Paint for rusty metal exterior. Exterior paint for metal - choose the right material. Tex Universal facade

The modern building materials market offers a wide range of products in all areas of construction and repair. Paints as a class are represented, perhaps, in the widest variety.

This applies not only to the color range, although the current range of shades construction paints even artists will envy. However, the color in this case by no means important!

Paint classification

In order for the funds invested in the purchase of paint not to be spent in vain, those who want to paint any surface with their own hands should understand a little about the classification of this material.

There are several aspects in which it differs:

  1. By place of use:
  • For outdoor work.
  • For interior work.
  1. For the intended purpose:
  • For metal.
  • By wood.
  • By concrete.
Note! There are universal paints that work equally well with both wood and metal, but they are also more expensive and more “capricious” - there are some peculiarities when working with them.
  1. By constituent components:
  • Oil.
  • Acrylic.
  • Alkyd.
  • Epoxy.
  • Silicone.

There is also a classification coatings according to their operational and sanitary characteristics:

  • toxicity.
  • Flammability.
  • adhesive ability.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Resistance to chemical and biological influences.
  • Hygroscopicity.
Advice! If you are unsure of the correct own choice contact the sales consultant for professional recommendation for paint and varnish products and related materials.

Paint selection

In this article, we will focus on how the best paint for exterior metal work is selected. It should be noted right away that they are rarely used in everyday life.

Updated: 19.09.2019 11:10:37

Judge: Savva Goldshmidt

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Metal is durable building material, from which it is possible to form various designs. It is used as a frame for a house, door frames, furniture and stairs. In the courtyard of a private house you can often find iron gate, fence, garage. The only drawback of the material is oxidation upon contact with moisture, as a result of which carbon steel rusts. We present you a rating of the best paints for metal, which have high adhesion to solid material and form a strong protective film. Products are selected by analyzing the characteristics of our experts and taking into account the opinions of buyers in the reviews.

How to choose paint for metal

When choosing paint for metal, many think only about its color, unaware of its existence. important characteristics affecting the application process and subsequent operation. Here are the main parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing enamel for metal structures:

  1. Application temperature. In order for the paint to easily lay down on the metal and be evenly distributed, a suitable ambient temperature is required. For some compositions it is +10 degrees, while for others it is from +1, which expands the possibilities for use for street work during the cool season.
  2. Operating temperature. After hardening, the paint layer retains its color without yellowness until certain temperature. For alkyd paints, the indicator is 80 degrees, for acrylics 120º, and for polyurethane up to 150º.
  3. Dilution. Waterborne paints require water to prepare for use and do not emit bad smell. Dilution with solvent increases the cost of painting a little square meter and more toxic at the time of application.
  4. Surface requirement. Some types of enamel need to be applied only to a cleaned and degreased surface, while others are allowed to be painted even over rust. This is achieved due to special substances in the composition, which transform the already existing corrosion and stop it.
  5. Drying time. The indicator varies from 5 to 12 hours and affects the duration of the work and putting the structure into operation.
  6. Application method. Some products are suitable for a brush, which is practical in the case of a small area to be painted and a complex contour of the product. Other enamels are allowed to be applied with a roller or with a spray gun, and this speeds up the process and is optimal for large and even structures.
  7. hiding power. From expense coloring material costs depend. Coverage can be from 7 to 13 m² per liter.
  8. Gloss degree. In addition to the color of the paint, there is a degree of gloss, where there are matte, semi-matt, glossy, semi-gloss options. All this in its own way affects the appearance of the painted parts.

Rating of the best paints for metal

The rating presents paints for metal from different components. The TOP includes products based on alkyd resins obtained by cooking oils, and acrylic enamels. All products are suitable for non-alloy carbon steel, cast iron, aluminium, copper and galvanized surfaces.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by a product from German company Caparol, marketed under the Alpina brand. The enamel is suitable for outdoor and internal use. In the first case, three layers are needed, and in the second, two are enough to reliably protect the metal from corrosion. Surfaces can be painted with a brush, pressure sprayer or roller. The main requirement is an air temperature of +5 degrees. Paint is consumed at 100-120 ml per 1 square meter and dries in 6-8 hours, after which a second layer can be applied. Thanks to the alkyd base, the substance is easily distributed over the surface and does not form streaks. According to the variety of colors, there are 13 options, where users in the reviews like gold, which looks very natural.

Our experts gave the product the first place in the rating due to its anti-corrosion properties - even rusty metal can be painted, without pre-treatment. This saves time when updating the decorative layer on the fence, gates and doors. Another product is positioned as 3 in 1, which allows you to use it immediately as a primer and as a top coat.


  • 13 color options;
  • unpretentiousness to surface quality;
  • can be used for primer and top coat;
  • versatility in application.


  • high cost - one layer per m² will cost from 83 r;
  • only small containers of 750 ml and 2.5 l;
  • there is an unpleasant odor;
  • required reliable protection products from the wind, as dust can adhere within 2-3 hours after dyeing.

The second place in the ranking went to a Finnish product from famous brand. The paint is made on an alkyd basis and contains an anti-corrosion pigment that corrodes rust on metal. The surface does not need to be cleaned, but can be immediately painted. After drying, the metal has a semi-gloss sheen. Consumption is 8-12 m² from 1 liter. You need to dilute the paint with a solvent, and it is allowed to paint objects with a brush or spray gun. Application by roller is allowed, but after it leveling with a brush is necessary. The product is produced in packaging from 900 ml to 18 liters. Buyers in the reviews are glad that this paint lasts up to 8-10 years and does not have to be painstaking work outdoor metal care every year.

We have included the product in the rating for high resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to these properties, paint can be painted metal roofs and waterways. The decorative layer easily tolerates snow and rain. Enamel holds color for a long time and looks rich.


  • can be applied to galvanized surface;
  • active pigment against corrosion;
  • tested in harsh climatic Finnish conditions;
  • good consistency that does not leave streaks;
  • service life up to 8-10 years.


  • high price;
  • white spirit of the same manufacturer is required;
  • No ready-made flowers- only tinting, for which you will have to pay extra.

Hammerite 3 in 1

In third place in the ranking is a product from a Polish company. The paint is positioned as a 3 in 1 and is suitable for primer, middle coat fill and top coat. This simplifies the work and increases the security of the metal used on the street. Used in the manufacture of the product new technology Dual Tech, which has few analogues among competitors. Not only alkyd resin, but also oily wax is responsible for protecting the metal from moisture. Masters in the reviews like that the paint lays down without streaks and dries quickly within 2 hours. After the decorative layer has hardened, the painted elements have a glossy sheen, which increases the presentability of the product. This is the best paint for finishing wrought iron window grilles, canopies and railings on balconies so that the designs look advantageous.

We put the paint in the rating of the best due to the presence of wax in the composition. This natural component increases moisture resistance, so the metal receives double protection from rain and snow. Iron structures painted with Hammerite 3 in 1 are guaranteed to last up to 8 years without any traces of corrosion. The presence of wax in the composition makes the metal less easily soiled.


  • rich palette of colors - 17 shades;
  • the surface is less dirty;
  • water on iron structures does not spread, but is kept in drops, which reduces the area of ​​​​its impact and promotes natural runoff;
  • unpretentious to the method of application.


  • consumption from 73 to 180 rubles. for 1 m²;
  • it is recommended to degrease the surface;
  • need a solvent for dilution;
  • prints are clearly visible.

The fourth place in the rating is assigned to the Greek product, made from alkyd resin and synthetic additives. The product is weather resistant. The paint can be spread over the metal with a roller or brush. When using a spray gun, a nozzle with a diameter of 4 mm is required. In order for the decorative layer to last up to 8 years, a thickness of up to 80-100 microns is recommended. At an outdoor temperature of +20º, the surface will dry for 5 hours, after which you can start applying the second layer. Rust removal is not required prior to painting. The consumption of the substance is 9-10 m² per liter. Complete rejection of the decorative layer occurs after 96 hours. Only white version, and the rest are obtained by tinting.

Our experts decided to add paint to the rating due to its high resistance to water. Under static exposure, for example, when the painted metal is completely immersed in a liquid, the iron will remain inaccessible to moisture for 24 hours. This is the best option for painting wrought iron fences and gates with many complex elements that retain water.


  • suitable for steel, aluminium, copper and zinc;
  • converts corrosion;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • supports surface bending up to 1 mm per meter without cracking;
  • burnout resistance.


  • work can be carried out at a temperature of +10 degrees;
  • it is recommended to degrease the surface;
  • you need very good ventilation of the room;
  • no ready-made colors - only tinting.

In fifth place in our ranking is another Finnish product. The paint for metal is made from an acrylate base, so it is much more resistant to weathering than competitors. The composition contains anti-corrosion pigments. Substance suitable for staining new sheet metal and repair of previously coated surfaces. The paint is produced in two bases for tinting in light and dark tones. The dry residue by volume is 38%. Buyers in the reviews like that the metal dries to the touch in 60 minutes at a temperature of +23 degrees. Enamel can be transferred to iron with a brush or sprayer.

We have included metal paint in the ranking of the best, since it can be diluted with water up to 15% without loss of properties. This provides significant savings (in fact, buyers receive 15% of the finished paint for free) and makes it easier to clean tools after work. She can also paint metal that has previously been industrially coated (Purex, Pural, polyester, acrylic).


  • tack-free dries in 1 hour;
  • each layer gives a thickness of 40 µm;
  • high density substances - 1.2 g/ml;
  • the instrument can be washed with water.


  • available in a white base - other colors need to be tinted;
  • consumption 7-8 m² per liter;
  • not suitable for paint rollers.

hammer hammer

In sixth place in the ranking is a product from a Polish manufacturer, whose name Hammerite has become a household name for all paints with a combined black and color effect. The enamel consists of alkyd varnish, light-resistant pigments, active anti-corrosion components and functional additives. It does not contain lead, which buyers like in the reviews. Metal can be painted at a temperature of +5 degrees. Any type of drawing is allowed. The second layer can be passed in 4-6 hours. Paint is produced in containers of 250 and 750 ml, as well as 2.5 and 5 liters, which is convenient for iron objects of various sizes.

Our experts liked the product unusual view after drying. The metal surface looks like it was chiselled by hand. This effect is very attractive and favorably distinguishes the product from the plain enamels of competitors. By color scheme There are 11 paint options available, each with a hammer effect. We recommend enamel for metal doors to visually hide small irregularities in the web that occur during operation.


  • resistant to gasoline, oils and household chemicals;
  • easy to apply;
  • does not require preliminary cleaning of the metal;
  • suitable for outdoor and indoor work.


  • very high cost;
  • requires Hammerite thinner;
  • coverage 8 m².

Our rating is completed by a product from the Finnish brand Tikkurila. This is a glossy paint, produced in several bases for tinting. It is possible to create 32,000 shades. After hardening, the enamel withstands temperatures up to 80 degrees without losing its color. The paint layer is resistant to light, which buyers like in the reviews. The enamel dries to the touch in 1-2 hours. To get started, you will need to dilute the paint with a solvent. The goods are sold in small containers from 400 ml to 2.5 liters. Any tool can be used for coloring.

Our experts have rated the paint because of the content of natural wax. The dual composition provides improved protection against moisture, and iron structures will last up to 10 years without the need for repainting during this period. We recommend the product for garden fencing, as well as objects in industrial facilities, as the paint withstands turpentine, denatured alcohol, lubricating oils and various fats.



  • containers no more than 2.5 l;
  • the cost of painting 1 m² will cost 105-200 rubles;
  • in ready-made only 4 colors;
  • diluted with a solvent.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Often, metal surfaces covered with paint lose their original appearance. The combination of air with metal, even with the slightest scratch or crack, inevitably leads to rust. The owner of the affected item needs to know exactly what kind of paint or rust primer is required in a particular case.

Benefits of Hammerite Paint

Currently, there are a huge number of different means for painting and restoring a surface affected by corrosion. The choice of means depends on the degree of damage and the individual preferences of the buyer. The most popular on the market is the special Hammerite paint (hammerite) with a hammer effect. Experts identify many advantages when using this tool:

  • this paint, due to its unique composition, can be applied to a damaged surface without removing rust before that;
  • this tool has a water-repellent effect, which prevents the reappearance of rust;
  • this product for painting can be used at various temperatures, ranging from -20 to + 85 ° C;
  • when exposed high temperatures paint does not lose its properties;
  • the effect of hand-chasing makes Hammerite paint one of the most convenient and popular anti-corrosion agents for metals;
  • this tool is suitable not only for metal bases, but also for processing wooden products covered with soil.

To date, Hammerite is used for painting non-ferrous metals, is used during indoor work and is the most convenient tool for combating corrosion.

Advantages of Tikkurila paint

Coloring agents from the Finnish company Tikkurila also have a number of advantages and can help with the appearance of corrosion on metal and soil surfaces. Among the advantages of using this paint are:

  • the use of harmless environmental products that meet European quality standards as part of the product;
  • suitable for both professional work and domestic repair needs;
  • lasting effect after painting;
  • large selection of colors.

This type of paint is safe to use, it will qualitatively and reliably protect the affected area from reappearance rust on the surface.

The Russian paint "Nerzhamet" of the KrasCo company, which produces coloring agents for metals and soils subject to corrosion, is a worthy competitor to foreign anti-corrosion agents.

Benefits when using this type of coloring agents:

  • use of new technological equipment when creating a coloring matter;
  • European quality standards are observed;
  • paint provides reliable and long-term protection from the reappearance of rust;
  • this tool is indispensable for painting external metal structures with complex profile, including large-sized metal products;
  • the paint withstands the aggressive effects of the atmosphere, will prevent the penetration of moisture and sunlight into the coating.

This tool can be used both for external construction work, and when painting inside the building. It will securely protect metal bases from rust and increase the life of metal and soil surfaces.

Benefits of hammer paints for primer and metal

Currently, rust and primer paints with a hammer effect are in high demand. These tools greatly simplify the process of processing the affected area and help to reliably protect it from re-coating with rust. Thanks to the hammer effect, the use of special cleaning machines is not required for surface treatment, as the paint automatically destroys the formed corrosive coating.
The composition of these paints is exceptionally durable, contains fillers in the form of fine glass and aluminum powder, as well as silicone oil. AT liquid state the finished dye has increased adhesion. It dries quickly, after which a durable anti-corrosion surface is formed.
Big advantage is not only the quality itself, but also the appearance of the paint. Surface treated anti-corrosion compound, outwardly indistinguishable from hand chasing on metal, made with a blacksmith's hammer. A wide variety of colors allows you to apply paint without compromising general view premises, and environmentally correctly selected composition will not cause harm to health. The use of high-quality paints will allow you to prolong the time of use of metal and ground products for a long time.

Everyone knows what “rust” is, even children. In appearance, you can’t confuse it with anything. But, unfortunately, the loss of attractive metal structures appearance is far from the biggest nuisance associated with the appearance of ugly flaky red spots. Much worse is that rusting is a corrosive process that destroys the structure of the metal.

If you let everything take its course and do not fight rust, then hardware and structures are destroyed quite quickly, losing their bearing capacity. Of course, it is best to prevent the appearance of corrosion of the metal, in a timely manner protecting it from moisture and exposure to other substances that can lead to the rapid appearance of rust. But what if it has already appeared? Is it possible to stop the corrosion process on initial stage? And, if possible, how?

The simplest and accessible way in this situation, it is the isolation of the metal surface from the factors that cause corrosion - the application of a protective coating on it.

That is why everything metal parts usually dyed.

But are all paints equally effective in protecting a surface that has already been corroded to some extent? No, not all. Especially if the structure is outdoors- that is, subject to negative impacts constantly.

Types of paint and varnish compositions for protecting metal from corrosion

We will consider only those compositions that are intended not just for painting metal, but specifically for protecting it from corrosion, including the one that has already begun.

The compositions of this purpose can be divided into three groups:

  • anticorrosive;
  • rust paints;
  • hammer.

Anti-corrosion compounds designed to protect the metal from the damaging effects of oxygen and moisture, which are the cause of rust.

There are several types of such paints:

  • Insulating - form a high-strength film and can effectively protect the metal from the effects of the atmosphere. Most often, the basis of such mixtures is lead or iron minium. The drying time of the paint depends on its composition and different manufacturers may differ.
  • Passivating - used where there are already visible traces of corrosion. Due to special components, such paint is able to slow down the oxidation of the metal and even stop it completely. These compositions are well suited for the protection of structures exposed to constant moisture.
  • Phosphating - contain phosphoric acid and passivating additives. After painting, a wear-resistant layer is formed on the surface of the metal, protecting it from further rusting.

It should be noted that all anti-corrosion paints are used only for surfaces with minimal traces of corrosion.

rust paints usually not those parts of the structure that already have obvious signs of oxidation are applied. The use of such paints avoids the long and costly process of preparing a rusty surface for painting.

These compounds are also divided into several types:

  • Paint primer converter. Used to protect surfaces affected by corrosion. They contain phosphoric acid, which, reacting with iron oxide, forms a layer that is not subject to further destruction. If the damage to the metal was minimal before, then this coloring allows you to almost completely restore it.
  • Inhibiting compositions - simultaneously act as a primer and enamel. The paint reacts with rust, forming on the surface durable coating. It has good adhesion, but requires thorough impregnation of the base to be painted, which leads to a significant consumption of the mixture.
  • Stabilizing compositions - designed to prevent further destruction of corrosion-damaged sections of the structure.

hammer paints contain aluminum powder and glass (fine fraction). They also contain silicone oil. The paints have excellent adhesion and are well suited for painting metal, both in need of anti-corrosion protection and with traces of rust.

These compositions are remarkable in that they give the surface a high decorative effect. Hammer paints have a wide range of colors, dry quickly, but require strict application technology.

Paint selection

To make the right choice coloring composition, which you are going to use to protect metal structures located in the open air, you need to take into account certain factors.

The following factors are taken into account:

  • The type of surface to be painted. The metal from which the structure is made can have a different composition and or be protected, for example, by galvanization, which can only be treated with certain paints. Always carefully read the instructions for the selected paint - for which metals it can be used.
  • Frost resistance - the composition for outdoor use must be frost-resistant. Otherwise, the protective film will turn out to be short-lived and will not be able to perform its functions.
  • Paint Consumption - Always keep in mind that a rusty surface will require more paint than normal.
  • Manufacturer - always give preference to reliable manufacturers. Their products are usually a little more expensive, but they usually always justify their price.
  • Price - different kinds Paints have different prices. The most inexpensive are paints for metal, which have a simple composition and a minimal anti-corrosion effect. They are the most affordable. Next in the price range are paints that prevent or stop corrosion. The most expensive are paints that can be applied directly to rust with little to no surface preparation.

If the surface has minimal traces of corrosion, then inexpensive compounds can be used. If the degree of damage is 35-40%, then you need to purchase more effective (and therefore more expensive) paints.

If it is not possible to buy a highly effective expensive composition, then you can go the other way: purchase an inexpensive anti-corrosion paint, but apply it only after treating the metal surface with a rust converter and modifier primer.

Very important: paint containers must be labeled as "weather resistant".

Surface preparation and painting

Depending on the type of paint chosen, surface preparation for painting may vary, so consider different options.

If it is decided to use anti-corrosion paint, proceed as follows:

  • Removal from the surface old paint. If this is not done, then new layer paint will not be able to provide adequate protection.
  • After cleaning the metal from paint, it is necessary to assess the degree of damage to the surface of the structure by rust. If there are traces of corrosion, they must be removed to an undamaged base with abrasive products, as regular paint cannot convert rust.
  • Next, the metal is degreased.
  • It is also advisable to treat the surface with an appropriate primer (check the instructions that come with the paint, often it will indicate which primers can be used to pre-treat the substrate).

If you have purchased a surface coating for rust:

  • First you need to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the metal structure.
  • Next, you need to determine the degree of damage to the metal by corrosion.
  • Although the composition can be applied directly to rust, the best result can be achieved by pre-cleaning swollen and flaking metal areas.
  • For cleaning, you can use abrasive tools, surface sandblasting, a special rust remover, or even pressure washing.
  • Next, the base must be dried and degreased (if necessary).

Metal can be painted different ways- brush, roller, spray gun. The main thing here is the requirement of the most even distribution of paint over the surface.

Coloring is carried out according to the instructions given on the can of paint. Usually it is made for 2-4 layers with intermediate drying of each of them.

Such colorful compositions dry quite quickly - from half an hour to several hours.

Among the many compositions for protecting metal, there are the most popular, proven by experts and ordinary consumers.

These include the following:

  • "Nerjamet" - a composition with excellent adhesion and hiding power, dries quickly. Made on the basis of alkyd resins, organic solvents and polymer additives. The paint has a convenient application technology and a service life of up to 6 years. Forms a semi-gloss film on the metal surface. Simultaneously performs three functions ("3 in 1"): anticorrosive primer, rust converter, durable enamel.
  • Hammerite - represented by two series: smooth coatings and hammer compositions. Can be used for painting black, non-ferrous and galvanized metal structures. It is also a 3 in 1 product. The paint forms an even coating, which contains additives that neutralize the effect of rust on the metal.
  • "Cycrol" (enamel) - used for painting galvanized products. High adhesion, good tolerance low temperatures resists moisture and corrosion.
  • "Alpina" - paint "3 in 1" - does not require the use of a primer and anti-corrosion materials. The composition is based on alkyd resins and active pigments. The paint dries quickly, forming a strong and durable film.
  • "Rust-eater" - universal composition(enamel + primer), stops corrosion and protects metal from rust.

All these rust paints have the following advantages:

  • the ability to apply directly to a rusty surface without prior cleaning;
  • adhere well to the base;
  • form a uniform coating impervious to water and dirt;
  • stop corrosion;
  • dry quickly;
  • quite durable - the service life is 6-8 years.

Thus, a sufficient number of paint compositions are presented on the market that can protect metal products and structures from corrosion, as well as stop it.

The cost of paints marked "for rust" is higher than conventional anti-corrosion compounds, but their use can reduce the time of work, as well as reliably protect metal parts from destruction.

On the modern market car care products recently, new mixtures have appeared that are designed to combat rust. If earlier paints and varnishes could be applied to the body surface only after its thorough cleaning, which was carried out with a grinder or grinder, now you can paint directly over rust spots. For this she got her name. It is used for fast car restoration. Depending on the method of use, all automotive anti-rust products are divided into:

  • aerosol. Suitable for coloring hard-to-reach places auto. Such paints are sold in spray cans, which simplifies the process of painting for beginners;
  • for manual application. Apply to the car surface with a brush.

Spray paint on rust

To open the damaged area of ​​​​the car with anti-corrosion paint, it is enough rough grinding surface, which will get rid of the loose layer of corrosion. Having achieved relative smoothness, you can apply the product directly to the cleaned metal.

The composition of the mixture, which will prevent the spread of rust, includes:

  • fatty acid. They are responsible for neutralizing corrosion;
  • glass particles. Protect the metal surface from mechanical damage;
  • silicone. This substance repels moisture.

You need to apply the substance on the car in 2 or 3 layers, waiting for the previous one to dry (from 1 to 1.5 hours). Complete curing of the anti-corrosion mixture occurs after 14 hours.

Represented on the market by products that are typically applied to starting stage car coloring. Some of its varieties can replace several means: primer, anticorrosive and car enamel.

Primer-Enamel for rust "3 in 1"

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages that anti-corrosion have, and by which it compares favorably with conventional automotive paints and varnishes. Can be distinguished:

  • preventing the spread of rust foci and neutralizing existing stains with the transformation of corrosion into a protective film;
  • the possibility of applying directly to the centers of corrosion;
  • powerful water-repellent effect;
  • the possibility of applying with a conventional brush;
  • fast drying;
  • good covering ability;
  • long service life of the coating created using the mixture (up to 8 years);
  • variety of color shades.

Despite the huge number obvious benefits. To Anti-corrosion paint for cars has several disadvantages:

  • more high price compared to conventional paint;
  • a ban on painting auto parts, the temperature of which during operation reaches 150 degrees;
  • a ban on applying the composition to metal that comes into contact with drinking water.


In the anti-corrosion paint market for cars, there are several of the most popular brands:

  • Hammerite. Suitable for application directly on rust (ideally, you can clean the surface from a loose layer). That is, there is no need for pre-primer. The agent converts the centers of corrosion into a water-repellent film. So the paint comes out top coat, with which the machine can be given desired color- there are enough shades in the palette, among which there are probably the most popular ones;

Hammerite rust paint
  • "Special Forces". The remedy from this company will replace the primer, anticorrosive and ordinary enamel. The composition protects the car from mechanical and chemical influences, and also prevents water from entering the metal, which prevents its oxidation and plaque formation. The versatility of the product is achieved through a combination of water and dirt-repellent properties in it, mechanical strength, rust resistance and the presence of decorative coating. It can be used both at the start and at the finish stage of rusty car surface treatment. The manufacturer recommends applying it, first of all, to the wings and bottom of the car, which are most often in contact with external environment;

Anti-corrosion paint "Spetsnaz"
  • "Stainless steel". This paint is based on alkyd type resins with the addition of polymers and organic solvents. Replaces primer, car enamel and anti-corrosion agent. Suitable for application to both cleaned and unsanded rusty automotive surfaces. Suitable as a finishing decorative coating, as the product is presented in a wide range of colors;

Aerosol stainless steel - anti-corrosion spray enamel in color
  • "Unique". The product also belongs to the 3 in 1 special paint and is a uralkyd enamel with primer properties. It protects the surface of the car not only from rust, but also from aggressive chemical substances. Resistant to UV rays, fuel and lubricants, temperature extremes. It is operated in the temperature range from -60 to +60 degrees, and it can be applied at temperatures from +10 to +40 degrees. Product consumption is about 1 kg per 3-6 square meters. m. car surface with a single-layer application;
  • "PF-132 Ferrokor". Can be used on its own or as a base coat. It contains a corrosion modifier, has the properties of a primer and paintwork.