How to make a small lake Decorative pond in the country with their own hands. Pond shoreline design

The pond should begin with choosing a suitable location and determining the size of the future pond. The best place is at the lowest point, but at the same time make sure that it is well lit by the sun throughout the day. It is important that there are no widely developed crowns nearby. Otherwise, they will constantly fall into the water, and large roots can seriously disrupt the waterproofing of the reservoir.

The size of the pond depends on the scale of the entire site and the intentions of its owner. A pond with a diameter of about 3.5 m and a depth of about 100-120 cm is considered a classic. But if the site is small, you can make a pond about a meter in size and no more than 50 cm deep. It is important to remember that if you plan to breed some aquatic plants, the depth should be a little more - about 100 cm.

The next step in the construction of the pond will be the preparation of the pit. In fact, it is just a pit of a certain depth with a relatively flat bottom and walls. Almost any shape of the pit can be made. If it is subsequently intended to use a ready-made form for waterproofing, then the foundation pit should follow its lines. If there is no rigid form, you can give the future pond the contours of a circle, oval, figure eight, etc. The walls of the finished pit are cleaned of protruding roots and sharp stones, and the bottom is covered with a thick layer of sand, which is well compacted.

Creating a good waterproofing is a very important stage in the arrangement of the pond. If the choice is on a purchased rigid form, it is important to make sure that it is made of quality material. Cheap plastic will quickly crack and crumble under the influence of sunlight and temperature changes. Homemade waterproofing is usually made either from concrete, filling the bottom and walls of the pit with it, or from a film laid in several layers. For flexible waterproofing, you should choose PVC film or, if the budget allows, butyl rubber. Such material can last from 15 to 30 years. The bottom and walls of the pit are lined with a film, leaving small allowances for fixing at the edges.

The finished pond is decorated along the edges with natural materials: large cobblestones, plants, lined with turf. To replenish with fresh water, it is good to draw an artificial stream to the pond, the edges of which can also be lined with natural stone. The bottom can be decorated with a variety of stones (necessarily with blunt edges) and aquatic plants planted in baskets or small permeable containers. The most suitable colors are water lilies (nymphs), which beautifully cover the surface of the water.

It seems to beginners that making a pond from a finished plastic mold is easier than a pond using flexible waterproofing. This is an illusion. At first, the molds seem huge in the store, but after they are installed in the ground, they look about half the size, and when filled with water, they look very tiny. Such containers are good for raised reservoirs of clear geometric shapes, for installation on slopes.

The most durable plastic forms for a pond are fiberglass structures, they are not inferior in strength to reinforced plastic containers, but the edges of the latter can be deformed if the structure is not provided with a reliable external support to the ground. These forms are imported and quite expensive. Containers made of ordinary plastic are cheaper, but they are not rigid enough, often have deformed edges, and their dimensions are small. Only black forms are suitable for reservoirs.

Often, plastic molds for a pond in a country house are deformed after filling with water, this is due to improper filling of the gap between the wall of the pit and the wall of the mold with soil.

It is correct to do this: pour 5-7 cm of sand on the horizontal base of the pit, compact it tightly and install a plastic mold, then pour 10-15 cm of water into it, then pour sand into the gap between the walls of the pool and the pit to a height of about 20 cm, pouring it with water from a hose, or pour a mash of earth, sand and water into the slot and wait until the liquid mass hardens. Then pour another 10-15 cm of water, and into the slot - sand with water or a talker, repeating this until the pool is completely filled with water, and the slot is filled with sand or soil. As a result of these actions, the form will stand rigidly in the ground, and its coastline will be in a horizontal plane.

Water from plastic molds for an artificial pond never drains for the winter, this is an unnecessary and even harmful operation, in the spring an empty bowl will be squeezed out and crumpled.

The best way to decorate a pond in a garden, made in plastic form, is to decorate it with a rockery or a flowering retaining wall. In modern gardens, a pond is most often arranged, in which aquatic plants grow, fish and frogs live. The shape of a natural pond should be as smooth as possible. The smaller the pond, the less there should be all kinds of bends, which is why reservoirs in rigid forms look so unnatural, the “shores” of which are excessively indented and resemble figured cookies rather than a natural structure. If such a reservoir turned out, the thoughtful planting of plants that camouflage the unnaturalness of the coast, in plastic form, can improve the situation. Do not forget that an excessive number of coastal plants, especially large ones, visually significantly reduces the size of the reservoir.

Another difficult task is the design of the banks of garden ponds: a lawn can come close here, in some places of the coastal zone you can plant coastal plants such as loosestrife, loosestrife, marsh and Siberian irises, daylilies, etc. The choice of coastal plants is inexhaustible, your taste, ennobled study of nature and the best examples - that is your judge.

In the process of how to decorate a pond in a garden, remember that there should not be a lot of vegetation around a geometric pond, one large plant of an architectural form is enough, for example, a curtain of marsh iris or a large hosta.

Look at the photo how to beautifully arrange a pond in a garden in a regular style: trimmed shrubs and plants in containers are quite logical around it, if there is no fountain, you can plant a nymphaeum.

An artificial reservoir allows you to transform the design of any suburban area. Having little experience in performing landscape work, or at least a high-quality theoretical base, it will be possible to handle the arrangement of a reservoir in the country with your own hands.

First of all, choose the best variant of the style design of the artificial reservoir. At this stage, focus on the design of the house and the overall exterior of the site.

A natural-shaped landscape pond will look great in the depths of the site near the gazebo or next to the terrace - so you can comfortably accommodate yourself while relaxing and contemplate the water surface of your own pond.

When choosing a design, be guided by your personal preferences. For example, a reservoir can be decorated in a restrained Japanese style. To decorate the pond in the Japanese style, conifers and stones of different sizes are used.

More lush and colorful are Chinese-style ponds. The main decorative element of such a pond is a tree with bright foliage. A decorative element in the form of a curved bridge will also look great.

If desired, the pond can be decorated in a style known as "nature garden". This option involves the use for the decoration of the pond only those plants that grow directly in the region where the reservoir is located, without the use of various kinds of exotic plantations.

A simple pond of a rectangular or square shape will look good close to home. Such ponds look pretty good in patios, they also go well with patios, especially if there are linear paths nearby or there are neat rectilinear flower beds.

The composition of the reservoir and the paths leading to it looks very beautiful. A deck board is perfect for arranging paths; stones or slabs are also a win-win option.

A cascade of ponds of different sizes, interconnected with the help of small waterfalls, looks good.

Round-shaped ponds are also well suited for decorating a summer cottage. Such ponds are best placed on open lawns or near a group of small trees.

Round reservoirs are much easier to manufacture. For their arrangement, you can use ready-made structures - plastic containers, concrete rings of the right size, etc.

Where to make an artificial reservoir?

Choose the best place for arranging the reservoir. The service life of the pond directly depends on this. In case of improper placement, the water will "bloom" or swamp. Therefore, it is very important to find that golden mean.

Choose a place to place the pond so that the water is illuminated by the sun for about 5-6 hours a day. It is undesirable to equip a reservoir under shady plantings, because in this case, the foliage will greatly pollute the water.

Reservoir dimensions

When choosing the size of the pond, start from the fact that, ideally, about 3% of the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe summer cottage should fall on the pond.

However, if the site has, for example, an area of ​​​​6 acres, it is unlikely that anyone will decide to allocate as much as 3% of the usable area for the arrangement of the reservoir. Therefore, in terms of the size of the reservoir, the owner must decide on his own.

When choosing the optimal dimensions of the pond, be guided by your own physical and material capabilities. Also make sure that the size of the pond fits well with the rest of the site's landscaping.

As for the depth, according to this indicator, it is recommended to divide the artificial reservoir into 3 levels, namely:

  • for coastal plantings;
  • shallow water level for water lilies;
  • a deep level for fish if you plan to put them in your pond.

Don't make the pond too deep. For example, for wintering fish, a depth of about 1.5-1.8 m (below the freezing point of the soil) will be enough to account for about 20% of the total pond area.

The simplest option for self-arranging a reservoir in a private area is to use ready-made tanks made of plastic and other suitable materials, additionally reinforced with fiberglass.

Water tanks come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Quality products are well tolerated by mechanical stress, sunlight, cold temperatures, the impact of root systems of water plantations.

There are small and medium depth reservoirs. On average, the area of ​​such forms does not exceed 8 m 2.

First step

Decide where to place the form. Place the tank on the ground and mark the outline of the tank with pins and rope.

Second step

Remove the form and start digging a hole. The recess must fully correspond to the shape of the container. In this case, the dimensions of the pit should be approximately 100 mm larger than the dimensions of the container in each direction, as well as in depth.

Third step

Fill the bottom of the hole with a 10 cm layer of sand. The backfill must be carefully compacted.

Fourth step

Armed with a building level, make sure that the tank is placed evenly. Any deviations that are found should be corrected immediately.

Fifth step

Fill a perfectly aligned mold with water to about a third of the volume.

sixth step

Fill the gaps between the walls of the tank and the pit with moistened sand. Pack the sand as carefully as possible. In parallel with this, fill the tank with water to the end.

seventh step

Arrange the reservoir to your liking. Plant your preferred plants. First, equip the plantings at the deepest level, gradually moving towards the banks of the pond.

On this, the simplest reservoir for giving is ready. If you wish, you can populate it with fish and other living creatures.

It is possible to equip a country pond without the use of ready-made tanks. The advantage of this method is the ability to create designs of a wide variety of shapes and sizes - you can fully show your design potential.

It is more difficult to create a reservoir without a ready-made form, but this way you can bring it as close as possible to the natural look.

A special film will be used for insulation. It can have a different width, as well as thickness and color. When choosing a thickness, be guided, first of all, by the dimensions of the future reservoir. For a small pond, insulating material with a thickness of about 0.5 mm will be sufficient, for larger ponds, insulation with a thickness of at least 0.8 mm should be used.

First step

Having decided on the shape and location of the reservoir, designate its future outlines right on the construction site. For marking, you can use pegs and a rope.

Second step

Dig a hole according to the prepared markup. Think in advance how and where the dug earth will be removed.

Choose the depth of the pit yourself, but it cannot be less than 0.8 m. Additionally, you need to add 10 cm to the planned depth for sand backfill.

In the process of digging a pit, carefully consider the arrangement of the shore line. If you plan to create a pond for swimming, equip the shore accordingly, and remove stones and planting roots from the bottom of the pond.

After completing the main excavation work, make sure that the outer banks of the pond are at the same level.

Third step

Dig a moat around the pond. Depth - about 15 cm. This trench will allow you to securely fix the insulating film.

Fourth step

Fill the bottom of the pit with a 10 cm layer of sand. Compact the backfill well.

Fifth step

sixth step

Prepare the required amount of insulating film. Its dimensions must be such that the material protrudes beyond the pit. To determine the optimal size of the film, add two depths to the length of the pond and about 50-60 cm to the banks.

Let the film rest a little in the sun beforehand - after that it will be much easier to work with it.

Insulating film is sold in rolls. Before laying it, you will need to connect the strips of material from the roll using a special heating tool.

seventh step

Lay the film along the bottom and walls of the pit, taking into account the planned shape of the shore. The film must be cut at a level of about 10 mm above the ground. Hide the edges of the insulation under beautiful stones, gravel or other similar material.

eighth step

Take care of the arrangement of the reservoir. Plant plants in baskets or special coastal embankments. In the case of using baskets, they must be filled with a special substrate. Do not plant plants in humus and peat.

If you want to populate the reservoir with fish and other living creatures, install a high-quality external filter. In combination with the filter, it is necessary to install a pump and a special sterilizer. These devices will allow you to get rid of various kinds of pollution in a timely manner and will contribute to a significant improvement in the quality of water in an artificial pond.

In conclusion, it remains only to fill the resulting structure with water.

Take care of your pond, remove all kinds of pollution in a timely manner, monitor the condition of the water and change it regularly so that your pond always remains beautiful and clean. Otherwise, you just need to follow the instructions received and everything will definitely work out.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself pond in the country

Surely every summer resident at least once thought how great it would be to have a pond on your own plot, because it's so nice to turn gray by the water at sunset and enjoy the pleasant evening coolness. It is quite possible to realize this dream on your own, you just need to familiarize yourself with the features of the technology for constructing an artificial reservoir, and you can get to work. Next, we will take a closer look at how to make a pond in the country.

Where to begin

So, you finally decided to decorate the site with an artificial reservoir. But how to make a pond in a summer cottage harmoniously complement the surrounding landscape, while being durable and not a problem area that requires constant care? To do this, you need to approach the construction in stages, carefully considering each step, down to the smallest detail.

It is necessary to start the arrangement of the pond in the country with the preparatory stages, which we will discuss below.

Style selection

First of all, it is necessary to decide how to arrange a pond in the country so that it does not stand out from the overall picture of the landscape. When choosing a style solution, you should focus on the architectural design of the country house and the existing layout of the garden.

It is desirable to carry out the coastline and the blind area of ​​the paths in the same vein as the design of the entire garden plot. In this case, the bowl of the reservoir can be supplemented with a waterfall or a decorative stream.

If the reservoir is located in the depths of the garden, near the gazebo or, then a landscape pond with natural outlines is an excellent solution. For example, it can be made in the style of "nature garden", which involves planting only local plants that are typical for the region. In this case, any exotic will be inappropriate.

Another interesting solution is to design a country pond in a lush Chinese style. In this case, do not forget to make a curved bridge and focus on a tree with variegated foliage.

A more restrained Japanese style is also popular, its characteristic elements are boulders of various kinds. Unlike the Chinese style, the Japanese style lacks multi-colored herbs.

If a mini pond in the country will be located next to the house, then it is better to give preference to geometric shapes. A formal pond of rectangular or square shape will accentuate the horizontal and vertical lines of the structure. In addition, such a pond will look good next to the patio, especially if there are rectilinear flower beds nearby.

I must say that formal ponds also include round ponds, which can be an excellent decoration for an open lawn or lawn. In addition, such a pond can be located near a picturesque group of trees.

It should be noted that it is easiest to make a round pond with your own hands, since you can use concrete rings or plastic containers for this.

Recently, a popular technique in landscape design is the laying of decking paths, which are thrown across the pond in the form of a bridge of a broken geometric shape. In addition, the path through the reservoir can be made of concrete square slabs, which, as it were, hover above the water surface.

Also, cascades of different sizes always look interesting, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

Choice of location and dimensions

The location of the pond will determine how long it will function without seasonal flowering. The thing is that green algae are activated under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, part of the day the pond should be shaded, so that the algae will not multiply so actively.

However, it is also not necessary to completely shade the artificial pond in the country, as this will negatively affect the development of ornamental plants. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the golden mean.

The reservoir should be illuminated for about five hours a day, while it is necessary to leave it open from the southwest.
In addition, it should be borne in mind that it is undesirable to have a pond under shady trees, since falling leaves are a source of pollution.

Another important point that needs to be decided is the size of the reservoir. Ideally, it should occupy 3 percent of the area of ​​​​the site. At the same time, the smaller the size of the pond, the easier it is to build, and the fewer materials are required. Accordingly, the price of the project will depend on the size.

Therefore, before deciding on the width and length of the reservoir, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

As for the depth of the pond, it should be divided into three steps:


Before you start building a pond in the country, you also need to decide on the materials that will be needed for this. The most expensive, but at the same time, the most capital option is to fill the base with concrete. In this case, you will need to perform formwork and reinforcement.

A less expensive option would be to use a ready-made plastic container that is dug into the ground. However, the size and shape of the reservoir in this case will be limited by the choice of capacity.

The most convenient and at the same time, the most budgetary option for building a reservoir is the use of a special moisture-resistant film that is laid on the bottom and wall of the pond. I must say that this option has recently been the most common, so we will take it as a basis.

Pond construction

Before digging a pond in the country, it is advisable to sketch a plan on paper on a scale, indicating all the dimensions and depth of the pit. This will avoid mistakes and alterations in the arrangement of the reservoir. At this stage, you can also think about the accent for the composition of the future lake, it can be a large stone, tree or sculpture.

Further instructions for building a pond are as follows:

  • First of all, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future reservoir and align the banks so that they are on the same level.
  • Then you can start excavation. First you need to dig a pit to the depth of the first tier and mark the line from which the pond will deepen to the second tier. Next, you need to dig a second tier and also apply markings, from which the deepest hole is dug.

  • When the pit is ready, use a cord to measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth and allowance of about 50 cm. This size will be needed when purchasing a film, which should be enough to completely cover the pit.
  • Next, the bottom is covered with geotextiles., which can protect the waterproof film from damage. As an alternative to this material, you can use linoleum, roofing material or even sand.
  • A waterproof film is laid on top of the geotextile.

In the photo - laying oilcloth

  • To equip the edges of the reservoir, an auxiliary trench should be dug around the perimeter, which will allow you to tuck and fix the film. Having laid the edges of the film in the trench, it must be fixed by filling the trench with rubble.
  • After that, it is necessary to strengthen the edge of the pond with stone blocks.. This will prevent the shedding of soil from the coastal zone into the basin of the reservoir. For example, you can lay out the edge with natural stone and then decorate it with a single block or a group of boulders.

  • Then the bottom of the pond must be laid out with stones and rubble. Prepared plants should be placed in plastic containers and arranged on curtains. You can also fill the bottom with soil and plant river plants on the bottom.
  • After that, water can be poured into the reservoir. In order to select pumping equipment and the required amount of hydrochemistry for caring for the pond in the future, you should take the meter readings before and after filling the bowl.

  • So that the water does not stagnate, it is advisable to equip the reservoir with a stream that will ensure its circulation.. The source of the stream should be located above the level of the pond. Water is supplied to it from the reservoir using a submersible pump.
    Natural stones can be used to decorate the mouth of the river.
  • Then a submersible pump is installed at the bottom, a pipeline is pulled to the source of the stream. In this case, a water filter should be used.

In the process of earthworks, a problem will arise - where to put the earth taken out of the pit?
The most optimal solution to this problem is to evenly distribute the soil throughout the site, and thus raise its level.

Your homemade pond in the country is ready. Now you just need to carefully look after him - use the means to revitalize the water, as well as periodically clean it from pollution. For the winter, container plants should be removed in the basement.

If the reservoir will be located near the gazebo, it should be illuminated, which will allow you to admire the landscape in the dark.

In the absence of electricity in the country, you can install a diesel generator.
Of course, this equipment is quite expensive, however, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence will solve this problem.

The main mistakes in the arrangement of artificial reservoirs

When building something yourself, it is quite difficult to avoid mistakes.

  • Making the shore with stones of the same diameter, as a result of which the pond looks boring. It is desirable to combine large stones with small ones, however, do not fill up the entire coastal zone with them.

  • The execution of the reservoir is very deep, with sheer walls. This design looks unnatural and resembles a stone bag. Therefore, you should not make the reservoir very deep, especially if you do not plan to breed fish in it.
  • Craving for container gardening, which interferes with the normal development of plants. Container planting is good because it allows you to quickly change the design of the pond if desired, as plants can be quickly regrouped, however planting algae will make the pond more alive. Algae is especially necessary if you plan to breed fish.

If you bought a plot for giving without buildings, then first of all you should build a house.
This process is quite lengthy, however, if you want to equip the cottage as quickly as possible, country houses from block containers will help with this.
They take much less time to install than to build a conventional house.


To build a pond at their summer cottage is within the power of every home craftsman. The most important thing is to approach this matter competently, so that the reservoir really becomes a decoration of the site and at the same time does not take too much of your time to constantly care for it. Therefore, when performing work, you should adhere to the above technology.

See the video in this article for more information on this topic.

And a pond. Even a small body of water attracts others like a magnet. Water is mesmerizing even in small quantities ... Moreover, you can build a pond with your own hands in a few hours. But this is a small artificial reservoir. The construction of a large one will require both money and time.

Where to dig

Small artificial reservoirs are best viewed from above. Therefore, if there is a corresponding depression on the site, it is best to do it here. There is, however, a negative side to this: you will have to raise the edges of the bowl higher so that rainwater does not get inside. The second option is to come up with a water drainage system (make a drainage system above the reservoir).

If there is a key somewhere on the site, it is logical to make a natural pond by digging or deepening the existing bowl, laying out its borders with cobblestones or stones, and planting plants. A stream, which is sure to exist in this case, can also be ennobled by laying out its edges with cobblestones, drowning them in soaked soil, you will give greater strength to the shore, and moisture-loving plants can be planted between them.

Even a small waterfall is a magical sight. How to dam a pond if there is a natural stream on your site - dig a ditch, line it with stone and direct the stream into it

Not everyone on the site has such a luxury as a stream or a key. We have to make artificial reservoirs. When properly designed, they look no worse than natural ones.

How to make an artificial pond with a bowl (without film)

The easiest and fastest way to make an artificial reservoir in the country is to bury the finished bowl in the ground, decorating and decorating its edges. There are plastic bowls - ready-made in different shapes, sizes and colors (mostly blue, green and black).

The device of a plastic garden or country pond is a simple matter. Here is a step by step guide:

  • It is necessary to dig a pit in the shape of a bowl. If the shape is very non-standard, you can turn it upside down at the installation site, draw a contour with something (at least dig it with a shovel). The bowl is taken aside, a pit is dug. It should be a little larger in size - a little wider, but not deeper. The edges should either be flush with the ground, or protrude slightly. If you manage to raise the edges a little, it will be even better: during the rain, dirty water will not flow.
  • After the desired depth is reached, the bottom is leveled into the horizon: it is first leveled with a shovel, then compacted and the excess is removed with an even bar. The surface should be flat and hard: the plastic should have good support. If the ground is poorly leveled (clay), you can pour 5-10 cm of sand, wet it and compact it.
  • The next step is to install the bowl in the pit. If the bottom has been made even, the edges of the bowl will become level with respect to the horizon. Now the space that remains between the wall of the bowl and the pit must be covered with soil or sand and compacted well.
  • Now it's up to the design: the installation is completed, you can fill in the water.

How this technology was used to build a pond in the yard with illumination, see this photo report (you can scroll through the photo gallery by clicking on the thumbnails below).

Digging a pit. We decided that the sides would be 1-2 cm higher than the level of the track - there would be less debris inside, and we would decorate the edges with stones. On this side, just below the maximum level, a pipe was cut into the bowl - so that excess water would drain. They took her down the drain

But not always and not everywhere there is an opportunity to constantly add and divert water to the pond. Then you will either have to plant such plants that will clean it, or change it periodically.

Pond from an old bathroom

It is not necessary to buy a bowl. Any container can be used. Even an old bath. It turns out very well. All actions are the same, the foundation pit is first dug, a bath is placed in it, what goes on, see the next series of photos. On them, the pond from the old bath is transformed into a really lovely corner.

The site was still entangled with wire - so that the clay does not float and the site does not sag. It’s already such a beauty in a month - a garden pond built by one’s own hands makes me happy

A pond from a car tire (with a film)

A mini-pond can be made from an old car tire, or rather from a tire. The larger it is, the larger the reservoir. The most difficult thing in this business is to cut off one side part. If the edges are sharp as a result, they need to be processed with sandpaper. The second most difficult task is to dig a hole of a suitable size. This is where the difficulties ended. The rest is quite easy.

A cut tire is installed in the pit, covered with earth on the sides, well compacted. Also, earth or sand is poured inside, the bottom is leveled. Take a piece of dense plastic film, which can be folded twice and cover the resulting tank. Do not try hard: pour water, she will straighten the film herself.

Instead of polyethylene, you can take a banner film (available in advertising companies that produce outdoor advertising) or a piece special for pools and ponds. They are much stronger (but more expensive).

The protruding ends of the film are tucked around the walls of your pond, decorated with stones. The device of the pond is over, then - decoration and planting of plants. See how to make a pond from a tire in the photo report.

The next stage in the manufacture of a mini-pond for a summer residence is decorating the edges with stones

There is certainly nothing complicated in such a device. Anyone can build such a reservoir in the country with their own hands, and the investment is minimal.

In general, mini-ponds are also made from tanks, barrels, pots, even flower pots. The main thing is to have a body, and it is not very difficult to arrange it: experience gradually comes. They put them in the garden, in the country, near the house. It is possible to bring water, make a stream, it can be bred under trees, for example, or shrubs. Both beauty and usefulness at the same time.

We make a pond with a film

By creating this artificial pond from a film, you almost exactly repeat the work described above, only without installing a bowl:

  1. mark out the shape of the future pond;
  2. dig a pit, forming, if necessary, ledges;
  3. clean the bottom of any sharp objects: roots, stones, etc.;
  4. level the banks of your pond;
  5. spread the waterproofing film;
  6. fill the pond with water;
  7. fix the edges of the film;
  8. decorate.

A country pond created using this technology may already be of a more respectable size. An important point: it’s impossible to make a foundation pit on loose soil and put a film on it. We will have to come up with some measures to strengthen the coast. In this case, you will either have to put up a bowl, or make a more serious structure - from brick or concrete. Next, consider examples of how to inexpensively make a pond out of film.

First project: sides flush with the ground

Eight simple steps and your pond in the country is built. How to dig and equip a pond in the country, to make it look like a natural one, see the photo report.

Second project: sides raised

The second version of a home-made pond in the first stages is built in almost the same way as the first. Only after the depth of the excavation reached the design one, the sides were raised, laid out along the edge with bricks and concreted. It turned out a reservoir with raised sides. There is also a water circulation system. It is shown in the figure below.

As you can see, this pond is more multi-layered and its volume is more serious. If you want to have a reservoir of at least a medium size and not build a serious bowl at the same time, you can do as shown in the figure: fill the created pit with sand, cover it, and only lay the film on top. Geotextile evenly distributes the load and does not allow plants to germinate. This is especially true if you are building a pond in your garden and there are bushes or trees nearby.

Serious projects: brick and concrete

If you want to have a large pond in the country, and you want to build it yourself, you will have to study the topic of building pools. Firstly, the construction of bowls - one to one repeats all the steps. Even forms are sometimes made stepped. True, the shores are not decorated with plants, and they are not planted in the pool itself ... But the construction process itself, with reinforcement, plaster, waterproofing, is the same. Moreover, the water supply and water treatment system is also similar. Except that chemical cleaning methods are not used in ponds, but filters, skimmers and ultraviolet can be used.

In general, a large pond is not a cheap pleasure. Moreover, it requires expenses only for construction, but also for maintaining a large reservoir in good condition: filters need to be cleaned regularly and cartridges or backfill changed. But of course, it's a lot of fun...

Not the largest pond, but 10 bags of cement, 30 bags of sand (20 coarse and 10 fine), a hydrophobic additive - 5 bags went to it so that the concrete was water-repellent. Plastered on a grid fixed in the ground

Plants for the pond

When shaping or choosing a bowl, consider not only its shape and depth. If you want plants to grow in the pond, you need a swampy coastal area. If you form a reservoir using a film, you can make approximately the same profile as in the picture.

It is more convenient to do this if you fill the pit with a layer of sand at least 15 cm thick. With it, you can make the relief the way you like. To make it easier to work and the film does not tear, lay geotextiles on the sand. This thin membrane is very tear resistant. You can do whatever you want and don't break it. Having formed the desired bottom relief with its help, you can line the film and lay stones on it, fill it with water and plant plants for the pond at different levels.

In order to have enough oxygen in the water, you can plant Canadian elodea, hornwort and swamp. They are in the photo below. Planted in water - these are aquatic plants.