Do-it-yourself paper blinds from wallpaper. Do-it-yourself wallpaper and fabric roller blinds: step by step instructions DIY wallpaper curtains step by step instructions

Today I want to offer you a step-by-step photo instruction for decorating your windows with wallpaper blinds with your own hands. This is a very interesting, unexpected, low-cost and easy solution for "quickly" hiding your personal life from prying eyes, which can be replaced by manufacturing, since these blinds are also made lifting.

And so, for the manufacture of such blinds, you will need wallpaper (you can take the leftovers that you have), scissors, double-sided tape, not a thick rope (I took very thick silk threads that I specially bought for making lifting mechanisms in lifting curtains), a latch and a trailer, a hole punch or an awl.

First, you need to measure the height of the window, and cut off a piece from the wallpaper with a margin, since the folds “eat up” the height of the curtains.

My window height was 133 cm, I took 170 cm.

Then, on the wrong side, I marked the folds with a ruler, the width of which I had was 3.5 cm.

With a hole punch, or with an awl, it is necessary to pierce holes in the ribs of the folds of future blinds:

Then we stretch the rope into these holes to make the lifting mechanism:

We fix this rope at the upper end of the blinds, and from the inside we fix it with double-sided tape:

We lay the lower edge of the blinds in a “peacock tail”, folding several folds (I got 8 of them) in half, and fixing them with glue on both sides of the pierced hole so as not to glue the lifting mechanism:

Now we fix the latch on the rope, thread the limit switch through it, tie a knot, and close the limit switch cap. You can do without a limit switch, simply by tying a knot at the end of the rope so that the latch does not accidentally jump off:

do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds step by step instructions

do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds step by step instructions

The blinds are ready. Now we remove the protective paper from the double-sided adhesive tape from the upper edge, and glue the blinds we made directly onto the window directly onto the adhesive tape:

Finished blinds, photo:

You can raise the blinds with the help of a latch, fixing it to the desired height:

That's all. If you liked this master class, leave your feedback at the bottom of this article.

You can also watch a video master class on making homemade blinds

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Who wants to acquire aesthetic and practical blinds? Especially for you, HomeMyHome invites you to get down to business and learn how to make blinds from wallpaper with your own hands.

Hiding from the sun is easy, spending a little time making blinds

You can study catalogs with real blinds for a long time, but still not find the desired pattern. At the same time, it is quite simple to choose the rooms suitable for the interior. The large selection offered by the wallpaper industry opens up a wide range of opportunities for those who are ready to put their hands to work.

The benefits of such impromptu awnings are obvious: they do not allow the scorching sun to spoil the home decor and do not let the heat into the room.

Beautiful decor is provided by the creator himself, choosing the wallpaper to your liking. It is not necessary to buy new wallpaper. Often a couple of rolls from the previous pasting are kept at home, so why not put them into action? At the very least, they can be fearlessly trained in creating impeccable products.

Since the product is inexpensive, later it can be changed to a similar one, but in a different color and with a fresh print. If repairs are planned, then the improvised curtains that have worked out will serve to protect the windows from construction dust and dirt.

The mechanism, in any case, will be the weak point of the homemade product. It is on him that you should direct maximum effort and attention.

Wide design possibilities in the manufacture of blinds from wallpaper for windows with your own hands

Let's see how homemade blinds look and decide if it's worth spending your energy and wallpaper. In the photo you can see what kind of do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds are.

The quality of the material plays a big role, for example, do-it-yourself non-woven wallpaper blinds will look richer and denser. The service life of this product will increase. Dark colors become more faded in the sun over time, and yellowish spots may appear on light material. Therefore, the higher the quality of the paper, the longer your curtains will last. Now let's figure out how to make blinds from wallpaper.

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Photos of interesting ideas, classification, average prices, material for making canvases, how to properly mount on plastic windows and useful tips - in our publication.

Popular and beautiful: do-it-yourself blinds from accordion-shaped wallpaper

An accordion is the most familiar look of blinds, it is they who most often try to reproduce at home. If everything is done according to the instructions, it will turn out beautifully, stylishly and of good quality.

What you need to prepare for work

Haste is inappropriate, it will take some time to work.

The first thing to prepare is the wallpaper. If you have any difficulties, you can always study the step-by-step technology for making blinds from wallpaper using video.

Having chosen the necessary canvas for the blinds, we begin to prepare the rest of the accessories. In addition to wallpaper, you must take:

  • a small skein of rope or twine;
  • two types of adhesive tape: one-sided and two-sided;
  • glue;
  • awl;
  • scissors.

You need to choose a fixture for fixing.

We measure the window

Measurements are needed accurate, the aesthetics of the design will depend on this. It is not necessary to look for a tape measure, it is quite possible to get by with a tailor's centimeter. After measuring the window opening, they decide what the desired length of the pleated should be.

We work with our own hands and make blinds from wallpaper: we help step by step, with a photo of the process

IllustrationAction Description
The entrance is simple mathematics: the height of the window is divided by 4, and the height is again added to the resulting number. A quarter of the material goes to the future harmonica.
The same length is assigned to the cord, which will regulate the opening and closing of the blinds.
The workpiece is carefully cut out and folded into an accordion. The width is selected within 3-5 cm, this will give the product an even and neat look. The most difficult thing is to fold the harmonica evenly, no rush is needed.
Be careful, no deviations can be allowed, each element must be a rectangle of the same width.

Advice! Use a long meter ruler and a soft simple pencil, then the flaws will be minimal.

As soon as the accordion is ready, determine its center with a ruler and make a good hole with an awl. If there is a large workable hole puncher, he will cope with such a task quickly and accurately.

We take the cord and thread it through the holes, making tight knots at the ends. Here, too, we are not in a hurry to tie a marine knot - first we tie a weak knot and straighten the product to the desired length (for the window) and determine the position of the second knot.

To fix the position, take the latch.
A simple version of blinds when fixing is done with clothespins.

Video: how to make blinds from wallpaper

The deed is done, now how to install the blinds

There is not much left: the needlework needs to be fixed on the upper frame with double-sided tape.

  1. We measure the width of the upper opening on the adhesive tape and cut off the strip.
  2. Glue the strip on the frame on top of the window.
  3. Remove the outer layer of the protective film.
  4. Slowly glue the top edge of the product onto the adhesive strip.

Each window cleaning will begin with the removal of a handmade curtain. Double-sided tape cannot be torn off the paper, and when the blinds are torn off the frame, they may suffer. We offer this solution: First, as soon as the harmonica is ready, we paste a strip of ordinary one-sided tape on its upper edge, and already on this smooth side we attach a double-sided adhesive tape.

Option two: let's see a do-it-yourself master class on making roller blinds from wallpaper

Whoever doesn’t really want to have an accordion on the windows can follow the step-by-step instructions and make roller blinds. The appearance of such products is perfect for many interior styles.

Related article:

What we prepare for work

Let's make sure that the following materials and tools are at hand to create a simple miracle:

  • drill;
  • wallpaper;
  • blinds accessories.

Step-by-step instructions: we make beautiful roller blinds from wallpaper with our own hands

Let's write down the measurements on paper so that the numbers do not fly out of our heads. Now we measure the length of the paper curtain, while adding another 15-20 cm to the winding.

IllustrationAction Description
We take a pipe from a set of components. It has a special small horizontal dent for the entire length, this is a place for gluing the edge of the material.
We turn the roll and work with the bottom of the product.
We bend 5 mm from the bottom, we do it exactly across the entire width.
We insert the bend into the groove of the weighting agent, make sure that everything is in the right place. This will not allow the weighting compound to break off the bent edge.
We install plugs at the ends of the plumb line.
Insert the cord into the spool. Pay attention to which side this coil is located: on the left or on the right.
The cord will help us insert the scissors.
We insert coils from both ends of the pipe, closing it on each side.
The final touch: we insert brackets into the coils. You can start installation.

Mounting cornice with roller blinds in the window opening

On the window, you need to make markings and drill two holes on each side of the window with a drill. The brackets must be placed so that the holes match. After that, fix the cornice with self-tapping screws or screws.

Now let's check how our curtain works. We love and hide from the sun!


Date: 07/04/2017

Today, handmade things are very popular. You can only hear: “Made with your own hands”, “Handmade”. Why has it become so popular to create household items yourself? A huge plus of things made by yourself is that any housewife can cope with manual work. No special cash costs are required, things are made from improvised means and materials. And, of course, the important role is played by the fact that the result will be a unique thing that only you will have.

Handmade things are very popular.

Your home is being renovated and you can't seem to choose any decor elements? Then homemade things are what you need!

What can you do at home with your own hands, you ask? Almost everything! Table, chair, vase, carpet. And this is not the whole list. The flight of fantasy is unlimited! You can create anything. Blinds are no exception.

You can create anything. Blinds are no exception.

The history of blinds dates back to the distant 1760, when they were first brought into fashion by an English designer.

For the first time blinds were brought into fashion by an English designer.

Initially, they did not cause delight in the homes of aristocrats, who preferred the usual option to protect themselves from the sun's rays - curtains. A century later, blinds are back in fashion. Initially, the name meant wooden curtains, allowing households to protect themselves from the hot sun. Over time, the blinds went through a lot of improvements and improvements and appeared in the form familiar to a modern person.

Over time, the blinds improved and appeared in the form familiar to modern man.

Making your own blinds is easy!

It is not difficult to make products at home. It is important to decide on the material. Usually thick and dense plastic, fabric, wood, metal, paper or even newspapers are used. We offer a more original and interesting option - do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds.

An original and interesting option - blinds from wallpaper.

First you need to decide how they should look. because you can make the blinds vertical or horizontal. Direct blinds made of wallpaper or newspapers look very original.

Direct blinds made of wallpaper or newspapers look very original.

They are perfect for cottages, private houses and apartments. It is better to use thick wallpapers so that the finished structures, pleasing to the eye, perform the main function - they provide protection from direct sunlight.

Wallpaper is better to use dense.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • trimming unnecessary wallpaper;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • satin ribbon to match the material (can be replaced with a tourniquet, rope);
  • hole punch, awl (at worst, use a screwdriver);
  • large bead;
  • tape measure, long ruler.

Preparatory stage

  1. First you need to take measurements of the window on which you plan to hang ready-made blinds. Take a ruler and measure the length and width. We add approximately half a meter of “reserve” to the resulting data. It is necessary so that when you fold the structure, the blinds turn out to be of the proper length. You can determine exactly how many centimeters you need to leave for allowances by using the formula: divide the available length by four. Add the resulting figure to the total. The result is the required number of centimeters.

    First you need to take measurements of the window on which you plan to hang ready-made blinds.

  2. We transfer the measurements to the rest of the wallpaper. Draw and carefully cut along the lines.
  3. We fold the resulting segment with an accordion, smooth the folds so that the products do not unwind and do not even out.
  4. With a hole punch (if not, you can take a screwdriver) we make holes along the length of the structure. It is important to do this strictly in the middle in each crease.
  5. We take the prepared tape or tourniquet, we stretch it through the holes obtained.
  6. We tighten the lower part of the wallpaper, visually forming a semicircle. For convenience, you can use double-sided tape. The finished design should look like a fan.

    We tighten the lower part of the wallpaper, visually forming a semicircle.

  7. We attach a large beautiful bead to the remaining ribbon. You can hang clips that are sold in specialized stores.

    Step-by-step instructions for making blinds with your own hands.

  8. We install the structure on the string cornice. We use a stapler to make the seam line invisible. If desired, you can decorate with ribbons or decorative clothespins.

    We install the structure on the string cornice.

The blinds are closed and opened by lifting the cord or rope up. Finished products look beautiful, and at the same time functional.

Finished products look beautiful, and at the same time functional.

If there is a sufficient amount of unnecessary wallpaper and a little more consumables, you can make vertical blinds from wallpaper with your own hands. The method is perfect for those who are bored with ordinary curtains.

You can make vertical blinds from wallpaper with your own hands.

Necessary materials:

Product manufacturing:

Now you are a happy owner of vertical, beautiful, and most importantly, original blinds. Your apartment will definitely not be left without the attention of relatives and friends. Or maybe someone will ask you to make custom-made such blinds from wallpaper with your own hands?

Your apartment will definitely not be left without the attention of relatives and friends.

We decorate blinds

Are you bored with curtains at home or in the office? Then you can make the blinds exclusive with original decor.

You can make blinds exclusive with the help of original decor.

For this you will need:

  • pieces of old wallpaper;
  • ruler or tape measure;
  • PVA glue or wallpaper glue;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbons in the color of the material.

Paper blinds look great on the loggia.

Stages of decoration

  1. Take measurements of the slats of the blinds.
  2. Transfer to pieces of wallpaper, draw and carefully cut with scissors.
  3. Using glue, fix the wallpaper on the slats well and let them dry. Literally one hour will be enough, and new stylish blinds are ready!

To give finished products a more original and interesting appearance, use lace, satin ribbons in contrasting colors.

To give finished products a more original and interesting appearance, use satin ribbons in contrasting colors.

Crochet for decoration is a great option for originality.

For an office or study, it would be a great idea to decorate the blinds with old newspapers. You will need strong tea leaves, cotton wool and an iron. With the help of tea leaves, you can give newspapers an old look. It is necessary to gently soak each sheet with a cotton pad dipped in tea leaves, after which it needs to be ironed. Lay some unnecessary fabric on the ironing board so that it does not get dirty. Better yet, leave the newspapers to dry naturally.

You will need a strong tea brew.

Using glue, we attach newspaper strips to the lamellas and let them dry for a couple of hours. It is better to leave the products for a day in a warm place where there are no drafts so that the sheets do not move away from the plates. After drying, feel free to hang on the windows using double-sided tape. Maintenance of such structures is minimal. The main thing is not to give much dust and shake off the motes with a special brush.

The main thing is not to give much dust and shake off the motes with a special brush.

As you can see, making beautiful and original things with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. With free time, creativity and a minimum of improvised materials, you can make a real masterpiece for everyone to envy.

With free time, creativity and a minimum of improvised materials, you can make a real masterpiece.

And if you turn on a little imagination and be patient, then your apartment can turn into a real designer abode. After all, it is so nice to be in a house where the soul breathes from things and objects.

Turn on a little imagination, and your apartment can turn into a real designer abode.

Inspiration to you and more original ideas!

Video. Do-it-yourself wallpaper blinds: master class

50 photos of original blinds from wallpaper:

With the onset of hot summer days, the issue of purchasing blinds for the windows of apartments becomes relevant. However, many do not like such curtains - because of the comfort of home design office dryness. There are those who can not afford the low cost of blinds. Therefore, if for some reason ordinary plastic light-shielding devices do not suit you, you can make them from improvised materials, namely paper. It will certainly be, as they say, "cheap and cheerful"! Which is just right, cottages or verandas in your home. Such blinds do not need to be washed and washed, and any color scheme can be chosen. - one-color or with patterns. Because they are so easy to make, you will be able to change these light shields quite often without breaking the family budget.

How to make paper blinds: materials needed

The simplest and cheapest material for making blinds is paper. True, not the usual one, for drawing, is suitable, but dense, rolled. It can be purchased at major office supply stores. By the way, for these purposes, you can quite successfully use the wallpaper left after the repair.

In addition, for the manufacture of paper blinds with your own hands, you should stock up on the following materials:

When everything you need is ready, it's time to get to work!

How to make paper blinds: master class

So, before manufacturing, you need to measure the window on which the paper blinds will hang. According to these measurements, we cut out a piece of paper - we make the same width, but it is better to do the length with a margin. After all, we will be making pleated blinds out of paper, which means that the material needs to be folded like an accordion, which will hide the length. It is better to add 30-40 cm, you can always cut off the excess.

Such uncomplicated, but very original do-it-yourself paper blinds are ready for use! With the help of a latch, they can be raised if the room needs light, and lowered when the sunlight is already in the way. With careful use, these light protection devices will serve you throughout the warm season. And if a breakdown happens, you already know how to make paper blinds with your own hands.