How to make blinds out of wallpaper. Original do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds: step by step instructions. Two-layer paper curtains with an air gap: step by step instructions

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If after the repair you have several rolls of wallpaper left, you can make blinds from them with your own hands, following simple step-by-step instructions and photos. Self made blinds perfect solution to save the budget and use leftovers finishing materials. After spending just a few hours of your time, you will be able to make beautiful, original, stylish blinds.

An example of paper blinds from wallpaper.

Advantages and disadvantages of paper blinds

Homemade paper curtains have several advantages:

  • Low material cost compared to real blinds. Often, wallpaper does not have to be spent at all, as they remain after repair. But even if you buy an expensive roll of wallpaper, it will still cost much less.
  • No need for wet cleaning.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Easy to replace old or damaged paper curtains.
  • Easy to mount and remove from window.

However, an obvious disadvantage is short term operation, wear and tear. Wallpapers with highly likely will fade in the sun, which will soon lose their original appearance. Since they cannot be wiped with a damp sponge, if they are heavily soiled, they will simply need to be disposed of. Also, due to the fragility of the material, with careless handling, paper curtains can be very easily torn. This disadvantage can turn into a virtue if you like to change accents in the interior often.

Another disadvantage may be the cheap appearance of the product. Although in this case a lot depends on the quality and color of the wallpaper itself, the craftsmanship, and how harmoniously they fit into the design of the room.

Installation methods and work planning

To decide on the right size piece of wallpaper, you need to consider mounting options. Classic blinds can be mounted outside or inside the window opening.

  1. External fastening. The width of the roll should exceed the width of the opening by 10 cm. This mounting option is appropriate for a very narrow window sill.
  2. Internal fastening along the width of the window. In this case, the width of the wallpaper matches the width of the opening. This option is also convenient with a narrow window sill.
  3. Fastening by window frame. In this case, the width of the paper roll must match (+/- 2 cm) with the width of the frame. This mounting method is optimal for wide window sill to preserve its functionality, and most acceptable in the case of homemade paper wallpapers.

Installation options for classic blinds.

In our master class will consider how to make step by step paper blinds precisely with fastening on the window frame. Therefore, at the planning stage, take the appropriate measurements of the window, compare the width of the opening with the width of the roll. If the window has non-standard dimensions, it may be more rational to make paper curtains from two segments.

Necessary materials and tools

To create budget, original blinds, you will need the following materials and tools:

  1. Roll of wallpaper.
  2. Roulette / ruler from 50 cm.
  3. A decorative cord or ribbon that matches the color of the wallpaper.
  4. Scissors.
  5. A piece of double sided tape.
  6. Fasteners.
  7. Hole punch (awl).

For the manufacture of blinds from wallpaper, only varieties of medium-weight paper are suitable. Vinyl wallpaper will be extremely difficult to bend and use.

Necessary materials for the manufacture of blinds.

Step-by-step production of paper curtains

When the measurements are taken, the plan is drawn up, and the tools and materials are at hand, you can start making blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, following the clear step-by-step instructions with photo examples.

  1. Mark the height of the window on the wallpaper, then add at least another 25% of this segment. Part of the extra length will go to the "accordion", the other part - to the mount.
  2. Draw strips of the future accordion up to 3-5 cm wide on a segment. If the width of the folds is greater, the curtains will look very untidy. The stripes must be perfectly even. Fold the accordion so that the entire segment turns into a narrow strip. Cut off the excess.
  3. Wallpaper accordion.

  4. Next, you need to make holes in the accordion. There can be two options here: for the manufacture of classic blinds, you need to make two holes at the edges of the roll, for the manufacture of swag ( decorative element in the form of a "peacock tail"), it is necessary to make one hole in the center of the wallpaper. Regardless of whether you make two or one hole, it should recede from the edge of the folds by at least 10 mm.
  5. Holes in accordion wallpaper.

    To punch a hole, it is advisable to use a special hole punch to get neat punctures and not bend / damage the paper. In everyday life, a hole punch is often replaced with an awl or a screwdriver, but in this case, you need to work very carefully so as not to bend the wallpaper.

    Using a screwdriver to pierce holes.

  6. You need to thread a string or ribbon through the hole. At the top edge, it is worth making a small reliable knot. The length of the cord after tying the knot should be equal to the length paper cut. Attach clips to the lower end and cut off the excess.
  7. Clamps can act as standard clips for ropes and cords, decorative clothespins, beads, paper clips and other devices. You can not use clamps at all, but fix the height of the blinds by tying decorative bows from a rope or ribbon.

    An example of fasteners for a blind cord.

  8. Glue to the top edge of the paper piece double sided tape(at the same time fixing the knot of the rope). The protective film on the other side of the adhesive tape does not need to be removed yet.
  9. If you want to do decorative option with a fan at the bottom, you will need a piece of double-sided tape up to 20 cm long, the width should be less than the width of the accordion folds. The tape must be glued to one side of the lower fold, then remove the protective film and connect both halves of the accordion, as shown in the photo:
  10. Sticking double-sided tape on one side of the accordion fold.

    Gluing the accordion folds into a fan.

  11. In the final, it is necessary to tear off the second protective film from the adhesive tape at the upper edge of the structure and attach the curtains to the window sash.

During operation, the lower fold of the curtain (unless it is made in the form of a fan) will deform and deteriorate the fastest. To extend its life, you can glue a strip of cardboard to the bottom harmonica (before making holes). This will make the entire structure heavier, therefore, when raising the blinds, they will need to be additionally fixed with clothespins.

In general, the whole process consists of the steps shown in the illustration:

Step by step illustration of the process.

A quick way to make blinds

This option is suitable if you need to install temporary sun protection before buying store blinds or curtains, and aesthetics and decorativeness do not play a role. This is a variant of wallpaper blinds for the lazy, since it will take no more than 20 minutes to make it. You can remove and mount this structure as much as you like if necessary.

Required materials and tools:

  • wallpaper section (length = window height + 25%);
  • piece of cardboard;
  • double sided tape;
  • clothespins.

Description of the work in stages:

  1. You need to measure the height of the window, measure the desired length of the roll and add another 25% to this number.
  2. Fold the wallpaper into an accordion, similar to the previous option.
  3. The bottom fold of the accordion must be reinforced with cardboard using PVC glue, double-sided adhesive tape or a stapler.
  4. Attach double-sided tape to the upper fold of the accordion, remove the protective film from the other side and glue it to the sash of the double-glazed window.

At night, the blinds will hang freely down. In the daytime, the height of the blinds will need to be fixed with clothespins or clips.

"Lazy" blinds from the wallpaper in the lowered form.

Decorating blinds with wallpaper or paper

You can use the remnants of wallpaper not only for making blinds, but also for decorating ready-made ones. window curtains. Blinds made of plastic, wood and bamboo are suitable as a "base". With the help of such a simple decor, you can transform an old, bored interior, hide defects on the blinds and add bright colors to the design of the room.

This decor option is suitable for blinds with a slat width of 5 cm or more.

Necessary tools and materials:

  • old blinds;
  • a roll of wallpaper or colored paper;
  • PVC glue or other for paper, brush;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

Step by step work:

The final look of the decorated blinds.

You can make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands together with the kids, because following the step-by-step instructions and tips in the photo, the whole process will be quick and fun. Homemade wallpaper blinds can be used for any room in the house, not only as a temporary solution, but also as permanent original window curtains.

In detail, the process of making blinds from paper wallpaper can be viewed on the video:

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Blinds from wallpaper will appeal to everyone economical housewives. In addition to a pleasant cost, they also look chic, allow you to give a twist to the window and inspire needlewomen to decorate. Making them at home is not difficult, and the result will exceed all expectations, so today it will be detailed master class for their manufacture.

What is curious, this type of curtains became known back in the distant seventeenth form and, of course, were used in countries where the sun shines very hot almost all day. Or rather, they came to us from Spain.

Today there are already two of them:

  • vertical,
  • Horizontal.

Vertical ones are used less often than horizontal ones, but they also look very interesting.

According to the product assembly system, varieties came out: roller blinds, pleated blinds and other variations of window decor.

Curtains - pleated wallpaper

Of course, their use leads primarily to solving functional problems: to shade the room and create an obstacle to the scorching sun, and then to decorative ones - to decorate the interior and the window.

Modern craftswomen have come up with many variations of standard aluminum and plastic blinds. They create masterpieces from wallpaper, fabric, newspaper tubes, bamboo and other materials that I don't know yet.

Therefore, now there are so many ideas and variations for creativity for a very ridiculous price.

Paper blinds: how to choose the material

I really liked the idea of ​​making such curtains from wallpaper or paper, because they keep their shape perfectly and amaze with an abundance of material for creativity.

Especially, given the low cost of the material, compared with ready-made stores. And their availability is simply amazing: who doesn’t have half a roll left - a roll after repair? Lying somewhere on the mezzanine or in the pantry and waiting in the wings. So, this time has come!

I advise you to make the first curtain from the available material, and then, having stuffed your hand, run to the store and start creating the front version.

By the way, about the store, you should not look out suitable material at the exhibition stands, go directly to the sellers and ask about the promotion for the remaining incomplete rolls (which are at a minimum).

You can use any type of wallpaper: paper, non-woven. paper wallpaper thinner and allow not much darken the room, and it is more convenient to work with them: they are lighter and hold their shape well.

Non-woven wallpapers are richer in colors and much denser, which allows you to create good light insulation.

Also decide on the width of the material: if the window is not wide, then you can buy a roll 50 cm wide, and if you have a balcony window, then it is better to give preference to meter copies.

Do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds: step by step instructions with photos

So, you have chosen wallpaper to match the color of furniture, walls, curtains, and maybe tablecloths. And let's start our master class on making homemade blinds.

We will need:

  • Roll of wallpaper,
  • Silk thread or clothesline
  • Double sided tape,
  • Ruler, pencil, scissors,
  • Awl, drill or hole punch,
  • Retainer,
  • Decor: ribbons, beads, sequins.

First of all, we take measurements from the window: length and width.

You have already chosen the wallpaper for the width, but add 30-40 centimeters to the length.

So, based on the fact that the window is 1.40 m long, then after adding allowances, we need a part of 1.80 m.

Cut off the blank with scissors and lay it on the floor.

Now you need to make an accordion. Did you do this as a child? Personally, I do, so the basic process is clear.

The diagram below shows the manufacturing instructions, where two holes are made, and we will analyze an example with one. But this option may seem more interesting to someone, so I bring it here.

The distance between the folds is 3.5 - 4 cm. You should not do less, otherwise you won’t be able to thread a rope into them, we can just tear the wallpaper.

To get an even bend, it is better to use a ruler.

Paper wallpapers hold the fold well, but non-woven wallpapers need to be ironed longer or an incision made on the front side with a clerical knife. Not too much so as not to cut through the material.

As the accordion is ready, we determine its middle by simply folding it in half.

And in the very middle we do through hole awl or drill. You can use a hole punch, but it will not take the entire thickness of the resulting workpiece. Therefore, it is better not to toil, but to use a drill.

We put a rope into the resulting hole. Its tip is better to set on fire. If you take a silk thread, then it can be threaded into a needle.

Rope length need 4cm over size blanks.

We put the bottom edge into the retainer and tie it with a knot.

We check that the folds move freely along the rope and its length allows them to completely straighten out.

We also tie the upper edge and fix it with double-sided tape so that the rope does not fly out of the structure.

The top of the curtain can be sealed with cardboard so that it is pressed against the frame more tightly. You can attach the curtain with Velcro, double-sided tape, ready-made cornices.

I think the easiest option is tape. Just glue the curtain directly to the frame.

With the help of the latch, you can completely lower the curtain, or you can completely raise it, i.e. adjust the height.

In general, the whole process is over, but we, women, do not always want to have simple straight products, sometimes we want raisins, so you can experiment and make an unusual semicircular bottom or attach decorative ribbons.

The bottom in the form of a fan is very simple. We take the two lower ends of the wallpaper and turn inward.

From the inside we fix them with double-sided tape. It turns out, as in the photo.

Such paper curtains are great in addition to living quarters, and for balcony windows and for a summer residence.

I invite you to watch a video where people talk about their experience in creating blinds from wallpaper.

Interesting Paper Blind Ideas

And now let's look at several variations of ready-made curtains for windows.

The photo below shows a very colorful version with floral ornament. This option better fit for kitchen.

If in an apartment or house custom windows, then blinds - pleated blinds do an excellent job with complex shapes, without losing the presentation at all.

The photo below shows a scheme for decorating a window with wallpaper rolled into a roll.

For lovers non-standard solutions, you can bend the accordion inward, and along the edges of the window.

A variant of the window decor, made according to the scheme above, where two holes and two cords were used. The bottom is also fixed with a clip to adjust the height of the curtain.

And, if you already have purchased blinds, but you want to decorate them, then you can glue wallpaper to them, cut to the exact size. Nobody will have these for sure!

Of course, if you apply your imagination, you can still come up with a lot of ideas for decorating a window, but let's try to make the above option. Especially if it is so easy to do, and you can enlist the support of children - they will definitely like the process.


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Blinds are the item in the house with which you can beautifully decorate any room. Homemade wallpaper blinds are no worse than purchased ones, since they protect the room from bright sunlight in the same way and generally perform the function of curtains.

The main advantage of them is that by making them with your own hands, you will get unique blinds that will distinguish your interior from many others.

In addition to uniqueness, you now have the opportunity not to throw away beautiful wallpaper, but to make a thing useful for the house with your own hands.

Paper blinds from wallpaper will look beautiful bright colors or with a catchy and colorful pattern. This way, whether folded or unfolded, your blinds will look bright, fun, and can be the focal point of a room.

History of appearance

In order to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands at home, you need to figure out what types there are and what the blinds themselves are in general.

Such shutters on the windows from the sun appeared a very long time ago among people on the islands near the Caribbean Sea. The Spaniards were the first Europeans to discover such blinds. In a tropical climate, with the scorching rays of the sun, such a thing was especially relevant.

This option is still one of the most reliable and practical in protecting the premises from the scorching sun.

In the seventeenth century, they began to create blinds, which already resemble in their own way appearance modern, that is horizontal type. Such blinds are very difficult to break, of course, if this is not done intentionally. They wash well, clean, and are easier to care for.

In the twentieth century, people thought of creating blinds vertical fabric. This type of damper is especially relevant for the kitchen, where the temperature is constantly changing, high humidity and lots of scents. Blinds will absorb it all, even homemade ones.

However, such a thing also has its drawbacks, the main of which is the mechanism. it weakness, so when you create them yourself, it's worth give Special attention correct installation mechanism.

The advantage of homemade blinds is that when creating them, it is quite possible to do without buying expensive parts, you can use improvised materials, the main thing is to use your own ideas and turn on the fantasy.

Important! Do not think that some idea cannot be realized. The main thing is not to be afraid, and everything will work out!

Benefits of DIY blinds

In addition to the relative cheapness of homemade blinds while maintaining complete impenetrability, it is worth highlighting some other advantages.

First, it is multifunctional. Usually do-it-yourself window blinds are made of non-woven fabric or paper. With their help, you can protect your windows during repairs from damage and dust.

Secondly, they are a worthy competitor to traditional curtains, which many are already rather tired of.

Thirdly, such an alternative option is suitable under any window, as you yourself perform individual order for myself.

Fourthly, this option, as mentioned above, is budgetary, and you can save money by using the remnants of wallpaper from a past repair to make such a useful craft.

Important! These blinds are ideal for rooms that are located on the sunny side.

Paper blinds: simplicity and affordability

As a rule, making blinds from wallpaper is the easiest. This will take the least amount of time. Wallpaper is best for crafts as wallpaper Made from durable impregnated paper.

Important! The wallpaper does not let in light, so homemade blinds will fully fulfill their main function of sun protection.

If you have not done repairs, but want to update something or just freshen up the interior in your apartment, you can also purchase wallpaper in a color that you like best and fit general style apartments.

Master class on creating blinds

In order to create them, you will need only a few hours, the main thing before that is to figure out how to do everything right and not ruin the material.

Below is a step by step guide.

Materials you may need:

  • wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • rope;
  • awl;
  • stationery knife;
  • centimeter;
  • retainer;
  • glue;
  • adhesive tape (single and double sided).

Important to start measure windows for which you are going to make blinds. Therefore, using a centimeter, you need to measure the window opening. Everything must be calculated accurately and as carefully as possible. As a result of the measurements, it becomes clear what will be the length of the piece.

You need to divide the resulting window height by four, add the resulting figure to the window height. This action is necessary because when folding with an accordion, the length of the wallpaper will decrease by exactly a quarter.

The cord with which you will close and open the windows should have the same length. It is very important to carry out the markings with particular accuracy, since then home-made blinds on the windows from the wallpaper may turn out to be shorter or wider / narrower than necessary.

The next step will be blank cutting. Next, you fold the resulting segment into an accordion. Each part must be necessarily rectangular and the same size.

Important! If you cannot complete this work"by eye", it is best to use auxiliary items such as a ruler or pencil.

It is desirable that the strips have a width of three to five centimeters.. This is the most perfect option, in which do-it-yourself paper blinds from wallpaper will look even and not rough.

The next step (after the harmonica has been marked and folded) is to determine the middle of future blinds. Using an awl, you need to make holes, after which they are strengthened with tape.

Important! If you do not want to create blinds for a long period of time, this procedure can be omitted.

Pass the cord through the holes and secure it with a knot on the other side.. important after that straighten the fabric to determine the size of the cord. Unnecessary part should be cut off. In order to fix the desired position, on its tip is put on a retainer. The location of the upper end of the cord must also be fixed: you can do this by simply tying a knot.

Some details on how to make blinds from wallpaper can be seen in the video:

On top of the blinds, you can also paste Double-sided tape and attach them to the window.

Important! If you want to make blinds in an unusual style, you should show your imagination.

The lower part of homemade window blinds made of wallpaper can be decorated with a peacock tail, bows or drawings. This can be done with inside, and with the one that will be visible from the street. Now homemade blinds on the windows are completely ready.

It is worth noting that in order for homemade blinds to stay on the windows, it is enough to use double-sided tape.

You can also watch a master class on creating blinds from wallpaper in the video below and clarify some incomprehensible things for yourself.

Disadvantages of homemade blinds

The main disadvantages of homemade wallpaper blinds are the remnants of adhesive tape on painting, as well as difficulties in fixing.

In order to glue the blinds evenly, you must first stick adhesive tape on the window, and only then attach the blinds. In any case, it will be difficult without outside help, as it is important to do this work neatly and evenly.

Take into account what it will be necessary to attach the product on top of the window- this is the main inconvenience, so it is better to seek help from your loved ones: it will be difficult to cope alone.

If there is tape left on the window, you can try to remove it with cotton wool or a cotton pad that has been dipped in vodka or in a 70% solution of medical alcohol.

Read about how they transform the space: the expanding effect of such images on the walls is amazing!

Original blinds at home

Certainly the most simple option, which you can do at home on your own, is ordinary accordion blinds. But if you want to add a twist, you should pay a little more attention to this lesson.

For example, in order to diversify the design of this window fixture, it is worth taking not one, but two weighting agents. You can attach a bar to the top of the blinds, and then install it on the window opening. The design, although it will turn out to be quite complicated, however, in this case, the blinds will look like they were bought, and will also stay on the windows for several years.

Important! For this option, you should select only non-woven wallpaper. They are stronger and more durable than paper ones.

It is worth noting that it is absolutely not necessary to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands of a horizontal type. For a summer residence, vertical ones are quite suitable. You can not create a mechanism for such blinds, since a draft in the room or a breeze will sway them: thus, light will enter the room.

While creating vertical blinds from the wallpaper they should be divided into uniform pieces, while no need to cut them all the way. It is enough that on top each strip remains intact. Then you can attach such blinds either to a homemade beam, or to double-sided tape.

Video instruction: how to make blinds from wallpaper quickly and easily:

Considering that in modern world everyone wants to stand out, it is still preferable to do some things in the house, designed for decoration and decoration of the room, with your own hands. To date you can actually do anything by hand., as the choice of materials and possibilities is generally wide and varied.

You can always decorate the premises of your house in an original way: for example, use the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating homemade blinds from wallpaper. Making them is very simple, and most importantly - quickly. Bring zest and uniqueness to the interior of your home, using our recommendations.

Often after the repair of the apartment there are extra wallpapers. To finish another room, such a roll is not enough, and it's a pity to throw out the material. From old wallpaper, you can make home-made original blinds that will reliably protect the room from the sun's rays and the glances of curious passers-by. Ready-made factory shutters are expensive. In addition, they often have to be made to order. But curtains from the remnants of wallpaper are easy to make with your own hands absolutely free. A master class on making a paper curtain is described in this article.

Today, curtains, curtains, blinds are usually hung on the windows. For those who want to stand out and decorate their room in an original way, it makes sense to make blinds from wallpaper and fabric at home with your own hands. It is worth noting that paper curtains have their drawbacks and advantages. Therefore, in order to understand whether it is really worth making such a product, you need to understand all the pros and cons.

The advantages of using paper curtains are presented below:

  • Availability. To make such blinds, you do not need to buy additional tools and materials.
  • Ease of manufacture.
  • Blinds from the remaining old wallpaper look good both on their own and in combination with fabric curtains, curtains.
  • Curtains from wallpaper look presentable on windows of any size. All thanks to the fact that their length and width are easy to adjust.
  • The product holds up well. metal surface and on plastic.

Do-it-yourself paper blinds are indispensable during long journeys and repairs. Indeed, in case of damage to such a craft, it is not a pity to throw it away. Making new curtains is not difficult.

This is ideal for cottages, balconies from spring to summer. Bright Sun rays lead to that expensive curtains fade out of the fabric. It is much more convenient and economical to protect the room from excess sun with curtains made of wallpaper.

Among the disadvantages of paper blinds, the following should be highlighted:

What do you need to make blinds?

Everyone can make blinds from paper according to a photo. This does not require special knowledge and large financial expenses. But before you start work, you need to prepare everything you need.

For creating original version curtains you will need:

  • Roll wallpaper left after the renovation of the apartment.
  • Awl or hole punch.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Ruler 50 cm long.
  • Two cords that are slightly longer than the height of the window.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Retainer.
  • Strong thread or braid.
  • Pencil.

The width of the wallpaper is 55 centimeters or a meter. The choice largely depends on the parameters of the window. If the window is wide, then it is better to take a couple of rolls of 55 centimeters long. As for the material, any paper will do. But curtains made of non-woven wallpaper will last the longest. It is allowed to take wallpaper for painting. Then some interesting drawing can be applied to them.

The color is chosen based on the taste preferences of the owner, but it is important to consider that White color gives a more uniform diffused light.

DIY wallpaper blinds: step by step instructions

To make blinds from old wallpaper with your own hands, you must adhere to a certain algorithm of actions.

Work must be done carefully and carefully. The slightest mistake can lead to the fact that the craft will look unpresentable.

Step-by-step instruction How to make paper pleated blinds is shown below:

To create such a product with your own hands, it is best to take medium-density wallpaper. Vinyl options are also suitable. But they are hard to bend. Therefore, while working with them, you will have to make a lot of effort.

It's also easy to make vertical paper blinds that look more like factory made ones. For this purpose, the above algorithm of actions is repeated until the holes are punctured. Make holes on both sides, retreating the same distance from the edges. Then, two dense guide threads are threaded separately, on which a retainer is put on. Blinds are attached to the window opening with adhesive tape and moved apart so that the curtain completely covers the window. The cords are connected and secured using a trailer, knot, bead, or any other decoration. The bottom edge of the product is reinforced. To do this, a piece of cardboard is glued on the wrong side. This will make the lower part of the structure heavier, and it will not deform over time. About mount roller blinds can be read.

alternative blinds

There are many alternative options blinds that are easy to make with your own hands. For example, you can decorate a window with beads. Beaded curtains will create a pleasant atmosphere in the room. Any material is suitable: shells, pieces of plastic and glass, natural stones, large beads. It all depends on the taste preferences and budget of the owner of the apartment.

An interesting option would be to stick photo wallpaper on the window. In a studio or recreation room, it makes sense to attach a card to the window using double-sided tape or glue. Canvas is thicker and more durable than paper. Therefore he will become reliable protection rooms from excess sunlight.

If the window is small, you can create an original curtain with long strips of fabric with your own hands. To do this, hang a small cornice and install a clip in the corners of the frame. Then the fabric material is hung. Attach each strip with a clamp. This option is ideal for decorating a bedroom.

An interesting way to decorate a window with your own hands is to use lace patches. To do this, you need lace napkins and paints. Napkins need to be sewn with a nylon thread or joined together using an adhesive mixture. Loops are made from above to hang the curtain on the eaves. The size of the structure, its color and shape are chosen at the discretion of the owner of the house.

Instead of standard curtains, you can decorate the window with stickers. The film is sold in any specialized store and is presented in different colors. The product is mounted simply and, if necessary, can be easily removed with plain water.

Thus, if there is no desire to hang standard curtains, curtains or blinds on the window, you want to give originality to the interior of the room, then you should make your own blinds from the remnants of wallpaper. There is different variants creating such crafts. In any case, such a product is made simply, does not require any additional financial investments. The truth has the only drawback - a short service life. Paper curtains are enough for 3 months. But this is quite enough to protect the room from the hot sun on summer time. See the video on the topic below.

Let's start with what we have small apartment, the windows of which are directed to the sunny side. If there is no sun in the morning, then it is quite comfortable to be at home. But after dinner, especially in hot weather, it becomes unbearably hot. The air is heated from the window panes and there is nothing to breathe. I found a way out of this situation and decided to make my own blinds. with my own hands from ordinary vinyl wallpaper that remained after the renovation. Blinds made of wallpaper perfectly protect the apartment from scorching sun and if you close them in time, then it will be quite comfortable to be at home in the evening. In this case, there will be no complete blackout, because in fact it is paper. So, to begin with, we measure the width of the window and if the wallpaper roll is too wide, then we cut it around the edge. The length of the cut itself will be slightly more than the height of the glass part of the window (about one and a half times more). Next, you need to make a kind of "accordion" (see photo). It is not necessary to make an "accordion" small, but it will also be bad too. Most best option The width of the fold is about 4 centimeters.

In the process of folding the accordion, make sure that it does not lead to the side. You need to navigate along the edges and do each fold carefully.

Now we take double-sided tape and glue it to the top of our blinds.

Now we take two pieces of rope and thread it into the holes (see photo).

We attach clamps to the lower ends of the rope. These clips can be bought at any sewing department. They will act as latches so that our blinds can be raised and lowered.

Our blinds are almost ready. It remains only to fix them on the window. To do this, we open the second surface of the adhesive tape and carefully glue the blinds to the frame.

That's all! The blinds are ready. This is enough economical way that won't take long to get rid of the scorching sun.