoy fresh and crispy greens already in the first month of summer.

Arina Ignatievna, gardener