Characteristics of internal water bodies of the Minusinsk basin. Panorama Minusinsk basin. Virtual tour Minusinsk basin. Attractions, map, photo, video

The Minusinsk Basin excites the minds of gardeners

For many years I subscribed to the newspaper "Gardens of Siberia" and follow the articles of V.K. Zhelezov, where, in my opinion, there is a lot of dubious material and conclusions. Since I am a practicing gardener, I did not dare to enter into an argument with V.K. Zhelezov, I was waiting for the opinion of specialists. The expert of the newspaper "Gardens of Siberia" T.V. Kryuchkova in a delicate form tried to stop V.K. Zhelezova with conclusions. But it was not there.

Yes, nature selects plants with genes that are most resistant to survival, but up to certain limits, otherwise Siberia would long ago have been inhabited by good fruit trees, not berries bush form. And here one cannot do without scientific breeders using the hybridization method, who, after all, do not at all deny the Mentor method, but use it in their practice. And finally, an article by F. Kh. Khalilov from Tatarstan, a gardener with capital letter, gave the necessary competent rebuff to the authors of adventurism in Siberian gardening. It is absolutely correct that the Minusinsk Basin- this is not a Siberian climate at all, but rather a European one. The vegetation of Khakassia is somewhat reminiscent of the Orenburg region, where I come from. In the vicinity of the cities of Abakan and Minusinsk, watermelons grow without any problems, which is a kind of indicator of high summer temperatures. Also in tsarist time from Minusinsk to Krasnoyarsk along the Yenisei, watermelons were brought on barges. And winter in this area... In the schedule winter temperatures 2009-2010, given in the article by B. Bodnar, the five-day temperature did not fall below -32 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the temperature in the city of Krasnoyarsk, about 350 km north of Sayanogorsk, the Republic of Khakassia, according to my records, was 40 degrees Celsius, and at a short distance from it -45 degrees. In addition, it must be taken into account that the trees located near the non-freezing Yenisei are heavily covered with frost, which protects them from frost. However, Valery Konstantinovich must be told thank you very much for raising the issue of using this region for growing apricots and peaches, so as not to import them from the south. But when some "hotheads" recommend planting large-fruited forms in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (outside the Minusinsk Basin zone), then we, amateur gardeners, must be careful about such calls so as not to be disappointed at all.

How to cool hot heads

I know such examples. I won’t say that these varieties do not grow with us at all, but how? This is a big question. On two sites; located even close to each other, there may be different spring-winter conditions, which leads to the death of identical varieties in one area and survival in another. Therefore, seedlings grown in the more favorable Sayanogorsk region will hardly survive the winter in the vicinity of our Krasnoyarsk.

There may be exceptions, depending on the location of the site, but it is recommended to plant them everywhere, as well as to plant cuttings from Sayanogorsk into the skeleton of an existing tree- this is adventurism. Horticultural scientists would do well to take into account the Khakass phenomenon of Zhelezov and create a scientific station for the selection and distribution of winter-hardy varieties of apricots, peaches, cherries, and, finally, solve this problem in the interests of Russian gardeners.

Reading your articles, Valery Konstantinovich, sometimes I cannot understand the course of your thoughts. In a short time, you propose to grow a good fruit tree, sometimes from the seed, then by grafting tasty southern varieties, and finally by cross-pollination. These methods have been used by scientific gardeners for a long time and in this regard, a lot of experience has been accumulated for many generations.

It takes decades to grow a good variety for local conditions. So, for example, I. L. Baikalov needed to grow thousands apricot trees to select just a few suitable ones. When grown from seeds of trees of the Plum subfamily, some of the qualities of their parents are lost and others are found, so careful selection is required to achieve the desired result. I think you know this fact, Valery Konstantinovich, but for some reason it is hushed up.

It took N.N. Tikhonov about 30 years to achieve good taste qualities in fruits and winter hardiness of a semi-cultivated apple tree, for example, Pupil, N.N. Tikhonov, and it was grown by hybridization of the best specimens. For the settlement of Siberia with good fruit trees, zoned varieties are required, and scientists cannot do without scientists. We, amateur gardeners, must first of all use the experience and recommendations of these scientists and our own enthusiasm, and not reinvent the wheel.

In your articles you recommend not to prune trees. Perhaps this is correct if the gardener does not have the knowledge, but there are books and articles by scientists with which you can master this work. You, in your articles, are trying to lead gardeners into such a jungle, from where they cannot get out. The compelling photographs that you present to the world are not taken by you in the gardens of specialists, but from amateurs who have no idea about pruning technology.

For example: try not to remove broken branches on the currant and not thin out the bush ... I assure you that in three or four years the bush will cease to bear fruit, although with proper pruning it could produce a crop for many years. Of course, the shrub is not fruit tree, but the analogy is visible.

In the articles about vaccinations, you recommend copulation of apricots and plums still in the snow, but this is undesirable, since the time of strong night frosts has not passed. The stalk will simply die for several reasons. A huge amount of experience has been accumulated by serious scientists on the method and timing of vaccinations, and instead of scolding, isn't it better to thoroughly familiarize yourself with their works?

So, for example, in some cases, the best rootstock for stone fruits is the Bessey cherry, which you reject. In my practice in the spring, I start copulating when there is Birch juice. AT summer time budding is very well done in the "bessei" rootstock, and with good skills - on the plum rootstock.

I am writing about this because you do not consider everyone around amateurs. Your articles, instead of being useful, can even harm amateur gardeners. Although these articles sometimes contain a lot good stuff, but one must be careful with the conclusions. I would like to subscribe to the words of I. L. Baikalov “Gentlemen, farmers, stop fooling amateur gardeners.”

In matters of distribution of good winter-hardy varieties from Sayanogorsk across the territory of Siberia, as F. Kh. Khalilov says, “in copper pipes it's too early to blow." Novice gardeners should not learn from our (amateur gardeners) articles, because they are simply informational, not scientific. In order not to harm yourself, it is necessary to draw knowledge from our well-known contemporaries, such as, for example, S. I. Isaeva, I. L. Baikalov and other scientists.

Needed where was born

I have great respect for the works of well-known Siberian gardeners: M. A. Lisavenko, N. N. Tikhonov, I. L. Baikalov, A. S. Tolmacheva, who are at the highest level in the development of gardening in Siberia. Therefore, in my garden I have seedlings selected by these giant scientists. On my site grew and grow various varieties fruit and berry crops. Some died due to winter cold, others were removed due to Low quality fruits. Here are my findings.

I'll start with cherries. Two varieties that I brought from Ukraine have died out. Cherry Caucasian differed in good winter hardiness, but was not pollinated. An unknown variety from Altai turned out to be sour. The bush-shaped cherry from the Volga has taken root well, it bears fruit with delicious berries, but sometimes it freezes.

Vladimir cherry, propagated at the Krasnoyarsk fruit growing experimental station, grows as a tree or a powerful bush in several trunks, often freezes slightly, but gives good harvest delicious berries and recovers quickly.

The steppe Ural cherry of the bush form is extremely winter-hardy, late deadline ripening, the berries are sour, but edible, good for jams and compotes, also propagated by the Krasnoyarsk fruit growing experimental station. I transferred the Volga cherry to Abakan, where it successfully brings high yield. I transferred the Ural steppe cherry to more severe conditions, to Dzerzhinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, where it took root, I will wait for the results.

I don’t grow cherries, because I once brought them from Syzran, and also ordered from Moscow, Leningrad black. After the first winter, they froze, then grew back and froze again. Had to delete- and I calmed down. However, after reading the article by B. Bodnar from Sayanogorsk, I think to return to this topic, I still need to try a few different varieties. But, I repeat, Krasnoyarsk is far from Khakassia, it's hard to believe in success, but you have to try.

Now about the plum, which surprisingly took root in the Krasnoyarsk Territory thanks to the works of M. A. Lisavenko, N. N. Tikhonov, A. S. Tolmacheva. These, mostly hybrid, plums are quite large, good taste and practically do not freeze out in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk.

Plums of the Krasnoyarsk selection grow on my site. I'll start with plums. "Sister Divnoy" in my garden is grafted with a bud on a stock of sand cherry, a tree medium size at the age of 12 brought 20 kg of large fruits of golden color, very good sweet and sour taste. Another tree (high) consists of two varieties, the skeletal part- an unknown winter-hardy form of the Ussuri tasty, but small plum, the second half, grafted into the crown with a plum bud Sister Divnoy (I emphasize that the graft was not made by a cutting, but by a kidney), the tree gives the same amount of fruit in terms of volume. They bear fruit annually. The fruits are transportable.

Cherry-plum hybrid, grafted with a bud on a sand cherry rootstock, freezes slightly, so fruiting is periodic. AT favorable years yield up to 30 kg. "Manchurian Beauty"- very good plum folk selection with large fruits weighing 20-30 g and good winter hardiness. Although after a harsh winter it may freeze slightly, it recovers from own roots, what is not less important. The Ussuri plum has never frozen with me, but because of the small fruits it is not in wide demand among gardeners. However, in the garden it is necessary as an excellent pollinator, annual fruiting.

These plums have become widespread in our Krasnoyarsk region thanks to N. N. Tikhonov. Why am I emphasizing this? But because the Tambov prunes, discharged from Moscow, died out in the size of a 3-year-old tree. Prunes from Dimitrovgrad occasionally bear fruit, but the crown regularly freezes.

Two cuttings of plum different varieties, brought from Abakan and grafted into the crown of the Ussuri plum, developed well, but ... froze out. By the way, Eurasian plum at the age of ten in my brother's garden in the Minusinsk region, 40 kilometers away from the Yenisei, froze after the winter of 2008-2009. Based on this, some conclusions can be drawn- don't go for size.

If we consider the cultivation of apricots in the Krasnoyarsk region, then this is a very cautious topic. I have a frozen Ussuri apricot, discharged from Moscow. I emphasize that it is frozen, not wet, since I remove the snow from the trunk in advance. Several other varieties unknown to me also froze.

And only one tree, grafted with a bud on the rootstock of the "Bessey" cherry, survived this harsh winter and even bloomed. As it turned out, this is an apricot selection by I. L. Baikalov. In addition, I read in the "Gardens of Siberia" that in the area of ​​​​the Krasnoyarsk cement plant, the family grows apricots of the selection of I. L. Baikalov, and grows them successfully. But it is not yet a fact that they will grow everywhere in the Krasnoyarsk region. But it is necessary to try to plant apricots of this selection as the most winter-hardy varieties. By the way, for those who decide to seriously engage in gardening in Siberia, I recommend purchasing the book by I. L. Baikalov, which will be a serious guide in your difficult task.

I am surprised why V.K. Zhelezov always tries to impose on us European varieties of apricots, allegedly acclimatized by him, but those bred by I.L. Baikalov, which would be better suited to our region, are hushed up. In my opinion, here we need hybrid apricots grafted onto a winter-hardy rootstock, and work in this direction has just begun.

I would like to recommend amateur gardeners of the Siberian region to plant more berry crops in their gardens, which are covered with snow in winter and perfectly tolerate winter hardships. Now there is good varieties Krasnoyarsk, Altai, Chelyabinsk stations for horticulture of raspberries, currants, honeysuckle, gooseberries. So in the summer, you will always be with a berry, and in the winter with jam.

V. Pirogov , Krasnoyarsk

(Gardens of Siberia No. 2, 2011)

Note. Well done, Valery Ivanovich Pirogov! I absolutely agree with common sense. (G. Kazanin)

At the beginning of the XX century. The Minusinsk basin was often called "Siberian Italy".

Minusinsk depression, view to the south from Mount Sedlovata (towards Shushenskoe).

The Minusinsk Basin (Khakass-Minusinsk Basin) is a large ancient intermountain trough, bounded from the east by the Eastern Sayan, from the west by the Kuznetsk Alatau, from the south by the Western Sayan, from the north by the low Arga ridge. The height above sea level is 200-700 m. The average temperature in January is from -16 to -20.5 °С, in June from +18.2 to +19.6 °С. In winter, there are frosts down to -52 °C, and in summer the temperature sometimes rises to +45 °C. By the number of sunny days per year, the Minusinsk Basin surpasses the Crimea.

The appearance of the basin refers to the Devonian period (410-360 million years ago). It was then that a steady long-term immersion of the surface began here. At the same time, the folded rocky foundation was crushed into separate blocks, which led to the separation of individual sections of the basin, which, on the whole, has been preserved to this day. The spurs of the ridges between which it is located, the territory of the basin is divided into four independent depressions: Nazarovskaya, Chulym-Yenisei, Sydo-Erbinskaya and South-Minusinskaya.

The ancient rocks that make up the Minusinsk Basin - sandstones, shales, limestones, siltstones, granites, gneisses, porphyrites - were repeatedly exposed to the action of tectonic forces and formed either folded or blocky mountains. Under the influence of external forces - wind, water, temperature fluctuations - the mountains collapsed, while denser rocks collapsed more slowly. This is how the variety of relief forms characteristic of the Minusinsk Basin arose - wide plains, hills, ridges, small hills and low mountains. Now, low mountains rise above the surrounding space, built of layered Devonian sandstone of red or red-brown color - a very characteristic feature of Khakass landscapes.

Rivers flow through the territory of the basin: Yenisei, Abakan, Oya, Tuba. There are many fresh and salt lakes (Tagarskoye, Salt, etc.). The largest settlements located within the basin are the cities of Minusinsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Abakan and Chernogorsk (Republic of Khakassia).

The Minusinsk basin is considered the breadbasket of Central Siberia. Before the revolution, the Minusinsk Basin was often called "Siberian Italy". In 1829, the Decembrist S. G. Krasnokutsky, living in exile in Minusinsk, was the first to grow sour cherries. Warm climate and abundance sunlight allow not only to successfully cultivate grain crops in the Minusinsk Basin, but also to engage in horticulture and melon growing.

The land of the Minusinsk basin is very interesting for historians. It is famous for the wealth of traces of the presence of the most human different eras from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Traces of cultures of various tribes were found here: Afanasievskaya, Okunevskaya, Andronovskaya, Karasukskaya, Tagarskaya, Tashtykskaya. These cultures have existed here since the 3rd millennium BC. e. until the first half of the 1st millennium AD. e. For almost three hundred years, scientists have been exploring burial grounds and the remains of dwellings, mines, irrigation canals, ruins of fortresses, rock paintings and stone sculptures.

(410-360 million years ago), the fourth of six periods into which it is customary to divide the Paleozoic. It was then that a steady long-term immersion of the surface began here. At the same time, the folded rocky foundation was crushed into separate blocks, which led to the separation of individual sections of the basin, which, on the whole, has survived to this day. Now it is divided by minor ridges into four independent depressions, from north to south:

  • Nazarov basin (outside Khakassia)
  • Chulym-Yenisei or North-Minusinsk - between the Solgonsky and Batenevsky ridges
  • Sydo-Erbinskaya or Sredne-Minusinskaya - between the Batenevsky ridge and the spurs of the Eastern Sayan
  • Yuzhno-Minusinskaya - to the northern slope of the Western Sayan.

The formation of the trough was accompanied by active volcanic activity. In shallow lagoons and lakes, due to destruction products rocks, which were blown here from the surrounding slopes, thick strata of red-colored deposits accumulated. The modern relief of the depressions was formed. Now it has a hilly-flat character. Low mountains rise above the surrounding space, built of layered Devonian sandstone of red or red-brown color - a very characteristic feature of Khakass landscapes.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Spring in the Western Sayans

    ✪ Fishing in Khakassia



Before the revolution, the Khakass-Minusinsk basin was often called " Siberian Italy". In the same year, Decembrist S. G. Krasnokutsky, living in exile in Minusinsk, was the first to grow sour cherries. This was the beginning of Siberian gardening. The climate of Minusinsk makes it possible to grow other fruit and berry crops. Wed temp-pa January -18°, July up to +21.1°; the growing season is about 160 days; precipitation in the center, parts of the basin is about 300 mm per year.

Located in the south Eastern Siberia. This is an intermountain trough. From the east it is bounded by the Eastern Sayan, from the west by the Kuznetsk Alatau, and from the south by the Western Sayan. In the north, the basin is closed by the Arga ridge. The relief in the basin is uneven, with hills, hills and low mountains. Most of the basin has a thick layer of loess. On loess are formed fertile soils- chernozems. natural area in the Khakass-Minusinsk basin - steppe and forest-steppe. Very little moisture gets into the basin from the ocean, there is a barrier to moist air - the ridges, in addition, the Khakass-Minusinsk basin is located in the center of the mainland, far from the oceans. In winter, in the basins of Siberia, an “inverted temperature” is observed - inversion, that is, an increase in temperature with height. In anticyclonic weather conditions cold air, flowing into the basin, stagnates, cools down, and the temperature reaches -40-50 degrees. There is little snow in the Khakass-Minusinsk basin. Rural residents carry out snow retention and snow accumulation so that in spring there is moisture in the soil. Summer in the basin is very warm and even hot and dry. Even gardens and gourds grow here. Siberian Italy is called a basin for a warm summer.

Impact on the climate of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir since the 1960s

The construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station led to the creation of a huge reservoir, stretching for 400 km from Krasnoyarsk to Abakan. This artificial reservoir is called the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, and the people call it the "sea" because of its impressive size. Now it is obvious that the reservoir was created without taking into account the consequences that the creation of such a huge water basin leads to. When the water rose in the Yenisei after the construction of the dam, huge areas were flooded. Fertile fields, spacious pastures, islands rich in commercial resources - everything was under water. In addition, such large villages as Medvedevo, Novosyolovo, Kill and others have disappeared. Many people were forced to move to new settlements built on inconvenient places, as if for selection. Many residents of the flooded villages generally left the region. This is how the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station affected the nature, economy and population of the region. The average depth is 50-60 meters, the maximum depths reach 70-75 meters. The absolute height of the water surface: minimum 224 meters, maximum 243 meters (the water level in the reservoir can fluctuate within such limits). The shores are mostly flat and steep, in some places they are rocky, composed of sandstones and limestones. There are many and rather flat areas where landing on the shore is more convenient, in such places there are piers, for example, the Ulazy pier, through which the right bank is connected to the left ferry crossing. The ferry is the only means of transport between the left and right banks of the reservoir in warm time of the year. The line of the right bank is more indented than coastline left bank. The right bank is replete with many small bays, and relatively large bays can also be distinguished - Anash, Koma, Kill, which are flooded mouths of rivers that once flowed into the Yenisei, and now into the reservoir. The largest bay on the left bank is Izhul. The bottom of the reservoir is composed of pebbles, partially covered with silt deposits. A huge amount of water in the reservoir over the summer accumulates in itself large stock warm and with the onset of cold weather, it cools down slowly and freezes much later than other reservoirs. Ice on the “sea” usually sets up in the second half of December after several very frosty days, and a week later the natural bridge is already open to traffic. By the middle of winter, the thickness of the ice can reach, depending on the air temperature, one meter or more. The reservoir is freed from ice in late April - early May. The reservoir is fed by rainfall. groundwater and rivers. The reservoir basin corresponds to the Yenisei basin within the region.

Impact on the climate of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir since the 1970s

This reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

The reservoir project is integral part project of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. Separate components of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP project also included sections of the downstream and environmental protection natural environment; measures were envisaged and implemented to mitigate to varying degrees the impact of the reservoir on environment: sanitary preparation of the bed with the elimination of possible sources of pollution of the reservoir, dangerous to public health; partial logging. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2006, the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir is included in the list of 70 reservoirs that are strategic sources drinking water, which will be in exclusive federal ownership. Using them water resources is carried out to ensure drinking and domestic water supply to large areas of one or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP with seasonal regulation. At the design level with a normal retaining level (NSL), the reservoir extends for 312 km from the dam, of which 77 km - within the Republic of Tyva, including 52 km in the Tuva basin, then 235 km - through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and along the border between Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Khakassia in the Sayan Gorge. On the Sayan reservoir, 11 regularly occurring rare species birds included in the Red Book of Russia. For the golden eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, osprey, stable numbers are provided by the reserve regime. Wherein optimal conditions for the golden eagle of the Western Sayan, they are preserved precisely in the protected part of the reservoir and its tributaries. Additional measures protection, similar to those made for the osprey, must be taken for the black stork, which nested earlier in the flooded areas of the Yenisei River in Tuva, its tributaries Bolshaya Pashkina, Joy. In these places, the stork continues to meet even now, but nesting is not confirmed.

flood zone:

42% of the water surface of the reservoir is located on the territory of the Republic of Tuva. The vast majority of it falls on the flat part of the Tuva basin - two kozhuuns of the republic of Ulug-Khemsky and Chaa-Kholsky. During the flooding, the city of Shagonar (Old Shagonar) and the village of Chaa-Khol were under water. In addition, completely unexplored archaeological sites are the ancient settlement of the Turks and their burial places. Before the flooding, all necessary work for the preparation of the territory. So at the bottom of today's reservoir lie millions of cubic meters of forests that covered the Sayan Canyon. The actual refusal to study unique archaeological sites. Settlements with all communications and cemeteries were actually simply abandoned and flooded (new ones were built to replace them), which led to the spread of various infections in the water basin of the river. Tens of thousands of hectares of farmland went under water. To date, the water area of ​​the reservoir on the territory of the Republic of Tuva is still a dead zone. The fish living here is of little use for food due to the danger of infection, including typhoid fever. The vast territory of land in the Tuva basin adjacent to the reservoir is swampy, saline and epidemiologically unsafe. As a result, all newly created settlements located at a distance of 1.5-3 km from the coast (in fact, the exclusion zone). The giant water mirror on the territory of the republic significantly affects the dry microclimate of the Republic of Tyva.

  • Minusinsk forest-steppe
  • Minusinsk basin

    intermountain depression between Zap. Sayan, Kuznetsk Alatau , Abakan ridge. and Vost. Sayan(Southern Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia). Altitude 200–700 m. Rolling plain with isolated low mountain and cuesta ridges. The river flows through M. to. Yenisei. Mining stone coal. The climate is sharply continental. Cereal stony steppes ( plowed), on the slopes - coniferous taiga. Agriculture, living, gardening.

    • - a hollow of rounded or almost rounded outlines. Distinguish K. ground and underwater ...

      Geological Encyclopedia

    • - a basin is a hollow form of relief, a depression, rounded in plan, can be closed or open in one or two opposite directions ...

      Geographic Encyclopedia

    • - the pool of some lake or even a water reservoir without a current ...

      Marine vocabulary

    • - negative landform earth's surface more or less isometric or slightly elongated outlines. Can be closed on all sides or open in one or two directions...
    • - Khakass-Minusinsk, the southern part of the vast intermountain Minusinsk depression in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is bounded in the south by the Western Sayan, in the west by the Abakan Range, in the north by the spurs of the Kuznetsk Alatau and...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - forest-steppe on the right bank of the Yenisei, in the east of the Minusinsk depression, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It extends from the northern slope of the Western Sayan in the south to the spurs of the Eastern Sayan in the east and north. The relief is sloping ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - a steppe horse of a non-specialized type, has long been bred in the Minusinsk basin. It differs from other steppe horse breeds of Asia by a more satisfactory exterior and massiveness ...

      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    • - a decrease within the land, the bottom of the oceans or seas, mostly rounded outlines ...
    • - in the mountains of South. Siberia, between the Kuznetsk Alatau, Zap. Sayan and Vost. Saiyan. The relief is predominantly slightly hilly. Altitude from 200-300 to 700 m. Large river - Yenisei ...

      Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    • - KOTLOVINA, -y, wives. Depression, a deep depression on the earth's surface or at the bottom of the ocean, sea. Oceanic, volcanic, glacial | adj. kotlovinny, -th, ...

      Dictionary Ozhegov

    • - Suf. derivative of cauldron, cf. dial. kotlin "", hollow ...

      Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

    • - ; pl. boilers, R....

      Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

    • - kotluban, kotlyana, etc. see boiler ...

      Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    • - KOTLOVINA, hollows, wives. A large depression, a depression in the terrain with a sloping slope on all sides. || volcano crater...

      Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    • - basin A large depression with a gentle slope; depression in the earth's surface...

      Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

    • - boilers "...

      Russian spelling dictionary

    "Minusinsk Basin" in books

    Minusinsk basin - "the kingdom of archeology"

    From the book 100 great archaeological discoveries author Nizovsky Andrey Yurievich

    The Minusinsk Basin - the "kingdom of archeology" The land of the Minusinsk Basin is a real "kingdom of archeology": people from different eras and different cultures left behind numerous burial grounds, the remains of dwellings, mines, irrigation canals, ruins of fortresses, rock


    From the book 100 Great Archaeological Discoveries author Nizovsky Andrey Yurievich

    MINUSINSK KOLVA - THE "KINGDOM OF ARCHEOLOGY" The land of the Minusinsk Basin is literally overflowing with history. It has long been famous for the richness of human traces of various eras, from the Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. Centuries passed, millennia passed. Some peoples

    Agulhas (hollow)

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AG) of the author TSB

    Arabian Basin

    From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AR) of the author TSB

    minusinsk basin riverman, minusinsk basin meaning

    "Minusinsk steppe", V. I. Surikov
    54°00' s. sh. 91°30′ E  / 54.000° N sh. 91.500° E d. / 54.000; 91.500 (G) (O) (I)Coordinates: 54°00′ s. sh. 91°30′ E  / 54.000° N sh. 91.500° E d. / 54.000; 91.500 (G) (O) (I)
    Country Russia, Russia
    Regions Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia
    Type of basin
    Between the ridges Kuznetsk Alatau, Eastern Sayan, Western Sayan
    Height 200-700 m

    Khakass-Minusinsk basin- the southern part of the Minusinsk depression, located between the mountain systems of Southern Siberia: the Kuznetsk Alatau in the north, the Eastern and Western Sayan in the south. Height above sea level is 200-700 m. Plowed steppe, coal deposit.

    The appearance of the basin refers to the Devonian (410-360 million years ago), the fourth of six periods into which it is customary to divide the Paleozoic. It was then that a steady long-term immersion of the surface began here. At the same time, the folded rocky foundation was crushed into separate blocks, which led to the separation of individual sections of the basin, which, on the whole, has survived to this day. Now it is divided by minor ridges into four independent depressions, from north to south:

    • Nazarov basin (outside Khakassia)
    • Chulym-Yenisei or North-Minusinsk - between the Solgon and Batenevsky ridges
    • Sydo-Erbinskaya or Sredne-Minusinskaya - between the Batenevsky ridge and the spurs of the Eastern Sayan
    • Yuzhno-Minusinskaya - to the northern slope of the Western Sayan.

    The formation of the trough was accompanied by active volcanic activity. In shallow lagoons and lakes, thick strata of red-colored deposits accumulated due to the destruction products of rocks that were blown here from the surrounding slopes. The modern relief of the depressions was formed. Now it has a hilly-flat character. Low mountains rise above the surrounding space, built of layered Devonian sandstone of red or reddish-brown color - a very characteristic feature of Khakassian landscapes.

    Rivers: Yenisei, Abakan.

    Cities: Abakan, Minusinsk, Nazarovo, Chernogorsk, Sayanogorsk, Sorsk, Abaza.

    • 1 Climate
    • 2 Climate impact of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir since the 1960s
    • 3 Climate impact of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir since the 1970s
    • 4 See also
    • 5 Literature
    • 6 Links


    Before the revolution, the Khakass-Minusinsk basin was often called "Siberian Italy". 1829 Decembrist S. G. Krasnokutsky, living in exile in Minusinsk, was the first to grow sour cherries. This was the beginning of Siberian gardening. The climate of Minusinsk allows growing other fruit and berry crops. Wed temp-pa January -18°, July up to +21.1°; the growing season is about 160 days; precipitation in the center, parts of the basin is about 300 mm per year.

    Located in the south of Eastern Siberia. This is an intermountain trough. From the east it is bounded by the Eastern Sayan, from the west by the Kuznetsk Alatau, and from the south by the Western Sayan. In the north, the basin is closed by the Arga ridge. The relief in the basin is not even, but with hills, hills and low mountains. Most of the basin has a thick layer of loess. Very fertile soils - chernozems - are formed on the loess. The natural zone in the Khakass-Minusinsk basin is steppe and forest-steppe. Why steppe, because around - taiga? The basin receives very little moisture from the ocean, there is a barrier to moist air - the ridges, and the Khakass-Minusinsk basin is located in the center of the mainland, far from the oceans. In winter, in the basins of Siberia, an “inverted temperature” is observed - an inversion, that is, an increase in temperature with height. In conditions of anticyclonic weather, cold air, flowing into the basin, stagnates, cools down, and the temperature reaches -40-50 degrees. There is little snow in the Khakass-Minusinsk basin. Rural residents carry out snow retention and snow accumulation so that in spring there is moisture in the soil. Summer in the basin is very warm and even hot and dry. Even gardens and gourds grow here. Siberian Italy is called a basin for a warm summer. And it is not surprising, because the latitude of the Khakass-Minusinsk basin is the same as in the Middle Volga region.

    Impact on the climate of the Krasnoyarsk reservoir since the 1960s

    The construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station led to the creation of a huge reservoir, stretching for 400 km from Krasnoyarsk to Abakan. This artificial reservoir is called the Krasnoyarsk reservoir, and the people call it the "sea" because of its impressive size. Now it is obvious that the reservoir was created without taking into account the consequences that the creation of such a huge water basin leads to. When the water rose in the Yenisei after the construction of the dam, huge areas were flooded. Fertile fields, spacious pastures, islands rich in commercial resources - everything was under water. In addition, such large villages as Medvedevo, Novosyolovo, Kill and others have disappeared. Many people were forced to move to new settlements built on inconvenient places, as if for selection. Many residents of the flooded villages generally left the region. This is how the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station affected the nature, economy and population of the region. The average depth is 50-60 meters, the maximum depths reach 70-75 meters. The absolute height of the water surface: minimum 224 meters, maximum 243 meters (the water level in the reservoir can fluctuate within such limits). The shores are mostly flat and steep, in some places they are rocky, composed of sandstones and limestones. There are many and rather flat areas where landing on the shore is more convenient, in such places there are piers, for example, the Ulazy pier, through which the right bank is connected to the left ferry crossing. The ferry is the only means of transport between the left and right banks of the reservoir in the warm season. The line of the right bank is more indented than the coastline of the left bank. The right bank is replete with many small bays, and relatively large bays can also be distinguished - Anash, Koma, Kill, which are flooded mouths of rivers that once flowed into the Yenisei, and now into the reservoir. The largest bay on the left bank is Izhul. The bottom of the reservoir is composed of pebbles, partially covered with silt deposits. A huge amount of water in the reservoir during the summer accumulates a large supply of heat and, with the onset of cold weather, cools down slowly and freezes much later than other reservoirs. Ice on the “sea” usually sets up in the second half of December after several very frosty days, and a week later the natural bridge is already open to traffic. By the middle of winter, the thickness of the ice can reach, depending on the air temperature, one meter or more. The reservoir is freed from ice in late April - early May. The reservoir is fed by precipitation, groundwater and rivers. The reservoir basin corresponds to the Yenisei basin within the region.

    Impact on the climate of the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir since the 1970s

    This reservoir was formed as a result of the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station.

    The reservoir project is an integral part of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP project. Separate components of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP project also included sections of the downstream and environmental protection; measures were envisaged and implemented to mitigate the influence of the reservoir on the environment to varying degrees: sanitary preparation of the bed with the elimination of possible sources of contamination of the reservoir that are dangerous to public health; partial logging. By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2006, the Sayano-Shushenskoye reservoir is included in the list of 70 reservoirs that are strategic sources of drinking water, which will be in exclusive federal ownership. The use of their water resources is carried out to ensure drinking and domestic water supply to large areas of one or more subjects of the Russian Federation. Reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP with seasonal regulation. At the design level with a normal retaining level (NSL), the reservoir extends for 312 km from the dam, of which 77 km - within the Republic of Tyva, including 52 km in the Tuva basin, then 235 km - through the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and along the border between the Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Khakassia in the Sayan Gorge. 11 regularly occurring rare bird species listed in the Red Book of Russia have been noted in the Sayan reservoir. For the golden eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, osprey, stable numbers are provided by the reserve regime. At the same time, the optimal conditions for the golden eagle of the Western Sayan are preserved precisely in the protected part of the reservoir and its tributaries. Additional conservation measures, similar to those carried out for the osprey, must be taken for the black stork, which previously nested in the flooded areas of the Yenisei River in Tuva, its tributaries Bolshaya Pashkina, Joy. these places the stork continues to meet even now, but nesting is not confirmed.

    Flood zone:

    42% of the water surface of the reservoir is located on the territory of the Republic of Tuva. The vast majority of it falls on the flat part of the Tuva basin - two kozhuuns of the republic of Ulug-Khemsky and Chaa-Kholsky. during the flooding under water was the city of Shagonar (Old Shagonar) and the village of Chaa-Khol. In addition, completely unexplored archaeological sites are the ancient settlement of the Turks and their burial places. Before the flooding, all the necessary work to prepare the territory was not carried out. So at the bottom of today's reservoir lie millions of cubic meters of forests that covered the Sayan Canyon. The actual refusal to study unique archaeological sites. Settlements with all communications and cemeteries were actually simply abandoned and flooded (new ones were built to replace them), which led to the spread of various infections in the water basin of the river. Tens of thousands of hectares of farmland went under water. To date, the water area of ​​the reservoir on the territory of the Republic of Tuva is still a dead zone. The fish living here is of little use for food due to the danger of infection, including typhoid fever. The vast territory of land in the Tuva basin adjacent to the reservoir is swampy, saline and epidemiologically unsafe. In this regard, all newly created settlements are located at a distance of 1.5-3 km from the coast (in fact, the exclusion zone). The giant water mirror on the territory of the republic significantly affects the dry microclimate of the Republic of Tyva.

    The parameters of the reservoir at the FSL are characterized by the following indicators:

    • Within the Sayan Canyon, the width is 0.5-3 km, the depth is 30-220 m;
    • In the Tuva basin (where the reservoir has a lake-like character), the width is 6-9 km, the depth is from 8-10 to 30 m.
    • The surface area of ​​the reservoir is 621 km².
    • The total volume of the reservoir is 31.34 km³,
    • The useful volume is 15.34 km³.
    • The annual course of the water level in the reservoir due to its drawdown through the SSHHPP units reaches 40 meters.

    see also

    • Kuznetsk basin
    • Minusinsk coal basin
    • Abakan steppe
    • Minusinsk forest-steppe


    • Adrianov, A. V. Essays on the Minusinsk region / A. V. Adrianov / Siberian commercial and industrial calendar for 1904. - Tomsk, 1904. S. 3 - 61.
    • Stakheev V. A. Sayano-Shushensky biosphere reserve in the system of compensatory environmental measures in the area of ​​the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP
    • Stafievsky V. A., Romov L. Ya. Impact of the Sayano-Shushensky hydropower complex on the environment


    • Minusinsk basin ( physical map, scale 1:500,000) // National Atlas of Russia. - M.: Roskartografiya, 2004. - T. 1. - S. 245. - 496 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-85120-217-3.

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