Rattan furniture of own production. How to start the production of artificial rattan furniture. Simple braiding of the frame with artificial rattan

Investments: from 195 000 rubles

Payback: from 1 month

Wicker rattan tables, armchairs and sofas give the country house a cozy look. But natural material has a high cost - it must be brought from tropical countries. Therefore, an inexpensive synthetic analogue, polyrattan, has gained popularity. It looks almost as attractive, does not lose its shape under the influence of moisture, sun and wind and does not require special care.

business concept

First decide whether you want to buy an artificial rattan extruder line or not. On the one hand, it is beneficial: the right raw materials for weaving are always at hand. On the other hand, the opening of production requires additional costs (the apparatus itself costs from 300,000 to 2,000,000 rubles). Plus the rent of premises, a communal apartment, the salary of workers, the cost of raw materials and dyes. Consider a simpler option: you agreed with the manufacturer on the supply of artificial rattan and started creating the furniture itself.

You are planning to open a workshop for weaving artificial rattan furniture - consider three important points:

  • Only manual labor is used in production.
  • The material is easy to use and does not require careful storage conditions.
  • The process of weaving from polyrattan is faster than from natural material.

Weaving from techno-rattan is possible not only for home furniture, but also for garden and beach furniture. It is beautiful in that it does not need to be protected from rain and sun. Vases, baskets, screens for batteries, souvenirs, fences, small architectural forms for the garden, even high-tech office chairs are made from this material.

Hence the conclusion: the target audience includes owners of country houses, hotels with open verandas or by the beaches, owners of summer restaurants and furniture boutiques. A similar business is being implemented in two directions: the manufacture of furniture to order and the sale of finished products.

What is required for implementation?

If you decide to work from home, you will need a room. It can be rented inexpensively, since the location and special conditions do not matter.

Such a stage as product design can be outsourced. Remote specialist services will cost less.

The same applies to accounting. For small volumes, accounting web services are sufficient. As a staff, two masters and two apprentices are enough to start.

If you do not manufacture synthetic thread yourself, you will need to purchase it. The average cost of polyrattan is 180 rubles per kg. But if you buy in bulk, you can negotiate cheaper. A compact chair takes up to 5 kg, a sofa with two chairs - from 25 kg and more. We also need tools for weaving and for making an aluminum frame, and the metal itself for it.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, you yourself need to imagine how, in fact, to weave a chair or sofa. And then hire employees. In general, in order to organize a mini-enterprise for the production of techno-rattan furniture, you will need:

  1. Make a business plan. Better in three options - optimistic, pessimistic and realistic.
  2. Find masters of weaving.
  3. Find potential customers and preliminarily agree on the supply of furniture.
  4. Register IP. The taxation regime is the simplified tax system "Income".
  5. Find and rent a room.
  6. Purchase raw materials and tools.

The next step is to take orders or act at your own risk in order to sell furniture.

Financial calculations

Understanding the benefits of implementing a business idea requires the right strategy and calculations.

Starting capital and monthly expenses

If you do not plan to buy an extruder line, your start-up costs will be as follows (in rubles):

  • rent of premises - 15000;
  • materials - 50,000;
  • tools - 50000;
  • payroll fund (for the first month) - 80,000.

It is supposed to pay masters 30,000 rubles each, their assistants - 10,000 rubles each. The total amount is 195,000 rubles. Monthly expenses without taxes will amount to 145,000 rubles. Tools are purchased once.

Potential earnings and payback periods

The cost of finished products: an armchair - 30,000 rubles, a sofa - 90,000 rubles, armchairs and a table on the veranda - 50,000 rubles. Such a volume of work may well be mastered by one person in a month. Total 170,000 rubles. If you have two masters and two apprentices on staff, the amount must be multiplied by three.

The monthly income of the enterprise is 510,000 rubles.

If you subtract taxes (6%), you get 479,400 rubles. From them you need to remove the monthly expenses.

Total net profit - 334,400 rubles. As you can see, in an optimistic scenario, a business will be able to pay for itself after a month of work.

Business risks and cons

Wicker furniture is now popular, and many rightly see it as a money-making opportunity. But the niche is not yet fully occupied. So there is time to promote a business idea. And when supplying high-quality furniture without huge markups, the demand for products will be both in winter and in summer.

Consider what are the other benefits and risks of a business idea:

It is more profitable to work on pre-orders. And so that the customer does not change his mind, at least half of the prepayment amount is required.

Weaving furniture and interior accessories from artificial rattan is a great opportunity to show your creative abilities and make good money at the same time.

Fashion does not stand still. Once upon a time, wicker furniture was out of competition, then soft corners and armchairs forced it out of constant use, but not for long. Already today, rattan furniture is regaining its position, occupying an important place in the interior of modern cottages and houses. Such products can not only replace modern furniture, they also have many advantages over it. Rattan is a high-quality, strong and durable material. In addition, it has unique aesthetic properties. That is why there is a high demand for it. And if someone wants to buy wicker rattan furniture, others, more enterprising, start a small production in this area. This direction is suitable for those who are looking for a way.

What is artificial rattan?

Rattan is a polymer thread, which is obtained by extrusion. The plastic is melted to a certain temperature, then passed through a specialized mold. Depending on the type and nozzle of this shape, it is possible to obtain a synthetic thread in the form of a rod, a crescent, an imitation of wooden bark, and much more. The result is raw material for further weaving of different textures and colors. The components of the plastic must comply with all specified criteria and ISO 9001 standards, be pleasant to the touch and odorless.

Features and advantages of artificial rattan:

  • aesthetic appeal;
  • high degree of material strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the lightness of the material, which makes it easy to move around the house and during transportation;
  • ease of assembly;
  • duration of operation;
  • does not require special care - just wipe with a damp cloth to remove dirt.

Rattan has many advantages for manufacturers as well. It is easy to work with the resulting raw material (plastic thread), due to the flexibility of the material, you can make products of any, even extraordinary shape (which is now relevant in the interior design of houses). In addition, plastic rattan thread is very long (some manufacturers produce it up to 200 meters), so it is easy to work with. And you don’t need to think about connecting the lashes, which is important for natural materials.

Equipment for the manufacture of artificial rattan furniture

The production and weaving process can be manual (suitable for beginners). It is based on the purchase of ready-made rattan, which is supplied in reels. This option does not require large investments and consists in the purchase of raw materials and hand tools.

A more professional approach is to install a production line that not only makes furniture, but also makes polymer tapes, which minimizes the cost of raw materials. Professional equipment costs from 1.5 million rubles, but having such a "factory", you can produce furniture of any shape and size.

Artificial rattan furniture making equipment:

Manual for machining and weaving

Line for the production of wickerwork

a set of files extruder
shmol (tape trim) winder
plows cooling system
bit crusher (for processing secondary raw materials)
iser (a cone-shaped steel plate for aligning rows when weaving) pellet mixer
welding machine
knives, scissors
consumables - dyes, the basis for the frame, furniture fittings

This equipment allows to produce a wide range of products - chairs, armchairs, sofas, deck chairs, beds, cribs, tables, bookcases, cabinets.

Advice A: The final price of the finished rattan furniture production line is not limited to the above cost. Depending on the planned scale of production, the volume of investments can reach up to 3.5 million rubles. But in practice, a high-power extruder and other professional machines are not needed in the workshop of a novice entrepreneur.

Search for sales markets

The demand for do-it-yourself wicker furniture made of artificial rattan does not depend on seasonality. You can organize a business in two directions:

  1. select certain models of furniture and produce them for individuals, try to expand distribution channels through cooperation with furniture stores;
  2. conduct an advertising campaign and work to order, fulfilling the desire of customers.

Do-it-yourself startup entrepreneurs still need to spend a small amount of money to acquire customers. The first orders can be made for your friends and relatives, but in the future you will need:

  • advertise in local newspapers;
  • place information on the Internet, on city portals, forums;
  • put up ads around the city, leave your business cards in places where potential customers gather.

In this business, as with, it is important to provide quality services. It is necessary to make sure that customers are satisfied with the completed order and tell their friends about it. There are masters who do not spend a penny on advertising, while they are provided with orders through word of mouth.

When entering a larger production, it is necessary to conclude contracts with specialized stores that sell furniture, or organize a point of sale on your own.

Advice: A great option for expanding sales channels is to create your own website. By cooperating with different delivery services, you can go beyond the domestic market and sell throughout the country or even abroad.

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The production of wicker furniture made of artificial rattan is. It can develop into a profitable business that is in high demand, while the market is not sufficiently saturated with such offers and has great prospects for beginners.

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Most people who decide to start their own business, first of all pay attention to trading. With minimal investment, you can open a small point in the market. A large store will require large expenses. But in order for a business to become truly profitable, an entrepreneur should come up with his own zest. Otherwise, there will be no difference from competitors.

To earn almost immediately, you need to go into a type of business that is not yet so common. You can start producing artificial rattan furniture. It is both exciting and will bring a lot of income.

artificial rattan

Many people already know rattan furniture. Original wicker tables, chairs and armchairs can decorate any interior. At the same time, natural rattan is a rather expensive material that not everyone can afford. There is a cheap analogue called artificial rattan. This is a special synthetic thread, which is obtained by forcing material through a hole of a certain diameter. As a result, the resulting raw material has almost the same properties as the natural vine.

Rattan artificial looks beautiful and natural. In addition, there is an opportunity to save nature. After all, the natural vine does not have time to grow at the pace with which it is used in the manufacture of furniture.


Artificial rattan does not require special operational handling. It is very easy to maintain, easy to clean and repair. Outdoor furniture should only be periodically wiped with a damp cloth. Synthetic material does not react to weather changes and does not change under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The natural vine from which expensive furniture is made can germinate. There is no such problem if the garden chair is made of synthetic thread. However, many artificial products practically do not differ from natural ones.

Reviews of artificial rattan furniture

Buyers note that tables and chairs made of artificial vines practically do not differ from furniture made from natural raw materials. At the same time, artificial rattan has a huge number of advantages. This is the best option for the street. After all, the material does not deteriorate under the influence of direct sunlight or precipitation. This cannot be said about natural raw materials. Garden furniture made from artificial rattan can last for years, while chairs and tables made from natural material quickly lose their shape. In addition, artificial thread is much cheaper.

Manufacturers also share the benefits of making artificial rattan furniture. All you need is an apparatus for making synthetic thread. Everything else can be done manually by production staff. You don't need a lot of start-up capital to start your own business.

What can be made from artificial rattan?

Items made of synthetic thread should be not only beautiful, but also practical. The most demanded is garden furniture made of artificial rattan. Small armchairs, coffee tables, stools, swings - all this is perfect for a small courtyard. Such furniture is very comfortable. In addition, it will add zest to the garden.

In the house, wicker furniture made of artificial rattan will also look very original. In a special style, you can decorate not only the hall, but also the kitchen or bathroom. After all, artificial rattan is not at all afraid of moisture, unlike natural material. You can decorate wicker furniture with small matching pillows.

Equipment for the production of

First of all, you will have to spend money on equipment for the manufacture of artificial thread and its weaving. Of course, you can buy ready-made raw materials. But in this case, the business will not be so profitable. In addition, those who have a special machine for making artificial rattan can experiment with colors and shapes. You can make a thread that will not differ in color from natural vines, or you can add bright colors to the product.

Additionally, wicker furniture made of artificial rattan will require the cost of such installations: a cooling system, a winder, a mixer, a crusher for recycling secondary raw materials. Acquiring all this equipment will be quite expensive. You will have to spend at least 1 million rubles. At the initial stage, all these installations can be rented with a subsequent purchase.

What else can you earn with your own equipment?

Own installation for the manufacture of artificial rattan in itself can bring a good income. You can make artificial thread for those who want to make furniture, but do not have the initial capital to purchase their equipment. That is, an artificial thread can be produced for sale. In addition, artificial rattan is not the only material that can be made. If you purchase additional attachments, you can make synthetic reeds, raffia or other materials that you can use in your own business or sell to partners.

It should be noted that the equipment for the production of artificial rattan is difficult to maintain. You will have to periodically invite specialists to set up the installation and check its operation. Prevention should not be neglected. Artificial rattan of high quality can only be made on the appropriate equipment. Synthetic threads must be uniform in structure and strong.

Sales market

Artificial rattan furniture has appeared on the domestic market relatively recently. This is due to the fact that natural raw materials are quite expensive. Few could afford wicker furniture before. And there were no installations for the manufacture of synthetic threads in Russia. A set of artificial rattan, brought from abroad, also cost a lot of money.

Today, the domestic wicker furniture market is developing quite actively. At the same time, competition in this niche is still low. Not everyone decides to independently manufacture artificial rattan furniture. And those with a dedicated setup can offer quality tables, armchairs and chairs at an affordable price. The low cost of quality products has always attracted the consumer. Therefore, those who decide to engage in this type of business will definitely not have problems with the sales market.

People are interested not only in decorating and arranging their homes, but also in decorating suburban areas. And at the peak of popularity here is rattan furniture. But not everyone can afford a set of furniture made from natural material, and in this case, interior items made from its artificial counterpart become the best alternative. The problem is that you can not buy or order a wicker lounge chair, chair or sofa in every city. And given this fact, it would be logical to launch your own business in this area. Consider how to open your own production of artificial rattan furniture. Artificial rattan is an analogue of natural material, which is a strip (in the form of rods, braid or tree bark) of synthetic material of a certain thickness and width. And in combination with excellent appearance, artificial rattan also has excellent quality characteristics - strength and wear resistance.

Our business valuation:

Starting investments - from 450,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The complexity of starting a business is 5/10.

The manufacture of artificial rattan furniture as a business has recently begun to gain momentum in the market - only as the popularity of these interior items among the population grows. But it is already quite clear that this niche will only develop in the future, bringing consistently high profits to the entrepreneur.
The following advantages can serve as prerequisites for launching your own workshop:

  • Artificial wicker furniture has better quality indicators than natural - and this at a lower price. So, the demand for it will only grow every year.
  • A small investment in the business allows you to start even home production.
  • Having independently studied and mastered the technology of weaving, a business can be organized without hiring personnel.

The prospects are clear, which means that we can safely proceed to the implementation of our plans. What is to be considered here?

Description of the manufacturing process of artificial rattan furniture

You can organize your own workshop for the manufacture of rattan furniture either by mastering the weaving technology on your own, or by hiring craftsmen. And the quality and originality of finished products will depend on their professionalism.

When organizing a business, we focus on the qualifications of the hired personnel. Ultimately, the profit of the workshop will depend on their skill. Ideally, production requires hiring not only weaving masters, but also designers to develop sketches.

In general, the technology for the production of artificial rattan furniture looks like this:

  • Sketch development.
  • Production according to the sketch of the metal base.
  • Weaving product.
  • Correction of the finished product - cutting off excess plastic tapes, coating the product with varnish or a protective compound.

The weaving process is carried out manually, and the following options are possible here:

  • rope weaving,
  • regular weaving,
  • weaving with 3-4 bars,
  • openwork weaving.

As for raw materials, do-it-yourself weaving of artificial rattan furniture can be done using either purchased material or what is made within the walls of the workshop. The second option is more preferable, since it will require lower costs for providing a raw material base. And despite the fact that there will be certain investments in the technical equipment of the enterprise, all investments will soon pay off, because the resulting rattan can not only be used in your workshop, but also sold to third-party companies. But all that is required to obtain rattan is to load raw materials into the apparatus according to the PVC recipe.

Secondary raw materials, the delivery of which will need to be arranged to the workshop, are metal rods for the base of furniture and pigments for painting rattan.

If there is still no money to buy special equipment, you can buy artificial rattan from many manufacturers. It is a common practice for entrepreneurs to buy raw materials in China - here they are somewhat cheaper (despite the cost of delivery). Artificial rattan is supplied in coils, which are then unwound.

When the workshop starts to spin up and starts to bring consistently high profits, you should seriously think about buying a special machine that produces artificial rattan. This will simplify the manufacture of products and reduce their cost.

Rattan furniture making equipment

Furniture weaving extruder

The production of wicker furniture made of artificial rattan to order is carried out using an extruder. It processes PVC raw materials into finished tapes, which are further used for weaving.

Due to the fact that the direction for the manufacture of rattan furniture on the Russian market is new, there is not so much domestic equipment presented here. Basically, novice entrepreneurs equip workshops with Chinese machine tools - they are relatively inexpensive and of fairly high quality. But the purchase of an extruder is not the only cost for equipping an enterprise. Outdoor and country furniture made of artificial rattan will see the light if the workshop has the following set of equipment:

  • Extruder - from 250,000 rubles.
  • Pipe bender - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Compressor for painting - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Welding machine - from 30,000 rubles.

The final cost of the equipment is not limited to the indicated prices. Depending on the scale of production, investments in the technical equipment of the workshop can reach up to 1,500,000 rubles. But as practice shows, a high-power extruder and other professional machines are useless in a young workshop that is just starting its work.

Modern equipment does not take up much space and is easily reconfigured to produce rattan tapes of a different size and type.

Sales of finished products

Artificial rattan furniture set

Do-it-yourself wicker furniture made of artificial rattan is quite in demand on the market today. But nevertheless, it is better for an entrepreneur to spend some money on advertising his business. This can help to establish channels for the sale of finished products, and most importantly, it will help to find those customers who will place an order for original pieces of furniture. Of course, you don’t need to launch a large-scale marketing campaign, but somehow you will need to “notify” consumers that the shop has started working. What budget options are available here?

  • advertisements in the newspaper and the Internet,
  • own site.

As for the sales channels for wicker products, artificial rattan garden furniture may be of interest to furniture stores and private buyers. It will be difficult for a young shop to conclude profitable contracts with large retail outlets, since well-known chain stores are reluctant to cooperate with little-known firms. Therefore, at first, most likely, you will have to fulfill orders from private clients. And it's not so bad. Indeed, in order to supply large quantities of products to stores, impressive production capacities will be required, which home production simply may not have.

Profitability of Rattan Furniture Manufacturing Business

Since a set of artificial rattan furniture can cost quite a lot, you can recoup all the costs of organizing the work of the workshop in just six months. And here, of course, everything will depend on how many customers turn to the entrepreneur.

The very specifics of production allows you to organize work even within the walls of an empty garage. To start making furniture, it may take no more than 450,000 rubles. But we are talking about the cheapest equipment and renting a small room. In addition, it is unlikely that you will be able to hire real professionals in this case - you will have to work on your own.

And even if you use purchased raw materials, the price of artificial rattan, with well-established sales channels, can pay off quite quickly. And it's all about the individual approach and originality of products. But more impressive profits can be expected only if there is an extruder, because additional income will also come from the sale of the rattan itself. Practice shows that a medium-sized enterprise already known on the market brings an entrepreneur up to 150,000 rubles. net income monthly.

Furniture made of artificial rattan has a lot of advantages, among which it should be noted the lightness of its weight, elegance and practicality. In addition, there are many options for this furniture, made in various design forms. Let's take a look at how to make artificial rattan furniture yourself.

Pros and Cons of Rattan Garden Furniture

Rattan materials are widely used in furniture production. However, natural rattan grows in tropical countries and its transportation significantly increases the cost of finished products.

It was because of this that artificial rattan was invented, which is not only cheaper than natural, but also stronger and more resistant to the effects of the atmospheric environment.

Garden rattan furniture is quite popular not only in public places such as cafes, pubs, restaurants, but also in home use. The rattan chair looks great both in the garden outside and by the fireplace in the house. Among the main advantages of this furniture, we note:

  • light weight - thanks to this, rattan products are easily transported and moved from place to place;
  • artificial rattan furniture is resistant to temperature changes, moisture, solar radiation and other environmental influences;
  • there is a rich color palette of colors and shades of this material, so such furniture will fit into almost any type of interior and exterior;
  • artificial rattan furniture is easy to clean, does not accumulate dirt and dust, it is easy enough to wash;
  • it also has an indelible texture that gives the furniture elegance and attractive appearance;
  • furniture design can be completely different, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the place where the furniture is installed;
  • Most importantly, such furniture is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere; it can be used by both adults and children.

Artificial rattan furniture does not require additional maintenance, it only takes a damp cloth to clean it.

If we compare furniture made of artificial and ordinary rattan, then the first option is more durable, it tolerates all the effects of the atmosphere well. Ordinary rattan is unstable to moisture and wears out quickly. Artificial rattan has a softer and smoother texture, it is not afraid of moisture and solar radiation, does not deform, and does not dry out.

Artificial rattan furniture photos and features

Artificial rattan is made from synthetic fibers that can be specially processed. There are several modifications of artificial rattan:

  • in the form of a crescent;
  • bar rattan;
  • braided version;
  • stripes.

The result of weaving artificial rattan furniture depends on the type of material used in the process. In addition, rattan varies in width, thickness, length or color. Also, artificial rattan has different textures: smooth, ribbed.

Using artificial material in the production of furniture, it is possible to significantly reduce the physical effort to prepare the material for work. We offer to compare the technologies for manufacturing furniture from natural and artificial materials.

In order to independently build furniture from natural rattan, you need to perform the following technological processes:

1. The rattan tree is peeled and the material is separated according to its thickness.

2. In order for the raw material to acquire additional elasticity, it is processed with hot steam.

3. A special tool is used to straighten the stems.

After that, the gate splits into elements in the form of rods. In the production process, not only natural rattan is used, but also bark previously removed from it. Patterns, weaving and decorations for corners are made from rods, but bark is a material for making frame sections of furniture. In addition, sofas, carpets, and massive armchairs are weaved with the help of the bark.

Further steps for the manufacture of rattan furniture are associated with the following actions:

  • construction of the frame part of the fittings - previously scalded stems are bent at the required angle and fixed on special equipment, after 24 hours the part is removed and holes for other parts are equipped in it;
  • individual parts are assembled into one whole, for this weaving is used with the help of previously made rods;
  • in order for the material to retain its color and texture for a long time, and also so that it is not exposed to moisture, it is coated with paints and varnishes.

Since rattan furniture is made not by the factory method, but by hand, each product has individual and unique parameters and patterns. In addition, among the advantages of using such furniture, we note:

  • complete environmental safety;
  • high strength characteristics;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • lack of joints between connected elements;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • ease of movement from place to place;
  • long service life.

However, the manufacture of natural rattan furniture has the following disadvantages:

  • characterized by instability to sudden changes in temperature;
  • needs periodic maintenance, otherwise, there is a risk of its deformation;
  • has a low level of fire safety, it is not allowed to install near fireplaces or other heating devices;
  • is characterized by a high cost, which includes the transportation of the material and its additional processing.

Production technology of artificial rattan garden furniture

Artificial rattan is also called techno-rattan. The process of its processing is much simpler than that of natural. Initially, a frame should be built, for the manufacture of which both ordinary wood and metal or plastic are used. In order to make artificial rattan furniture for a summer residence, follow these steps:

1. Prepare a frame structure or purchase a ready-made one.

2. Place the guides on the base. Their fixation is carried out with a stapler, bolts or screws.

3. The rods that protrude beyond the surface of the frame are cut off with scissors.

5. The excess that goes beyond the frame surface is cut off after weaving is completed. Next, the ends are masked on the finished piece of furniture.

Compared with natural rattan, its artificial version has the following advantages:

  • resistance to moisture and temperature changes;
  • light weight;
  • resistance to deformation, high mechanical strength and resistance to high loads;
  • non-susceptibility to the chemical attack of detergents;
  • durability and no need for additional care and staining.

However, the artificial material is relatively rigid, so it needs a wooden, plastic or steel frame. If the weave is damaged in one of the areas, then there is a risk of it unraveling throughout the piece of furniture.

Artificial rattan furniture is installed both inside and outside the premises. It harmonizes perfectly with metal and glass products. Textile or leather pillows are installed on artificial rattan sofas. Armchairs or chairs are great for a wooden table.

Wicker artificial rattan furniture - characteristic

When studying furniture made using the weaving technique, one should take into account the fact that it can be rigid and semi-rigid. In addition, in relation to the type of frame, such furniture happens:

  • stick - based on sticks, from which the piece of fittings is constructed;
  • products in which there is no frame, while rattan with impressive thickness and high rigidity is used for weaving such furniture;
  • frame or stacked structures are the most durable, rattan is weaved between pipes made of metal, wood or plastic, such furniture does not lose shape over time and has the highest rigidity.

In addition, there is a wide variety of weaves, based on which you can get elements of different textures. The simplest weaving is the intersection of one rod. It is possible to perform openwork weaving or a combination of several options. Some masters create whole paintings using rattan weaving.

Particular attention should be paid to the connection of the components of one piece of furniture to each other. For long-term operation of furniture in everyday life, its nodal fragments should be connected to each other with high quality. Furniture must have the necessary rigidity after assembly, there should be no loose places. Detachable connection of furniture - the best option. Thus, it will be possible to assemble or disassemble it at any necessary time.

To use the one-piece connection method, you will need nails, a hammer, glue and self-tapping screws. Thus, it will be possible to obtain a stronger and more reliable connection.

DIY artificial rattan furniture

Rattan weaving can move from a hobby to a manufacturing process that will generate some income. The main condition is to get pleasure from weaving. A set of artificial rattan furniture will be a great decoration for any country house.

However, the quality of the products obtained directly depends on the professionalism of the person performing the work. Therefore, only professionals should participate in the production process.

In order for furniture making to become a business, you will need to hire both weaving craftsmen and furniture sketch designers. In order to get high-quality artificial rattan furniture, you will need to perform the following steps:

  • designing sketches of rattan sets;
  • construction of a metal base, according to a previously manufactured project;
  • furniture weaving;
  • adjustment of finished products according to the project;
  • processing a piece of furniture with varnish or any protective composition.

If the production of weaving rattan furniture begins to develop, then it is also possible to organize a production workshop for the production of raw materials for weaving. Thus, it will be possible to expand production and at the same time, the total cost of finished products will decrease.

It will also be necessary to establish a process for the delivery of secondary raw materials, which is wood, metal or plastic silt structures. For the production of rattan furniture, an extruder is used that makes ribbons from plastic. It is also necessary to purchase such mechanisms as a tool for pipe deformation, a compressor unit with which products are painted, and a welding machine.

Particular attention should be paid to advertising your industrial enterprise. With its help, it will be possible to find both retailers and wholesalers of products. Offer garden or indoor rattan furniture to large chains of furniture stores, private customers. The quality of the manufactured rattan furniture will directly affect the number of customers who buy this furniture, as well as the profitability of the organized enterprise. Therefore, attention should be focused primarily on the high quality of the material, the correct and original type of weaving and getting pleasure from your favorite business.