Proper installation of the toilet with your own hands. Tools and what you need to install the toilet, stages of work. Video - Installing a hanging toilet

Installing the toilet yourself is not very difficult if you understand some of the details of the functioning of the system. Before installing a new unit, the master will have to do the dismantling of the old one. It is also necessary to choose a new toilet with a cistern so that the set fits well with the bathroom. In this article, we will talk about how to install a toilet bowl with our own hands on a tile (tile), and also demonstrate a video installation tutorial.

Toilet selection

Before installation, you must select the desired kit. Today, all the leading brands in the plumbing market produce a lot of lines various toilet bowls and bidet. In order not to get confused in such a variety of models, you need to approach the purchase meaningfully.

  1. Material. First of all, you need to pay attention to the material from which the toilet is made. In stores, you can find models made of sanitary ware, porcelain, cast iron and other materials. It is noted that the best performance porcelain is different. It is easy to clean and does not absorb odors, which is important for an item such as a toilet. Many people purchase inexpensive sanitary ware. This material is still very popular, but it is not the best. Sanitaryware is porous, it perfectly absorbs odors that are not so easy to get rid of.
  2. Price. The cost of toilets today fluctuates widely. Buying very cheap units is not recommended, because they can then cause a lot of trouble. Poor-quality ceramics and components will force the owner to overpay in the future to the master for the repair of the system. At the same time, you should not buy too expensive units. It hardly makes sense to buy a luxurious toilet bowl on a golden leg in an ordinary city apartment.
  3. Model. The lineup the toilet seats are very wide. When buying a unit, you must be guided by the size of the bathroom. If it is very small, then you can purchase a hanging toilet with a built-in flush system. This will save extra space. These toilets are very compact and look great. In large bathrooms, toilets with a bidet will look good.
  4. Tank construction. Cisterns can have horizontal, vertical and inclined flush systems. When choosing a kit, you must definitely pay attention to this detail. The choice of flushing system depends on which one functions in the owner's house.

Removing an old toilet

The dismantling of the old unit takes place in several stages.

If the toilet is very old, then it literally "grown" to the base. In this case, its dismantling will create some difficulties.

  1. First you need to disinfect the toilet with bleach.
  2. Next, you should be well equipped for work. It is necessary to protect hands and eyes from water and fragments of ceramics.
  3. You need to turn off the water.
  4. The remaining water is drained from the tank.
  5. When everything is prepared, it is necessary to start dismantling. First of all, the bolts that secure the toilet to the floor are disconnected. If the system is relatively new, then you just need to unscrew the bolts, remove them, and then disconnect the plastic tube from sewer system. Then the pipe is disconnected, which serves to supply water. After that, the toilet can be detached from the base.

Many people wonder how to properly install a toilet. First you need to properly prepare a place for a new unit.

  1. The floor in the toilet is cleaned of various debris and remnants of materials.
  2. The sewer hole and the water supply system are covered.
  3. In the place where he stood old toilet, it is necessary to carry out the markings under the dowels.
  4. The holes must be drilled with a diamond drill bit.
  5. In the store you need to buy a set of screws and dowels for mounting the toilet.

Basically, all toilets are mounted the same way. Differences can only be in different additional options. Installation of the a simple toilet and the most complex is still built on the same principle.

  1. First, the toilet is connected to the sewer hole. After removing the temporary plug from the system, you need to put the unit in place and screw it to the floor.
  2. It is better to process the screwing points in advance silicone sealant.
  3. Now you need to strengthen the bolts on the heel of the unit.
  4. After that, a corrugated sleeve is installed. Before installation, it must be properly treated with silicone sealant.
  5. The final stage is the installation of the tank. Correct installation toilet bowl - a guarantee that the system will work without failures. The tank is bolted on. After that, a hose is installed that supplies water.

Not the most difficult thing. The main problem most often occurs when adjusting the float. Installing the float valve requires care. When choosing a tank, you need to check which valve is included in the kit.

The float valve controls the flow of water.

The lower the valve is installed, the lower the water flow. It must be ensured that during installation the water level does not reach the drain hole by 5 mm.


The process of installing a toilet bowl is discussed in detail in the following video:

You can find an additional video about the installation of the toilet in our video section:

We have already discussed above general principle toilet installation. Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the intricacies of installing a toilet bowl on a tile. It should be noted right away that there are 2 methods:

  • Open.
  • Closed.

But before you get started, you need to prepare essential tool and material:

  • perforator;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • wrench;
  • level;
  • drill;
  • drill:
  • rubber spatula;
  • core;
  • a hammer;
  • silicone.

This fastening method will require less time and labor. However, with regard to the aesthetic side, they are significantly inferior to the closed method of installation. So, the first step is to determine the installation location.

The installed toilet should not interfere with other plumbing. It must be easily accessible.

Marks are placed on the selected place on the tile. Holes will be installed in these places. You should also draw a contour of the sole of the toilet bowl. Next, carefully set the toilet aside and drill holes in the marked places, the diameter of which should be equal to the fastener.

The drilling process is quite painstaking. Care must be taken that the glaze of the tile does not scale too much. Therefore, first drill with a drill without impact and at low speeds. Also, as an option, you can use a core. Due to this, the drill will not slide on the tile and scratch its surface.

Then take a drill on the tile and drill a hole. After that, you will need a concrete drill. The depth of the hole must correspond to the length of the dowel. Now clean the hole of dust and fill it with sealant. In this case, the sealant will prevent dust and moisture from entering under installed toilet. After that, insert the dowel.

Immediately before installing the toilet on the drawn contour, also apply sealant with a wide strip. This will completely prevent moisture from getting under the base of the toilet bowl. Next came the turn last stage mounting:

  • The toilet is carefully placed on the tile.
  • Insert a self-tapping screw into the holes and screw it into the dowel.
  • Special plugs are put on the mount, which will give general view more aesthetic look. Moreover, the plugs will protect the mount from moisture.
  • Further, under the weight of its weight, excess silicone will act.
  • Until the silicone hardens, it must be removed with a rubber spatula.

Just as in the first case, outline the outline of the toilet bowl on the floor, and also mark the places of the holes. Before fixing the toilet bowl, it is necessary to make outlet holes. The toilet itself is connected to the plumbing and sewer pipe.

If the underfloor heating technology is installed under the tiles in the bathroom / toilet, then it is forbidden to use this kind of fastening. The toilet is installed on silicone, liquid nails, epoxy resin with hardeners. But in this case, it is first necessary to degrease the tiles and the soles of the toilet bowl. You should also treat the surface sandpaper, giving it a little roughness. This will provide a better grip.

Wall hung toilet

Another design of the toilet is hanging. Installation requires more work. As in the previous case, there are two installation methods wall hung toilet:

  1. For installation.

Therefore, it would be wise to consider these two technologies separately.

Installation on a concrete base

Some refuse to buy steel frame to install a toilet. In this case, concrete monolithic base will be no worse, but in terms of strength it will also exceed. With this installation, rods are produced from the base, on which the toilet bowl is attached. In addition to holding the toilet, the concrete structure has another role. It has a water drain valve.

The installation process has the following sequence:

  1. Installing a drain plug.
  2. Determination of the installation height of the toilet bowl.
  3. Preparing boards for formwork. Their size should be larger by 50 mm from overall size designs.
  4. Accurate measurements between mounting holes. Usually, it is 200 mm. But depending on the model, the distance may be different.
  5. For formwork, you can use chipboard, OSB or board.
  6. Installation and measurement of the length of the rod. Here it is very important to take into account the following dimensions: the thickness of the recess + the distance from the toilet bowl to the main wall (meaning the thickness of the filled concrete structure) + the thickness of the toilet bowl at the attachment point + the length of the free end for tightening the nut.

Before making a hole, do a preliminary fitting. Holding the toilet bowl, bring it to the attachment point. If the holes match the marks, and the bowl itself is installed in the middle, then you can continue the installation work. If you notice some deviations or the holes are not level, then measure again.

Now we suggest you step by step to follow the installation of the toilet bowl on a monolithic concrete base:

  • First, the formwork is installed.
  • But first, two holes are drilled in the wall to install the rods that will later hold the toilet. In the wall, it is enough to make a recess up to 150 mm deep.
  • After cleaning the hole of dust, pour glue into it and install threaded rods into it.
  • Next, you need to set 3 shields. 2 side and one central, in which 2 holes should be made for the mounting rods.
  • Shields are installed strictly vertically. Also make sure that the rods through the shield come out horizontally.
  • Shields are interconnected with self-tapping screws. And for greater strength, you can screw the nuts onto the rods and press the shield against the wall with them. To do this, it is recommended to put a washer.

  • In the place where there should be a drain of water from the tank, fix the foam.
  • Also install a sewer drain pipe Ø110 mm. This pipe will be filled with concrete as a result. Therefore, check the quality of its connection on the sealing rubber bands.
  • At the next stage, concrete is made from cement, sand and crushed stone mixed with water.
  • In this process, it is recommended to protect the ends of the rod from getting concrete on them. To do this, put a bag on them or wrap them with rags.
  • When pouring concrete, it is necessary to achieve sufficient density. Especially in the corners of the structure. To do this, pierce the poured concrete with a stick until “cement milk” flows out of the formwork cracks.
  • When the concrete has hardened, carefully dismantle the formwork.
  • After that, the drain barrel is connected. Take PVC corrugationØ40 mm. Insert one end into the recess of the toilet bowl. It is recommended to fix the corrugation with silicone sealant. Be sure to let it dry and only then continue to work.

  • Next, put the toilet with a fixed corrugation on the mounting rods. Use a plastic washer and nut to secure.
  • Finally, connect the hanging tank to the toilet with corrugations and test the drain.
  • By installing the toilet cover, you can operate the toilet bowl.

Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of installing a toilet bowl for installation. To do this, you should buy a toilet bowl with a special metal frame. It is she who will need to be installed in the wall, and the toilet bowl will be fixed to it.

  • The steel frame is installed strictly vertically. It can be fixed to the wall and floor through special holes. Before you carry out major fasteners, check it for evenness.
  • To this place it is necessary to carry out a supply of a sewerage pipe and a water supply system.
  • You should also set the height of the toilet. It will depend on the growth of the owner of the apartment. Usually, the height of the bowl is fixed within 400–430 mm.
  • As for the water supply to the tank, it is better to make it hard. In the process installation work, the valve in the water supply tank must be closed.

  • Next, the toilet is connected to the sewer. The connection occurs with the help of corrugations. At this stage, the drain system should be tested. Therefore, securely fix the toilet on the frame, after connecting it to the sewer pipe. Next, drain the water. If everything is tight, then turn off the water in the tank and disconnect the toilet.
  • Now you can make the skin of the installation. To do this, you can use drywall. Fasten the profile to the wall and screw the drywall to it. At the same time, make holes for the sewer, mounting rods, and holes for the tank.
  • At the next stage, clad with ceramic tiles or other finishing material.
  • After all these manipulations, the toilet bowl is installed.

The quality of the installation of a wall-mounted toilet for installation depends entirely on the correct installation of the frame. Therefore, perform this stage of work very carefully.

Some problems

Sometimes after a couple of years of service, the toilet loses its original view. It has rust marks on it. This happens due to low-quality components of the tank. It is almost impossible to eliminate an old phenomenon of this type, especially if the unit is made of sanitary ware. When purchasing toilets, you must carefully monitor the quality of all components.

The unit may be damaged by water. Water quality, as a rule, does not meet the standards for which Western-brand units are developed.

Sometimes they can't stand plastic elements in tank design. They can warp due to temperature changes or mechanical influences. If the tank fails prematurely, then this indicates that the quality of the kit was initially not very high.

Problems with water flow often signal that the float valve is not installed correctly. It is necessary to adjust it, and the water consumption will be reduced.

In order for the toilet to retain its original appearance on long years must be kept clean at all times. To care for it, you can use a number of means. For example, in order not to have to constantly wash and clean the inner surface, various gels and tablets are used today.

Without a thorough cleaning, of course, can not do. Cleaning liquids will help with this.

Some substances cannot be poured into the toilet. These include acetone and solvents that can damage the sewer pipe. Also, do not pour boiling water into the toilet, because sanitary ware can crack from this. If there is a need to flush the unit, it is better to use two buckets of hot water.

In the care of the toilet, soda and vinegar will become indispensable means. If red stripes began to appear on the surface of the unit, they can be eliminated with a solution of vinegar in hot water. Soda gently and gently cleanses the surface of dirt.

For heavy soiling, use special solutions. They usually contain hydrochloric acid. Pollution happens different type, so the range of cleaning products is also very large. When buying, you need to clarify whether a particular composition is suitable for the product. They differ not only in the nature of the impact, but are also produced for toilet bowls from certain materials.

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And the topic of this article: "?".

Make a replacement plumbing equipment in the bathroom at first glance may seem like a simple task. However, to perform these types of work, certain nuances must be taken into account. Performing the installation of one of the main elements toilet room- a toilet bowl, it is necessary to take into account a number of process features from selection and acquisition to proper installation and connection.

Possessing certain knowledge and skills, as well as having required set tools, installation work can be performed on your own.

As a rule, the flooring in the toilet room is decorated with ceramic tiles, and modern models toilets in the base have 4 holes through which bolts are attached. Therefore, the installation will require the following set of tools and materials:

  • drill
  • drill bit with pobedite tip
  • a hammer
  • wrench suitable for fixing bolts
  • marker
  • plastic bushings
  • connecting corrugation or plastic corners

So, friends, before you proceed directly to the installation of the product - you need to buy it. How to choose a good and high-quality toilet - read.

Which underfloor toilet is better to choose?

Plumbing equipment stores offer wide selection various models from many manufacturers.


Before purchasing, it is necessary to conduct a visual analysis of the product for the presence of chips and cracks, pay attention to the coating of the product. It must be even.

Next, you should check the completeness. The package should contain documentation - installation instructions and a product passport, which state what is included in the toilet bowl. Then check the presence of all elements, including fasteners.

When choosing a toilet bowl, it is also recommended to pay attention to the method of water supply. In the case of connection from below, the liquid intake will pass more quietly. The aesthetic appearance of the room as a whole will not be spoiled by pipes protruding from the side (in the case of a lateral supply).

By connection type sewerage this plumbing equipment is different, so before going to the store, you should pay attention to where the sewer pipe comes from (from the wall or from the floor), as well as the angle of the pipe. This information help avoid additional costs for the purchase of adapters, and the connection will look more aesthetic.

Types of floor toilets

There are two types of toilet bowl: and floor. The most common model is the floor toilet, which has several advantages:

  • a wide range of manufacturers
  • more familiar model for most people
  • availability of budget options
  • installation does not require much preparatory work

When choosing an irreplaceable thing for a bathroom, you should pay attention to the type of sanitary bowl.

According to their structure, they can be divided into three types:

  • poppet

The main advantage is design feature this type of bowl. One of the walls has a protruding part. This structure allows you to avoid splashing during rinsing, but odor may occur during use.

  • Kozyrkovaya

In this model, the structure rear wall done with a twist. This type does not splash during flushing, and also prevents the appearance of bad smell during operation. This type bowls require careful care, with the use of special brushes.

  • funnel-shaped

When flushing, there are small splashes, but the shape of such a bowl is the most hygienic and does not require special care. Imported manufacturers most often produce models of this type.

In the plumbing store, toilet bowls with various drain barrels are presented, which differ in design and installation method.

The types of drain barrels include:

  • compact

- is the most common model. This view is mounted on a ledge behind the toilet. Between the elements there is a rubber gasket. Installation is carried out using the screws included in the kit. Some companies also produce models with a one-piece construction of a barrel and a toilet bowl.

  • separate

This model is perfect for a small bathroom. Allows you to save space, due to the lack of a rear ledge for a drain barrel. In this case, the barrel is mounted on the wall and connected to the toilet using pipes and hoses. This type provides more quality flush because the water pressure is higher.

  • concealed installation system

the drain barrel is located inside the false - walls. Flushing is carried out using a button that goes out. If necessary, dismantling, together with the button, you can replace the internal components of the tank.

Ways to drain floor-standing toilets can also vary. Among the presented range there are lever and push buttons. The second option includes more modern models. There are types with two buttons. When you press one, half of the water contained in the tank is flushed, two buttons - respectively, the entire volume of liquid. This option allows you to save water consumption and reduce the payment for the supplied resource.

The material used to make

When choosing a sanitary ware, you should pay attention to the material used for its manufacture. Porcelain and faience are widely used. These ceramic materials differ in the firing method. Thus, faience has a greater porosity, due to which dirt is absorbed and, as a result, the color of the product changes during operation.

Stainless steel models are usually used in in public places and have anti-shock and anti-vandal properties.

The plastic version is lightweight, does not require special care, but is not durable and more fragile than its counterparts.

To give sophistication, and to bring individuality help the most expensive models glass and precious metals. glass products only available from certain manufacturers. Plumbing equipment made of precious metals is made to order.

Toilets by type of connection to the sewer

One of important aspects, which builds to pay attention to is the type of connection to the sewer system. Equipment can be connected according to the outlet of drains in the design of the toilet bowl:

  • horizontally
  • vertically
  • obliquely

A universal option can be called a horizontal connection. In this case, the branch pipe can be connected both to a pipe coming out from below (from the floor) and from the side (from the wall).

If the sewer pipe is removed from the floor, then you can safely give preference to the second - vertical way. This type allows you to save space in the room.

In the case of a pipe located very close to the wall, but at the same time it comes out of the floor, it is possible to carry out diagonal connection- inclined type of drains.

How to install a floor toilet with your own hands - video

Installation of a floor-standing toilet - step by step instructions

If it was decided to install the floor toilet without the involvement of a specialist, then this task should be taken seriously. All work is carried out in protective gloves, a mask to protect the respiratory organs, glasses to avoid getting a fragment in the eyes. A rag is being prepared to remove unwanted liquid, a bucket.

  • Step 1 - dismantling

Work is underway to dismantle the old toilet bowl. First you need to turn off the water supply. Close the tap of the central riser, if there is an individual one for the toilet, then it will be enough to block it. Drain the water from the barrel. For high-quality removal of the toilet bowl, without damaging its integrity, it is provided Free access from all sides.

The water supply hose is unscrewed, the corrugation is disconnected or plastic corner connecting the toilet to the sewer.

In case of installation on anchor bolts, unscrew the fasteners with a wrench and dismantle the equipment. If the toilet was glued to the base, then you will need a chisel, a hammer, in some cases a puncher.

  • Step 2 - preparing the base

The basis for the installation of new equipment is being prepared if it was damaged during dismantling.

  • Step 3 - preparing the base

The next step is to install a new plumbing product.After checking the product for integrity, according to the attached instructions, the equipment is assembled. For protection against leaks, it is recommended to use connecting elements, in places rubber gaskets additionally seal with silicone sealant and leave to dry completely.


If under flooring pipes for a water-heated floor were laid, then, in order to avoid negative consequences, at this stage it is necessary to know for sure that the heating element line does not pass at the drilling site.

We drill holes with a drill. For easier drilling, the place of contact between the drill and the tile is wetted with water. This facilitates the process, eliminates damage to the drill and reduces the load on the drill.

Plastic bushings are inserted into the finished holes and hammered. The toilet is installed.

Further, the product is screwed to the floor with the bolts included in the kit. Using the key, the fastening is tightened. Stability is checked. Fasteners hidden by decorative plugs in the color of the toilet bowl. The gaps between the floor and the toilet are filled with sealant.

Using a flexible plumbing hose to supply water, the toilet is connected to the water supply. Special corrugation or plastic corners various bends for connecting toilet bowls, equipment and sewerage are connected.

After complete installation, check for leaks. The water supply is opened, the drain barrel is filled and the liquid is drained. If no leaks are found, the toilet is ready for use.


Well, that's all, my dear readers. I hope I was able to answer the question in this article - how to install a floor standing toilet.

To know how to install the toilet correctly, you need to understand the models and evaluate the possibilities of sewage in a private house. It is much faster and easier than paying the masters an amount equal to the cost of the plumbing itself.

Moreover, in the installation instructions everything is described in detail, even there are pictures. Therefore, installing a toilet in a private house with your own hands should not be a hassle, especially if the sewer is new.

In contact with

Tools and materials

Simple set of tools found in every home

  • drill with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • marking marker;
  • screwdrivers and a set of wrenches;
  • knife for cutting the gasket.

You may also need a spatula to eliminate chips ceramic tiles. Materials required for installation, except for the bowl and tank:

  • corrugated hose;
  • gland - rubber gasket;
  • hose for supplying water to the tank;
  • sealing tape for sealing;
  • a faucet that will shut off water in plumbing;
  • silicone.

Important! When choosing a bowl, you need to take into account the size of the room, so as not to subsequently rest your knees on the door.

You should also provide for the installation of the product, what stock is available. Of course, it is better when the model of the bowl and the method of its installation are planned at the construction stage. But it happens that you just need to replace the old plumbing with a new one. Then you have to connect to the old sewerage system, and use drains that were made a long time ago.

Toilet corrugation prices

corrugation for the toilet

How to choose a toilet

The bowl should be easy to clean, be comfortable. Sizes are selected based on the growth of all family members. You can buy the model you like, which will be inconvenient to operate, because it will not correspond to the parameters of a private house or apartment.

Do-it-yourself installation of a toilet bowl in a private house is associated with certain costs and I want them to pay off in terms of convenience.

First of all, models differ in price:

  • Economy class;
  • middle class;
  • luxury plumbing.

Parts of elite plumbing are designed for a long service life and will not break just like that. Buying an expensive item, you can be sure that it will last a long time.

Another option is color spectrum. In large supermarkets, you can pick up any shade and embody the most daring design decisions.

Models available for sale:

  • from natural stonedurable and reliable, service life is unlimited;
  • glass - completely transparent or with a pattern;
  • faience;
  • ceramic;
  • metal;
  • porcelain, which can reach up to 50 years;
  • plastic.

When buying, you need to carefully look at what is included in the equipment kit. It may happen that the bowl and tank sold separately.

Except external characteristics, need note:

  • to the height of the equipment;
  • type of construction - suspended, floor, wall floor;
  • what type of flush - reverse or direct;
  • the method of draining from the tank is one or two-button.

It will cost more, but the structural elements will be hidden in the wall, which will save some space in the room. The reverse flush is better because it washes the bowl completely. allows save water.

Important! When choosing a design, it is worth checking it for cracks, chips.

Prices for toilets

Varieties of toilet bowls

Plumbing products distinguish drain design:

  • horizontal - the drain is located in the floor;
  • vertical - parallel to the floor;
  • oblique - at an angle of 30 degrees to the floor.

Tanks are:

  1. Separated when they are connected to the bowl by a pipe. How to assemble a toilet bowl and a tank is shown in the instructions.
  2. Compacts if attached directly to the bowl. The design diagram is drawn in the instructions, fasteners are included, so assembly will not be difficult.

bowl design:

  • with flat flush;
  • with vertical flush.

The location of the neck of the bowl is front and back. The front is more common, as it is more convenient to use. The toilet diagram in the instructions allows you to decide what exactly is suitable for use.

Preparing for installation

If it is implied, then first needs to be dismantled old equipment and install new equipment in its place. Proper installation of the toilet bowl is the key to cleanliness and safety for a new repair. The seams should not leak, the body should not wobble or make sounds.

If the ceramic tiles have already been changed, then the installation of plumbing is carried out directly over tiles. In this case, you need to carefully use a drill so that the tile does not crack.

If the old plumbing is being removed, and there has not been a repair yet, then before starting the dismantling, you need to prepare rags, because water will flow from the toilet. The bowl needs to be washed and processed disinfectant. You should also turn off the water supply and drain the remains from the tank.

First, all existing hoses are disconnected, screws are unscrewed, and the tank is dismantled. Next, you need to knock out the leg from the tile. For this use a crowbar. The nuts are unscrewed from the base of the bowl.

Before disconnecting from the sewer pipe, you need to make a stopper from rags and immediately plug the pipe so that odors do not enter the house. The assembly of the structure will not take much time, so use new thing can be in one hour if the room has already been renovated. If you have to lay new tiles, you will have to use an outdoor toilet for some time.

How to assemble a toilet can be seen in the diagram. Step-by-step instructions are attached to each equipment model.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a toilet bowl

How to install a toilet? The first step is to connect the bowl to the sewer. This requires a corrugated hose. A rubber seal is put on the outlet end of the product. The other end is connected to the sewer pipe. First, you need to pull out the gag from the rags.

When the product is already in place, they produce the following operations:

  1. Mark holes on the floor with a marker by inserting a marker into them.
  2. Having moved the bowl away, holes are drilled according to the marks (the diameter must match the fasteners that come with the plumbing, you need to use special drills that can be used to drill tiles).
  3. The product moves into place and is attached to the floor.
  4. The junction of the product and the floor filled with sealant, another option is to cut a thin rubber gasket in the shape of a leg and place it before fastening.

To connect the tank needed:

  • fixing bolts - 2 pcs.;
  • rubber gasket under the drain mechanism.

The installation of the toilet cistern begins with the fastening of the bolts. Next, a gasket is placed, and the tank is put in its place. The holes line up and the fasteners are hand tightened. Toilet assembly completed.

Do-it-yourself toilet replacement ends with a connection to the water supply and sewerage. Installation of toilet bowls with a cistern directly attached does not require fastening, as it is a monoblock.

Features of connection to water supply and sewerage

Installation of the toilet is over, then you need to figure out how to establish a connection to water supply and sewerage. Available for pipe connection flexible hose, at both ends of which there are nuts.

Sealing from the side of the sanitary equipment occurs with the help of rubber gaskets or a special tape.

You can simultaneously put a tap on the pipe so that you can shut off the water entering the tank. In this case, other water intake points will work.

How to install the toilet correctly if the drain is different from the previous equipment? You will have to change the piping to match the new model.

Installing a toilet with an oblique outlet

Floor models come with an oblique, vertical or horizontal drain. Installing a toilet with an oblique outlet is different from the vertical or horizontal method.

To joint did not leak, need:

  • lubricate the outlet pipe with red lead - oil paint mixed with drying oil;
  • wind the fiber and then also smear with paint;
  • fix the pipe in the sewer pipe.

The installation of a toilet with an oblique outlet is carried out if the previous equipment had the same drain.

Installing toilet bowls with an attached cistern

The monoblock lasts a long time, so when buying a model, it is recommended to immediately purchase spare parts internal details, since the models on the market often change, and after a while these will no longer be produced.

Installation of toilet bowls with a tank directly attached is carried out as follows:

  • the pipe is connected to the sewer;

    The assembly instructions for any model are designed for an ordinary buyer or a beginner, so it will not be difficult. It is necessary to study in detail the stages of work, prepare tools, materials - and you can proceed to the procedure for replacing plumbing equipment.

Equipping modern housing with a toilet room is a traditional touch of any project. In turn, installing a toilet in a toilet is also a long-established procedure. Usually, installation is performed by default during the construction of housing.

We will tell you how to fix the toilet to the floor. Together with you, we will analyze which method of fixing plumbing is better to use if you suddenly have to change the device during operation. Taking into account our advice, you will be able to quickly and easily complete the work without involving a plumber.

A toilet bowl of any configuration, like a plumbing fixture in general, is mounted in accordance with the installation instructions. The initial installation of these plumbing fixtures (at the stage of housing construction), as a rule, is carried out by professional performers.

But in the future, already established owners of real estate often carry out the reconstruction of the toilet, in particular, they change the toilet bowl. And they do it themselves in order to save on installation services.

Users often change equipment according to personal preferences. Some of them do not know all the nuances of installation and fastening methods.

Installation of a toilet bowl with subsequent fastening to the floor of the toilet room. The initial installation of such plumbing is usually done by professional plumbers.

Self-reinstallation is not prohibited and encouraged. However, such intentions of the owner should at least be accompanied by knowledge of the methods of attaching the toilet to the floor. It would seem a banal detail of the installation procedure, but when they want to see a quality result, reliable installation Even the smallest details matter.

The nuances of installing toilets are directly related to the one chosen for installation. In everyday life, floor-mounted toilets are most often used. At the same time, most of the mounted devices have the configuration of compact products.

How to fix a compact and any other toilet to the floor of the toilet room, doing the installation yourself?

Compact model of the toilet bowl, mounted according to the scheme of fastening to the floor. AT this case installation done professionally. clearly demonstrated high quality installation and fastening of plumbing fixtures on the floor

Approximately this result should be sought by self-taught masters.

Analysis of fastener methods

Building practice indicates at least three methods for attaching toilet bowls to the floor surface:

  • standard installation kit;
  • by using special adhesives;
  • by installation on cement mortar.

The standard installation kit (dowel-screw) is usually recommended for installation on exclusively flat surface gender.

The method, from the point of view of reliability and stability of the structure, is considered acceptable, but does not fully satisfy in all cases. Let's apply the "standard" usually to models of a compact type, having a small weight and modest dimensions.

Another way of attaching the toilet to the floor - landing on glue - provides high level connection strength. But in this case, the quick dismantling of the product, if necessary, is excluded. Therefore, the method of installation on glue is used where installation involves the long-term operation of plumbing without the prospect of replacing it.

The procedure for installing and fixing the toilet bowl to the floor by planting the sole of the appliance on glue. For gluing, as a rule, special adhesive pastes and solutions are used.

Epoxy resin is often used as an adhesive. This glue is high performance in terms of reliability and durability.

Cement mortar is often considered as an alternative to standard and adhesive techniques. In fact, this method is not much different from “landing on glue”, since the cement contains an adhesive component in its composition. Meanwhile, bonding a toilet bowl to a floor with cement mortar shows a lower degree of strength compared to special purpose adhesives.

The choice of mounting method to a large extent depends on the type of base on which the installation is made. You will learn how to put it in an article that covers this issue in detail.

Technology of fastening the toilet to the floor

When referring to a particular method of fastening home appliance to the floor, the master will need a certain set of tools.

Usually, the execution of work is carried out without much difficulty when you have at hand:

  • construction puncher (plus a set of drills of different diameters);
  • hand drill (plus drills different diameter under ceramics);
  • manual mechanical press (pusher gun);
  • screwdrivers, locksmith keys, pliers, hammer;
  • tape measure, pencil, core, rubber spatulas (wide, narrow);
  • sandpaper (large, small).

Possible materials for the installation of plumbing:

  • plastic dowels (d=8-12 mm, 2-4 pieces);
  • screws (screws) metal (d=6-8 mm, 2-4 pieces);
  • gaskets under the screw head (2-4 pcs.);
  • glue (liquid nails, silicone, epoxy);
  • cement, quarry sand (at the rate of 1:2);
  • wooden board (thickness 20-25 mm);
  • sheet rubber (thickness 10-15 mm).

Installing a toilet bowl and fixing this type of plumbing to the floor with standard fasteners involves drilling holes for dowels. If the plumbing fixture is configured for fastening with two screws (screws), two holes need to be drilled. In the other case, respectively, four.

One of the methods for attaching the toilet to the floor is to fit the device onto screws (bolts, screws). This mounting option is used in practice more often than others. Usually the lion's share of all produced toilet bowls is equipped with just such fasteners.

Some difficulties are accompanied by the drilling process, when. Careless action, lack of experience, ignorance of the technology of drilling holes in ceramic tiles are the main causes of installation failures. You need to drill ceramics with a special drill, observing the rule of light pressure and low speed of rotation of the drill.

Installation with subsequent fastening to cement mortar also has its own characteristics. Here important factor, which determines the quality of the connection, is the composition of the solution. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere as accurately as possible to the established ratio of 1: 2 (M200), where the first digit is the amount of cement, the second is the amount of quarry sand.

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Modern technology for fixing toilet bowls in a home toilet. Fastening of all elements of the toilet bowl is carried out on a special metal carcass– installation disguised in the wall

True "installation" - metal structure, provides for a slightly different form of installation - suspended. That is, plumbing is not mounted with emphasis on the floor of the toilet room, but remains suspended after installation.

Plumbing fixtures are made from strong but fragile materials. Therefore, when fixing a porcelain or faience appliance with screws (bolts), it is not recommended to use maximum efforts for screeding. Be sure to use soft gaskets (silicone, rubber, plastic), placing them under the screw heads.

Fasten the toilet to metal screws carefully, using force medium size. It is strongly recommended to install gaskets from soft material under the screw heads

If glue is used for fasteners, great importance in achieving the strength of the connection, it has the quality of cleaning and degreasing the surfaces to be glued.

When using epoxy resin, it is necessary to strictly observe the ratio of resin and solvent in the process of preparing the adhesive mass. The adhesive must be applied evenly to the surface, to prevent the formation of air cushions.

When installing the device “on taffeta”, it is advisable to choose hardwood as a material. Plywood can be used, but in any case ensure high-quality waterproofing for taffeta. Humid environment dramatically reduces the durability of any wood.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

One of the options for attaching a plumbing fixture to the floor is discussed in the following video:

Which method of installing toilet bowls is the best is up to the owner of the property where it is supposed to mount and fix the plumbing.

However, when choosing a technique, it is recommended to take into account the possible loads on the toilet bowl, the material of the device (faience, porcelain), as well as the design features of the toilet room. A careful approach to business will certainly help to achieve the desired result.

Would you like to tell us about your toilet installation? with my own hands? You have useful information and photographs on the topic of the article? Please write comments, share your impressions and ask questions in the block below.

The final chord of the bathroom renovation is the installation of plumbing fixtures. If desired, this part of the work is quite realistic to do on your own, without resorting to plumbers. Installing a modern toilet is much easier than a Soviet-style product.

From this material you will learn how to properly install a wall-mounted (hanging) or floor-standing toilet at home with your own hands, you can study detailed instructions and instructional video for installation.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare tools and materials. What do you need to install besides a new toilet? You will need:

  • impact drill or hammer drill;
  • drill (the diameter of the drill is selected depending on the diameter of the fasteners);
  • if the installation is on tile- tile drill;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • set of wrenches;
  • wrench;
  • putty knife;
  • retractable knife;
  • marker or pencil;
  • roulette.

It is also highly advisable to have protective goggles to protect your eyes from dust.

Additionally, you will need:

  • silicone sealant with a gun or in a special tube;
  • FUM tape or plumbing linen;
  • metallized tape;
  • stuffing box;
  • corrugation;
  • tap;
  • flexible hose for connecting the tank to the water supply;
  • polyethylene film;
    bucket and rag;
  • repair solution;
  • dowels, if they are not provided with the toilet bowl.

Some installation methods require the use of cement mortar.


Do-it-yourself installation of a suspended (hinged) toilet bowl is carried out within the framework of overhaul, before the beginning finishing works. The set of tools for installing the device must include a level.

When choosing an installation location, it is important to consider that the shorter the pipe connecting the toilet to the sewer, the better it will be easier to clean in case of blockage. The toilet bowl is attached only to the main wall, otherwise it simply will not withstand the load.

The first and most important stage of any installation is marking. The installation location of the toilet bowl must be coordinated with the outlet of the toilet bowl so as to obtain optimal slope pipes.

Most likely, during the marking process, the frame (installation) will have to be moved several times. Experts advise set the frame so that cistern located about a meter from the floor.

Sewerage and water supply to the installation site of the toilet are brought before the installation of the frame. Elementary logic suggests that after fixing the frame, any work becomes almost impossible. Before installing the frame, leveling is carried out using a level. on all planes.

For precise adjustment of the position of the frame, adjustable legs are provided in its design. The frame is fixed to the floor with anchor bolts, for fixing the structure to the wall additional brackets may be required.

When the frame is installed, the toilet bowl is attached. The recommended height of the bowl is about 40 cm from the floor., however, if such an arrangement is inconvenient for you and your family, the height can be chosen empirically.

After that, the walls are finished and the niche is “sealed”. When masking a niche it is important to provide access to the tank in case of an emergency. The bowl is installed last.

You can watch the installation rules and the installation process of a hanging (hinged) toilet bowl with your own hands on the video: