Annual flowers that can be sown directly into the ground. Beauty without hassle: spring sowing in the ground. Which annual flowers to sow with seeds in May

With the end of the last return frosts, it is allowed to form in areas. Typically this period begins in May. It is during the days of this month that most plants are planted, since the soil still contains a sufficient amount of moisture, but has already warmed up and is ready to receive seeds and seedlings. Today we’ll figure out what flowers can be planted from seeds in the ground.
May sowings are good because they produce friendly and fast shoots, the seedlings take root painlessly.

Flowers that are sown in May days

For the first half of May, we recommend using seeds of flowers that are not very afraid of cool nights. It is believed that the seeds will remain under a layer of soil for up to seven days before they emerge. These representatives include the following flowers:

Gypsophila or Kachim – of the carnation family, annual variety, blooms by the end of July;

nasturtium - is afraid of cold weather, but the germination period of almost two weeks reliably protects it from hypothermia. The soil composition does not have to be fertile, otherwise the plant may enter the green mass without blooming;

What flowers can be sown in the ground in the second half of May

The second half of May is suitable for sowing plants that love warmth.

These include tuberous begonia, cineraria, chrysanthemums. During this period, those flowers are sown that will please the eye only at next year. For them it is advised to determine separate place, since in the first year of growth they will be rather inconspicuous in appearance. Such representatives include Hesperis. The seedlings should be kept in the nursery until they get stronger. In August they can be planted on permanent place, which they will decorate with their blooms next year.

Daisies - their seeds are preferred more warm earth, recommended for sowing at the end of May.

Plants sown in the first half of May include cornflowers, bindweed, gypsophila, sweet pea, poppy, annual sunflower, plantain bruise and others. Their flowering period is from June to August. On average, the terms for each range from thirty days to one and a half months.

The flowering times of some species are shown in the table:

When planting flower beds every year, many try to choose a new location each time. This is not a mistake; such decisions do not affect the growth of flowers. If you choose the right plants, you can arrange a flowering flowerbed for the entire summer period, affecting even the duration of September.

The last month of spring is the most the right time for creating flower beds. We will tell you which perennial and annual flowers can be planted and sown in May in open ground.

As soon as they pass return frosts, it’s time to start arranging flower beds and flower beds. In May, the soil has time to warm up to the required temperature, so at this time the seedlings take root well and the seeds begin to grow. But don't forget to keep an eye on the weather. If the nights are still cold, postpone work in the flower garden until the second half of the month.

So, what can you plant in a flower bed in May?

Astilbe can be planted throughout May and even later. It reproduces by dividing the rhizome of the mother plant. Astilbe is not demanding of light ( ideal conditions– partial shade), but does not tolerate drought well. The plant feels quite comfortable in surface areas. groundwater, grows well near bodies of water.

The planting hole is dug to such a depth that the astilbe rhizome can fit freely in it. The seedling is lowered into the hole so that its base is level with the soil surface. Emptiness in landing pit fall asleep fertile soil, then the plant is watered abundantly, and when the water is absorbed, the soil around the bush is mulched with crushed bark, sawdust or compost, while the mulch should not cover the root collar and the base of the shoots.

Aster annual, or Chinese

When growing aster seedling method seedlings are transplanted into open ground in mid-May (they are not afraid of frost down to –4°C). To do this, choose a well-lit place with deep groundwater. Plants are planted in furrows made at intervals of 45-50 cm.

Seeds can be sown directly in open ground in May. They are lightly sprinkled with soil, watered and covered with film until shoots emerge. Seedlings with 4-5 true leaves are thinned out (strong ones are transplanted to another flowerbed).

These popular annuals are unpretentious, bloom for a long time and look beautiful in any composition due to the abundance and brightness of the flowers. In addition to being decorative, they attract gardeners with their ability to repel nematodes. Marigolds grow well in any soil, even clay soil, and create favorable conditions for other plants. Just sow the seeds in open ground and water. Then, from July until the frosts, your flowerbed will sparkle with yellow-orange and red-burgundy colors.


Tuberous begonia is planted in a container with nutrient soil from January to May. In this case, the tuber is not completely covered with soil: upper part from where the sprouts appear must be open. The container is placed in a well-lit place (but without direct sun rays) and gradually water the tuber. When shoots appear, the amount of moisture is increased. At the beginning of summer, begonia can be transplanted into a flower bed.


Cornflowers are popular due to their unpretentiousness and color scheme, including not only classical blue, but also pink, white, blue. These wildflowers will organically fit into the design of any flower garden.

It is enough to sow them once in warmed soil and water them to forget about caring for the flowerbed for several years. Cornflowers will reproduce by self-sowing. They tolerate lack of moisture well, so they bloom profusely even in dry summers.


Everyone's favorite pansies They will bloom in mid-summer if you sowed their seeds in seedling boxes at the end of February. Seedlings are planted in open ground in the first half of May, but are kept under film cover until the situation is stable. warm weather. Please note that the plant needs light, timely watering as the soil dries and fresh air. Therefore, plant viola bushes at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and arrange regular ventilation for the flowers.


Seeds of annual dahlias are sown in the ground in the second half of May, at the same time flower seedlings are planted if you sowed their seeds in containers in early April. Dahlias are planted in a well-lit area with drained, permeable and nutritious soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction.

In the first half of May, dahlia tubers are cleared of dry roots, and the cuts are treated with brilliant green. At the end of May - beginning of June they are planted in the ground. In this case, the hole should be three times larger than the root ball. The planting site is watered abundantly. For tall dahlias, a support for the stem is secured.


The beginning of May is the right time to plant gladioli bulbs in the ground. Before planting, they are cleaned of scales and kept for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. For gladioli choose a sunny place. Planting material lowered into the hole with the sprout up to a depth equal to 3 onion diameters. Then sprinkle with soil and water generously.


These tall perennials with decorative leaves and large bright flowers are best grown from rhizome cuttings, since the seeds often do not retain varietal characteristics. In the second half of May, divisions (each should have from 1 to 3 live buds) are planted in a sunny area protected from the wind with loose and nutritious soil. The distance between divisions should be 50-60 cm. Planting depth - 9-13 cm. In one and a half to two months, the cannas should bloom.

Daylilies can grow in shade or partial shade, but the most intense flowering is observed only in sunny areas. These flowers are not picky about soil; their powerful root system provides the plants with the necessary moisture.

Rhizome cuttings are planted no later than the first half of May, since daylily planted at the end of the month often blooms only next year.


Some pests are also afraid of nasturtium sown in May: aphids, Colorado potato beetles, whiteflies. The plant feels comfortable both in sunny areas and in light partial shade. Low growing varieties They will make an excellent border decoration, and the hanging ones are suitable for growing at the foot of rocky gardens.


Seedlings of this light-loving plant in May they are planted in open ground. In the flowerbed you can place not only upright varieties, but also hanging ones, which will grow very quickly and form a beautiful carpet. Petunia does not tolerate a lack of moisture, so during drought, watering should be daily.


If your flowerbed is in a shaded place, then hosts - best option to decorate it. These plants can be watered once a week, which is very convenient for summer residents who visit their plots only at the end working week. Hostas are very decorative thanks to their voluminous leaves and small flowers located on high peduncles.

Hosta is planted in a semi-shaded area protected from the wind. This attractive plant likes moist, humus-rich, neutral or slightly acidified soil with good drainage. Hosta divisions are lowered into the holes so that they are 2-3 cm deeper than they grew before, their roots are well straightened, sprinkled with soil and watered abundantly. Then the planting site is mulched with bark or sawdust.


When growing garden chrysanthemums using seedlings, seedlings are planted in a flowerbed in the second half of May, when the threat of return frosts has passed. When choosing suitable place Please note that this flower loves warmth, light, and does not tolerate stagnant water and gusty winds.

It is best to plant seedlings in a trench. The interval between plants should be 30-50 cm (depending on the type and variety). After planting, it is recommended to spill the trench with Kornevin solution (1 g per 1 liter of water) so that the seedlings grow faster root system. After which it is advisable to pinch the chrysanthemum (remove the growing point) and cover it with spunbond. The cover is removed after the plants take root and begin to grow.

This fast-growing flower can reach a height of 90 cm. There are many varieties whose flowers are distinguished by their variegated colors, shape of buds and petals. This is a heat-loving crop, so it can be sown in open ground only in consistently warm weather.

Zinnia retains its decorative effect even with a long absence of water, but it can get sick. Water the plant carefully, avoiding water getting on the petals. After flowering, which lasts all summer, it forms large number seeds that can be collected and sown next year.

Small seeds planted in the spring can bring great joy. It is the annual flowers that bloom all summer, without seedlings, that provide bright colors in the garden until late autumn, as well as enjoying the pleasant aroma of fragrant plants. Sometimes you don’t even need to bother with seedlings for this; all that is required is to plant the flowers directly in the ground. A well-prepared, weed-free bed gives life-giving strength to each seed so that it can take hold in the new soil and germinate.

If there is not enough space in the house to plant seedlings and keep them in pallets and mini-greenhouses for several months, then ideal option there will be flowers without seedlings. In this case, planting is done directly into the ground. Seeds are scattered either freely, right at the site of the future flower bed, or according to a predetermined color scheme.

Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), helianthus (Helianthus laetiflorus), sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus), iberis (Iberis umbellata), Limnanthes douglasii, foxglove (Digitalis fontanesii), nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), nigella (Nigella), zinnia (Zinnia), shown in the photographs below.

Time and entire planting process

To ensure that seeds without seedlings take root and germinate quickly, wait until the soil is warm and moist. Usually best time is mid-spring and early summer (April – June) or pre-winter sowing in autumn. If it is possible to make a greenhouse, then the seeds can be planted in March. The seed packets indicate planting time, so check it additionally.

Tips for planting plants in open ground:

  • The flower bed must be dug up to give the seeds a chance to germinate. It is enough to do this to the depth of a shovel. If you are going to sow in a new place, it is better to loosen the soil twice. You can pre-prepare fertilizers or manure.
  • Cover the ground with plastic or film to warm it up and additionally protect it from weeds.
  • When it's time to sow, lift the film and create a greenhouse-like canopy. Be sure to water the soil before planting, otherwise you will drown the newly planted seeds.
  • Make shallow holes by sticking sticks into the ground, or use a rake, and then carefully place the seed in the bottom at least 10-15 mm deep. Don't overdo it, leave at least a finger's width of space for small seeds.
  • Use a rake to carefully rake the soil and, if necessary, install a shelter. If you cover with film, you can put bricks or water bottles around the edges to prevent it from being blown away by the wind. Be careful, as the seeds can be pecked by birds, and caterpillars and snails really like the young seedlings.
  • In order not to forget what you planted and where exactly, put up signs or stick tags with the name of the plant.

Unpretentious pets

Cornflowers(Centaurea cyanus).


It can be an annual, perennial, or even a subshrub. In one and a half to two years unpretentious cornflowers (pictured) can grow to a height of 0.5-1 meters. And their blue and blue flowers will add spring mood in the garden. Prefer sunny places with sand or clay soil, preferably with humus and good drainage. Pests are not attracted, but can suffer from powdery mildew with constant and abundant humidity.

Helianthus, or decorative sunflower (Helianthus).


Perennial, 1 to 2 meters high. Flower seeds planted straight into the ground, produce shoots that open in late summer - early autumn, bright yellow spots They will delight you until the first frost, because this type of helianthus is frost-resistant. In addition, it is drought tolerant but prefers full sun. As well as clay and sandy soils.

Iberis(Iberis umbellata).


Choose calcareous, clay or sandy soil for Iberis. Be sure to drain well and plant in a sunny location. Height - from 10 to 50 cm. Flowers can be white, crimson, purple, pink. After the plant has faded, it must be cut off, so that next year it will delight you again.

The success of any design is harmonious combination his key elements which is achieved with the right...

Blooming all summer

Sweet pea(Lathyrus odoratus).

Sweet pea

A very simple plant to grow and care for. Most of its seeds are large and take root well if planted in open ground. Unpretentious famous varieties Colorcade and Old Fashioned produce tall shoots. The varieties Cupid, Bijou and Potted Fragrance grow a little lower, which can easily pass for ground covers.

Limnantes of Douglas(Limnanthes douglasii).

Limnantes of Douglas

The flower, which looks like a boiled egg, is yellow in the middle and white around the edges. Spreads by self-seeding and is suitable for most soil types and lawns. Its unobtrusive beauty will be revealed in rockeries and borders. Limnanthes is such a compact plant that it fits perfectly into small garden, growing up to 15 cm in length. Loves sun or slight shade.

Digitalis(Digitalis fontanesii).


It is a biennial or perennial that blooms for several years. The creamy yellow bells contrast with the dark green stem, which can grow from 50 cm to 1 meter. Flowering all summer, foxgloves prefer chalky, clay and sandy soils. Drained, well-moistened soil with an acidic or neutral pH is perfect for them. They are undemanding when it comes to lighting, but partial shade is best for them. Trimming the stem will encourage new flowers to grow. Please note that foxglove is susceptible to attack by aphids and caterpillar nematodes.

Nasturtium(Tropaeolum majus).


A half-meter annual or perennial plant that can easily do without seedlings. Feels great in bright sun and is unpretentious to the soil composition. The shades are varied - from delicate cream and yellow to rich orange and red. Of course, nasturtium will fit into any garden composition, and if you prune it at the end of autumn, it will bloom the next year. The only caveat is that it attracts caterpillars, midges and aphids. But the use of appropriate medications can reliably protect it.

Damascus nigella(Nigella damascena).

Damascus nigella

Annual. Plant the flowers directly into the ground to admire their white and blue flowers in the summer. Sandy, clayey, calcareous soils and the sunny side - necessary conditions for her. In one year, nigella can grow up to 50 cm, which allows it to be used as a border plant or in mixborders.

Planting and caring for zinnia is not difficult and will not frighten even an inexperienced gardener. Perfect for a rustic garden.

Turns out, There are even more such plants than traditional seedling crops.

Among them are everyone's favorite fragrant lobularia (alissum), iberis, mignonette, amberboa musk , as well as those who do not tolerate transplantation well gypsophila, matthiola, poppy, eschscholzia, clarkia, sweet pea, argemona, crepis, cosmos, cornflower, lupine, nasturtium, morning glory etc.

When to plant annual flowers in the ground with seeds

The exact timing of sowing annual seeds in open ground depends on the local climate, weather and the length of the growing season of the plants. . The most cold-resistant crops with a long growing season are sown as soon as the soil warms up (approximately in mid-April), or before winter, when the ground freezes.

These include: summer adonis, agrostemma graceful and agrostemma vulgaris (cockle), annual amellus, blue asperula, blue cornflower, bindweed (convolvulus), gaillardia grandiflora, Chinese carnation, gilia tricolor, gilia capitata, gilia yarrow, graceful gypsophila, grandiflora godetia, annual hibiscus, dimorphotheca rainbiscus, dimorphotheca notmata, calendula officinalis, clarkia marigold (graceful), clarkia pretty (beautiful), kuphea, quinoa, leguzia, lobularia marine (alissum marine, or alyssum), left grey, leia graceful, leptosiphon, toadflax, poppy annual, Malcomia maritima, Nigella sativum, Nigella damascus, Nigella eastern, Nigella Spanish, Nikandra physalis, mallow, milk thistle, ecchyum (Echium), skerda (crepis), Californian eschscholzia, phacelia, felicia, schisanthus, annual chrysanthemum, etc.

Which annual flowers to sow with seeds in May

In the first half of May they sow in open ground : Chinese aster, arctotis, cape anhusa, ferulifolia string (bidens ferulifolia), Ajax delphinium, field delphinium, sweet pea, bitter iberis, umbelliferous iberis, coreopsis tinctalis, doubly dissected cosmos, sulfur-yellow cosmos, cochia coronata, lavatera trime 100% ( hatmu), linanthus grandiflora, flax grandiflora, malopa, matthiola bicornuum, mignonette fragrant, rudbeckia enveloping, rudbeckia pilosa, gum (viscaria) sticky, Tithonia rotundifolia, tolpis bearded, Drummond's phlox.

Warm-loving crops with a short growing season can be sown from about mid-May to early autumn.

These include: pink acroclinum (helipterum), amaranths, blue anagalis, golden bartonia (mentzelia), marigolds, marigold hamolepis, annual dahlias, ornamental sunflowers, lush venidium, xeranthemum or dried flower, nemesia, nemophila, mesembryanthemum, smooth molucella, limnanthes, , skerda, ursinia, large nasturtium, decorative bean, graceful zinnia, emilia, etc.

We sow annual flowers with seeds in the ground in summer

To extend flowering in the garden until autumn, in June-July you can sow crops with a short growing season. Then they will bloom in August.

Biennial seeds are usually sown in summer. For example, pansies (viola), hesperis (night violet), Turkish carnation, bluebells, lacfiol (heiranthus), lunaria (lunaria), mallow, daisies, foxgloves, forget-me-nots, etc.

If it is possible to arrange a simple shelter from a film or non-woven covering material, all these flowers can be sown even earlier.

They are sown either directly into the soil of the greenhouse, or into picking boxes that are placed in the greenhouse. When sowing directly in a greenhouse, the soil is leveled, the seeds are scattered as evenly as possible and covered with a layer of soil equal to twice the thickness of the seed. Seeded greenhouses are covered with shaded frames. In warm, calm weather, greenhouses are ventilated by briefly raising the frames. When shoots appear, the shading is removed. Protect seedlings from direct sunlight only during hot midday hours.

Sow flowers in balcony boxes, which, if necessary, can be easily protected from the cold, can be done already in early April .

Preparing the soil for growing annual flowers from seeds

The bed must be in a warm place, sheltered from the wind if possible.

The soil for the flower garden is prepared in the fall or, at most, 2-3 weeks before sowing the flowers. It should be fertile (fertilized), loose, with a neutral reaction (pH = 7).

First, the area needs to be dug up to a depth of 30-40 cm and all weeds removed.

To cultivate the land, baking powder and fertilizers are added to it. Add to sandy or sandy loam soil peat, compost and loam; into clayey - peat, compost, humus, sand or bone meal . It is recommended to apply compost and manure in late autumn, and humus in the spring. If there is no organic matter, you can use mineral fertilizers (in autumn - phosphorus-potassium, in spring - nitrogen).

How to sow annual flowers with seeds

In open ground, seeds of annual flowers are sown in previously prepared soil when the threat of frost has passed.

Shallow grooves are made in the soil for small seeds, and nests for large ones.

The depth of seed placement directly depends on their size and physical properties soil.

If it is light, then small seeds can be sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, medium ones - 1.5 cm, large ones - up to 3 cm.

And if it is heavy (loam) or damp (lowland), the seed placement depth should be less.

It is advisable to mix very small seeds with sand before sowing, then they will be distributed more evenly.

In summer, seeds are planted deeper than in spring, since in the heat the soil warms up greatly and water from the top layer quickly evaporates.

After sowing the seeds, the crops are watered evenly.

To get friendly shoots of annual flowers in open ground , the dug up and harrowed bed should be rolled with a round log or a bottle of water, or carefully pressed down on top with a plank, then sow the seeds on a leveled surface, sprinkle sand or humus on top and roll again.

After this procedure, the seeds will be in close contact with the ground, germinate and take root well.

It is not advisable to sow on a windy day, since the seeds of annual flowers will scatter in different directions.

Covering the plantings will help speed up germination plastic film or non-woven material.

Summer seeds, which can be sown in open ground, are advisable sowing in flower beds to spring bulbous perennials (crocuses, snowdrops, tulips) so that after the end of their growing season the bed is not overgrown with weeds, but turns into a bright carpet. These plants are easy to form magnificent flower carpets, flower beds and ridges.

Caring for annual flower crops

The emerging shoots are thinned out several times. First time - in the phase of the second true leaf(leaving 5-7 cm between plants), the second - in the 5-6th leaf phase(this time leave 10 cm between small flowers, 30-40 cm between large ones).

When sown directly in open ground, plants grow hardier than those grown from seedlings.

In addition, sowing crops of summer crops is much less labor-intensive than seedlings.

Besides, seeds are much cheaper than ready-made seedlings. So don’t waste time, select an assortment of annual flowers that are suitable for sowing in open ground, sow and enjoy their long and abundant flowering.

Svetlana Mashkovskaya

© Magazine "Ogorodnik"

When the soil has completely thawed and warmed up, work in the garden begins: we sow flowers in the ground and plant seedlings so that after 2-3 weeks we can enjoy the look of the flower beds. Most often these are annual crops. But warm spring days are also favorable for sowing perennial plants, because warm soil still retains enough moisture, and young seedlings can tolerate a slight drop in temperature at night without pain.

Sowing time flower seeds slightly different from the time when to plant seedlings more heat-loving plants possible without fear for their normal development. Even hardened and cold-resistant seedlings are recommended to be transferred to a permanent place no earlier than the return frosts have passed. In most regions of our country, 2-3 decades of May or even the beginning of June are considered safe times for planting seedlings. But you can sow seeds of annual flowers in open ground earlier.

There is no danger for plants in this: after sowing, the seeds remain in the soil for some time, where they are not afraid of frost and down to -50°C. Moreover, they will hatch only if the soil temperature is sufficient for this. The germination of seeds when sowed directly into the ground will be regulated by nature itself.

But even the sprouts that have hatched will not appear above the ground for another 2-3 days after the seed germinates. And they will even stop growing if the soil temperature suddenly drops due to frost. Based on this property of plants winter crops garden crops, and sowing winter cereals in the fields. With warming, flower crops immediately begin to grow and within 5-7 days after planting they become noticeable in the sown flowerbed.

Types of annual plants

Most often, cold-resistant varieties of flowers are planted in early May: gypsophila, cornflowers, marigolds, annual chrysanthemums, cosmos and many others (Fig. 1). Seed packets usually indicate the time frame for safe sowing in open ground. Some of the cold-resistant annuals also reproduce well by self-sowing - they sprout from seeds that fell into the soil in the fall of last year.

But heat-loving annual flowers can also be sown in early May directly in a flowerbed or in a flowerpot. This applies to crops with a long seed germination period, such as nasturtium, Turkish beans and sweet peas (Fig. 2). In the 10-14 days that the seeds spend in the ground, the frosts will end. But already from the 2nd decade the flowerpot will turn green, and early-sown annuals will outstrip in growth those plants that will be planted as seedlings.

Planting flowers in May is also advisable for varieties with a long growing season. These include purslane, helichrysum, annual asters, and eschscholzia. If sown late, their flowering will begin only in the 2nd half of summer. In order to get bushes that bloom 1-2 weeks earlier, you can sow the seeds of these crops directly into the soil. With this method, you need to take care of covering the seedlings in case of frost with non-woven material or plastic film.

Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out in more late dates. In the 2nd half of May, annuals with a short growing season can be planted. They will have time to bloom and even produce seeds. To the flowers that are sown late spring, include varieties of snapdragon, coreopsis, mignonette, lavatera and ornamental sunflower (Fig. 3). There are many other plants that can be sown in the soil in May. The packages with them indicate both the sowing time and the approximate flowering time. Based on the recommendations of the company that sells seeds, you can independently determine the best time for sowing.

Biennials and perennial flowers

May is also the best time for sowing plants that will bloom only next year. These are various perennials and biennials. They have a long growing season and during the first year of life they must have time to form a bush and lay flower buds. In order to survive the winter without damage, these flowers need to make reserves of starchy substances in the rhizomes and tubers. Better days When you can plant such seeds without fear - the second half of the month.

In the first summer, flowers will not be able to decorate flower beds and flowerpots. They are best sown in a specially designated bed in convenient location With good lighting. As they grow, you can plant them out or thin them out. At the end of August, perennials can be planted in a permanent place, where they will delight with their bright flowers from the beginning of the next season.

Among the plants grown in this way there are many beautiful early flowering species: anemones, forget-me-nots, brunners, lumbago, primroses and other ephemerals. Most often they begin to reproduce by self-sowing. Later, summer and autumn flowers - chrysanthemums and perennial asters(Septembers), rudbeckia, foxglove, delphinium or mallow - you have to propagate by dividing the bush or sow specifically according to the same pattern.

Soil preparation and planting process

Choosing the time for early spring sowing of annual or perennial flower crops, you should focus on the readiness of the soil. It should thaw and warm up enough. In the Non-Black Earth Region, the first planting of seeds can be done as early as the end of April. At this time, on the southern slopes of the hills, light sandy loam soils already sufficiently warmed up and still retaining optimal humidity, which allows seeds to germinate quickly and seedlings to develop well.

If the soil on the site is loamy, dense and heavy, then it is better to postpone sowing to the first ten days of May. These types of soils retain moisture longer and warm up much more slowly. Therefore, sowing too early will not bring results: the seeds will remain in the ground until it warms up to the optimum temperature.

Soil preparation has important for the development of young plants: looseness, permeability, nutritional value of the soil allow seeds, especially small ones, to quickly sprout and strengthen before the onset of dry days that occur in late spring. Early flowering annuals should have formed buds by this time. Then caring for your flowerbed will leave only pleasant impressions.

When planting flowers in flowerpots, the nutritional value of the substrate is no less important. Bushes growing in a limited space should have enough minerals for the entire growing season. This can only be achieved by proper preparation soil mixture and feeding during subsequent care.

Under no circumstances should fresh manure or other incompletely decomposed substances be added to the soil. For sowing and planting flower crops, the following can be added to the soil dug up and thoroughly loosened with a rake:

  • rotted manure (from last year) cucumber bed, For example);
  • peat, if the soil acidity is low;
  • good compost from plant residues.

These substances enrich the soil with organic matter and increase the nitrogen content in it, which is necessary for the growth of green mass. In the absence organic fertilizers You can use mineral fertilizers (ammonium nitrate).

For lush flowering plants need phosphorus and potassium. They are easy to introduce if you add sifted soil to the soil. wood ash, burnt bone powder. They can be replaced by fertilizers containing the necessary substances: superphosphate, potassium salt. But it is most convenient to use ready-made fertilizer mixtures with many components. These include nitrophoska, “Kemira” and other brands of mixtures marked “for flowering plants" Fertilizers should be used in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging.

If the soil is very dense, then you can make it lush and easily permeable to air and moisture by adding per 1 m²:

  • 0.5-1 bucket of fine sand without clay;
  • 150-200 g of ground chalk, shells, dolomite flour;
  • about 0.5 buckets sawdust(not shavings).

These components should be scattered over the surface of the dug up flowerbed, and then dug again. This way the components will be evenly mixed with the soil. If necessary, fertilizers are also added during this process, if they have not been applied before.

On a prepared and leveled surface, you need to cut furrows with a depth of 0.5 cm for small seeds (nigella, clarkia, asters) to 1.5-2 cm for larger ones (nasturtium, sweet peas, decorative beans, sunflowers). Sprinkle or spread the planted seed material into furrows and level the surface. Very small seeds (poppy, verbena, snapdragon, eschscholzia, purslane) are usually not sown in furrows, but scattered over the surface, mulched with a thin layer (2-3 mm) of sand or embedded in the soil with a hand movement. The crops need to be watered using a watering can with a strainer or using a hose attachment.

Early spring crops flowers in the ground can be very successful if all agricultural technology requirements are met. Preparing the soil, selecting seeds that can be sown directly into the ground, watering seedlings in case of heat or covering them in case of frost - this is what a gardener can do. These simple techniques will help you get blooming flower beds and flowerpots.