Combination of horoscope and name. The harmonious combination of the name and the sign of the zodiac is the key to a successful life path. Choosing a name for the child

The compatibility of names and signs of the Zodiac in people plays a very important role, since a human name is endowed with a certain charge and affects a person's life. Therefore, it is much better if the compatibility of names and signs of the Zodiac is high. This is necessary to attract good luck, to develop strengths and not to deal with problems and turmoil.

This zodiac sign has the highest compatibility with the name Andrey, Alexander, Yuri, Stepan, Boris, Vladimir, Egor. As a rule, such men have a bright appearance, self-confidence and are liked by women. In addition, they have a developed sense of justice, devotion.

For women, the name Alla, Alexandra, Anastasia, Daria, Zhanna, Nadezhda, Lydia is especially suitable. Such ladies will be independent and active, romantic and sensual, relying more on intuition.


For men born in the constellation Taurus, the name Anton is perfect. Also, high compatibility with the name Ilya, Denis, Yegor, Pavel, Vadim, Anatoly, Arthur. Such men are cheerful and purposeful, often achieve heights and positions in society. Among the female names, the most suitable ones are Ekaterina, Vera, Vasilisa, Zoya, Karina, Maria, Nadezhda, Eleanor, Natalya, Polina.

Such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will be excellent housewives, faithful wives. In addition, these names will help develop practicality and realism, help you take care of your appearance and keep you young until old age.


Among all the names, Gemini males have the highest compatibility with the following: Igor, Nikolai, Evgeny, Konstantin, Anatoly, Valery, Makar, George, Nikita, Eduard, Yuri. These options give a person curiosity, help to bring ideas to life, stay forever young and cheerful.

For girls great option there will be Angelina, Elizabeth, Xenia, Oksana, Ekaterina, Alina, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Margarita, Inga, Dina. High compatibility gives women eloquence, a sharp mind and ingenuity.


For men born under the zodiac sign of Cancer, good option the name will be Maxim, Leonty, Robert, Peter, Julius, Arseny, Valentin, Andrei, Moses. This combination will give a person insight, emotionality, help to achieve success in work.

For representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, Julia, Yana, Elena, Lolita, Olesya are perfect. For women, these names will help to show the depth of feelings, stabilize inner world and choose the right life partner.

a lion

Among all the names for Leo, Apollo, Edward, Anton, Alexei, Alexander, Robert, Roman, Rodian, Mark, Yaroslav will be the best.

People with such names do everything possible to achieve their goal, are characterized by a deep and lively mind. Alexandra, Christina, Daria, Rosa, Alina, Alla, Juliana, Nadezhda, Zhanna - names that will endow the Lioness with openness, decency, cheerfulness. In addition, such compatibility will help you stay young and satisfied with your appearance for a long time.


For men born under the sign of Virgo, there are certain names that will affect their fate the most. in the best way. These are Valentin, Gleb Stepan, Boris, Nikita, Felix, Dmitry, Sergey, Timofey.

Smart and neat, law-abiding and sketchy, such representatives of the strong half of humanity will be able to show their creative potential. Anna, Anastasia, Valentina, Zoya, Kira, Christina, Raisa, Stela, Maria, Galina - great options for women who will endow Virgo with resourcefulness, rationality and awaken feelings.


Oleg, Artem, Nikita, Albert, Philip, Konstantin, Viktor, Leonid, Sergey, Osip, Mikhail are excellent options for Libra, which allow a person to open up and learn to make the right decisions, without doubting own forces. Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Vera, Carolina, Sophia are names that will help reduce capriciousness in women, endowing them with excellent external data, charm and complaisance.


Among all the names for a male Scorpio, Dmitry, Oscar, Arkady, Rodion, Yakov, Yaroslav, Savely, Fedor, Yuri, Valery, Philip are most suitable. This combination helps them to be active, temperamental and not too jealous.

For women, Ekaterina, Martha, Zinaida, Maria, Yana, Agafya, Taisiya, Anastasia would be an excellent option to reveal their full potential, achieve a high position and fulfill all their desires.

For Sagittarius, high compatibility will be with the names Ivan, Nikolai, Yuri, Stepan, Alexander, Vasily, Stanislav. A man with this name of the zodiac sign Sagittarius will be cheerful, active, persistent and will attract good luck in any endeavor.

Among female names, Martina, Zhanna, Varvara, Ekaterina, Tamara, Diana, Alina are considered the best. For such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, there will be no obstacles and unsolvable situations on the way.


The names of Eduard, Bronislav, Artur, Gleb, Ruslan, Peter, Kirill, Trofim, Nikolai, Vasily, Nikon correspond to the Capricorn sign. This combination will help develop endurance, diligence and endurance.

Among women - Sophia, Zinaida, Natalia, Linda, Nina, Kira, Vera, Ida, Daria, Evgenia, Olga. Such women will not be too schematic, but will be able to develop their imagination and overcome excessive practicality.


Aquarius has the highest compatibility among all zodiac signs with the following names. Eugene, Jan, Gennady, Vitaly, Vladimir, Gleb, Herman, Ippolit, Andrey - the most suitable options for men who want to show stability in life and conquer unconquerable horizons.

For women, Zhanna, Viola, Svetlana, Gloria, Isolde, Alina, Anna, Vlad, Bella, Irina, Elsa will be an excellent option.

Such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will always be attractive and sexy. They will also be able to quickly deal with any problems.


Men of this sign will be helped in life by their name, if it is Vadim, Naum, Timofey, Nikita, Foma, Vladislav, Valentin, Athanasius. AT this case, the person will be more restrained and purposeful. He will be able to get from life what he needs, minimizing the risk of defeat.

For beautiful ladies, the names Vera, Amelia, Alina, Rimma, Leah, Lada, Venus, Polina, Marta are suitable. If you choose one of the above names, then the girl will be attractive and will be able to prove herself in various fields.

Compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac

People have long attributed to each name its own meaning, and each sign of the zodiac - its own character. Astrologers are sure that both the name and the sign of the zodiac carry a special energy, so choosing a name, if the choice of a zodiac sign is not so possible, must be taken very seriously. Good choice a name under the sign of the zodiac will help a person in life, direct him on the true path, and the wrong choice will force a person to an eternal struggle with troubles that will appear from everywhere.

Both the sign of the zodiac and the name of a person affect how his relationships develop with close and not so people. Knowing the subtleties, you can help yourself and others in achieving mutual understanding, it is easy to get out of conflict situations to find harmony with yourself and your loved one. Compatibility of zodiac signs is a fact that has long been known and proven over the years.

If, when compiling a compatibility horoscope, you take into account not only the zodiac sign, but also the name, then the result will be much more accurate. The compatibility horoscope is a wonderful thing. Properly written, it solves most problems simply because people know about them.

The meaning of the name and the compatibility of names is calculated by the numerical value, which is obtained from the totality of all letters. The total calculated number corresponds to one of the planets solar system. According to this number, character traits and areas of activity that are favorable for a person are determined. there is also an opinion that the use of the same name over the years creates a kind of stereotype of what a person will be like.

In order to choose the right name for a child, one must take into account the time of his birth - the sign of the zodiac that corresponds to him and the element. Now the explanation of the signs of the zodiac is based on the existence of 4 elements and 9 planets. To choose a name, the basis should be the most strong planet in the horoscope. In addition, we must not forget that it is important how the parents will name the child. After all, having written “Yaroslav” in the certificate and calling him Slava, they will pronounce two different names in terms of astrology. We must not forget about it.

But if a person eventually finds out that he was given a “wrong” name, then the name can be changed - this will also change the astral map of the individual. Compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac - very important aspect in a person's life, right choice can make life much easier.

There are many names, and some of them fit several zodiac signs. This only means that the owner of such a name will have many opportunities and abilities, from which he will be able to choose the ones that are closest to him in spirit and character.

In addition to abilities and character, the choice of a name affects health. So different planets affect the body in different ways. Therefore, knowing the exact information about the name and sign of the zodiac, you can avoid a lot of problems, predict troubles in advance and build your life in a way that is favorable under the stars.

But if the name has to be changed, then it is necessary to check that the new one corresponds to the horoscope. Then positive traits of a person will intensify, and negative ones will come to naught. But if the name is changed for the worse, and the consequences will be reversed. In this case, it is important to note that changing the name in the passport is not the main thing, because the planets do not look at the passport. It is necessary to change the attitude of others, and, most importantly, call yourself a different name. For the same reason, very often, people with pseudonyms behave differently than "required" by their name. The thing is that astrological power is determined by the sound of sounds, and for a name and pseudonym it can be completely different. Therefore, it is important to consider the compatibility of names and signs of the zodiac.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the stars influence fate. Compatibility of zodiac signs in love can influence the choice and help to avoid problems in relationships between a man and a woman.

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Table of compatible and incompatible zodiac signs

Astrology researchers have calculated the pattern of happy relationships in pairs that match the sign. We found out the probability of successful falling in love or complete incompatibility.

In the table you can see the compatibility of zodiac signs in love as a percentage.

Marked in red good compatibility, pink - medium, blue - low

Compatibility horoscope by zodiac sign, name and year

In the Eastern horoscope there is no usual division by months. The sign that characterizes a person is given to him not by date, but by year of birth. The cycle of the Eastern horoscope consists of twelve years. Each year is held under the auspices of a mythical creature or animal. Each patron year has special meaning and the strength with which he endows people born during this period.

The eastern horoscope is divided into triads:

  1. First: Dragon, Rat and Monkey. The patrons of this triad give the desire for absolute good or evil. People born during this period are not exchanged for trifles.
  2. Second: Snake, Rooster and Ox. People of the second triad are endowed with a penchant for painstaking work, they are stubbornly moving towards their goal.
  3. Third: Dog, Tiger and Horse. Representatives of the third triad are excellent interlocutors, they know how to influence others. They often have a large circle of friends, but they need only one close person.
  4. Fourth: Goat, Pig and Cat (Rabbit). The last triad produces people with pronounced creativity. Its representatives have a subtle intuition.

More about eastern horoscope can be found in the video. The video was shot by the Fun Studio channel.

Equally important when choosing a life partner is the compatibility of names. Suitable friend to a friend by name and zodiac sign, it is easier for partners to interact with each other and bypass sharp corners in relationship.


Aries begins the zodiac cycle. Representatives of the sign are characterized by initiative, energy and often expressiveness in actions. They lack patience and tact. With all this, Aries are desperate fighters for justice, persistent in striving for their goal. Until the end of their lives, these people retain an almost childish faith in the best, are not subject to vices. On the other hand, Aries are often egocentric and on the way to a dream they may not notice others.

Most Compatible Names

Of the male names with a sign, they are best compatible:

  • Boris;
  • Stepan;
  • Arkady.

In addition, good compatibility can be traced with the names:

  • Andrew;
  • Boris;
  • Mark;
  • Egor;
  • Vladimir.

Among the ideal female names:

  • Alla;
  • Anna;
  • Margarita;
  • Angela;
  • Larisa;
  • Anastasia;
  • Lydia.

Of all the options, the tandem of Aries with the Tiger is considered the most favorable. Such a couple will amaze those around them with a stream of emotions and passion. For all their fieryness, such unions are durable.


Representatives of this sign will take everything they want from life. They are distinguished by patience and determination, ready to wait for the right moment for a long time and arrange personal comfort. Tauruses are often passive and ready to wait for suitable opportunities than to facilitate their emergence. However, this does not prevent the sign from having a true gift for making beautiful dreams come true.

Most Compatible Names

Beautiful couples form Taurus with male owners of such names:

  • Paul;
  • Yuri;
  • Valery.

High compatibility is observed with names:

  • Alexander;
  • Denis;
  • Radmir;
  • Anatoly.

The ideal party for Taurus will be the owners of the following names:

  • Nina;
  • Zinaida;
  • Dina.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Balanced Taurus best couple forms with impetuous Horse. She does not allow the phlegmatic Taurus to fall into apathy. He, in turn, helps the short-sighted horse to prioritize, direct energy in the right direction.


Gemini is an air sign, which makes them easy to deal with and accept. important decisions. They easily win over others, often have high intellectual data. It is extremely difficult for the interlocutors to force the Gemini to take a different point of view, the representatives of the sign will quirkily and tactfully insist on their own, turning any dispute in the right direction. Often, Gemini simply ignores uninteresting or unpleasant information.

Most Compatible Names

Great partners for Gemini will be men with names:

  • Igor;
  • Konstantin;
  • Daniel.

Good compatibility with name holders:

  • Nikita;
  • Stanislav;
  • Maksim.

Gemini will find reliable wives in girls with names:

  • Jeanne;
  • Alexandra;
  • Valeria.

Good name compatibility:

  • Elena;
  • Julia;
  • Nellie.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

The Cat will become a faithful partner to the Gemini. He will keep comfort in the house and keep the impetuous lover or beloved from reckless actions. Gemini, in turn, will support the Cat in his creative endeavors.


Cancer is the most emotional of all the signs, but always keeps emotions under lock and key, far from immediately opening up to others. His stealth is directly related to his sensitivity and vulnerability. Cancers have a wonderful analytical mind, which allows them to apply for leadership positions. Unfortunately, many representatives of the sign experience difficulties in communicating with others, subconsciously trying to hide their spiritual softness under the shell of harshness and causticity.

Most Compatible Names

In love, Cancers will be happy with the owners of the names:

  • Victor;
  • Artyom;
  • Leonid.

Good compatibility is tracked with names:

  • Benjamin;
  • Michael;
  • Konstantin;
  • Arkady.

The best combination with female names:

  • Bogdan;
  • Dina.

Compatible Names:

  • Diana;
  • Sofia;
  • Juliet;
  • Olesya.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Cancer will find reliable support in the face of the Dog. Partners, with seeming external coldness, are emotional, the family becomes the most important life priority for them.

a lion

Leos are proud and ambitious. Representatives of this sign strive for luxury and recognition. They are characterized by a love for broad gestures, often excessive generosity and susceptibility to flattery. Lions with constant success climb the career ladder.

Most Compatible Names

Male names suitable for Leo's loved ones:

  • Ilya;
  • Yaroslav.


  • Peter;
  • Ruslan;
  • Eldar.

Women's names suitable for Leo lovers:

  • Irina;
  • Emma.

A perfect couple will be:

  • Lada;
  • Daria;
  • Marina;
  • Ella.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

The dragon will become an ideal for Leo in his love of showiness and will shine with him. A little competition is possible in a couple, which in the future will develop into a stable and harmonious relationship.


Virgos are known for their heightened sense of justice, commitment to the truth. Representatives of the sign are attentive to the slightest detail both in character and appearance, subtly feel any lie and insincerity. Virgos are sensitive natures who find it difficult to come to terms with difficulties and disharmony.

Most Compatible Names

Male lovers of Virgo will suit the names:

  • Gleb;
  • Timothy;
  • Denis.

Reliable support will be:

  • Vsevolod;
  • Dmitry;
  • Egor;
  • Gennady.

The most harmonious union will be with girls whose names are:

  • Angelina;
  • Diana;
  • Lyudmila.

Virgos in marriage are compatible with:

  • Natalya;
  • Alice;
  • Alla;
  • Lydia.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Virgo is often subject to doubts, while the Tiger, unlike her, fearlessly meets life's difficulties. Such a tandem will easily compensate for each other's shortcomings, creating a loving couple.


Libras are characterized by charm and friendliness, they perfectly find mutual language with any person. The sign is characterized by an extremely careful attitude towards loved ones, an almost mystical ability to predict situations. The endless craving for a better understanding of the issue often leads Libra to indecision and inability to take a decisive step.

Most Compatible Names

Names suitable for twins' favorites:

  • Semyon;
  • Albert;
  • Philip.

A harmonious pair will turn out with:

  • Arkady;
  • Valery;
  • Potapov;
  • Vasily.

Libra will have a good combination in relations with ladies whose names are:

  • Elizabeth;
  • Svetlana;
  • Catherine;
  • Ruslana.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Libra and Pig form a loving couple. Representative air sign gives the partner refinement and restraint, in return receiving energy to fight indecision and unconditional trust.


Scorpios have a strong character, self-confidence, which often borders on arrogance and selfishness. Cunning allows them to deftly maneuver in any dispute, turn the situation in the right direction. Bright personality Scorpio often attracts the attention of both supporters and ill-wishers.

Most Compatible Names

Representatives of the sign will be comfortable with men by name:

  • Arthur;
  • Kirill;
  • Svyatoslav.

Good compatibility with male names:

  • Yefim;
  • Ivan;
  • Danil.

A successful marriage awaits Scorpio with girls named:

  • Svetlana;
  • Evgenia;
  • Tatiana.

Good compatibility among representatives of the sign with names:

  • Pauline;
  • Angelina;
  • Arina.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

The union of Scorpio and Goat will be favorable. will give Goat ambition, share inner strength, which, in turn, will soften his harshness.


Sagittarians are extremely straightforward, great friends and hardworking employees. Tactless remarks thrown by Sagittarians usually arise from the latter's complete inability to hide their emotions. Representatives of the sign are charismatic, have a clearly defined leadership position, and are not afraid to defend their opinion.

Most Compatible Names

Amorous archers will suit partners with names:

  • Matvey;
  • Edward;
  • Svyatoslav.

Good compatibility is observed with names:

  • Yaroslav;
  • Andrew;
  • Arkady.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Sagittarians often find family happiness in alliance with Roosters. Sagittarius saves the partner from unnecessary pretentiousness and irascibility, he in response supports Sagittarius in everything, takes care of comfort.


Capricorn is an earth sign, so its representatives always stand firmly on their feet, confidently follow their goal. Capricorns are practical and reserved, reluctant to meet new people, but boundlessly devoted to old friends. Sometimes this approach brings Capricorns a lot of trouble, but they can rarely change their behavior. Thanks to their qualities, representatives of the sign achieve stunning results in their careers and business. For all that, they are reliable family men.

Most Compatible Names

Names suitable for Capricorn's chosen ones:

  • Arthur;
  • Trofim.

Match well:

  • Sergey;
  • Alexander;
  • Fedor.

Chosen ones in a successful marriage often bear the names:

  • Hope;
  • Svetlana;
  • Amalia.

Good names will be:

  • Olga;
  • Valeria.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Happy couples create Capricorns with Rats. Both signs are very practical, which allows them not to quarrel over domestic issues. The sociable Rat will allow Capricorn to concentrate on his tasks, leaving the partner the opportunity to establish relations with the environment. Capricorn will save a loved one from unnecessary fuss and pettiness.


The Aquarius air sign is famous for its ambiguity. Its representatives are full of contradictions. Open and friendly, they rarely find a friend they could confide in. They despise material goods, but always gravitate toward comfort. Strong creative nature with a well-developed intuition.

Most Compatible Names

Aquarians are happily married to men named:

  • Anatoly;
  • Anton;
  • Rostislav.

Suitable partners by name:

  • Konstantin;
  • Gregory;
  • Marat;
  • Evgeniy.

Female names most suitable for the chosen ones of Aquarius:

  • Lily;
  • Angelica;
  • Anna.

Compatible with:

  • Tatyana;
  • Julia;
  • Alevtina.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

Snakes in tandem with Aquarius form bright creative pairs. Both personalities complement each other in a relationship. The wise Snake will help Aquarius get rid of distrust, in return he will help to cope with excessive perfectionism.


Pisces complete the zodiac cycle. given sign characterized by a high susceptibility to subtle matters. Pisces are extremely responsive and highly dependent on the opinions of others. On the one hand, this quality allows them to form a wide circle of acquaintances, on the other hand, there is often a danger of falling under the influence of manipulators.

Fish easily adapt to new conditions, which gives them the opportunity to work productively in multitasking mode. However, it is important that the representatives of the sign keep their finger on the pulse, since their approach to work can be beneficial to unscrupulous bosses.

Most Compatible Names

Favorite Pisces names are suitable:

  • Vlas;
  • Denis;
  • Makar.

A happy union can be with:

  • Pavel;
  • Yakov;
  • Timothy.

The perfect couple will be:

  • Inga;
  • Marina;
  • Kseniya.

Successful alliance with:

  • Regina;
  • Catherine;
  • Yana.

Most Compatible Eastern Sign

The Dog will become a reliable partner for Pisces. The dog will protect a loved one from communicating with selfish people. The fish will soften the excessive directness and rigidity of the partner.

Astrological science believes that the signs of the Zodiac and the names chosen in accordance with these signs are endowed with their own special strength and energy. The name consists of letters, and each letter sounds in its own way and each sound corresponds to a planet. And only after taking everything apart, comparing all the contradictions and coincidences of letters with the planets, you can choose a name that will lead a person through life.

There are many methods and techniques for the harmonious development of personality and the creation of a more or less good flow. life path person. It has long been proven that some factors influence this. One of the methods of successful existence is the selection of a name according to the sign of the zodiac.

If possible, it is better to consult an astrologer for advice. Star science classifies names according to their impact on a person into 12 groups. These groups correspond to the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

Name is energy!

What is a name, in astrology, is enclosed in sound. Such energy constantly affects the character of a person, personality, his path through life. By the way, on Ancient Russia they were not called by names, but called, in other words, doomed to life with a given name.

This is the same as with a sea vessel - whatever you call it, that's how it will sail. A man has been given a name whether he wants it or not, he will sail in his own direction and the name will be the captain of his ship. The energy of the name constantly interacts with the energy of the sign under which the person was born.

This combination of name and zodiac sign simply must be in harmony. Otherwise, a person's life path becomes unbalanced and unhappy. And even if he has the makings of talent, they cannot be realized.

If the name is well chosen and matched, then a person grows up in favorable conditions from childhood, everything is easy for him, he is loved, he is always in excellent sports shape and he is relatively healthy. Therefore, it is so important to choose a name in combination with the wave vibrations of one or another astrological sign.

What is compatibility

The combination of the name and zodiac sign is the key to a happy life

Compatibility is a combination and consonance of letters with the numerical values ​​​​of the date of birth and the planet of the patron. Such consonance will ultimately lead a person to the field of activity in which he will be 100% realized.

His circle of friends and acquaintances will be ideal, his physical condition will not cause problems ... In a word, life will be successful. And the consonance of the names of people in marriage will create a favorable atmosphere for coexistence and procreation. But that's another story.

Some controversy

Not everything is so simple in nature, for example, you carefully studied the issue of selection, gave a name to the child in accordance with all the rules, but it did not work out, your child did not become happy and successful. We all know that people born under the same zodiac sign have many common features character, but there are also sufficient representatives who are not at all similar to their astrological counterparts.

Moreover, it is noted that they have features from a completely different sign. For example, the docile and pedantic Virgo sometimes shows the love of freedom of Aquarius. Perhaps this is just a combination of the name given by the parents and the sign of the zodiac. And what such contradictions depend on is not always clear. Probably due to the failure of the construction of the planets during the birth of the baby.

Names can be selected according to the elements

It is not always necessary to name the child according to the sign of the zodiac. You may want to develop any specific talents or character traits in your baby. Then choose an appropriate name. This is also a choice of life path.

If we consider the names according to the sign of the zodiac in more detail, we can see that some names are suitable for one sign and for another. This is due to the fact that some signs are friends with each other and are combined in some way. In this regard, it is possible to select a name that will expand all the possibilities of a person.

In order to have a complete picture of the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac, we offer information that will provide additional information. Signs and names that are friends:

  • Leo, Aries and Sagittarius;
  • Libra, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Taurus;
  • Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo;
  • Aquarius, Virgo, Cancer;
  • Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus

Signs and names that are not friendly:

  • Cancer and Leo;
  • Taurus and Aries;
  • Capricorn and Taurus;
  • Sagittarius and Virgo;
  • Capricorn and Gemini
  • How to choose a name according to your zodiac sign

Four elements: Fire, Air, Earth, Water

Usually the name is chosen in accordance with one's own sympathies, but one must be rational about this action. Your own opinion should not be the only one, you need to take into account all the available factors.

When a person is born, a person is already programmed, the surname, patronymic are already “doomed”, only the selection of a name becomes the responsibility of the parents. At the moment of the birth of a person, the sign of the horoscope already tells you how to name the little man. The planets line up in a special order, which will correspond to the one born at the moment. Another moment, and the planets in a different order are ready for the birth of the next baby.

The choice of a name should definitely begin with correctly identifying the planet of the patron. If you know or want to know which planet patronizes your child, then it will not be difficult for you to choose the right name.

Fire Signs

The combination of the name and the sign of the zodiac - harmony in life

The following heavenly signs belong to the elements of Fire: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. And planets such as Mars, Pluto, the Sun, Jupiter patronize people born under this sign. People of these signs are energetic, purposeful, they are prone to leadership.

They have character traits - ambition, pride. Therefore, they should choose names that are memorable, where the presence of the letter “r” is mandatory - Artem, Aron, Arseny, Alexander, German, Yegor, Mark, Ruslan, Eldar. The following names are good for girls: Daria, Ekaterina, Gertrude, Maria, Barbara, Tamara.

Earth Signs

Earth signs include Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn. The ruling planets are Venus, Mercury and Saturn. Earth is warmth, constancy, reliability. But at the same time, these people are rather dry, but with a sober mind, they are characterized by efficiency and practicality. They are stubborn and persistent and go to their goal without being distracted by trifles. The main thing for them is the creation of material wealth, they work with joy.

But the inherent inertia does not allow switching to other activities if necessary, which sometimes leads to crisis situations. Their patience and humility, adaptability to circumstances, is simply amazing. The names of such children are given in honor of their ancestors and they should be soft, light, such as Gleb, Mikhail, Matvey, Bogdan, Nikita. Female names: Eva, Victoria, Tatyana, Lilia, Taisiya, etc.

Air Signs

It is not necessary to strictly listen to astrologers, but you should not ignore their advice either.

The element of Air is Aquarius, Libra, Gemini and they are under the auspices of Venus, Mercury and Uranus. This element has in its characteristics humidity, adaptability to the situation. People of this sign gush with ideas and they are intellectuals, they are lively, flexible and agile.

They do not fit into the usual way of life, monotony and regularity for them is death. Their main advantage is to connect people and circumstances. Names for them should be light, airy, easy to pronounce. For example: Alice, Evgenia, Claudia, Ksyusha, Igor, Ivan, Oleg, Foma, etc.

Water Signs

The element of Water is Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio. Their patron planets are Neptune, Mars, and the Moon. People of these signs are sensitive phlegmatic, they always think about the welfare of their surroundings and loved ones, but at the same time they are very lazy. Therefore, it is hardly worth waiting for any action from them. Such people are born with a rich imagination and become talented artists, painters, musicians. At the same time, they are very susceptible to external influences.

The name must be consonant with the surname and patronymic

Any detail or circumstance from the outside can radically change their attitude to the matter or close person up to and including breaking up the relationship. The weakest sign of this trinity is Pisces, and for all three, feelings come first and control the mind.

Their excessive daydreaming runs into controversy real life which often leads to depression and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Their names should be combined with sensual streams of stellar energy.

Well suited - Valentin, Nikolai, Alexei, Ilya, Felix. Suitable for girls - Lolita, Olesya, Ulya, Masha, Julia, etc. You did everything right, weighed everything and are ready to give a name, consider some tips:

  • when choosing a name, consider consonance with the patronymic;
  • do not choose long and poorly remembered;
  • sounds in the name and patronymic should not be dissonant, for example, the patronymic should not begin with the same vowels that the name ends with;
  • ask someone to say the name aloud and listen to how it sounds and ask the person to express their opinion about the chosen name;
  • it is desirable that the name has diminutive forms;
  • do not discard your intuition, it will tell you the right choice if there is no way to contact an astrologer

When choosing a name for your child, discard frivolity, listen to your heart, compare all the knowledge on choosing a name that you have received and may good luck accompany your child throughout his life.

But what signs of the Zodiac are centenarians, you will learn from the video:

In contact with

Nobody wants to waste time on a doomed relationship, but understand for short term what to expect from a person is not easy. I found a way out: some time ago I became interested in astrology and numerology, and now I know what to expect from a potential partner. Now I’ll talk about checking compatibility by zodiac signs, date of birth and name.

On the own experience I was convinced that the characteristics of a person according to the sign of the zodiac deserves attention. Capricorns - deceptively gloomy, taciturn, prone to reflection, Lions - adore themselves and attention to their person, Libra thinks for a long time, forever tormented by the pangs of choice. A slightly superficial characteristic: such qualities are characteristic of everyone, but some signs have a pronounced tendency to certain models behavior. A detailed description of each zodiac sign gives an understanding of the person of interest.

The compatibility of a couple according to the signs of the zodiac is based on the Sun, therefore, it is impossible to predict with accuracy whether the couple will succeed, whether they will reach the wedding altar and whether they will not scatter in a couple of years. But we can conclude how harmonious, conflicting the union will be. I suggest looking at the board.

The red color means the closeness of partners in spirit, the presence of similar interests and outlooks on life, and the blue color means a high probability of conflicts and misunderstandings, quarrels over trifles due to a lack of unity in the main things.

Check compatibility by date of birth

With the help of esoteric practice, one opens possible variant developing relationships with a person: from fleeting flirting to marriage, to understand what unites you, and to find the reasons for possible disagreements. Analyzing two numerological charts, harmonious combinations of numbers are revealed in various areas: Numbers of the Life Path, Expression, Maturity and Soul. The more favorable combinations, the more chances for success in love and marriage.

There are many online services that can quickly make calculations, but each of them has its own opinion about your pair, so I suggest you calculate it yourself.

The compatibility of a couple by names and dates of birth has different reasons, but, according to esotericists, they have an equivalent effect. Similar calculations it is better to carry out in a complex and in depth, but let's start with the simplest.

To determine compatibility, you need to make simple calculations by sequentially adding the numbers of your date of birth and your partner's birthday (for example, I took a random date).

So, we got the number 1. We repeat the procedure for the second date, we get another number. It's time to look at the table.


  • A means 100%,
  • B equals 75%,
  • C– 50% success rate,
  • D- rather low chances (25%).

I agree, rather sharp indicators, so I propose to perform a more complex version of the calculations: we sequentially add both dates, getting the main number that determines the nature of the relationship in the pair.

Deciphering the main numbers from 1 to 9

  1. Harmonious relations are possible if there is one leader in the pair.
  2. The union is based on material causes, not feelings.
  3. Symbolizes the relationship of freedom-loving partners, prone to inconstancy.
  4. Balanced harmonious union with the possibility of creating a strong family.
  5. A storm of emotions, a whirlwind of feelings, a raging passion - this is about you. Try to curb selfish impulses, and everything will work out.
  6. A strong union based on friendship and mutual respect.
  7. Relationships can become harmonious under the condition of mutual understanding, tact and support.
  8. Throw away unreasonable jealousy and distrust, because your union has a great chance of developing into a prosperous married life.
  9. Intellectuals, idealists - perhaps you can't say it better. Stability is guaranteed if there is a financial base.

As I said, it is better to calculate not only compatibility by date of birth, but also the square of Pythagoras. The technique is a numerical characteristic personal qualities, sufficient to determine the compatibility of characters. The calculations relate to purposefulness, self-esteem, temperament, spirituality, energy, character, stability, talent, family, working capacity, I will talk about it in more detail in the next article.

Name partner compatibility

In my opinion, the most inaccurate way to find out the compatibility of a couple. The name of a person endows him with a certain energy and a certain set of qualities to which he is predisposed, but there are names, the meaning of which is unknown: one can only guess.

It is not possible to describe the compatibility of all names, so I advise you to use an Internet service, and preferably several, to check the result.

  • Everything has meaning in this process: literally every letter. If a letter is repeated several times in a name, its meaning is enhanced.
  • The more pairs of identical letters in the names, the stronger the union will be. If you follow this path, and doomed to success.

  • 1 + 1 - The two leaders should seek compromises more often, otherwise the relationship will not last long.
  • 1 + 2 - A harmonious couple with a good understanding of each other.
  • 1 + 3 - Spark, storm, madness. Not tired of living like on a volcano?
  • 1 + 4 - Everything is fine, but it is worth finding a common cause or hobby.
  • 1 + 5 - You are absolutely not bored with each other.
  • 1+6 - Partners understand and always support each other.
  • 1 + 7 - Over time, you will become kindred spirits.
  • 1 + 8 - Your relationship needs equality.
  • 1 + 9 - Excellent compatibility of people who love, understand and support each other.
  • 2+2 - Stop figuring out who's in charge!
  • 2 + 3 - Harmonious relationships, a potential strong family.
  • 2 + 4 - The initiative must be mutual. Don't be afraid to open up to your partner.
  • 2 + 5 - Personal ambitions can absorb partners.
  • 2 + 6 - Harmonious couple.
  • 2 + 7 - The best relationships are couples who have become lovers and friends.
  • 2+8 - Continue to get the most out of life together.
  • 2 + 9 - A pair that unites opposites.
  • 3+3 - Everyone has the right to personal space.
  • 3 + 4 - Sincerity and love are the main conditions for continuing relationships.
  • 3 + 5 - Do something together.
  • 3+6 - Perfect match.
  • 3+7 - Despite the differences, you can be happy.
  • 3 + 8 - A huge number of conflicts and quarrels.
  • 3+9 – General plans and love is a great tandem.
  • 4+4 - Down to earth pragmatic rational relationships.
  • 4 + 5 - Everyone needs support and mutual understanding.
  • 4+6 - You are one team.
  • 4 + 7 - Try to dilute calmness with passion and a whirlwind of emotions.
  • 4 + 8 - There are chances, but there will always be quarrels about who is on top.
  • 4 + 9 - A wonderful strong pair.
  • 5 + 5 - Union with good compatibility.
  • 5+6 – Positive emotions, pleasant surprises accompany this pair.
  • 5 + 7 - Yes, they are different, yes, they are different, but love each other.
  • 5 + 8 - Weaken ambition and integrity.
  • 5 + 9 - Get to know each other better, especially in everyday moments.
  • 6 + 6 - You should not keep thoughts and experiences in yourself.
  • 6+7 - You are one.
  • 6 + 8 - Idealist + Realist = good partnership.
  • 6 + 9 - Both will want manifestations of feelings from a partner.
  • 7 + 7 - You are a couple, so everyone should be interested in a partner, and not focus solely on themselves.
  • 7 + 8 - Unsuccessful union.
  • 7 + 9 - At least one of you must be a realist, then everything will work out.
  • 8 + 8 - With good compatibility, the two leaders should share spheres of influence.
  • 8 + 9 - You should be connected by a common cause.
  • 9+9 - Patience is the key to a happy relationship.

Don't worry if the compatibility isn't perfect. Ideal relationship, like people, does not exist - they need to be worked on, together and with the desire from both sides. You should not get hung up on the results of compatibility: they are designed to help partners understand each other, and not scare and force them to quarrel because Libra and Capricorn are incompatible, and after adding up the dates of birth, you got a deuce. All this becomes unimportant if people love each other and are sincerely ready to find compromises and solve existing problems.