Scheme of roads of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Khakassia. Map of the Republic of Khakassia detailed from the satellite

The Republic of Khakassia is located in Southern Siberia. A satellite map of Khakassia shows that the region borders the Republics of Altai and Tyva, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kemerovo Region. The area of ​​the region is 61,569 sq. km. The main river of the region is the Yenisei River.

The republic is divided into 5 urban districts, 8 municipal districts, 9 urban and 78 rural settlements. Largest cities Khakassia - Abakan (capital), Chernogorsk, Sayanogorsk, Abaza and the urban-type settlement of Ust-Abakan. The economy of Khakassia is based on hydroelectric power, coal and non-ferrous metal mining, aluminum industry and animal husbandry. In Khakassia, there is the most powerful hydroelectric power station in Russia - the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station, which in 2009 experienced the largest accident in the history of Russian hydropower.

Khakass Republican National Museum-Reserve

Brief history of Khakassia

In the 17th century, the annexation of the territory of modern Khakassia to Russian Empire. The final date of accession can be considered 1758. In 1930, the Khakass Autonomous Region was formed, which until 1990 was part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1991, the Khakass SSR was created, which in 1992 was transformed into the Republic of Khakassia.

Hills on the shore of the healing lake Shira

Sights of Khakassia

On the detailed map From a satellite, you can see some of the sights of the Republic of Khakassia: the Yenisei River, the Khakassian National Museum-Reserve, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP and the Mainskaya HPP.

Many archaeological sites have been preserved on the territory of Khakassia: the Boyarskaya and Sulekskaya petroglyphs, the Bronze Age fortress Chebaki (Sve-Takh), the Salbyk burial mound, the Oglakhty fortress, the burial grounds of Uybatsky and Kopensky chaatasy, the Ankhakov aal with the Stone deity and the Tuim ring.

Petroglyphs in the Boyarskaya Pisanitsa - a fine art monument of the Tagar culture

Many tourists come to Khakassia to rest on the healing lakes of Shira, Bele, Tus, Balankul, Khankul, etc. Speleologists visit the Tuimsky failure and the caves "Pandora's Box" and "Kashkulakskaya".

Below you will find Republic of Khakassia map with cities also in JPG format.

Below you can see what it looks like Republic of Khakassia on the map of Russia, the map is in JPG format, so you can print it out and hang it on the wall.

The capital of the Republic of Khakassia -.

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Khakassia is famous for its unique archaeological sites. Here you can swim in the lakes, for example, Shira, Bele, which have balneological properties. And in general, the region has more than 500 lakes, of which about 100 are salty. The river Abakan is intended for rafting. It is surprising that dry steppe, humid forest-steppe, taiga mountains and mountains covered with snow are combined in a compact area. Extreme divers should definitely visit the Tuimsky failure - a deep depression. Also in Khakassia, the Cup of Russia among paragliders is held.

Khakassia is part of the Russian Federation, the capital is the city of Abakan. Having opened Republic of Khakassia map, you will see its borders and internal territorial division. The neighbors of Khakassia are Kemerovo region, Tyva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Khakassia is divided into 100 municipalities.

Some cities of the republic specialize in different directions industry. The Abakan junction is represented by mechanical engineering, the Chernogorsk junction is the center of the Minusinsk coal basin, the Sayanogorsk junction is the location of one of the largest aluminum plants in Russia.

With Republic of Khakassia map you will see the location of the main industrial facilities of the region. The economy is largely dependent on hydroelectric power, aluminum production, coal mining. Iron, molybdenum, facing marbles, granites are mined from minerals in Khakassia. New deposits of copper, phosphorites, polymetals, jade have been explored.

Agriculture of the Republic for enough high level development. The basis of the industry is animal husbandry, for the successful development of which there are extensive pastures and hayfields in the region. Horse breeding plays an important role. Wheat, oats, barley, millet, industrial crops - sunflower, sugar beet are grown.

The population of the republic is almost 535 thousand people. The population density is not too high - less than 8.7%. Urban residents - almost 68%. The national composition of the inhabitants of Khakassia is represented by Russians, Khakasses, Germans, Tatars, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Azerbaijanis and other nationalities. There are various universities, other educational, scientific, cultural institutions, sports infrastructure facilities in the republic. The most developed sports are freestyle wrestling, athletics, volleyball, table tennis, and basketball.

Khakassia is located in the Yenisei basin in southern Siberia. The relief of this area is represented by the Sayano-Altai highlands and the Khakass-Minusinsk basin.

The climate of the Republic of Khakassia belongs to the sharply continental type. Winter comes early and is different severe frosts, the summer is hot here, and in the spring strong winds. All seasons are characterized sharp drops temperatures and uneven rainfall. The center of Khakassia and its largest city is Abakan. Other cities of the republic are Chernogorsk, Sayanogorsk and Abaza.

Khakassia. Map online
(The dotted line indicates the borders of the republic on the map)

The largest river in Russia, the Yenisei, flows through the territory of the republic. Most of the other rivers belong to its basin. These are Abakan, She, Jebash, Mathur. Some of the rivers are tributaries of the Ob River: White and Black Iyusy, Sarala, Kazyl, Yuzik. Rivers are divided into mountain, mountain-steppe and steppe. There are about a thousand lakes here. There are fresh and salty lakes, deep and not very deep, but all of them are extraordinarily beautiful. The most interesting lakes are Shira, Itkul, Marankul, Khankul, Tus, Balankul, Bele, Wild.
There are two large protected areas in the republic: the Khakass State Nature Reserve and the Kazanovka National Museum-Reserve. In the first of them, mountain and steppe regions are under protection, each of which is characterized by its own ecosystem. These are the “Kamyzyakskaya steppe”, “small Abakan”, “Podzaplotnye swamps”, Zaimka Lykovs, “Oglakhty”, protected areas of lakes Belo, Shira, Itkul. The reserve "Kazanovka" was created recently, but managed to become famous. There are many archaeological and natural monuments under protection here, which are actively studied by scientists. The indigenous peoples of Siberia live near the reserve.

Districts of Khakassia:

Altaisky district
Askizsky district
Beysky district
Bogradsky district
Ordzhonikidzevsky district
Tashtypsky district
Ust-Abakansky district
Shirinsky district

Urban districts:


Cities and towns:

In Khakassia, there are many attractions created by nature. These are the ancient fortresses Oglakhtinskaya, Chebaki and Tarpig; Boyar painting, consisting of two complexes of petroglyphs, the sacred mountain Borus, the mysterious river Ona, numerous lakes with healing water. There are many places where you can feel the wonderful energy of nature, these are the so-called places of power. One of them is the "Chests" mountain range, with which many wonderful stories are associated. There is also a Shaman Gate, and the Valley of Spirits, in which a museum is open under open sky"Ancient burial mounds of the Salbyk steppe".

Satellite map of Khakassia

Switching between a satellite map of Khakassia and a schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Republic of Khakassia - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Republic of Khakassia: July 3, 1991
Population of Khakassia: 536 768 people
Telephone code of Khakassia: 390
Khakassia Square: 61,900 km²
Automobile code of Khakassia: 19

Districts of Khakassia:

Altai Askizsky Beysky Bogradsky Ordzhonikidzevsky Tashtypsky Ust-Abakansky Shirinsky.

Cities of Khakassia - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Abaza city founded in 1867. The population of the city is 15592 people.
Abakan city founded in 1931. The population of the city is 181709 people.
City of Sayanogorsk founded in 1830. The population of the city is 47983 people.
City of Sorsk founded in 1940. The population of the city is 11514 people.
City of Chernogorsk founded in 1907. The population of the city is 74698 people.

The Republic of Khakassia- the region that occupies the southwestern part Eastern Siberia. A river flows through the territory of the republic Yenisei, and the capital is the city Abakan. This region is young, since the date of its formation is 1992.

Despite the sad glory, the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP was and remains the main attraction of the republic. It was built in 1968. Tourists can visit the museum, opened right at the station. However, they are only allowed in with passes. Previously, an observation deck was also opened at the station, but it was closed in 2009. Instead of an observation deck, tourists go to the famous and magical rock Borus, according to the Khakass.

Another no less significant attraction is the Svyato-Shushensky Reserve. In this reserve you can see the rarest animal - the snow leopard.

Sights of Khakassia: Tuimsky Gap, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Chests Mountain Range, Brotherly Bridge, Menhirs of Khakassia, Lake Shunet, Watermelon Monument, Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, Sorokaozerki Tract, Vinogradovsky Gap Cave, Sokhatin Fortress, Salbyksky Kurgan, Northern Drainage Canal Embankment , Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Abakan.