Saturn is the strongest planet in the horoscope. Saturn in the natal chart. Saturn in zodiac signs and houses. Saturn - our fears and ideals. Saturn in astrology

In Vedic astrology jyotish Saturn is the planet of retribution, destruction, aging, death, harsh spiritual practices and the most difficult karmic lessons. This energy brings into our lives prolonged suffering, procrastination, waste, hard work, harsh living conditions, trials and poverty.

Saturn is considered the main planet not only in Vedic astrology, but also among the ancient Sumerians, Assyrians and Jews. The ancient Greeks and Romans revered him as the ruler of time - the stern Kronos. Yes, and many modern religions, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, despite their negative attitude towards astrology, are very strongly saturated with the energy of Saturn. After all, it is this planet that gives strict adherence to the rules and traditions, harsh practices, development through suffering and preference. dark colors in clothes.

Despite all its harshness, Saturn has many positive aspects, especially when you consider the fact that it is one of the most spiritual planets. How does Saturn look in goodness and how to turn this energy of destruction and death to your advantage? Let's briefly consider this issue in this article.

Strong Saturn

The sign of exaltation, that is, the maximum power of Saturn, is the Venusian sign of Libra, it is in it that this slow planet feels best. He is also in good mood in their houses - Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn receives the dik bala or guiding force in the seventh house.

People with a strong Saturn tend to be serious, taciturn, introverted and very persistent, dependable, practical, loyal and honest. Sensitive, but very reserved, so the world will never know the true depth of their experiences. They are also excellent performers and organizers, they are usually attracted by administrative activities. Saturnians are not alien to the spirit of service, although they have little interest in society, between a noisy company and calm solitude, they will choose the latter.

A strong Saturn always pushes a person to some kind of austerity, whether it be hard work for material wealth or harsh spiritual practices for higher goals. Thus Saturn creates workaholics, ascetics, monks and sages.

Benefic Saturn

Saturn becomes beneficent when he rules nice houses or is in conjunction with beneficent planets. It is people with such Saturn who are most inclined towards monasticism, asceticism and selfless service to humanity. Moreover, a life of luxury may seem like hell to such a person, at a time when what they consider the norm may seem to most bizarre self-torture.

Such people have a huge amount of natural self-denial, detachment, constancy, discipline and impartiality. They are also characterized by humility, patience and the ability to accept any trials of fate, thanks to which they can quickly develop through suffering.

Weak Saturn

The sign of Saturn's fall is the Martian sign Aries, and Saturn can also be weakened in the houses of enemies. People with a weak Saturn lack endurance, constancy and impartiality. They have a weak psyche, even the slightest stress can hit both their minds and health very hard. Lack of clear logic, endurance and ability to overcome difficulties make such people weak, nervous and anxious. And the lack of practicality, consistency and ability to support long-term projects leads them to poverty and even more difficult living conditions.

Afflicted Saturn

Saturn becomes even more harmful if it rules bad houses or stands in good ones, then he will invariably spoil things good houses, especially if connected with other malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu). Such people most often become excessively harsh and even cruel, vindictive and ossified in their judgments and behavior.

They've been haunted for almost their entire lives. different forms depression, despondency and other serious conditions, because of which they become prone to intoxication, especially drugs. The afflicted Saturn most often creates potential suicides, who, before killing themselves physically, will kill themselves all their lives with their victim complex and pessimism.

If an afflicted Saturn in any way affects the sphere of health, it can result in diseases of the bones and teeth, nervous diseases especially paralysis and epilepsy, constipation, weak immunity and lack of vitality. And also often leads to any diseases of "decomposition": accumulation of toxins, purulent processes, necrosis of tissues, gangrene, cancer and leprosy.

Propitiation of Saturn

1. Qualities that enhance and harmonize Saturn:

· Patience.

· Humility.

· Acceptance and non-selfishness.

· Responsibility and desire to serve others (karma yoga).

Self-control, self-denial, detachment and impartiality.

· Discipline and non-attachment.

· Constancy and firmness in intentions.

· Seriousness and silence.

· Absence of sadness.

· Reclusion, desire for solitude.

· Respect for elders, as well as all other people under the influence of Saturn: monks, sages, ascetics and workaholics.

2. Actions that neutralize the bad effects of Saturn.

They will be especially effective if done on Saturdays, as on this day the energy of Saturn is especially strong. So:

· Feed crows and black stallions, as well as black stray dogs.

· Bury iron while doing so as an offering to Saturn.

· Grow your hair, especially a beard if you are a man, and try to look older.

· Starve and perform exhausting austerities (just don't overdo it).

· Adhere to some kind of routine, strictly follow the authority or tradition.

Make vows and keep them no matter what.

3. Clothing that enhances Saturn:

· Old and tattered.

· All dark tones from black to purple and dark blue.

4. Food that enhances Saturn:

Heavy, rough and indigestible food: legumes, peanuts.

· Dark-colored products: eggplants, plums, prunes, black sesame.

Old or dry: brown bread crumbs, pickled, pickled or otherwise preserved foods.

· Any plants that grow in ascetic conditions.

· Bitter food: most spices and herbs.

The planet Saturn in astrological science is responsible for the formation of a person's own system of values ​​and assessments of the surrounding world.

Saturn is quite far away from the Sun. The cycle of its complete revolution around the star is about 29.5 years. Thus, the transit time of Saturn in one sign of the zodiac will be approximately 2.5 years.

Saturn gives a person own system assessments, that is, a personal opinion about things and ongoing events.

People with a strong influence of Saturn are loners, very independent, distrustful, do not like when others interfere in their affairs.

Saturn gives a person the desire to stand out from the environment. social environment. Such people, unlike the Jupiterians, are not collectivists, they are rather individualists who are not inclined to idealize the world around them.

Unlike people solar type, Saturians are more serious, they look at things soberly. They do not like to turn communication into a farce, they prefer concreteness and conciseness.

Saturians always strive to defend their positions, they are very persistent and stubborn, but unlike the Martians, they are not aggressive and outwardly show little emotion. It is often impossible to understand from the face of a Saturian how he reacts to your words and actions, his face usually has a stony expression.

Saturn disposes people to restraint, endurance and patience, gives the ability to think systematically (Mendeleev), the makings of a strategist.

In the worst case, the influence of Saturn makes a person withdrawn, gloomy, melancholy, this is an unpleasant type with whom it is difficult to communicate, a distance is always felt.

With the favorable influence of Saturn, a person radiates confidence, he is unshakable and “impenetrable”. He is very independent, such people are cut off from the influence of society, everyone can fail, and he will achieve his goal no matter what.

Manifestations of the influence of Saturn in the signs of the zodiac

Saturn is most strongly manifested in three signs: in Capricorn and Aquarius, where he is in the monastery, and in Libra, where he is in exaltation.

Saturn in Capricorn gives the ability to overcome obstacles and relentlessly move towards the intended goal. Such people have a cold mind in any situation, have a clear mind and a deep understanding of things.

Yeltsin had a strong Saturn in Capricorn, he was called a "bulldozer" for his ability to achieve his goals.

In Aquarius, Saturn is most clearly revealed in the sphere intellectual development. This position gives good abilities in various fields of science, the desire to improve technology.

These people are sociable, able to find common ground with others and at the same time never lose their individuality.

In the sign of Libra, Saturn gives good strategic abilities (Julius Caesar), the ability to easily take responsibility.

In astrology, Saturn is considered weak in the signs of Cancer and Leo, where he is in exile and in Aries, his sign of fall. People with this position of Saturn do not have such clear criteria for assessing the world around them, their assessments usually depend on a momentary emotional state.

Aspects of Saturn

With favorable aspects of Saturn, in a personal horoscope, a person is self-confident, knows how to easily defend his opinion, quickly consolidates in the achieved positions.

He is prudent enough not to be led by bad advisers, he can easily cut off unnecessary connections, and quickly get rid of bad habits.

The negative aspects of Saturn in a personal horoscope give destruction, unforeseen delays, various obstacles, contribute to the appearance of a deficit, lack of strength, give a lack of self-confidence.

Transiting aspects of Saturn in astrology can last quite a long time. With repetitions and the return of similar situations, they work for up to a year and a half.

Positive aspects speak of strengthening positions and achievements. Negative aspects give a deficit, delays, uncertainty, disasters, the collapse of plans.

Saturn governs such important areas of our lives as construction, Agriculture, land management, mining industry. In politics, Saturn is responsible for maintaining sovereignty and independence.

Before the invention of the telescope, Saturn was the most distant planet that could be seen from Earth. He was on the very edge solar system. Of course, it was determined to mark the boundaries. Today, it remains the most distant planet easily seen with the naked eye, hence its ancient status. But astrologers are not limited to this - they improved his image.

Thanks to the telescope (and the space mission of the Voyager satellite), we know what the surface of Saturn looks like: its rings appeared before us in all their brilliance. Now we know that Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system.

The second largest planet (after Jupiter), Saturn is a giant of frozen gases, surrounded by a wide necklace of ice rings and at least eighteen moons (each of which has its own name). Saturn has such giant size that 95 planets like our Earth could easily fit inside it. But its density is so low that if there were an ocean large enough to contain this planet, Saturn could float on the waves without the slightest risk of disappearing into its abyss.

Saturn in mythology

In mythology, Saturn was originally the Roman god of crops. The Romans identified him with the Greek god Kronos (or Time). He is known to us under the name of the Father of Time, a representative of the past and the personification of the old order.

In astrology, Saturn represents a system of values ​​and in general any structured rigid system. His influence is serious and dark. It brings structure, discipline, limitations, boundaries, responsibility, commitment, duty, perseverance, steadfastness and fear. It tests us for strength and gives us the ability to resist reality.

Thus, Saturn gained a fearsome reputation that has been fueled by generations of astrologers, including Evangeline Adams. In Astrology for Evergone, she explained that Saturn “destroys everything that comes into its sight. He is the attack of deceived hopes, not anger. It freezes water sources, it brings moral decay and death to those who do not believe in God. They look at him, as at the Sun, tormented by hopelessness, in cynical bitterness his medicine, he drinks it, wanting poison. His breath destroys love, his word sounds like an insult, or even a curse ... But these elements are present in each of us; he is the most inevitable thing in our every destiny.”

With such fame, it is not surprising that the followers of astrology become afraid of Saturn. Although ... his reputation is not entirely deserved. Saturn brings difficulties, but he helps us create order. The influence of Saturn provides us with the opportunity to triumph over our fears and fight inertia. He gives us the strength to fight depression, poverty and other hardships in life. It also forces us to get things done, set goals, plan ahead, work harder than we think we can, and get organized. In short, Saturn is the planet of achievement.

What is Saturn responsible for in astrology?

Saturn travels through the Zodiac for 29 and a half years. He spends about two and a half years in each sign. The symbol of Saturn intertwined the metaphysical cross of matter and circumstances arising from the crescent of personality; this means that we create our own limitations. The character resembles an ornate lowercase "h" with a forward slash, like the Old French 7.

Saturn's position in a sign determines your feelings of inadequacy, your fears and hesitations, and the way you try to overcome these sources of trouble.

  • Saturn in Aries. You're an independent thinker, you can't stand having to follow a leader, but you especially dislike other people's directions. Although you have an entrepreneurial spirit, you are determined and adamant, disciplined, but you can also be imprudent, argumentative and arrogant. Your goals and game plan are excellent. Without a definite direction, you quickly sink. But the goal cannot be put in front of you. It has to be formed within you.
  • Saturn in Taurus. An imaginary poor man's house - this image is constantly spinning in your head. You really need stability, thoughts about the time when you will be left without money bother you. Therefore, you learn to manage your resources efficiently and can even become quite rich. You are diligent, practical and reasonable. You are methodical and knowledgeable in your approach. Disadvantages? You are stubborn, you lack spontaneity in actions, you risk becoming a hard worker and heavy on your feet. And although some people with this position of Saturn may become slaves to sex and other pleasures, you are secretly indifferent to this, you are equally capable of denying yourself these carnal pleasures.
  • Saturn in Gemini. You are witty, intelligent and agile, although you are wary of being in the position of a person with deficiencies in intelligence or words. You are brilliant at solving problems, your intellect is active, you are interested in a wide variety of things. You love to indulge in contemplation, but find it too difficult to bring your ideas to life, as you risk wasting energy in talking about them. You have a sharp and clear mind, but beware: you can convince yourself of anything.
  • Saturn in Cancer. Not an easy position. Saturn in Cancer usually brings a difficult childhood, one of the parents is sure to be cold or irresponsible towards you. Therefore, you can be indecisive and insecure, with a need to control your emotions and a keen desire to be understood. Your attempts to win the love you were denied as a child may be the main search of your life. Some people in this position become clingy or try to hide their fear of vulnerability by acting overconfident or deliberately indifferent. (But your disguise doesn't fool anyone, by the way.) As an adult, you can make up for these shortcomings by becoming a tolerant, loving, and protective parent.
  • Saturn in Leo. Solid character, endowed with self-esteem, you really want to be a creator, but are afraid to express yourself. You want to be recognized, but you suffer from mediocrity. Therefore, you must learn to overcome difficulties. Doubt wears you out and leads you nowhere. A change in this position will come when you realize, and will not hide, your desire for recognition and find ways to achieve it. Similarly, your creative desires require impressive expression and positive acceptance. You need to overcome the tendency (or inclination) to arrogance, this scourge of all Leos and Lionesses. You need to dare to be dramatic and you will be much happier.
  • Saturn in Virgo. You are analytical, preoccupied, industrious and secluded. (In a previous life, you might have been a medieval monk.) Since you are afraid of losing control of the situation, you will do everything in your power to work out all the details. Any ritual pacifies you, you will probably subordinate your life to a strict routine. While you may prefer to have everything lined up and right, this is where you can go wrong (in other words, you can suffer from world-wide sloppiness).
  • Saturn in Libra. This favorable position makes you reasonable, reliable, diplomatic and serious, especially in dealing with people. You are afraid of being alone, and this makes you more anxious when you make contacts and make acquaintances. Your connections reflect who you are, but you may not like what you see. Fortunately, you are unusually devoted and monogamous in love. You are always trying to reach an agreement. While you may think you crave a complicated relationship, you'll actually be unbelievably happier when you make a sober choice. You can marry someone older than you and do it quite late.
  • Saturn in Scorpio. You are an inventive, strong personality with strong convictions and a strong sense of purpose. Being in a dependent position can be hard on you, and you may struggle to see yourself as a mature individual who maintains sincere relationships. You have irresistible sexual needs, although sex will also be one of the confusing areas of life for you. Although you tend to be jealous and resentful, you find enough courage to deal with your problems and overcome your fears, including the fear of death. Mysteries and mysteries fascinate you, but none captivate you so much as the mystery of your own soul.
  • Saturn in Sagittarius. “Don't limit me!” - here is your favorite chorus. You are looking for adventure, travel, you are attracted by everything unknown and distant. But until you develop a step-by-step plan to achieve your goal, circumstances can create a real conspiracy against you. Education plays an important role in your life. You want to define a set of philosophical and moral principles by which you can live. Though you sometimes dream
  • about how good it is to be independent and “wild”, in fact, you need to find the meaning of life, expand your philosophical views and travel as much as possible, but be sure to do it purposefully and meaningfully.
  • Saturn in Capricorn. You are talented, ambitious and pragmatic, with natural authority and obvious competence. Because you crave recognition (or approval) and secretly fear being left without it, you stubbornly pursue your goals, making sure you follow the rules and regulations, even if you have to give up more original ideas. You do not like limits, but you are a disciplined person who knows how to deal with limits and restrictions, so you can work excellently in structures and organizations of all kinds. Your minus: you can overdo it in your tendency to depressive states. Saturn rules Capricorn, so this position of the planet is considered excellent.
  • Saturn in Aquarius. You have a clear and original mind, an unusual perception of organization and structure, and the ability to be a leader. Liberal-minded and selfless (partly because you don't want people to think badly of you), you are a man of principle. For your happiness and self-respect, it is especially important to live up to those ideals that can be called lofty. You readily present yourself as part of something larger, a member of some group or particular society. In your life, material success will not be a motivating force: principles mean more to you.
  • Saturn in Pisces. You are benevolent, your intuition is well developed. Your sensitivity makes you attractive to others, and your creativity brings you great satisfaction. But you may have more than you can bear, nervous tension, anxiety and unfounded fears. Although you understand how other human beings operate, you may get into trouble when it comes time to decide yours. own problems(especially if one of them is mistreatment). You are afraid of chaos, disease and isolation, so you seek to do something to delay all these horrors. This is where order comes in handy, especially if you trust your feelings and do what your intuition tells you to do. Beware - becoming a victim of bad habits promises you certain death.

The planet is far enough from the Sun, so the full cycle of rotation is quite large, it is approximately 29 - 30 years. In the signs of the zodiac, Saturn is up to two and a half years. In Libra, Saturn has maximum strength, the traits inherent in this planet are most clearly reflected exclusively in Libra. The houses of Saturn are the houses of Aquarius and Capricorn. But, as for Cancer, Aries and Leo, here Saturn practically loses its influence. The interaction of Saturn with other planets can only be noted in a good relationship with Mars, and also Pluto. A planet far removed from the Sun. Its properties include:

  • Loneliness.
  • Cold.
  • Dryness.
  • Alienation.
  • Distance.
  • Distance.

Astrologers believe that the planet in a special way affects a person. She endows him with wisdom, rigor, prudence, composure, realism and other similar properties.

Characteristics of the Saturians

The planet in astrologers is responsible for certain properties of a person, namely for independence, the ability to form an assessment of the situation and environment. Saturn is responsible for the formation individual values. No other planet influences the formation of a person's point of view and opinion, as Saturn does. In the case of a strong influence of the planet on a person, the following occurs:

  • Man, simply put, is a hermit, a loner. Such people do not need society, they have a personal point of view on all events, and it does not quite agree with the opinions of others.
  • Such people simply do not tolerate outside interference in their lives. They can be safely called individual farmers, and to some extent egoists. They are very different from society.

In astrology, people with a strong influence of Saturn are also called Saturnians. These are very serious people, idealism is not inherent in them at all, they think very soberly - they are realists in their purest manifestation. Communication with such people will never go to the level of "booth", everything is very precise, short, specific.

Faced with a person with a strong influence of Saturn, you will not see unnecessary emotions. It is simply impossible to read their emotions on the face, they are extremely calm and reasonable in their actions. Always defend their point of view.

Saturn gives a person restraint, prudence, patience, perseverance, strategic thinking, but this is at best, at worst it is isolation, melancholy, and a tendency to depression. With such people it is very difficult to find mutual language they always keep their distance.

Strong and weak Saturn

Saturn has a huge influence on the fate of a person. There is a concept of strong and weak Saturn. The strong influence of the planet on a person gives him tremendous willpower, self-discipline, complete control over his emotions, diligence, caution and attentiveness. Such people, as a rule, think seven times before doing something. They always achieve their goals no matter what the cost. People under the strong influence of the planet occupy high positions and reach great heights in their careers.

A weak influence gives a person the opposite traits of character. These are usually not very sociable people. People with a weak influence of Saturn are indecisive, suspicious and rather weak. It is very difficult for them to make a decision on their own, even if it is very simple. These are people with tyrannical habits, capable of murder.

In order to determine with what force Saturn affects a person, it is necessary to understand in which of the houses of the horoscope the planet is located at the birth of a person. Wielding such knowledge, one can deal with fate in more detail. Let's take a quick look at the location of Saturn in a person's birth chart:

  1. Planet in Aries.

All the worst things are reflected in Aries. It's not easy for people like that. Their main life rule will be to work on themselves. The main character trait is grumpiness. These people are all wrong. They are always dissatisfied with what is happening. It is necessary to develop self-discipline, and constantly fight with your inner demons.

  1. Planet in Taurus.

Enough strong people. There are absolutely no barriers for them. If they really want something, then they will definitely have it. Not particularly generous. Strive to achieve material wealth. Such persons need to pay attention to their inner world. Because "not by bread alone..."

  1. Planet in Gemini.

You can talk to these people for hours different topics. But whether it benefits them is another question. Over time, this excessive talkativeness develops into a problem. But people with Saturn in Gemini have a cold mind.

  1. Planet in Cancer.

Not the best position on the planet. bad mood constantly inherent in people, lady luck rarely smiles at them. People with Saturn in Cancer have to work hard.

  1. Planet in Leo.

Three words can be said about such people: stubborn, ambitious, purposeful.

  1. Planet in Virgo.

The main advice for such people is not to look for adventures. Life is much easier than you think. People create their own obstacles in life, come up with them out of the blue.

  1. Planet in Libra.

To say that a person is lucky if Saturn is in Libra at his birth is to say nothing. One word that characterizes this arrangement is harmony. Everything happens, everything happens. Around one positive. People are inherent in punctuality and self-control.

  1. Planet in Scorpio.

excessive discreet people. People who don't show much emotion. Closed in themselves. Esotericism and magic is a great activity for such people.

  1. Planet in Sagittarius.

People who try to teach everyone the rules and regulations are such perfectionists. They need to understand that their moralizing, to put it mildly, gets others around.

  1. Planet in Capricorn.

People with this arrangement of Saturn are characterized by diligence, optimism, justice, self-control. They easily overcome any adversity that life presents.

  1. Planet in Aquarius.

People actively trying to find the meaning of life. For them, the main thing is spiritual harmony. But it must be remembered that golden mean should be in everything.

  1. Planet in Pisces.

Making independent decisions is not for these people. For them, a calm, moderate life downstream is acceptable. The main goal for such people is to learn to own their lives.

Saturn in the natal chart

People who have in their natal chart Saturn must understand that patience is the main thing for them. They need to seek harmony in their thoughts and ideas. These people are capable of repeating the same mistakes many times in a row. But at the same time, they are individuals who never give up. They are striding towards their goal, although stepping on the same rake many times.

Aspects of a planet in a natal chart are usually not simple. They point a person to discipline, self-control and patience. Aspects do not make life easier, but they are of great benefit. Namely, those that balance the energy of other planets, giving a person a great desire to achieve the goal. These aspects indicate what is most difficult to deal with in life.

The opposition is:

  • Opposition Uranus - Saturn.
  • Opposition Neptune - Saturn.
  • Opposition Pluto - Saturn.
  • Opposition of the North. The lunar node is Saturn.
  • Opposition Ascendrite - Saturn.
  • Opposition point of fortune - Saturn.
  • Opposition Midheaven - Saturn.

It makes sense to consider in more detail the higher indicated subparagraphs in individual cases. So how to give short description each makes no sense.

A square with Uranus is a manifestation of duality. Discipline and freedom go hand in hand. A balance is needed here. Without it, you are nowhere.

A square with Neptune is practically a lack of ambition. It is difficult for people with such a quadrature to force themselves to do something or to bring what they have begun to the end.

With Pluto - characterized by a great desire for power. As a rule, such a quadrature does not have a good effect on people - it is endless intrigues, conspiracies and gossip. Fight this influence.

With lunar nodes- the egoism of such people in the first place. Only self-esteem will help in the fight against this quadrature.

It makes sense to consider all kinds of configurations of quadratures in the natal chart of a person.

Saturn and its stones

Many are wondering how to increase the influence of the planet. The simplest and very effective way there is a stone or mineral. It is enough just to purchase an ornament or an amulet. It should be remembered that the stones of Saturn blue color, which symbolize coldness and aloofness. Onyx, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Sapphire - these stones, like no other, will enhance the influence of the planet on your character. Lead is a symbol of Saturn, due to the fact that as a result of long transformations, so to speak, spiritual fractures of the material, alchemists received gold.

You can also enhance the impact of the planet with the help of aroma. Aromas of Saturn are considered to be the aroma of cypress and beautiful mimosa. These smells will favorably influence a person born under the influence of Saturn.

Saturn - has a strong influence on the fate of man. And unfortunately it's not always positive influence, many people feel quite strong Negative influence Saturn, it can manifest itself in grief and depression, laziness and indiscipline. If you feel negative impact, you just need to fight it and try in every possible way to overcome it.

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