How beautiful it is to glue wallpaper of two types. How beautiful it is to glue wallpaper of two types in the hall and bedroom. Patchwork wall pasting

The design and interior decoration of the house is closely related to the selection of the necessary materials. New solutions appear every year, but it is better to use traditional, proven methods. Wallpaper is a simple and reliable way to decorate walls. With their help, the room is filled with warmth and comfort. Finds soul and mood. The range of patterns, colors and textures is able to decorate any place. In addition, if you create an interior with two types of wallpaper, you can favorably emphasize the advantages, give a unique style and smooth out the flaws. Applying the right combination allows you to fix and improve a lot. But an inharmonious and erroneous combination of canvases in an instant can ruin even ideal proportions. It is important to carefully consider and correctly choose the right modification. How to do it - read on.

Why use two-color wallpaper in a room

Before starting repairs or finishing work, it is necessary to assess the area, determine the shortcomings. Plan work based on the identified result. Ceiling heights, crooked walls, a narrow room, little light are correctable vices. Proper use of wallpaper in two colors will create a style and solve the interior design flaws associated with the layout of the apartment.

Visual trick options:

  1. Combinations allow you to visually make the object more spacious, change the proportions, expand the aisles;
  2. Raise low ceilings, and beat high ceilings with design techniques;
  3. Add and distribute light, brighten or darken specific areas;
  4. Wallpaper 2-3 colors are practiced to distribute space into zones;
  5. Hide builders' mistakes and irregularities;
  6. Create an individual design according to personal needs.

The combination method is win-win and versatile in decoration. Simple and affordable. Internationally recognized interior designers use it regularly.

Design elements should be the basis and attract attention, or become a backdrop for bright accents. The impression of the design depends on the competent distribution of details.

What to consider when choosing two types of wallpaper

Standard apartments are a dull tangle of small rooms, impractical layouts, dark windows, hidden closets and oblique corners. You can instill life and comfort when choosing 2 types of wallpaper. But viewing photos from the Internet before going to the wallpaper store is not enough. It is important to take the issue seriously and tailor an individual solution.

Pay attention to:

  • ceiling height;
  • room dimensions;
  • lighting;
  • choose the texture of the wallpaper.

Identify the disadvantages of planning and solve defects and defects by combining them. It is worth taking the undertaking seriously, studying the information, a combination of colors and techniques.

The combination of canvases of rough and soft textures looks sloppy and careless, and the unsuccessful combination of colors and patterns is annoying. Properly selected wallpaper will provide a harmonious and attractive result, create coziness, mood, comfort. Emphasize the character and style of the owner, surprise friends.

Ceiling height

When choosing the texture of matter and pattern, the level of ceilings is taken into account. If the height of the walls is below 2.5 meters, light-colored canvases, without large patterns and a soft structure, are suitable. Wins operating with horizontal lines, used on 1 wall, in the corners or throughout the room. We decorate the accent wall (section) with a medium-sized ornament without heavy inserts. Divide horizontally and combine rough textures is not worth it. It is important to lighten and stretch the space. With a ceiling height of 3 meters or more, it cannot be raised, the general proportions are violated. Cross drawings will do. It is advantageous to decorate the lower part of the wall with dark washable wallpaper, and the upper part with canvases with bright and large ornaments. The background is neutral. We combine patterns in style and shade of color.

There are 2 rules for the selection and combination of wallpapers. The first is the same thickness. The second is the same face covering. Combine vinyl with vinyl, and paper with paper.

Room dimensions

When selecting wallpaper, analyze the width, length and geometry of the room. Proportions are often disturbed and require additional attention. Standard rooms are rare. Narrow areas are expanded by combining light materials, and you can add coziness to large areas with dark wallpaper with bright ornaments. Wall mural on 1 wall will do. An elongated room is easy to divide into sectors with different shades. Decorate the recreation area in dark tones, and the work area in light tones. The second option is to glue the wallpaper darker on long walls, and lighter on narrow ones with an overlap on the long one. Visually, the opposites will approach in size and proportions will even out. The location of the front door is also taken into account, if on the wide side, then in the center of the opposite wall we place a bright insert in the form of a picture or panel. Playing with space is a popular design trick around the world.

Texture selection

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of texture:

  • Paper wallpaper is an environmentally friendly classic, harmless to health. Minus - fragile, quickly fade, can not be washed;
  • Durable and durable material - vinyl wallpaper. Plus - water resistance, washable, minus - low air permeability. Used in the kitchen and in children's rooms;
  • Non-woven - reliable and strong. Advantage - the glue is applied only to the wall, and the canvases are superimposed and smoothed;
  • Fiberglass - for those who like to experiment with color. Repaint up to 12 times without losing the pattern;
  • Natural fabrics made from rice paper, bamboo and cane are antibacterial, exotic and soundproof materials.

If paintings and photographs are planned on the walls, then smooth wallpapers, plain or with a small pattern, will do. On uneven walls with defects, designs with spots of different sizes and colors are used. Glitter wallpapers with changing matte highlights are suitable in the guest room.

Room lighting

It is ideal when the room is located on the south or west side, but if the windows face east, there will be light only in the morning, and there will be no light at all from the north. How to correct the situation and make housing bright and lit? Do not turn the room into a "white cube". The situation will be resolved by combining wallpaper. In the complete absence of light (with windows to the north), a combination of canvases of natural shades is practiced. Emerald, canary yellow, royal blue - will add comfort, warmth and depth to the room. Pastel, mother-of-pearl and delicate tones should be abandoned; in the absence of light, they give off a gray color and look dull. Like brick, pale purple, peach and light blue. In low light (windows from the east) and artificial light, pastel and neutral colors are suitable: cream, beige, pale blue, golden, pale green shades.

Layout methods

The combination of different wallpaper colors is a universal way to design and visually transform a space. The result exceeds expectations. Among the many layout manners, the main, most effective techniques are distinguished:

  1. Vertical combination (raises ceilings);
  2. Horizontal division (expands and proportions small rooms with high ceilings);
  3. Zoning (profitably divides common rooms into sectors);
  4. Decorative inserts or panels (gives an elegant and classic style);
  5. Accent wall (controls attention, emphasizes advantageous places and masks defects).

It is important to connect canvases of the same “temperature”. All colors are divided into 2 groups - warm and cold. You shouldn't mix. Wallpapers of different types in the design of one room - either glossy or matte. Otherwise, the interior will turn into vulgarism and bad taste.

Vertical combination

Vertical stripes visually raise the ceiling. It is enough to apply the technique on 1-2 walls or corners, and on the remaining surfaces use materials with a light pattern or texture, and the overhanging heaviness will go away. Often, canvases with a vertical pattern are glued, evenly distributed over all walls. The interval and width of the bands may vary. As well as coloring with a pattern. Hue to use - monochrome (from one color range) or contrasting, suitable according to the laws of color. But the texture of the wallpaper must be the same, otherwise it will turn out rude and disharmonious. Refreshing a room and repairing is easy - sticking vertically 2-3 stripes of different shades in a certain sector. Companies often produce canvases with the same pattern, but in different colors, and by choosing 2 harmonious shades, you can get an excellent result.

Horizontal division

Design classic. Horizontal division has been used for a long time, with the advent of new textures, the method works even better. Advantageously divides the space across, visually expands a small area and lowers high ceilings. One thin strip glued across the square is enough. The standard proportions are 1 to 3, from the top of the wall (light shades) or the bottom (dark shades). Dividing in half is not worth it. Standard options for horizontal division:

Horizontal division extends the window sill, creates a high plinth. In the children's room, it is beneficial and practical to glue washable wallpaper on the lower part.
Important. It is better to close the joints with a curb. Paper edging, molding, ceiling plinth or wooden slats.


Fashionable now studio apartments perform several functions at once and mainly separate zones using wallpaper in 2-3 colors. Zoning radically changes the room, draws attention to one sector and obscures another. The method provides maximum functionality to the interior. The premises will be divided into zones for the following reasons:

  • separate the recreation area from the kitchen;
  • a small area does not allow the use of partitions, and zonal pasting will bring the result closer;
  • arrange furniture of different styles in different zones and avoid problems of contradiction in design;
  • select the main part;
  • divide a large corridor into an entrance part and a common one;
  • in the nursery for 2 children, divided into individual parts.

There are no rules for combining colors and textures. The cross line and the vertical line do the job perfectly. As well as contrasting colors with patterns. Contradiction and difference in zoning is allowed and practiced.

Decorative inserts or panels

The first wallpapers were fabric and expensive, they were bought by rich people and glued not on the entire wall, but with paintings within the frames. Now decorative inserts and panels are the main focus of the room design. This is the only bright part, the rest of the area is decorated with plain canvases of a neutral color. Insert elements use silk-screen printing, photos and beaded wallpapers.

Placement rules:

  1. Placed on a large wall without photographs, paintings and niches;
  2. The panel is the main focus and should remain the only one;
  3. Exploit pieces of wallpaper, photo wallpaper and three-dimensional elements;
  4. The frame is required.

To enhance the effect in large halls, LED lighting in a frame is used. Photo wallpapers of nature and flowers look good on the main wall. A romantic and dreamy style is created. Urban landscapes, on the contrary, bring dynamics. The decoration method using panels and inserts is very effective. Creates comfort and individual design.

accent wall

You can draw attention and project an original idea by decorating an accent wall. Often practiced in 2 cases. The first is to divert attention from the vices of the room, crooked walls with cracks in old houses. The second is to highlight interior items, put a bed against a bright background, and separate the dining table in the kitchen. The wall attracts and accentuates the eye.

An interesting enough way to decorate niches and ledges that cause trouble and frustration. To achieve the greatest productivity, bright materials with large ornaments are used. As in the reception of inserts and panels, you can use photo wallpapers of nature, animals, beach and city landscapes to play with an accent wall. There are no rules for combination, restrictions of colors and textures, the main thing is that it looks pleasant and harmonious.

Cloths should be of the same texture and thickness. If, nevertheless, different textures are used for horizontal division, the joints should be covered with molding, wooden slats or top plinth.

Colors are combined from the same color range, different shades or completely opposite. Shades of blue or a combination of white and black.

In a small room it is better to use light wallpaper and apply the zoning method.
Smooth out non-standard layouts and defects with an accent wall or a combination of 2 types of canvases.

Emphasize special interior items with a decorative insert.

In a dark room with low walls, wallpaper the ceiling in natural shades. Do not use pastel and shiny shades; without light, they give off a gray tone. The high ceiling will hide the horizontal division.

A large and deserted space will be filled with comfort by a combination of dark, noble colors of canvases.


Wallpaper is a versatile and multifunctional finishing material. The use of a combination of 2 types of canvases transforms and improves the interior. The method is able to visually play with proportions and simulate space. Solves the problems of planning, lighting and construction flaws. Creates an exclusive style and original design.

The benefits of this method are endless. As well as how to use it. A huge plus is accessibility for everyone and the ability to realize their fantasies on their own, at no additional cost. Make your home a personal masterpiece, where it is cozy and comfortable for you, using simple techniques for combining canvases.

The choice of wall covering has always been a responsible task. Wallpapers help to fully embody the desired style in design or become a harmonious background for a beautiful composition. The combination of wallpaper in the interior is a combination of different patterns, colors, textures. Specialists from all over the world use this original approach not only because of its aesthetic appearance, but also to hide minor flaws in the room, visually expand / narrow the space, correct the geometry, divide the room into two separate zones using contrast zoning. In our article, we will consider the most relevant and creative ideas for decorating different rooms using combined wallpapers.

Wallpaper combination options

Despite the fact that the essence of this unusual technique is completely clear, you need to know the right options, secrets and optimal wallpaper combinations that can fit perfectly into your interior.

Vertical combination

This wall design option is great for correcting a low ceiling and dark corners of a room. The combination of vertical stripes of different shades of the same color (blue and dark blue) or textures (glossy and matte) helps to make the room more spacious and bright. A large and small strip, dark or light, can also alternate. Today, vertical combination also allows you to move away from a strict order and use vertical fragments on a plain background. The vertical combination of wallpaper will complement the design of the room in such styles: classic, hi-tech, grunge, loft.

Horizontal combination

This type of room decoration involves a combination of two types of tapestries (having a different texture) and the creation of panels. Horizontal stripes can be combined with plastic/wood beams or other types of finishing materials (eg decorative plaster). To make the design look elegant, it is advisable to decorate the lower part of the wall with a finish or wallpaper that can imitate it, and decorate the higher part with a non-woven wall covering.

The use of large and small ornaments can be an excellent practical solution for correcting uneven walls. With the right combination, you can easily highlight one focus point in a room (bed, guest corner, work area in the kitchen). For this purpose, such options are well suited: a stylish damask ornament, small zigzags, geometric shapes, floral prints, intertwined lines. Do not forget about the play of two colors - brighter and more neutral. This design option will look great in the styles of art deco, modern, eclectic, pop art.

A good idea for those who want to beautifully and concisely place the right accents in the room. Against a green background, a wall with a 3D pattern of nature will look good, murals with a smooth texture will be a smart solution for a democratic classic room, a relief surface with imitation plaster will decorate the loft style. When choosing this type of wall covering, it must be remembered that the combination of two types of wallpaper should harmonize with each other, and not stand out from the general background.

A solution that will help transform any room in seconds. Special inserts can be framed with molded parts (molding) or plastic strips. It is best to combine them with textured and dense wallpaper (non-woven, acrylic, with silk-screen printing or complex patterns). This type of interior design will look truly luxurious.

Combination ideas for different rooms - photo

Beautiful wallpaper combinations will harmoniously look in each separate room. They will give the right atmosphere of home comfort to one room, they will turn another room into a place for creativity and work, they will help the kitchen become a more elegant corner, the bathroom - a designer creation.

The combination of wallpaper in the bedroom

The rest room most often excludes bulky items, as well as an excess of accessories. But if you have a desire to decorate the bedroom and not disturb the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, then the following options are suitable: focusing on one subject or focusing on your creativity / hobby. With the help of brighter wallpapers, you can emphasize a stylish bed, a fireplace or an unusual shelving unit, and make the rest of the background less catchy. The accent can be a wall parallel to the bed. Its background will be wallpaper with your favorite music motifs, national notes or patterns that can emphasize the overall design of the room (wood imitation for loft style, floral ornaments for Provence, geometric patterns for classics, bright retro paintings for pop art).

Combining wallpaper in the living room

A room for spiritual gatherings with loved ones can delight your guests with the right combination of wallpaper. The following combination options will be able to emphasize the excellent taste: stripes and monotony, floral patterns and small dots, geometric complex ornaments and dense wallpaper textures, cellular motifs and graphics, frescoes and monotony, damask on a white background, vertical and horizontal stripes. Such design techniques can turn the living room into a real work of art. If you want to maintain the integrity of the space, the combination should vary in one or two similar shades, but if your goal is contrasting zoning, then you should pay attention to different color combinations (blue and peach, white and black, coffee and lemon).

The combination of wallpaper in the nursery

The wall covering of the children's room should correspond to the mood and character of the child, his tastes and interests. Based on this, you can make a choice in favor of a vertical, horizontal or other type of combination. Most often, a patchwork design option is used for a nursery. This is a complex technique of scraps of different wallpapers, which, with its slightly chaotic and colorful look, can appease any child. A variety of textures, drawings and ornaments will give the room a special cheerful mood, which is necessary for the psychological health of children.

Any room decorated with two types of wallpaper looks more bold against the background of standard interiors, since diverse materials and shades give its surfaces dynamism and inner energy.

One of the many advantages of this method is the presence of several universal techniques that allow you to decorate any size, shape, and color scheme, emphasizing its features and best features. You will learn how to glue two types of wallpaper to create a positive effect now.

What wallpaper to choose?

So, you are interested in the idea of ​​wallpapering the walls with two types of wallpaper, but you cannot decide which type of material to prefer? First of all, pay attention to the practical possibilities of wallpaper for walls. If in rooms such as or, almost all wallpapers will remain intact for a long time, then humid conditions or a bathroom can easily damage their structure, ruin paints and appearance.

Fortunately, today manufacturers are not limited to the production of one type of wallpaper, and the market range is overflowing with a variety of heavy-duty and resistant to external factors wallpaper coatings.

For combination are widely used:

  • - suitable for rooms with dry conditions in which it is planned to create a temporary design of persistent shades (living room,). Thanks to the possibility of purchasing multi-layer paper coverings, the use of wallpaper of this type for combination is possible even in areas with a high risk of mechanical damage. Combined with almost any type of wallpaper;
  • - have increased practical properties: they are not only strong enough, but also characterized by additional elasticity compared to other finishing materials. And thanks to the special protective properties, the threat of moisture in the bathroom, or even not terrible for materials of this type. The best option for combining with vinyl is paper wallpaper;
  • - most often used in areas with insufficiently prepared surface. Scratches, dents and other defects on the walls are ideally masked with an elastic interlining. And the relief texture of some types of such wallpapers helps to emphasize the individualism of the design. Due to the possibility of permanent non-woven wallpaper perfectly combined with paper and vinyl coatings of absolutely any shades;
  • - are among the most effective and expensive. Most products of this type are not characterized by moisture resistance, which means that textiles are best used for decoration or. Soft and pleasant to the touch texture allows you to combine such wallpaper with paper and non-woven;
  • , which are an analogue of decorative plaster - they can be used almost everywhere. But do not forget that the ingress of moisture will provoke additional difficulties in cleaning the walls from such materials. Due to the relief texture, stylish combinations of liquid wallpaper with non-woven and non-woven wallpaper are possible.

Advice: with this combination, try to use wallpapers with similar shades and shades, since the different nature of the materials will already create an accent on the wall.

You can choose the width and dimensions of the wallpaper strips yourself. In addition, no one forbids combining wallpapers not through one, but with greater frequency. But remember that a large number of alternating materials will create a visual imbalance in the interior of your room.

Some ways of sticking wallpaper of two types allow you to highlight the main wall in the room. For example, to create such an accent, you can decorate the entire surface of the wall with a different type of wallpaper.

If there are niches and ledges in your room, using a bright shade or a more pronounced relief, you can focus on features such structures. For example, such niches will be a great addition to the bedside area, and in the living room - in the fireplace or TV area.

The original idea of ​​sticking wallpaper of two types, typical for old interiors, is creation of small picture inserts from bright or textured wallpapers framed by moldings. The shape of such inserts is chosen arbitrarily depending on the style of the room and the shape of the furniture.

Suitable patchwork combination, for which you can use . However, it is not always possible to create a harmonious composition, since it is very difficult to combine small fragments of wallpaper of different types on one wall. If you don't know two kinds using the patchwork technique, choose materials of delicate and most similar shades.

Practical issues of combined gluing

Having decided on the option of sticking two types of wallpaper and having prepared materials for such a finish, you can start planning the main stages of decorating your walls. First of all, keep in mind that different wallpapers suggest their own care and gluing features, and even glue of the same type will not always work for all selected rolls. For example, gluing paper, textile or vinyl wallpaper is carried out using different types of glue.

Another important issue when wallpapering two types of one surface is seam masking. If the same wallpaper of some varieties can be pasted without visible joints, then this problem cannot be avoided. Therefore, calculate the desired length in advance - and stock up on moldings, ribbons, slats or borders that are suitable in style.

Advice: some types of wallpaper can be glued on top of each other: with a slight approach to adjacent materials, the seams will be less noticeable, and as an added bonus, you can emphasize smooth transitions between shades.

About how, you can understand from the list of the main stages of such procedures:

  • puttying, cleaning and priming walls;
  • mixing glue and applying to wallpaper or walls (depending on the type of materials);
  • gluing the main wallpaper in the interior;
  • if necessary - trimming excess parts of the canvas;
  • gluing wallpaper of a different type next to the background or overlapping;
  • using camouflage devices (frames, frames, moldings, borders) or trimming materials to create the correct shape.

Thus, combining two types of wallpaper is fast, easy and interesting: in just a few steps, your interior will become no worse than the famous design masterpieces.

A comfortable, pleasant-looking and unusual room will become the main feature of your home, and you will certainly want to repeat interesting techniques in other living spaces.


Combined wallpaper

We all want our home to be comfortable and pleasant to live in. When renovating an apartment, you want to create your own, special interior.

How can you create your own unique interior of your apartment in an original and inexpensive way? This can help us using the methods of combining wallpapers.

Combined wallpaper allows you to zone the room, highlighting, for example, a dining area. This is useful in children's rooms, living-dining rooms-kitchens and studio apartments.

Secondly, wallpapering the walls with combined wallpaper can cost you less, since many stores sell leftover wallpaper at discount prices.

But, of course, you need to carefully choose the wallpaper for the combination to make it look beautiful. That's what we'll talk about today.

It is very important to understand that combined wallpaper is an exact application of basic colors premises. If the room is pasted over with one type of wallpaper in a neutral color, then the room can be filled with almost any furniture, textiles and accessories.

But if a combination with wallpaper of a different color appears in such a room, then this color must be duplicated in the interior.

So the first and most important rule is the color of the wallpaper used for the combination should be duplicated in the interior

When the color palette of the combined wallpaper is repeated in the interior, a very harmonious, balanced interior appears.

Combining wallpapers: six ways for modern design

Method one: vertical stripes.

Vertical stripes on the wallpaper visually raise the ceiling.

In a modern interpretation, striped wallpaper can be on one wall, and the rest can be plain-colored or with a soft, slightly noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at a constant interval. As you can see in the photo, the interval on different walls may be different.

Stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture with this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you get an incomprehensible mishmash. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with a single collection. The fact is that most campaigns produce several drawings that are combined with each other. As a rule, they are in several scales. In one collection there are two or three plain backgrounds and several options with drawings.

When combined vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the strips "comes" to the ceiling. In this case, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the arrangement of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in the graphic image. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

Waysecond: dividing the walls into horizons.

Waythird: wallpaper inserts.

Wayfourth: wallpaper inserts on large areas.

Wayfifth: combining with flaps.

Waysixth: highlighting various niches and ledges.

Some general tips for the right wallpaper combination.

Having decided to make a combined room decoration, try to buy all the wallpapers in one place. If, nevertheless, half of the purchase needs to be done in another store, be sure to take samples of the purchased wallpaper with you so that you can later attach them to other rolls. This will allow you to choose matching colors and textures without relying on chance. After all, even the slightest color deviation from the one you need can spoil the overall picture.

Try to use wallpapers of the same width. This will avoid many of the problems associated with gluing them to the wall or with the selection of the desired edging. It is most convenient to work with material of the same type, produced by one manufacturer.

Combining wallpaper will smooth out many of the shortcomings of the room: correct excessively large or too small wall heights, highlight and decorate niches or ledges, balance the overall illumination of the space. By achieving various visual effects, you can give the room a completely different look, make the house more comfortable, cozy and modern.