Autumn planting of chrysanthemums in the garden: how not to destroy the plant. Planting a perennial garden chrysanthemum in open ground in autumn and spring: care and cultivation in the garden How to plant a chrysanthemum in the ground

Flowers that conquered the world - starting their journey from the Far East, chrysanthemums entered the history of China and Japan, taking an honorable place in their culture and becoming an important part of national symbols. In these countries, chrysanthemums have been grown for more than three millennia, cultivating more and more new species.

It is not surprising that the birthplace of heat-loving varieties of chrysanthemums is a fabulous and colorful country - India. The multicolored outfits of Indian women and the variety of bright holidays simply could not exist without such a wonderful “spice” as a beautiful flower. Chrysanthemum in India can be found in an ordinary courtyard, and in an ancient temple, and in a sari ornament, and in a wedding flower necklace.
Today, chrysanthemum is known all over the world - it made us fall in love with the bright colors of its petals, unique aroma and variety of shapes and sizes.

Well-known and loved by all, chrysanthemums belong to a rich family of perennial and annual flowering plants of aster (composite), represented by more than 200 species. This amazing flower has a Greek name, which means “golden flower” - golden tones are present in almost any color of chrysanthemums.

On the issue of classifying chrysanthemums, the opinions of flower growers from different countries differ, and they are not the point. Domestic scientists sort these ornamental plants according to the size of flowers and divide them into small-flowered, medium-flowered and large-flowered, respectively. For such a classification, the timing of flowering and plant height are important. According to the timing of flowering, chrysanthemums are distributed into early, medium, medium-late and late.

Chrysanthemum lovers can support the “chrysanthemum ball” flaming with all the colors of the rainbow, starting from the end of June and until November (we are talking about the southern regions), which depends on fragmentary frosts in late October and early November, which chrysanthemums cannot survive

Care and cultivation of chrysanthemum

Given the heat-loving nature of chrysanthemums, one can hope for their successful cultivation only if simple but mandatory rules for caring for this decorative diva are observed. The most important of these is the place of growth, and it should be at least without lowering the level, but preferably on a slight elevation. The soil for growing chrysanthemums should be slightly acidic or neutral, with drainage capacity, and fertile enough, with preference for organic applications in the form of ripe humus, compost or peat. Although the requirements for moisture in chrysanthemums are not overstated, they endure obvious drought painfully and may die. A prerequisite for a chrysanthemum planting site is a full daylight. A lack of lighting will show chrysanthemum with elongated, few-leaved branches with rare flawed flowers and a violation of the flowering period.

Taking into account the increased requirements of chrysanthemum for watering in the second half of summer, when the hot period sets in, before the set of peduncles, watering should be increased. The optimal water for chrysanthemum is river and rainwater, it is better to pre-defend water from a well for at least 12 hours.

For chrysanthemums, all types of fertilizers are acceptable, taking into account seasonal requirements: in spring, chrysanthemums need a range of nitrogen fertilizers to build up their green mass; in summer, for the general vegetation, connect phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which provide plant immunity and timely abundant full flowering. It is important to note that mineral fertilizer solutions should be watered only under the root, in order to avoid burning the leaves. Chrysanthemum also responds well to well-aged organic liquid dressings from mullein and chicken manure (0.5 liters of viscous organic mass per bucket of water).

Reproduction and transplantation of chrysanthemums

If you decide to grow chrysanthemums in a winter garden in pots, then you should not forget that this is an open ground plant. For this reason, it must be returned to nature annually for the spring-summer and autumn seasons, depending on the timing of its flowering. It is better to root chrysanthemum seedlings in a shallow moistened trench than in a hole at a distance of 30-40 centimeters between them. After planting, to create conditions for the successful rooting and growth of chrysanthemum planting material, for this period they should be covered with white non-woven material.

It is easier, more successful and with little trouble, the chrysanthemum propagates by dividing the bush, which is best done in the earliest spring, as soon as the weather permits, time. The chrysanthemum bush for division is dug out completely or in part, the root soil is partially shaken off and the rhizome is divided into parts with young shoots, which must be planted without delay in prepared holes at a distance of 30-40 centimeters from each other. Sprinkle seedlings with soil, compact it and, watering abundantly, mulch with ripe humus. Then do not let the soil dry out for the first week. If there is a danger of returning frosts, it is more reliable to cover with non-woven material.

If it became necessary to breed chrysanthemums by cuttings, then in the spring, as soon as the green shoots grow up, cut them into the required amount from 10 to 15 centimeters long, root them in pots with moist fertile soil, which can be individually placed in a mini greenhouse in the form of a plastic transparent bag, tied at the top. Unleash once a week for watering and a short walk. At the first signs of development, untie the package for a while and then, increasing the walking period, accustom the seedling to a new atmosphere so that transplanting to the main place of growth does not become contrastingly destructive.

The possibility of chrysanthemum propagation by seeds is also not ruled out, which can be sown in May directly into open ground in wet holes under glass for 3-4 seeds, daily monitoring the appearance of sprouts, when they appear, the glass can be changed to covering material, and then removed. With this option, the seeded chrysanthemum will bloom around the beginning of August. It is possible to speed up the flowering period of such a planting of chrysanthemums by sowing the seeds first in seedling boxes, followed by picking into pots as early as March, so that in mid-late May they can be transferred to the open ground at their place of growth. With this planting, chrysanthemums will begin to bloom from mid-July, with proper care again.

To obtain cuttings in the autumn, transplant the faded chrysanthemum bush into a capacious pot as a mother plant, cutting off all the branches to the ground. Keep the pot in a cool room with periodic minimum watering. The root apical offspring that appeared in March can be used as cuttings.

Before planting, the cuttings obtained in this way are slightly incised with a sharp knife under the lower leaf node to provoke root growth. They need to be planted in a seedling box with a soil mixture of peat, humus and unsalted sand, which should lie on top of a 2-3 cm layer, shallow and cover with glass or placed in a large transparent plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions until the rooting of the shoots. Within 3 weeks before the rooting of the cuttings, it is necessary to keep a mini greenhouse at a temperature of 13-15 plus degrees, and after they expire, transplant the seedlings into separate small pots.

As an ornamental culture, with its wide distribution in urban and private conditions, the chrysanthemum is a fairly viable plant, and all its diseases can occur only with obvious errors in caring for it.

Chrysanthemums are prone to gray rot, a widespread disease for almost all plant species, which manifests itself in leaf damage with light brown spots and rotting of inflorescences. Affected plants are destroyed by burning.

A whitish fluffy coating on the leaves manifests a fungal disease of chrysanthemum - powdery mildew, which can be treated by spraying the entire plant as a whole with a copper-soap solution of copper sulfate.

In the event that rust spots and spotting appear on the leaves of the chrysanthemum, which indicates septoria, it should be immediately sprayed with a systemic fungicide. If a root cancer is found in a chrysanthemum, such a plant is destroyed.

Chrysanthemum pests include aphids and spider mites. Aphids can be controlled by washing the top of the plant with soapy water at least once a week. The infusion of pyrethrum, which is obtained from 20 grams of pyrethrum powder and 1.0 liters of water, aged for 12 hours, will also help, 50 milliliters of which, with the addition of 50 grams of soap, diluted in 10 liters of water, is enough to spray all chrysanthemum bushes. In flower shops, you can buy a ready-made and very effective preparation for combating aphids, which will clearly save time and provide the plant with the fastest help.

With a spider mite, who loves difficult paths, you can cope with a water extract of fresh garlic, it is better to resort to ready-made insecticides.

The whole East considers the chrysanthemum a symbol of longevity, but the longevity of the chrysanthemum itself is in the smart and caring hands of the grower. Love the chrysanthemum - it will answer you with the beauty of its flowering. Chrysanthemums have very high cut qualities - they can look good in a vase for a month, with proper hygienic care of the vase and water.

Autumn garden decoration - chrysanthemums, this is a real joy for most summer residents. Already many plants are suitable only to cover the beds with their dry tops, and your flower beds continue to burn with gold. Of course, growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a very rewarding experience that definitely won't get in the way of any grower. A bright, unpretentious flower with a tart smell is a generous gift from nature that will prolong the summer days.

Choice number one

Among the variety of garden flowers, chrysanthemum stands out. The choice of varieties is simply amazing, while each of them is very beautiful in its own way. They don't call her the queen of autumn for nothing. Today we will talk about how chrysanthemums are grown in open ground. It's not too difficult, bright flowers will readily grow in almost any conditions. Having correctly composed the composition, you will enjoy the colorful splendor for many years in a row.

Varieties and varieties

Lush, fragrant inflorescences can not only bring variety to the backyard, they also change the life of the gardener. According to legend, they inspire optimism even in the most dull person. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a magical activity, and it is almost impossible to stop in the choice of forms. Every time you buy another bag of seeds, you are surprised at the magnificent color of the flowers, their durability, plant height, leaf shape, degree of doubleness. And over and over again acquiring sets of seeds of different varieties, you can be sure that they will not be repeated.

If you want to see a really bright and elegant flower bed, then you definitely need to combine different varieties and shapes with each other. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is the same, no matter what kind of heads you will enjoy in the fall. The combination of curb and tall bushes in the background looks best.

Location selection

Excellent growth and lush flowering - it all depends on you. Chrysanthemum is not too demanding, but very thermophilic plant. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for her. It must be remembered that these flowers do not tolerate moisture retention and do not tolerate dark areas very well. Therefore, the lowlands are more places for lily of the valley. Choose open, sunny areas that are slightly elevated. Dampness will cause plants to die in winter, and lack of lighting leads to deformation of the green part.

Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale is even more interesting, as plots sell like hot cakes in the spring. However, the requirements for conditions in this case are even higher. After all, you definitely need to get a good result. For excellent flowering and rapid growth, the plant simply needs good soil. Only the optimal composition of microelements will allow you to get powerful bushes with magnificent heads. They love loose and permeable soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, if you want to prepare a place for plants in advance, dig a planting hole, fill in drainage and humus, and good, fresh soil on top. And during the warm period, be sure to apply seasonal top dressing. However, you should not be zealous. With an overabundance of nitrogen and phosphorus, the plant becomes fat. You will have huge bushes without flowers.

Sale of cut flowers

This is a very profitable business, so it is worth considering if you are seriously interested in growing chrysanthemums outdoors. Features of the variety Valentina Tereshkova, Alec Bedser suggest the formation of large inflorescences. Huge flowers on strong stems can keep fresh for a long time in vases.

Moreover, they continue to delight us with bright colors even after the onset of cold weather. Here it is necessary to clarify: the warmer the climate, the easier it will be to grow such hybrids. Quite the opposite is the case in regions with a harsh climate. Where can you easily organize the cultivation of chrysanthemums in the open field? The Kirov region with a mild climate, without sharp fluctuations, is ideal. Here you do not have to stress the plants every time, dig them up in the fall and plant them again in the spring. Thanks to this, the bushes respond with stunning flowering.

In Siberia, large-flowered chrysanthemums are planted in large pots, which are dug into the ground for the summer. With the onset of autumn cold weather, they are transferred to a room where the temperature remains around -5 degrees all winter. This way you will ensure beautiful flowering every year.


Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale assumes that you will occupy a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden for cultivation. May is the best time to decorate a flower bed. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants will have time to get stronger.

In addition, it is very important not to plant bushes in flowering form. In mid-October, such a landing is guaranteed to lead to the death of the plant. If you bought planting material late, then it is better to leave the flowers not in the open field, but indoors. A dry basement with a stable temperature is fine. But they will not tolerate dampness and low temperatures.

Some gardeners specifically arrange high beds. There is one trick here that will allow the mother plants to overwinter well and wake up very early in the spring. The bottom layer of the beds is poured from fresh manure, and on top there is already a layer of fertile soil. Burning out, it will give a lot of heat, which will allow the plants to bloom until late autumn, and with good shelter they will survive even in the most severe frosts.

Making a flower bed

With the onset of steady heat, the chrysanthemum wakes up on the street. Growing conditions in should include wintering in its permanent place. To do this, the gardener makes sure that there is no rotting of plants, that is, a flower bed must be created on a hill. With the onset of cold weather, the roots of plants are mulched, covered with hay or sawdust. From above - they fall asleep with snow, and your plantings can safely survive the whole winter.

In the spring, with the onset of heat, it is necessary to remove all covering materials, after which the plantings will start to grow. If the planting material was stored in the cellar, at the end of May it is time to prepare it for planting. Just at this time, the first frosts end.

Planting must be carried out by variety. Be sure to provide your flower bed with labels or other markers. Complex fertilizer, for example, well-rotted manure, is preliminarily added to the prepared trench. All that's left is proper care. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is not difficult, even an amateur can handle it.

So, the distance between planted plants should be from 30 to 50 cm. The larger the bush is planned, the more space it needs to leave for growth and development. Planting and transplanting must be done with a large clod of earth. Immediately after this, the earth should be abundantly watered with a solution of "Kornevin" or any other drug that promotes growth.

The climate of central Russia

In order for beautiful flowers of chrysanthemums to turn out in the fall, in the summer they need to be provided with proper care, regular watering and top dressing. The cultivation of chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is especially good. With high-quality shelter, they calmly endure frosts up to 30 degrees, and with the onset of spring they delight you with excellent flowers. Growing mother plants is very easy. We will now consider one of the options, and you will understand that any gardener can have a piece of the sun on his site.

These plants root very easily. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is also facilitated by the fact that every year you can get new plants from part of old ones or from green cuttings. Young root shoots, side shoots on old stems - all this is the material for a new bush.

There is a slight subtlety here. It is undesirable to leave plants in one place for a long time. We have already said that they do not like to be disturbed during the flowering period. This is true. But once every two years they need to be planted in good fertile soil. Otherwise, it loses its attractiveness, the branches become woody. However, if the bush has already lost its charm, it can become a parent for an entire flower bed.

Growing technology in the Urals

Here the climate is not so much harsh as unpredictable. Heavy snowfalls and frosts, winds and prolonged drought - all this makes growing chrysanthemums in the open field in the Urals a little more difficult. To make life easier for the gardener, you can advise the following option. After flowering, the stems from the mother bushes are cut with secateurs. Hemp 10-15 cm should remain. Bushes for the winter must be covered with peat crumbs, along with manure. The height of the layer should be 10-15 cm. For insulation, what is left after cleaning the garden is laid on top. These are tops and branches. In winter, snow accumulates on them.

spring work

With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the tops and branches. But peat sweeping is not necessary at all. This is mulch and fertilizer, without which it will be difficult to wait for good flowering. After the root growth has appeared, it is removed with a pruner. It turns out cuttings 6-7 cm long. They need to be dipped in the Kornevin solution and planted on a bed with well-fertilized soil, on top of which there is a layer of sand (about 2 cm).

Every day it is necessary to spray and water the cuttings. From above you need to stretch the film and be sure to organize shading from bright, sunny rays. Do not forget to ventilate, and after 2 weeks your plantings will give good roots.

Young plants are planted in a permanent place in May, when the threat of frost has passed. Remember to water and mulch the soil well. As soon as the height of your plants reaches 15 cm, the most painstaking work begins. To get a tall stem with a lush flower, be sure to pinch all the side shoots and buds, leaving one. Moreover, the choice is not always obvious, the central one may turn out to be underdeveloped or ugly, so you need to carefully monitor your plant.

Gardening in Siberia

This is both a complex and very exciting process. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in Siberia is quite possible, but additional tasks fall on the gardener. First of all, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties. It can be an early Cream or Raspberry chrysanthemum, pink Perlinka or a Gift. They need to be planted on a high, dry bed, but even this does not guarantee a successful wintering.

We have already talked a lot about outdoors. Preparation for winter should be carried out very carefully. Since autumn, the plants are pruned, covered with humus and covered with spruce branches. But even in this case, it is impossible to guarantee that the flowers will overwinter safely. It happens that the cold season is unusually mild. Then there is a risk that the plants will wake up very early and may die from excess moisture under the covering material. Another time, on the contrary, the ground freezes by 2 meters, which means that the chances of survival for chrysanthemums are even less. Therefore, the only option is to take the mother bushes to a cool place. It could be a basement or a garage.

In late autumn, when the first frosts hit, the chrysanthemum is carefully dug up and placed in a 5-liter bucket. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part. You can leave only lignified stumps 10-15 cm high. The dug out mother liquors must be removed to the cellar and kept at a temperature not higher than +2 degrees. Somewhere at +4, chrysanthemums will begin to sprout, which is highly undesirable.

Growing a new variety

If you are lucky enough to get good seeds, you can plant amazing plants on the site, for which all the neighbors will come to you. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors from seeds is not at all too difficult. In this way, you can grow both an annual and a perennial that will decorate your garden for a long time.

Both the first and second need to be planted in early spring. At the beginning of March, you should already have shallow boxes filled with earthen mixture on the windows. It is advisable to take ready-made, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, take greenhouse land, humus and peat. All this needs to be ignited or steamed.

Now let's start sowing. fall asleep to a depth of 0.5 cm, and perennials are simply left on the surface. Now the crops need to be watered, covered with glass and put in a warm place. Periodically, crops are checked and sprayed with water.

Planting in open ground

The gardener will have to tinker with his seedlings for a long time before they become beautiful flowering bushes. When the seedlings have emerged, they are most often very densely packed. Therefore, as soon as the second pair of leaves appears, you need to make a pick in separate cups. At the same time, try not to crush the stem. Now the care of young seedlings consists in timely watering. It is advisable to carry out hardening, that is, to take out the boxes on the balcony.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, you need to plant seedlings in open ground. Remember that the chrysanthemum is very fond of light and warmth. Leave dark corners to other plants, and give her a place in the middle of the site. It is in such conditions that she will reveal all her beauty. And one more thing: immediately after the transplant, you need to pinch all the tops. This is not the last procedure in this season. As soon as the side shoots grow by 15-20 cm, they also need to "remove their heads". Then you will get compact bushes with many inflorescences. They will please you with a long and very abundant flowering.

For newbies

If you are gardening for the first year, then growing small-flowered chrysanthemums in the open field will be an excellent option for you. These vibrant, daisy-like blooms make a wonderful fall addition to your garden. It should be noted that they are unpretentious and in a temperate climate do not need warm winter quarters. But in the conditions of Siberia, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that your plants will survive the winter. If the ground freezes too much, then most likely they will not wake up.

To do this, you can leave 2-3 mother plants that can be taken out to the cellar. And even easier - sow annuals. They will delight you until the very cold and even after the first snow they will remain bright and fresh. And then you can simply remove them and make room for new landings. In this case, you are not limited in your imagination. Flowerbeds can differ in shape and content every year.

Chrysanthemum (lat. Chrysanthemum)- herbaceous perennials and annuals of the family Asteraceae or Compositae. Translated from Greek, it means “golden-colored”, or “flower-sun”, since many species have a yellow color of inflorescences. According to the GRIN website, this genus includes 29 species in nature, distributed in the northern and temperate zones, mostly in Asia. Archaeologists say that more than 2500 years ago, the ancient Chinese had already cultivated the chrysanthemum, who used its petals for food, and in the treatise "Spring and Autumn" it was mentioned by Confucius himself! Then the Japanese also took up the cultivation of the flower, idolizing this flower so much that only members of the imperial family had the right to wear clothes with the image of a chrysanthemum. In Europe, the chrysanthemum appeared in the eighteenth century, but it began to be intensively cultivated only in the nineteenth.

Scientists believe that the now widely known garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum hortorum) appeared as a result of crossing two Asian species - small-flowered chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum indicum), which comes from Japan, and large-flowered chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifoolium) from China, but some breeders are sure that small-flowered Indian chrysanthemums and Chinese chrysanthemum are the ancestors of garden chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is so popular among breeders that experiments on breeding new varieties do not stop to this day, especially since for humanity the chrysanthemum is not just a beautiful flower, but the last sonorous chord in the autumn symphony of colors and colors ...

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Planting and caring for chrysanthemums

  • Landing: in May, sowing seeds in open ground or in April for seedlings. You can sow before winter, no later than two weeks before the onset of frost.
  • Bloom: late summer, autumn.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: dry, well-drained, nutritious, loamy, slightly acidic or neutral.
  • Watering: abundant.
  • Top dressing: 3 times per season alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers in liquid form. The first top dressing is 7 weeks after planting.
  • Reproduction: annuals - only by seeds, perennial species and varieties are more often vegetatively (by dividing the bush and cuttings).
  • Pests: nematodes, aphids, meadow bugs.
  • Diseases: gray rot, rust, septoria, powdery mildew, root bacterial cancer.

Read more about growing chrysanthemums below.

Chrysanthemum flower - description

Among chrysanthemums there are perennial plants, and there are annual chrysanthemums, there are herbaceous species, and there are semi-shrubs. The rhizome of chrysanthemums is branched, developing parallel to the surface. Shoots may be bare, or may be pubescent. Chrysanthemum leaves, arranged alternately, simple, but different in size and shape - notched, serrated, dissected - may also be pubescent, or may not be. The color of the leaves is usually light green, although it can be dark.

Small flowers are collected in a basket, sometimes quite large, usually consisting of single-row arranged tubular median and reed marginal flowers, although in many hybrid varieties the flowers are arranged in many rows, forming a dense inflorescence called double chrysanthemum. The fruit of a chrysanthemum is an achene. The culture uses species and varieties of the so-called garden chrysanthemum, or mulberry. Sometimes it is called Chinese chrysanthemum. This is a complex group of varieties and hybrids, their history is rather confusing.

Growing chrysanthemums from seeds

Chrysanthemum seeds

Chrysanthemums are most easily propagated by cuttings and division of queen cells, but often a chrysanthemum grown from seeds is a matter of special pride for breeders. seed propagation used in the cultivation of both perennial (for example, Korean chrysanthemums) and annual species. We will tell you how to grow chrysanthemums using the example of seed propagation of annual species.

After this article, they usually read

Chrysanthemums are popular garden flowers. Many varieties suitable for planting in open ground have been bred. With their beauty, the plants will delight the owners and guests for many years, if they are properly looked after. By following the simple rules for caring for flowers, you can ensure that they do not shrink or rot. It is best to propagate chrysanthemums using cuttings, which are harvested both from garden bushes and from bouquets.

Planting chrysanthemums on the site - procedure and necessary conditions

Perennial chrysanthemums are sun-loving and dependent on the moisture of the earth. For planting in open ground, a place where there is almost no shade during the day is suitable. Penumbra and full shade will not allow plant buds to develop, chrysanthemums will stretch out and will not bloom. To speed up flowering, only the buds that have appeared are covered from the sun.

It is better to choose a place located on a hill, where water does not linger in the soil. Excessive moisture not only slows down flowering, but also causes root rot. Sand is used for drainage. Dry soil will not work, as plants can only get moisture from the top layers of the soil. Loose, easily absorbing moisture soil is best suited for growing chrysanthemums.

Plants are demanding on the composition of the soil. They grow beautifully and bloom for a long time in those places where there are enough nutrients. For top dressing, manure, peat or compost is added to the soil in a bucket per square meter to get a neutral or slightly acidic soil. Overfed plants will have more foliage but are unlikely to bloom.

A cloudy day is best suited for planting chrysanthemums outside. If it is hot and sunny, then planting is done in the early morning or late evening, saving the plants from the rays. Frosts are dangerous for newly planted flowers. At temperatures below zero, it is recommended to cover the seedlings with non-woven material. Chrysanthemums are planted in a shallow hole. Tall bushes are tied to a support so that they do not break under their own weight. Chrysanthemums change their place every three years.

For planting, they wait for consistently warm weather, without cold snaps. The temperature of the soil at a depth of 20 cm should be +14 degrees and above. It is preferable to do this at the end of May, beginning of June. You can also plant in autumn, but only until mid-September. If you missed the moment, it is better to keep the chrysanthemums in a cool place (not lower than minus two degrees) until spring, periodically watering.

Chrysanthemums are planted in the ground according to the following scheme:

  • Choose the right place and time.
  • Dig holes with a depth of 30-40 cm. The distance between them for large chrysanthemums is 50 cm, for small ones - 30 cm.
  • Watered with a slightly warm solution of potassium permanganate saturated color.
  • Make sand drainage. Fill the hole with them at least 10 cm.
  • Organic fertilizer is mixed with sand and laid on top of the drainage with a layer of 10 cm.
  • Place the plant in the hole. The roots do not clear the earth.
  • Fill the hole with soil, without ramming it hard. The soil can be mixed with a fertilizer suitable for the variety being planted.
  • Watering the seedling.

Cover the plant from sunlight for 2-3 days, taking care that the covering material does not lie on the leaves.

Plant care - watering, fertilizing, winter storage

The irrigation regime for perennial chrysanthemum is selected taking into account the characteristics of the soil and weather. The ground should still be moist, but no longer damp. Water for irrigation is better to take soft. It is especially important for the development of the plant that there is enough water in the soil for a month after planting. The procedure is carried out once or twice a week. The signal to reduce watering is the appearance of buds. During flowering, it is reduced even more.

If chrysanthemums are not planted this year, then before flowering, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to the soil, depending on its saturation with useful elements, every one to two weeks. If planting was carried out this spring, they are fed twice during the entire period of growth and flowering. After the appearance of flowers, phosphorus-potassium compounds are used. You can use both organic and mineral fertilizers.

Until July, they are fed with chicken droppings or cow dung diluted in water. In a 10-liter bucket, dilute 1 liter of the resulting infusion. Before fertilizing, the chrysanthemum is watered, the soil must be moist. Then pour 1 liter of solution strictly under the root of the plant.

The first time the chrysanthemum planted in the ground is pinched when the length of the cutting reaches 10-12 cm. The second time - at 20-22 cm from the root. Plants planted in spring are pinched three to five times per season. Autumn - once or do not carry out the procedure at all.

Autumn is early and cold, but the chrysanthemum can withstand frosts down to -10 degrees. And is able to thaw and bloom if the temperature rises. In the last days of October, the plant can be covered with a frame covered with polyethylene. In such conditions, the chrysanthemum will bloom until the end of November. Then she is transplanted into a pot, and she continues to bloom in the house until the New Year holidays.

Preparing plants for winter depends on the type of chrysanthemum. Late varieties are transplanted into pots and kept in the house. The remaining species are cut at the root, loosen the ground and fall asleep with leaves to keep from frost. Large varieties must be dug up for the winter. They are transferred to a box along with a lump of soil and stored at a temperature of up to minus 5 degrees. The soil is sometimes moistened, trying not to flood it and not dry it out between waterings.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums

Flowers can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. Seeds do not transmit varietal characteristics, so the second method is most often used.

Cuttings of street flowers

Cuttings can be obtained in several ways:

  • In autumn, when it is time to harvest chrysanthemums for the winter, the plant is cut at a height of 5 cm from the roots. The resulting stems are divided into cuttings, then rooted until spring.
  • Cut the plant in the summer during the growth period. You can do this an unlimited number of times.

Cuttings are parts of a stem or shoot that have 3-4 leaves. Their length is 5-8 cm. The leaves are removed only at the base, which is buried in the soil, the rest are preserved. It is important to choose a cutting whose base is not too soft, but not hard either. The first option will create a risk for the rapid decay of the plant, and the second may lead to the cutting not taking root.

Shoots are planted from March to May. Early varieties in the first half of spring, the rest - in the second. They take root within two to four weeks. The air temperature suitable for growing is + 15-17 degrees. Seedlings are placed on the sunny side.

To grow a cutting, you need to do the following:

  1. 1. In summer or autumn, separate it from the plant, cut off the lower leaves.
  2. 2. Plant in separate containers and store until spring.
  3. 3. In the spring, put the substrate in the box for rooting seedlings and compact it a little. It can be peat with sand, a mixture of earth, leaves and sand, or pure peat, perlite. The height of the substrate is 10 cm or a little more.
  4. 4. Pour 1-2 cm of sand onto the substrate.
  5. 5. Water.
  6. 6. Deepen the cutting by 1.5 cm into the substrate at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.
  7. 7. Water again. Then every two or three days.
  8. 8. Cover with a film for a week without access to air, then remove first at night, and then stop covering at all (except for the time when protection from sunlight is needed). This will create the proper humidity in the air.

After the top of the cuttings began to grow, they are transplanted into separate containers with soil. If this is not possible, then enough earth is immediately poured into the box with the substrate so that the seedlings have enough substances for development. The distance between plants in this case should be 8-10 cm.

To obtain cuttings, the plant is cut several times so that the growth nodes are preserved. The length of the cutting is about 10 cm. Cuttings are cut from March to May. After cutting, they are planted in a box with soil, regularly watered and fed with organic fertilizer containing nitrogen. The cutting takes root and sprouts in two to four weeks.

Cuttings and growing from a bouquet

Rooting a chrysanthemum from a bouquet is easy. To do this, it is better to choose a plant as early as possible after cutting flowers. The longer the chrysanthemum has stood in the bouquet, including in water, the more likely it is to rot and not give roots. A flower with shoots is more likely to germinate.

Instructions for cutting chrysanthemum from a bouquet

  1. 1. Choose a strong, good stem or shoot.
  2. 2. Cut off the flower, shoots and stem about 10-15 cm long, leave a few leaves at the top.
  3. 3. Place it in a container of water, put it on the window and wait for the roots to appear.
  4. 4. The cutting is transplanted into a container with a substrate after the development of the root system, powerful enough for independent growth. After transplantation, the cuttings are cared for as described in the article above.

This method is suitable for growing chrysanthemums in open ground and at home.

Popular varieties of chrysanthemums

Beloved by gardeners and therefore most often found in dachas and flower beds, types of chrysanthemums: chrysanthemum and multiflora (spherical).

The genus chrysanthemum is undersized up to half a meter and high in one and a half meters. This includes annuals and perennials with large and small flowers. For chrysanthemum, it is important that the sunlight is bright but diffused, so it is shaded in the afternoon, and that the weather is not too hot. This species has about 150 varieties, so choosing the right flower for your garden is not difficult. For the winter, plants are cut and stored with a clod of earth at a temperature of plus 3–5 degrees, carefully watered.

Popular varieties: undersized perennial Chrysanthemum alpinum L (silver-gray), Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat (different colors with a yellow center). High up to 1 meter Chrysanthemum frutescens L (white, yellow and pink).

Multiflora - a variety of chrysanthemums with small flowers, pleases the eye in late summer and autumn. Its inflorescences form the shape of a ball, because of which the leaves are not visible, which looks unusual and attracts attention. For such a chrysanthemum, the key condition is planting in a place lit by the sun all day. All varieties grow well outdoors. For the winter, they either cover the trimmed bush, or transplant it into a pot and bring it into a cool room.

Popular varieties: tall plants (up to 70 cm) varieties of Branfountain Lemon (lemon color), Bransky Plum (pink-crimson), Branroyal Yellow (yellow). Low Branchili (red). Early Branbeach Orange (orange).

Chrysanthemums are unpretentious flowers in care and reproduction that will delight with their appearance for several years. Having landed in the spring on the garden plot, all summer and autumn you can admire their colors. The choice of varieties is huge, each gardener will find to his taste and characteristics of the soil. Plant propagation cuttings are made from flowers grown outdoors or cut into a bouquet. For wintering, the bushes are cut and covered with leaves, turf to preserve heat and moisture, or brought into the room. There they are stored at a low temperature, preventing the earthen coma on the roots from drying out.

Perennial garden chrysanthemum will decorate every ornamental garden. This unpretentious flower will please gardeners with its aroma and bright flowering. Plants bloom late and will delight the eye until the onset of cold weather.

When growing chrysanthemums, you do not need special knowledge, but a few rules should be followed. And then every year they will delight you with their flowering.

Soil Requirements

The soil is very important for this plant. Chrysanthemums can be planted in ordinary soil, but be sure to add sand and humus. For long flowering, the soil should be well fertilized.

Before planting add:

  • 2-3 cups of ash;
  • a couple of tablespoons of nitrophosphate;
  • 5 kg of humus per 1 sq. m. earth.

With this fertilizer, the stem will be thicker and taller, and the shelf life of already cut flowers will increase. Phosphorus additives will speed up flowering.

Chrysanthemums should be planted in prepared and fertilized soil.

Place to land

The landing site should be sunny and slightly elevated to avoid stagnant water. It must also be protected from strong winds. In the absence of sunlight, flowering will come later.

Planting chrysanthemums

Landing should be taken care of in the fall. Dig up the soil and add humus. Chrysanthemums are planted in open ground in May or early summer. For planting, small trenches are made, not holes, and water is poured abundantly. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30 cm. Cuttings can be covered with special material until the plants take root.


When caring for chrysanthemums, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  1. Plant bushes in a sunny, calm place.
  2. Properly fertilize weak soil.
  3. It is good to water from the moment of planting until the appearance of buds. Reduce watering during flowering.
  4. Fertilize the soil with minerals and organic fertilizers every 2 weeks.
  5. Regularly remove buds that have faded, especially wilted leaves at the bottom of the bush.
  6. Shelter for the winter.

Watering bushes need to be under the root, it is not worth spraying leaves and flowers. It is necessary to loosen the earth, which will help it stay moist. When the plants fade and new shoots form, it should be watered abundantly once a week.

Do 2 per season root top dressing in the form of solutions. A positive result will bring fertilizer with chicken manure.

Form a bush using pruning. In the spring, long side shoots are cut off, thereby giving the bush a spherical shape.

Topping make to get big top flowers. To do this, thin out the buds on the sides.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums

Perennial chrysanthemum can grow in one place for about 5 years. But in order not to lose the varietal characteristics of the plant, you need replant every year.

Transplant with dividing the bush

Transplantation with dividing the bush is one of the best ways to propagate chrysanthemums. It is better to replant the bush after the end of flowering, during this period new shoots are born, a new root grows.

To do this, you need to dig a bush, shake off and rinse the roots. Having separated the young shoot, it must immediately be planted in the prepared soil. If the stem is very tall, you need to cut off above the 4th leaf and cover so that the root takes root.

There are different ways of reproduction:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

Seeds can be sown in open ground in May, 4-5 pieces per hole. But in order for the flowers to appear earlier, you can plant them indoors in March, and then dive in pots and land at the end of May.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The division of the bush is done in the spring. To do this, young shoots are separated, planted in the ground and watered abundantly.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings begins with the selection of healthy plants - queen cells.

In autumn, after flowering, green bushes are selected and transplanted into boxes. The mother liquors are stored in a room with a temperature of 2–5°C, but not lower than 0°C. Water well to start growing roots. For cuttings, only those shoots that branches from the root are suitable. Such cuttings are planted in pots with prepared soil. It is important to add humus and sand, you can add mineral fertilizer (20 g per 10 liters of water). Rooting occurs in a month, after which, if the weather permits, new seedlings can be planted in the garden.

How to deal with pests and diseases

To avoid the appearance of diseases or pests on flowers, it is better to do prevention:

  1. When top dressing, add Fitosporin - this is will save.
  2. After rain, treat the plants with Prevircourt or Quadrix to avoid viral infections.
  3. In pest control - caterpillars, leafworm, drugs Fitoverm, Aktara, Ratibor will help.
  4. From and you can use soapy water once a week. Ready-made insecticides or an aqueous extract of garlic will also help.
  5. Sometimes the buds are affected field bugs they drink chrysanthemum juice. They can be removed along with the affected shoots, and the bush can be treated with Fufanon.
  6. live inside the leaves, frequent spraying promotes their distribution throughout the plant. Affected shoots must be removed, and stop spraying the foliage. Such a bush is not used for reproduction.
  7. If the chrysanthemum appeared spots or plant sick leaves, it must be immediately sprayed with fungicides.
  8. With root bacterial cancers it is better to immediately remove the bush from the flower bed.

Excess moisture leads to the death of the root system. And water deficiency contributes to the development of various diseases. Therefore, it is important to monitor the watering of flowers.

With proper care, you can grow a beautiful chrysanthemum that will decorate the autumn landscape.

How to save chrysanthemums in winter?

There are several ways to store plants in winter:

  • Preservation of flowers in the ground.
  • Transfer of excavated bushes to the room.
  • Laying chrysanthemums in trenches.

Frost-resistant chrysanthemum leave in the ground for the winter. To do this, it must be cut, leaving 15 cm from the ground. After that, the bush is mulched with straw or needles, spud with humus. When the temperature drops to 5 ° C, cover with branches of oak or spruce. Fallen leaves should not be used for shelter. When the frosts go away, the shelter is removed, in case of night frosts, it can be covered with a thick film.

There is another way to winter chrysanthemums - dug out bushes kept in the cellar. Closer to frost, the roots of plants are dug up and, together with a clod of earth, stored in a cellar, right on the ground. The temperature must be between 0 and 5°C. At this temperature, the flowers are in a state of sleep and the young shoots do not stretch. With this method, you can control the plants and start germination at any time.

Also for the winter put chrysanthemums in trenches. The dug bushes are tightly laid in trenches 60 cm deep. When frost sets in, cover the trench with boards or a sheet of slate, cover with foil on top and sprinkle with vines or leaves. This method, unfortunately, will not allow you to control the storage of the plant.

For the experiment, you can try several ways, and determine which is more practical.

Chrysanthemums will decorate any flower bed, they go well with other flowers. Different varieties of chrysanthemums will bring a good mood and decorate the autumn landscape until the first frosts.