What can be done from flying. DIY furniture from pallets. Dining tables, coffee tables and stands

Wood is unique building material, from which many types of furniture can be made. But many craftsmen, to solve such problems, very often use ready-made structures that have been used for other purposes.

One such design solution could be a chair made from pallets. Such attributes can perfectly complement both the interior of the house and the design of the gazebo. Before you start creating such furniture, it is important to familiarize yourself with the variety of its designs in order to choose the most suitable option for yourself.


Pallets are wooden structures, which are used as the basis for the movement of goods in warehouses. The product consists of several main parts:

  • Support bosses. They are fastened together using wooden boards.
  • Main surface. It is formed from durable boards of a certain thickness.

The main type of pallets are Euro pallets. They differ good quality, since they are manufactured according to standard requirements. The wood for them is designed to withstand heavy loads, therefore it excludes the presence of rot or large knots and cracks. It is these products that are desirable to be used for the construction of chairs.

Stocking up on tools

Chairs from pallets are quite simple to make, since it requires only a minimal amount of skill in working with this material. Before you get started, you should stock up on a set of the following tools:

  • Drill and set of drills.
  • Metal corners, washers, screws and other fasteners.
  • Sandpaper of different grits.
  • Products for protecting and painting wood. Here you can use almost any specialized materials.
  • Auxiliary tool(ruler, pencils, hacksaw, etc.).


Please note that than quality tool, the better the chair you will get.

Types of designs

A chair made from pallets is unique design solution, which is most often used to improve summer areas. There are many types of such structures, among which several main types can be distinguished:

  • Stools. The lack of a back makes them not so practical. But still they are very popular because they take up little space.
  • Armchairs with backs. These designs are more practical, as they are characterized by increased comfort and unique design.

Please understand that the design of these products may vary. Everything depends only on the imagination of the master. Many complement the designs with various decorative attributes in the form of carvings or finishing.

Preparatory work

A chair is a piece of furniture that should not only be durable, but also comfortable. Before making a structure with your own hands, it is important to perform a few simple operations:

  1. Initially, you should carefully clean the boards from dirt. This can be done by simply washing the structure with water and a brush. After this, the pallet must be thoroughly dried to prevent distortions of the future product.
  2. When the product is prepared, you should sand the surface. For this it is better to use special grinding wheels and a drill. This will significantly speed up the task. To obtain a smooth surface, it is advisable to use sandpaper of varying thicknesses.
  3. The final stage is wood processing. To do this, use a special primer. It is needed in order to reduce the risk of damage to wood by bark beetles, as well as to prevent rotting.

Manufacturing algorithm

  1. First of all, the pallet is cut crosswise. The cutting line is often the middle board. It is important to leave it entirely so that it holds the surface together. The wide part of the pallet will act as a support.
  2. For the back, you should form another such part from the second pallet. Then both elements are fastened together. To do this, it is important to set the angle at which they will be connected. To ensure a tight fit of the back, a certain part is cut off from its end. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the products. metal corners. It is important to use only durable fittings so that the model does not sag.
  3. The procedure is completed by attaching the support legs. These elements are made from various materials. The simplest would be to use the same pallets, which are screwed vertically to the base on both sides. At the same time, they act as supports and armrests. The main thing is to choose the right size of furniture to suit the person’s parameters.

Watch the following video for a master class on making a chair from pallets.

If you need a more aesthetic model, then you can use metal supports. They are attached to the base using self-tapping screws and spacers.

Finishing features

Creating a chair is not the most important stage. To get a unique structure, you should decorate the structure. You can do this in several ways:

  1. The simplest and most popular option is painting. Today on the market you can find many types of varnish and paint that are suitable for a specific design and material.
  2. Upholstery. To do this, they use many different fabrics that can be used to diversify the design. If comfort is important to you, then you can attach a soft backing (foam rubber, etc.) under the upholstery.

It all depends only on your desire and imagination. Therefore, when making chairs from pallets, you can use many other auxiliary elements, turning the product into universal and practical furniture.

In a similar way, you can build tables, benches and many other interior items. This will allow them to be used together as a full-fledged furniture set.

Furniture made from pallets, or, as they are also called, pallets, can be called fashion trend the last few years. After all, it is very cheap, practical and at the same time comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Making furniture from pallets with your own hands is not at all difficult; most projects do not require special tools or woodworking skills. But, of course, there are also some nuances in its manufacture. Stylish and practical ideas, as well as the subtleties and tricks of creating such furniture, can be found further in the article.

Security measures

First of all, we must not forget that many pallets, in order for them to last longer and not be influenced by atmospheric factors and wood-boring insects, are treated with chemicals. Therefore, they should not be used in residential areas, and hands should be washed after contact with them. By carefully processing the wood - cleaning, sanding, painting in several layers - it is possible to neutralize their effect on human health. But only special studies will provide a 100% guarantee of their safety.

Please note

Pallets must have an IPPC stamp - this means that the wood has been processed in accordance with sanitary standards. But this does not guarantee the absence of chemicals on its surface. You need to look for pallets marked HT - Heat Treated. This means that they did not pass chemical treatment, and heat treatment, which is harmless to human health.

The EUR or EPAL marking indicates that these pallets are of European origin. Moreover, the second designation is equivalent to HT, and the first is older and may imply different types processing.

Never make furniture from pallets with the letters MB on them. This label means methyl bromide, a very strong insecticide.

The most simple furniture made from pallets are tables. They are very easy to make and require only minimal time and money to make. This one is made from just 1 pallet, a rectangle of thick glass and 4 legs on wheels. coffee table ik.

The space between the top and bottom of a wooden box can be used to store bottles of wine, and filling it with boards will help keep smaller items from falling onto the floor.

And if you work a little more, you will get a table with drawers. Neat color accents give it a special charm.

Practical and beautiful

Besides tables, what other furniture is made from pallets? The photo of this charming reading and relaxing nook proves that with enough effort, pallets can be transformed into beautiful and cozy element interior

Moreover, such sofas are a very practical place for storing small things - magazines, books or baskets and boxes with other things.

A bed is usually quite expensive, because it is a large piece of furniture that requires a lot of work. If you want to reduce the cost of purchasing it, you can also make the same furniture from pallets as shown below (photo).

With your own hands, you can make the sleeping item itself, as shown above, or a base for it. If you put LED candles in the gaps between the boards (but in no case ordinary wax candles) or make more permanent lighting from LED strips, you can create an amazing atmosphere in the bedroom.

DIY furniture from pallets step by step

Let's figure out how such a dining table was made, which can comfortably accommodate 6-8 people.

To make it you needed:

  • 1 large pallet;
  • sandpaper to varying degrees graininess;
  • furniture varnish;
  • varnish brush or rag;
  • 4 legs;
  • screws, nails;
  • saw, nail puller and hammer.

To make such furniture from pallets with your own hands, proceed as follows:

Garden furniture made from pallets

To fully enjoy your holiday fresh air, you should have a cozy place where you can lie down, read a book, take a nap or have tea with your family. Outdoor furniture should be practical and resistant to atmospheric influences. It is also desirable that it be inexpensive, but look attractive. Furniture made from pallets meets all these requirements. The photo of this cozy veranda will surely make you want to do something similar.

But in order to create this bright set of furniture, I just had to cut the pallets according to the width of the benches, connect them in pairs, make the legs from timber and paint them with stain.

The table was created in a similar way, only it had wheeled legs and an umbrella mount attached to it, and it was covered with bright light green paint. The cozy composition was complemented by pots of flowers.

And they are simply hung on a painted pallet. The most expensive parts of this project are the pillows, seats and rug. But if you have old children's mattresses, you can save a lot by making a new cover for them.

Other options

The theme of pallet tables can be developed indefinitely in the context of garden furniture. For example, a very simple version is made, as in the photo below.

A little more time and additional materials went to the next set of furniture - the dining option.

And fans of shish kebab and barbecue will be delighted by the idea brought to life with your own hands, as in the photo below. With such a table-cabinet it will be very convenient to place everything you need for cooking at hand.

Very practical and beautiful benches can be made from 1 pallet, and a cheerful paint color and beautiful textiles will instantly hide their ignoble origin.

Master class

Let's look at how to make garden furniture from pallets step by step. An example would be a bench.

To do it, you need:

  • 1 pallet;
  • 2.5 m of timber (5 x 10 cm)
  • a box of long (at least 5 cm) screws;
  • tools: nail puller, circular saw, screwdriver, hammer, meter, marker, corner.

Time to work on the project: 2-2.5 hours, the sequence of actions is as follows:

To make it more pleasant to sit on the bench, it is advisable to get a mattress or pillows.

The times when making your own furniture was considered a sign of poverty are a thing of the past. Now everything “craft”, made by hand and with soul, is in fashion. A sofa made of pallets will add a special charm to a country house, cottage, hallway or even living room.

Features and Benefits

Wooden pallets or pallets are boxes designed for storing and transporting various goods, building materials or products. Such boxes can often be seen around grocery stores, in warehouses. However, in skillful hands, these unpolished and rough objects can take on a completely different face.

Furniture and other interior items made from pallets fit perfectly into eco-style, loft and scandi styles, and suit the mood well country houses and dachas. It's all about the wood, which is not hidden by upholstery and pillows. The texture of the material gives the interior natural warmth, cleanliness and freshness. Light easily passes through the cracks in the pallet boards - such furniture does not clutter up the space. In addition, such a sofa is very light, it can be moved anywhere, which cannot be said about its massive “comrade” made of chipboard and foam rubber.

But the most important advantage of pallet furniture is its low cost. Even a student in a dormitory can afford such a design solution.


The decor of such sofas can also be different. You can leave the wood clean by simply sanding it smooth. The varnish coating will add strength and shine.

You can cover the wood with stain - it will give a deeper and darker shade.

Fits well on pallets water-based paint. A sofa created using wood aging techniques will look great. You can complement the furniture by cutting, burning or applying decoupage.


A sofa made from pallets can be designed for different rooms and goals. Suitable for a cottage or house outside the city:

  • A small sofa bench with a backrest.
  • Ottoman for relaxation.

For home interior You can consider options:

  • Ottoman or bed with headboard.
  • Bed on a base made from pallets.
  • Sofa with armrests.
  • Corner sofa.
  • Children's sofa bed.


Both in the country and in a city apartment, upholstered furniture from wooden pallets will perfectly complement the “cabinet” made of the same materials. Coffee tables, dining tables, breakfast trays in bed, magazine and book racks, hanging shelves– all this can be made from pallets in the same style as the main piece of furniture.

The sofa can have a back (then it will be used for sitting) or a small headboard (then it will become a place to sleep). You can easily complement such a sofa with armrests, drawers at the bottom, and make it completely closed on three sides.

You can turn pallets into a trestle bed - a sofa into oriental style, on which you can lie and eat/smoke a hookah at the same time.

Most often, the design is simple: a base is made from pallets, on which a mattress is placed on top. You can specially order a comfortable mattress of the appropriate size and cover it with beautiful fabric. For rustic options, a retro mattress taken from the mezzanine is perfect. The role of the back and armrests is most often performed by pillows. They can be ordinary, but best of all - furniture ones, made of foam rubber. As an option, leave the pillows from the old sofa and cover them with a fabric that suits the style.

The simplest base option is pallets standing on the floor. No legs needed! You can add wheels to the base - then the sofa can be very easily moved from place to place.

How to do it yourself?

Pallets are not just boxes knocked together anyhow. This is an auxiliary equipment officially accepted in the field of logistics and cargo transportation, which is produced according to standards. A certain number of pallets enter a container, and the containers are unloaded into transport. This is why pallets are so easy to work with - they come out of production same sizes, board to board.

  • Europallet has dimensions of 80 cm by 120 cm. The distinctive sign is a brand burned into the legs with EUR beeches in an oval.
  • Finnish pallet slightly wider - its size is 100 cm by 120 cm. In the form of a distinctive sign - the FIN brand.

Euro and Finnish pallets are certified. They have the same height - 14.5 cm.

Thus, if you want to use these types of pallets for furniture without legs, you can immediately expect that the height of the base of the sofa will be just over 14 cm from the floor.

There may also be uncertified samples on sale (these are also used on the domestic market) - cargo pallets that are equal in size to Finnish and European ones, but they do not have a mark. Moreover, they can be made from boards different thicknesses and width.

Pallets differ in grades - first, second and third. Premium pallets are held together with screws. Moreover, they are clean, bright and undamaged. Low-grade pallets may be dirty, darkened, and inside they may be knocked down with ordinary nails.

All this is important to consider if you plan to make furniture not from new pallets. Knowing that there are nails inside, it is worth carefully inspecting the pallets and strengthening the connections so that the sharp fasteners do not inadvertently fall out.

Ideally, it is better to purchase new or very slightly used first-class Euro pallets. It's inexpensive, but much safer. They look environmentally friendly, and the brand adds style.

After choosing the pallets themselves (the size of the pallet will allow you to understand how many pieces you need for a sofa of a certain size), you must treat them with an antiseptic. This is especially true for used pallets, but new ones won’t hurt either. This is done not only to kill bacteria, but also to extend the life of the tree. Special formulations:

  • Prevents rotting.
  • Prevents the formation of mold and mildew.
  • Reduces "flammability".

Antiseptics can be water-based, oil-based or combined - which one is right for you, it is better to consult a specialist at a building materials store. Before processing pallets, clean them and degrease them. Then, using a brush or roller, you need to apply the composition to the pallets, according to the instructions. Usually the wood is literally impregnated with an antiseptic, applying 4-5 layers. After this, the tree dries out for 2-3 days (ideally if it is on the street or on the balcony).

Now the pallets are ready for “assembly”. The simplest type of sofa is a bench. Such option will do for a summer residence or garden plot as outdoor furniture.

One or two Euro pallets and several wooden blocks 5-6 cm thick will be enough for it. A hammer drill, a screwdriver, bolts, screws, washers and metal corners will be useful for the work.

To make the base for the bench, you need to do the following step by step:

  • Cut the pallet into 2 unequal parts. A standard pallet is assembled from 7 boards; you need to divide it so that one part has 4 boards and the other 3. The wide part will be the seat, and the narrower part will be the back.
  • Fold the backrest and seat together at an angle of 90° and tighten tightly with screws or self-tapping screws.
  • Strengthen the fastening wooden blocks , which should be attached diagonally from the upper corner of the backrest to the lower corner of the seat. You will get something like diagonal armrests.
  • If desired, you can make legs from the remaining boards so that the pallet does not lie on the ground. It is best to make them low and thick enough and fasten them, reinforcing them with metal corners.
  • Throw a mattress and pillows on the sofa.

It is best to place such a sofa against the wall, because over time the back may become a little loose.

To make an ottoman for a sleeping area, you will need 6-8 standard pallets.

To get a beautiful base, you will need to use a Euro pallet that has an EUR stamp on the legs.

  • For each pallet, measure 20 cm from one edge and saw off this part completely (along with the “legs”).
  • The board that has been sawn off and the legs must be separated by removing the fasteners from the inside. These parts will become the fastening in the place where you will connect two pallets to each other.
  • Take two pallets with sawn edges, fold them with the cut facing each other.
  • Place the “legs” under the boards, and place a board on top that was sawn off. Secure with screws.
  • This way you won't just knock two pallets together, but you will make a “seam” that will hide the place of the cut and the base of the bed will look like a single large pallet.
  • Using the same principle, connect other pallets. It will be very beautiful and convenient if the base of the ottoman is two pallets high, that is, you will need to make two bases and place them on top of each other, connecting them with fasteners. There is no need to be afraid that the structure will collapse - pallets are initially designed to carry large loads and to stand on top of each other.

  • The base is additionally sanded and sanded. You can stain the pallets with stain, varnish or paint if you want.
  • After this, you can put the mattress on the ottoman(any, depending on your wishes for comfort), and also decorate with blankets, bedspreads and decorative pillows. Advice from experienced designers– to prevent the mattress and pillows from “riding” on the bed, you can sew strong ties along the edges and pass them between the pallet boards. This way the mattress will remain in place even after a stormy night.

A corner sofa can decorate your living room, and in the country - a veranda or gazebo. You can make a low sofa from one layer of pallets - then it will be oriental-style furniture.

Ideal if you complement it with the same low table. For the living room, taller furniture made from pallets stacked on top of each other is suitable.

The instructions are as follows:

  • For one row of base you will need 3 pallets. We connect two of them to each other in length. This will be the longer part of the seat. You can simply knock them down end-to-end, or you can do it by sawing and placing the legs, as described above.
  • We connect the third pallet at right angles to the long part of the seat– you will get a shorter part and an angle will be formed.
  • Next, if necessary, make a second row similar in height.
  • The back of such a sofa is made from other pallets. To do this, you need to remove the legs and bottom boards from them. You will get wooden gratings. They need to be placed vertically, attached to the very bottom of the base. This way the back will be quite strong and high. Place as many “lattices” as needed along the length of the sofa.
  • Next comes sanding., tinting, decorating with paints and textiles.

With armrests

At master classes from designers on the loft style, they often show a sofa with armrests made from the side parts of a pallet. This universal material, from which you can assemble furniture like a construction set. The side parts can serve as shelves, table legs, and storage shelves.

If you need a sofa with armrests, then you will need 2 additional pallets for them. Saw off the side parts along with the legs without separating the parts. The result will be parallelepipeds, empty inside with small blocks of legs along the edges. They will be the armrests. Simply lay them on the sides of the sofa and attach them with screws. From one pallet you will get 2 armrests - left and right. To make them taller and more functional, duplicate them on top with the same parts from the second pallet.

Design ideas

Depending on the style and purpose, you can make the most different sofas from pallets. The most important rule successful registration interior - support. That is, there should not be only one such craft sofa. It must be supplemented with a table, shelves or some other parts from the same pallets.

A lot depends on textiles - its color scheme and the texture of the fabrics will help achieve an impressive effect.


This photo shows a corner sofa for a summer house with a table. The pallets are painted in a pleasant “dusty” blue color, very suitable for outdoor furniture. The same tone is repeated by large pillows folded at the back. Pads of purple and lilac shades harmonize with mattresses. And striped pillows connect the table (on which there is a towel made of the same fabric) and the sofa into a single ensemble.

Another example of a bright corner country house– a small sofa-chaise lounge on which you can drink cocktails and sunbathe. The wood is painted with bright paint - this once again emphasizes how good the pallet looks with or without painting. Stylish bright blue pillow bases are made to order. Red pillows make the ensemble even brighter and tie the sofa and the rolling table together.


DIY furniture from pallets

The current DIY theme is DIY pallet furniture. After all wooden pallets often used by owners of private houses and summer residents for the manufacture of various interior items and garden furniture. Such original decor will be a real decoration local area, and you can make various furniture and all kinds of crafts with your own hands, even if you have minimal similar work experience.

Description of material

Wooden pallets are originally intended for storage and transportation various cargoes and goods. They are made from lumber and may differ in size, design and shape. Usually, the cheapest coniferous wood is used for their production, which will subsequently require appropriate care and attention from the homeowner and summer resident who makes furniture and various interior items from such pallets.

It is not recommended to use the following pallets for home decoration and various furniture:

  • painted with formaldehyde paint;
  • pallets that have been used in markets and have absorbed unpleasant odors;
  • pallets marked IPPC, which are treated with various chemicals.

There is usually no difficulty in finding pallets suitable for making garden furniture and all kinds of decorative elements. In hardware stores you can purchase new factory-made wooden pallets or buy them at a bargain price from transport companies or from the warehouses of various stores.

Where to buy, average prices

In transport companies, wooden pallets are used exclusively for packaging and transporting goods. Pallets are also used in warehouses and markets, where they can be purchased at a minimal price or even received for free. High-quality first grade wooden Euro pallets are sold in household and construction stores. They can be used to make original furniture for cottages and private homes.

The average cost of high-quality used and practically new wooden pallets will be from 30 to 150 rubles. A table made from pallets with your own hands will have an affordable price, and it will not be difficult to complete. You can also find ready-made furniture made from wooden pallets on sale, however, due to the high cost, its popularity on the market is significantly limited. If necessary, you can make pallets yourself, for which you use boards with a thickness of 2 centimeters and bars with a cross-section of 6-7 centimeters.

Advantages of furniture and crafts made from pallets

Using wooden pallets for manufacturing country furniture, various crafts and landscaping elements will significantly reduce the homeowner’s costs, while you can make original ones with your own hands stylish designs, which will become a real decoration for your backyard or private house.

The advantages of using wooden pallets for landscaping the local area and making furniture include:

  • affordable cost of material;
  • reliability and durability;
  • complete environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of making original designs.

The disadvantages of such wooden structures, especially when they are located on outdoors, may include susceptibility to rot and the possibility of damage by various insect pests. The homeowner will need to regularly treat gazebos, outbuildings and decorative elements made from pallets with special protective impregnations that prevent the formation of rot, ensuring the maximum possible durability of hand-made structures.

You can find it on the Internet various projects construction of gazebos, recreation areas in the country and in a private house, all kinds of furniture and various landscaping elements made of wooden pallets. The costs of purchasing such materials will be minimal, no experience in working with carpentry tools is required, and every summer resident and owner of a private house will understand the production of such crafts.

Outbuildings made from pallets

Not only furniture and home improvement items can be made from wooden pallets, but also various outbuildings can be erected. These can be all kinds of sheds, showers, verandas, small cellars and so on. A fence made from pallets with your own hands has an original look , which, subject to regular treatment, will last for many years. You just need to use high-quality pallets, which are additionally treated with special stains and impregnations to prevent them from being damaged by moisture.

The advantage of using wooden pallets for construction outbuildings in the homestead area is the weight of such materials, which saves the homeowner from the need to build a full-fledged foundation. The pallets themselves can be bought at a low price or found for free, which significantly reduces the cost of equipping buildings being built on the territory of a private house or cottage.

DIY garden furniture from pallets

For the manufacture of country furniture, high-quality Euro pallets of the first and second grade can be used, which do not have mold, rot, dirt stains or visible damage. First-class pallets will have chamfers removed in the corners, there will be full compliance with dimensions, and there will be no cracks, chips on the surface of the wood, dark spots and other damage. Subsequently, the homeowner will only need to varnish or oil paint such pallets, the furniture from which will last for many years.

Wooden Euro pallets can be used to make coffee tables And bedside tables, bookcases, various tabletops, original upholstered furniture, stylish beds, all kinds decorative items interior Working with pallets is not particularly difficult; they can be sawed and processed either manually or with an angle grinder with a wood cutting wheel. To connect wooden elements, it is better to use special furniture nails that have a hidden head, which allows you to create original and neat wooden structures.

Elements of home improvement

From wooden pallets in the country you can make garden gazebos and verandas, easy summer kitchen, improve the recreation area, arrange easy-to-use garden paths. You can easily find interesting and original ideas such landscaping of the garden area with the help of inexpensive wooden pallets, which will allow you to do it yourself and with minimal costs interesting to design personal plot. A do-it-yourself gazebo made from pallets will be an excellent decoration for your backyard.

All lumber used for such work is mandatory are treated with antiseptics, and subsequently it is necessary to carry out such work every 2-3 years, depending on the type of chemicals used. The use of wooden pallets for the manufacture of garden landscaping elements can significantly reduce the cost of such work, guaranteeing originality landscape design. At the same time, it is possible to decorate the dacha and the territory of a private house in a single style using such natural materials.

Making crafts from pallets with your own hands

Using wooden pallets for making country furniture, landscaping items and various crafts is not particularly difficult. You can do all the work yourself, even with minimal skills in handling carpentry tools.

To make crafts from pallets for your garden with your own hands, you will need the following:

  • a grinder with a cutting wheel for wood or a saw;
  • hammer and chisel;
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • soft brush, various impregnations and wood stains.

Before starting to manufacture garden furniture, it is necessary to treat the pallets, for which they are cleaned of dirt, dust, and burrs and chips are removed by grinding. For this processing, it is recommended to use a sander, which significantly speeds up the preparation of wood for work.

When making items non-standard sizes You will need to disassemble the pallets, after which the lumber is sorted according to its condition and width. If the furniture is installed outdoors, it will be necessary to treat the wood with protective stains, covering the material with varnish or paint. This will extend the life of self-made decorative items, protecting them from rotting, fungus and pests.

Directly for the manufacture of interior items, furniture, and various crafts from wooden pallets, you need to have on hand a diagram, sketch or photograph depicting the items being made. You can easily find such pictures on the Internet, and based on the available photos you can perform original options furniture that will become a real decoration country house or backyard area.

Even boxes in combination with pallets can be adapted in interesting ways:

A simple version of country furniture made from pallets

From wooden pallets you can make the simplest and original furniture for an outdoor recreation area, while the acquisition costs necessary materials will be minimal. Pallets, due to their high strength and versatility of use, will become excellent option for the manufacture of dining and coffee tables.

For such work you will need following tools and materials:

  • wood paint;
  • sandpaper;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • hand saw;
  • two pallets.

Pallets firmly connected to each other are used as a tabletop, for fixing which anchors, screws or long nails should be used. The pallets used should be disassembled, the main plane formed from the boards, and knocked down in such a way as to exclude the presence of even minimal gaps between the planks. After assembly, all pallets are carefully sanded sandpaper or a sander with a fine nozzle. The surface of the boards must be perfectly smooth, without burrs or chips.

The coffee table is covered with paint, the color of which is chosen depending on the design of the room. If the table is planned to be placed outdoors, then it is preferable to choose light shades of paint. After the dye has dried, all that remains is to attach the table legs, which are made from wooden blocks or metal pins selected in size and length.

From wooden pallets you can make original chairs, which will be an excellent solution for open and closed recreation areas in the country house and the territory of a private house. To make such a chair you will need at least 4 pallets, which are disassembled and knocked down the frame of the chair, covered with boards on all sides. The backrest is attached at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the completed seat. You can add originality to this design by painting each of the boards in different color. In general, DIY furniture made from pallets is a trend for 2019 and it seems that more and more more people pick up this idea.

From disassembled wooden pallets you can assemble a variety of pieces of furniture as from construction kit parts, using and ready-made panels, and boards and beams separated from them. If you decide to try your hand at making furniture for the first time, first try assembling a coffee table from pallets with your own hands - photos and drawings of such a table are easy to find on the Internet.

Preparation and operating principles

Tools and consumables

You will need:

  • drill, drills and abrasive brush attachment for polishing wood (or sandpaper); hammer, nail puller, brushes and roller for paint, varnish, primer;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • primer, varnish or paint (acrylic, polyurethane);
  • accessories (corners, clamps, wheels for a table, handles for drawers, etc.

To make the screws fit into the wood easier, lubricate them with laundry soap or any other soap. If the pallet table will be placed outside, before assembling wooden parts must be treated with a moisture-proofing compound.

Preparing materials

For the manufacture of a table whose tabletop is not the same size as standard size pallet, disassemble the pallets using a hammer and nail puller. Before disassembling, they need to be cleaned of dust and dirt (washed or wiped with a damp cloth and dried) and lightly polished. This can be done with sandpaper or using a drill attachment.

Attention! All parts of the pallets need to be cleaned, and only those areas that will come into contact with the body should be sanded. Don't forget to wear a mask and safety glasses!

Remove the nails, being careful not to break the boards, sort them by width and condition, especially if you used used pallets. It is enough to coat new pallets or their parts with a moisture-protective compound, but it would not hurt to treat used ones with an antiseptic primer. If products were transported on them (for example, vegetables or cereals in bags), organic particles trapped in the microcracks of the boards begin to decompose over time, and bad smell. Finished products are coated with a primer and varnish or paint when the glue holding the boards together has dried.

Coffee table

Cleaned and painted or varnished (stained), the tray itself can serve as a low decorative coffee table. This piece of furniture will fit well into an “oriental” interior with sofa cushions on the floor and will appeal to people who like to drink coffee while sitting on a fluffy carpet. Well, if you want it to be the usual height, assemble it from two or three pallets stacked on top of each other.

To make a small table from pallets you need 2-3 pallets, one of which is disassembled into blanks. The boards from it are stuffed between the slats of the future table top to create a continuous sheet; The floor of the shelf and legs are used to make shields.

Finished large parts are ground and processed protective compounds and left to dry. After they have dried, the roughness remaining after the initial processing is rubbed with fine-grained sandpaper or sanded with a brush attachment for a drill.

Now you can assemble the structure:

  • a shield assembled from boards is attached to the bottom of the pallet, which forms a shelf or niches for drawers. The shelves on top are left lattice or made solid.
  • several layers of stain are applied to the table or primed and painted;
  • at the corners of the bottom assembled table Bolt the four legs or furniture casters to the rollers.

To ensure that the coffee table made from pallets stands level, mark in advance the places where the rollers will be: attach them to the tabletop and use a pencil to place marks in the right places. Drill holes for screws using these marks.

Kitchen table

To make a dining table, you will need four meters of timber with a cross-section of 2 x 2 cm and several pallets: square, 1 x 1 m in size (for the tabletop), and standard - 1.2 x 1 m (for disassembling into parts).

From a standard pallet you will get eight boards for the table legs, the width of each of them is about 7 cm, and the length is 66 cm. From the timber, cut four 7 x 68 cm sections for the table frame and eight spacers 32 cm long (along the long edge). Cut the ends of the spacers at a 45 degree angle.

Now you can start assembling. If you like the natural texture of wood, sand the parts and coat them with clear or colored varnish before assembly. Step-by-step instructions:

  • Put together a frame of four boards.
  • Place two boards at 90 degree angles and connect them with metal squares or glue and screws. These will be the corner legs.
  • Attach the legs to the frame, additionally connect the frame and legs with supports.
  • Secure the square pallet to the frame with the base facing up and place a sheet of thick glass on it. Glass for the tabletop can be transparent or colored, it is glued transparent glue or drill a glass plate and fasten it to the frame with large bolts.

The tabletop can also be made from boards from a disassembled pallet, stuffing them with a solid canvas on top of the frame. For niches inside the table, drawers are made from boards or plywood - in them you will store cutlery, napkins and kitchen items. The limiter for the drawers is the middle part of the base of the pallet, and the “extra” openings are filled with wooden cubes cut from thick timber.


The simplest computer or desk is made from four pallets, two of which, placed vertically, serve as its side walls, with shelves for small items. If you place the side pallets with their bases facing outwards rather than inwards, small flowerpots with flowers can be placed on the shelves. The floral design harmonizes perfectly with the wood and will enliven any room.

The upper pallet is left unchanged, but its surface is made solid by filling the gaps between the slats with boards or timber and thoroughly polished. The lower part of the pallet becomes a shelf or niche for drawers. Unlike the dining table, in the writing table they are placed only on the wide side, making a delimiter inside the niche: two rows of wooden cubes with edges of 20 centimeters each. The same cubes are used to fill the openings on the sides. If you are not going to place the table close to the wall, equip drawers on both sides of the table.

Worker or office option for office

Another option for a desk in eco-style is with a table top made of a pallet, placed on metal or wooden legs. It doesn’t look as bulky as the previous option, and it can be easily complemented with a restored bedside table by decorating both pieces of furniture in the same style and connecting the bedside table with the table with a wooden panel. Two “lightweight” tables made of pallets, separated by a bedside table, will become a common workplace for brothers and sisters living in the same room.

Advice! In addition to the desk, you can make a wide stool from a pallet and place it on it. Attach furniture casters to the legs, and without a cushion it will serve as a small mobile table.

Changing table

One of the main requirements for furniture for children is the strength and reliability of the structure, so pallets are the best suited for its manufacture. Assembling a changing table from pallets with your own hands is not much more difficult than a coffee table.

It requires four to five “wooden trays”, one of which will be disassembled. Like a desk, the legs of the changing table are two vertically placed pallets, and the top is a solid board. The only difference is that the sides are padded around the perimeter of the tabletop so that the baby does not accidentally roll off it.

The internal projections of the side panels of the table serve as the basis for two lattice shelves. There will be spare packs of diapers, a change of clothes for the baby, bedding etc. If you need drawers for small items, use one or two pallets assembled together and cover the bottom of the structure with a sheet of plywood.

You can use glass to level the surface of Euro pallets

You can also make a spacious cabinet table for a nursery from pallets. In this case, the shelves are made of solid panels, and thick beams are vertically stacked in the middle so that they form a wall connecting the tabletop and the shelf. Boxes made of plywood or boards are inserted into the niches. When the baby grows up, he will start storing toys in them.

“Live” wood or painting?

Wood is a universal material that combines with all other natural materials. While maintaining its natural texture, furniture made from pallets can be complemented with textile accessories, a glass tabletop; metal and forged parts; painting and wooden mosaic. However, we must remember that the type of wood processing depends not only on the artistic design, but also on the purpose of the piece of furniture:

  • colorless varnish is necessary not only to highlight the structure of wood fibers, but also to protect the table from sauces, tea, and coffee spilled on it. Untreated wood absorbs liquids well, and over time the countertop will be difficult to clean.
  • The table does not need to be painted or varnished. But if it is to be placed in the house, it must be impregnated with wood stain (in addition to its decorative function, it also has disinfecting properties), and the garden furniture must be treated against pests and moisture.

Euro pallets - free material

Protective compounds are applied with a brush, roller or sprayed onto the surface to be treated with a spray gun in two or three layers. If you want to paint a table with oil paint, you must first prime it with a special putty or cover it with drying oil.

Depending on the accessories and the method of decorating the wood, a table made from pallets will decorate a country-style kitchen, fit right in, or fit well into today’s fashionable loft. And having learned how to make a table from pallets with your own hands and having practiced, you can continue updating your interior with unusual and beautiful pieces of furniture.