Relief geography test. Test “Relief of the Earth. A warm atmospheric front brings

1. All words are nouns in the line

A performance, performer, performing

Used bookstore, scribe, library

In the nightingale, nightingale, nightingale

G manager, manager, manager

D greenish, brilliant green, greenery

2. All variant nouns are masculine

And darkness, cockatoo, maestro, UN

B Baku, sale, carpenter, dandy

In Borneo, dog, attache Siberia

G judge, translator, path, anthem

D boys, Cossack, institute, frost

3. All variant nouns are masculine

A degree, ballet, axis attache

B record, industry, runny nose, gypsum

Collecting, tornado, overcoat, steppe

L lever, edge, fraction, hidalgo

D barley, tulle, hummingbird, rash

4. All variant nouns are masculine

And crying, tiles, scale, peroxide

B snag, enamel, aerosol, only

In keys, shagreen, porter, hall

Grand piano, placer, sale, way

D measles, recipe, progress, mixture

5. Feminine have all variant nouns

A diagonal, north, avenue, pilaf

B painting, madam, bile, servants

In mullet, gouache, role, Nekhvoroshch

G tunnel, tablet, coarse calico, vanilla

D fern, cuff, migraine, mascara

6. All variant nouns are feminine

A parcel, bottle, tsetse, UPA

B hydro, koala, flannel, thread

In UFO, flood, azure, Borjomi

G spiral, latin, sbu, kohlrabi

D spring, mainframe, detail, cloak

7. All variant nouns are feminine

A pedal, article, swan, journey

B Chernobyl, madam, luxury, bile

For sale, poetry, giraffe, moth

G font, un, drill, joy

D mouse, foal, mercury, Pripyat

8. Neuter gender have all variant nouns

A muffler, subway, hummingbird, mango

B love, leaves, highway, Cherkasy

In the EU, task, grains, pince-nez

G cafe, chimpanzee, canoe, video

D Tbilisi, baroque, coupe, taxi

9. All variant nouns have a neuter gender

A tour, lamb, weddings, Dnipro

B girl, grain, baroque, menu

In baby, tribe, arable land, filet

G calf, bowl, martini, avocado

D coat, canape, veche, salami

10. All variant nouns have a common gender

A loafer, a bully, a lawyer, a poor fellow

B bumpkin, referee, coach, orphan

The bummer, the lefty, the roar, the postman

Headman, professor, bore, talker

D sneak, dirty, nobleman, simpleton

11. All nouns in a line belong to the same gender

And Delhi, Chernivtsi, Mexico City

B Istanbul, Sochi, Chicago

To Seine, Dniester, Missouri

Nicaragua, China, Chile

D Tokyo, Sukhumi, Ontario

12. All nouns in a line belong to the same gender

And Hokkaido, Paris, Kalahari

B Pripyat, Uman, Ai-Petri

To Kerch, Siberia, Kilimanjaro

G Surami, Bali, Sevastopol

D Washington, Ohio, Kutaisi

13. All nouns in a line belong to the same gender

A lever, synthesis, Prut, Algeria

B rigmarole, constellations, floor, dusk

In insects, puppy, kharcho, stew

Lefty, sucker, forgetful, trio

D corals, tsunami, rakes, money

14. All adjectives are connected correctly with nouns in a line

A funny kangaroo mashed potatoes, beautiful panel

Used long tunnel, heavy path, promising engineer

In crowded Sochi, small dormouse, an old piano

G restless boy, young lady, healing aloe

D poor orphan, full-flowing Congo, colored dragee

15. All adjectives are connected with nouns in a line correctly

And the old Oslo, fragrant cocoa, bright kimono

B Lviv mistress, annoying tsetse, delicious kohlrabi

In a welcome car, pink flamingo, small nonentity

G bright gouache, interesting interview, transparent shampoo

D decorated Uman, academic degree, second degree

16. All adjectives are connected with nouns in a line correctly

And sunny Baku, a beautiful cockatoo, a bad cold

B delicious ivasi, fast taxi, hospitable Peru

To the original menu white tulle, little chimpanzee

Interesting tour, spacious avenue, fair jury

Far away Siberia, fresh salami, talented maestro

17. There is a grammatical error in the line

A constant headache

B a safe remedy for the common cold

Get vaccinated against measles

gargling with sea salt

D use ointment from corns

18. All noun strings are accepted only in number

A flowerpot, chagrin, greenery

B Crimea, milk, iron

To the Dniester, Cossacks, name

G humanity, sums, mallow

D joy, gold, wind

Test on t “Russia on the map. Relief of the Russian Federation. OPTION 1 Full name:. ..

1. Russia is located in:

A. only in the northern hemisphere B. in the northern and western hemispheres

V. in the northern and eastern hemispheres G. in the northern, eastern and western hemispheres

2. The northernmost continental point of Russia

3. Extreme western point Russia lies on the shore

a) Barents Sea b) Baltic Sea c) Bering Sea

4. The study of the territory of Primorye is associated with expeditions:

A) Yermak, b) Erofey Khabarov, c) Ivan Bekatov

5. Select a state that does not have borders with the Russian Federation:a) Moldova b) Finland c) North Korea

6 Relief of Russia: a) monotonous b) diverse

7 Large, relatively stable area earth's crust-this is:

a) plate b) shield c) platform d) folding

8 In Russia, there are no mountains on: a) west b) east c) north d) south

9 The youngest mountains in Russia are:

a) the mountains of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands b) the Urals c) the Caucasus d) the Sayan and Altai

10 On the ancient parts of the earth's crust - platforms, as a rule, are located:

a) mountains b) plains c)mountains and plains

11 Highest Mountains in Russia:a) Altai; b) Sayans; c) the Caucasus.

12 The largest lowland in Russia is:

a) Caspian b) North Siberian c) West Siberian

13 On the ancient platforms are located:

a) East European and West Siberian Plains

b) West Siberian Plain and Central Siberian Plateau

c) Central Siberian Plateau and East European Plain

14 Volcanism and earthquakes are typical for areas of ... folding:

a)Hercynian b) Cenozoic c) Baikal d) Mesozoic?

15. The lowest point of the surface of Russia (- 28 m) is located:

a) on the shore of Lake Elton b) c Minusinsk basin

c) on the shores of the Caspian Sea d) in the Vasyugan swamps

16. Which of the following factors makes oil and gas production in Western Siberia the most difficult?

A. swampiness of the territory; B. continental climate

B. island permafrost; G. abundance of blood-sucking insects

17. To what tectonic structures are deposits mainly of ore minerals confined?A. To plates B. To folded areas C. To shields.

18. In the first half of the Paleozoic, ... folding

a) Alpine b) Caledonian c) Hercynian

B19. The plane took off from the city of O. (IVtime zone) to St. Petersburg at 9 o'clock local time. The flight lasted 3 hours. What time did the plane arrive in St. Petersburg?

a. 10 o'clock b. 11 o'clock at. 12 hours

IN 20 . Establish a correspondence between tectonic structures and landforms:

1 Platform A. Central Siberian Plateau

2 Young mountains. B Caucasus Mountains

3 Resurrected Mountains V. Altai Mountains

AT 21. Establish a correspondence between the type of mineral and the areas of its distribution:

Type of mineral: Distribution area:

1.Gas; A. Yakutia;

2. Coal; B. North of Western Siberia;

3.Diamonds. V. Tunguska basin.

From 22. Why is the Urals lower than Altai? Give at least 2 reasons.

27 points

Control work on t “Russia on the map. Relief of the Russian Federation. OPTION 2 Full name:. ..

1. The extreme southern mainland point of Russia

a) Cape Chelyuskin b) Mount Bazarduzu c) Cape Fligeli

2. Select a state that does not have borders with the Russian Federation:a) Armenia b) Poland c) China

BUT) Mongolia; B) China; B) Kazakhstan; D) Ukraine.

4. Which river does not belong to the Pacific Ocean?a) Cupid; b) Kolyma; c) Anadyr;

5. What strait separates Russia from the USA?

BUT.Tatarsky B. Beringov V. Kara Gates

6 Biggest active volcano Russia:

a) Klyuchevskaya Sopkab) Kazbek c) Kronnotskaya Sopka d) Shiveluch

7 To tectonic structuresdo not apply: a) platforms b) plains

c) folded belts d) shields

8 Internal processes that form the relief are:

a) volcanism; b) collision lithospheric plates; c) the activity of an ancient glacier.

9 The moraine relief prevails…

10 Stable areas of the earth's crust are called:

a) platforms b) folded areas c) shields d) slabs

11 common feature The Central Siberian Plateau and the East European Plain is:

a) plateau terrain b) the presence of shields c) the same prevailing heights

12 Modern period geological history refers to:

a) Neogene period cenozoic era b) the Paleogene period of the Cenozoic era

c) the Quaternary period of the Cenozoic era d) the Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era

13 In which of the following territories of Russia are earthquakes most likely?

a) Sakhalin Island c) Taimyr Peninsula

b) islands New Earth d) Kola Peninsula

14. Deposits are confined to ancient folded areas:

A) coal, oil, gas. B) iron ores, gold. B) clay, chalk.

15. The highest point of the Caucasus:A. town of Narodnaya B. town of Elbrus V. town of Belukha

16. Coal reserves are especially large in ... the basin

A. Pechorsky B. Donetsk V. Kuzbass G. Podmoskovny.

17. Anthropogenic landforms are ....

A. Ravines B. Waste heaps C. Plains D. Volcanoes

18. What period is the formation of the Ural Mountains?

a) Mesozoic folding; b) Baikal folding;

c) Cenozoic folding; d) Hercynian folding

At 19 . Arrange the mountains from west to east: A. Caucasus B. Altai C. Ural G. Sayans

IN 20. Determine what time it will be in Yakutsk if it is 5 am in the city of M. (2 time zone).

AT 21 . Set match:

Mountains of the folding area

a) Caucasus 1 - Baikal

b) Sikhote-Alin _ 2 - Mesozoic

5 - Precambrian

C22. Where gully formation will be more pronounced: on the Kola Peninsula or on the Central Russian Upland. Explain why?

27 points

"5" - 23-27b, "4" - 18-22b., "3" - 13-17b

Control work on t “Russia on the map. Relief of the Russian Federation. OPTION 3 Full name:. ..

1. The area of ​​Russia is equal to:A) 17.1 million km2; B) 178 million km2; C) 22.4 million km2.

2. The northernmost island point of Russia is located:A) in the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago;

B) in the Svalbard archipelago; C) in the Franz Josef Land archipelago.

3. The extreme western point of Russia is located on the territory:

BUT. Leningrad region B. Kaliningrad region

V. Pskov region G. Republic of Karelia

4. Russia has only a sea border with the states:

A) Norway and Japan; B) Japan and China; C) Japan and the United States.

5. In the North, Russia is washed by the seas:

A) White, Barents, Kara; B) Beringovo, Kara, Laptev; C) Baltic, Black, White

6 The relief of Russia is dominated by: aa) plains b) mountains c) plateaus

7 The highest point of Russia is:a) Elbrus b) Belukha c) Klyuchevskaya Sopka

8 Alpine folding areas in Russia include:

a)Altai b) Caucasus c) Kuriles d) Urals

9 The foundation of the East European Plain comes to the surface in the form of ... a shield

a) Baltic b) Anabar c) Aldan

10 Indicate the geological era in which the highlighted the largest number periods:

a)Cenozoic b) Mesozoic c) Paleozoic d) Archean

11 Moraine relief prevails ...

A. in the south of Siberia B. in the south of the European part C. in the north of the European part D. in the Caucasus

12. Volcanoes in Russia are located on:

a) Altai b) Kamchatka c) Kuril Islands d) Urals

13 Mountain systems with the Verkhoyansky and Chersky ridges are located ...

a) in Kamchatka b) along the Pacific coast

c) in the south of the Asian part of Russia d) east of the Lena River

14 The modern period of geological history refers to ... folding:

a) Caledonian b) Hercynian c) Mesozoic d) Alpine

15 The main patterns in the relief of Russia are:

BUTuniform topography and rising relative heights to the north

B Varied topography and rising relative altitudes to the south

In a varied terrain and an increase in relative heights to the center

D diverse relief and increase in relative heights to the north

16. Oil and gas dominate… .

A. On the Kola Peninsula B. in Western Siberia C. In Eastern Siberia

17. Aeolian relief prevails on the coast ...

A. Sea of ​​Okhotsk B. Baltic Sea C. Black Sea D. Laptev Sea

18. Why Western Siberia rich in oil and gas?

A) Here, magma was introduced into numerous faults in the earth's crust;

B) Oil and gas fields are associated with the activity of the glacier;

C) The territory is composed of a thick layer of sedimentary rocks;

D) The territory is located in the area of ​​the Hercynian folding.

At 19 . Set match:

a) Caucasus 1 - Baikal

b) Sikhote-Alin _ 2- Mesozoic

c) East Sayan 3 - Cenozoic

d) Western Altai 4 - Hercynian

IN 20 . Arrange the objects from north to south:

A. Caucasus Mountains B. Byrranga Mountains C. Dzhugdzhur Range

AT 21 . The plane took off from the city of K. (Vtime zone) to Moscow at 12 noon local time. The flight lasted 5 hours. What time did the plane arrive in Moscow?

C22 . Define the term "kimberlite". How is it formed and what does it matter?

27 points

"5" - 23-27b, "4" - 18-22b., "3" - 13-17b

Control work on t “Russia on the map. Relief of the Russian Federation. OPTION 4 Full name:. .. 1 Russia intersects:A) the equator, b) the southern tropic, c) the Arctic circle

2 Select a sea that does not wash the territory of the Russian Federation

a) Azov b) Aral c) Japanese d) Barents

3. The seas washing Russia do not freeze:

A) Black and Barents; B) Barents and Kara; C) Okhotsk and Japanese.

4. The largest plateau in Russia:a) Vitimskoe b) Central Siberian c) Anadyr

5 Countries with which Russia has the longest land borders:

A. China and Kazakhstan b. China and Mongolia

B. Mongolia and Kazakhstan d. Kazakhstan and Finland

6 The largest plain in Russia: a) East European b) West Siberian

c) Caspian Sea d) Central Siberian Plateau

7. The internal processes that form the relief are:

a) weathering; b) collision of lithospheric plates; c) the activity of an ancient glacier.

8. The western part of the Altai mountainous country was formed in the era of ...

a) in the Mesozoic era of mountain building;

b) in the Hercynian era of mountain building;

c) in the Caledonian era of mountain building.

9 The longest mountains in Russia: a) Ural b) Sikhote-Alin c) Caucasus

10 The highest point in Russia - Mount Elbrus has a height:a) 5895 m b) 6960 c) 5642 m.

11. Areas of manifestation of strong earthquakes in Russia are:

a)Ural, Central Siberian Plateau

b) Kola Peninsula, West Siberian Lowland

c) Kamchatka, Kuril Islands, Caucasus

12. The foundation of the Siberian platform comes to the surface in the form of ... shields

a) Baltic and Anabar b) Aldan and Baltic c) Aldan and Anabar

13. The highest mountain peak of Altai:a) Shkhara b) Victory c) Belukha d) Munku-Sardyk

14. Choose the highest active volcano in Russia:

a) Elbrus b) Kazbek c) Key Sopka d) Kronotskaya Sopka

15. Landforms of glacial origin include:

a) moraines; b) ravines, beams; c) dunes, dunes.

16. Minerals are found on the platforms...

A. igneous and sedimentary origin

B sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin

In only igneous origin

17. Separation and sliding under the influence of gravity down the slope of a block of rock is:

a) a landslide; b) an avalanche; c) village.

18. The largest coal basins are:

A) Samotlor, Kansko-Achinsky; B) Tunguska, Lensky; B) Urengoy, Yamburg.

At 19. Match:

a) Ural 1 - Caledonian

b) Western Sayan 2- Hercynian

c) Verkhoyansk ridge. 3 - Cenozoic

d) Median ridge. 4 - Mesozoic

IN 20 . Set match:

1) mud-stone flow; a) an avalanche

2) snow removal from mountain slopes; b) mudflow;

3) boulder glacial deposits. B) moraine.

AT 21 . The plane took off from Moscow to the city of K. (Vtime zone) at 23:00 local time. The flight lasted 3 hours. At what time did the plane arrive in the city of K.?

From 22 . Why, despite the high seismicity of the territory of the mountains of Southern Siberia, there are no active volcanoes there?

27 points

"5" - 23-27b, "4" - 18-22b., "3" - 13-17b

Test on the topic "Relief" OPTION 1

1. Set match:

platform a - ledge of ancient crystalline rocks

plate b - an ancient, stable, leveled section of the lithospheric plate

shield c - platform with a sedimentary cover of a later time

moraine g - a large accumulation of minerals

deposit e - rocks deposited by a melted glacier

2 . Set match:

platform a - Caucasus

Cenozoic b - Ural

Hercynian skl. c - Central Siberian square.

Baikal slope d - Eastern Sayan

3. Match :

Caucasus a - Belukha

Ural b - Folk

Altai to - Munku-Sardyk

V. Sayan g - Elbrus

4. Select landforms located in the south of the Asian part of Russia:

a - Kolyma and Koryak highlands

b - West Siberian Plain

c - Altai and Sayans

d - Dzhugdzhur and Sikhote-Alin

5 . Specify the mountains that bound West Siberian Plain in the West:

a - Caucasian

b - Altai

c - Ural

g - Sayans

6. Specify the relief forms prevailing in Russia:

a - mountains

b - highlands

c - plains

d - hollows

7. Russia's surface is sinking :

a to the north

b - to the east

c - to the west

d - south

8. Russia's highest active volcano Klyuchevskaya Sopka is located :

a - on the Taimyr Peninsula

b - on the Kamchatka peninsula

c - on the Kola Peninsula

9. The plains in the platform areas are dominated by minerals:

a - sedimentary

b - magmatic

c - metamorphic

10. Indicate the minerals that are rich in the West Siberian Plain:

A - oil and gas

B - marble and granite

B - polymetallic ores and copper ores

11. Folding areas correspond to:

a - mountains

b - plains

c - plateaus

12 . Select internal relief-forming factors:

a - volcanism

b - wind activity

c - activity of flowing waters

c - earthquakes

Test on the topic "Relief" OPTION 2

1. Match :

relief a - the upper hard shell of the earth

lithosphere b - a mountainous area with a complex connection of mountain ranges

tectonic in - the earth's crust and upper layer robes

highlands d - unevenness of the earth's surface

earth's crust d - map of the structure of the earth's crust

2. Match :

platform a - Sredinny Ridge

Cenozoic b - Chersky Ridge

Mesozoic folding in - East European Plain

Caledonian folding g - Altai

3 . Select landforms located in the south of the European part of Russia :

a - Caspian lowland

b - Baraba lowland

c - Caucasus Mountains

d - Putorana plateau

4. Specify the mountains that limit the West Siberian Plain in the south:

a - Caucasian

b - Altai

c - Ural

g - Sayans

5. Set match:

Caucasus a - Belukha

Ural b - Folk

Altai to - Munku-Sardyk

V. Sayan g - Elbrus

6. Specify the landforms prevailing in the east of Russia:

a - mountains

b - highlands

c - plains

d - hollows

7. The highest point in Russia:

a - Belukha

b - Elbrus

in - the city of Munku-Sardyk

city ​​of Narodnaya

8. The boundary of lithospheric plates in Russia passes :

a - on the Taimyr Peninsula

b - on the Kamchatka peninsula

c - on the Kola Peninsula

9 . Minerals predominate in the mountains and folding areas:

a - sedimentary

b - magmatic

c - metamorphic

10 . Platform areas correspond to :

a - mountains

b - plains

c - plateaus

11. Select external relief-forming factors:

a - volcanism

b - wind activity

c - activity of flowing waters

c - earthquakes

12 . Specify minerals of igneous origin:

A - coal, oil, gas

B - iron and copper ores

B - marble and granite

Relief of the Earth. Plains. The mountains.

1 option

    All irregularities in the earth's surface are called

A) lowlands

B) plains

B) relief

D) mountains

2. Choose from the examples below low mountains

A) the Alps

B) Himalayas

C) south of the Ural Mountains

D) Scandinavian mountains

3. Extensive flat areas of the earth's surface with fluctuations in relative heights of no more than 200 m.

A) lowlands

B) plains

B) relief

D) mountains

4. Plains located at an altitude of 200-500 m above sea level are called

A) plateaus

B) mountains

B) lowlands

D) hills

5. Mountains have an absolute height of up to 1000 m above sea level

A) low

B) medium

B) high

D) the highest

6. From the listed examples, choose a plateau

A) Amazonian

B) Smolensk-Moscow

B) Central Siberian

D) Valdai

7. Process of destruction and change rocks under the influence of external factors

A) weathering

B) accumulation

B) bundle

D) improvement

8. Largest forms landform

A) protrusions of the continents and depressions of the oceans

B) plains and plateaus

B) depressions and lowlands

D) hills and hills

9. Depression between two ridges

A) plateaus

B) mountain ranges

B) mountain valley

D) mountain system

10. Plains occupy approximately ...% of the land area

A) 80

B) 20

C) 60

D) 40

11. Plains located at an altitude of up to 200 m above sea level are called

A) plateaus

B) mountains

B) lowlands

D) hills

12. Mountains have an absolute height of more than 5000 m above sea level

A) low

B) medium

B) high

D) the highest

Relief of the Earth. Plains. The mountains.

Option 2

1. Vast areas of land or ocean floor, high above the plains, with large elevation changes

A) plateaus

B) mountains

B) lowlands

D) hills

2. Plains located below sea level are called

A) plateaus

B) mountains

B) lowlands

D) hills

3. Mountains occupy approximately ...% of the land area

A) 80

B) 20

C) 60

D) 40

4. From the listed examples, choose a lowland

A) Amazonian

B) Smolensk-Moscow

B) Central Siberian

D) Valdai

5. Plains located at an altitude of more than 500 m above sea level are called

A) plateaus

B) mountains

B) lowlands

D) hills

6. Mountains have an absolute height of 1000 to 2000 m above sea level

A) low

B) medium

B) high

D) the highest

7. Choose from the examples listed medium mountains

A) the Alps

B) Himalayas

C) south of the Ural Mountains

D) Scandinavian mountains

8. The highest point in the world

A) Mont Blanc

B) Elbrus

B) McKinley

D) Everest

9. Mountain peaks are located in a row, one after another, several tens and even several hundred kilometers

A) plateaus

B) mountain ranges

B) mountain valley

D) mountain system

10. Mountains have an absolute height of over 2000 m above sea level

A) low

B) medium

B) high

D) the highest

11. Choose from the examples listed high mountains

A) the Alps

B) Himalayas

C) south of the Ural Mountains

D) Scandinavian mountains

12. The accumulation of mountain ranges, in which many peaks are covered with eternal snow

A) plateaus

B) mountain ranges

B) mountain valley

D) mountain system


1 option

1-c, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d, 5-a, 6-c, 7-a, 8-a, 9-c, 10-c, 11-c, 12-d

Option 2

1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-a, 5-a, 6-b, 7-d, 8-d, 9b, 10-c, 11-a, 12-d